HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-8-10, Page 8'WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 10th, 1927 The Store Fruit Jar Rubbers No. 1 Quality 10c pkge Bathing Caps 25o and 35e each Other Bathing Caps Heavy Pure Gum Rubber Plain eolors Rye & 1$1.00 ea. Water Glass Egg Preserver 1 Ih Tin lDc Take a Kodak with you You may only spend two weeks on vacation—but you can spend years with the pictures you make. It's all easy from the first with a Kodak or Brownie. This store wants to show you. Brownies $2,25 up Autographic Iiodaks $5 up Printing, developing and enlarging of Use Ifrality kind ictor'ia1 R eview Fall Fashion Book With cntwon tlnod for Pc tela"t:lee a patteill N i D W ON SALE liVe keep in stock Pictorial Review Patterns. rench - Balm 1t'i 1 IL like Sunburn 25C and 50c bets. arowax 131_'L 2:r b. Corks For Pick'.i° Bottlee, Fly Tux with Sprayer . 50 cents WILL CLEAN THE HOUSE OF FLIT .. R. SMITH sur;? w i'. t , ;1Ft an ^til is niter .v�'.L'G4•::n�«�« �+i+�e+:�+4+4,4D �«'«�iq ,+i++.`.+:'it•« : t�:t:^';»»::"i:;7',�+:-•:e'M+W«t:"'+ :»r"=^g''r Local News Items 4 Electric Car on Again. The Electric Car came on the nocn run on Tuesday and comes back at 3.15 each day. Running First Three Days. The Chopping Mill is running only the first three days of the week until further notice. The water has been getting' low. Dance Friday Evening. Bills are out announcing a dance at the Pavillion at the Park on Frida • evening of this week. Town's 0 -:rice orchestra, of Wroxeter will su' ,tiy the ma_ic. Boys Will Have to Behave. Some of the hove who ha'•e been swimming at the dam are getting too d _.1L,t'reg with other leo n l >: pro- perty, and if they do not tap, the privilege of swineming at the dam will be cut off. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mes. Janne ele O7, Mitchell, announce t?e cin:.a.-.,1 int of their daughter, Mettle H to I1 Charles C. Pamage, Brussels. fire marriage will take 'place very u ct:y in August. A Personal Question. Are you reading your own or :t borrowed paper? If you are reading a borrowed paper, why not save your neighbors the annoyance of leading and yourself the inconvenience of borrowing and subscribe for yourself and family. The publisher:+ know that there are some few who will . read this item out of a borrowed paper.- That is why we publish it, A Great Life. Walkerton Bruce Herald:— Tor- onto roan, who had been out of the city for some months, went home for Civic Holiday and was promptly ar- rested. 'When the Herald -'Gime;: scribe returned Civic Holiday from 0 couple of days' jaunt we were gladly greeted by our creditors. It's great to have someone looking for y.ni when you get hack to the old home town. Couldn't Stand Looks of Old Spring. Years ago the old spring near the old flax mill was a great resort for everybody to get a fresh pail of water, hut in later years, the weeds and grass has been allowed to grow and this generation knows practicelh' nothing • about the old spring. On Monday James Laird, of Detroit, who has bean visiting here since the Old Boys Reunion, along with S. T. Plunk went down to the Spring and elven- ed i4 all out. The 'Town Council should have a pipe placed to have the water run with a good force, New Amendments. There have been many inquiries regarding the date when the law will reguire lights on all vehicles trarei- ing the highways of Ontario after dusk and before dawn. The el xuoe of the amendments to the highway Traffic Act will be enforced on Oc- oher 1. On the same date the amend- ment to the act which requires a reel triangle to be placed on the rear of cans having four.-w),nee brakes w411 be enforced, Many drivers have in - .stalled the triangles already and mo- torists should follow their example and take this safety step even before it is•enforced, Bridge Repaired. The new floor was laid on the bridge last week, as well as a new walk for those who "hoof' it. New Junior at Standard Bank. J. Barbour, of Toronto, is the new Junior at the Standard Bank. He commenced his duties last week. Einhurn Tied Round. After losing in Chesley by a score of 3 to 2, the Kinburn foot bail boys wen at home last Friday night by a score of 1 to 0. This makes it a tie 011 the round. Car Took to Ditch. Last week while Allan E. Hersey was cr06i1n• the Morrishank bridge on hie way hone, nut axle hroke and turned his car to the .side and down he and the car went. The car wase mussed up a bit. Well Represented at Goderieh. P,rns-rls was well represented tit the R.•unien at Gnderich last week, Fleecy' Baelter wee also present at the Co. Council picnic on Friday, while the Toronto Huron Old Buy, and Girls were there, - - Improvements. The brickwork on the bell tower of St. Johne Church, has h.e,t re- pnire'i. , John Duncan is having a new cem- ent cistern put in at his home, A. Campbell has the contract. Minor Locals. Half of August nearly gone. A number will take in the races at Seafo'th today. Go,leric1L had ideal weather for their reunion last week. Have you noticed the red triangle on the left hind fender of some. ears? They stand for a .four-wheel brake car—so he careful. C. W. L. Convention. Arrangements have been commen- ced for the seventh diocesan conven- tion of the Catholic Women'e Lea- gue, which will be held in St. Thomas on October 11, 12, and 13, Bishop Fallon will speak at the opening ses- sion of the convention. Brussels will 1>e represented. Must Observe Signs. Highway traffic officers in the dis- trict have receiver] orders from the Department of Public Highways to the effect that motorists must be made to obey the "Stop" signs on all the country roads leading on to the Pro- vincial highways, In the past it is claimed these have been completely ignored, The "Stop" signs in Brus- sels seem to be only ornaments as far as motorists are concerned. Pepper Picnic. The Pepper families and relatives picnieed at Bayfield on Friday after- noon. Representatives of the family - were present from Toronto, Hensel], Clinton, Seafo•th, Tuckersmith, Hib- bert, Logan, Mitchell and T7eloraine, Man. The oldest present was 72 years and the youngest present was 7 months. The company comprise:] 73 persons and about thirty dese.end- ants of the family were unable to be present, A pleasant time was spent and before departing for their re- spective homes they all ,joined hands and sang "Auld Lang Syne" and other songs,—jack Pepper, of Dol. mine and formerly of Brussels, and his son, were among the guests, THE BRUSSELS POST Br5 sseis dined Cercli ta:FV, A. W. f,t,uk.:C e.-Fi', t.;. D. :n,rdri: re?i: Sunday, Aug14th 11 situ.—Publi.: Warship. Rev. Mr. •1;. ren, Luck:iuw 1 --Senlee Sri:c,o1 and P,ib1e 1 Classes. 4 7 p.ln.—Public Worship. Rev, Mr. Treleaven Friday at 3 p. M. Meeting of W. M. Society Attending Tournament at Listowel. The Iiruseels Bowling Club is re- proientcd by three rinks at the ootvl- in_ tournament for doubles at Lis- towel today (Wednesday). Telephone System Will be Off. P,y tonight, the telephone system from the South will be cut oil' while 1e t t0 new w h c t. l. is beat connected. c AI 1 111,: phenee, except long distance at the oilier will he nut of commission. Ontario Crops Looking Good. The Bank "f elontreel crop report for the Province of Ontario tells of the finest hay crop put away in years, n '.wavy crop of oats and bau•ley and 1n an•':saga crop o1' fall wheat. All considered, Old Ontario should have ply its fur the coming winter. THE tall man who removed my pock- et -book from the wicket of the Bel k of Nova Scotia, on Tuesday ,. •eietnnl will please return it at once to the Bruck from which he took it, if he wants to save trouble and exposure. John McDonald. e-2 PIGS FOR SALE— 10 Chunks a- ilaut '5 16 s, Gordon Whitfield, I'h015 50-10. FOR SALE— Registered Short Horn Bull, fit for service; young cow fresh with two Durham calve,, nursing . Phone 50-19. Alex Puss sral. 8-1 STRAYED on premises of the un- d"rsigned, about Augu.-t lit, 2 Oxford Rants. Baxter Stevenson, Lot 13, Con. 13, Grey. Phone 4220. 8-1 SECOND Hand 6 -ft. Binder for •ale. Telephone 18-9. Gilbert Mc- Callum, Walton P. 0. FOR SALE–Seven pigs, seven weeks old. Apply to Hartwell G. Soeiran Phone 20-10, R. R. 3 Brussels, SHORTHORN BULL, 16 months old for sale. Dark roan in color. Jas. Lawson, Lot 28, Con, 8, Morris, Phone 170. S-tf. SEVERAL Chunks of Pigs for Sale. Inn. E. Dickson, Lot 8, Con. 11, Grey, Phone 25-23 8-2 NOW is the Time to Orden- Fertilizer for Fall Wheat. Phone your ce- der to No. 46, farmers' Club, Bilis - eels. , ytx SEED WHEAT for :,a -e, 61.10 e huatel: cleaned. Phone 49-0. Fred Tuck, 1 nth Con., Grey. . , 8-2 40 Chunks of Pigs for sale.. R. J. .ileLennan, Lot 19, Con. 2, Grey. Phone 10-1'. ,•b-1 FOR SALE— V e A ecu tte ingood ood hape, has only been used a short time. Price reasonable, Apply ,to Mrs. Geo, Kreuter, Secretary of \b'lnuen's Institute, Ethel. 8-1 FOR SALE—Deering Binder, 6 foot Ott, in good working order. Phone 15-11, James Michie, R. R. 4., Ilrussels. 7-tf HOUSE and Lot for Sale — Good frame house and half turn of land on Mechanic Street. For particu- lars apply to Mrs. Mary Spading, Brussels, 7-tf. BOARDERS or Roomers wanted.— Apply at Post. 7-11. MAID WANTED — Apply to Mrs. Donald Clark, 800 Ottawa Street, Hamilton; or Mrs. W. M. Sinclair, Brussels, Phone 79. HAY for sale in the field.. Apply to Milton Huffman, Phone 47-5. 4t1 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE:— Comfortable frame house in good repair, good cellar, hard and soft water. For further particulars ap- ply to George Mceliilan, Brussels 4.4, Harvest Excursions. The Canadian National Railway ie ,11 running two excursions to the West for the coming harvest. A train will leave Toronto and East on Aug. 30th, and the one from Western Ontario will be on September 7111, Fuller par- ticulars will be given later. ] t 1 BANKING 1 FIFTY YEARS Create Your Own Currency 01111 ow net's') p of tt Maciu(;s Bank Arcuunl, eten1es a cutlency all yam. own, A cheque bearing your Wig - 14i11111. jointly vi it that ol'the Standltl•d liaulc adds 11w prestige ii' our name to the integlit.y tit yours. n eoieihiva-lion of iuestituatble cubic i" y "u Rona a htt.itre-s and sueictl viewpoint, nlulentft•ting oth- er pt.:Mira! advantages of ineud,u!:cble number The t!el•,'bit nl' one d,di,u to your credit in the tik meet stet: lead ll,ullt kirnoel, will 6' the f' ui"'.at!iv!, for a cltrleUey nil scut ot5 t. "1"1 -IE STAN ice', A i'", D BANK OF C_�.INIA.1D.A., BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager Liberal Committee Rooms. 1 i..—_ The Liberals of Brussels will open 11 up a Committer Room on lliorelay in Church Notes the store lately occupied by Joseph > Schwadron. Premier Will Speak at Wingham. Int. Hon, W. L. Mackenzie Kin will speak in Wingham on Thut'eda afternoon, Aug. 25th at 2 p.m. an' t• . at Gorlerich at S p.m. Full perticul next week. Car Badly Damaged. Last Wednesday at noon while motoring down Bluer Street, Sam Carter, along with E. Plum, wee hit by a car, going between 60 and 00 miles and piled over on the road nidi The occupants of the other car were arrested and trial comes oil' next Tuesday morning. Both cars were badly damaged, but luckly both Mr. Carter and Mr. Plum escaped injur- ies. Melville Cheryl' '1.'he regulon• monthly meeting of the W. M. 14. of 'Melville Church wag 1 held on Friday 11(110 1(1,00, August I e b nen e n c e,.i ( e 1- orbs In h u srn t th 1 nt, Mrs. A. Munchen, the let Vito, Presi- I dent, Mrs. Win ('I u r presided, Meeting opened With tier c!uuatl exet- ci.es. arts.] which Mrs. \i'altoe tivnt1 gnvr n very lu11,001i' 14 popes tl•n[u the'01udy, •'\Inslrul,venieu." Afrm. the singing nl' bruin No, 10, "God he with you ti11 we meet again," Mrs, Robert O'irire'hsa,i the Merl ing (tith prayer, At the close of the meeting, ; the Indies ,ver(' invited to rhe Iertute x00111, where n Ono or tett and dainty' lunch wee served and n vocial hour et,. jayerl win11 ;Wes, Clause before her re- in eat ft on) us, Idi's. Clouse expres- sedltel'regretsat leaving our auxfl- i,try, but she hoped that the "nxlliary would entltil)ne as311eeessf1111y in the future 1(5 11 had 111 the past and that End's rieheet blessing would test nu the Church as a whole. Why Not Brussels to Brussels? London Echo:—Seems as if the London to London flight were attract ing as much notice and creating as much interest all over the world as has any of the great adventures that have been recorded, Which reminds tie—why not tt Paris to Paris flight? Paris, Ont., to Paris, France, would be a fine slogan for the people of both towns. --Why not Brussels to Brussels, Belgium. We can Gill sticlt on the map. Minor Locals. Brussels Fa11 Fair, Oct. G and 7. Toronto's news Union stat(on is open for business, The 1928 car announcement are very plentiful note. The cars •seem another step nearer 200 per cent. perfection and lower in prices, Careless smokers are said by • ne authority to have been responsible for 2,104 of the 30,000 fires in Can- ada last year. Here seems to be a chance for personal reform. It is quite evident twat liquor per- mies and car permits should not be carried together. They are a dan- gerous pair and when the first is abused the posee5sor should be re- quired to give up both. Hints to Correspondents. Write plainly, with plenty of room between the lines.Number the pages of your manuscript. Use good sized neper and don't tear off the unused portion of your last page. Write on one side only Do not write myster- ious paragraphs that only yourself and a few others will' understand. Always give day and date of occur- rences, Don't exaggerate. Personal items relating to visitors to or from distant points slake good newsy copy, but do not neglect to send the other interesting happenings of the community. Try to do good; you may never have as good a chance again. Don't forget that your ef- forts to give the news of your com- munity are appreciated by not only the editor but also by the public. Foot Ball News. For playing two unregistered soc- cer amen under assumed names the sub -committee of the Western foot Ball Association has suspended the Tavistock juniors for the balance of. the season. The objection was raised by the Milverton club, and the lat- ter will meet Walkerton in the junior finals, with the first game in Walk- erton in charge of. Janes Noah, of. Owen Sound, and the second in charge of Frank Kelly, of Listowel. This series must be completed by Aug. 20, The Chesley and Kinburn inter- mediate teams have been ordered to lay a sudden death game at Listowel on Monday, Aug. 15. The winner of this game will meet Brantford in the final Arrangements for the senior semi- final were also made with Guelph playing Friday, Aug. 12 in Listowel and the return game is carded for Guelph on the 17th. Rob, Taylor of Galt, will reface both games. The winner meets Owen Sound in the finals. Dr, Crossley's Engagements. Rev. Dr. H. T. Crossley in associ- ation with J. H. Leonard, continued to ,lo "the work of an evangelist" as in the former years of Crossley and Hunter. Last conference year they conducted thirteen evangelistic cam- paigns in the Toronto, London and Bay of Quints Conferences, which re- sulted in many being "added to the church." They are now promised for several months in Newfoundland, be- ginning in St, John's in January. Fran next September until the new year they are open for engagements in Ontario and the Eastern provinces. Dr. Crossley es spending the summer menthe at I3eaumai'is, Ontario, and in September returns to his home in Toronto. PICTURE PRINTS Old-fashioned tinted prints from books and:magazines make charming medallions for smart lamp shades, boxes or even wall decorations, WINTER MATERIALS Sheer woolens in materials that seen like wool, georgettes and creles, in rich shades, will be good for w*' ter frocks, } The ePtvices in Melville Chnrch, les( Sabbath were taken 1 y (4. 0. Webster, of 101(000, the pn•tnr be- ing on vacation. Mr. Webster's morning text. was John 3: 10, "For God so laved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Hitt should not perish, lent hive everlasting life." The fit'-[ peri: of the 3rd Obap. of John deals with the new birth, We see in the story of Nicodemns what a feeble be- ginning the new birth may have, 2eicodetnns was ashamed to come to Christ by day, so he canto by night. We note the great change which Christ declares to he Ileee00iry 10 en. ler the kingdom of Gnd, ,atheist's worlds on justification, John 3: 10, show (1) God's erect,. God se loved the world, God dose not love sin, but He does love the sinner. (2) God's gift, Christ, 30 His great gift to n0. God's great love is shown in the gift of His San, (3) Grid's gnare.n- tee, God hap given 00 a guarantee that if we believe ml the grace of God and all FIie !Ore gift, tll'11 we •11:111 in- herit eternal lif', Psn]in 84: "0. taste and 010 that the Lot,i i• good," was lir. VVehstee'o Ie)1t, „t the eeeln- In ael•VI05. The de!.11'1' !n tel ethers ofgthe goodness of (Ind is the on turn] nutentne el tasting the goodness of God. God be gond, Rig gendness is shown in (1) the eren firm, The works of erentintl tell of the greatness and goodness of God. (21 To all the good thing; lie bee provided for we His H (3) In 1 Ptrvi trunci Gnd beide in thehnlln'v of His hand the destiny of the Cnivel'se, (4) In the gift of Hie only begotten Sun for our re- demption. Redemption cannot be bought with money, (6) clod's good- ness is 0hnwn in the granting of nava- nu and peace, "Abide with rue" 1000 sting by Miss Stewart, of Clinton at the mnrninge (er'vice, and "Just nut - sidle the door'," at the evening service, by Mrs. N. I•latnillnri and biro, J, Meadows, Next Sabbath, Mr. Web- ster will epenk at the morning eer•Vlne on the snhjeet, "One T o,d's Retern," nod at the evening service, nn "The Mission of the Ohnrch." BOItN OARDTF1r,–In Grey Twp., on August 0th, 1027, to ]lir. wind hlr5. Albert Cnrdif, e daughter (Agnes Isabel), MARTIN.–In Morris township, on July 2711i, to Mr. and Mrs, Olarenoe Martin, a dough. ter (Naomi Tean 1 PARIC –Tn Grey Two., on Tuesdn3, August Oth,1027, to Mr. and lnrs. Levi parr, o son, DI3I1D HALLS.–In Woodstock on Tuesday, August 2nd, 1027, Mrs, Martha Balls widow of the late J. R. Dolls, formerly of Ethel, aged OD vears. MoNEIt,–In Atwood, on August 6th, 1027, Annie, daughter of the late Peter McNeil, of Grey Twp. 9TEI5S.—In Grey. Twp., on Friday, August 511,, 1027, Clara Lovina Asldu. beloved Wife at ,Toms Steles, egad 58 years, 4 months and 18 days, IN MEMORIAM MOLEOD –In loving memory of Pte. James tsdmand MoLeod, No 054205, who fall In 'Prance, on August 20,19M Weep not for a brother deceased, Our Wattle his infinite gab, 1 A sotil out of prison released, And free from his bodily chains. With songs, let us follow lite flight, And mount with his spirit above ; Ramped to the mansions of light, And lodged 15 the Eden of love, 0300naa ANn 9100101,, Mika: ,leln49. Mo. Leon AND Mita. JoirN 15.9m01t11v. AioDONALD.–In teethe memory of Marg- aret McDonald, Who departed this Ilte, on August Oth,1820. Grandmother is gone, vacant her chair, She le rusting hr ponce 1n those realms so Witfair are0waitin0051liar,gone 001,0( 5, They g to greet us, on that beautiful shorn, elms, 0, A, MODONAI.D Arm 510815,0, en 9 Drum St The ;f 11, 'adaa ,o.C:.tr9 .A h,. `e,6' fi it.,Gl 11, d erne trsZ1 s. T Rh A. of Cod Liver 010 Banishes that tired feeling so prevalent in Summer and tones up the entire system An excellent General Tonic. Price $1,00 bottle 12 i firm's Drupe' Cet it at Store H. .ALLEN Dru,t.)dist and Stsltiuner Successor to James Fox HEALTHFUL. "Is this a healthful town?" asked the newly arrived invalid. "I should say so," answered the native. "When I came here I hadn't strength to utter a word; I had scar- cely a hair on my head; I couldn't walk across the room, and had to be lifted from my bed." "You give me hope. How Jong have you been living here?" "I was born here." MARRIED il!.r,s--Mtr'NAT.–At the United Church1.51,, nage, Ethel, cu.wedne,dey. Augn•t 3"! 1027, by 10e0 D. 1n. Noss', Elva toss, third daughter of Roderick and Mrs. Mac. Ens, of Grey Twp , to Harry wells, of witnghers. Farm for Sae A very desirable stock farm of 100 am•cs,?U wile from Brussels Good buildings null equipments. Easy terns to suit purchaser. bur further particulars 001113 to A. 14. MACDONALD, Brussels, 1, In iiH . W' .. �Ki4 I>4• 1 ,•• ,bit, y� SaL �j1 1st: a�'��• tl„ Cie d A. AT L1I17fr '91, as ter �f>h.'di�ftl...: elij �AGltopAlv}t In order to make room' for our Fall Merchandise which is beginning to come in, we offer Big Reductions on all lines to clear. All Ginghams and Cham - brays, wide width, regular 30c and 35c for 24c English Broadcloth, all shades, regular 85c, to clear at . 65c Silk Broadcloth, regular 85c for 690 Double Fugi, white only, regular 1.35, for 1.15 Flannelette Blankets — 50 pairs Ibex in White and Grey, to clear at 2.25 Ladies' and Boys' Cotton Hose, all sizes 25c, 5 (tars. 1.110 Black Duchess Silk, good heavy quality, regular 2.00, 70 yards to clear, at 1,25 Ladies' Silk Hose, remnants of all 1.50 lines to clear at $1 M0 Towellings—Reductions on all lines of 20 p. c. Men's Overalls in Bibs and Pants, reg. 2.25 for 1.95 ifisdpath Sugar 35 Bags and for 1 week only $7.00 Cash 1 Po & G. Soap We have an over -supply 5 for 25c Above are a few of the many articles too numerous to mention, Come with your wants and we will fix the price. 20 p. c. off on all Mon's Sults F. A. HUNTER