HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-7-20, Page 8WEDNESDAY, JULY 20th, 1027.
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'ii ....sestee jQ
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T i•: n.1..s.o \V BON
Kodaks, Brownies, Acces:a:ries, ?'iln?, Pinishin<,
You'll fieri the complete Eastman line at out Kodak Section.
Headquarters for
for the Re -Union
Flags Pennants
Flag Holders
Chinese Lanterns.
Red and Blue Striped
Crepe Parer
Crepe Paper in all shades
Crepe Paper Hats
Canes C ,Ill•- tti
Horns and. Noise. Mak-
ers of all kinds.
50c Tins
'I. -moves Ter, Grease, 011
nr 1 other -tains.
For Sunburn
French Balm, 25c a bottle
Cold Creams
Cream of A'monds, etc.
Health Salts, '50c
li.kovah Orang-i.-L Powder, 20
Wifinpol, Grape Salt., 50c
Ju t..
1-true:gist and •-tathin er
la hited C r
REV, A. W. EAR ;ST. R. E. C.
Sunday, July 24th
11 a.m.—Public Worship,
Rev, A. J. Mann, B. A.
will occupy the pulpit
Stutdav School Session will he
7 p..m.- A Public Mass Meeting
will be held In Victoria Park
Addresses by visiting Ministers,—:\
nmssra ChMr v II ;rad the singing,—
Tho w11l ire srlecn. rs by the Swat. J•
Games Arranged.
hinburn plays at lelonktoe tonight
;Wednesday) and the recut t gam
at Iiini.urn on Friday nigh:. to s`'
who will win the intermediate sent
in the group. Go to it liinbatn.
Midway Corning Here.
TI+e'Ldstow•el Standard had the fol-
lowing local of the Midway that
opens here for the Old Boys; Re-
ttien a --Harry Lottriclge midway
opened at the Athletic Park or. Sat-
urday evening last and continued mt-
til last night. They came to Listowel
teider the ausuaces of the Listowel
Ainuteur Athletic Associatio., ane
test:= en fuir patronage, They car-
ried from 12 to 15 attraction: includ-
ing; a ferns wheel and merry-ge-
round. On Tuesday evening one of
the troupe pulled a Chevr•riet car,
• containing five passenger,. for a
block on Main street with a rope
fastened to his hair.
,,,,.-.. ,....a. 0[a,. ,,,111e. VM. BROOCH LOST — Last Thursday
evening, a Sunburst brooch. Find -
t ;a:»«;»w «. , .. , . , :.•? .sestet,», e:e e :+tomes S+`rseese4+,,«,;: wEs�. eregee er leave at The Peat. 5-1
«+ _ ,«+«+.+ +«•«+»+ FOR SALE— 6 lots of Oats for sale
on Albert Street, Apply to Mrs.
Local News Items i4 Hoist, Brussels. 5-2.
SHORTHORN Bull for Sale—Fit for
gf +.it+.2»;««;»:w::! �»,,r.+;» `.«w 4.204' ,«,.: trim, E : 4`,1;+w„i;•,:«w,+; service. John G. Spell., Phone 36-
6 4.2
Morning Exercise.
Get out the old croquet set for
morning exercise for the old boys and
Will Be at Star Garage.
During the Old Boys Reunion, Rich
Stevens will be at Alex. Anderson's
garage to shine all the shoes in town.
He will start on Saturday night.
Successful Picnic.
The annual Sunday Scheel picnic
of Bruseels United Chime; was held
in Davidson's on' lot last Thursday
afternoon. A I1 a. ,, :t tiros wag :spent
by all.
Get Your Costumes.
Besure and get your costume for
the parades next Monday and Tues-
a e• -
day. The ladi.s can receive their
costumes from Miss Florence Buch-
anan tt the echool, and the !seethe
mien from J. Hewitt, Chairman o
the Committee, at the Town Hall. The
costumes will at
here Saturday.
Got Soaked at Toronto.
W. A. Grower, our eve, l known c•iti-
seai decidel t, make t t <it to Tor-
onto, but as he strolled down Sunny
side to s,ie and he si n \lr. Rain-
maker gave hint a eoeking that he -
won't forget for a while. He even
tried to break records at foutracing
with the rain but last out.
North Huron By -Election to be
Held September 12th.
Writ for the by-election in North
Huron, made necessary by the death
of the late John W. Iiia -r, Prn r
ive, was issued last Thursday nght.
Nominations will take plats on Mon-
day. Sept. 5, and polling• day will be
on Monday, Sept. 12.
Sister Passes Away,
J. J. Gilpin received word of thee
death of his sister, Miss Annie Gil-
pin, who died on Saturday at the
home of her niece, Mrs. D. Tilton, of
Tillsonhurg. Miss Gilp'.t was a re-
sident of Kirkton for a number of
years and was an active member in
missionary and Sunday sch,ol work.
She was 84 years of age and is sur-
vived by one brother, J. J., of Brus-
sels, and two sister, Sarah, of Los
Angeles, and Mrs. dene•ph troupe, of
Brandon, Man. Int• m nt took plasm
at St. Mary's Cemetery on Monday.
Colin Shaw Married.
Of interest is the announcement
of the marriage of Miss Helen Marie
Baltz, of Chantal Court, and Mr.
Cohn Campbell Shaw, also of
Wheeling, W. Virginia, which occurr-
ed at St. John's Evangelical Luiherar,
church. Rev. William 7, Hausa, titin,
pastor, performed the ceremony in
the presence of the families and a
few close friendsof the couple.
There were no immediate attendants.
Following the services, Mr. and Mrs.
Shaw departed for an Eastern wedd-
ing journey, and returning they will
be at home to their friends at Pop-
lar avenue, Wondlawn Mre. Shaw
as the daugfhter of Mr. and Mrs, Val -
dine Baltx, of Chantal Court. For
several years she has been private
secretary to Judge Frank Nesbitt
noted jurist. Mr. Shaw is manager(
of the silk department at Stone and
Thomas company. •— Colin'e old
friesids in Brussels offer hearty con-
gratulations. We understand that
Held Dance. tIAID WANTED — Apply to Mrs.
The Foot Bali Club •lu•lI a dance Donald Clark, B(iO Ottawa Street,
:.ser the foot ball match last Wed- H•omilton; or Mfrs. W. 2). Sinclair,
nesday evening. The tent was erect- I3russels, Phone 79.
ed next the Postoffrce• HAY for sale in the field., Apply to
hcuc: 15-5. itf
Masonic Grand Lodge.
Masonic' Grand Lodge holds its an-
nual s:• sions at Guelph this week,
Messrs. S Wilton, W. J. Armstrong
and Clark Matheson, of St. Je1ms
Lode, are expected to attend.
Parcel Pont.
(omnm n i '.. this month, parcel
pot t-�r Australia 1. r n ;• accepted
for in-ur::ne e under the sans sees
and eo ditions as apply to parcels for
delivery in Camila, wch the exeoa-
t t 1 cent. ;red 1 'seat lees do
not apply lot Au: tri l! t, a, that the
nt i' • vt is h,r
12 cents for in-
eu ane. not exceeding .edin e0 and 30
cent, 1..„,o i. utam• •kcet•ding $50
but not more than $100.
Successful Garden Party.
I A t ray uc 1 •=;tld garden party
P held 1 et Thur 1 evening en
limn of W. M. and Jfrs. Sinclair,
ender the au ]ices of Melville Pres-
res -
b; . a inn choir. Ther:: was a big
c0 it 1. present and the Brodhag o
Dross band gave -t big n e a rvn
assisted by local tales Mr. Percy
!iuli ten, a formes organist and
,:hair leader, gave -rt tai vocal and
intrunemtal numbers which were
ouch appreciated.
Hydro Rates to be Lowered.
btuscls t"tilitir•s Commission has
received notice of another reduction
in the hydro rates. On the street
lighting account a rebate of $1,000
has just been received, The rate per
horsepower, which was reduced a
year ago from 470 to $65, has now
been cut down to 558. The rate to
Consumers, which has heretofore
been six cent: per kilowat hour for
the first 40 kilowat hour,, has been
reduced to -eve cents for the first 45
kilowat hours with a succeeding rate
of two tents, as formerly. The min-
imum charge to consumers has also
been reduced from a monthl' rate of
$2.22 to 81.66, with a 10 per cent.
discount if paid before the 20th day
of each month. The new rates en the
street lighting system will date from
th rsof ,
fr t 7anuar • J 9. while
those to consumers will commence at
the next billing period in August.
Armstrong—Grosskurth Wedding.
A quiet but pretty wedding took
piece at Wasaga Beach on July 14th
when Greta Isabel ,daughter of Mr,
and Mrs, Edward (xroemkur ch, became
the bride of Thomas _Wellington Arm-
strong, son of Mrs. Armstrong and
the late William Armstrong, of Brus-
sels, Ont, Rev, G. S. Bamford eon.
ducted the service The brute word
011 ensemble of melon georgette with
towhee of white. and bat to match,
and carried a shower bouquet of or-
chid;• butterfly roses and lily of the
valley, Little Miss Catherine Cartes,
niece of the bride, acted has flower
girl, wearing a frock of yellow or-
gandie over yellow taffeta, tulle band-
eau, and carried. an olrl-fashioned
nosegay of yellow roses, mauve sweet
peas and baby's breath tied with
mauve and yellow tulle. The bride
Milton Huffman, P
Number of good Rock Pullets for
Sale. Apply to Wm. Crawford,
Phone 53, (4-2) Brussels
ACCOUNTS—All accoants owing to
E. Garton must be settled by Aug.
lst, or they will be put in other
hand: for collective. E. Garton
Brussels, 4-3.
Comfo`table frame house in good
repair, good cellar, hard and soft
water. For further particulars ap-
ply to George .\I Millan, Brussels
FOR. SALE -8 pigs, 5 weelcs old.. J.
A, Nichol. Phone 42-23.
Stroke Was Fatal. ....
Adapt J. Somers, who has been a
resident of this locality fire it y all his
life, was seized •d with a stroks of para-
lysis last Wednesday n1 ht while at-
tending the Listowel—Brussel football
match on the park here, prised away
early Monday morning. having grad-
ually weakened ever since the attack.
The deceased was in Isis 59th year.
Besides hi; widow, whose maiden
name was :Bary Elliott, he is surviv-
ed by two sons, Earl and William, at
home, Another son, Cecil died about
five ye•n•s aa•,. rha funeral takes
place on Wedee tlav afternoon to
Brussels Cemetery and will he under
the direction of Western Star Lodge,
I, O. 0. I'., of whirls order deceased
was a member.
Get Your Operator's Permit.
We understand there are several
people who drive motor vehicle` who
have repeatedly- stated that until the
Government notified them, they did
not intend to get out an operator's
licence. This is a mistakes idea for
the Government does not do business
that way, and if an inspector asks to
see four permit and fou have none,
it may cost you more than 31 after
August 1st. In case of an accident
it would be much wiser to have a
license than to be found.; without
P 1. hon-
P treated l ma .
one. You;b
Drab1 in court if you are living up
to the law of the provin to than if
you are breaking it deliberately.
Listowel Scored Easily,
Last Wednesday evening Listowel
Foot Ball team finished this group
and now enters the Senior series of
the W. F. A. by defeating Brussels
team on Victoria Park by a score of
5 to 0. The locals were so outclass-
ed that at times the visitors made
them took foolish. At one period of
the game, P.vervtime the forwards or
halfbacks got the hall, they passed it
to a Listowel player. The visitors
were a hard shooting .crowd and
never gave Bowman a chance et any
of the goals scared. Brussels had
three close -calls and the goal minder
had to go down on his knees; another
time the ball bit the post and the third
time a forward missed r, perfect pass
with the goal wide epee, but these,
don't count. This puts 13rvgsels clown
lead ont for the season aril liinbatn
traveled in a mosaic 'blue pleated1 and Monkton will now break the tie
frock with velvet jacket and hat o, i for second place and the winners will
matching shade, After a short honey enter the intermediate series. Here's
he and his bride, will be here for the noon Mr. and Mrs, Armstrong will hoping that the winners may ,each 1
Old Boys Reunion reside on Me 'ab eve -rete Toronto { take the championships for 1017, ;
Prosperity Follows
the Dairy Cow
l;llll.l'L'l l'1tAL aurveyls prove
that the f ttun•t win) 11,4111:+ a
a an•uatllly null: or 1:rm,t+u
lt• ,I u' •::Intl Ie,'uitt' - reed: penitent nl' Ira.
:411011 +s tIles, 'fire dairy. ,•.ry—I-ii milk
11I.1,'-'4111.. bulk sen+,41114 i, r w 1411 in-
d:0nurlitlle ch ii, n•hieh drtles '11,41.11
10111 •":51111 h44N1111•.4 depres:;i„]l w. Siu�,e
tSia, iln• Staa,lui 1 1lttt.k oi' Can ul 1 b t+
ell i„ 1 h•+ u.'eds al' 1134. ,iltmry farmer,
reI i.'I I � ,I3l sit 115 ..,'wits 1., los ,111,1,
tie s.4,
BRUSSELS BRANCI-I—C. H. Sarnia, Manager
Is Stalk Borer.
Local gardens and flower lovers
report the pec. ace: in stalks of such
plena • as. dahlias of a worm which
' they suspected was the corn borer,
which has deserted cont for the other
pltuits, there being over 180 plants
which the corn borer attacks. The
stakes and worms were shown to local
experte in entomology, who report
that the worn is the stalk borer, an
old pest, not the corn borer, a new
Flies and Mosquitoes,
Citi: car would be well to take
warning nit leavin ^ out longer
tit o ace,s,.uy receptacles for catch -
1 10 ruin water. Mosquitos, la,: 1111:1
eggs in w.at•in waiter and the hu•va'
v\ i^1 legin -,o hatch in the next spell
of hot weather. I ( ea author: tt •s
alai, ort - -14::ilingt the common I!;,
u.ipopttlar ,.t ni •nus ani areard
the house at titre tintof the, year. 11
people will ;eerie these insects tn'
mediately they gee them in the ]tome
and pursue thein mit l tiv.y stn rtfact
a killing, it will be possible to keep
the pest.; down. Deeaeii,;( matter left
aver homes or in any part of the town
:'mould bo reported to the local health
Minor Locals.
Get ready for the Reunion.
Give the Old Boys and Girls a
hearty welcome.
Let The Post know your visitors
for the Reunion.
Many decorations are being put
up for the Reunion.
The Midway is expected to open
up on Saturday evening.
1I. Broderick has the old, town
looking fine with the decoration;.
Many will attend the P,ettniol at
S. S. No. 10 Morris on Thursday.
What with drinking licenses, driv-
ing licenses, motor licenses, radio
licenses, no home will be complete
without a filing cabinet.
Popular Athletic Stricken.
Sports in Listowel received a
h- ivy blow on Wednesday evening
last when one of the leading athletes
of the, town, Marshall Peppier, was
stricken at Brussels. He accompan-
e d the team to Brussels and had m
tended taking part in the gaine but
jnet hnforc the e'ama started. he took
a weak spell. 'Medical a,si -tante wits
't once .secured and he w•ns carried
into a nearby house. He slid not seem
'o improve and he was rushed to the
Listowel hospital. Later it was
learned that he had suffered a partial
paralysis of the left side. He is at
the present time in a eertoua condi-
tion hut everything +•roe ibl:• is being
,lone for him. i -Te As a young man
who has always taken excellent care
of himself and was thought to be in
perfect physical condition and his
sudden illness is deeply regretted by
the entire. community. On all cedes
it is sincerely hoped that he will have
an early and complete recovery,
Since coning here he has been one
of the outstanding athletes of the
town and he is deservedly popular '
wStithan ia1•cd, the p)layers and fans ---(Listowel
Mother Passes Away in Goderich.
The Goderich Signal takes refer-
ence to the passing of Mrs. G. lllaek-
stane, mother of Charles Blackstone,
piano tuner, who is weli-known hese:
— By the death of Mrs. Blackstone,
beloved wife of Mr. Charles Black-
stone, which occurred at her home on
Wednesday, July 66, a much esteem-
ed resident of Goderich has passed
from this life, Mrs. Blackstone had
been in failing health for several
years; indeed, she had never entire-
ly rallied• from. the 'ihoctc. of the death
of her son Reginald twelve years ago.
She was born in the city of York)
England, sixty-seven y:o•s ago, was
married -In that cit;', of which Mr.
Blackstone s e wasanative, and about
two years later
came with
him to
Canada. They lived at Clinton for 9
ycaos, Mr, Blackstone being engaged
in the Doherty Organ factory there,
and when the Go Mersa Organ ('e.
was established in 1889 they came
with their young family to Goderich,
Mrs. Blackstone was it gentle, kindly
woman, •devoted to het home and
family, and, a clever musician, and in
her years of good health she took
keen pleasure in cul.tivatin0 the mus-
teal art in the fancily circle. Bes'.des
the sorrowing husband, site leaves
two sons and two daughters: Charles
of Owen Sound; Mrs. Stafford Atkin-
son, of Beamsville, Ont.; Harold and
Mrs, Oakley, of town. The family
were all here for the :fuuoral which
took place on Friday, last, The fun-
eral service was held in St, George's
chueeli, the rector, Rev. J. H. IL Mills
officiating, and MI's, C. A. R. Wilkin
son et the organ. The interment was
in Maitland cemetery, the pallbearers
being Messrs, 0. F. Carey, H. Sturdy
A. D. McLean and 17r. Mabee, A
large minket. of floral tributes were
sent by frienals in token of regret
and sympathy.
Alex. Anderson has his now show
room nearly finished at his garage.
Bob Patrick has two new steps
erected at his gas station and had a
big gang on to build, boss and over-
see the job.
The following store fronts have
been brightened up for the Old Boys
Reunion:—J, Ferguson & Co.; W. it,
Grewal; G. C. Manner; Walker &
Black; Farmers' Co-operative; W. E.
Willis; J. T. Ross.
Weed Act in Force.
Copies of the new Ontario Weed
Act have been rceeived at the Clerk's
°file e and ratepayers as well as farm
owners are required to co-operate in
destroying all noxious weeds. The ac:
goes into force here for tits first
time this season end the legislation
provides that for the first offense of
non-compliance, fines not less than
t20 and not more than $50 will be
Sleeritt Reynolds Retired.
Another change takes place at the
Court House this week. Sheriff Rey-
nolds being retired on superannuation
to be replaced by Mr. C. G. Middle-
ton, of Clinton, formerly Reeve of
that town, and for years an active
worker for the Consetvatbve party
in South Huron, Mr. Reynolds has
held the office for thirty years and
has discharged its duties with ability
and faithfulness. He has reached the
age of seventy at which superannua-
tion under the statutes may take
place, but he is alert and vigo':ous and
by no means an old man and we hope
to have him with us for another
quarter of a century or more l7e
leis:ua'e may give him an opportunity
to take part in other forms of public
service.—(Goderich Signal.)
Screaming Comedy from Stage Play.
Anybody who fears that laughter
may increase their girth is herewith
warned to stay away .from the Grand
Theatre next Monday, Tue::clay and
Wednesday, when 'Mc adden's Flats' ,
will be playing. For this latest First
National picture, filmed by the pro-
ducing body of As're •, Small and
Rogers, is one of the greatest laugh 1
hits ever thrown on the, screen, Not
•• only have all the comic situations that
made the original stag•, production
a continued hit for more than ;10
years been retained, but new and
novel situations have hent added.
I'he result is that nobody wino ares
for wholesome fun car, anion', to miss
the most promising of the ,mson's
successes. Two of the reaeots for
the complete eucce s of this picture
are Charlie. Murray end Chester
Conklin, who have been teamed up
for the first time in this production.
Charlie, always excruciatii:_• funny,
finds greater opportunities than ever
in his association with the gifted
Conklin. The eye filling members of
the company are Edna Murphy, who
plays the part of Charlie's beautiful
daughter, and Dorothy Damn, bee
chum. One would hardly imagine
that a production such as "iticleacl-
den's Flats” would give the cppor-
tmsities it does for elaborate gowns
and even alluring trim bathisig suite.
But there they are, and, it may be
added, both Edna and Dorothy knows
how to wear thou. -
t'ORI3M8.-In Winnipeg, Alan, on traddey,
FJuly 15th, 1857, to M r. and Norman; re. Normn
orbes (nee Pearl Hanker) a Pmt,
rt R; Wr. n 9 s Dr LSO �1 d,J t o r o4
yo D,;
Of F Li 619 a n d Fro i c
- Not for eight years, we mlu lcrstfincl,
11a\'e, the citizens of Brussels been privil-
edged to tako part in an "Old Boys' 1,:;! -
f -
Union' Celebration. On July 2.0t11, 25th
and 26th of this year this will be reputed
and we are sure it will be a huge suc-
An "Old Boys'Celebration without
plenty of noise would be a tame affair so
we have loaded up with all the noisest
articles we could think of, See our win-
• dow next week,
Dec rations
Decorations, too, form a most im-
portant -part of all Celebrations. \\Te
have a splendid assortment of Flags at
5c, toe, 15c, 20C, 250 and 35c.
Confetti Galore 5c pkge.
Druggist and Stationer , Successor to James Fox
o ¥S9
e ,
6 1 92
1st Highland gy!inrs' Ban 4i
of Hamilton, will supply Music
Mount Forest Pipe Band Listowel Brass Band
Owen Sound Jazz Band
Band Concerts Ev' s 25thfit,. r 26th
High Class ntertainers Comedians, Etc.
S na
�. y, July 24'Ch
Morning—Services in all Churches
with Prominent Old Boy
Pastors in charge
7 p. m.— Combined Service
in Victoria Park
Udcdfellows' and Soldiers Decoratioff
Service in Park at 2 p. nt.
Listowel Band in Attendance
Ali Old Boy Pastors to Speak.
Band Accompaniment
Followed by Sacred Band Concert.
Soft Bail JulY-25
MARRIED Men's Soft Ball Ladies' Soft Ball
ARMSTRONG-GROSSEUNTis -At wnpaga Moncrieff, Ethel Stratford
Benoit, on Thursday„tory t.1th, by Rev. G. Stratford Mitchell Wroxeter
S. But 5ord, (Oreka Isabel, dnnghte,- of
Air, and Mtn. 'Edward Groaskorth, of Tor.
onto, to Thomas Wellington Armstrong,
ret; AometMrere,g, ,Aolfipsna.ad the 'elopes.
MEW ER. -In Grey Township, MI Patuxent”,
,inly 10th, 1827, Isabella Gladys Rowland,
beloved wife of Duncan Brewer, aged 28
years and 29 dive
on Saturday,
July Nies Annie Gilpin, sister of J. J.
pin, of Arupaela, egad 84 ts
HO6It8RF,--In Brawls, on hlatadey, Jnly t050,
Adam Jnileaton Somers, aged 68 years, 0
months and 12 days.
LOTSI'.-In affectionate memory of Flight
Lisch 0. Wilfred Lott who gave his Mein
the Great War, at Melia, on July 20th,
They still live in our hearts and in the free•
dem they won for us.
Ga0801, AN0 Tina f.0TT Alin FAMity,
Tenders Wanted
Tendert, will be received by the undersigned
up to the 80th of July for the washing and
painting of the coiling and varnishing of the
woodwork at the BI,evale sehael
1ROB1', SHAW, Soo.
68 Bluevale,
Representative Wanted
7 -Piece Orchestra in attendance
Clinton Brussels Clifford
Bluevalo Wroxeter Moncrieff
a^2A 't±ail_uIy+ 26
Walkerton vs. Palmerston
\Winners play Teeswater
Best Ball Teams in the Distriet
Play starts at i o'clock
I Side Shows, Games Lottridge's
Ride's Novelties �ilidwa Attractions Midway Amusements.
See- the Gorgeous'Decorations and
Magnificent Electrical
Grand Masquerade
12 o'clock each day
Oyer 1511 lo Costume Floats Decorated Cars Clowasl Etc, Don't Miss This.
Impersonation Character, Lady, Gent, Couple or Group • ..53,00
Best Decorated Auto5,00
I3est Comic Character - . 3,00
Best Decorated Bicycle " 00
The Man wearing the Largest Hat 2,00
The Man wearing the Largest Pair of Boots ..... , . , .., • • 2.00
The Best Clown , - - 2.00
Best Decorated Vehicleother than Motor Driven 5,00
Dancing Pavilion
Responsible mem wanted to represent re- r n and E
speneiblebrokerage bones, members of rha BotlrAfte 1100 a Evening
oxohnnge, in Brueaele end vicinity. Bxper,
1nnce not noaesenry, ne we will trnht the right
party, Gnod opportunity, Write 612 Vet.
Jitney Tournament
For Old Boys
At 9 o'clock a, m., 25th & 26th
ropontnnrenegeToronto, 1t 00. 110511, President, • 0, D, MIS Treasurerr,
M, HACK; 5eoretery4.