HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-8-17, Page 1VOL, 56 NO, g
702.10 flex annum in advance
BRUSSELS, c.), T.ARIO. L1'X DNESI AY, i UGUS2' 17. 1427
j. L. KERR, Pro5riet'cr
1ttt,:e+.t0:0070 w r .. til+f« '.W _ 0 f: !.l 0 :« ++;iij%'Cpire :,0r:.1.1:.h*:, 0 «« 011+0+0 . «.. 44 : 4
The Surr oundi'g District
(e+2 + f ++ 1 1^44 +ifi++. f +144 ♦1.1 H .1 r .1 i' ++':: e: « i r'.+,1« W++a ¢
I3LUEVALI The liluevnle lirunrh 01 the \Vnrn-
Hugh and Mist Oiltura'e spent Sun-' PIs 1"II Ltlu• 1)1'111 a v"ly intIetslilig
day tit Jen. Nlu1d011'e. !nem int:,o11 Lhtnstley, Aug. 11 .h, el.
Mts. Helen Thyms, of 'Toledo, 7110 11.0111e of Mrs. A1fce Aitken, The
,1 vl;;lnr evil it br,•th,.,'. F, n""•tleg was 110111 011 1110 lawn, the
New AQvert mean its
Antis rntw W,II. Willi-
F- 1'11x0 --ll- A Dotirl,ntot
Mullion Wil hone. r,.x
$oreeuli.g--- W- it nnn furl
`lisle nt n, Isf.f10I Otte re,
Fur nn4•-- 71 w. 011:•,y I I.1e14.tir
Hosiers +, n1eJ • sl- 1 ulOwt.11
Silv, once.,1 hu t htIs
tar leper.- ((11105.1'! 111 t to
0 tvu 4 111 v
Itn,lOtto b r.-&U,y Ar1110tr:,ng
1'111,14. it .11100 L, x11 1+r, 'ruc!Inu
•,•i„ ..,in,• Iv ',,,. u, i rt _. wT..r'0 ^n• n 1 .
. 1 ,
ti 1
s1- , Idr•'�
(', 1 1 't
to'1 . , a' r •1 ,u. --,'„un. Lu, 'Vut , r,
tn g,
Al 8s NIa t, III• (-levities 1 1 g rof!46 xeoxwsuries—Allel,'8 tnuK h,nr0
titre!( ill 1<luontdfne Wil 1111. putty of '1, •.1-r lin lrou, nu
1'nlfui11g” Incl en exhibit of the tepid(
Wfngham gh'Iw
clone by the pupils 0.!t r. J. W. Leg -
Ml., null 1109. Hol Ile4, Of Sl tatfnrd, gal-, 1;'001' 10 ap11•n(1i11 3111)1)0 eullt.ltd
spent Sunday al. 1110 110110 of 1)Belt id "Living 10 Life mar" wool' 0111111 34111011.
null Aire. Niehcy, I Seg a I,Iving." The \Vnmen's [-
Thos. awl Mee Niehnl, of"Pr'i'or n,' slit ut a Mem In l-11'1•(141' a ectuttnulllly
isle visiting the ferniest's pafeuto, Jas, ; 911il1, v.nt1 tell ll 1.11at 111 view intSa(1
anti Mrs, N'ishol. , hnvillg n weinrr roast, of the school
Mies Kellar, of hit ohpoor, who has grounds, on \Vednesday evening,
been a email. of Mrs, Oonistbes, has )P- ; :\mg. 21,111. The h"410x1' served n,
turned to h or home ,debity hetet), nolng the blue willow
Mies Margeret AI of Wind -i °bine.. The table enveve were white
eror, is spet)!Iig her hnlitleys with her and blue linen The deeerelsions wet e ,
aunt, lure. Wttltel' Davidson. I yellow marigolds i11 blue vases.
Mr, and Alen. Wtulall and ,Aliso Ag-
nes, of Stratford. were gnsnts of 11.
13, J,ntlieenn, 01- Sunday. Mr, Ttmrlie- I
01)11 Tel-m.nrd to Strhtfoed with 11191
fl i1'nde, for a few days.1
Mrs. D. Rae was a recent visitor 111
1t'sx 1 hal 1. 11- in
, 1 Iva Stn k8 ie is t
y g
1 Tnrnntn,
bh0, P V. Diel(son 14 At. peesPrlt 0l)
thesilk Ike"
St, Ma i1
S Church '111304,!n01101,-3Pviug
ton, (IP
,hidovi tg351101110 110111.
Donald Mtmen, Noetho1 On terio,
is visiting with reletivee help.
HENFRYN Mee Jean Gibson. 'l nrnnlo, is the
16th Sunda'} After Trinity --August 21 ty° ;sl- of her aunt, Mrs. Thnlnee (4ib-
meg. Rohl-, Men. ug hi in artende(1
the funeral of n 0i0ter in Boston last
T)r, Prank Allan retuned Cn 110011-
eet.e' last week alter a 0111,11 visit at
his home 11P1'e.
Alva Jnhttsnn, Ritrhener, a former
resident of the village, 0811011 on
friends bele last week,
2 p.m. --S. S. and Bible Class
3 pan. --Holy Communion Service
Preacher --Rev, Johl Graham,
Rector of Chatsworth, Ont.
$33 a ton, Ground
Walton Chopping Mill
Sale of
Having an over -supply
of Auto Tires on hand
which must be reduced
cid to sell
a decided we
at cost.
Ethel Garage
a '
M, fi�irl
r ,
w Wil• �cmm
,opt ?° 4TSjts",, F3 eekv.
in order to make -room for our Fall
Merchandise which is beginning to
come in, we offer Big Reductions on
all lines to clear.
All Ginghams and Cham -
brays, wide width, regular
30c and 35c for 24o
English Broadcloth, all
shades, regular 85c, to clear
at . . 65c
Silk Broadcloth; regular
85c for 690
Double Fugi, white only,
regular 1.35, for 1.15
Flannelette Blankets — 50
pairs Ibex in White and
Grey, to clear at 2.25
Ladies' and Boys' Cotton
Hose, all sizes
250, 5 prs. 1.00
Black Duchess Silk, good
heavy quality, regular 2.00,
70 yards to clear, at 1.25
Ladies' Silk Hose, remnants
of all 1.50 lines to clear at
Towellings-'Reductions on
all lines of 20 p. 0.
Men's Overalls in Bibs and
Pants, leg. 2.25 for 1.95
liedpath Sugar
35 Bags and for 1 week only
$7,00 Cash
P. et G. Soap
We have an over -supply
5 for 25c
Above are a few of the many articles too numerous
to mention. Come with your wants and we will fix
the price.
20 p. O. off on ali Men's Sults
Gavle snot Nits 11.103114110 are boli•
g "t Ni"'1 Polls,
13.11, was
a levant \right's' with her brnthet,'1',
(4. Hew I1hIli
' ns 1 , mel ',
' 1 ilii of t
11 1 rt Janlily and I{Pis..
net It (iill.co, Hamilton, spent Sunday,
at hi,lca'ditie
J. N. lend ,111'9, Allan alt(/ 'T (4. and
11 r8, Hemphill spent last week in
Northern On tut in.
Mrs, (len, Lntirlle• tort] Fred. Vogl,
Detroit, are visiting with their teeth.
el, nits, J, B Vogt.
Wrn, [01111 Mo -o. Davey end Don, 01'
Shelburne, set 1-t host week -end with
the fol 1/100'S bent her, F. Davey,
It- v. )'. and i•
il tel NI r4. It1c0Ientitled
t1'Permit n Monde y, nftet visiting at
the home of the letter's Mother, Rob-
ert Smells.
J. Rant, and two 801118 left. Tuesda
on their return to L'hir nein rlft'r
spending a. few days with the 110-
tn0r'e twill 1101, li .1. Runs.
Rev. Nlr, fiazlowond, °ow triglat,
P.'pr0senLing the I:,nrd's 1)010' t\Ilixnce, I
preached in the 1J,itsd Chet eh Sun. '
day 111111'nill.(. '('IIP evieti113 service
was Withdl,twn,
'1'110 regular August meeting of the
Wenxoter Woolen's Institute will be
held at, firs Thrones Brown's, enol
\Ved0esdnv, Angnst 24th, et 3 0.111.,
instead of Thntsrley. Nits. T. Gih4on
will coke the tapir "Ore Borne Vil-
lave, \Vroxt'ter;" Exhibit - -Olt• vil-
lage Picture (410)ler v ; rliaruesinn-
limw to beautify our village ; roll
calI•-CIref- tings from former resiclen t1'.
BOYS hN S'4 v
ENTNA N. t R -O 1'
It .T FINALS T. 11
hnyc' snftt ell (011 111 w011 lb, it lrlatrh
1101.0, 11101 P1.111•, 111 v 04011100., when they
defwued Wieg11:un 0--3. They had
wen the filat genie, at \Vingllaln
'I'hev now 0n10r Ilse 4001i Iiwt14, In he
played 111 0,11"1"11, nn Wen) 1109(14y,
August 31;0. Her •'s wishing that
they bring bark the trophy.
Mrs. bitm•y J. 11cNair 1011d Miss
Stadi1'1010 t'rn
o FT Or) in the
n sal' 111 t111'e, the latter having noeept-
erl a pooitinn 114 teaehet' in the city.
Owing (.0 their rernnve), Mrs. McNeil`
is of -wing by private ea10 a futilities
of h"usehold ertielel, the advt. of
which may b' read on another' .page,
01,((4 are now being cut,
The harvest 1xen: aims enn11' next.
A number fl on Henfry11 epee! Sun-
day. et Rayfield,
Many a farmer mer is hnay at the mi-
nuet threshing, these deve
\Toncrfsff Park releh, atinn and eon -
001't, on Friday of this week. See
MIR. ).t n Nitride, Wag a
M1 R. G' Dane, F ( t le, n
visitnl' with sirs. Stanley Wheeler,
8th Om).
Mrs Rnbt. Bell, of Pnrtege is
Prairie, Mal., is visiting With her sis-
ter, Mts. Neil l-1 itlrNair.
3ames and !11'9. Hen(101'501l, nf
(4rant0,1,spina: 8nndny with Neil P.
and Mrs, 0.10N0ir. The ladies 1 re
Airs. Merner returned to her linn10
in Regina, this week, after her visit
with her sister, bliss Jessie Strachan,
and the St114ni11011 brothers.
The farm on the 17th Onn. of Grey,
owned by ltdweed Clerk. Listowel,
has been sold to Llnyd .Tnhnstnn, oP
Ninth. lie will tape pnsse0sinn in the
Hugh and Mrs. Henry and sun,
George, nf Noltll Ndnrnington. and
former residents of Go Py, spent Som
day with Will. and Mrs. Speiran, 10th
Harnicl and Mrs. Keys and little
daughter, Joyce Isabel, and Stanley
and Mrs. Meehan and child, en spent.
Sunday e03-pyhlg the breezes at Bay-
Miss Mattel Syphon] lett of Monday
morning for Toronto to resume her
duties, attn. spending 1111 en-
joyable tlllee W00110' holiday et
the pu'entel house, 12th Orn„ and
with nt100friende.
Bad Fire—Tuesday morning about
10 o'clock, the barn and outbuild-
ings of Wm. Mithel, 10th con., were
destroyed by fire along with the
threshing machine of Thos. Vodden.
Threshing was ho progress when fire
was discovered. Mr, Michel had
some insurance on barn anal con -
4 and lost his hay and wheat crop
which had been stored in the barn.
Passed Away in London, --- The
death occurred on August 0, tit her
home, 577 Central Avenue, London,
of Hannah McLennan, widow of the
late W, H. McCuteheon., formerly of
Grey Township, Mrs. Me tutcheon
had bean failingin health h autl
n„ the
past year and the end came peace-
fully on Saturday last. She had at-
tallied the age of '74 yeas. The
mother of a largo fainly, Tine, suns
and two daughters, Mrs, MrCutch-
eml devoted her life to leer home and
her children, she was a woman of
fine ideals, possessing a high concept-
ion of duty and Christian character.
She was a member o:f the Presbyter-
ian church for over half a century.
Rev. MI', McKay, of St. James' Pres-
byterian church, Lond.ln, conducted
the funeral services. Interment was
made at Mitchell on Monday. Five
o and t u
sons two da lit l .'n 1V •
John, Toronto; Walter s Hemiiton;
James J,, Grey Twp.; ..)avid Wind-
sor; Frank, London; Mrs. Willison,
Toronto; and 147)1, Colsvill, London,
`d E
i o '-J + psi
vv�a �s
f Far all makes •1 ntrinif ('lir;'
Buggy Tops. ........, ,......
, Side Curtains for all mattes
o: Touring Cars including
the kind with rods that
transforms the Touring into
a Closed Car.
All kinds of repairs to tops,
S side curtaine, cushions and
7 upholstery.
Very Moderate Prices
B. sure b, :y
maLc ,,poigtmcut
tn;i,q; ;00,44
THE, 51102- STORE
Phone 129 \\'II4Gl3AM
Miss Cora McCutchnoa has return-
ed front a visit with friends hi Tor••
Jlrs. W. J. D. Cardiff, WAS in Kin-
cardine last week having her tultsil t
removed. She is improving nicely
and home again.
e. Miss Olive Cooper, R. N., accoln
pallied her niece, Miss Leona Gaynor
f)th con., to London hospital, this
week, whore the latter• htul her ton-
sils re1107011,
oncrieff Short Personal Paragraphs -
r Q
lbeheld Un
frilla August �l
Program Commenees at 1 P. Jai
Sort post S,l�
Prizes 812 88 85 Prue° 57 55 53
The well known
of London
Will render a Concert Program
Iltaoa "r shine)
Dancing Pavilion Refreshment Booth
Adults 35e Children 150
Which includes Allen:n.0 0,,! E,rnig3
Prot:Want secretary
I) 1L Sera!, of L'.uitel, 11'.e- 111
has .t, '.n 11.11,
S .�e .I'
I, 1 41'11to 1 flnll i'. a 1.'011'' 1t+ '1'„1'lell•
lee, 1, 1.
-11 -
lir„ I 101 1/0rt 1'110-10 11 is vi•iti'g at
J101 11,1110' 31, I,,el'n it.
r..;. .
Mi+a 0.1nu110 llnmiHo I t visit ing at
Tonna. 00111 Melt Bwlrh.
• Bios'Whirntllr,•«I't••lessee, wits the
week -end guest ,•f' 111.s. A, t'. Dames
Niisa lli;llst'I'll"m1r-ton, of Lfsttxvol,
tea•: It wrl•k•••,'d 03-3)01 tvilh Bert aid
• 11ts, Mclnlyte.
S. J. N. (4lnziet, of 1,1,n110n, of the
Nur them 1,!1'1' 1,1111110101' Cn., Was 111
tn10)1, Iles 1''P i(111v,
Mb -o. \V01sh. Se•nl'ul th, wafloat.
s a visit•
'•1 n-ilh 1101 dan1h'"I, 'yrs, Bert, Me-
Intyre, 1-1 S1111nr1ley.
• ••
( l) • .N 1 r r
\ ns •"v.. 7bvP• 1111 In -trent t 1.
11 111 1 ,,
1t \V •1lo4Iey Hospital, Toronto, is
h1li,layir.g 101 her 11011011001',
L.A- ti 0vt t 31„d 11aV McG0111
, at 'I', o onto, &rave Tar: POST a roll, last
1''fiday aft 0111/001.
Miss Nina Nin 1 R»g,o'o, of 1Gwnt Forest.
N110111 1.110 week -end 40'1111 her sister,
' MI';. A. C, D,terir-s.
Miss Eth,.l'rot5.n 1'.'111.1 1l, 11001'
i1 010 Pnblie Rrhool, is visiting Mica
Mite Skelton, Ibi.t week.
Hiss ',11,•11)” Hamilton and (`hark
Hunter. r l' Toronto. 00-01 P 1eer111 Visit.
Church Notes ,\rs T tr
vi 1 i1 lis) nn.
onrawfthN.ul t
• � ti
1 1T0e, Germs. end dariginet, Miss
Ruth, 1-T Termite, are holidaying at
j e the home of Osman. and tit's. Birt.
Haste Stunit McLennan, of Blue -
vale, spent the past et ver
k 1'!
11 1119
111111)11,e :Misses
011 NI eon n
CL a
blisstilla - 0
, h McLennan cion
Saturday Idler a two weeks' visit 1
with her sister, Mrs. W. (4. McBride,
of Ha.n1un, Ont.
8. J. end Mf8. McLennan, Miss
Jane McLennan, Ben and Mrs. Holten-
beck and Miss Doreen Hnllenh-'ek, of
Elhei, attended the funeral of Airs.
W. 11. 1ieCntebehn, of Loudon, 011
1 (11111'a, Aug, 81h.
Airs. 1i.. Mark, Misses Lillian and
Myrtle Mark, of Cameron, Ont., tt11
14Ies, Jos, R. Hamilton, Mark and Rol -
insnn Henti1tem, or Walton, were
Sin(lay visitors at the h[ me of the
Misses eleLe1unu,
On Monday, August. 22nd, at 8
o'clock, shin 3, the[ 1' 40111 1.0 a special
meeting of the menthe's of L. T. B. A.
Nn, 406, and the L. 0, L No, 631, in
the lodge 00.0111. Aliment bere are re-
quested to be p1050111, [ifi rnatiere of
Importance are to he diecuseed at this
A. 001 y enjoyable time was spent 1-l[
Thursday envenom) Inst when Mrs,
Jag. 13retnner entertained at 1100 home
111 hnnnt of Mrs, William Campbell
(nee belle 1(1 outel) Over foty
young ladies were present: 1'tn11 Ethel
lend vicinity, The sptu•ions house
was beautifully deem ate() 103111 a pro.
(1101011 of g,m'dee Nnn'e, s and gay
et reamers. Dating 1110 AS 1'0rn000, an
inte10111ing pt ligroin wits preseltted,
1latritlnnliai readiness wore given by
Misses jean NieICee, Lenora Patter-
son, Ida Brerunel', Rhea AleLeiland.
Elizabeth Fra, Muriel McNtar atld
Risby Oleaver. A very instructive
and appropriate 10n1il3 was given
by 1i1s.0111'r!e Mt5 Gn04100ndeted
1a solo and bliss Myrtle Hollenheek
gave a couple of vinlin solos. A
dainty tet wits. then Ise) vet/ by Lbe
bnstes1, espial -0d I y M10908 3011)1 0l5 -
Kee, Ida i3reinne, Rhea. McLelland
and (Elizabeth Fear After the re-
freshments, the bride, Mrs. Camp-
bell. Wal esenrted to the library,
while the wedding mnt'e11 Dern Ten•
hengrin wag played by Miss 11, I'Iol-
lenheek, She was invited to take
her place lender a white bell with
11!10111110110 11,1(1 W11411111de 1110 recipient
of a shower of assorted towels and n
hstntlsnme brevet presented by 11111e
Mies Betty Duither.
John Carter, C. P. R. agent at
South Waterdown, visited his father
James Carter.
Miss Tone McCallum has been en-
gaged at S. S. No. 12, Grey, better
10110wn as Jack Ritchie's school.
Misses Ruth and Lynne Fulton of
Toronto, are spending their vacation
with their courin, Miss Effie Balfour.
Miss Olive Bolger, who has geen
attending summer school at Hamil-
ton, has returned to her home here.
Mrs. Howard Elder and .family of
Tillsonburg, are spending the holi-
days, with Mrs. Elder's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham, north
of here.
The regular monthly meeting of the
W, 111, S. of Dutl"e United Ohurch
was held ebbe) t11e home of Mrs. Silas
Johnston, with Pony ladies present,
Mee, H. Cunpbell presided, and the
Scripture vending, 01,11 Ohap. of A581
sees( takey by Airs Neel, Pettyel' W,l8
offered by A188. 511e1w. Use, A, elc-
0011 gave a paper al the "13eoadening
1•Iurizotl of the Wnteen of the Ol•
Mitt," it) which she told of the lvond-
elfu) difference whieli edueatiol has
made on the. lives of all who cone
0111d00 the inflnenee of 0110 MI08i011
Schools. Otw'rensEvents wets taken
by Miss Knox, Mos, W. Davidson alrcl
Mrs. nnatol in Willett a )lea
I li 0 tt a1'
r 1
made for the Sabbath Day to be kept
I mote rel(gionsly. The ulseling w118 1
olnsed with prayer by Mrs. D. Mc.
United Church
Rev. Me. Tteleetveo, of hueknoly,
occupied t o pulpit of the United
Church, last Sabbath, the pastor be-
te;; on vacation. Two splendid set.
mons were given. In the morning,
he took foe his text Psalm 51 : I1,
''Oast me not away from thy presence
and take tint thy Holy Spirit front
me." When Daviel wt cite these
words, he may not ht1ve had au 1-c-
rugate knowledge of the personality
of the 3-lol Spirit, u
Holy p Il, b the knew that
the 8pii'ie of God dwelt with men in
their hen
ts, He also kuety that mart
was of dust with its leets and passrnns
and 111)01 WW1's 80111 1uight be filled
w1111 evil desires, He knew, ton, that
in man's soul wits an opposite spirit,
a desire for the good, David felt
that there was 10 greater influence
than his Own understanding. Alen).
tunes, he had realized that the Spirit
of Gull WAS With 1)111), 8Lreugthenil;;
hint and helping r hi
1 ten to t 1 r v0lrnwh„
0tletuie0. David played his ha feel-
ing that the Spittt of God was with
bias. Realizing this, David cried
"Take not thy Holy Spirit from me,"
u o 11 Pid d
1 r I' ,
ea Ize sr often
that the Spit it of Grit Was with 111111,
yet be had his dark house, as we tell
Lave, trhen 1( 0eelu8 as though God
has removed His spirit ft nut 00. We
ens the 10111 pies of the living God, glut
if we allow lin to toe 101 and take pos-
80881011 of the temple, God's Spirit
will not abide therein. I1' t' often Ove
need to east as 111101(1 said 'take not
thy holy Spirit from me." David
had sinned but is brought to repertt-
.mice and is afield that God has east
Win off, so be Cries "cast 101' not
away from thy preserve." David
101)0005 the only way back to God and
seeks His rot giv1'oess and the relaid,
of His Spirit. Gaol tend sweet as are
1110 gifts of God, they may be lostby
sin, The sin which drives awe the
Spirit does not 0(1(5101511(1detlly, but 3t
is tolerated ten which 31 edit ally hard -
sus the ileal 1. 811511 and Judos are
examples, They Were once chosen of
God, but because of tnlet•ntPd slu,
they Were finally despised and eejere-
ed and died 111 shame and agony.
1110n may be brought back to (4011 at
the eleventh hour, but itis not [vise
to wait, but rather', like David, tllrtl
unto God while there is an oppnt'tun.
ity. God does not wish that anyone
be lose and is always willing to for-
give. No one need despair, but as
I)twid found the way back, so may all
who will 181urn to God, 1epent and
seek His forgiveness, es David did,
111 the evening, Mr. Treleaven spoke
from the Words round in Ex, Ess ; 26,
Phan shalt Make for it four rings of
gold and 31)11 the tinge in the four
earners that are in the font' feet there-
of." The tvnrcis here refer to the dirt
ectiontp given the Israelites concerning
the te0bles of the 8hew bread and the
method for carrying it.. A deeper
significence may by read into this
pa481130, greater perhaps, than teas in-
tended by t.ite estnet, \Ve may cone -
pare it to the tattle of Christian lie.
ing With the (011r rings attached
which will help us bear it snfely
throughugh life, (1) The ring of faith.
The ohri8tien 14 not a5100d to accept
anything blindly or against reason.
There ie nn contradiction between
faith and tensor), (2) The ring of
so'tiree cheiet said, "T um a 1115111
you 118 one .,hat 8et'veth." '2118 high•
est dignity 311 this life is to be found
1)1 the service of our fellowmen. 'under
the I0ndeeship of Christ. (8) The
way of submission. There is no gt'ame
0!' yirttle 111010 11cae1)11117 the 11 patient.
endlnralee, There is heed of pntil:u1
endurance i1) eve'ylife, beeause there
are hardshipe and disappointments 311
every life, but the soul that endures
i n, al Irv5s1-d
n a tl I Y t inG s ,'
I v d 111 sprit patiently
e rewarded, (4) The ting of cheer-
fulness, Gnd wants cheerful work -
ere. We must be cheerful if we ex -
poet to meet with cheerfulness, 11
Nike Stnllirs, of Peal -ear. 1a Artiste,
ie it visiI (1• t 11 0 Marne of lex.
Man.. 1 111 t h 1-t A
and bit's. Stewart, Q1100.01 morello
roe 100
Miss Evelyn (lunninglinnl had her
tonsils removed at the Wingham
hoapittol, Last week. and ie now at.
Mas (Dr.) Hns;nek and daughter,
Miss permit y, of Trinprkip, have been
vititin L r the fnrrne'e sister, .Niro. Jae.
Battetntyne, and4A1-.IP,
\V, A1001141 111, of r0140, 51101 Stuart
Mihir, of (4rey, left on semi clay for
the \Neat. They 00000 rllolheing, 50
WO wick 111.'11 gond 111010 and gond
wee the•.
Nhx ,Mho (1111,'', 41,s. i1 v1<1ann and
;\lex ('11-,1 f llnri,ri)1r.,, 0.1in,,,,
W000 111110.e0 r 1 Nesbit and Mts. 11.,1n-
111011, on 01111 tins - -
TCinra'flinn Hrpotte.•': "_A111,00.8011 -
lea cetvire in the Tinned Cho, eh,
M1 134••)),'1•, of Htn.•,elc end 11.11 1
1 . ( 1 .
11,, r 1) Newton a111,,1 a 100)0 8110 51,101,
l hen• vnire4 hlnn(1itIp' nice)y, Rntl,
I hese IAA ioS ars T{innardinr tritls 41-11
[ntf enb00of o rhnir. Tho '
rmlPrs,tttrrnflltin,,l,01005 (1111,10i!
erhl pivaaed 111
hrarthem "
ti.D. and 'LL-- `antis nmol Finley
. .1 1),y on I lnti. 1, r/,1,,} •.
.e 4
11.0 0110 -1l is .1 '.13,, \MOlay,
0:,1w ) ,: 1 ! 111'1 wP(-1%,
O 4. 0 i
.1 0n1( v I)i't:•fll is visiting at. the
lier1- • 1-F I i•tl•it•e 8101 19tH. Pay n, at.
▪ ee h
Rev J. .1. Dui r0 3, ,f Oil Sptiege,
gi:Ve \\'..la :end Mts. P1 Deter a visit,
rote d:.y Inst week.
.iar•k and lefts 1 u, 1!N 11.1,11 Jeal and
Miss Nn,(0111111-1.1.31 sin tit- Thursday
with f: iends it' tit 1011'. , (1.
.•, ...•.
Firmer W.1,41111(1 snide, of Iiannv-
or, wet, visit,. 1., 111.1 work, with his
sietel', 11115, Bei* 0telrtytr•,
Ali-- Ml('n,t.ray. s(rt'01114' to And-
1en/ 1ht3e(.fm, 11'4, P, of hi,oartliue,,
was het O'Pu5Frlav of 1 109 v 0rk,
Me. r 7 11 1 groo0s and d'mtghter,
Jean. et Fee du het, h,, v' been visiting
.\its. 11,n. I)et nn,r', 11,0 091,( week.
"••i-;' it1ir., Pone 1'011• ;n H'nenrdine,
vt it v 0 ,11
played d nn piano
sol -
•,t Ih `,t!t•t'ir I, A01110 mass -meet.
ire ,t
The-: 0011 'Mt.. F1'rniltr n end Ming
Toon 1-1 ynihen, 1-f At,1'o' el. were
itnr+ this work with N. rwl4 Ham-
O '0- '0
•--\17a1t,r Find IV* s. 'R1re and Miss
d !11)'- 1110 RO.o 1'..1,11 Mr. nn(1
Mts. Rre1ane wets 'Inure day vfsithra3
in Hayfield.
1310, Frosty ar• il Mt0'. Elia have re-
t treed flow 'I'm ('1.10, n here 114118
Kin. Marl her Ionsil. 11 moved. 51 ° is
''Hing tel<m '''toot,
G. .
Ni,u1. \Villitut•,•r , d family, of
IF F t r
n 1 t,,'ti
t g r few days
rl.itl 1 • it 11
l the } ti f• ,
1 1'
iltt' fie i mel''kl
f othet, ,James \t'illinmsen,
J H Cameron, ('f Lender, and a
fol nett' pri)c'ipel c lit lase!, Selina],
was '11131113 on (.id ft i0rds in town, on
1'ursday. bits. Chill./ 1,1 In,d her
mother ate visiting with ('Isatin eels
Nies. Frank Ftor-neon, 11ho ramie up
f, r the OIc3n � R0•L en' h'• 1
13 y ut .note.e
034111,3 her lister. Mfrs„ lima A:tt-
wnod, in (4rey. While in tr'o 11, she
'tayr•11 with hetn;))5), John Bate -
'0 .0
Peery Mitchell 11r,,k• A(dtese 1'en
nem and Relit. 51d 311.9, Dlt'k.Lg
Listowel to the funtitil ,t ,yrs, Arrfi-
104 hayn, n„ Monday 1-r this week.
\i 1
1 'Ten e,1 [was 1❑ a 1110 nisi [ t 1111.8.
0,01k a (1951)0111 ,f Ilse late N I.s. Kay.
\Vnl. teed Mls. fillllie, 1'l- Mime, ;
James S
,y etN'r1
1- 111 t' 10,011011
.1 ell-) ntmn children, la0 t „1-3 Nye,L.
Churchill, dluletrtet. Not elle, teu3
\luster •131140 A,lnrads, t.1 London,
90 111 Snuday at th'• 11,1,10 of (4e0.,
SoliMrs. Edwards, M1!! '.t:wel, Mr.
Nellie 11518 j11wt 1511',•I, a1' ed 15)1 ()ids
roebile four -11001 stda0.
we nit these font 1 rises 31111 the table
et life, the wilt rind tient le will helps to
hgllten the bur(lene.
Melville Church
Next Sabbath mottling lend eveling,
Rev. 1e. '1. tit II, Or Owen (("1115(1,
04111 (minium the servtcrs in Melville
"The Second Doming of Christ" lva8
(4, O. Webster's subject in Melville
('hutch, 11151 Sabbath u1111ieg, the
Ihn.nght being hissed on Romans 73
12, "The 1light is fait ep.itt, the day is
al. hand," In the teaehiig of Paul,
the second coming of Christ has a
great place and his messages are full
ul' emefert to those trill ha v0 loved
Mies gone on before, V'o are enn-
001net1 ebout them, Peril plainly
teaches that they at0 present. with the
Lord and that at 11 is second coming,
they shall be with Him, heeattee
they ate illeepa141ble from Him, To
strengthen the believer's' faith in the
second coming, Paul teach01 thnl it
will be a /111/5011101 conning ; that the
craning of (Melee will he voiced with
a ahem ; that the dead in Christ shall
creme with Hitn, and we who he alive
shall be cnngh1 up with 11im bac, the
air, \V1' (10 not know When this sec-
ond coming of Oheist will be, but we
ran hasten the day by doing the wok
chills lull htts calntnittOd 10 0s. 1\%1'
111111 ('1ttlfnt1 Die another with the
tholght that we shell be with
Olnist and that we shall be like Him.
"The Mission of the Church" was Mr,
Webster's theme, at the evening 1101'•
vice, the text being Acts 1 : 8, "Blab
ye shall t•oneive power after that the
Holy (431091 is cone ppn0 you ; and
ye shall be witnesses unto me both in
letusazlem and in toll 3nd0a and in
Se lnnlia 101111 unto the uttermost parts'
of the earth," If the Ohureh le to
wilhet1011d nli a1larke, 3t tenet he
on at vw10 and strong foundation,
This fain(1ntf,n is 1(mnd ill the res-
nerectinn of Ohri8t, which .provides n
Satre foundation on which to huiid a
011111911, Chtfst 0.180 provides the
power aid equipment necessary to
(terry on His Church, Christ told
His disciples to wait the fulfilment of
iiis promise ; to wait at ,Te1'usltlem
until they were filled with the power
4ei:o :11011. r'
oft) Holy l t I Cls est sonde Nis
disciples out 1,0 be witnesses for Him.
The gtreatest need of the world to.dny
is to know Christ Hveey believer is
to be a witness of the fact that Christ
' 1110(1 to 011100 Fi11n0ra, •''('1'1410 9111t11
be tin Shadows" a-1:5 sums by Mr.
\Vebster•, at 1h.'. worm; service, and
"Ther( well! MOO y 1.1 tui Nine," by
ides, W. 13,1)50, 1-l' Mimi ettl. "It was
Atone" was .uest by Ip<nulhy 101eVet-
lie, cf \Vinllsul, at the evening ser-
Other Church Notes
For the next. two Sundays, Bert
i.<'t1, B. A., will have chatge of the
1eivices in Maitland street Baptist
Church, London.
N[rs. David Scott was a recent visit..
0, R, °manes shipped a' lar of 00,1 -
tie to Tnrenth, last tea1111 dee,.
Dr. Gordon Fergutnll, of Toronto.
1.305,t a few days with Mends in the
Cameron Geddes, nf Chatham, is
spending a hnlidety with his parents,
D. and Mrs, Geo(15.8.
Threshiiig has enmmeuced again
fol' another 51!'0(11 111 d 1001,1ts are
vet? gond.
Mrs. Hervey Watson and children,
of Ingersoll, M010 1181101 10111) 1'81-
utives around Help ave. last week.
Rev. Mr. Durrant':, a former pastor,
charge rf the e--rv('e in linos
(Tidied Church, on Sunday.
Mrs. Ii., McGowan Inas eettirfed tis'
iter home, near Blyth, sftet spending.
some time with her daughter, Mrs, U..
R.. Couit:es,
Miss Ruby Clegg, 10aaher at Ridge -
town, is spending her vtlratinn at 010
home of her brother, 300 Clegg, in
At the last lemitter meeti113 of the.
eV, M. 8. of Knox United Church,.
'lure. Gordon Gallaher gave a splendid
palet 51.011, the this d chxi or of the -
study book, ''Oh,'ist. of the Indian
Road." The bible reading wee tn3181)
by the P('esident, Mrs. Jas. Anderson
prayer, by 10.h's. Chas, Wilkinson.
$1-l) ea11 was responded to by a verse
on harvest, Two of the Viefting
Committee gave their repot, A.
pleasing feature of th0 afternoon was
the presentation of two Life Metnbee.,
ship ettifica.
1 a Fee to Mrs, Chas, 'Wilkin-
son and Mrs. James Mollie, The re•
eipients nnpreCiaterl the net very
highly. The meeting rlrsod 40i111
singing and prayer by 11)1' President,