HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-7-27, Page 6W1 DNE
AY, JULY "27•th, 10
1111 jbnali.'i. Sold only in sceled pec Iages.
cA Friend
1 �V,MPNM!•�I.I,IW�i..p•O�C+ThrJdO�WJKI•POMJ,(.
Cosyrtgbt, .ley its mrtern Nuwo-
tvu,cr 11'0110:,
t "I 0911110/1 1:1110 yntr 'viva, lir.
‘Vi I ii I:Pier waw delinlu ilk 1.410
ani ince ns he .a„ , 1101 tu•r1 ;:,� t:
tre1-•114• 141 hi, 1..100•. 111' 1•:11, by 11
• menus 1.1. h d y with 1 .' „11`110•, 1', tei-
' tail Loyd, lint t!la t. o t-'10,1: the tensa(
that h' had refused to nit as :us a•
terms' asked • , ,
terms'. , . 11 h I 1 .t hint 141111 whom
R 1l U '' .etc Lit. le .11•p 1110 1110
n k uu. t,nu Mtilc lie e„I,.ultchi -til tau.
_A:, tltd-F�v.:r�.:l' 01r �'7
the leiter 4•l. the luuyu•lon, mon
The Hon. ,\dam. George Arehihald
teas a native .-tin of the MaritiP1Q.
He was born in Truro, Nova Se,,t,:l :n
May of the year 1814, less than a
year after Sir Philip Broke heel
brought the victorious Shannon irto
Halifax with the defeated pride of
the United States navy in town. Mr.
Archibald destined by fate to serve
Canada in far separated distant fields
including England, Prince Edward Le-
land, Fort Garry and Nova Scotia.
Like many others of the fathers of
Confederation he was trained in the -
law and after a good education in
.Nova Scotia he was called to the her
in Prince Edward Island in the year
1838 at the age of twenty-four years.
The following year he removed to
Nova Scotia. He entered the pr'.i-
tieal arena of his native land in the
year 1856 and was appointed t9 the
important post of Solicitor -General.
In 1857, Mr. Archibald and the At-
torney -General, Mr. J. W. Johnston,
went to England to confer with the
Secretary of the State for the c' -don -
les on the matter of a closer un1941,
of the people of British North Amer-
ica. The imperial authorities, even
at that time, had been giving sane
thought to the problem and while
giving no general answer they asset' -
ed the two delegates that any such
movement would be warmly reee'••ed
provided it emanated from the ceion-
ies themselves.
The possibilities of Confelieratien
did not in itself take these two gene
tlemen to London. They also sought 1
to secure redress from what :hey em-
sidered a deep grievance in the ma--'
ter of the Crown disposing of the
mining rights of Nova Scotia wi*heat
consultation with the people of the,
calmly. The r••sttYs of this confer -
time was the passage of certain lcg-
islation upon their return whish
greatly assisted the mining operations
in Nova Scotia.
In 1804 lir. Archibald - •vee ire l
the adds ee of the, Premier •vhich lets
to the calling of the confe re'e • in
Charlottetown in September of t';e
new roe r.
nf1,1111c1 of a patent +,:110 which was
taking. hit, It fertility. its inventor
was .\ndrew Mayhew, \'.h, had surd
ur 1101 10011 10140101/ out of nn inter-
est In the gamy by the father of Beyd,
now deisased, Mere latterly
L:el de\1.,s 1 a new scale, which was
NO 1141 11.4 10 the Boyd possession
that there (mull be little doubt as to
its eventually outdistancing Its cow-
, python
Dilly n month previous 'Brice had
wet \L•. Mayhew, and the°old Inventor
I y aj had a..ked lent to mine to his Mime
I Inn professional capacity. • There \ire
Mayhew hail gone elver the details of
his experience with the Boyd 3 04110,
hail asked Brlee to look over ids new
Hon. Adams GeorgeArchibald. patent 1,1:1101:4 111111 advise ham as to
h the heat i n' .. to p:u•;ne.
"I think young Boyd is trying to
Meek ute way," said Ilr. Mayhew.
sane year. He also attended the "lie told ole the other day that he
Quebec confer1•nee and was one of hail a ducnmett given to lits father
the delegat.•0 appointed to go to Lon- years tee, and signed by myself, In
den in 1stiit. :1:e a father of 1'„01'011- which 1 agreed never ngabl to engage
41121110 his outstanding arti'.it80 In the sole business, and if I ever
were directed to refuting the 41111108 did, or made any now inventions in
the lute, I was to agree to turn the
of tL . Anti-T-0:001.--ts. \ \'iluil Con- saute over to him on 0 ten per cent
e'der:t'.c1 was 1148 red in in Jul; of royalty. This ee nut true, \[r. Brice,"
I aG7 -llr. Archibald became Seers- declared the old invertor with monis-
ry of State for the Province;. In thimble sincerity. "I never signed
0 I . •'•,is appointed Lieut'•m r.t- such a paper.
Goeiee.. ,• of 'Manitoba and the North At the Mayhew home for the first
W141`1414•1. He had blon at time I;rice met Attlee. the old mal's
• Fol 4 y only a few months when rlttughter. It 4118 not the last time,
however, teht' 4•(1,1 a girl likely to at -
the territory under his jurisdiction tract any man admiring modesty, 111 -
was threatened by an invasion of noeence and intelligence, and Iit•ice
Feniano, To add to the adntinictra- ftel strongly 111 love 111111 her. Now,
tive worries Riel and Lepins were on when the menace Mayhew ;Geared ap-
t'.+" war path and the murder of Penrod, Brice was naturally disturbed
Thomas Scott had sent a chill across at the ehitrge made against the father
the country. With no troops or sup- of 110 girt, vthuse 1'011(1181 unlbitiuus
ate. at his command 3Ir. Archibald \very ironed i •
n getting a new start
pill the world.
was able to turn the war -like. ac- -rot you, Brice,' spoke Boyd
tiviti.•s of Riel into a defence move- anutrtty, "I think you are Waking a
stent. For these services he had pro. 01181811 O. I do 1101 wish to oppress
nosed to secure for Riel a full par- Mayhew, but I don't Intend to lose nay
den. This action caused a .great deal rights, 1 hud rather employ a local
of controvercy between Ottawa ant lawyer like yourself, who might infin-
the Horne Government but the bulk 111,
t'1It w• tl Wl1Si uta, t11un Dur
of opinion decided that Mr, Archibald regular flrrn ]n the city. I have de-
cided that if you 4111 ant handle, the
had acted wisely under the difficult' ease I shod give it into their hands;'
cire0nlstanees which he found him- and Boyd took an add/. ssed, stamped
self. Queen 'Victoria honored him envelope from his pocket and with-
in 1872 and tW11 years afterwa"ds ire drew its inelose11 sheet. "There Is
was appointed Lieut,•nant-Gnverror the contract," be continued; "read it
of his native province,. Nova Scotia. Sur yourself,"
"As I have said, I cannot be your
attorney in the premises," he ;Tette.
"And why 0,17" demanded Loyd
eaa m+Oi-^'• xsae^ 'Because 'the (spy Mr. Mayhew
showed me does not contain the (Amnia
in your (011,"
"Er .all •-,- ,
a Ik1 . l'@ a• •l•
1 C.. 1( • 1
,11 i Ct Il\e
at [hues," snisired 1;41.41.
"Nn more -o than n the tilling in of
f't:- j a blank space, 14:"41041 price qutr•kly,
pest? I believe In Ml'...:, \110'.1'8 statement
,E.,; and will not 0114044'040 where I amu
convinced the prospective client is in
the wren:;."
Indeed. snapped 1 Boyd resentfully.
"You weren't so careful; In defending
the roan who Just left the room, Jerry
Plympton, '.rho 18 ft prnl'esslonal crim-
"But who Was innocent of the spe-
cial charge I defended, and that is
why I won the Ouse,"
"Ary retainer fee' -would he a thou-
sand dollars," Insinuated Boyd spe-
ciously. "Think at moment. I wilt
not hositate t0 spend money hl win-
ning this case." Ife lifted the Ilup of
the envelope toward his lips. "Once
I seal this tetter and post it your
chance is gout,"
Brice coolly shrugged his shoulders
end with n muttered hnpreeetion
Morris Council Meeting
Itnuttsob f C
a nt
n rl m •.b
ttn 1 1
t'n the Town,hup Ball Morris on Mon-
day, July :tette 1 927. Membest all
pis -ea -at. The Reeve eve pi -di air, Min-
utes of last meeting read and eel:011m-
The Council accepted the Iloll as
returned by the Collector.-
ollector, It w -as decided by resohttioa to
remove the portions of the le aliseen
Drain on the sideroad and 4on4esa .on
and construct it on adjacent ]ends
for the public safety.
A petition from Wm. Turvey and
others for a municipal Drain was re-
ceived and acce,,ted.
The Clerk was instructed to pre-
pare a By -Law in connection with
the Bowes Drain,
Tho following accounts were paid;
-Thos. :Miller on Rutledge culvert
$162,18, an Gulley culvert $112.11;
S. F. Davison, culvert material 11.25
J. G. Anderson, painting Rodman
bridge $56.501 John McGill, 2 the
for McArthur Drain $1.00; Thomas
Miller, making tile and material 3' 4;
Patrolmen -- W. C. Thuoll 560.2.';
Joel H. Sellers $±0.50; Itus. ounuer-
cock, Morris & Hallett $77,25, Mor-
ris & McKillop 5122.00; Morris Orly
$22.4'7 Wlm. Craig $20; Wm, Mc-
Murray $303.20; James Anderson
38.07; Frank Shaw $357,32; Lewis
Jewitt 529.87; John Craig $7.25; Ed.
Johnston 5246.60; Charles Workman
$34.60; Stewart Procter $8.75; Wm.
Brown 5124.25; Rue. Sundercock,
gravel verecn $151,70,
Next Council meeting on August
A. Macllwen, Clerk. I
See that (1414 caps cover all valve
stems. Dust caps not Deily protect
the valve stems from injury, but
also add greatly to the finished ap-
pearance of the car.
Occasionally oiling of hinges and
latches will prevent doors lh'om be-
coming stili and rattly. Keeping,
latches oiled tot only makes them
work easier, but prgi'ents their rapid
fEAIVS AGO people used to
make themcctven heard by
shouting from the house tops.
If poen tried that tp-day 8.014
would probably have to appear
before a gommisstoo in insanity.
NOW-A-IDAYS the busmen,
man uses qtr Wan. Ads.
? 41m.
400,11 Selllill 100 011\004114, 11101 14.11
the room, uric, arose ate! went Luo
the anteroom. 111. 1'110111, Jerry
Nymphet, had street,ely tl,•:trit'II. Ile'
net put .in any forthor a111vau•.
tutee that defy, lint as Erie,' that tv,s
fling rather gloomily started .nn 11,0
way to 1'l.i1 114. ll:trhen' au,l 1•41401
411:11 thr,•aleul,l. Jury 11110,91 rats
Into hint '1111110 tit 111 1' the•
"liello4" iailed Drive. "\\'het,
..New (11118, 1'.1101•,' 1 c.n: loop b1 u
est, lar, trice," reported Jerry spicily.
"I think; 1 hail better, for I was tempt-
ed into 0111 1:181 d,1111t0•u»s 1101 horn.
I overho:u•d that Loyd 0141 lhretUen
,'hen and 1 followed him, ate mailed
that letter. \\'ell, I melt my- elle. I
411111/11 1111 ht' w'a's 0111 0f sight, posed
a few lighted ,latches into the nail
box, 40111 (1 tilt things smoked -nisi
that fake c c
rt contraet 0.111 never trouble
.50111' :n' 0 1 , d old 4.11001 again."
,r sever did, Jerry haul flatted for
1110 1.11111.0:11 11110:1 110f011 111110 000111
Impress 111111 091!1 1110 emn'ulily of 1118
t\udrew \layhen• went on with Ills
business arrangements undisturbed,
and all Breee 111101 hoped for his suc-
cese 011111' about 111 clue time, as also
the previous love of the one girl lu
the world be adored,
Great Piantst Was a Most Delightful
Ignace Padercwski, the great pian-
ist, was the most delightful of hosts
When the late musical critic, Henry
F. Flack, visited hint in his chateau
before the war; he was, the fortun-
ate guest records in his recently pub-
lished reminiscences, "blazing with
animation and charm," 11110/111 11111,
too, of mischievous gaiety; odd and
melodious surprises wero pl'lintl up-
on the visitor, in whose bedroom
quite ordinary articles and a111111 -
nances had concealed ntnsic•-box
attachments, and on being teltehr d Or
lifted burst suddenly into music, The
first morning P ache I ewsiti asked in-
nocently if Mr. Finck had he:u'tl any-
thing during the night."Oh, yes,•-
-was the neat 'reply. "I heard some
chamber /11 1.181C1" There w -„re 14e0011
pianos in the chateau, awl the pian-
ist practiced by the Matti, 1,1114'
mere exercises to k1 ep rl.• line rs
limber and strong; an un!nierestine
task 't0 which he admit'..sl it tows
"all his will powrnr" to hold himself,
All his muscles had became extra-
ordinarily strong,.
I31s friend Schelling, a 11100 of full
size and weight, related that he had
stood upon the calf of Pad/rewrites.
bent leg, and Mr, Flncle records; "111•
can crack a passe or French pits
glass a half-inch in thickness by sim-
ply placing one hand upon it, es M
playing the piano, anti striking sud-
denly and vicorausly with his middy
SAILING 'reiltoFemeA 3[fit'N'I':9IN,
Canal 'runnel Joins 1liteselllt's to the
Pro 11 l' o Pint nlerIUe.
from 53,,rsei13 tt to open the new canal
tunnel '.t-hir•'1 joins the 44 I1 port to
the Ithme Lc .1::/11 116 a i It Tole in
i t.h.. ,1 ant 1 with a tidy spat of
light in tli-t ,0 t
are let! 1;.1 i ., my f 1 411,1, :.4,:
Ii fifty t t 111 i. ,, and the 4;I t e. 11,;Ct
( ..,,+ 1101. inii.: „1Y! 'fit init h,\•.•
<u,,,..o 11 I11e 11.1x4. 1 must b,.• to ,.
:hat in the 1.1:(111 10! Frenchm en
claim ;lett it is the bi<g,st 'urn,, i b.
lbs. world, It ls "ant le.if Ili, ,-n:.l`.
,1f either of the ilia tunwds ,,.
Stool:at, but It is so touch !:roe.:e,
and e
! T p r that twiee Its marl] rt r ;
hal to be rrtnot d is from both the
1481phln tunnel.;
In this nose Canal Tunn1 t six leli-
way trains ,'"nl 1 ritll abreast, t anal
3 two barges s of 1 .111 hilts 1 111 peee et
1 any pout In it. 'lie Immo! 011,n 110'
Marsolllos with tit40:11 lagoon eat -
ed the F.tang d1 Terre, and the vans!
then passes on to .10111 Ivo phone at
Arles, so connecting with the whole
European canal system.
Power and Light Dray Be Obtained
Proal Them,
Vast sources of power and light
may be obtainable from the enor-
mous subterranean steam wells that
are a feature of Sonoma Comity,
California, enabling new cities to ne
created in what is now a sparsely
populated district.
No longer will this steam, which
is singularly free from impurities, be
regarded as scientific phenoutons, anti
no more, Wells from 2110 to 500
feet deep have already been drilled,
closed in, and sot^"ted. Four of
iii0iit flit0.0 ill 0iit1:1e11. (.1110
1111,,4/tit:I. 11110 of lite well;: prudatv's
.111,0,1 1,011411' el :a, auk au 11.1141', and
the ruin, •,f the ....espial; :a• lou ectn 1'r•
he are! I's 1' o.,1
.\11110 :Ii t. cal el the wills hate
now Is n 04' 11 1''r 1111110 0;001 11,:,
1.0011 eo d 1! I11 1111.
;1 til',•r.;<ur. , The ruo :!.1 0, 11l111 of
.11.,.!,1e j/1111W.T1, 1:1111 t:, en-....' 00 Iroln
pr.,• .n. (9111 :".101, 11 if
1 1i hill 'h t 1 inpq ;00110 l l I '. 1 blit dr ,l ,1.11 1111:; i:i al -
le, •t Bee,
'i'i: h• :+ardiu�',• hue,
flee. 44; lie• !1111 as 4'l Mer-
lr 1 Whit 11
!• in .tars 4
11.. '.,1.
111 1 10 :1 1 1 : r, - 1511 •e;
Io,i ! N. 1, 1. As 1 : .
I, ohs; - r Co •
I L.1; VI If rt l,ln,itl h.. •:(.• .111•
let•c l t:y : IC•hw, a atm i, in
i01111 I 1 n 1 .1. 1 41 1. 1 I•'..1.�•
on tit and I I<I, 1 0110111010-
4 1:terntill , n 111 0,1 ,,1.
11 111 1141 1 1 rliiu ul the fish
410 111,•1 IMO a Lac, :ILI d the.
, '•110;1::: chamber." This ohntvb. r 1s
1 �gtlar' , nr•losure of It ary 1. •1l�nti
which is eau, d it the 1111 ram., 1190'4
11 011:40, 1 ,f 11 .,11 have. Is. „t "alight In
I it. Th a tile 111(4, wnflting from it
11:411 around the net, hill the 1004118
with spews,
('ltinese Are Superstitious.
Ttv Chia so art very sllp'•r"liti'nls,
and believe that a win!:011 mousier,
Fevl•1 Sul, the guardian of 11'4111, 't
tn.:Li-tires, will annihilate all '.sato try
110 t nl,c'r 14'011 the neet111.1 fife ill "•.l
of til" (11111 1111'y,
A I1w y1,.tls ago it wto 411I1i'•_ d to
des l p some of (111 t sit tit c. odes
of Shensi, but 1111 peril!! - t!e•n"eeated
such ;Irian. for l80said the area
in question was the 801W, ne of the
mighty dr ..un. wile. of eie e,tnnbers
401414 disturb -d, tort'
and spr.•ad tire. d 11111, ..lid plstileucr
through the lam!. he the dragon
slept en, and the cottltields remaiaed
Barbary is d ;,neral n•1nt, 1pPlle11
to the uerlh•'rn portion or Africa
from Egypt. on tit" east to the At-
lantic Oi•t an on the west, and from
the Liodi1 rr11n•a n ;lea on the north
to Use Sahaut Desert- on the south.
Barbary includes Itiloracca, Algeria,
Tunis, and Tripoli.
Mote Temperate To -day.
We are all much more temperate
to -clay. Proof of this can be had by
comparison with the marriage of a
German prince in 1561, whr•il 3,600
pails of wine and 1,600 barrels of
beer were consumdd,
.alive-1snt Not thorn.
A girl living in Epinal, France,
has been refused a marriage license
because she has never been officially
born, ' She applied for a birth certi-
ficate, which is required boron, a
marriage license can be issued, and
the officials searched the records, bout
could find no trace of her hi:ih hav-
ing been entered. Her parents had
apparently neglected to register her
birth. She was informed that official-
ly she was not born, and the wedding
has had to bc„po8tp0ned.
Twits .111.
More than 5011 sets of twins at-
tended a Liverpool theatre to see 111'
twin sisters, Patrten' and Lilac Barry,
play the title -roles in the tnu8811
00111edy, "Trio 181(1" Girls in Bute"
The eldest twins p1 esent 4101.0 nearly
seventy, and the youngest four years
of age,
Pedigree Dogs.
Prd i^0 114.'8 of '1 •'11:y -roue
breeds aro DON 4"11'04,0 lo, u by the
British Kenuel Club.
'('tonna 'time et:teltttte.
A realistic ro rnduetiou of the
heavens In the dome 41: 11 :mall cir-
cular building in Vienna depicts all
the visible stars. Fixed plants and
stars appear to move as i.hey are seen
in tho heavens.
Twenty-four hours in the heavens
is reproduced with exact ph'nomrua.
The moon rises; Sirius proclaims the
advent of night., When the western
stars fade, eastern shine, and venue
heralds the snn's approach. Tia•re
Is a gorgeous sunrise, and the day is
lived through. Evening again ap-
proaches in the miniature universe,
Ages are compressed into ten min-
utes by the speeding up of the aPpul•-
at.us. Time is forced t0 8y at. 520 000
times its salmi ratty, The Platonic
year, consisting of 26,1100 earth
years, is reprochteed in one minute,
While a crazy moon waxes and wanes
with lightning speed,
It -is the selection of rich, western wheats--- the finest
grown on the prairies -- that gives extra flavour to bread and
buns, anti extra richness to cakes and hies, made from
Stud 3Oe rn .Heaps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. 264
Wo,tcra Canada Flour Mills Co. limited. Toronto. Moutroul. Ottawa. Solus Jolm.
m+mx.,mnauo.snau c..r.'�e,acrm,lo� •.•-�_�a,n,• •,..-•,•••,...-..., nmuvaec�mvmcr.cmxa,:.vaer: a.an...r.®m
The Reason.
Batson: "I under.8and some of
your hens have stopped laying?'
Belfry: "Two of them have, eny-
"What's the cause?"
"A motor ear?"
She Had.
"How do you tell the age of a
:fowl?" asked Katie,
"I always tell by the teeth," an-
swered Ethel.
"By the teeth? But a chicken has
no teeth," objected Katie.
"'lo.' admitted :Ethel, "but I
Grant we have patience to dust once
more, y
Things dusted a hundred tunes be-
Give us the calm that nought can
Not broken china nor fallen cake,
Give us the patience that won't "see
When Johnny puts eels in the gueet
room bed,
Not for riches nor power, do house-
wives pray,
But for grace, the manna, fresh each
For the greatest gift since time be-
Patience enough to manage a man."
Light Fingers.
"Who w t, that 011l gent you were
t<tliting to?"
"1 don't know.- Let's see if his
mune e
9 t n his wallet.'
No' So Bad.
A Sotclunan went out on a golf
course and played his first eamo, Af-
ter he returned to the club -house an-
• othea• Scotc•hnlau said to him:
j "Well, Sandy, how dao ye like the
.galne o' gow]?"
"It's no sae bad,' said Sandy, 0I
lost three balls, but found eight.'
Little Things Count
It's little bits of .kindness,
And little bits of. fun,
And little bits one comradeship
That fill our life with sun.
;We may not be remarkable
I For cleverness nor learning,
But all of us can keep the lamps
Of happy brightness burning. •
And all of us can clo a bit
' Of kindness every clay,
To ease the ruts and kill the weer!s
I Along the com7110n way.
A black lace formal hat with ir-
regular brink and rather high crown
has a narrow banding of ermine fin-
ished with erlitine tails instead of
I bow or flower.
Use tuller ]
for the dance frock and
combine two colors. A handsome
imported model has a yoke, overdress
and bow of almond green tulle, mal
the rest o fthe dress is of black Ville.
Introduction of the long, unbelted
jumper has brought forth a Parisian
"shirt dress" which has a man's col-
lar and looks like a man's shirt worm
outside the straight skirt.
There are a great many ways to do a job of
printing ; but quality printing is only done one
way-TI`HE BEST. We do printing of all kinds,
and no matter what your needs may be, from
name card to booklet, we do it the quality way.
P, S. -We also do it in a way to save you money,
The Post
Publishing House
Canada's Three Score Years of Nationhood
� 1
1 ,,
11,y1 11 l
I ,brayetee 1 , AlI /,1 �\ o
'Mi 4,, t r= \ I A.I
fthelp ' , n i 1.."-11 .3,7I k � ' I�Ile.