HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-8-10, Page 1VOL. 56 NO, $ $2.00 per annum in advance a 3 .1 Cod (al AT PA VILION r sse s FRIDAY EV'G ug. I 2th Dancing from 8.30 until 1 Special Prizes Offered ? Town's .6 -Piece Orchestra Will supply the Music 1 ; We Sell THE • HIGHEST • GRADE 17`f?,IS AN' 'ssa Weston's English Quality Biscuits STRICTLY FRESH Ethel Bread Phone Your Orders "Service" Our Motto Elude r's Grocery in•••••••••••••••MMEIMMO. .00000.000 eraSerraerelf^leeteet"er_-.--. *.t..444.,-,:.-4,...:44.4....:464.4.44.1..-0-4.:44-c÷,+.04+.:4444-00,..44.4444•4:4.:44.,, , .* y. I he Surrounding District • IrE.We'sa-esttseteeenroa.:44-:÷Terottei-frreTtes.,‘“-ettittteettereisTores:»Tersirs444-teirsia+S-liietertee0 WROXETER R. J, ROAM is holidaying 1E1 1.`01 On- to Misses Er.ie and Marion Gamin are guests a friends in Kincardine. Raymond Rutherford, Tot t 0, visited old friends in the village, last week. Mies J. Ritchie has returned from an extended visit with relatives in Toronto. Mrs,a, A., Gib14011, Fne11wich1 Spent severaPtlays with her daughtiee, Mrs. A. Weaning, Mrs. Wfu, Patterson left this week for Nlanitoba, where she will visit with ielatives. Jos. and MIsi. Barnard. end daugh- ter, of London, were week -end visit- ors in the village. Miss Rona Van Velem', Wm. Rae. and Jack Edgar returned from Toron- to, where they have been taking Sum- mer 14001414149. BLYTH Mr, Culp, of Hamilton is the new manager of Bank of 001011terce. Rondmaster J, 14. Taman iN busily engaged in filling in the approaches to the ciemen bridge across Myth Ceeek, The bridge will he (men to baffle, in the amuse of a few days, In the i.e.:arrangement of ahont twenty staffs of the Canndian Bank of Cormneece, M. W. Telfer Inui been transferred from Blyth Branch Lo that nf Orediton, and left for his nett, ap- pointment, on Monday, Mr, Telfer hits been manager of this branch, for the past Mile years, (luring which time he. IRIS given general satisfac. faction, St. ilavid's Church HENFRYN Sth Sunday lifter Trinity --August 14 2 pan.—S. S. and Psible Class 3 pma—Evening Prayer Service, RECTOR Rev. Maurice Oldham. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 4. a• First Quality + + $ 4. + $ For S-3 i a t 1 .4- + 4. + + -V 4. • Jas. S. Armstrong Phone 2319 Brussels • BRUSSELS CHOPPING MILL Will be operated Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of each week until further notiee. JNO. LOGAN fortnet ly of Lond- on Not mal Scheel staff, has resigned the principalship of the piddle school, al Cornwall, Alia Tbenhold, a native of 131y111, is retiring after 49 yeats of teaching, fie will reside in Toronto. Tho erection of the new wriollen mill is steadily peogressing. Bainton Bros. have decided to make the steuctme a three storey instead of 2. as originally planned. It is expected that the building will be ready for the installation a the inttehinery, within a 111 On 111, Following en illness of the past three months. the death occuried on Saturday, of Miss Barbara Grace (3 ed - des, aged 20 years, of 834, Wellington street, London. The late Miss Ged- des Wag at P0110111414 141111114111 oP the Un- iversity of AVesteen Ontatio, having passed her matriculation, at the age of 17 yens, Miss Geddes was a ilangiffer Ithenee,er W. and Nits. (314(11145, formerly or Owen Sound and 13171 h. She received her public school and collegiate training at T3lyth, Owen Sound and Olinton, where she matriculated three years ar"m. She attended 'Permit.° No mill Sclinol own years passing with hon- or., at the (1(1110h111411111 a the school your. She en( net.' the University of Western 0iturin, at the beginning of the past term, but took ill alien t, May 1st, when she was forced 10 relinquish her 5011,101 slu dies. She was a weat- her of St. Andrew's United Church. She is eurvived by her paren Is and ix broehers, Lorne and Gra doe, of Toronto ; Oivde, of Jacksenville, Fleeide ; beet, of Powell Rivet', B. 0 ; Andrew and Donald, of Lond- on. The funeral was held from the residence of her )18 11411115, on Monday, and the set vice W319 entducled by Rev, Major A Gralism. BLIJEVALE A. and Nes, Coombs spent Smulay at litietti dine. J. and Mrs, Masters visited friends in Howiok, on Suoday. L. and MIS. BrONViri, of Hamilton, visited ft iends here, recently. John 1') 031141114, of Toronto, is at pres- ent visiting friends around here, Miss Mabel Onultes, of Toronto, has been home for 1491)11(1 holiday. R. johtieton shipped two cars of cattle and hogs to Toronto, last Sat- urday. Farmers are busy cutting • Fall wheat and barley, these days. They (419 1411 excellent crop, Reuben (Inertias is busy fitting up his threshing outfi), getting ready for a heavy season's work. Win, and Mis, Thornton are spend- ing is c etude of weeks salt)) relatives at 011.1180d and Ingersoll. Jack Hodge, of Toronto, 5)18141 11 few days with old friends around here, after an absenoe 0( 15 years. Ed. and Mrs, Coultes and D. John Coultes, of Philadephia, are spend- ing a few weeks with their mother here, O. Wells, of London, preached in the United Olituuh here, on Simday morning, in the interests of the Lord's Day A.Iliance, and gave a gond diss cones°. His fathee, Rey, Mr. Wells, preached at the evening service. The latter preached at Gorrie, about 25 years ago. A. very pleasant afternoon was 5)10111 31411 the home of George and Mrs. Oasernore, 10th Cott., when members 0( 5, S. Nn. 6 met in honoe of Mrs. Wm, McKinney, format! tetteher, and presented her with a kitchen shosver. The bride wee the recipient of many oseftil gifts, showing the high eel sem in which she was held, The after- noon was spent in games, after which hinch wee seived. The regular meeting of the Wein. en's Institute will 1)0 11141(1 at 19 1)01110 of Mrs. Alice Aitken, on Thuesday afternoon August, llth, at 2,30 o'clock. 'Ati address and demon - titration on "Mantel Training," will be given by 1,11414116 Hetherington of Tneonto. "Clothing and Dress 111 1714. lation to Character" will he given by Mrs, W. Leggatt) roll dall question drawer nonducted by Mrs. ,Inhnston, Mrs, Aitken and Mrs, Re Aitchison, BAUSSELS. O.% TARIO. WEDNESDAY, 4UGUS2' 80x 927 j. L. KERR, Frop2Yieicr NOW aaveressanents ' S tninee-w, 11. Waits sa•••.i. whens-Frea Teo( tin stalemate Farm for J. (41( 111414 at ray ,'d -114x ter s14.veu14..11 For .411N—Mex 1110,1411 cm,. 14' a smite 3.910-01133 tiro ID -Suter pig., for 80111-11 .1 ,101,otoutO P11:1(.,i; r,sw-es reletra)tee-rtbeii.ff PH, It Notice • .1-.1, N 14.41 trIthe ff ('11, 11 ,ervires• Itrus.e1,- Wan 3.1,313,11 IMai.v tor 3.3313.-Jav S. A rIost, one 1eer111.x.r-.1(rn,01., for ssle-9(ort,v,•11 11 (444413,11 Rlorler for ,l-1, 1')! Mot:slims Korvioe.-Sl.MiviS,33,11113,13.14enfrt s Tens And oeffseagekteter'sGrosery IV. A. (I riffi!he has retutated to Al on treat, aft spetidieg a couple of 414141' 0(4 with his family here, Quite a few from around here teok in the Old Bays.' 1114•11nion eelebra• (11111, at Godeeic last week. John Unclet wood brought clown another carload of Wes's, it horses, They ((('14 (111 young, eound animals. Mrs. Donaldson, Ma... Hutchison, itliee 13 Sand preen anti Nliss S. Orr have ret Mated TOverile, (111 1414 It few weeks' vacation at; their Suintnee home here, The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of Knox Pi esbyterien Church held t heir inceithlv meeting, in the school. room of the churell, on Thin sday aft - noon, .4,411411141 11111, and beth meetiegs Wet'P well attended. The Pres. of the W. NI. 8 , Mrs, C. H. (4arnies, presided, 'fille meet in s wne 1 svilh p11'(l.yl'I' hy Ales, Jae. Knott, and the Seri )1. 1411114 reading, Gal. 0, was read by Ol• ive Garniss, ,After the regular busi• ness, airs. 00001)1141441414'e a very inter- esting talk, giving a general nutline of the different Aliseinn fields ef the Presbyterian Church. H. B. 514141111'- 9011, 'IlIliOlIt pastor gregation, was praetor t antl tinged the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Raymond Elliott and Mrs. (.1, H, (4arniss were 1 hostesses. JAMESTOWN Miss Bessie Moses 91114111 a few days 3(1 13 end I tom last week, ! Mrs. H. Yetunens and James, of 1 Detroit, are ependi lig a fete weeks at the Mime of Mrs. Jas. Strachan, ID. L. Stritehan, 14. A„ wife and two child) en, of Port Elgin, are visiting at the home of the foemer's brother, C. Strathan. MORRIS Miss Cora Williamson, of Toronto, is holidaying with her nncle and aunt, Jack and Nit's. NleGill, Misses Mae and Ilene Wilkinson left on Monday for a holiday visit with friends el Canton, Ohio. They went, by boat from Port Huron, and will he gone a couple of weeks. A re -union picnic 0411.5 held on the afternoon of August Biel, at the Blur homestead, 5111 Oen. The afternoon was spent in fishing and sports. He. fore leaving for limns. a sumptuous luneh was served. Those Attie Barr family who Were present weep Mrs. Alex, Campbell, GaYlord, llieh, Mrs. Frank Coates, Ethel ; Mrs Walter Yuill ; Peter and John Barr. liTYR 114311114111) -George, the 8 -year- old son a 14514) L, tool Mrs. Bernard, 6111 line, most with ft painful accident about, three weeks ago, while playing with his older brother in the yard, 11)5 1(4)114 eye-bnll being pierced by the sharp corner of at pieee of brick. The little fellow %yes rushed to a 1014111 physician, who advised the services 0( 110 eye specialist, and lie was at once taken to Toronto, Where an op- ei•ation was performed, After 10 days' treatment in a hospital, he has returned home and we 10 14 glad to state that hopes are entertained foe a partial recovery, at least, 0( 11)8 eye- sight. A very pretty wedding was eolena- nized the Anglican (brach, at Li- nisville Lanark County, when Mige Annie, t'laughtee of George and ales. Ohainuey, became the bride of Robt, Laidlaw, son of Win, 0. and Mrs. Laidlaw, Sth line, Morris. The 0141'. 81110117 wati performed by Rev, Ale. Bruce, in the presence of quite a large assemblage of friends, Mies lngIi. of Wisconsin, was bridesmaid, and Ir- vine Wallace, of Blyth, supported the groom. After the ceremony, dinner was served 1114 1)14? heme of the bride's parents to about fifty guests, aftet, which the newly wedded couple left 011 (1 motor trip. M.1', and Mrs. Laid- law will take up residence near Wing. 111410, where Mr. Laidlaw is quite ex- tensively interested in fox farming. DENalre-WaRrilst.re-A quiet mar- riage of nauch interest to many of this locality 414II9 solemnized at the home of the bride's mother, near Steatheoy, on the afternoon of Wed- nesday, August 8rd, when Ethel h- ens, eldest daughter oP the late W. R. Wardell and Mrs, Wardell, be- came the bride of Obarle9 Melville Dennis, younger son of Ernest and Mee. Dennis, of Morris. Rev, H. E. Livingstone performed the ceremony in the presence of only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom, Promptly at two o'clock, the bridal patty took their places in the dewing room beneath a pretty arch of pink mut white streamers centred by a white 04511(1)114 1)1.11 The 1)1 )1153 who oats unattended, was gracefully gown- ed in rose sandalwood georgette with torn/tee of Swiss embroidery and car - 'vied rt, bridal hoqiiet of roses. MPS, Harold Thomas, Ole groom's sister, 04)10 Wile very dainty in her bridal gown or silver gray flat crepe, played the wedding music, After the sign- ing of the register, the guests repair- ed to the dining -room, where a de - 110)01(5 III ilelleM3 ehla served hy Misses Grace and Elsie Wardell, tile. tees of the bride, and Miss,i Inez Wardell and Padua Oliver, cotteins of the bride, Honored guests for the Sof GAME all vs% flilorticriefr MONCRIEFF PARK friday Ev5q, Aug. 12 commencing at 6.30 S I le it'. sre S I Don't Miss It 1 ttlatuld lie a snappy game let 141 tatuna are out to via. The 14(1(5 at Nviimiatta was 8.9. oncrieii Shori Personal aragraphs Park 11 3 Niri 1 be held on Friday). August 19th Program commences at 1 p. m. Soft Ball Tournament MEN'S LADIES' Prize,. $12 $8 $5 Prin, $7 $5 $3 FOOT RACES FOR YOUNG AND OLD The well known 1 BRUNSWICK TRIO of London Will render a ConeertProgram (Rata or sliaal Ranging Pavilion Refreshment Booth occasion were the bride's go tunipar• puts, 11141317 and 31)s, Oliver, of littathry, Guests rt,,,t) a distance were Ernest and ails. 1/10111s, Mite; Eva Dennis and Harold and Mrs. T[10111338, all Of Morrig, and Harvey Dennis, of Glencoe. Later in the aft. ernoon, the happy couple left, by mot. nI for their home, the hride travel - hug in a gown of blank georgette, rose.beige coat with white the trim- mings /Ma small, white hat, Mr. and 'Mts. Deuins will take tip them PE SI - &nee on the groom's farm, on the Sth am. Grey ' wp. Sgarittsis PanTv.-A very jolly surptise patty was held on 31 miday evening, August, 113t, when the 84111- 01111114 Excelsior Bible classes of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. 'Nellie Wendell, near Strath - 14147, to do 1101(0( 10 Miss Ethel Ward- ell, btidiaelect. After a delightful program, MIAs Wardell WEIS 140 149(10141411 with 11141101V111' of miscellaneous gifts arra token of the best wishes of the yam's; people of the chtlech. Miss AVardell thanked her :blends in a few suitable words, and a delicious lunch was then served. GREY Miss Doris Wheplee, Listjwel, is to gueet at the home of he uncle, S. Wheeler, Sth con. Miss Bertha Smith, Wroxpter, is spending a few days at the home of 0. and Mrs. Smith, Thos. McLatichlin, Harding, Mall., is visiting his Menlo% A. McLaucli- lin, 110111! gravel road, and also D. McDonald, 6111 nem W. W. awl Mrs. Mer'edith and daughter, Elva, of Hamilton, are holidaying at the home of James S. and Mrs. Armst rong. 91.11 con. John and Mrs. Melaichin and their daughtet , Irene, and Miss Sadie (1)11. ('1)115, of i art oil, were guests of Jno, and Mrs. [toward, during the week. Charles NI, Delude and bride have get nicely settled in their new home recently leased (tom W. A. Lamont 9th rem We welcome them to the (1011110l1 ((117. Dave Lamont, '04110 1)1(9 been visit- ing at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. Hollinger, 811) con., and other friends, left for his borne at Melita, Man , on Toesday. He motored back, Cuetis Stevenson. nf Santa Monien, Cal. ; Wellington and Mee. Wilson, and Misses Madelene and Alma Old- ham, of Toronto, are visitots with Wm. 0, Stevenson this week. WINS PRIZE P Nyal On.. of Windsor, published a contest, recent- ly, the object of which 04315 to see how many words could be built out of the letters in "Nyal Stone. Root." R. L. 'Cavlor, of Grey.built 3829 words and got second prize and re- ceived a substantial cheque from the Nyal Oct He was very well satisfied with his planing, as he was well emu e of the factthat he was up against the best educationalists it. Canada. 013PrUARY,-The death occnrred in Atwood on Friday evening. Atigust (1)1, of Annie 141eNeil, danghter of the late Peter McNeil, after a lingeving illness. She was born on Lot 28, Con, 14, Grey township, and RI ew to young womanhood here. After the death of her father and the breaking up of the old 110018 51)5 went West 10 1111418 her home with her brother, Dan; Mc- Neil, a3. Estevan, Sask. While there she held a position with the Tele- phone company, and for 4 years was drug clerk in D, L. letvin's drug store until failing health compelled her to resign and seek rest in a sanitorimn. Recovering somewhat she came East where, with the exeeption 01 tt short 11111415 111 TOrOn 1:0, 9110 has made her home with her ennsin, Mrs. ,Tames Duncan, Atwood. In spite of all that loving 014140 311)11 medical skill could do bee health eon linoed to fail until the end eaMe and site pseeed away trust- ing where she could not trace. A private service, conducted by Rev. Me, Rains, Presbyterian 1111111514P1' 01 OvangtWille, wits bela t the louse on Sunday afternoon and interment was 13114110 131 thanbrook eernetery. The pall bearers were David Tirorndyke, Ti' 'Richmond. Bert. Forrest, W. Me.' Outcheon, and Lorne and Lloyd Val- lanne. She 18 5171041141411 by one broth- er, Dan. A., in Estevan, and enueln, Mrs. James tioncati. She will be Kra- ig missed by the many warm Mende she 41114(10 (1111)04 her Inng illnees and to whom she daily talteit lesanns of patience and courage. Deceased wee a member of the Presbyterian chureh and also a Life Member of the W. If, Seeiety. Adults 350 Children 150 Which includes Aftarno It and El.,sita; I JOS, MeEtve, MARTIN FERO, President Secretary 1 Mrs, Ruby Barton mid e», of Atwood, wine guests of Jalin and Mt s. Howard, during the week. Wgeos ! Wgems 1 - What is the matter 1414414 )1 our COLI131 it and Pat ol- men re the noxious %seeds, thistles, oxeye dairies situation ? The tools are choked with them, aial some farms ate at Melmee to the (0101 ity-just a seed -bed for growing weeds. An attempt at a cleatimp has Leen made in some places by cut- Ong a swath or two with the mower -a mere pretence at weed killieg. Get out the I rods wide, It is nem- pulsot y and the situation is Fel 13,08,' Wake up, men 1 Dena be tools to the public -be servants, Thank you. A WEED KILLER, and an over•burdened tax payer.. Hugh and Mrs. McKay, of Ethel, weee heat and hostess at a family re- ,' 11v. and Nits, ,a, '*V. fi,ulii [hell vaention Me. Join, thinnittehatsi left -11 nrday 03 a! 1,13,1 ..11 041 li M 3, 3.311 . 3.3 3-0,343 It.t. Am,. 111111 Mts. 111- stroug so.s, aadat, 11(1111 spent Tuesday aft,. ertionn in Ethel, vallies; on old Dienes. sue. '13, 111, lifelinkti, of Listowel, ott an's. E. (i, howl y, on Sun- day Ott -town], 3)) Lena /punned last Thursday hp Moira for North Bay, after his holiday., at the parental home, Nir, and Aire, Well., f Glacletone. 14at1 were visiting reeently with David and Aire. Cunningham. air and MI's Speirs mad family, 3,f Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with Ithe Sides Mid :41eQ11(1r1 fruit' lie., SVe are glad to see Miss Muriel 14p,11 (,11 again 1311(.1' her (Ter. 111 11(13 for the reinnval of her tonsils. 13. W end Airs Fergmen mill Prank , atel Mrs. AVmals 111") 0) t'' thel,a - • 13111 /11111 spent Tlitirstley at the lake. side. 31, and mra yaneek And 30e rntit (1r. ed 11, T011,1110, hist AVednesday. Thee tenk heel( their yeung visitras to the Pity. ?Nal Lewry, of Kitchener, visited at his home he) e, On Sunday after- noon, with his parents, Ea (4. :nal Alrs, Lowly. Nliss A (1(171114 Arnistiong, of ('(11'- 14 (31), (4 111 01)) at 311,- le 111•• her grandparent., Jas, and Nils. ; stis Mora Sti Day.• Lamont left 11/1 Monthly to motor back 1411 Melita, 373111., after spending the Inset eouple of weeks in and around lit mads. Mrs. Al. Searlett, of '1'01301 to, who has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. John Cunningham. returned tn Termite, on Monday. arre, A. Agar, 0('mount Forest, (led snit, AVilliani, of I7aneuelk, Sask., were calling on Mt's, Rolit. Dark, last week, l'hei hidies ari. co -mine. Miss Lorene Prattoia, of Oshawa, wise renewieg old arquainuttires it) Mussels, during the past week, the , guest of Mts. Jas. Speir and daugh- ters. R. W. Brown, druggist, of Tot'onte, spent a (mple of days hi town, this week, with J. L. and MIS. Kerr. He wag accompenied home hy h1451511414, rifles Lyl. Brown, and Airs. 13roadfoot 'and sus. I Sand y Broad foot and rid 1,1 ren, born ; 'ruckerstain 11, spent Sunday with Relit. and ails. Dark, The 1,011145 ale emisins et :are Dark. The Canada Steamship Lines, Lim- Red, at the 3 tamest nf the Canadian pleeed the steamer "Caynge" at the dis tinsel "1 13. R. H. The Prima. Walee, H. 14. H Pei nee 001.LE" 511(1 I he Himnralde S11a10et, H(11,1Win and 11/11 ty, 011 8011 - day, AllttlIst 7.11. They emliarkeil at 8 15 p 111 , Lewiston, N. Y , for Toronto, and had dinner on bents). 141)431.1' F. Lawry holds the nosittaa , f Pi '141' en this lama, sod is R grvn of. 14 G. and Mrs. Lnwry, of tewn, (101011, (114111 (311 .141.0)1051 • guests included Alex. and Mts. Mc- Kay and family, of Atwood ; 3(1)0 I mid Mrs, Howtati, of Al eneriolf ; Rod- erick tool Mrs. McKay and family, of Ethel ; Aligns aleKtsy told family, StrassIturg, Sask ;3lls. Rally 1341 tet, and ehildren, Ate ood ; 3115 Rey Clelland and ohildt eta Listowel, and Mrs. Roy AlcDonald and children, of Henfeyn, also kite, Wilson McKay and Airs. Chitties Newhatter, Listowei, Lunch was prepared at the parental home, after which the company 114 - paired to the park, where the tattles svere daintily spread and lunch eery - ed. The gathering' was perticrilarly intelesting from the fact that it in - eluded four generations. MATRIMONIAL -A. quiet, but pretty wedding took place at the United Church parsonage, Ethel, no nett - any, August 314(1, when Elva Mae, third daugater of Roderick and Mrs. MacKay, was united in marriage to I Harry Wells, of Wingliam. The eel. - P1110117 04/1.9 performed by Rev. D. 81. Guest. 71)14 141111114 was attired in 11, philt silk melte de (them. dress (1)111' (1>9(1 with lace and ornanielits and carried a boquet of sweet peas and carnations. They were attemled by the bride's father and tnot her. After: the ceeemony, amid showers of con- fetti and happy eonglatulatione, they left on a honeymoon trip to Kitchen- er, Niagara Falls and Toronto, On thele return, the yourig 0011 plv will reside at the gromn's home in Wing- I htuu, May their joys be many and their troubles few. Entered into Rest.-- Last irrilay evenIng Clara Levine Askin, beloved wife of John Steiss, passed away at the age of 58 years, 4 months and 18 days. She was born in }Talton Co., and was a daughter of the lat.= John Askin, coming up to Grey Township when a child. Some 38 years ago llte d eased was united in marriage to her now bereft portlier and a ' danghter, Mrs. Geo. Evans, survives. The late Mrs. Steiss is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Jno. Grant, of this township, and three brothers, Samuel Askin, of Stratford; Jno. of Raymond, Ont.; Nelson, of Bent River, Ont. Mrs, Steiss has been in poor health for some time, having undergone an operation last fall and a second ono three weeks ago. The funeral was held from her late home on the 9th con., on Monday after- nOnn, and the services were in charge of Rev. Mr. Williams, of Oranbrook Presbyterian church, of which de- ceased was a member. The pall- bearers wore: Isaac Askin, Wit -LIMA Askin, W1 son Lvans, John ;ran , Charles MeQuarria, James Moses. A- mong the many beautiful floral tri- butes wore:—Pillow, Mr. and Mrs. S. Askin; spray, Lorne Taylor and mot- her; spray, John and Mrs. Gaynor; pillow, John and Mrs. Grant and family; spray, A. and Mrs. ,Treklin and family; cross, Mrs. John Hunter and family; spray„ John and Mrs. Wilson; spray, ,10.and Mrs. F. and Mrs. Woods; spray, C and Mrs. hlleckort; basket, John and Mrs. Beinnewies; spray, H. and Mrs, field; spray, Mrs. W. C. Steiss and family; spray, Wilson and Mrs. Evans and family. The floWer bearers were :— Airs. S lava T ronto, 11)18 (1 (.I Sici 11, 1 1.114,0, was in 1,1, y . visiting at. .14 1, 1 J1,11j g 10 ( 1- it in 703', (113', 4.(1 H. 1). (4'.1t, )14'g143'i...-00141' ttt the is (1 1.3.34). (.0 his hoii. days. (1,,th a 11. ((ill's) of Ina aunt, Abb. H. G. Lowty, (111' 14 master Walker II omplo ey is spend - leg his holidays v. int, hie grandpar- 1 (.1,1., S. and 141,4, \Valk t.1 Miss 147 >01111 111)11.11 1111 is spending a otatple 34 eeka with he, unele and aunt auk stwl AVttod F. 817.141,11 1.4 PO twIn end 411314, 1701'. 041)1, of ...pew a fow days with Rohl ate( M Dar 1, 311,o'3" Hat tie Ilea -mug sintl Carrie Alethaelen Pre +14%(I7 Torl.7.03. 141)3,l I end the 4411 allot, of 1431 11''ll( ion A asa,etatifli. J Leslie (ano)1hell, eon a matt pa. out1103'1). 408114(14, Torool where' M. Will ',ilia,: tel el the 1)14,111. 1,11'', f Tet-atseny lilies Finn Al, Call entertaived a 111I101sq• (4 14, 11. tr ,,1111 1.1- att.,' peen in..ror. of hoe 411..4, 1.'l,t 511141 h, Uxbridge. '.11te (leen, f , '(111 ,1 (a, II, 1,7011 r.1 . 1. got tit Clay. 7105' W./. /' 7, T.131,4 ton, and Wel(. 011 Ireir 04137 (El the Old 111111,3.11 1 M .. 1;1 39). .1 4 `;11,11 = ,1 . r ArfeI.een. +.1 . 31,.‘,.. Elsip 14'4.1,!` E('L(111((. ei'd MI and Ahs, (ait.airgle, 01, of 11 0,1041-, were eneste of Mrs Will 14 '1', 111114 i( the 1 past wr ek Mrs It. V Kilostriek. thin/el:1Y 111130(1.13, ef Bottle Creek, Mieb., eed Ices. canuo... 1 oo, (f..11/13,r'y Miss 14.31 I Int itioxweill, Of f4a14.-141, y. wet, ,0.14, 1,0,11 I visiting Aire. S, met., stel ill's'', old friends, irg the ola Ht. cs' Re - I Union. 'rises- are sisters '.f 'Jimmie" Maxwell, of Morris. at fl riti friende Wele Wad 10 welreme them hark to the old town. Dan. and Mrs. 'Penmen end Mrs. Ed. Bryan,. spent Suodey in Walker- ton with Dr. and Mt, Field and earn_ ily, ot, en .s, 11t111. Mps. 111714115 1111(11 Iter daughtei, Miss Ere, leave this week for Lethbridge, .Alta.„ to visit Dr. Will, 13, vans end reality for a 31300 111 or so. We Wi3•311 Mrs. 11)yas and Miss Itiv31 a pleteornt tor and a safe return. Nirs. 1317111)5 left for T(31301110, on Weil riosda mot nit tg. 31 114,, Bes-le Menanus, of London, rot minty 11 11,ussels 1 eaeher. enefi %Al Torsi/11n to at tend the Wet Id Feder - Minn 01 I4dnr,ttio,, Aaaoefot iotta, tero- v,seoritiv the Qt.rontisty 1414.141(141 14 of the Pet. t•hat I,,Otrtte of T...1 (11 11. 311so 147, CA 111 1" VP (`11 the 5neie11 1,0(1,11141w, fir the enneention, at which 115 itt•ttott itts 04111 he t.ertzte- $011ted with a taint (11 1:01(-,11 Of 1111(1(11 1 /1114I Miss Knott, '4"elatarY of the T '1 44' Nati(ole. 11.) [Aquino, rPnteaeot titP T.rimary tettoberS at III, P01(41(.59. Alex. Steisi, Elmer MeQuarrie, ()sear Settler, William Grant. John Schnoek Wesley Abraham, Bert Askin and Al- lan Doemier. Interment was made in the Cranbrook cemetery. CRANBROOK Maleolin and Mts. Engel 11.13C1 3114e, Beget, 1401 Con., were al Stratford, on Wednesday (13 111"). week, attend- ing the (unreal of the late 3118. J. E. Williams and little daughter, Bet! y, victims (1( 1411 auto accident near Til- bury, on Sunday morning, July 3151 Mr. Williams WAS also seriously in- -lured and is still in the hospital at Chatham. The late Mrs. IVilliams was it COUSill to Mrs. er. MONCRIEFF Angus McKay, and daughtere, Gertrude and Mildred, and son, Law- rence, were guests for the patit few weeks at their relatives' homes in t ey Twp;, 10(110111(4 14 distance of twenty - Linea hundred miles from Steassburg, Sask. Moncrieff G'irls' Softball team lost their first league game. on Thursday evening, at Monevislf This, en donbt, will be gratifying to the mar- ried ladies, lobo have caused so much discord in Ole district. The 1114101.671141 softball game be. tween Winglorm (11111 Monetietf, will he played nn Friday evening, Augnet 12111, tit 6 80 o'clock, Don't miss it. This should be a sneppy gnme, lig b01111 t14311115 are on t to win, The Renee at. Wingloun Was 8-0 ETHEL E. A. and Mee. Frances and 5011, Keith, and Frank and 191's, Bryans and son, Billy, of Hamilton, spent a few days with Soseph and 3( 15, Ames, The death of Mrs. Martha Halls, widow of ,T. 15. Halls, cermet. 1)41111 (11455 men of Ethel, °centred suddenly at Woodstock, Tuesday of last week. She 04318 51) years of age, Phe late Alis, Hells WWI tan II and brought. up at Clifford, arid spent a geeat part of her lire theta. She resided in Mit- chell for some years, and three years ago moved so Woodstoolc, whete the late Mr, Halle was the proprietor of the feast End Baker Ye Surviving her are 1 Robert, Meriel, Jaek and Kenneth, of Woodstock ; Nes, I. J. Devidson and Clifford. of Detroit ; Alis, W. 1-) Fat.rww, Simi:feta) Paul T. A. Halls, of Mitchell, One eister 10 Vancoaver, one brother 3>1 Wends stock and six grandchildren also sur- vive, THE ,m/icx.Ay — Hugh and Mts of lithe,. had the pleasant; .4 1(114 ,1,4 fir it 14i,1,5,111411.• 1.401. 1111(1,11i1d1 1.11 (111(1 t 41(411(1'011'1;1mo,, tlt(-.t. at 11(1411 home here, Thnisday, August- 4:h. Later, they went to the Memorial Palk, where the after nom, was spent in social diet ilea games. 4411 ,pshots were taken or, he fArtilip. Litt er. e - f reshmen is Were 1.4el.Ved. Tli,,se in es - put were : Alex and Mrs MacKay and family, of Atwood 1 Jelin Red Mrs. Howard ned family, Gtey ; 7301104" 1010 and Ales. AlaeKay end family, of Grey ; Armin; MacKay and foully. nf $14145149110( g, Sask. Four 0( 141114 family were not preeent : George, of Sask- atoon Nits, 14. Cappens, of Duval, Sask. ; Mrs. It Muskett, A•ancertrer, 13. C., and Mrs. R. Hale, of Column, One of the principal events was tITe cernitm of 11114)1' son, Angus, and his rem I ly filar) the West, They left for their me, on followiug morning., being here on 11 three weeks' motet )i')(, Miss Freida Sehneller, of Brant- ford, is spending a whi;le with Mrs. P. N. Currie, Misses Rhea McLelland and Eliza- beth Fear returned home last week after taking a special summer course in Hamilton. John and Mrs. King, and Rev. and Mrs. D. M. Guest attended the funer- al of the late Eva 13etwell at Atwood on Monday. The deceased is a niece of Mr. King. There was a large congregation at the United Church on Sunday even- ing when a special Baptism service was held. The ladies choir rendered two appropriate numbers. The fol- lowing were baptized: Dorel Laver- Vodden, Jean Marie Cochrane, Roy Clifton Wilbee, Eldon Kenneth Gilkinson, William McKee Dobson. .A quiet wedding was solenurized at the United Church Parsonage OIL Wednesday last when Rev. D. 61. Guest united in marriage Elva May MoKav„ doughter of Roderick and Mrs. MeKay, Con. 4, Grey and Harry Wells, of Whighant After a brief honeymoon the young couple will re- side in Wingham. Sunday school will be held in the United Church every Sunday morn- ing at 10.45 until further eminence - meet is made. The change in time seems quite suitable to everyone as there hos been a good increase in attendance the last couple of Suns days. (Mere Ethel tieIve on Page 6)