HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-8-17, Page 8WEDNESDAY, AUGUST
7th, 19'377
e4craee Store 1
Fruit Jar
No. 1 Quality
10c pkge
Bathing Gaps
25e and 85e each
Other Bathing Caps
Heavy Pure Gum Rubber
Plain colors 85e & $1.00 ea.
Water Glass
Egg Prescrunr
1 Ili iia 20c
Take a Kodak
with you
You may only spend two
weeks on vacation -but you can
spend years with. the pictures
you make.
it's all easy from the first
with a Kodak or Brownie. This
store wants to show you.
Brownies e9.25 up
Autographic Kodaks $5 up
Printing, developing and enlarging of
the quality kind
Fall Fashion Book
WW1 coupon it ;.t•od for 1"c
on purchase of a pattern
We keep in stock Pictorial
Review Patterns.
j' eneh
Relieve Sunburn
25c and 50c bots.
r Ib. pkge 25c
For Pickle Bottles
Fly Tox Nitijth Sprayer 50 cents
F. Ra t`. MI T
' 1'rugis'. and Stationer
CA:..:..:44. «•& ».»::+ _:»:.:41.:41+0 ;»ries »u44:44:4:«:4R4:M«:«x
VI Local ».. News Items i. 3
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Did Not Win a Prize.
The Bowlers who went to Listowel
last week did not get inside the
Sale Saturday Night.
Household effect of Jas. -Fox will
he offered for sale on Saturday night
at 8 o'clock at the store recently oc-
cupied by Misses Hunter. Sea lull
list in paper this week.
May Be.
Premier Ferguson and the At-
torney -General said that the promis-
ed elimination of amus:ment tax on
tickets up to the value of 25 cents
would go into effect at the end of the
present fiscal year, November 1st.
Both Crazy.
Judge: But what evl;ieuce have
you that these men are insane?"
Officer: 'Well, your honor, the Scotch
mall was standing on the curb throw-
ing handfuls of money into the street
and the Hebrew was picking it up
and giving it hack to h'm."
On Wednesday of this week Wrn
Crawford is busy loading his house
hold effects and :s morins to St
Catharines to reside. We wish he and
his sister, a pleasant sojourn in that
Lissome Lizzy.
Some of the boys got out the
"Lissome Lizzy" and took Mr. Elea'
Welsh and bride for a rid on Wednes-
day night The bride and ;groom en-
joyed the fun. The groom took an-
other automobile ride on Saturday
with some Brusselntes-but that will
be another story.
Great Truck Work.
Many citiecns have been wonder-
ing why all the big trucks were pass-
ing through the town at excessive
speed last week. The highway gang
that has just finished the road from
Dublin to Seaforth, has been wav-
ing bag and baggage up to Cliffordwhere they are to work on a piece
of road to Mildmay.
Your Visitors.
We try to get the names of all the
visitors in town, but if we miss any
of you need not feel slighted, for we
frequently incite you to send in the
names of your visitors, and possibly
it just slipped your mind. Just phon
in or write it on a :lip of nano)! and
hand it in, Any news is always wel-
Obey The Signs.
Highway traffic officers in this dis-
trict have recently received further
orders from the department of public
highways to the effect that motorists
must be made to obey the 'Stop' signs
en all country roads leading onto
the provincial highways. In the pest
it is claimed these have' been con-
, pletely ignored.
Can Be Complimented.
Brussels motorists may well feel
highly complimented. The advertise
nlents from the Department of High-
' ways for careless motorists, etc. have
r apparently not been considered nec-
essary to insert in The Post although
neighboring papers have had to have
then, inserted. It is indeed a rare
- compliment from the Department to
Brusselites who drive motor cars.
More Canadian Historical Stamps.
Three further denominations of
Canadian historical postage stamps
have been issued. On the new five -
cent stamp appears rhe head of
D'Arcy McGee. It is colored purple.
The twelve -cent stamp, colored light
green, bears the heads of Sir John
Macdonald and Sir Wilfred Laurier.
The new twenty -cent stamp, which is
carmine in color, has the heads of
Baldwin and Lafontaine,
Institute Meeting.
The August meeting of ilru. eels
Women's Institute stltute well belle
afternoon of this week at three
o'clock in the Public Library. A
paper on "Our Garden Joys" will be
• given by Mrs. Ida Lowry. Mr.. R.
Allan is to be present and give a
demonstration of cooking. The Itoll
Call 18 to be answered by 'The month
I like best and why " ,'his is going
to be an interesting mia'ing, will you
be present? All the ladies of com-
munity are invited.
Grandson Did Well.
The Fordwich Record makes re-
ference to a grandson of Mrs. Ed.
Bryans of town, who has taken a
creditable standing in recent exam-
inations; -Clarence Bryans, teller in.
the Bank of Commerce, Strathroy,
and son of John A. and Mrs. Bryans,
rordwich, has been faking home -
study course in Practical aanking
and reeently passed his examinations
with a standing of 81 per. cont. Of
125 contestant/ from various banks
who wrote, Clarence took third place,
and stood 'first among those from
Branches of the Bank Of Commerce,'
His many friends here extend con-
gratulations and wish him continued
Minor Locals.
Back to the Dark ages -no tele-
The raspberry crop, which has
been a good one, is over.
One week from Saturday and the
Toronto Exhibition open,.
Moncrief Soft Ball tournament
and Concert Friday of this week.
Only thing uncertain about the
' Exhibition swim is whether the
crowd will be at the 71x, or in the
i water.
Brussels Public and Continuation
Schools will re -open for the fall term
on Tuesday, ay,September 6th.
A n
Fi'itiayu n ght to s e the Lli.issttotZell 12111
Guelph foot ball match. Listowel won
2 to 0.
Alexander Halliday Passes Away.
The death occurred in Brandon
Thursday night, Aug. llth, of one of
the first pioneers of the Gilbert
Plains district, Alexander Halliday,
aged 77 years, who settled at Meke-
win as long ago as 187a, The late
Mr. Halliday was born in Sealorth,
Ont., and received his education at
Brussels, at which place his father
was the first resident. Deceaatrl was
ern el of the L. 0. L. at Keyes,
Man., and of the Royal Black Pre-
ceptoa;y, Gladstone, 781. His wife
died some years ago, and he is sur-
vived by three sons Thome, Quillbake, and Alex, andi Sam at home;
also three sisters, Mrs. E. C. Sher- th
man, Chicago; Mrs, C. B. McNichol,
Brussels kited Chore
REV, A. W. F.,., I("00. G. ra.
0'10r5 rc f2
Sunday,. Lig. a.I et
V; ,rellip.
Rev. Mr, Treleaven,
3 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible
7 p.m. -Public Worship.
Rev. Mr. Treleaven
FOR SALE-R,layntond Drop Head
Sewing Machine; vacuum washing
machine, copper boiler, nearly new
also folding ironing board. Mrs.
Freed McCracken, Br,lssels. 'Phone
tis -14.
BABY'S and Children's Knitting
done at reasonable prices. Apply
to May Armstrong, Phone 42,..
MISS RANSOM, of Ethel wishes to
inform the Ladles, Its has her
new Fall Style Look Ind will sew
in their 'Ionics, 8f required. 11-1
LOST -Between Formosa and Mit-
chell, Sunday, Aug. 7. Child's blue
told white knitted tape. Finder
please send to Edward 71. Ball,
Embro, Ont., and receive reward.
We will have to offer high class
registered 1827 Silver Fox pups,
also proven breeders at reasonable
prices. Terms to quit you. John
A. Wilson, Ethel Ont. 9-8
WANTED -3 or 4 girls to room. Ap-
ply at The Post. 9-1
THE tall man who removed my pock-
et -book from the wicket of the
Bank of Nova Scotia, on Tuesday
afternoon, will please return it at
once to the Bank from which he
took it, if he wants to save trouble
and exposure. John McDonald. 8-2
PIGS FOR SALE- 10 Chunks a-
bout 85 lbs. Gordon Whitfield,
Phone 50-10.
SECOND Hand 6 -ft. Binder for
gale. Telephone 18-9. Gilbert Mc-
Callum, Walton P. 0.
FOR SALE -Seven pigs, seven weeks
old. Apply to Hartwell G. Speiran
Phone 26-10, R. R. 8 Brussels.
SHORTHORN BULL, 16 months old
for sale. Dark roan in color. Jae
Lawson, Lot 28, Con. 8, Morris,
Phone 176. 3-tf.
SEVERAL Chunks of Pigs for Sale.
Jno. R. Dickson, Lot 8, Con. 11,
Grey, Phone 25-28 8-2
NOW is the Time to Order Fertilize;
for Fail Wheat. Phone your ci-
der to No. 46, Fanners' Club, Brus
sets. 8-tf
SEED WHEAT for Sale. 51.50 a
bushel; cleaned. Phone 40-6.
Fred Tuck, 14th Con., Grey. ..8-2
FOR SALE -Deering Binder, 6 foot.
cut, in good working order. Phone
15-11, James Michie, It. 1:. 4.,
Brussels. 7-tf
MAID WANTED - Apply to Mrs.
Donald Clark, 360 Ottawa Street,
Hamilton; or Mrs. W. M. Sinclair,
Brussels, 'Phone 79.
Will Hold Picnic at Bayfield.
The Huron and Perth Publishers
are holding a picnic at Bayfield on
'Friday afternoon of this week.
Previous to the departure of Mrs.
Wm. Clouse, Queen St., for Essex,
where she and Mr. Clone will make
their home, a number of theft' nei-
ghbors from Queen St, and vicinity
gathered at her home to spend a
social hour with her and to bid her
farewell. The following address was
read ,by Miss Mary Lamont and Mrs.
Harris on behalf of the neighbors
presented Mr. and Mrs. Clouse with
a beautiful wicker chair:
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Clouse:
We, a number of your friends and
neighbors of Queen street and vicin-
ity have assembled here this even-
ing to spend a social hour with you
on- the eve of your departure from
our midst. Daring your residence
here, you were always willing to
help along anything that wns of in -
interest and benefit to the commun-
ity. You have proved wed '
p our el
s ve
1 s ex-
cellent neighbors as well as first-class
citizens. We regret that circum-
stances should require you to change
your place of residence, but we sin-
cerely hope the change will react to
Your material benefit. While we
know that you will make mane new
friends, we hope that the Brussels
ones may always retain a place in
your regard. As a slight token of
our esteem and regard we would ask
you to accept this reeking chair and
we hope that when it helps you to -
some leisure moments that
your thoughts may return to your
many Mende in this wnununity,
Signed on behalf of the friends and
neighbors -Mary Lamont, Isabel
McDonald, Elizabeth D. Harris, :