HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-7-13, Page 63. . 7:1. 1", TST itt ^ ' th • ... • . , .I!11 :,.11 1 I ; - -• t.. the stlit-itires: day,. HON. CHAS. 1.'Ni-1!R attninnt IL: •••• i." molly :,-otars getting. stleo91. At. thP tipr or ot... :u;ttzr...1 '. • to th.z. study of Ittw,In..1 !lc ;_! ^:•; ;`",,.111 d. Now Denn•twiplt. h• ontor..ij..ti n1 r tr • -C.,. f. rofont oti th, • 1 tt. ...total li! .1".(tl 1od14. Jutrot: • III: ti:•st • 1. th Cc9.^01.•.-rotiort ••-•. 'To-. • ...11.1t.d. oi• I..; :1 ':,.. • 'r_ .ael,- : ' •:I '7 !;1 t •ar. I:1 1 h •;'.- 1 f Vs ot- lil ea- li.es1.1.-.1.1 and tlo• e %al pa, t, a reality • it.cation. o' t'1.1 Sonato of 11\tew Bronsmick at lot, 3.1 titt ,f 1::;" t.at'v, NG* 1 -... .,:er 13 •nr.t.11.1 dud oily in the of hi:. iA r 4 tilt^ Hi:;1 latniters, I latitnu-,11 e; • of a +11..-1 the In a 1. ss.r patriotio en- ; (... .all 11.11;i':67;11 1,1.2.11 :1 ...71.1"1:111. :01 111.1 ,,\l 31 1 -01,1 111,3 natio.: al I ' • I lt; 7 dal - Mr• - II ;iffy \:.4the &it of the Cana.i'ma inreple was 11 3 sutiziiftptor., on... s- ::irrod to the utolo.,,t it rea p.-clally as 3.0111 to tilt grott-mo.5.,: of -..hoir lt..ritago. It Itt 0 0 0 r - • during the too moph that, t.11•7, rut- trte 1'.iv tipv-rnmont V—. l come'01;su,-.!rI a..slia.1anewbth t .. • cCHINTZ PURS Cron -114l chintz, E with itny MY LADY'S awl yellow lowemakes a 4 1F0r11o::x Ie..l.lIv,otnt1. .13.3131131-1 :314ien ori; 11'lyr11', , 3.3.103."31.1. .3 1; Tort 11 is,nel 1. l: oent,lt «'3:1 13. 'col. evl 1. fuer 33 3,3113 lugat 310Litr:it to.' , • ,• ?'• Don Tho nrlt4 'daya In .;;•1• • _ iv 17a_; . . y. 1.0.-.• 1.:101tcrottnd 1,,• 110 in rront the inesest nualt.o.s. Ilte THE TOUR OF CANTRA3TS -- A "0" -it; ;•• •11 3(2", .01.2 TI-IRILL—July '5 to 1.0.113-. 15 ..tat, :.; :non.....tr to a - - DomIn1n a3.1 303 4311.101\%011'd you :o hare some new On e.' n -1 WORTHY CELEIIRsl,'FIO1*3 In 1 - • - - • COLUMN. ORNAMENTAL RUG, of the colorful hooked or a small Oriental oftoll givet ot:d I.3313•• Lotti.o., to ;.ou: cjrc1 room I! • 1":... -IM" I,' erne mwd touch notch the mme cord p•ot tog that a flower or ,lewel does '0 Of :11,-, ',.'4"..bratIC'TH talt,;.? T.1,11 14211,; 3d01.4 wi411 „300331. po:mtv•tnot•.....ion of 1.,o1rd. Can Carr' uor in Pub v-•-•ro 111 c . 103 Vatrl(0111 aTtiblie,` COTI !I.- Li V .. 11 1 i 3ea As ale .L.-i.o ken { t!0!,.. ,h„,.„: ,I.,„, „,,,thhg E„, ,„.... ,,,, ; ,, ,! ,o, „.„, 3,,,o,.„ a:, .0101. 33-1,1 or,,,._ ...,?. t..., 1. r r'l -. ;,,,I.; 11 mon, ,..trongly to On patriotic ::,,: to tit,. NVI..,1-,..to,,re Lo 1, .:11 Or-1^F4r.m.",--;a. ic" in 4fIlletfVn(3. 11-4. • -,,,- ,t • f ; '',.. • .•t 1 Iwo .1., • .- 4 1 • .' ; - --+' • - ......,, . „: it ,...; •,...i .1)4., ".i ...- 4.,„. t .,.. a 1 In itt -.1,-.1-1. , r. 1; ,_,, i:i tt. .. , i- ",,, petty ..„ -.3o,, 0.. te,,.; 1%.,..tens, z titan th..s ati3p1c3o,14 cvtnt• ne -,,,t,•1,,, dr,,,,,, td.....11t ::::. •..m. arcangod P..1:1"4.3., 11,12'', tip:. ofilotal 1.0110: uf 31-1,- 3,. forohant1 by ;Ito Dito:c......•• ttudtT Om 1 T:ii....7•.^.;::',;: li. t......; it.,.P.,.... .1;"•:::-I.,....., :: -..-cor. ...v....... fool.," in u -.H; ..,11;.!..1 city of Ottawa hail the .. . , • ,. , , ,au:spi.1 Cano.1an Pacific 1 h 1_p1,,01.,of ot1101et11mi ts \t11GaTr7ystm1 The 41 • . , . 11,.3 .-'1.•, -se,,a, 1.,,ne - -.1 ts-lth - ',--ti ia 30-1-1,c1,t1,.11 was a 11134110 111110 one on 1.117:1101: Tour ...I: Conf•oloroticm Year, 1 33 3. .. . -pr co - • ' • '`. ' '' . .' Id-o.:1',,...,.1r,.''",'riot Star .....1.-..td11 331 t" th-till.. I4ad just '2i 33 you ex 1 3.I1 1011111:pLet. tile 0ttllwa Journ"1 ...-1, It H. I.. •Tarl.,-...on, nr,....”...d..t, foe Tonr 1..,t ;rature 11033.. of Parliament nill Was _........„ .. tated ',r. • , • -g !,41v quLL 1111:fl ik,n2th liitodin f hhal '312, long remembered . t,h..e h;tio1e 3, 311(1 bellhigh 1.ift 1311 of stone,somilmt out .Vjqmssages of solemn bsauty far OV: cyand hllmy ma 1., 21'I, m .1 d';';' ;'''." ';:;' 1; '-', 1. 3 ;;', = "; tr, lt.',.r,tr,r Vehicle Licett"e PIA (tA Secured i-old!..rs marelltql and 11.1:*011i .1, gil .t On *.h.: 1,0111“. 1,'l -1, !123:")'1!123:")'11!123:")'11"". nt Cost of 7 1, C.,..nte Per Set. ..:.1 in ...lie ,un and haniti. bhmut .:•1 c y,...w, 11.0.•."...,... 't ..d...„, . to -,. •.t :my — and drams tl.rol,bed; the \77)10'“; of a lde.. Or a i',.;1,. • , ,.,;,, T ,.,,1,,..y 7„—H,,a, o, orgei S. thousand i hildren 11 13 to 11.0aVell 1 I -. • ,I'r, 1, H ; .; 7,-; I. . r;'• 'AI: .I' t; r of 113 114 ty-, an- la praise of thir Hme oland; the pat ..- .. I • ' ' t • ' 1 eI. •." toct and pr.. tent; the: • 1 ; .rdav "eat `I.r. contrast rietle fervor of the oritzoi exto11 r,, _..; , .„ ing 1t.2... motor v- iicie licnse „na, p Veiterday tint! '4.1of • • :le its 131401.e1:11 3(13.1(1.1" .1 to Cana- mighty crow.1 in gay color,: that 3301'331'' - • 421 " td of HemllIon e en ell Parliamnt square ;told over.lowt,d 12,110111 33.1111 an 03.13-33-11, 1.1 111 a 11,11.t (yf at and one ntlf 11 to tia, itroets -nrgod up to the ear hurl not 1131313.1111 113" II, 3,04 ,,,11t, 31413 of 3)1331314. Tho contract windows and roofs of buildings- the section 12 of the ..et, nhic invol..e. Gov-rament 33133911(11 -this made an occasion unforgettoblo hibited the (*3» '311033 of or 121 al.proxi mat :7,-30,000, for for its beauty and its grandeur, 01- sit, applied only to '11 tillve,•inb, g of l(1,...purtiaeut 11-11411way4 estimu- tawa, in the past, has been the 8101101,3(33,for :al by 1.11,11.r, t 170..300 vehicles 400,000 of mighty gatherings. Of roorncr- hoard, 33100 113.21 th..t ^1,31 11201120311e 1114; tyrp.and hc --will be ride istoric eietmAlow, bot'Might erivv.;y liquor 331' Hit on,. 1, -gal 1,2 '1'1,',',(1 131 Or.tarlo tis: nothing that it has witnessed has evtr place to another in MI Or n P.1.(1 101: at.; Tho pr -e .;nt contract price 3.; woe- proach. d this." without breaking the law, Inflos 403310 of of the liquor tv3'e.3 consunted in . transit, The fact that u man br(.1..e the seal on a bottle on the way from th i vendor's to his home did not move that he did so in order to take a Mr, or to mix a John Collis -1i, His. wor- ship also held that a purchase.. notd not take his John Barleycorn 'numb by the most direct roMo. 1 In tho absence of the atternev-gen- ' era!, his staff were loath to discuss' the matter, but the ,i;,:neral opinion' was that the decision of tivi Whitby Magistrate was quit in order. i i .A few days ago Attormy.Genen1 Price told The Star that the mere ' carrying of liquor in the hist; pocket 017 elsewhere did not constitute a broach of the law. ./t...3;mrontly, in order to convict a man of drinking in an illegal place it is necossary to: catch him in tho vory act of agisat- ifIg his Adam's apple with applejack: while he tilts tho rear end of a 'bottle , skyward, Since almost anyone would , look around before drinking to the t 1 if ho had any spectators, the matter li ,. is rather complicated to say the,' t least, EVENING BRACELETS Thf; I31.,3;‘, Ile merrier is the rule for eviming bracelets. They do not .11113.0 to match. They are worn en the 1oft arm. NIGHT FLOWERS Th'- ubiquitous flower now 3111119118 po•ched upon the :moulder of 4he ason's latest nighties. Of couthe the left shoulder. rOysters and clams contain about 100 times as much Lunar: as in of - steak, Hotels in Italy have abolished 1118 practice of tipping and now add 30 per cent to their bleu in lieu of a Tee. Tho use of the shell of freshivater clams in making. bottnis i cammg thi. species to becomo extinct in soma sections. DARK FLOORS. If you prefer dusk tti light hard- wood floors, instead il VanliShing stain the bare boards a dart tone and tvhen thoroughly wax w th- out varnishing, .mtartly colorful pouch purse to wear with li.ght clothes. CHECKED MATES A hat of white line 1 with rip:dil- 1 /mos of mauve checked linen com- pletos a sports, costume consisting of a white linen frook with jacket: of ' contrasting. material. BACKLESS TEDDY Sampler's latest contribution to coolness is the davtlrae buck)ess tidily 111 prIntel chl.front, usually reserved for decollete models, LACE UNDIES Black Chantilly lax, u.,311 with fine white satin, fashions the prattles and bandeau of a brids's set. --- - CREAMED TURNIPS Diced turnips, cooltstl till tender, 1113131.. a nice hot dish for huicneon if covered with thick creant sauce, sprinkled with bread crumbs, end baked. SHORT NIGHTGOWNS Summer nightgowns with (minty dace yokes into which chi.fron is pleated are scarcely longer than day- time frocks, "MOKA" HAT A medium-sized hat with roiling brim, fashioned of thin straw in a dark brown shade called "Molta" makes a becoming substitute for the dead black hat. LATEST EN3EMDLES Printed Irish linen snorts coats Like shoes, bags and parnmla of self material. Plain hats and stockings the Palile laala color rslieve them. RAW VEGETABLES Pinely shredded c,trcots, small earumbers, chormod cabbage and a la of Bermuda cMan voles an unitstial salad tvlimi serv,,d with Frentli dressing trifle 113.1, -1 of 110- 31udort ta.vorti.x.ra- rramocnstrtiraauesmstr.uor.ro.,rve, iireinvacev,..maxagersas....nr.-7....trunnorMam-cargoomv mexanansurn 1 There are a great many ways to do a job of printing ; but quality printing is only done one way—THE BEST. We do printing of all kinds, and no matter what your needs may be, from name card to booklet, we do it the quality way. P. S.—We also do it in a way to save you money, The Post Publishing House mssmemsancememresanuentmerarnsn*Makencovotameamrarneamarmarstoresam2) enmossettmensostammtraermarmanvan*asoataantoreastmeareontmarrusuemmonmawmarm Canada's Three Score Years of Nationhood (S H I I11 N G) A' WHALEBACK GR4I4 CARRIER ,