HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-7-27, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST laommw M ea 11 s ET`I'ER CREAM ETT EP. BU'ri'ER Iirl'ER PRiC'Es IC/u(•enttw plep,u,d to (Nude vuur ('felon honesty, gado,/ it tivieea ,1(,.k,+''Idelivio •tt ung• ('1e:tine,vtot •1' d,ty 11'1. lift il. \Ye gtttle•, with ,' vexed u•uck to ke ep ~(' oil it, \\'e pay a Pie/id/1m (1 1 eeuI u..t 11. belle! -hat for Spee. 1,041 , 1 16.,1 1.1 N 1. 1,11'1., ,toil 'r1• 'til, peg lb, Inittel••fat for N,y 1 1, 111. 0800 !tilt! I t N,,, '2 gt adv. The hnsic pt 11101!4/ of 111' imp/ ole nient in ( he gne11!l y et !baths( both.' 1. life 1•;i:1611/0 il.f‘ '.f `~"Peal o tl ,.11' krade ri "run. 'Ph:, mai to, u,'( ',mod—die/1 by p18;ng the magi/f'el. 0I' g• 11 1'!'•11111 .I (1111, 1 ptlee lee 11,:11111 of lel) 1 ('1.401 1 i1i111 I, 411(111 11 11, 1,1,0111,4+r til 1r -a 1 (('•r(lt. \\'e solicit yol[t' rat con. age 1(1(11 14,4100 00 0' 1,01 1 or 101 1 e1 11e11111 -t, .r: AV',• will Ilan you e 11'1,, See our Agent, Te C. Mt:CALL, ur 1'I(1il 2310, Rrussr I , The oeaforth Creamery u....•..e.111,a,.m.,,.,,e.,.,Miourro/aun,.mora,..m.,,..,..., n..,u.:,,....,..a'.M,.m.seu orne.•.,.,.rn,,,...�.,' ti The Adventures of a Coward ('.opyright NEW SERIAL STORY. "But he never says anything to yeti," said Pen, "That Is just it. He only leeks at on:, with those ugly gray eyes of his. I don't wonder at that child being afraid of him," "1 do not think it is altogether fear," said Pen thoughtfully. "He likes hint, I am sure. 1 to not bee anything in your uncle to be frighten- ed about." "Uncle Patrick has always been queer,sli said l'atty. "He buried him self in South America, and has lived there for yeas with that old sister 6f his. He would not have come to England now, hut I could not he k•ft alone. The Campbells were not re- turning from India for a year, and they could not have me with then!. So he had to come.' "What is his sister like?" "I do nut know. They are (suite strangers to me. I Ilever .l.v uncle Patrick until two months .ago. .11y mother was his sister, told ile is my guardian." Patty was communicative this (•!'(•Lina; Arthur had been move than u'ually attentive, P.m's pillow was wet with tear; that night. They had now reached the Straits of .Magellan. The steamer turned in between the ::react wall; of /oak, 'the eapta!11 took his place ell the bat h t, a pito.. 'i(1' would scarcely leave night or day- for 141(04 or four days. A slight diverge/lee to the richt or left woad :,id the "hip upon thee" cruel Week points or send her, sma.ling a ga:nst th, walls that frowned on ether Ade. The passengers watched in woaderlag si:..ne(' as they 0111!14 Past the towering rocks. At tunes it looked as if b;; llntting out one';; !lend one might touch them, Pat Lyell 1((11 : et them with a delft in his childish orehead "1 dont like it," he stud, prows(!; Pen', singers. "Net' (1" I," said Pen. She 1'01//4 ftp at the 1("1(1 ...loot. . ,k • y above then/ n narrow lou between the walk: of rock, She would be glad Mc 1Y they \v' re out of this ]l et 011 -lace• (11(•1' and in the open sea. Captain and officers were aha+oil- was, 1 .1 Ill wel1'11 atoel'it(,' ,1 V0,7,N1 thl'ontrll tlr:n' narrow straits. "We shall he out of it io-ntorrnw,' ••, , e• o t'.1(. Balli the second it 1 t 1 ".f it very glad!" said Pen. She went to 1 early that night. The lady who had shared neer 1'11'71!1 had 1.ft at, the \\ t ludic:, and Pen had it ,tow to herself. Patty 11aa state -room! nearer 1 th( ceetre of the ehip. Next to h,t was 111re. Otteris. The boy Pat was in the (ten's pint, - and he, through the dcprt•turo of 1(t 11seng1 t•; at the West Intl)/H, 11110 had a (111)!11 to himself. It seemed the middle of the •night (:hal Poll heard 11 voice a.1 1feu' (100r. "Qtliek. Get 011 and put some warm clothes on! You Must go. to the dock,:" It was the voice of the etewardcss, 1 "What is it? What has happened?" But the w01(1)111 had rots'( 1 on, autd • was giving the same mcssatre 19 Mrs. Otteris. There was n ,cram fecm that lady's veldt, and a frightened Voice cried -- Pen put on what clothes she could: The lights went out as she groped for her :hoes, and sole, gave up trying to find then!. Her teeth were chatter- ing with fright; hc:r hands Were &Ink- ing. She could hear the stewardess helping Mrs, Otteris and calling re- assuring; messages to Patty through the spell door,. Jt was not two minutes before Pen rr had dressed, buttoned Patty's fel, coat over all, and felt her was to the :lairs. It would he so horrible to 130 drowned in this rat -trap, she said to herself. "Be quick, miss!" said the etcward- ss behind, •"What has happened?" moaned Mrs. Otteris. "The /' ((1'111 said yell were to come on deck," said the stewardess. "We have struck!" said Patty to I'en. "I felt the, jar. We are on a rock, or we have sprung a leapt." 1L•s. Otteris gave a shriek at the work "li'ak.' "We shall all be drowned!" the cried. "Nonsense, ladies!" said the stewardess firmly. "There are plenty of boats, and w'0 are close 10 land. We are within a stone's -throw." They renu'mbetrd the Crown!ng rocks towering up by the side of the :tealtle•r, and to the ignorant women the memory brought contfo:t. 1 -low could they crown when they were a1 - most within touch of land? It 41e0m- ed that a leap would take them to the rocks, "I have left all my jewelry," said Patty, stopping on the top etee, "You must leave it, mss:.," said the stewardess firmly. "Run back ti's fetch it, 11isoIrene Ingham," said Patty minty. "No." said the stewardess; "you 1(11(.01 g:1 on, please, inlets!' "Patty'' calm manner and thought fee her jewels had had the effect o.f ifeiteenin0 Mrs, Ott(ris, and sir. '(:ns crau(bling up the steps w•ithent the. aid of thr stewardess. rdess. "Patty, on, you there, and Miss llt•rringha1n?" said 11r. 1'ercu.,ou ]Io held a lantern in his hand, w111111 he llie'hed in the faces of the little ;:roup groping their way tip. wp an, all here." Th,,y stood in the light or 111e lantern, the queerest party. Pasty, muffled 1 to furs to her chin, he,' hair in e 1.1 -(11011 drawn back from her ''0t •h• 1111, w110 1 different Patty from the 11/111d trim damsel of daylight. ['((1 _ave a half -hysterical sob is she saw her hands furtively twit tt„ out he curling -Ons and arraugin • 0(e 1114.1, curls on her .forehead Mr.;. Otters looked ge•ay, biau,•ited with fent' in the yellow light, an old .:haul ground her head, hes' feet in bedroom slippers, an old cloak about net. shoulders. The stewardess was het• Haat self. Pen, with her Nig plait of black stair falling down- her back, with white 4'111/1' and dark eyes, lonkod like a schoolgirl. slIr. Fere gluon 'yas otullled in 0 hick ulster and a slouch het. There were flakes of snow upon his vont sleeve, - "You meet conic on deck. They are gctt 1(p,': the boats out, No, yon have not tion to go hack for your jewels, Patty! Come, Mrs, (ltteiie, take my arm! Stewardess, look after Miss Campbell and Miss Herring - ham!" The ship gave a sudden lur,'!t to ono side, and Mrs, Otteris uttered a scream. "We are going!" site shrieked, "We are notl" 5atcl Mr. 1''1.1;„uson. "Mrs, Otteris, control 'yourself! Yen will b(7 saved." Mrs. Otteris became ,116114, She clung to his atm, and thews noir her hoard her moan with fright, but she dict not shriek again, and „'cava but littIo trouble. They were on the deck, A. lantern had been strung up, but its gleam threw scarcely any light on the scene. 1 A :few flakes of snow were falling 'oftlya; the night was quite still, The black reel/ seemed to be nearer than before. A jarring elash!ag 1,1101111 showed that they were too mar 11 be pleasant. The .ship g (ee to otic"1' 110th which threw Ptn again..t the Stewardess. There aroee 11 !'runt the lower (leek which was not ;t (108 or a wail, and yet w,l,. 111/1• .he two cmlubioed, "The boat, are jammed!" said ,,nYone, \ul,s rust ,very now 11(11 then in /dear ('lc00 which •e1.t- e1 to drt.1v11 them•;eiV'0 from tlge 1hu•k1l0-, 111d 11081 out ague/. t 111,: ;111,14 ruck". 1/111 write to your coatpaf.y end celle :tin of you, captain!" ('011(1 1 vine,, 111811 wial anger and lieut. "'10n ought to The ('nice tris 1111.11,11 by a rough 1.,111. Pen leiew it, chalet al as it we.., for the vole," of Arthur, She v;II , 10/31 !!111'11 It was bu=n=. -1. it 'nth. her 11-lutnied that ler cousin I d Ike tied, 8t an anal: which IL net 1/1,211.4111t 10 stand on or to th:!,k about \lr, l ertru:•on had /"_ n 1 stone -h !ter for the 'Neilsen. "The beet 1.1 1 be ready in 't (nenl- '•ot h • said. ••:tau I here." They tr, r- t1 ty good 1111(1 ub.d et. Mrs, Otterie collapteed into the A '1r, or thestewardess, but sho ',vas quiet, :11d for that they Wol'e thallii1111. The t ••,m' r gritted heavily e alert the wail of the rock. The 1(8,1111)1 t•/tat up to tine little group lid toll 1hens they '(('re brave lilt's. The one with the golden hair who ammityl the nun said to fatty that oho "g'il' ,ori they were In a tight place." Patty, in the common misfortune, forgot that ler hair was so very golden, her checks so very pink. They mourn •d together over the loss of their clothe; and jewels. quiet :And orderly manner w,tlaotll. /idea or tears. "Come, Pell "ohne/ .,el'ealllea Ar - 111111'.. 1',•11 41111';' hack, She wo111'1 1101 Oro.. forward t1 try to gale/ n ride.. in the boat. A 41141er was 111tHeet fig:}rtiug ,lrtltur le ke, p i int from ;1 alt. "The 14(111:•❑ t!rst!" 1101(4,•4 She '1110111. I: n 1111 h,c1 1" fan 111- gas,ea'I .ill. el' light, 111: snow Mei eetill le 1.111, lend the ,1:(' wee ar (( 'l :t el- ' l- e4,v ht ad. r1(, I1 .:wit1L'ii,g motion aiel ,1 j-.rr:lett sound, l((!':'.hl:: (>I(1/4 :110.1 tiler, to Ouc 0!111. "It i:: your turn, .111-s li,•rr:og• ham," raid Mi'. Ferguson. tIe had led to the side and seen into the beat his 41(:11, .tui Mr4. iJ;t, tl . 1'1.11 111111 the .mete(-1>ttir'',l lady w(811:.)t 111.10 ',Oil)... "Tse' b+ 4 " cri•'i! Pon suddenly. "Where is the buy?" .1 -Ir. Ferguson ,rt call' 4 41900 :•1 Ott, 11. 111).>:1 r 1.. 1 •' "Mr,. 01t,•1':. It a set .,et and hull' rose grunt her si,gt :•n the beet, I lar, It Ilial! 'Where is tieS:" ,'Sit down, 111'1((! You II cities:44 Int.:" growled. d a sailor. "1Iurrc, ladies!"shouted til: capt- ai1. "Why are yea waiting?" "'rhe boy is forgotten—Pat Lyon!" 'Where is he?" •'11e was not awakened. Ho noest be t 11141 111 his berth, ' said Pen. "NeVell 1)1111(1 him!! One of the sailors shall go for him. Hurry, 'tut }le dried his tear, and ;'.01(1111 . lease, 184il'41 his sobs +-xcept fora convulsive gulp Tat intervals. There wits no 11701'0 hesitation. he golden -hatred lady pressed before "No one 1801'," he 11'11, I. P011 and took her 411'/0 in the boat. ('ouldn't get out, and the nasty ship Pen stood back and allowed Sour was turning upside down!' second clan; passengers to get in I Ile had nothing on but his night- i 1'1'0(11 of her. Mr. Ferguson was shirt. Mr. Ferguson wrapped a Ulan- speaking to the second officer, and did1 ice! round him and told him to tuck CHAPTER VII, not notice what was done until too his feet in it as well as he could. ]ale, and the boat was full. The air was bitterly cold, though They stool) waitleg about twenty , 1('111! away!' u0u, 1d tae 1101,0 111 th 1 .:1014 1111,1 e 1(.r.1,11, .:1 .sic. my itt minutes. 11I3•. Ferguson had gone ho 1!1111 at that instant Mr. Ferguson ("las clear, On deck things looked as the group of sailors at work on the turned and saw what Yen had done, they had left them. Arthur was still hurts, and the women were Taft, n talking in loud passionate tongs to shiverine. group, in the cold and snow She was dealing away from the group WANTED • '""ilillerateenternsowesser.......ase=11111rileraeretneavassseee i •h • 4( 4 6 1(o..(, .,1 100 11, ;id .1 way was 1/184/• AUCTIONEER WE1IN>~SI)AY, Jl7LY 27th, 1'227, ,'d'•., Arthur to the side. All now be- lievell that the ship would be DO the water but a few minutes longer. It looked for a moment 110 though there wlt.< to 110 a liglit; but the eaPt'l'sl wa" firm, m1,1 hi, 1/1111( ; were 1110:1 I L, himself, `;ante of the 4''100 1 him, and Patrick Ferguson tee,; by their side. The 011'11 Vol, ,1.1 THE Industrial Mortgage and Savings Oompany, o'f Sarnia Ontario, are prepared to ad 01111/' luonsy or Dlert(,age,v 06 good lands. rt. 11'8 11.10111$41 al net 11 farm mortgages wIll ('(01(1'la,Jl,1/ i to .1'11!11 Powit14, Ken Porth, fnral,b-rate' and other par detail PH. Tho Industrial Martfeapo and Saving8 oompaee W. J. DOWD • 1:7:4 I .Pru) t1i }ti!le urwitll Thor 7'11(110. Illrill(•!i Ilf f, ).,t 1Jlc:r, I�, t' :h'.• 14111111•O• 1 11/01 it ll.t wiil 1811th" yaa best o, • „Li r+-i' 1'!0110 111 fl -1 H PIH, holding 1 41 in her arms. (311 'al 114(11•, reef. • I. , •t' r - l f, /.^-,%'CTI. EL .o,"•.a6• • t; 1'4,14[) tl,• /1114 0411 14,4,:4- - _._ .,_ " ` and It , Canada's Greatest life losurance Co. SuSun*�q ifp Assurance n 7fw,u� dY vas' Co, of Cadad • Ym 'f IC "0*-!-•W-i i4 01.40 W'-'19•-e:044i-i•'b3,d044.)-101sev 1111 i,�•e,8481•!`11f the •'1/11 I 1 thIL of 11 fri"}1tru, ti h(r "VT,. ,,•1/1)14 :111 1'11 1111=n -n 1 (t•:• 111 • :as in a Ind, 1" :aid Mr. 111 1.11 ra to lululf. Lot 11 lull h tit hat 1 Lilo 1111:11 d, , and 1 boy )1 Pen arms. (Slaiek lake 1-'t'i 'sips .-a; l 1L•. 1 t L'tlst111. 1 I •111 ,10!4.1 h way t1 ,:1r 1- 11,1i Mr. F l u..:1( vet i - 1• ill' t.t aC t, 0 into .h "Lu',, -1 .::111-i er 0131. i1',tnk'•t: i-,. ,"uu1'1 tied , tat (lark o lf,• 1 41,!11/01 fell !n fere' she t(/11 111 the d, eft. '•(;:t foe the buy! I1e clue , P'. ! r�iun4 low bravet ut1 are'." "Stop thr. cryiu•r' .111•., If(arut_ ..la :•- not crying." - { "No, but .11,, is shrdting; 1 c.ltl h• r," said Pat. of Wren and the few women who were an audience who did not listen. A with the deck moving unpleasantely left, and was going i1( the diraetSon 1 man was declaring that he could make beneath their feet. Pen could hoar a raft if he only had the means. The of the stairs leading to the bay's Arthur's voice shouting and dir•ectin_, sailors were hammering at the boats tate men. She wished that he woula which were jammed; the captain and not, The sound of it made her shiver okcers were directing them. But for with shame. She heard sent" one the most part every one was quiet. near her say— Perhaps it was the stillness of the "That fellow is mad with fear!" secching and threatening the captain !tight; perhaps it was the inevit•able- Me, Ferguson it be Arthur who was mount? in the centre of the group b:hind ness of what was to happen whist Mr. 011041(10,011(0111(1 to them In made the majority so still. a few seconds. His calm tone brought them. It came to her mind that she They were standing in groups, not comfort and hope to the little group. was bound to show some courage for even talking, One woman /1'114111 a He stood by them and asked 1411111 the credit of the family. permission to smoke. The sight of him striking a match and ,shading it carefully with itis hand from the fall- ing aloes, the glow on his composed face as the cigar was ligilt:•d, din more to reassure them than 'uty w'1( !; could have (luno, Means. ' "Now then, ladies! called the cad- "lf you've got a cigarette have hat' "I suppose it 1110'115 that we are go - fain. one," -•)!d the golden-h'1)•red lady, in#;• to be drowned," said Pen simply. There was 0 rush of other 111111 be - berth. He caught her arm. "What are you doing?" "I am going to fetch Pat — poor Pat!" She could hear Arthur's voice. be - "You have lost your chance banhadbox in her arms; another had through this nonsense," said Mr. Far - looked • herself on a bundle of what guson. "The boy was in the charge looked like clothes. The snow was of Mrs. Otteris, and he is answerable like a light hoar frost upon the r•igg- for hint. See how the ship is listing! 1)!g. One of the boats gave way beneath Pu you understand what that the blows of the sailers. Mrs. Otteris fatty and Pon had "Then keep with the people at tho side. The boat may be able to lural (14,10/1 14011 skirts away in (1151/11(1) 1 those who are gone somewhere and! when the golden -haired lady had r ethers, or they may be. smoked .with the men of an 00/111(114. glut n" 1111/ drew• their skirts awaty 1tconteh1e t0 111,18,•back felt tae th the boats tvhieh now. They wore (ratcrut to Ile" for is jammed. Stay !4/1'01 Gloat' to the her loud voice and bold manner, It' captain. 1 will go for the boy." did not 0,1(11 1)00.41111, that death could `'I must go too,'' said Pen, You need not come." 11/11(1 11 pink-ehc1•ked lady smoking a c's;r8rette. .\Ir. Fergusson Crave her a (igaretto with a laugh and a chaffing word which made Pen open her eyes. Could :gr. I e o,;•uson laugh! \\ a, this 11r. Ferguson bandying chug Veit the golden haired lady? Mrs. Otteris and Patty were listen- ing too. They were s1( 1110(10 amaze I that they forgot the cold and d ti gter. "Put 1 will cone'!" cried Pen. "I 'ml afraid--•drealfelly afra'd—Lu;, I will not be like Arthur! I am a- shamed of him, end it shall net be said we ((('e 1111 alike!" "No one will 4111(0 it. You aro a W0n71111." "11111 1 ail afraid—much more a- fraid than the others were, than Patty or the lady who smoked Cir r/1105 tvi'1, you—and I will go with von and .\ group of yi•uoual ten+ added 10 them 1001/ for poor I'at! Ye41, 1 will," --the captain had sent them up from ``-"You are a brave child!" 118:1 lir, the low> r deck. They were poorly /1.111smile w'1411 only petiietnes end shawls over their night-dresses. "Pen, where are you?" said Ar- thur's vole, 1\c' are tint class pees. ,•nn1rr, lend they have got to talar us fere they take the second 1,1(1(4." "I ani here,' mid Pen. C,onu1 over to the boat. Why do you sday so far away? There is sure to be .1 rush." "There will be no rush as long as i ant in command," said the captain, with bitten' contempt. "The women will go first and the leen after- wards!" "1 gun a first class passenger, and i insist------" Arthur's vas, e rose into an inarticulate scream o4 fear and ('age. "Stand back, Mr. Delany! Now then, ladies!-" The boat was ready. Arthur ut- tered a sound which was like a sav- age yell, and rushed to the side where the boat had been lowered. He was pilled back and held by tho second officer, A sailor, holding a lantern, 4/41011 71 ,leering laugh. "That's a fine gine11na11, that is!" ho said, Pon tingled with shame' She for- got her tango., In lter shame, Arthur was her cousin, and he was An anent coward! No other malt on the ship was behaving MS he was. Even the the list of the shim. She pushed and women were taking their places In a Mr. Ferguson aided her. There was Ferguson. "But I am afraid, I tell yon — dreadfully afraid." L She �h S au ILast 11101 and was down the stairs before he could atop Iter. It was latch -black below, and here the list of the vessel was more per- ceptible. Pen stopped. "Have you a light?" she asked, and her voice had a little tremble hi it. Ile etrurk a match, and they grop- ed their way to Pat's cabin. They heard his voice screauming for help. Yes, .yes, we are coming!" cried 1'011. She tan on before lir. Fortnum, t_0511'n, and pushed at the door of the cabin, but It wouicl not open, 11o, Ferguson had stopped to light 11n"t}le1' match; the first had burned out. "Let me out! Let one out!" cric.1 the frightened boy. "I can't stand up! I and fulling over! The ship had given a sudden move- ment with an awful grateng and jarr- ing against the rocks. "Get on deck!" said 111'1•. Ferguson in Pan's ear. "1 will bring the boy." Ise believed that the ship was heal. Mg over and settling. But Pen had for tho moment, forgotten her fear in her 11101ts to open the cabin door. It had become fixed and jammed in '1 u n the blanket, nket e '41( - e t e•i-; roc her t, make le Iway to the 1`010' r• •L 'ii • heavy- boy. Tw:•, w-.;- 1 wee 10,1'4 (/0:33.-11 L..i'nr-: hrr. "Room1roc '111.• 1,1,11•/, 01!ly u:'4e' :ail.• trh•+! 11 eieke he ' ay t ,4((:111 I of „1 'Ph, 1. !as a ' 11 front a 11131 110 �,heuld tett, bsi• c n f /411,1 h t •: was that of Arthur, Itlin elf with fra1, and este a tied: figure elimbiess titer the bulwarks.. .. \i.. F, rgu Yn saw her of that moment. Fie had believed her el- .fieely in 1.01 haat., He 1(11(1 b'cn h'1-111 fri _. I In keeping 1111' 111111 from pit -11,1'' 1n to the \tot>ea1 .• they W1.1,•• lift.•11 into the 'boat. In th.• Mght, +dear as it w10, he had not tor. I me.,): th.-1 w(re hu111ed1y ,lf,- ed (t (t 11) • 1 I.ut he 'knew the blank '•t which e o ,rod Pat, and he 111/1 -ht Teti.. eyes, frightened, bee seet hingr. as :,hr struggled towards hint. 111, c•iptah1 w.1- 4,(111(84' the milers 111 chartre of the boat toilet go—she would hold nu more. "Stop!" shouted Mr. Ferguson. "There le another woman." "Another will swamp us!' •called the .111101'[ from the boat. Pen had been pu.hrel forward, and was against the bulwarks with the boy in her arms. She could slimly see the boat, the dark figures of the .tlilors standing up, and the fiO-Urls u.' the women huddle" together, nod Arthur's white face turned up to the groat hulk of the ship leaning over towards them. "Why don't you go? She will be over on tis!" she heard him cry, "There is another woman. You must get out, sir, you're the only man." "I wont! I won't! I am a first class passenger, anti you are bound to save the first class passenO'e; be- fore the others.' "le mean .skunk!" said a 011.1 by Pen. The ship gave a movement evhic'.1 brought a shriek of Horror from rho boat below, au1 made those Loft on ' hoard clutch at the nearest thio: , The sailors cast off. "There 1s another woman on • hoard! P(larry, she is your con -in'" shouted Patrick Ferguson. "Get away from her ---get ae ay! she going to turn over!A:•tltur shrieked, (Continued Next Werk.) G. W. ABRAHAM IJ: trfc•t Representative C. C. RAMAGE, D.D.S., L.D.S. BRUSSELS ONT. Graduate Royal College of Dental 411 (Jr- /1011 Honor Graduate Uui- se t 1ty of Toronto. Dentistry In all it:; brancle.rs. Office Over Standard Bank, Phone 200 WM. SPENCE Eth, 1, Ont. Conveyance, Commissioner and C. Agent 1'or The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada and Ocean Accident Guarantee Corpora- tion, Limited Accident Insurance, Al"omlbile In- surance, Plate Glass Insurance:, etc, Phone 2225 Ethel, Ont.. dsz iN r . 2.-2,UQ0v AGENT FOR fire, Automobile and Wind Ins. .COMPANIES For Brussels and vicinity Phone 64 JAMES M' FADZEAN Agent Hod Mutual Fire Insurance Company 4(00 Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance Phone 52 sox 1 Turnberry street Brussel J 1U. 52U i (14L1(LMSSM s v LIMITED ire/Vt5E7grexc. r' diDWZA,A' CAN'rwwBdO D. M. SCOTT PRICES MODERATE For references consult any person whose sal I have officiated at, Phone 2826 T. T. M'RAE M. B.,M. C. P., &S. O. 111, 0. R., Village of nrueeele. ?hyslolan, Surgeon, A00ouchaar ,7111101,00041,1111W01',insoopn( po,Wttra eat.11 elv i(le Church, S'u^•Fh,z,. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC LECKIE BLOCK - BRUSSELS OR. VV.QROL.OIW Hnnnr grndca`,. of the Ontario Veterinary 0'0110.114. 1110 and night callsa epee oeale/se incur lull, Rebel, ^.^.,Z>a�irr�•sF^wAtaF:ir1itM11:i1310.M•r'lc: 01 4 6 a { 4 l Wfit rfi ear ,,; ry .•C :1 1 rl p qq�i ,Y (� eltekeraira.. �., � „ „ ... • ��/Yy�{ j�tyr-fit,' q.}'.''''��,'ng.(, �f[;i¢,',°`�Spq .1p�4+(rt..gr�y ,r' 1+"A .i4 `W:Y L u®d'.al i3. fr m Out of Business .Tust O11C of the 17ew0 items width are appearing. 111 gal ,.T ou!tc ton often thee(: day. throughout t$1(' Dominion. And what is the reason? Th e• • is only one. and that is lack of les to glome in titttti }•is :old the lure of the flashing/ h publicity of the 1.u•ge. 1:it' e•stabil:hut1ut1. Many citizens, white earning thei1' t l;ea and salaries in 0110 place, never- th01'5e send 0 10l'7/1 proportion of this money out of the community for questionable lou ;ons, thus depriving such community c.f that much n(ec: Bury working capital. Business : DO tale Sam They have local 1'1111111 who are able mid ready to sutlply than with all their requirements, yet for the most trivial 0'!.-'11011 Or excuse they w111 t'Oasetlt to extend this p:tira1Ltge to Outside 411')118, 11104 110!I>itlg to build up di5ta It chits.; at the expellee of 17110 h01)1,' totttt '1'11'4' 111181 to forget that this money so sent out might oth/rw 1114 have been largely returned to them by tho,,e with whorl they should have left this business. Therefore, wh(n in need of printed 110'1160' of any kind, whether farmer, business elan o1' professional man, always extend first consideration to The Post Publishinfr House xi6.