HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-7-27, Page 8WEDNESDAY, JULY 27th, 197, THE BRUSSELS POST Toilet Requirements FOR Summer Days Ordono 40c and 60c Rexall Nice 35.c Georgia Rose Bath Salts 76c JonteclCorr b'''•Cream 50c Rexall Foot Powder 25c Frer,ch Bairn for Sunburn 25c & 50: - Shampoo Paste 35c Gly, erine Sao p 2 large cakes 25c Jonte'el cold Cream Face P.v er Baa a . .,5 Your Films TAKEN Al' THE RE -UNION Have them Developed and Printed at our stop:. :Eastman Films liodaks • Brownie Cameras Kodak est:pp:les �b~dus l For Your Correspondence A Waterman Fountain Pen There are a large number of models to choose from and are priced at $2.51'• and up. Fine Writing Paper to suit the pen— by the Quire, in Pad or in Papeteries Waterman's Fountain Pen Inks, 15c and 25c bots. Our Album . With the Snap Shots of the Girls and Boys of yesterday, Pictures of Foot Ball Play- ers, Groups at Picture_, Sports, 6.c. When in the store have. a look through it. Special fur This Week One Gillette Razor One Gillette Blade One Tube Rexall Shaving Cream All for Take advantage of this very Special Offer while the supply lasts. F. a SMITH rC H •' peie? end `'tatinner Brussels United Church ;BEV, A, W. BARKER, E. D. MINISTEAi Sunday, July 31st, 2 2 n.m.—Public Worship. Subject "The Challenge of the Cup" Followed by the Sacrament 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes, 7 p.m.—Public Worship. Theme "Gladiators of Faith" Card of Thanks. The undersigned wish through the Post to extend their thanks to the many neighbors and friend: and the officers and members of Weetertt Stat Lodge, for their many thoughtful acts of kindness shown daring' the short sickness of huband and ftthee•. It will never be forgotten. . Mrs. Some;s and Sons Improvements. Il,: e• ee Lute -deer had his store paint- ed; Downing Bros. had their store front painted. Lew. Williamson has had his house newly decorated. 1i til. Clouse has had his. home repainted for the reunion. MrF. Moore had the front of the, Variety store painted in a good old red color. CASE OF SEWING and VALUABLE Note Book., lost on I'ridec on the gravel between Jamestown and 11.4 miles South, Leave at Post or notify S. E. llc\air, Phone 47-.3. LOST --A Band Wedding Ring, lost on the ,Alain street Tuesday morn- ing during school parade. P1eas -":"t' e:k leave at The Post. li-:?- Lost a Bag of Sugar, 100 lbs, be- LocalNews ItemsLost Senssels and my lames on :t: r the. 1 ,th con. Jack Mcllonah,a . w» .. 27-14. 6-1. . Phone I Ph n Council Meeting. The regular meeting of the Town Council will be held on Monday even- ing next. Will be Moving to Essex. Wm. Clou_e, who has been working} in Detroit, for some time, has ac, ettt- I ed a position with the Nailer-Osbore Co., of Essex. aucl the fans?; 'intend 1 moving shortly. A Small Fire. The decorations in the win lots of H. A. Allen's Drug Stora, caught fire last IN evening, and it was a merry little fire for a few minutes. The Brigade was not called out. 1 Some of the Lights Went Out. The fuse in the transformer at the Ford Garage corner, blew out Sitar-' day evening and left some of the stores in darkness for e time. Later. I in the evening the trouble was fixed. 1 Card of Thanks. The undersigned wish to thank he many neighbors and frien 1e for this many thou_htful acs of kindn. < during the illness and death of the late John Cunningham. It wag much 1 appreciated by the family. Mrs. John Cunningham and Family. From St, Williams. More than 5,000.000 trees haaio already been distributed this year from the reforestation area a: St, Williams. Trees to the nulnbee of 8:00 am given free to an individ- ual, while a small charge i:, made for growths in excess of .:hat number, the farmer in each case pays the transportation costs. New American Stamps. Instructions from the pose office department at Washington contain the information that a 10 -cent Lind- bergh special air mail stain ), issue i last month, is obtainable for co1- lectors. Soon after August 1, the department will issue Lwe new 2 - cent commemorative stamps to he known as the "Vermont Sesquicen- tennial" and the ""P,nreroyne Cam- paign." This will be of interest to local philatelists, most of whom have just received their Canadian Confed- eration specials. Wilton—Taylor Wedding. At the home of Mr, and Ars. Wm. 1 J. Taylor, Varna, Ont., a beautiful quiet wedding was solemnized when their daughter, Pearl May, vas mar- ried to Joseph Stanley Wilton, of Brussels. At 12 o'clock with Mrs. , 1 Shrink playing the Wedding March the bride, wearing powder blue geor- gette with silver trimming and carry- ing a sheaf of sweetheart rows, en- tered escorted by her father, and met the groom in front of a bank of roses and ferns, The ceremony was read by Rev. F. G. Fowler, of lirns- gels. Afterh t e ceremony the guests were invited to the dining room where a three course dinner was served. The Briders going -away dress was of Sand Flat crape with bat gloves and shoes to match and a coat of navy blue with trimmings o1 same Immediately after dinner the happy petiole left V b motor for Detroit Mich:, where the honeymo•)n will be spent. They were the recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts which indicated the high esteem in which they are held both in Varna .r and Brussels. Mr, and Mrs. Wilton n • will toake their home in Brussels, st New Signs Out. Signs were ereeted at ea•'h end r the town with the usual woted_r1g:- "Welcome to Brussels" on the revere side, "Good-bye, can again" — but why the mourning colors. The post are painted in black paint. Sneak Thieves. During the Reunion at nitt1st come sneak thieves were quite busy and no doubt they were outsiders as this e something unusual in town. -Many water guages were taken off the car., parked around on the various streets. Fire Tuesday evening. Shortly after 0 p.m, the lire alarm was sounded nn Tuesday evening as fire was discovered in the totwd hall. How the hack curtain on the stage caught fire is a mystery and it was totally de.troyed. A chenrcel soon put out the hlazo which tight have caused serious damage. Kinburn Wins Intermediate Series. Kinbulri Foot ball team won the Intermediate series in this group when they defected Monkt.in as Kin - burn on Friday night oy a ••-core of 2-0. The first game at -lIonlcton hist Wednesday night w:i.s a tie 3-3, Mankton ]laving the :core S to 1 at half time, but Kinburn tied it up while playing a man short in the last half. Decorations. Western Star Lodge, I. 0, 0. F. had a 3 -link design illuminated. at the Lodge room. Many of the stores had sp eeiai win- dow decorations. Evr•n the bridge was decorated with evergreens. The Public Library had a "Wel- come" sign, over the main door. The Queen's had several ever- green trees planted in pails that add- ed greatly in front of the hotel. The four pillars at the Queen's hotel corners added greatly, at night with their many lights. Funeral Wednesday Afternoon. The funeral of the late Adam Somers was held last Wednesday :af- ternoon from the family home. The services were conducted by Rev, A. W. Barker, of the United Chttreh, and the pallbearers wera:---J, H. Galbraith, E. Cardiff, W. Smith, N. Chapman, A. C. Backer andi C. Math- eson. The funeral was under the auspices of the Western Star Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., and the usual service was held at the graveside. Amnia those )resent from a distance were Samuel Somers, wife and son of DCcr°it; and Mrs. French, of Seaforth, brother and sister of the deceased. Why the Row?,. One of the Old Boys bander hi the following:—The only :fly in the ointment of. an otherwise perfect Old Boys' t Reunion was the asinine, ex- hibition of incompetence out on Mon - clay evening by Messrs Whiteside, and Gundry, when they attempted., the arrest of the innocent party to a petty dispute. The rather thee:item: i. ing attitude of the crowd fortunate) caused these busy -body officials ti taike a different view of the incident Huron County takes first place in he minds of all the old bow., wherever located, and it is unfortunate that the officials appointed for the per- ose of keeping the peace should of have better judgment than to art an unnecessary row. • 9 Pigs, 6 -weeks Old for sale.. J. W. Somers, Lot 15, Con. 6, Grc•y. Pone 11-17. 0-1 FOR SALE—A span of good large Mule colts, rising 3 years old, and ready to break. Apply to Robert Patterson, Lot 37, Con, 2, East Wawanosh; phone IS -16, I11yth.0-2 INTERNATIONAL COMPANY of- fers unlimited opportunities to en- ergetic, ambitious, young or mid- dle-aged man, who wishes to get out of the rut. Permanent work with future assured if you are a worker. Write for intarvirtw, Mr. Wright, 420 Emery St., London, Ont. FOR SALE— 6 Lots of Oats for sale on Albert Street. Apply to Mrs. Hoist, Brussels. 5-2. MAID WANTED — Apply to Mrs, Donald (le. :3(0t OttawaStreet, Hamilton; or Mrs, W. AISinclair, L' u.sels, Phone 73. HAY for sale in the field.. Apply to Milton Iiuffnian, Phone 17-5. dti ACCOUNTS—All coconuts owing to - E. Garton must be settled by Aug. 1st, or they will be put 10 other hands for collection, E. Carton, Brussels, 1-3. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE:— Comfortable frame house in good repair, good cellar, hard and soft water. For further particulars ap- ply to George McMalan, Brussels Minor Locals. 1927 Reunion "has went." Sunday is the last day of July. Council meets on Monday evening, Monday is the first day of August, A few from town attended the font ball match at Kinburn on Friday night. Marys St. rennron commences to- day and ends on Monday with the Fireman's tournament, Monday, Aug. 1st, is Civic holiday in most cities and towns in Ontario. Does your label tell you your ac- count is balanced properly? If not we'll he glad to hear from you, One of the chief items of news on liondays in the dailies. new is not accounts of the sermons but a synop- sis of the weak -end fatalities and ac- cidents. John Cunningham Passes Away. Last Thursday ,morning John Cunningham passed away at the Low don Hospital, where he had beton On- ly a week, after a breakdown which occurred in May, He was born in. Northumberland County nearly 70 years ago, and when entering mar. f hood, 50 years ago, the family moved 1 lip into Colborne Township. In 1081 he was united in marriage to Mary L, Sprung, and they lived in Col- horne township until 1893 when they moved to Grey township, on the 8th 1 con., and in 1002 moved to Brus- sols, 13eeides his widow lye is 501.- 1.vived by two son and one.daughtert George, of Arnold, Nab„ Herbert at Palmerston and Mrs, lel. Scar,el:e, of Toronto. Another 'daughter passed away in 1911, Deceased rs also sur- vived ve 1 by three sisters, •� Misses Esther and e Brthal Gunnfngham of. Gntrr tdch, Mrs. Stokes, of Middleland, 'Mel,,; and two brothers, Daviel, of Bou •.els and William, Morris. Deceacecl wag a member of the A. 0. U. W„ and. en religion was a memoer of the United Church, and politics, wan a staunch Conservative. For a number of ...rue he was a member of t Brussels sels School Board I7urin the months for the list 1 years M: Cunningham had °couple time with the Creamery Co. Tn funeral was held on Saturday afte noon and the services were conducts by Rev. Mr. Barker. The pallbearrl were Messrs, J. Robb, R. J. Hoose J. I). Warwick, P. Scott, S. F Dav in, Herb Specialist Hasa • Why use poisonous drugs, when rel nature in her wisdom and beneficence has provided in her great vegetable •s son and W, Sharp. Internlel:'. w made in the Brussels Cemetery. -tell sympathy of the community is i x tended to the bereaved in their such ?en loss Real Estate. Mrs. Forsyth has purchased th hricl: cottage from the Coat., Estate . o i 7 dv h Dark, D n t,h con. City, ht buu_ht the house and lot of the lel Mee, , G of ge .Tackeon and will mus to town shortly. Wins a Second Prize. • 'rhe matey friends of Mee, (Dr) J H. White, will be glad to learn of he incl fortune in attaining' elevent place among the prize winners le Ih 1're•nt contest by McLean'; Maga zine, This: is the. second prize Ahs White has won in these interesting MacLean contests, and it is our hope that we will have the pleasure of re cording many more prize winner., 11t laboratories the field; and faceets a i - cure for the ills of man. .lir. Murfin the noted herbalist, will he at the as Queens Hel, Ilrnssels, Tesd August lIth,otone day only anut: wiayll give free consultation to all who are suffering from disease. There are thousands of herbs which :use used for their special diseases of tba body Alr. Murfin is an expert in h rbs with Bre experience and will tell you what • you need for vo • v your trouble. No mat- t r what your trouble, Is or how long u , tan.iing it is. Nature has provided herb for it. ('all and see Mr. Alar - fin, it will be worth your while. He c?11 he giving 't HERB DOCTOR POOK FREE to all who take herb ✓ trea:la fists, h Mrs. W. H. Merklinger, of Han over, was 11 visitor at the parenta 11°111•?. ! Archie and Douglas Currie, o Toronto, came back for the Old Boy reunion. Brussels in the future. Check up Offending Motorists. The Ontario Department of High- ways, under Hon. George Henry, is inaugurating a "checking up" cam- paign and has notified ail Motor Vehicles Branch and other officials in the Province to be on the lookout for offenders of the "glaring lamps," "one headlight" and 'careless driv- hie." type. AlI offenders will be dealt with to the full extent of the law - Canada Stands High, It should be gratifying in theso days of celebration of the Diamond aebilee of our Dominion to realize that. Canada is surpassed only by Great Britain and the united States an stands among the fine nations showing at surplus of i•rn'eent account, an•d is also among those countries having a food surpme. She ranks fifth among the expertin ' countries and seventh as an importer. This official information should' hearten the people oi' Canada 115 to the pro- .ttiee of the., coming decades, The Goderich Centennial, After months of preparation, God- erich celebrates July 31 August 0 its hundredth anniversary, ea p,'ograra of great interest has been arranged or each day of the week. On Monday Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, August 1, 2 and 3, will be given a grand historical pageant, with over ix hundred people in costume, pre- senting the finest- spectacle aver seen in these western counties. Other out- standing events are a championship semi -pro. baseball match between the Osiers of Toronto and Risclods, of De troit for a purse of $ 700, on Wednes- day; two great days of horse racing, Monday and Thursday; dant! taco end fireworks display, Friday night' 'Provincial athletic meet and soft -ball game, London Ladies vs Toronto Ladies, Saturday. Carnivals, acqua- -tic sports and many other events throughout the week. The town by the lake invites yon to come ani•�p in in the big time. Ni Children Out at Night. The Children's Protective Act, passed at the last session of the Pro- vincial Leg'islatur'e, has made this im- portant enactment: ":1'o child shall loiter in any public- place after nine o'clock in the evening, nor be in any place of public resort or entertain- ment after that hoar, unless accom- panied by the parent or guardian, or an adult appointed by his parent or guardian to accompany such child. A parent who permits his child to vio- late this section of the Act shall, ol$he first ou ci2f1.00;for the second°ffne$; and for the third or any subsequent offence, $5." There is ne need of a curfew law in any community , This Act will cover any of the points nec- essary to restrict the hours o -f child- ren on the streets. The onus is all on the parents to see that the law is obeyed by the children, ,-- Personal Paragraphs ara�'raphs Mrs. R. Patrick, is visiting in Gor- rie this week, W. R. Mooney, of Toronto, came back for the reunion. Ter 1 Grew , al of Forest, ' °l• was back :for the reunion, est, Miss Gorman, of Toronto, was a a visitor in town for the reunion, Mrs. Mason, of Merlin, is visiting S with her mother. Mrs. A, McGuire, Dr. George Cunnnigham left on 1 Monday for his home in Arnold, i Neb, irss 19lltastAl .I, f en's 'i r e Si r The Year Rill in Tonic tit uLs% ti. r usy"Lr® �a 11 of Cod Liver Oil Banishes that tired feeling so prevalent in Summer and tones up the entire system An excellent General Tonic. Price $1.00 bottle Get it at en's Drug Store • ALLEN Druggist and Stationer f Tom Friendship, of Teeswater was over for the day on Tuesday to attend the reunion. Wm. Taylor, of Science Hill, wa calling on old friends. He was a former store keeper here. Jinn and Mrs. Lowry and baby, of Chicago, are visitors with the for mer's mother, Ars. Ida Lowry. R. Leatherdale and daughter, Miss Laura Leatherdale, of Winnipeg, are renewing old acquaintances in town. They are welcome visitors. Miss Esther Pollard left on Wed- nesday for Vancouver after a holt- day wih her parents, I. and Mrs. Pollard. 0Ir. and Mrs. Close and Miss Stin- son, of Toronto, were visitors with N. F. and llrs. Gerry and Mrs. W. F. Stewart, Septan, James and William Laird, all of Detroit, were retie -win.; old ecquaintlutces in townl during the -Old Boys. Old time history was re- told many •t time. James Sharp, of Chicago; Sandy Sharp, Jos. Sharp and his Son, Jos 'r. andall .I anephew,Cl r l.. on Su;rp, of Toledo, came back to help cele- brate at the reunion, Successor to James Fox Allan Cochrane, of Witt et ion, came back to enjoy the Re -Union, 3riss Bessie 21. nn•e, of Stratford, wits s renewing old a,quainletnces in town. Airs. Ptulat b'nsler, tf Kincardine, w, a risilnt• wile her .ietPra in town. J .11. Short, Toronto, sus the guest at Joules and Nis. At•tustioug, Flora sty Pet. 2f, s, "5 Glidden and her niece, erase (;a!lat her, i i O;hnwn, are spending the week with the ilias,s Budd in tr w'u. 2t:c, RenniP end 2t -e. ('nwley, of Laudon, 1'1,11111'11y misses Lottie stud Nina Bht»hill, iPte calling on old friends 111 town this week. L e (seor t , h c l+ h of 8t. Catharine., was hack fur the lte.Unimt. 0, and :al 8. Wilber. and family, of Seam tit, were haat for the Re- Urrion. Fred and Mr Sr atee tu,d .o,, Bela, Strutter -a, were gtteets of Walter' and 21rs. 1V likes, Dt, a 1d tie,, Field and children, of (Leen yonnd, were back to visit, dur- ing the 011 Boys', Pui.ttnttstet and mus. A u ltet, of Stratford, were guests o1 itt''s. W. H. Kew r for the Re, Union, m". Kay is ten old Hrusselit.e, +Air. 81i1 Mrs. Fteebornanti daughter of Brantt'ord, were holiday visitors in town. Airs Freeborn was formerly Miss Gettig anisole, 2118. Chas, Bartlf11, nise,Tule Bar 1' 1111 Hai ry and eit•s. Bat end mast- er Slime. all, of (111:0( n, were visitors in town for the Re -Union, 2[1's. 3, S. Debbie, of Kincardine, accompttniecd by iter nephew, err. Forster', of Alabama, U. S., were vis- itors in town for the Re -Union. Win. and Itis, Davidson anti sun, Nor mall, of St David's, were here for the Re -Union, and called on old friends to (Trey Twp. They like their new home there. Jack Pepper' and sol, of Deinrais, , Man,, were here renewing oil ai'gnaintanoes in town fnr the Re. Union. Around 1000, Jack could snake them all step, while playing football, Wee. and Mrs. Packer, of Orton. ville, Mich., and their granddaughter, Florence. Sarsen, of Pontiac, Allah., were visitors wil h Mrs, Pet ker's Mother, John Wt-ight, The visitors were here for the Re -Union at S, S. No, 10, A1o•tis. Visitors at the home of Councillor: J. 11.Hewitt during the past week were Hairy and Mrs. Hewitt and niece, of HulPalo ; Sarni, and Ales. Pike, of Oshawa ; also a niece and nephew from Ii,innilton. It is 27 years since Harry left Brussels and this w r as his Rist trip back, 2f.uth'er Ball, of St, itarye, accompan- ied by his sisters, mitre Hannah 138,11, of Toronto ; srs. Copp (Seethe), of Stratford ; etre. Scott (Libbie), Ailuro, . were viitito's here. on Tuesday, for the Re -Union. Old friends were glad to 0PP there again. J 11. and Mrs, Brown; w afNepty ea and former residents of (Grey,were toomLanied to town by titre, Ctn'rie rind her son, Thos.- tlur•rie, and ,vire, arah Brown, of Galt, lee, and Ates, :frown left Grey ten year's Agri, and rade just completed a trip to pal- fornia. They will return West in a eW weeks, DIED CUNNIN[t8AM.—In London, on Thursday, Imy :aL+t, 1527, Johu N. Cunningham, in his 75th yea', UICI.SON.-1e ,srev township nn tVad Farm for Sale A very desirable stock form of rrdi acres. 1; mile from Brussels (soud buildings and equipttrents. Lrasy terms to stilt purchaser, 1'or further particulars apply to A. H, il1AC'UUNAf,D, Brussels. For Sale by Tender The Trustees of the United C'hureh, Blue, yule, Ilse offering for .sal.- by tender the Meth- odist Church and seats. Tenders for the seats only u'III be oonsidertd, The tenders will he opened on Monday, August ath, len% The highest or tiny tender nut nocessarily accepted. 52 A. AldagwEN, Bus 5 nlunvnle, Ont. Tenders Wanted Tenders will he received by the undersigned nn to rho sUE i til' Jolp for the washing and dsy .ile 27th, listen HFainting of the ceiling null varnishing of the H. hiohsnn• young- woodwork of the f?mevela School. est rinu[:1t•er of the Into ,lames and Mrs, Ici'ltr, SHA w, Sao Dickson, let her 71nr' yrnr, E. 13tueva re. t re Last Time Wednesday T. — °Int "McFadden's FL: ts" AND e 0, i Pa rEl of he Sea A Double Show 3 Feels of Comedy Friday & Saturday, July 29 & 30 "Mantrap" Tuesday & Wed'y, Aug. 2 & 3 The Famous Play in Picture Form "FAUST" Friday& Saturday, Aug. 5 & 6 A Double Show InE Talks' ' ■ k 'When Husbands s Flsr t Also a Good Comedy A ill 1Q 1 it ft SE i. 1. � N Y Prosperity Follows ' rile Dairy Cow URIC 1'! l'i'RAI, surveys pr ova that the fanner who ha11k8 it },• a inutthly milk ar rie,tut On line .,,on IoecnntP- indrpeudent of tin. lity� 1FIFTY- } J jet{ BANKING YEARS anr.ial suedes. Thr 11/1)1 y rust—the milk rht.liu'-i he hank eventnll 1"1111 An iii. ,l, ainrtlhle emild, ild, dohs .•,,„,-,1 111,14•,' al d lrti'ine , d.,,. k, 1 iii, sin 1 1ti7:h the Standard ti,u,k of l an t i t h t.-: e tit, 1. d to l ht ut eds of the dairy faru•r, in Ciel i1114 t Illelt•nt .a't%leo 1a, We Ilii 1• to en, f STAN DARD BAN OF CANADA. BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager of ...rue he was a member of t Brussels sels School Board I7urin the months for the list 1 years M: Cunningham had °couple time with the Creamery Co. Tn funeral was held on Saturday afte noon and the services were conducts by Rev. Mr. Barker. The pallbearrl were Messrs, J. Robb, R. J. Hoose J. I). Warwick, P. Scott, S. F Dav in, Herb Specialist Hasa • Why use poisonous drugs, when rel nature in her wisdom and beneficence has provided in her great vegetable •s son and W, Sharp. Internlel:'. w made in the Brussels Cemetery. -tell sympathy of the community is i x tended to the bereaved in their such ?en loss Real Estate. Mrs. Forsyth has purchased th hricl: cottage from the Coat., Estate . o i 7 dv h Dark, D n t,h con. City, ht buu_ht the house and lot of the lel Mee, , G of ge .Tackeon and will mus to town shortly. Wins a Second Prize. • 'rhe matey friends of Mee, (Dr) J H. White, will be glad to learn of he incl fortune in attaining' elevent place among the prize winners le Ih 1're•nt contest by McLean'; Maga zine, This: is the. second prize Ahs White has won in these interesting MacLean contests, and it is our hope that we will have the pleasure of re cording many more prize winner., 11t laboratories the field; and faceets a i - cure for the ills of man. .lir. Murfin the noted herbalist, will he at the as Queens Hel, Ilrnssels, Tesd August lIth,otone day only anut: wiayll give free consultation to all who are suffering from disease. There are thousands of herbs which :use used for their special diseases of tba body Alr. Murfin is an expert in h rbs with Bre experience and will tell you what • you need for vo • v your trouble. No mat- t r what your trouble, Is or how long u , tan.iing it is. Nature has provided herb for it. ('all and see Mr. Alar - fin, it will be worth your while. He c?11 he giving 't HERB DOCTOR POOK FREE to all who take herb ✓ trea:la fists, h Mrs. W. H. Merklinger, of Han over, was 11 visitor at the parenta 11°111•?. ! Archie and Douglas Currie, o Toronto, came back for the Old Boy reunion. Brussels in the future. Check up Offending Motorists. The Ontario Department of High- ways, under Hon. George Henry, is inaugurating a "checking up" cam- paign and has notified ail Motor Vehicles Branch and other officials in the Province to be on the lookout for offenders of the "glaring lamps," "one headlight" and 'careless driv- hie." type. AlI offenders will be dealt with to the full extent of the law - Canada Stands High, It should be gratifying in theso days of celebration of the Diamond aebilee of our Dominion to realize that. Canada is surpassed only by Great Britain and the united States an stands among the fine nations showing at surplus of i•rn'eent account, an•d is also among those countries having a food surpme. She ranks fifth among the expertin ' countries and seventh as an importer. This official information should' hearten the people oi' Canada 115 to the pro- .ttiee of the., coming decades, The Goderich Centennial, After months of preparation, God- erich celebrates July 31 August 0 its hundredth anniversary, ea p,'ograra of great interest has been arranged or each day of the week. On Monday Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, August 1, 2 and 3, will be given a grand historical pageant, with over ix hundred people in costume, pre- senting the finest- spectacle aver seen in these western counties. Other out- standing events are a championship semi -pro. baseball match between the Osiers of Toronto and Risclods, of De troit for a purse of $ 700, on Wednes- day; two great days of horse racing, Monday and Thursday; dant! taco end fireworks display, Friday night' 'Provincial athletic meet and soft -ball game, London Ladies vs Toronto Ladies, Saturday. Carnivals, acqua- -tic sports and many other events throughout the week. The town by the lake invites yon to come ani•�p in in the big time. Ni Children Out at Night. The Children's Protective Act, passed at the last session of the Pro- vincial Leg'islatur'e, has made this im- portant enactment: ":1'o child shall loiter in any public- place after nine o'clock in the evening, nor be in any place of public resort or entertain- ment after that hoar, unless accom- panied by the parent or guardian, or an adult appointed by his parent or guardian to accompany such child. A parent who permits his child to vio- late this section of the Act shall, ol$he first ou ci2f1.00;for the second°ffne$; and for the third or any subsequent offence, $5." There is ne need of a curfew law in any community , This Act will cover any of the points nec- essary to restrict the hours o -f child- ren on the streets. The onus is all on the parents to see that the law is obeyed by the children, ,-- Personal Paragraphs ara�'raphs Mrs. R. Patrick, is visiting in Gor- rie this week, W. R. Mooney, of Toronto, came back for the reunion. Ter 1 Grew , al of Forest, ' °l• was back :for the reunion, est, Miss Gorman, of Toronto, was a a visitor in town for the reunion, Mrs. Mason, of Merlin, is visiting S with her mother. Mrs. A, McGuire, Dr. George Cunnnigham left on 1 Monday for his home in Arnold, i Neb, irss 19lltastAl .I, f en's 'i r e Si r The Year Rill in Tonic tit uLs% ti. r usy"Lr® �a 11 of Cod Liver Oil Banishes that tired feeling so prevalent in Summer and tones up the entire system An excellent General Tonic. Price $1.00 bottle Get it at en's Drug Store • ALLEN Druggist and Stationer f Tom Friendship, of Teeswater was over for the day on Tuesday to attend the reunion. Wm. Taylor, of Science Hill, wa calling on old friends. He was a former store keeper here. Jinn and Mrs. Lowry and baby, of Chicago, are visitors with the for mer's mother, Ars. Ida Lowry. R. Leatherdale and daughter, Miss Laura Leatherdale, of Winnipeg, are renewing old acquaintances in town. They are welcome visitors. Miss Esther Pollard left on Wed- nesday for Vancouver after a holt- day wih her parents, I. and Mrs. Pollard. 0Ir. and Mrs. Close and Miss Stin- son, of Toronto, were visitors with N. F. and llrs. Gerry and Mrs. W. F. Stewart, Septan, James and William Laird, all of Detroit, were retie -win.; old ecquaintlutces in townl during the -Old Boys. Old time history was re- told many •t time. James Sharp, of Chicago; Sandy Sharp, Jos. Sharp and his Son, Jos 'r. andall .I anephew,Cl r l.. on Su;rp, of Toledo, came back to help cele- brate at the reunion, Successor to James Fox Allan Cochrane, of Witt et ion, came back to enjoy the Re -Union, 3riss Bessie 21. nn•e, of Stratford, wits s renewing old a,quainletnces in town. Airs. Ptulat b'nsler, tf Kincardine, w, a risilnt• wile her .ietPra in town. J .11. Short, Toronto, sus the guest at Joules and Nis. At•tustioug, Flora sty Pet. 2f, s, "5 Glidden and her niece, erase (;a!lat her, i i O;hnwn, are spending the week with the ilias,s Budd in tr w'u. 2t:c, RenniP end 2t -e. ('nwley, of Laudon, 1'1,11111'11y misses Lottie stud Nina Bht»hill, iPte calling on old friends 111 town this week. L e (seor t , h c l+ h of 8t. Catharine., was hack fur the lte.Unimt. 0, and :al 8. Wilber. and family, of Seam tit, were haat for the Re- Urrion. Fred and Mr Sr atee tu,d .o,, Bela, Strutter -a, were gtteets of Walter' and 21rs. 1V likes, Dt, a 1d tie,, Field and children, of (Leen yonnd, were back to visit, dur- ing the 011 Boys', Pui.ttnttstet and mus. A u ltet, of Stratford, were guests o1 itt''s. W. H. Kew r for the Re, Union, m". Kay is ten old Hrusselit.e, +Air. 81i1 Mrs. Fteebornanti daughter of Brantt'ord, were holiday visitors in town. Airs Freeborn was formerly Miss Gettig anisole, 2118. Chas, Bartlf11, nise,Tule Bar 1' 1111 Hai ry and eit•s. Bat end mast- er Slime. all, of (111:0( n, were visitors in town for the Re -Union, 2[1's. 3, S. Debbie, of Kincardine, accompttniecd by iter nephew, err. Forster', of Alabama, U. S., were vis- itors in town for the Re -Union. Win. and Itis, Davidson anti sun, Nor mall, of St David's, were here for the Re -Union, and called on old friends to (Trey Twp. They like their new home there. Jack Pepper' and sol, of Deinrais, , Man,, were here renewing oil ai'gnaintanoes in town fnr the Re. Union. Around 1000, Jack could snake them all step, while playing football, Wee. and Mrs. Packer, of Orton. ville, Mich., and their granddaughter, Florence. Sarsen, of Pontiac, Allah., were visitors wil h Mrs, Pet ker's Mother, John Wt-ight, The visitors were here for the Re -Union at S, S. No, 10, A1o•tis. Visitors at the home of Councillor: J. 11.Hewitt during the past week were Hairy and Mrs. Hewitt and niece, of HulPalo ; Sarni, and Ales. Pike, of Oshawa ; also a niece and nephew from Ii,innilton. It is 27 years since Harry left Brussels and this w r as his Rist trip back, 2f.uth'er Ball, of St, itarye, accompan- ied by his sisters, mitre Hannah 138,11, of Toronto ; srs. Copp (Seethe), of Stratford ; etre. Scott (Libbie), Ailuro, . were viitito's here. on Tuesday, for the Re -Union. Old friends were glad to 0PP there again. J 11. and Mrs, Brown; w afNepty ea and former residents of (Grey,were toomLanied to town by titre, Ctn'rie rind her son, Thos.- tlur•rie, and ,vire, arah Brown, of Galt, lee, and Ates, :frown left Grey ten year's Agri, and rade just completed a trip to pal- fornia. They will return West in a eW weeks, DIED CUNNIN[t8AM.—In London, on Thursday, Imy :aL+t, 1527, Johu N. Cunningham, in his 75th yea', UICI.SON.-1e ,srev township nn tVad Farm for Sale A very desirable stock form of rrdi acres. 1; mile from Brussels (soud buildings and equipttrents. Lrasy terms to stilt purchaser, 1'or further particulars apply to A. H, il1AC'UUNAf,D, Brussels. For Sale by Tender The Trustees of the United C'hureh, Blue, yule, Ilse offering for .sal.- by tender the Meth- odist Church and seats. Tenders for the seats only u'III be oonsidertd, The tenders will he opened on Monday, August ath, len% The highest or tiny tender nut nocessarily accepted. 52 A. AldagwEN, Bus 5 nlunvnle, Ont. Tenders Wanted Tenders will he received by the undersigned nn to rho sUE i til' Jolp for the washing and dsy .ile 27th, listen HFainting of the ceiling null varnishing of the H. hiohsnn• young- woodwork of the f?mevela School. est rinu[:1t•er of the Into ,lames and Mrs, Ici'ltr, SHA w, Sao Dickson, let her 71nr' yrnr, E. 13tueva re. t re Last Time Wednesday T. — °Int "McFadden's FL: ts" AND e 0, i Pa rEl of he Sea A Double Show 3 Feels of Comedy Friday & Saturday, July 29 & 30 "Mantrap" Tuesday & Wed'y, Aug. 2 & 3 The Famous Play in Picture Form "FAUST" Friday& Saturday, Aug. 5 & 6 A Double Show InE Talks' ' ■ k 'When Husbands s Flsr t Also a Good Comedy