HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-7-27, Page 1VOL, 56 NO, 6 $2,00 /ter annum in advance bI USSE LS, ON 7..,1A10. IV 11)NAS1.41 1:1,1' rg27 McLaughlin and StarPEirtfiCe TRY THE wurrp, ROSE STATION DURING OLD BOYS' WEEK FOR White Rose Gas Enarco Motor Cil Castoral The Old Reliable English Oil Good Year Tires Jubilee Flags for Old Boys' Week Accessories Free Air See our stock of Used Closed Cars ALEX, ANDERSON Proprietor New Advertisements Rine mod -Tors gess, 3,- ..'11-W 0. wrintor toed -John ntodononnid 1...t -so g.rdeNnor Pores/1v- ',,PAipt , torPttl.ttttee1i1.n for Itie tA PArItr..O-A1 elettot. na eS1 ell n,',r, 1111rott VIrOta Itopstirartt-P...1'1,fittrlif,g ,r4.•1, , 11itiaa,.3 1 titltol Chtitoll Fort. 410 rAtIottit I' talatiti l'On la 11,1i wn'Ir 1'•to• 1. oar rot tot 1..1,0- tt. a. Aar. 81,,,,ity (end mr., Deco. Caldbeek, of lialleybony, Nt t Giro to (Mimic., roe -mooding their holidays wit h 111,11 ir- e+ Ulla to lends Ito the township. ey are welcome visitors., GREY John niuk, th 11 eon., has puochased C anirscattorp, at 4 o.'tt it bottle itl lit to.sels. Election candidates al P Lo Ilk? SOPrl on the concessions and sideroadgi these days, NIINlitoy AlcImosh, of Toronto, is the en Net 44 P. A. and Airs. NeAt th- tor, 03)1 line. Special service will be held in Un- ion United Chin vh. on Sunday next, Al... de Large Juvenile Fife and at 7.30, lilverybetly weleome. Drum Band, of Stratford, eel Some of the fin mere are It' viuiz Soft Ball Tournament 11LINIERY 1!.. • MR. THOS, KERR Lot 33, Coo. 8, (lees, (i)trso.a 1; tar Weringstley A In rd All Men's 'ICBMS , $ 5 Cisseare.tee ,,t 8 es. eeii Lae, Cense, Harvey MeGee, lie ;wee re with on vutir.,1:: ottv ,t1t.,tItti....e, togt.tIlvt• ttalt a bail tittle tot get in tire hay mem on -1.1,• :.•',,r. a ecoun 1 of the frequent bh °wet R. , Fled Perth hnW is wifts and so, el. 1.,,illa..11 P.,:f.,!,,,,I, .:; 331'..-.:11f, EXFCUTIVE OF GODERICII • Iwo,. or London, spent the week -mod SUMMER SCHOOL INSTALLED ....... 1=7:=7.------"..--- ------" • 3Iiss Beroot '0 (-'111141 10: 11 Com., loots . 1••,11., ,,i 1hr ',•aky tic!,,t Goderich, July 22.—The a:le...tine areseara....--=eratti—.— with David and AIrs. Olark, 1 6'11 Cen. it,... 1, Qat ot c ,i1 1,, ...o• ,o,', ,o.... ay t., ol.c vet oirned fi otto a two weeks' holidays 5la ,,,,, 01 13,,in to.,,:• -,,t ii 1., ,,,,,/. 1 of the new executive Par the (emit, isets-33.41143is.:4444:1143o-dots.:4:444.44doidstfs-04.14.41144,3tdo-olt-t±343..det÷:±3ssin-d4flotsolM It t (4 rn I'd 13" '' ll ' l'''''t"tt'l ' Salmi" 31)11 cove-. , rich Summer School wc o behl tool ty otr Pm t 1-111ron, Mich. •l I: ' John Kerney, now residing in Mich- A•i• 11,-1, -, 23, (i'.,1 ler. II: errs Wr•I'et tIttly installed by It, v. W. and at the evening service tele oill- .„): The Surroundirza Disti-ict ,,,, ), if2,1111, Ittlel tt, forttler l'esitivIli twill' Everybody Welcome E. 31111;1011, B. D. The exeetativ,., in- k t Smith's school Immo, MLA renewing .eludes the following: Preshl,m, Rev, A11-:,•. \'3", H. P.,1,1'. R.. c. kit 3 3.11,,E., It, rt, o HAD A. REAL 1. L, KEI,'K, 1 -rot rietrr leteesteeitteeaeateeeeeeesesterteeeee ett.esel eteateeeseitasee," 0.0e, tare:+4.,,eseaeleeeletuellele• Rrussels Old Boys' Re-Uon Was a Big Success :ree.....taaaetaas ereeteaereaeareeeeeeterseetts-st oletoolsotioit -:••••••-tid...--.....-e,sts-d. -3.--Ieds -3-4,3,i3Ysto (j') Bove and Girls Mork Ibm. gm.io. tg. H. liere. 131 .1 Paie 13-i at the :Sunday Servotins. 1111..O.'„ 111. t.deicot,ott, J./3131 Putland, e • ;arme 1 ase, 11t0 ti Joiins.on, S. laahae, ro,o..!•••• oued:so.o,, ohm smith, thosor Meh in' eeet1'143,12' 1,t1 A101111aV /01/1'11:W.• "; F1'11,11h Ger1311 (soldior). i.a• teem ;am. and ',ever let up • a-1 raj.'" 01 it train3311104"1' . dea.omy emoleo irng doi l.''g n 7 rond hasde• 114 113 he ngverAirBarker 1 - „eel day erieke Cross and the nurse,. :led the work II tvhicIr 111110 ''tlirting Sunday fternrem with 'Memorial and Decoration .ocrseleo,11 1.1-0•10 11 a on in the great . • • et, ;ea tit waa w, 1-erowel ed at all `-v314 111 ar• 1 Melon 1) J, W. Shaw, of 1.71;111021 4M31•1,. u11r 1.toi"i Str.ott;:'o'•11 ';';;;'1•'tlir: ol:f!i' and et.L'ut asea. nee,. of Lomlon olieuitied his old , the hoys orf the I 6 1 rot lifuren Battle. 311 St. John's Church; Dr. D,. tool then 10:311 a list of those who died 1'1mm3-m )'Iighty" Smith, of or of \Viagra:to, had ehoc... ef le the Creat woo' from Brueeek and (1/.11, Saida., arrived beck to town and the services in 13 111111' einorth t.:or 3111'3.01111 dine' ti:•,trIet --1Ztt,L4 MoKirir wits 13.333 ti o , f ringing .30.,a A. J. Mann .fortr ter Pr..,:to,.t,,r- Frack • Ch,arles Ic1-4 111 to 11011 331 334) morning. lio• report: d ;t,1\ 1;.3 /1 real of the old irls early in to- • • • • • -tAo - -0 ; i eaeter, 0111.111.1.et tt ./- •••• • - • 1 , 1.1114 at tlt! reunion. Car:Th.41, eememen eleCuire, I31,4 VI n BilriStOny 1 1/441.1trei7011, Archie ;Wi \VIitt, 13. C . 1; .1 1 ;,.-tt 11"-1,,,11• .A1 1.1,1e1,,,•..1, S. 1r, 1 :1t1,11, t• .333433,4433, t1'i1 7.•,st 1'7,1 hen 11-• oi -11,ei' tie, TY:Inmost h. Day is Over. - Tee i'emirieal Ant hem bronclete the eStiaase... rote,,titig to a dos,. EVENING MASS MEETING' -. The eyettIngt service 1'0111111,' peel at 14•011:7"fslls-to-do-steIst3s-14.1Yo.:4143)-ftots-4rolt4ts-033,,44.04-4,34.1t-,34.4344.0-1.iwt-PsA "131, "3;(11'hiP' 111 1,1'; "' '11101" I F „ .1 0. IN.110X, . t,1111 3011, Mal Atr4, JAMESTOWN Rev. Juog. Smith, Looldon, preach. Davidson, of See forth, spent it few NI in lir United Church, no Sunday, days ttocently with their old friends, Quite ton Rapt ov•-tomi bas been Sandford Leppard, Toronto, assisted Hugh and Mo.. Campbell, Grey, movie by lino (3(33 11,mo the bridge. the choir ititil also presided at the or. Miss ()live 1-3,43331' motored home to Many of 1 lot Ohl boys and girls were back for lb. re -onion at S. S. No. 10,3:11u• spend the week•end timin the prto en. The etlitoo• will back 331133133 of the Wrox otter (3 i els' Softball team Wall ha l'Ortr, 8111. is att011d i g 14 course in a tendoollar 3)111311 the emnion plc- }Household Science at Idromilton, Jatnestow 31110 ho a toort•eating eon. 1,83, and We know. 13,3(1 1111(1 at lionnsay's Se ol in 313131-A1131e Olive L. Cooper, TI. N„ left for ris, when they defeated Brussels and Tor.nto, on Alton:lay, 0' 10311 a party Sulgrave teams, ' rof Detrait nurses, en route down the Bt. Lsvvrenoe. We with uIln pleas- WROXETER Wm, Booth, Kitchener, is holiday- ing at his Moue here. I-Iarrey Plant, Port Elgin, visited old friends 1111P, Met week. Rev. A. A. liolines, Clinton, called on friends 111 the villotgoo, last week, Mrs, AI. MeLennoto, Toronto, is the truest of her si.teo, Mrs. 11. Black, Miss Mary Ilona is left on Satin day ft,t'a motor trip to New Bruinewick. Gen. LAW/M. has returned 30 London 411301 it few days' visit in the v tillage, atm y WPIP at Brussels for 1) 1'8'- 11 11 WM 0111 sat teams got, ;nut of the nrieint. 'rhos, Henry and family are enjoy- ing a few weeks' vacation in South- ern Onion. in. Mrs. H. Morrison and eloildrom, of P lot Butte, Sesk„ visited at the home of Airs. John Alm 'Isom. ioLiN &•11AWAHAN aa" UKELAR„A Repairing Promptly attended to Russell Gurling WINGHAM ONTARIO Goderich Centennial July 31 -Aug. 6 Grand historical Pageant, 6110 People Depicting 100 years of life in the Huron Tract. agonday, Tuesday, Wednesday Evenings Two Afternoons of Horse Racing Monday and Thursday Croat Event in geml-Pro Base Bali Osiers, champions of Ontario, vs. Risdons, clonmpions of Michigan, for International Championship purse of 8700. Wednesday afternoon Band Tattoo and fireworks Seven B(1nds, including the NM - ell) Baud of 4813 Highlanders, Toronto. Followed by magnifi• cent Fireworks display. Friday Evening. Provincial Athletic Meet Many noted Athletes he present, Girls' Soft 13s11 Guam --London Lndics vs, Toronto Ladies. Saturday Afternoon Lath day's program will conclude with a grand Street Carnival, for which 24 prizes will be given each night, •1 See detailed Program or other Events of the week Belne Tho ant trip. MONCRIEFF' Aliss Violet lath 0011, W/18 Mlie Sadie AICNalt. 11,48 been accept• succesertil in her 131)0 once exaccin• ed as teacher on this sten, of the onions. The report (mute out without Naylor, H. It ochno P R011)11.31 Bran Wale School, at Ham ilt Violet's mune, 11111 013.3 was an error old), Ai. tiro iw geout, G. Smith. 4 P8113118 1130 begito)litig to think that of the 1)01)1111'1/neut, 1-1033 0, R. :et -long, G. Taylor, E. Wal( the married women had enough to do Wm. Fraser, of Dutton, 11 (011111e1' en, H. Youlghlu (1-1). to itt tend tn their household duties Reeve 0( 31133 township and resident of without playing in the softball testi). the 211(1 con., was renewing Ma ac- quaintances thorirm the past week in the township nod 111 13russels. GORR1E Devul Atkin, wife and two children, The wonolwoo k of the Batik. of Com- I) com the West, and Mts. 13reeken- 11101111 13311 bk.011 tto-paim ed and the ridge, Goderieh, wane visitoas with briekiverk will 11,-. wonted, WS W11111,:, Ott 01 boy/ theekenoldge, Oth 'rbe Oloos, Sellers, tf IVItitort 33333 1311 and Hoe latter will attend the Public Seined, ilea a eit..B1 of nine try lie -Union at Goderich. the Entrance eXt1111111111i0114 laid all 1.‘11•4. David Haire and two children, passer_ Congratulottums e due of Iliolmontmi, ate visiting at the both teachot, and pupils on their sue. home of her father, Robert Carr. (01,\,1.1'8,,f•Moi:,1,1„,''„11,11111,1,"11,,„,anodi.ilo.oi;:er11111,1:.) CP 'IT; v, Dr, and Mrs. Brown moved gie 0 trr. I. 30 t went ymole yea r. sines ro Mr., Haire is better known as Ali.s A g- pm, no?, at the „Ansi (1 11111 Wel too, on Tueschty. July 5th, Aggie went West, 1(1111 011t1 sees many rrotel, at present. 311)0 e n up t emit more at 0.8 changes now, Chester London South, the topid• Ben, and Arr., J[4101101, 31)3(1 Misses ly developing resideolial part nf Ithe 131eanors, end Helen and Ben., jr., o'f city, On account or loeal unions telt• Calumet 013v, 17 $ A., silent it Pleas- ing place and the lack of the ytunger 11111visoit with David and Mts. Clark. minist s taking lop mission work in 10th Com. Air, Jarchow 1. set geant the West, Rev. Dr. Iltiown, Ont, 0( 31133 01 3111' police force In the city. They onini.tec remaining loyal to the Unit. , 1110/t/rn11 ()Ver. efl Church, (33115 sacrificed. Ile and En-IA(1 IC)TENT —T-tni1Prielc and Mr.. MI s Brown he ve set yeti fait brolly on NTrICIty, -3311 Dom, 01,87_ announce the all Huth, charges, and have made hosts toogagetnent of heir third daughter, of friends who have hest wishen (nr Elva Mar)', to Harry Well., 0111V 81011 1111133 future and kind remembrances of Josiah end Alos. Wells, of Wing- er th em Item, the met -tinge to take place quietly in August. MORRIS Tindall and Mrs. Ritchie and son : flenelair Phipnon and family, all of Election talk has not warmed up evaigeem ; airs, Tom 'twin, Beet yet. Weavemosh ; Mos, Stargeon, Alvin - ENTRANCE RESULTS BLYTII 31, Baimen, 11,13 r (3-1), P. Ilene - pm, V. Co :rig, H. Conning, It Cun- ningham, II. Dtvi., A Hawkins ill 1, AL Johmoton (II), tialew, L •ek- boort, N. Loa-kin:1 (1-1 Miller, V. congratulations 1033 (11)1' 31i94 Mith Ito-oon lo 10113 4ettilrotl 14/11. r3'atoltet133 ot't 1fl,,.,' loom Tot ont lSoo non! Sehrol, Quite at number from Gerrie took i the Old Boys' re.utdon, ott Biussels this werlt, W. .E. Bremner, 113'U'7 .111:); vice- presirb,nt, Rev. W. It.• Alp, Althorn • secretary. Rev. E. J. 11113 l$. on, Ar.. • kona treastorer, Miss AI. Go-, • derielo ; registrar, AIiss E. Goolerieh; asdstant reeistrar, Mary Clarke, Goderich; dean, Rev, . h. Alp, Auburn; librarian, Mess o (Imes- and the ierand seta; was Violet Sharpe, Daehwood; assistieg mittee composed of the follmvingt— sermon in th,t 1.lnited Church on Sun- Th. .11101113 daft3, emv.niA.n.inJg..Mann, who preached._ the I Pacited aro handrars th.00,„ gath_ 111'11 nexme.t. uptias:,er, ered around the sides of the olatforme 3414131' ' s a was led by a massed Gisoadenricha:1 C1.01; choir, conducted by Lorne Eckrnicr, Clarke, Goderieh; George Bachlor, am' a song t4,11Vint. Wu:, held prink' to Gorlerich; Rev. 1-1. G. Whitfield, St. tire addresscs. Helens; Miss Agnes Greason, Kerk- the church. Rev. ion An address of welcome was given ton; Rev. Duncan Guest, Ethel; and Hugh haul charge of the servi,••• in by Reeve Booker, who gave the 010 n Miss F. Marques, Clinton. Si. Ambrose church, Special 3)111 31. Boys and Girls the key of tie., town, • 'The summer school, which is in : 14114 provided in all the churcnes. Dr. Field, of Owen Sound, amil a for - its seventh year, is in sesson this : In the afternoon the Memorial 11.1,1 wter eitieen, gave e :hurt addrtsa. week in the North Street United ' D,eorontee Codah McFadden, K. C-., af:. Church and will conclude on Sunday service of Brussels Weiaold - ern Star Lodge, I. 0 0. F. wan bell 111110,.,. Is boy, nov.' a lawyer at Sault evening. with a grand rally so•rvice, at the nirk. The ITItallber,, of the sta. Marie, replied to the adolre, rot conducted by RIO'. W. M. Millson. ledge, with visiting, brethrem fotme:1 welceme to the Old Boys. AL'. .Mi'. Th registration has not el at the Lodge room, and aeaolool by Fadden or o.loi a humorous ce, _rotted largos as in former years, owing to the lastovel Band, marched the to the c,,lus--loatirto effect if meeting: 0 the fact that another school opens in 1,„;..k. S and loot•to of lon•.r 11,4'u" tratford next week. A plot of ground wits s,•t• ape t31 11 11 o.lingly of thoso., Who fizai (1 0''t3( 011 6)11 •.T.tVe 1I111 ' " • •t" 1- r11e first battalion of the Yorkshire Cavell in the esintre, th,i .airaves of Leila:el:. en,: ...aid :1 vete tIte Engdand 4 Roghoent stetion,A 3II :he ti,i.tml•tod 000 Fellows on siole ;1 333 ,e!.3 “ou !lel., irct.l 1,- 013 fi„•It.•• turrj 113 ontly 7111 o , tho Seotett, Is. Irish t Ger- :rum, 4313 ---------.14,1prool r.,4-13.,333 to 03 131 11141 (11.1,-071 Perrle• 34t".1133, 11-11"-. .A 133,1y::::,:11_ •11 'sten great mentaility and literary 11;r111113.•'.1 1)34 10 a11'.11 34111131' flit' village sehoolmaster, understood children .1314 olevehtp- ed, 1.11euar.o.r..,1 o• )31 fe.eseat 11111131 nature' ebility. Mr. Malat 1 tat !lever 11101, er itmee e bet; ir man ie.,. ono f.113111,1:11y VH,i as -Guide, continued on Page I) boys and girls wandered back again Lou Ross McLauchlin, Titus:els; Nei. while others played hooky as 01 30131. lie Irwin Hunter, 393 .81. CI:icons Those who got there touad Maria Ave., Toronto; Norman Smite, Bar- ..et, Amesan charge,—but for the sake of don, Sask.; Mildred Scott Sainte, ;•"" those of more recent yeare, the Brussels; Annie Elizabeth Dewninee teacher was Mrs. D. C. Ross, who Brassels; Alex. D. Lamont, at. Marys taught school in Brussels in 1882 • Lizzie P•oss Smith, Brussole; Carrie and she was the first teacher that McCracken, Brussels; Mrs. John boys who were in attendance at the Freeborn, 215 Chatham St. eirantford taught the following Bruesels old Ames, Helmer, Alta; Gertie Melsoro reunion:—Colin 0. Shaw, of Wheel- D. A. Lowry, 440 Quebec Ave„ Ter don; Andrew Currie, Toronto; Fred Kate Deadman; blargaret MeLaucla Lowry, Port Huron; Jos, Huntes, De- lin Zapfe, 897 Woodbme Ava, Tor - trek; Alfred C.. Backer, Brussels; • oto; Pearl Lowry Cragie, Toronto; Luther Ball, • St. Marys, .And Mrs. Etilth McLauchiln, 7 Old Orchard Ross had a real class of her first Grove, Toronto; Jessie MeLauchlin pupils in attendance at school. After Port Huron, Mich.; Christana Smith "How dear to our hearts are the the school session was over, which Rae, Radiston, Sask.; Sarah V, Ma- Scones of our Childhood, consisted of all the usual happen. Lauchlin, 221 Concord Ave, Toron When 10310 recollections preeent theist inns of school rind an old fashioned - to; Kate Ament Dawson, 299 Marl. to view; spelling match, which was thoroughly boro, St Brantford; Vina Bowman The hill, and the creek, and the little enjoyed by all, and after singing, Scott, Bobcoygeon, Ont; Will 0, Hen - several old songs, the class was dis- derson, Smithville; Charles A. Zilliax missed and a photo was taken from Listowel; Belle Henderson Spelt, the school steps, A processiion Was Brussels; Hattie M. Downing„ 173 formed headed by the famous 91st Envelock St., Toronto; Loviea Sin - Highland Band, of Hamilton, which clair Clark, 119 Holton Ave. S. Ham - marched up the Main street where ilton; Dora Smith, Borden, Sask.; further songs were sung. Cheers D. 0, Ross, Brussels; Gertrude Rees, were given in memory of the late 221 Concord Ave., Toronto; .Amdros, John Shaw, principal fox many years, Currie, Toronto; A. A. Lemma Brun for J. E. Cameron, of London, who sels; Mrs. Mary Hunter Small 2738 followed Mr. Sha.w, and for Mrs. Carson Ave,, Detroit; Mi•s. T ma Hun Ross, the oldest living past teacher ter Pollock, 4010 Broadway In of Brussels Public school. dlanapolis, Ind.; Jos, W. Hunter, The following is a list of all of the 8351 Collingwood, Detroit; Carrie old-time students who where in at- Hingston, Brussels; Jennie IVIc- teeclance Tuesday;— Lattichlin Thomson, Brussels; May A. M. Kay, 174 Church St., Strat- Skene Storey, 117 Lauder As a, Tor - ford; Laura J. Leatherclale, 301 Mel- onto; Mrs. L. Leppard, 222 Beatrice botarne, ave 'Winnipeg; Maggit Mc- Sit Toronto; D. M. Scott, 6'1 Craig Kay, Mrs. Robt. Ross, Kincarditte; St. London; Fred. 0. Lowry 1201, Si. Rahn Key, Mrs. W. H. Kure, Lams- Clair, at., Port Huron, Mech.; George Ms; Jessie Ross, Mrs, 3. Kerr, 'tor- Id, Davin, l'oronto; Walter LowrY, onto; John R, 57 Alcorn Brussels; Maud 'Querin atirby, Ave., Toronto; Alice Pernik Turner, Itidout St. Londoin,,;o3Arilifsts.e.ecil3;Cit.,ultigee; Toronto; Eph Downing, Medicine ker, Cleve Backe Hat; R. V. Ainlay, 851 1Margueretta Ball, St. IVIarys; Men:dam, St., Toronto; H. E. Hoag, D. D,S., &telt Ste. Marie:James A. Sheen, 240 Danforth Ave, Toronto; Flos James S, Loevry, Chicago,- D, Buelisman, Brussels; Dr. J. F. Me- B. Walker, Buffalo, N. Y.' W G Frenchman wit° carefully tittles anti nie Fletcher, 840 hrunswicic Ave„ Thuell, Palmerston; Wm. Shortreed is having his home re -painted. Council minutes may be read on page 0 of this issue, ctrods W7.10 well represented at the 01c1 Boys' re union at Bi uosels, Mrs, Jos, Olegg and Master George, 511) 111.P holidaying at Dtaytnn. Chris, and Mrs. Michic, of It espeler, were renewing old acquaintances on the Oth line, Mere George Makin and children. of Georgetown, ere visiting the (nim. 0310 mother, Mrs, 313031111, Oth line, Milton and Mrs, MoVettie and foot' 3343 of Windsor1 were up for the re - »i on at S. S. 330. 10, It week. Airs. 0130,8. Robertson and daughter, Jane, of Bolesevain, Mane were guests of Walter and Mrs, 2nd line. S. S. No, 10 had a successful re- union, last Thursday afternoon. A full report may be read on another page. Albert and Mrs. Elliott and Wil- fred, or alma en, Stosk„ and Wilfred Hell, Regina, ere visitors with John Bell, 5th line.. Mrs, John Peacock, W. J. end 511.s. McKinney and Henry and 3130. Robb, all of Boissevain. Man, are visiting at the home of 0. 13, and 'Mrs. Forrest. Miss Mama Waghorne, of Toronto, , is spending her vacation at the home of her uncle. J1no. McArter, 5th line, mod also took in the Old Boys' remn- ion. It is 10 years shine Miss Laura visited het e. T. T. MeLauchlin, of Timirling, Mane is visiting with his brother. Seedy Mcisauchlin, North gravel, and 0100 renewing' nectaainianaas with old friends. It, is 85 years since the visit- or moved West. He has made gond, 3)014 014(13033 three gum tee sections or land, A REAL Ret.useron—Among the old Movrisitee who have come East are Gen. and Mrs. Clatediff and family, of 10etote Sask. ; Mrs. John Am.') (form- eelv blise Eva Oftrdiff), from Drum. heller, Alta., and Dick and M1'8, Cardiff, of Laekadene, Sask, They are visittinct with their parents, Mark and Mrs. Ontellif, 5th line, and motor. ed down from their Western homes, sl'on, and MIR, D. F. Halve and two childt'en, nf Edmonton, spent Sunday with Robert and Mrs. Ott1-1'. MnaS DICKSON LlECHASETIt KPVP" H. Dickson, youngest daughter of tits lale homes and Mrs. Dick.nto, who has made her home with Mt st. 13. Dickson, 111h con, for the past 40 years, pass- ed away nto Wednesday following an 111113305 of six weeks doration, DP- reased Wee in her 7200year. The funeral takes plane nn Prides, after- noon ton Brussels! cemetery. Rev. W. A. Williams vi.11 be in charge of the service, ETHEL Mrs. Geo. Addy is laid up with a sore foot, Miss Rhea McLelland has accepted a school at, Darin ke. P, N. anti Mrs, Currie relented Ileum on Monday from a two iv, eks' vcoothion. John and Mrs, Ring ate spending a few days in Brussels, attending the re -union, Mrs. (Rev ) Rogers, of Long Beaeh, Ottl., visited lest week with Mrs. Mc- Donald, sr., at the home of Obas. and Airs, Hansuld. Oneninnnion service will be held in the United Church, on Sunday morn- ing, at 11 a, an, The congregations 02 Union and Roo's will unite for Ode service. Hearty congratulations aro extend-. ed to Mies MI/1111 Michel 011 her sm.' cese at her recent examinations, namely Einteanne to High Sehnol and also Junior Platamfert of. which she seamed henoz and WW1 nnly two poiets ream having first-class honors, credit to hetself and teachers; Mr. Bisbee Public School Teacher, antl Miss Id Jackson on the piano. The National Railways of Mexieo Were recently compelled by the Gov- ernment to observe Daylight Saving time Earthqoalces are being made by a Cracken, Hagersville Ont.; 'am Jen- Mooney, Toronto; Lucy Sinclair re t. strwe. Special Secs • 'I ientsm, wince was schedule.] to re en., the graves nt th,,s depat`te; seie ;urn to India in November, ea- now 31 011 the other side, tie,,,rat.e.1 n been ordered to remain in North . it'll pink. and id t2:erattiJni :10,1 China for another year. 1'. D. D. 31. Bro. 1'1,-1 lit7, of • IV 3113:)). -ham. 111!'3 f.1314rZe of tit' sorvic,• strol tofter singing a hymn Rev. 1310, : 1t1 !.11 Prayer. Dro, Clouse read 13.1 of tile al -- ion of Schf)ol iLort.'.ti ovethren of 'ire Wes,-Fil Stat' 1.0 13',---Julai Parker, J. Al. °Ton - me.. Wm. Spence, Geo. Haycroft. Jots Wlisou, jos. Hunter, Ira Porker. A uchie AleNair. Thos. Fletcher, N• I. ,,,,.1 • son Maunders, Adam Goad, Iiugh Old Boys and Girls :ton B ick School on Tuesday Morning — Parade Streets with Bane—Phot was Taken—Register Signed. Rooms:1y, Gomm,- Backer, Wel, Rod- ,'" •It. Vctir 1.:,rnish. Alfre1(1I)l 11 d co Dan. AleDonald, Galt; Colin C. Shms eklex. Stewart, Donald Seott,sot. Don- - care Thomas & Stone, Wheeling. W 1,11) Seott, jr„ Diekson Smale, Alex. Mabel Jackson Mal 1 mit, 1:12 iMeliny, Peter Thompson, Atat. Wee - Moor St. West Toronto; Aire. D. C . II. :eh iat ese, Art Certer, No,i0, Brussels; Hannah II twat. Pike \ 1112 ?'1'35, w. 0Ahltwe; Ada .31 Steworr, Stewart, Henry liaist, Wm. 11'irtin. - Fergus,; Walter S. Scott, Beessels F. S. Scott, Jas, Jones, 8. C. V%i'llstee,- d 010 .Armstrong Somerville, Actor; School bell rang on Tuesday morn ing at 9 o'clock, and many of the ol Benin GT P Morris ing, W. Va.; Donald M. Scott, Lon- ,no; George le. Cardiff, listen, Batik ; Big Crowd was Present last Thursday Afternoon and Evening — Soft Ball Tournament Held — Many Former Teachers were Present— Will Have a Surplus. the old School house last Thursday And ell the fond scene% that our in And what a gathering there was at Sp 1303-h1 knew," o t es. oo cam, - Peterboro, a teacher 50 years ago. Owen Sound, Horne to Dear 010 Morris." gain„k beautiful bouquet of roses woAr(ditsl.ress by Chairman, svho intro- duced Mrs. Roe, who spoke a few Shaw, was presents 0 to her by the school. . Address of welcome by Arthur !Selection by Pipe Band. Drill by 1 2 young ladies. Speech by Inspector Richard Lees,. Seceltion by Pipe Band. Following was the program:— Citorue—by 0111 pupils "Rolling ic,:,_,..hLbo Yr n 0 Earn jet, Rev, J. T. Straehan, of nfternoon, wham old pupils and marts/. Chorus, by the Robb 'family ot teachers gathered to renew acquaint - Stratford, ances with those who still rattle a - Speech, Campbell cowan, Bay City round and near the old sehool of S. Solo, Lorne Eckmser, S. No, 10, Morris. ' Letters read from fonner pupils The clay was ideal; every -body set , i and teachers, out 10 have a real sociable time and even the three political candidates Chorus --"Games of Childhood Days." were busy greeting all. . A parade opened the proceedings Supper was served to the nig (Tote(1. headed by the Mount Forest Pipe raid just as the evening program was, Band, and sifter the school roll and ; to commence by the Strat-to(-(1 Con - visitor's book was signed and a eocial • cert Co., .4 rain storm stoipped pro- rhat the afternoon tingle= was Kee ceedings. Dancing* in the pevillion, sided over by Dr. R. L. Stewart, of however kept up until midmght, the school, Winghato, and a former teacher of iloirruntt-tiiintIgnitthitemrosfternoon a smia, ball held 3111(1 - i'11 ' Wro- .A. pleasing feature of the (ley was • xeter girls won out. BrueSels won the visit back to -the old seenas of from Jamestown anti Wroxeter i won the second teacher of the sehool, Mrs, . from DelgreVe and the girls from the. Roe, of St. PauP Nebraska, bettor North defeated Brussels in the finals. known when teaching _11S arise Mary ' in the men's 5{.13'1815 Bluevale boys - .Ann McCracken. Mrs. Roo had Woll first prize. Brussels, Belgrave written after receiving an invitation, and Jamestown were the other -team that "eh • Id b it ' ... " B. G, Walker, a lee" and despite her 80 odd years, The first school of eouree, was a the tremors. measures tIhe explosions to produce Toronto; Donald Stewart Seott, liam• Neer Harriburg; Prank Smith and is bright and happy at having the op., log one, ibnilt in 1800 and a hmtnti, ilton; 3, Leslie Lamont, Kincardine.; W. M. Sinclair, Brussels. portunity of settling old friends a- (Continued on Page .5) 31