The Brussels Post, 1927-8-10, Page 5uck or Hen ? Why is it that duck eggs are not as popular as hen eggs? The only reason we know, is, that the hen ADVERTISES just the moment she lays an egg, while a duck keeps quiet and hides her egg under the straw, Wo try to be like the hen, We try to tell the world we have a great line of building lumber, dimension etc. All No. 1 art B, C. Ped Cedar Shingles [Edge grain] All No, i Extra N. 3. White Cedar Shlit I s Alex. IYlurrey & Co, Asphalt Shingles Cedar and Hemlock Shiplap and Boards Siding, Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding, Etc. Drsssed 2x1• Hard Maple for Hay Fore Tracks 1 1-4 in, Pine Wagon Box Lo nbcr, Etc, Let',•R not he Duoku 11 F.I•torto fon. SO t". E DELIVER Walton I •'t c'Jilt Church Becomes Lodge Room History of Old Methodist Ccngreca- tion Recalled — Dates Back 50 • Years. Walton, Aug, 1 ---The former Wal- ton Methodist Church which has been <'losad as a result of churen un- ion and has not been in use 1'011' the past year or so, was recently sold to the Walton L. 0, L. for a hall and the official body is winding up the af- fairs of the organization. The church has been interwoven with the life of the community for half a century, having celebrated its golden jubilee four years ado, and while giving place to the march of pro>res3, its early history is interesting and mem- ories of the old church will linger fondly in the minds of the eontr'ge- tion. Before 'he church was or- ganized services were held in Lead - bury school house by the New Con- nexion body, the preacher coming from Seafarth. In 1873 this work was linked up with Brussels, the late Rev, Robert Davey, followed by the late C. E. Stafford, being the pastors, Daring the former's pastorate the present ibuilding here was erecters on the corners of the gravel road and con- cession 14, McKillop township, on the farm of the late Andrew Mor- rison. Mior- rison. The late Sir, l atherrlalo, of Sea - forth had the contract for the sum of $2,000, Tn 187.1 Walton became the head of a circuit and in 1005 dur- ing the pastorate of Rev. R. S. Baker the church wa .Arnoved to the present site. The first Sunday School s'tp- erintonlent was the late Gilbert Thomann, grandfather of the Rev. H. A. Thomson, of London. The or- ganist was Miss Mary Pollard and the class lea Tors were M. -Morrison, C. Dennis anti W. Pollard. Among early members were lir. and Mrs. J, Williamson; Mr. and Mrs T. Williamson; SIr. and Mrs. W. Den- nison; SIr. end Sirs. Geer2: Thout- son; Mr. and Mrs. William Pollard; Mr, and Sirs, Il, Pollard; Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard; Mr, and Mr t. J. Berry; Mrs. Swallow; Mies Mary Swallow; Mn and Sirs, Iteinhal't; Mr. and Mrs: A. Morrison; Mr. and 511's. M. Morrison; Mr. and Mrs. Porter; Mr, and Mrs. T. Dennis; MIrs. E. In- gram; .lir. W. Bray; Miss Fanny Bray; lir, and Mrs. A. Mumorston; Mr. and Mrs. Phillip James; Miss Elizabeth Morrison; Miss Marie Mor- rison; Mr. and Mrs. George William- son; Mr. and Mrs, Clow and Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt; also the Dundas, Grigg, Campbell, Neal, Fulton, Crawford, Jackson, Be11iiett, Marshall, Lec'nn- ing, Forbes, Hackwoll, Barrows, Me - Gavin, Roe, Watson, Nicholson, Con- stable, Holmes and Johnstone fanfil- hies, The minieters were: Robert Dav- ey' C. P. StalTor&P; J. G. Fall's, D. I)., Turemo; W. 1 tugh; Thos. (ten 1)11 n•illo, 011t.; Thos, Sabine. ; W. Torrance' ; W. Ottawcll, Otterville; T. W. Cosens, I.ynden, Ont.; W. Pomeroy, J. P, Westnvin, Vitoria, B. C,; A. 0, Tiffin, Wheatley, Ont.; A. Dever*; 0, R. Carscallen, Chinn; A. Andrews*; 1i. S. Baker, Victoria, 11. C.; R. J. Currie„ Mien.; 11. Tyler* R. Lockland; S. C. Edmunds*; J. Young*; F. W. Craik, Gerrie; IT. J. Bentley, Chafing Cross; J. W. But- ton, Florence; W. 0. Robinson, Strothoaks, Sask.; Dr. Brown, Lon- don. a`—Indicates Deceased. Some of the former youths of the church who have entered the minist- ry are: A. McKihbin., DeWitt Covens:, and J. H. Young. Sidney Hewitt .was a candidate for the ministry, but lost his life in the world war. LARGE STOCK OF SILKS REMOVED General Merchant at Hensall Robbed of Goods Valued at $500. Ilensall, Aug. S,—A burglary oc- curred at the store of .1. 4V, Skinner general merchant here, either Sunday or in the early hours of this morning when more than $500 worth of sillce were stolen. Mr. Skinner closed his store a little •before 12 o'clocq Sat- urday night and diel not have any oc- casion to return to it until about 8 o'clock this morning, when apparent- ly everything was as usual. Shortly alter opening his ele1'k, Mise Edna discovered that several shelves had been stripped and on close exam- ination it was .found that more than $500 worth of fine silks had been taken. When iter. Skinner purchase.' the business several years ago, from the late William C. Davis, there was an unusually large stock of silks for u .ana11 village and to this Mt. Skinner has added from time to time. There is no clue as to who the bur - !Oars alight he, but it is surmised that the goods were taken out by the front door, as the lock on it would be ea ily tampered with and the doors end window, at the rear of the store ,1ere undisturbed. ,lir. Skinner got in touch wtth A. \Vhitesit'c,+, chief constable i nGode- rich, -formerly of Hensall, who will :Hake an investigation, and it is hoped `he culprits will be brought to jus - ,ice. The cooling system can be made to (poste efficiently by flushing out tho inflator so that it is perfectly clean, , id installing new rubber Yost. eon- nections. Keep the fan belt tight. MAKE your attic into extra sleeping quarters or a chil- dren's play -roost. Gyproc will give you bright comfortable extra rooms at small cost, Right over damaged walls and torn, faded wallpaper apply Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard, Gyproc walls 0)1(1 ccihings will 11101(0 CVCI'y room bright and fresh, fakes any decoration. • Fireproof, cold proof and 1101(1 proof. The strongest and lightest insulating wallboard known. Write for free booklet—"My Mute." It will tell you how Gyproc, Rocboard (lypsunt bhsulating Sheathing and nrsulex will reduce your heel bill from 20 to 40 per cent. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 108 YP Fireproof wallboard For Sale By Winton et Gillespie --' -- Brussels, Out. THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10th, 1927 , THE SHETLAND ISLES ART, RUVe Ai:D, STORM - BEATEN AND COLD, Of 100 Islands Only 5li Are 1ldtablted 1''rancle's Holo Ls a Show ('14ve— Legend of the Seals—Many Ships Aro Wrecked on Thew isles. The Shetland Isles, which lir' 00 the Orth of ,4011111nd, are rugged, storm- beaten ug.],:,tornl- be:lten and cold. The She ilenders area hardy rate, and often lire and Clio 1u1 their native island. Shetland, says a writer In the Aberdee5 Jettenal, iv a land of quaint cu,;t„n1' and strange beliefs. The group of 1011(00;; ]umber's 1(111 of which 21 are inhabited. Lerwick is the c11i'1' tc;wn of the 1:r'mp. papa stool., 11 small .41 (Vaud island with a popolattnn of 200 peo- ple,watt in t; eieth century one of tbe selthenents of the Iu-h Coble, 111nn1.•; who were „at out from Intra to sp1 :,.I the Cnri:❑ion religion anion,n• the nn:thern I'ie• The mann,. 1b old Veru ' ril 1 -,.p -the priest Island." SSim., "1,1•."; thus we get , "the 1Ll, prhsl i;tr•," in r•nnfr ,tenon to Pap t Lille, a smatter k nearby, 17111011 (vas another pri'+t s. It.banent. Papa ,hour is yr r v fertile r 11.' on 1te- count of Dm ,Ir 1",11. formation, and many won•b nal yes have been hollowed out alott2 le. roast line by file 1a'tiou 1(t' (1), on, Anatole waves, Tudor, writing on the 151(1rniticent coastscenery, it 1 "Shortly after missing I-T1(mna' 0c, you corn to 1,'ran- cir 's Hole, one of the 01'10 caves, and though not vel;1, 1111110 in the wr'iter's opinion the most h m0iirill one of a11," You enter th,rlu411 a perfectly archers entranee• ent. In the fur, of 11u1 cliff of perhaps forty feet or so In height, and in almost fancy you aro in a cave in fairyland, so ex- quisite is the coloring of the roof and si<h's, and so pellucid is the water. What the length, breadth or height may he the writer cannot say, so overpowered with the beauty of the place was ire that he utterly for- got to estimate them. The rock forming the sides and roof, appar- ently porphyritio, is partly red of many shades, and 111 places glistens like mien. Th., reef is etidded with bosses of 0 deep rich purple, ;Ike the bloom of a grape, and resembling in form and regularity what are to be 00en on the roofs of cathedral crypts and cloisters. Several caves branch off on the left, and at the head Is a beautiful pink beach, at the top of which aro alcoves or reee.eses like stalls In a church, Properly lit up, this cave must be superb, Many seals frequent the caves, and on a sandy beach in the ICirstan Hol, the largest cave in Papa, they can be seen lying asleep or gambolling In the sun. The seals or "selkies," were believed by the old people to be mer- men and mermaids in ,disguise, and It was said that at midnight when the moonlight came up they would disrobe and dance amid the surge which broke over the melts. The seals were thought to have the power of rescuing shipwrecked sea- men by carrying them on their hacks to the nearest rooks. A legend is told about some ftsher- l/Um from Papa Stool*, who went seal hunting, to the Ve Skerriss, a group of dangerous rocks some tve-aoly miles to the west of the island. When on the rocks a '1111111 ,11 1101111 111'0140] 011 the fishermen 11(t ore mut 1 erl to regain their boat and w, 1 . fore,s1 to leave thrir.co(11nn,nion alone en liv' Skerries. Giving himself up for haw, the mall sat down to await the earl, when to his surprise a Hifi' seal rl.,'lla^rd up to hint 1111d said, "If pm will pr0uliee la„ that you v,ll civ,• 111.. bade the skin of 154 1301 I will tau you an illy hack (0 your hems,. Toe man promised to do tills, 1•-hrroun,n the seal took him and swam safely through the angry at (0 the i l -d The elan rr tn.enlln ,•eri his prolni: e and r,enl. to fitint011vrie I where the sn-,i.skino were stored. and pa:e 111e skin to 031e sell :v iy year after this event a la1 se ea al could he seen in ITalnnevoel 0(1 111e tie t4': a towering Perk nem- . $noldl e4nek, the cU,;.;le wee wont to nest each year, and many of the tele birds were dolt, although n'.rn of Phe young , a5les were .,v 1. 1 long time 1-44' an ,'a!:le 0101(1, (00a Iamb from the main lend across and. N"end, (ll'rlt)tted it still alive :.1. tic, 0101t of 'lid -Setter, wle-ro Ste111)111, (01114 pie11. rt no by a boy who •.-,,;; In a field al the limo, This la1.lt, llm- vivod, and In time 9111(m "11 a tin 111. - her of ane sh^:'p to the, folk 0t roe little croft, Lying' near the dangerous wee: - coast of 18ht'lland, the inland 1(l' Pa1a1 Stour and the treacherous Ve :Ilea - ries near it have been the see nee of many a. (Dents( re ship wrec0, wi1.1) the, loss of hundreds of 118 1, to the. year 17.1(1, dnrim:, the 11101)(11 of December, the Sara, a ship of Leith, was lost near Papa. She io'1an:;e11. to Ji1.111011 Ilhlekwolltl, "a merchant in London," and Ralph Braun, "shipmaster in Leith," who ens also the master of the Saa'a, Fif- teen years later, In 1725, a larg,l ves- sel, unknown, was wrecked on the Ve Skerries, while in the year 1740 a large 1)tulish ship, Die Frau Re - bocce, Bin:abet, of Apenrade, was driven ashore in a gale and wrecked. All the crew perished and 11 bodies were natured, six being buried at the expense of the session, to preveet them from "being eaten by dogs and sw(n0," life Frau Dobecca was laden with baulks of timber 10 to 36 feet in length, of which about 100 drove ashore, providing plenty of wood to the Papa folk, On July 14, 1750, a large ship belonging to Copenhagen, laden with a cargo of sugar and rum from the West Indies, was lost on lt"ugla Skerry, and a large Quantity of sugar, caked with salt water, was washed ashore. The islanders, never having 50011 sugar in this form before used the lumps for stools to tilt ou, until with the warmth of t110 housed the sugar began to molt, and tho artreet taste wee dlsoovered, Repairing HAVING taken over the Work Shop at Ander- son's Garage 1 and pre- pared to make repairs on all kinds of cars, • Call and give us 0 trial. Lorne Turvey DETRICT. NEWS GREY (Intended for last week). • Miss Mary lireck,nl idg.', 10 ,, t i, , spel1114110(4'04 at her houre, 2nd Ceo. (leo. anti alts. 'Turner, S1e.varl. and Evelyn 11ullnlul to 30101111diur•, on huodtty, 11ist ; Gertrude Sangster and 1: 1- t yr Ito lduhg, of Deponit, ate hose' for as 11.11. Toe Met .rt,r ken, Mrihmald and le Jariclin 1aulili, 0 motored to Point: Ohok, un Sumbiy. ilio'. Geri tele \Vends, Srratfoi'd, visit'•il with her (amides, Will, met Eva 11311'0m,, over the week -end. 1, McAllister and Mf, Guthrie, rf (luelph, held meetings 111 the meeting- - house, 2nd Con., on Monday. They C‘7011" well attended both afternoon and evening. BELGRAVE n Mastet Rnlison Bone is spenelieg 1 501110 time ill Toronto. George McKetlzie is spending his vacation with his parents, ije, It. and 1 Ars. McKenzie, of the village. Rev. and Mrs, Durrant are visiting friends around Belgrave. Mr. Dar - rant was a former minister in 13e1- grave, 1411s. Harry Campbell and her sister, Mee. J. L. MIcOallnm, also hilene Me- (Thilnln are visiting relntivrs at Os'en Sound. `i'he \Vowell's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Rnht. me0rae, 1(t 1 Londeshorn', on Tuesday, August 18, Itis hoped that all the met11he1'9 will be able to attend this meeting. The regular 0051155 of the Ladies' Aid of Knox United Church is being held of Wednesday afternoon, in the basement of the church, at 2.30 o'ciock. All the ladies of the con- gregation ale tegnested to be press t ent, BLUEVALE Elden McKinney spent the week - enol with his brother, W, I3, McKin- ney. Russell McKinney, of Toronto, is snendnlg a few days with relatives - liere, P. 0. and Mrs. (lardiuet• u11d dough,, or, Vera, event S(Odav at the Indio 1 t ilium. and Airs. Cud mei Seafo'th. 1Hss .ltulet. Cho k, who spelt. her 1'"lidays 1N the h' 1114' cf For pat put.', Wm and 511s Cho let here has ret. q rued In 'Put (mt.. tvl ir' -An., will hike , uu her at the upenii f; , i' the uhillinety 81.11.1011. ETHEL Inc Nit'hul.on 1.' -1w1•tin,1 a 1(100 r.• 1+, Chrysler ysler eeup , (1 lri ;rid 21, . 1'I ;r.t, a' . cd„ 1 1( enjny:1(1!' t•un.lr: rvlc,nm in (hlr l.,h 111,1. s under. Noble tend Mrs. 1i 1r e and young on. of Tel Intl th (I Mollis¢.• :1 ••n11 - p10 of we„ k in l;th 1 Mrs. Lob rt 1 . u, en 1•, In rk„bly well the lad. we I . 1)11! able t'' sit on ,•v.rY 1'.1ilr'1 ('191,• N01i lu}' Iv.+- r.', II ..de- la1t•d u1 1u, 11 h:- 1:1 ntui i1, iii u , '1C htt 11111 i{ 1;:t1'1. Th, pl oi' !alien , r0 ; I In i, ,lo ., "I ,0 the i'un. Mm. Quest 1 ',b r n. (1• t •'u :it 11,1' Li'(1e I 111.1ia. r1p1.,_ . .,.1, ' .1,111,.1 I,I lt,)p tee: b. n n .n; 1. 11'11,day in 1 ,„1„r1 ilr,, ,l, A. 11.81101(111! 1454 144'1,•. 511 vi.,i: ('11,u11.; in Tilbury and \1`ett- puke r 1((i 111,1, and sister bare gout, on 11 meter trip to I 1111sa., :11.1 Otli..r point,: of interest. Any person wishing to joint the class for the Domestic Seien00 (,eel's,: please have their nun with 11r:. Carr at the Library, _Monday, Wed- nesday or Saturday or with Mrs-. G. Kreuter'.. Mrs. i_aac Gill and MissBeryl are leaving shortly for Essex to vieit son and grand -daughters. Alrs, Gill has returned home aft -'r spending the last three month with her sister, .Mrs. Dilworth. James Wright and wife, Miss Jane McLennan, and Stuart McLennan, of llluevele, attended their aunt's fun- eral at London this week. Next Sunday afternoon Miss Kate Campbell, Missionary, will address the Presbyterian Congregation. There will also be a special eollectio'1, foe Mission work. The Lake Bakery is working full time the Flet few clays and putting out almost a thousand loaves of bread every day besides a good quantity of pastry. Our bakery is increasing in popularity every day which is a real boost to our village. The Women's Institute will hold their regular meeting and annual pic- nic on Thursday afternoon, Aug, 18 in the Memorial Park. There will be a program of sports. All women and children in the community are invit- ed at attend and bring lunch. Mrs. Hugh Berry, of Brucefield, ]s visiting het parents, John and Mrs. Smith. Ross and Mrs, Douglas and Olive, of T 0.0nto, are visitors at the home 0f Miss Duff. I .lame', B. (tray, F4 1011114'1' resident,. spent the week -end with his cousins, Andrew and ,Jessie Gray. Mine Dorothy McVettle, of Wind- ' sm', sang rt solo in the Presbyterian 0110rell, on Sunday morning ]4frs. \V J, 1111ft Is 1101 eihjnying the the heat 11 heal! h, at presant. 1'1 tends hope fat a speedy recovery, .01hett llanser, of Niagara Frills, N. Y., is -pending n. few days at the hnrue of his sister, Mrs. Rohs. Ait- rhesou. Mrs. 0. R. Brinker and Aaron and Airs. Brinker mid little sen, of San - 1111 -13y Minh., railed 1111 01d friends , 11e) e, this week. ,las. and Mrs, Boyd and Clarence and Mts. Raiz and con, Anton, of Waterloo, 9pe11t 1(11(111(7 1(t the home I of Jobe and Belle 11irt011, ' \Vnh. and 1(10. T',hinter and Miss 'Pear. of \Vinglulte, and Adam and Mr'. Isbi-ter, Bob and Joan. 00 Tor. mum were Sunday visitors at the , home of P. 13. Scott, WALTON 'l'honl'ts Archibald has invested in a new sedan. Jnnn Katt spent 111e week.eud in Totem to, 00 business, 51'000 eationds of livestock were I shipped from Walton, on Saturday. J. and Ml's, 1011(1510(1, Blyth, visited i Colin and Mrs, Fingland, recently, Miss Edith Bateman visited at H. 1 W. and Mrs. Roy's home, recently, I Mrs. W. 0111espi0 and little sen, of i Toronto, are at ph'esent visiting !Miss Annie Johnstoh, Miss Jean Arehibald' and sister, Mrs. Roy Whitfield. and 16d , Miller motored to Belleville, recently, and , visited friends there. Miss Beryl Ashton, who has been visiting her sister, AF's, W. E, Rad- ford, has returned 00 her home fn Gerrie, Rev. Mt, Snaith supplied in Duff's United Church, Walton, on Sunday, '0 the absence of Rev. W, 5. Moines, Mrs, Colin Fieglrald sang a solo, "'P0 I'hee I Fly," Albert Lott, of 13rme, els, will he in charge of the services, on Sunday, August 1418. re 1 ye Wanted HighestPrice roe all kinds of Poultry Paid Thomson BRUSSELS jot -Economical Timcspartatkni i4 I "1 1921) this C!i, et-, filet 2--4( "D ,.... .r. CC i<t Cih-e 4'r, > ,In 1927 tits C.•ial:vrolet 2 -door °)edcz)7 (Coach) Cost t h e year44) i '4'. Cs i !r ' '.t 1 the C!?cnl..,t of torlay and realize _:3rlica117 Ci'..; rrct.tt Iii".s revised all 03)11_ /]1U'.'. C;^. -z' Vu'a11C. Tt, tit.; 'Ci)„ ralpt illustrated here r 4 7the 1 h. ;t : tar]clards of c t,' ar'i ... at a pricy: of '411.795 (,, •.., 0 .:1,:a -7,,a) , over a t Guuarid dol- hrs. , :,0,a i.ilu;t urns Mayr today for a Chev- c.i •t that poss.:sac s style, luxury and re- finement un1 hc,u,.it-of in any car a few years ago In follo;ving its fund,r'nental policy of constant improvement, Chevrolet has built up a produc- tion :•-Tome n°"ces it first arnong all cars in the world. And Chevrolet has shared the sav- ings of volume purchasing and production, with the public by reducing the prices of Chevrolet cars. So. today you get a Chevrolet with amazing QUALITY in its every detail at a fraction of the cost of a similar model Chevrolet of seven years ago. c -220C PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTCPS O.1 CANADA, LIMITED � te,4Iost FRANK WOODS tVoJ 6/al r/ i c..,.1� in G3ievraet.Eni Joe and Mrs. Sharp and daughter, of Toledo, Mr. and firs. Matthews, of Forest, and Mrs. Ida Lowry, Brus- sels, visited their aunt, Mrs. Dilworth and other friends last week, Mrs. W. P. Davies, of Grand Forks, N. D., who has been visiting her mother, airs. Spence, left last week for Toronto where she will visit friends before leaving for her home. •telaierel e73ite It re,.,. roto11K1(,"00'(-• one 't. sts uce, I k k a. it a Sf.1 f.3 Of all items entering into the cost of crop production, labor is the one item that can be reduced, And the only effective means of reducing costs to a minimum is the adoption of mechanical power and modern farm 1i1,i, Beery. A Fcrdton farmer has a greater ca. Ccityfor work. He can accomplish 2 or 3 times as much as he did before and with greater ease and ct:,.veniesnce for himself. E<:+ n in 1 .,;13.' . ssib e larger acre,''.,.",4'o, sc"1'n un. i•.'.): icleoml C..i.:l.:' !s --at just th' right time. tin... e .1 .15 acres wheat often more rho 2 pa -is for a Fm,1:c_t. and sold to s^•; t e manhnrcl. It is 24c-11:IL:a .t that over 2010U0 are now its use on Our neon fat,1 r "1 bin You Should Knew BrforeY-cu ila;Y'cur Tractor" Wilt iml.rest you. Ask for a call. B. G. McINTYRE - Brussels CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS S i• k