HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-7-13, Page 1VOL, 50 NO, 4 02.00 15cr annus in advance
Bk USSE7 S. ON Tel RIO. iVRDNI SD,1 Y. JUT Y 13. 1927
r;,.4f i4 .44:-. M.AR., H4.:+4 iHl� 4,:+f iMi ,1)••M M .44.4 1k1Nc'1`,4,:c..111:•i F4, 1,1
;$ The Surrounding District ,i
:f..f-f 1 !++ ..ff:tri. �i.s.♦ `'f 1.
JAMESTOWN J. W, Leggatt has purchased the
Russel )1o11)ttt and Miss Herten farm 01' the 1141P Andrew FOX, at
Bum a Po'nn'n, were recent;visitote Whitechurch, and gets pnsse1slon in
at the h0(1e of Chyle, Moffat, October,
Misses Vida McLeod and Florenoe The many friends of Mrs, \Vit,
Ilrktnier n 11 Inane Prow their repent- Hpair will Int a(rry to hefty that she
ive schools, su,jnying the vtul81)1)0 111111 11 W11 111. w serious operation at a
Toronto hospital,
Qni t e a number froth Isere attended
WROXETER the garden party at Garner Nichol -
Alias Rona Van Velsor has gone to i0011'13, Thursdrty evening last• These
Toronto, where site is tatting a course I was a vets huge 01,01411 and the pro•
in Ph Is' ,
y real Culture, (11)1818 UIIdt)lIlI 11111 to aro u id , `7(1(1.00,
Hattie v Jarvis and family, of Ilaln-
iltou, were 1ecent visitors at the
Mane of J. R, Wendt.
Mrs, 0. 0. Stewart and daughter,
Ruth, of Toronto, are holidaying with
relatives in this vicinity.
J. Edgar and \Vu1, Rae, who are
Courses in
spent the week•eud at their homes
Stewatt and Mrs. AleKeroher, Sask-
atoon, and Robert lIeKerchee, 110))1•
real, tare visiting their parents, W. 8.
1(11d 111.5, 11c1Cel•t•hel',
Harvey Robinson left for 8t. Oath-
8rine1), last week, whet IIP has lire()
transferred to a branch 111 the Bank
of Goiunerce there.
Aliases Elsie 81111 Marino Gibson, of
Winnipeg, ate spencdiug their Sum•
11. Bake Jamieson, student, halt
isterof 1Cmix Pr.sbyla!)1)1 (111u1•rl
spelt last week in Toronto, attendin
1110110et S0)1oul at Knox College fo
Sunday 8011001s and Young People'
8(nieties, Al r. Jamieson gave
splendid report at the Sunday (001.11
111g service,
The Ladies' Aid and \V. M. S , o
1Clarx Presbyterian Ohnrolu held thel
meetings cm Thursday, July 7th, a
the home of Airs. Peter McDougall,
TIIe President of the W. M, S , Airs,
O. 11, (durniss, ruuductNd the de•
vntt1111)1 exercises and hiss Margaret
Mo1)ougall rear) the Scripture less011,
After the, nosiness of the tnnnih was
aver Mrs. adrirl11 ( T'
n r
c) I gave to most
interesting Elliott1of the address giv-
en at the 11111cardin' PI•sthyte•la), by
mer 1ae8ti00 with their parents, 3111)1) Robinson, tt eel tuned mission -
Thos. and Mrs, 01bean, at from tits 8-1011) Beth' field. Miss
11lernhers of Orange Lodge No. 2511 Robinson forcipes wonderful possihil-
8nd a large number of visiting hl et h- itie1) in this field. 11(1rs, (100ntbes clos-
tam 14t1 •nderl service 10 the Al plertan ed the meeting with pr8yel',
011neh, on Sunday evening, nominat-
ed by Rev, ITr, Hawk MP, 1f Bly1)1. •
Rev, W. 1+1. Kerr(a Romer, (mer t\Rerh-
edtsl minister iter°, passe( away in (I0lntnunit,n will be bred to Knox
Vntl10uver, 1111 Snntlny, The futon al 1 United ('hur4h, nn Sunday lnnrotng,
till be held 011 Fritley afternoon, lit ; at ,u. 1'repar•tt(It'y service on
Oakville. Ifis widow and a grown- : f' ridgy evening, at 7 30 p. m., will be
np family 4111411 VP. ('nndu01ed 1. y Rev. 111r. Walden, of
Rev. Tie, P1C)).1,President of the 131uevalp.
\Void's Sunday 811)1(11 A•soriation The Ilelgl"14ve Martellof the Wont.
nod of the \Vnrld'1) Christhul Im(111847. en's Institute tv111 oleo- at the haute
or Society, will give adds°syrs in the + of Airs. J. 11. (Molt es, 3rd liter Mor.
i .
United Chtn•rh, on Thursday 1)11(1• '� t "n'1'ti/'sday afteroln, Jnlp 1Thh,
1111011 11s W' )
e••11 l e
t(I r
evening, at 3 and 8 p, 111 a (lrandlnnlhPn's Dray.
t'espe ' All opium,' n n 1
} t 11 I spa will be
rt ,•.
A 47.81-urrescful garden party stapat,.,uuibys°vrutlg,l,ruiuu,th-
tiler the 11)I-ptr1•s of the United ors. A 111wr•ty invitation is extended
to all the ladies of the rnnnllll(IRIy
nod ,
t special
in in n
i t n t all gr^and•
mothers to he pie11011. Thet11 will ,tl-
sn heart exh'ni•tn1:. I' pioneer relies.
Anyone who has 11 moment() 1f 1101.0 l-
ulntllel's daps Will pip/esti taring it
Mang and slake this exhibition tut in-
ter est hig featutii of the meeting,
New Advertisements
A1.,„nets N Gorton
Cull for 1111 11 hn'4, ypelr
K ink angkeit F It smith
Hay for kale -Mil tet Huffman
Marty t'It sines 1 e,toh & Zeigler
'1'hr1e Juyo u. 'lata -H. n Alton
Pullets for sale -Wm (ra ward.
Meeting -Brussels t!on ervetives
MUM wnnt1d--DSrs.11on881 Clark
rancher wnatod-M. 4, a 1o. 1, 1lorris
Property formals -A 1). tenednnald
}rode to for sale -.t W. lrorr, 1,u
n .arty-L'.':v{'Ini'hur,h rho{'
1.ervtoes-flenss.ls Cul taut church
Hiss Annie Murray,of (Tonle, 1188
accreted a p(-SlL1on as teacher in one
nl'wicthlt•11 schools it; the vicinity of FnrQ-
Riehlu(1 Clegg is being visited by
)• his brother front Pontiac, 111te), Air.
1, Clegg says that be reinembe)s work•
g ing for J11)1es Bell in 1383, forty-four
1' year's (Igo.
s Quite a number attended the sale
a of household effects of firs, Gt'iNwPH.
Pelves were nut very high, 31(8,
(rievas intends taking up her future
residence in Toronto.
1VntMit,otthe United Chute)) was
held in the park, on Tuesday evening.
Music was supplied by the 1,iatnw11
Brass lisnd, and a splendid snppPl
w81) t'erwrfl ill ter• rink, '1'tvn inter -
0.1 ;lig softhall Earles of the inter-
church league between \VrnxPtet' and
Blnevale were played, Wroxeter
tion both genies.
Eldon 11'PRnley spent. Sunday at
itis Imo, Isere,
L n, 'Roswell ha•1 10ceiveil a Plats
lend or 0,',,' ! for hie lila plant,
Harvey iliesset', ofPotion, 0, is spend-
ing his 1.41,4 Finn 111. his 1)01tle here,
Thus. Field shipped n rat (1 cattle
from here and 1P, Black two ears, lost.
'Pholrts Pill(117, of Toronto, is
'pen11113 a Pew days at the home of'
his nephew, Arris. Nesse',
Allier(' and Mee. Elliott and Gnrdnn
and 111.1). 1111i,l1 spelt 80)11187 with
then1• father, .1(111 EIlinf t, sr.
Ales. Jas. Burgess and daughter,
Pot Mitt*, or T,istnwrl, me visiting al;
the home of hl, B, Jenkins, 13111eva111
There 7(41(5 11. good .111rn out at the
garden party, at 1 h United Church,
'!'he (-Merle Orchestra furnished ex.
;teller)) music,
Hugh and MIS, Ross and Rnhert
Alex well, 01' Ki113svflle, Ont„ former
111sidents of this (community, are
spending a few days here,
'Mrs. IR.ev 11), Rogers, of Ht. Thorn -
as, and her _dln1gh111)' 1(11(1 snn•in-lrtw
4.1)011114 few days hist week calling ort
friends in this neighborhood,
Mrs, Payne, of Toronto, n guest at
the home of J. C Higgins, sang the
solo, "Ifo wipes the I;eat' fermi' every
070,'!), 1110 Persbyte'ian Church, on
Sunday (11(00)03,
While working with a riding plow.
one day recently, Riehnrd ,Johnston
had the misfortune to be thrown ( if
anti Prang red it Vere hurl shaking up
11)1(1 wall h•tdly hrnitPd, which has nee.
es5itated him retaining in bed.. We
hole that he will 5001 ht' Well ell t a
Sale of
Ladies' Blonde
Patent regular
$5,00 for
Boys' Tan and
ford regular
$3.00 for
Kid and
Black Ox-
Ladies' House Slippers
regular $L65
for 1 25
This is a real Slipper for the
house with robber heel.
Other lines of Shoes at
equally low prices,
R. Ferguson
Melvin Harrison traded ear., 1111
Adan) Slime! made a trip to 1Citclt
Lorne Czlulpbell has purchased
new entlpe•.
Vernon Clegg, of Pontiac, is visit
ing will his-pal-etllS-
(ilatie 1{1)1)0(11, of \Vatarloo, spent
the Weekend in Our]ie.
R1)1ettand Alts Ashton have re-
turned from n trip to London, 8t,
1'honas and Kitchener.
The majority of schools in the
ueighbot hood or Gnt'ree }Utile ellii,ged
teachers, during the past two (weeks,
A. 00011-111- front here attended the
gin den party a1 131nevale, on Friday
evening, and loom 1 tut enjoyable
1'he following 1111sit111(1ts of Gerrie
1 y a tells t•(1 1.111' 111)1001 11.
union at 8- h No 9, Cal riek : ;Airs.
George M,'I(ee, Nurse li1Ke11, or Nev
Yolk, lits. ,John \Vylie, Bessie
Wylie, fie:mgt. Foster, John iinest0(1,
Joseph and ll r1), Sanderson and Airs.
R. Stinson, This was the 7(1t11 an-
niversary of the founding of the
school, it having been founded in
1857, 1910 first tttntntes of the fru ul- -
ttt.int) of the school seetinn were react,
Mr, Engles .vas the first teacher. The
salary then paid was 1.0 pounds to
year, the present enrreney not being
in nye then. This is the ' quivnlent. to
$200,00 11 year, 1(00 weer present
who attended the school 117 1559, two -
years afteritstalled.
Haying 111 nn the program.
G. G. Hood and John 11)1(1 tars,
Hoed, of Saginaw, Mich., lure renew•
ing old acquaintances in Mniris town-
Violet t Aid•'sl
(t.rn, R. N., of
Sumtfold, spent the week -rill at the
parental home on the 5th line,
Don't forget. the Re-ua,ine next.
Thursday, July 21st, at S. 8. No. 10.
A big program has 11(.011 prepared.
A big crowd attention the Gorden
Party at Garner Nicholson's Inst
Thin sday evening. The artists gave
to very fine pt °groan.
The Garden Party held by Knox
Chatch, Craninn,'k, proved to he a
great 5l1 011ss and the snot 111' $137.00
was 1.01-1111(1 neer to the church trews-
nt'y 145 r 11e 'let profit.
I A very quiet. wedding took place at
1 the 0t' nbrnok Manse last 1Vednes.
i day when John, E. Evans, of the 12th
con„ was united in mal tinge to 'hiss
1181• ”
at et Clhar ,
k ( the f, f 11. 1
tall con.,
ceremony being til
y worm -wed 11
r 1 d y ltev,
1111, 11'1I117t iTl.i.
Surae time late Saturday night * 1
early Sunday morning, thieves enter-
ed R. J. Gibb's clothing tat re 1111(1
I removed some 82,500 wroth of stuck,
The Store load been upon 111111e hate, on
S8tut(ay night,. and it is thought
that the thieves 1(11)c1e their en1, 1
t n eat. y horns of Sunday mottling.
I Ale Gil -b i a young man, who came
s bete (torn Stratford several years ago
to enter' business he e, and is nue of
the town's most suao4ssful young
business men. There is no dace to
11 8)10ty how the thieves got into the
0101le, hat they evidently Look the
- i goods out the h,t,A1 door 'rheir mode
1,P entry is, Mutterer. It mystery. The
I goods taken lie chiefly men's Wear,
' slate, shirt 8, collar -s, ties, socks and
underwear, lit addition to the gaols
taken, the thieves also took the
1 adding machine and rash register eon.
Mining tt small smut Rn uhaige, Ev-
idently, they had a snick or large
automobile to carry away the plund-
er. Sometime doling the 4.1)1(111 per-
iod of the night, a garage was broken
into hot nothing turas to lien,
RStu o
S.S. Pio. 10, Morris
(Known as the Ramsay School)
Will hold a Re -Union on
the School Grounds
Thursday, y Jul llst
Parade at 1 o'clock sharp
Program of Sports
will commence rafter Parade, among
001;6 will ben Soft Ball Touren.
maid fee Men's and L5dies' Te8ms,
Races, Palley Drill, &c,
Mount Forest Pipe Band
Ladles bring Baskets, Cups and Pitchers.
Coffee supplied free ea the grounds,
Concert at Night
Program supplied by Ilse Stratford
Concert Company,
.haneingafternoon and Even-
ing at PaVilion'On grounds
Admission 25e Children Free
Miss L1411 011, Huy is visiting friends
in Myth,
The \Veights and Meaen'e iuspecto'
mule his annual rounds Inst wool,
11)81) Eating Hogg, of Brussels, vis-
ited Ft ed and .Aero. E1nes, recently.
Miss Beth Harris, of Preston, is
visiting' hey cousin, Mies Flora Har-
Miss Addie Love, of Toronto, is vii•
Bing her parents, Joseph and Mrs.
'Che girls' softball team played with
Oranbru0lt, 1).t \\'altar, The Waltrip
girls lost, 9-5,
Wm, and Attie, lioggattll and fain
ily, of London, visited at Alts', Hog
)-t(1111 s old home,
Ritchie .Drag(', who has been
spending his holidays itt his home
has r
e d to Preston.
s, Armour Dundas 10111 family
have moved to Detroit, Alt. Dundee
has been in that city since hist Oct-
Mrs, John Morrison, tvho has been
visiting heti parents, \Vin. and lits,
iloy, has returned to her home in
Thos, and Mrs, Hose and children,
of Milverton, attended the big garden
pal ty at, Walton, 'Wednesday of last
'(.Mrs, (De ) John A. MaFallzeai, and
(daughter, of Denver, Colorado, are et
pre811nt visiting eelatives,.Jn M1K!llnp
and Walton, It is almost 25 years
since MCFa(1ze'an has been here, Mrs,
no doubt there have been many
changes in that period of time. Dr,
llcIPadzeati visited here two years
ago, and is one of the -Walton boys
who has climbed the ladder of success.
We feel propel to announce that he
has been anti is Senator of Colorado
The garden party of Duff's United
Ohurch was a tvondet ful suo0155, be-
tween 1,500 and 2,000 people attend•
ing. The evening was ideal. Supper
was Served from 0 to 0 o'clock, with
en abundance of good things to eat,
'.Che Rotten tot entertainers furnished
ane of the best programs heard
in these parts for n gest while,
1.11e first half of the program consist-
ed of old Solthom melodies inker-
snersed with da1k117 wit and humor,
The Second was in their white fares,
and consisted of quartettes, duets and
solos. The comedian gave Tilsit and
English character songs in one/wino,
The i$eaforlh Kfltie Band was in at.
tendanee and rendered several num.
Liberal -
A meeting of the Liberal -
Conservatives 01 the Village
of Brussels will be held in
the Public Library, Friday
Evening, July 15th, at 8
o'clock, for the purpose of
appointing d 1c ares to
tend the Convention at
Wingham on July 19th.
hers in Its usual fine style. The hared
always odds elle s .
this annual event. The proceeds
lunounted to almost 551(1 Of),
Garden Party
Melville Church Choir
Will hold their Annual Garden ;
Party on the Lawns of
Mr. W. M. Sinclair
and Mr, Geo, E. McCall
Thursday ��)gi July 14
Pie Social'?
1 Group 2 of the Ladies' Aid
t of Brussels United Church
S will hoid a Ilio Social in the
A good program will
be presented.
25 cents
Brodh eatil Band -
will supply
I Musical siva
pp Y Program
y pelt of gaiety t0 � a
Musical Numbers, &c.
by Loea1 Talent
Altss Elizabeth Fear has been en-
gaged as Principal of Ethel Public
Ails. Felgu1on and daughter, Mal-
lon, 0f (bil)iwaek, 13. G. ; Airs. Carr,
f 1'avistnrk, 'num. 0. 0)111 k, of the
0. A. 0,, Guelph, motored up and
^p5111 the weep -cod at the home of
David E. Siamlet•s.
Chats( "rtnNt.—In last week's Issue,
to slight &tree' 000(111 e(1 in the Public
1401001 report which should have
read : Sn.. 11 to 12 [I[—'ental marks
obtainable 025, pass 375, Edith
Kt/utter 199 ; NeIsuu Sleighthnlul 373
1'11A73i$ --To the pastor and con-
gregation of Ethel United ('hnrel,,
Ethel, Dl1.1.1t Fiil1S1/4.—\Ve take
this opportunity of t hulking you for
the r'Pnlenlblitfle1' W11Ph y1-11 1)n kiutl•
Tea Room and Booth
on the Grounds
Admission 25
and l5e n
Everybody Invited !
mains of het tete husband. The low.
vatted 11841 the sympathy of the cow•
nullity in the loss of tnr.th11' x111
J. L. K ERR', Profr'aetcr
Early Ck-sijg
Leitch & Zeigler
Will close their store at 6.30
on Tuesday. Thursday and
Friday- evenings of each
week during u1,
the Summer
months and will be open
Mondays, Wednesdays and
Church Notes f I
i) d Personal Paragraphs
r *-
Ali.,, GNtu'l)41 Y„elrck i5 visiting in
Melville Church Toronto and 130T:+lt,, 6
lice. AI1. 1):'471's gave r Vrl V I0)4). e. es
'8) 113• and lost tuetive 1111(1,(-s- at 1}le Miss 0,111!), l(Urarkeo is Iioliday-
eveniO3 set 47,174' fu :11,•Iville "1101,.11 1 ing near Pei lllia with 11 et,041.
last 1utatlav on 1h1. erotic. of the Up. 1 �• ,• ...,
pet (',rradtt 811111 S.,rie1 v. J. T. R'uod5, of •118rniLr.r,, was w
P R, thele ten 11' Paris, and 111. visitor' in town 1.V.,1 1114- e'
't -k -end,
ganist ut' the 1Veciioglon Cite -d
Glrutch, Brantford, and to) miry the Kenneth ai,i ;user. 1",, a, are
Organist of Ibis chinch, 10esttit-d at away tut a 011,1.., rip with 1eiends. -
( hie Regannlnlniug;i•ei ewrii(g, ql•-'
•'- ‚'‚
"1 111” 115-11(4!),)) set vier hr 111•lighted John and Mrs. •Oliver and Miss
1111- 1(03111111,',' 1)1)), 4) 9111)1 (t:gal, Re- Flo(ettee were scot! ors in Stratford
vital, It will be a Blear t .1 -(:ate 01 last 'rhos Any sites noon. '
hero' him again at the Galileo P„1'•y ., •..•. r.
'fhutsdaypriming ol'thi,. n1.1t:, � Mts. \Veesr, of Lindsay, i1 spending
he So.rnraer with 1r't -Istel, MIS.
Word was receiv(..1 that the w ifc- _ _
£ Archie Livingston, a for)m•r )e i p
(R(•trt of Grey, lea miles north of �j1gY Igpt ra�p,7 i pp 511�F ,`) Jrnr•:Olive, aid Ai/Hs Mai lu'vi
Brussels, had las.'. " �+ �• +� 1 CJI i' Ge
1 1 away after •a Welsh. D.•t1, it. spiel: t l;.st w:1,k µ'(f11
weeks' Illness of complication of :til- 1 John alai •
merits, nt.s, Her 11)1(111-11 name was Edna '
Pavidson and Howi unv1l1 • tr•1.ol her
orator home. She was marl" d 19
t1,; ago to her tem'• bereft hu -hand.
son and daughter also survive-.
uric.' was . mad Dubin? ( I to -i1 1 All
. 11
ty. 1he h'r.aA l have the ym.
athy of old Mends here,
Iv 1)elit us. We 5pnrrlrinte it n great y'
deal, and it trill always remind 115 of s
the kind 11!111014 at EIIwl, '1
Yours .' 1
AND Mos 1 s
r tt. HFa II
FiaH.. 1 .,'
Walter Williamson, of 13russ1115,
Intl the contract of painting 8, 8. No.
Miss111t1y Livingstone, of Termite,.f1) visithig at the home or iter sister,
Mts. A. Yn!Il, 3(11 Con,
Ills, Procter rut(1 daughter, Miss
Verna, spent. liuudny (81111 Stanley
and Mars, Wheeler, 8111 eon,
13utns and Airs. Poster of Learning.
11111, were week -encs visitors with It.
and Mrs. Hemingway, 11)1)) C•o1,
11le. \Vro. feeble 0,1, of Ow
eMtuul, is -Mending a few ,buys visit it
nt the ltntne of 1311), Jessie Straeh,ul,
11!131) 13.M":V)tsta' 1(11(1 11111,. C\'
menu Mlles, of Torontn, nye vt8itel
81 nL Mei\hIl$I1''son, 2nd Cn
M11issbCora Alene.,k, 1(11)1111,
eetas rein'
ed to her position at Youngs! ow ,
Ohio, after spending* a month at het
home, of f:he 141 11 Con,
Misses Jean Campbell, 1Cathlec
fft'erunr-r (.arid 11117 Hnl,nell, of Duke's
Schl nl, missed their Enhance exams,
M1 I.1, Pear wets the teacher.
'tits. Richard 0aedif and 1lias11s
131.tr,t and Wilma. left this past ((41111)1
In vista. (len 1'1rml•t's blithet5,
and Rob. Lowe, who live in the \Vest.
Mi... Margaret McDonald, Toronto.
anthers. Parley and little hefty, of
Prestos, spent 1) 1141'. 11111.1 at the 1(1)111).
of their brothel, Duncan Ater/inlaid'',
lith Cn,
The l'nrnstees of 8 8, No. 10, Grey,hau
v01)c-sed hiss V, A. Lavery, of
LI11tntvel, a teacher for the ennteug
1111)1, e.1) gutnlseuY In Miss Irene
ICrlter, who has just comparted
three very sncces,fnl years, :gistsLavery comes -with llrst clits0 )eenm-
ulendaleous, We wish het every sue
S1 -e10 t, peruser —1+' dlnwing i; the
repot) t f than ,lune Examinations t f
8. S, No, 9, AlcKillOp, lion. 75 per
PPI11• 1'11 SR 1\''-1';v.dvn 110 Pn„/•e 1
82; Elda AlePher.oi 78; Dunn Ale•
Nichol B9; Della Thornton ((8 To
.1 it, I\' )toss McNichol 74 : Carl.•
Leonhludt 07. '1'o So. 1)1--riottile:
Mono 73 ToSg. If --11-n),' 11 'hntn
ton SO ; Lorne 1111 Nichol 731 et
floods., 71. To .111. II—Ralph Me.
Niellrll 78 'I'n stn.1—H-tz l M,'Phet
('(1 all 89 • Irene Lrnnhal11t 14 : 1}rat-v
g Munn 74; MildtedMcNichol tis. JR,
Pit —Elsie Dennis.
n- 11, L sat),
:niece Married.
timid 01. 11111 .l1. I1,.
Ihe fallow o• AR t ttai a niers,of” folri, telre tae el r? v;•i, with
Juin; turd 111 1t
(,nt.ir.•;h•un; . On Philip ;nal A
,.ut t J0n1 ,tit .* Jame.; j •A
Clu r
1, Toronto. 1110 148-r\Vr5 ) t
t. t\\1,
x(t r, .i 11 t. ea
1 r
scene of a 'eery p) tt\ 1''• 1dnlf• day '(i,Ia 111 'i1,- (, t'.' blr4-
wrntt 8,18.1 A.lclL.t, 4:ut.,111.21' .i.r the hao. 14)11 315. V ,:i.,1,°•tat•,
M1 and AIr-. , . A. Govi11, of l
i : •b n
C •l:tr n b t. =1a t 10 1' id. o, Ale. John - U. 1'. era 14,1,, t.111..,s
Y. (rlif iu. :f.011 of the'atI• Joint G. 1Lrh., wet,. eet'k '.t 11 c
(t11'n \.:w/T. Ir•.dat) t, .ant( lhs. El- , Latae end Airs. E4 •or .-r.
...i1, (t i;t, Toe iota, the her- F. i i• ' ,.
D, w la.r„ oft . , t'•• The bride Nlrt.,•
Illi ('a •1,I'• r
,. , Orsfn, \'-ins•
vin, ::irtn rtv'I:'� I;t• ;ter. J;inn•:.
hem patents)
tiii sten', IthS at yr-it'1 a[
-. • , 1(41(1'0 C 300 1 ,f p001))•,- Llue 1111 (111H
[ °Cal Lt *Is
s r, ,t tuck.
�tt.• with �Itt4r trimming/ anti
etc ste
ha: to match, and carr, •,1 , shower l A! f. ferns, of•L•uffal.' ti
1•oue,ut t of htttt,•1'4 - 11(4'•,' and ! 1'ly t - , (1Y . In • e
,r t far bis an,01u hr'l 1111 I1 ±u d t ., h
tit t a,l •y. I h hr)d .Ira'/}, Mis P
1(••.0 ((tit', , 1 llei'0fort}rN(pf 111 w1)'re.(Ini.'t.,
t of th . held-, ware
guts t ease tar” mid silver lace , 11 Aland.: lctltelt t': r:y,,•h'•1 is 111, pcs_t tit hat ?° a);rtr!1.:;u,t c.i 1 <r.l a , , - t •_
'11.1 of Columbia Ito fit 11)511li t t,tr,l :1,' 1' t.z:ty
11 •erouln,= ft binds 1V..
1..r.1 L 'nor ., 311,. (: t ,t It Ot. "•;,;- b -5t : •
T11,- Wl-lh)ilt
i, , n ;(s tv,t.; pl tic'i � ,1fas. Ha:u_A t.. 4;-1,,,.r
1'-.' 11',111:t P017)'-`• hitt,
(. .1,n+1 day--+mewbers.•flt'1 t, riot.: 'r ?lr,utf•nl
11,3 li 11t ) r•, \Is :1111 Conk 11. Opt •tb'
1' , •1l1 l L:kit.,. saws ;, I 11" 1, 111 .:I,'t
, 1 •P,eluv-' s
mnrti." :\ • tb t<,ccption Uzurid dicf1:1,18,., (1)11, l'PPn
nhirl' tt,t h 111 at tit• h nen t Its:•.
1,�nt, tet,• happy couple tfoass- , 1111110), .ns sus, (- 11tsn/s- 11 hi M ,
})nIL 711),•11) 111 1left far s , lulru s(te0t, il... Pat nt Le .. . 1 le .., Mt
Iu kni^.1. The br'dr's !u Rusle\-.
fav •1';
r' co.,tunr was i green ctt-
11it tvi It t,: uluttlt. On , Nurse D,:,t'•I ,.,,
t,, 1,,4 t1,•t >1, f ln-ern, 00'
ur!1 they tri;l� t .d.' at ;�0. n Callen 1,,u her+. J. h. Ko7 5:
1, i in•
hlaal'tt Avt'ilite,T4u'0utn, clay tool air g, et it:"... )r,;'.1t i1,,
11111 0g11 town, f
lid, Haiti,, 1"lndtvi.al, suffered set.. ,
1,l et a injuries to los leg,, when 1(14' %bel'- •
11(412ees on a11e 1ttld111• ((7)1)111 Ile M18
tltivin} , broke, and parole )011 his
team to (111114 ilitu fat 501110 ,hi•t,uu•t-,
;tars, Alexander Barnet, 11ee 114.111
('teen, a native of (1, ilia h, died in
Renfrew, aged 83 years. Mer hos.
11,10 1, who WKS nate of the lun,.r ma111-
Inenl Minitel/nen 1,l' Ottawa Vaulty,
pt calm -eased het,
Phial plans have been made for the
grand (1•(1011❑ 1 f the 111,11ers and
pi eseit alai fol 'nor pupils 1r the Au.
bur)) S'•h,ol, which is t1 rales place nn
Friday, Joh 291h. 11 isexpe-ted dust
a Ica ge iunlh•'t• of feigner rceident5
will be re) mining for this ('(4811, 0
Bal'n1111as 01100-11, Fold 11'1(11, Il
was tele scene of a quirt. wedding 1,1 1.
13tttirday, .1 one 25; It, at 3 3(1 l','lr 1,k, l'
when Jean 1!eGl alb, daughter of• 11
John 17,Gt8).)), of latex n, Leland,
berante the bride of CVillit ut D4'iner•
PASSED AWAY.—Ther,' altered int(
test 111izlabet1 Ill° -Ott, relict of the
-- late David Tomlinson, on Thursday,
- July 71.11, at the home of her d'nglt-
ter, )Mrs. Ja.tn's O)'ttickshanks,ln Mart
donne)) save , Toronto, at the age 1t
70 years.
She P a
hl (1 been in failing
health •
tet Ith f(1 the past year, but 1,P late
had gradually become worse 11001 the
end COMP. 31111 WON 110011 in "Milford.
0700110) of 19 year's, came to Cantina
with her patients and family. After a
sojourn at Mitchell, 001„ she was
united in marriage to her late hus-
band, They took up farming on Con,
1.4, Logan Twp., Perth 00„ where
they continued to live until 1912,
whet) they here oornpelled to give up
farming theongb the 111 -health of Mr,
Tomlinson. They moved to Th114se18,
where J\h', Tomlinson died on Nov,
2711, 1910. A family of; two daugh-
ters 1001)1•ll 1 he loss of to true and lav-
ing 110111er r Airs. Roderick McKay,
Con, 4, Grey, and Mrs. James () mirk -
shanks, of Toronto. Font' sisters 8nd
two brothers 51)1vive : Mrs, Win,
Young, Logan Twp, • Mrs, ,Inmos
Stewart, Mrs, Eliza Park, Toronto ;
Mrs, Wit, Irwin, Stratford; James,
of St, Marys, and Cheries, of Nee-
p8wa, Tian, 'Chs Harm) tributes were
beautiful : gasps ajar, daughters ;
wreath, \V. and Ml's.'1(0lflg 1 wreath,
11, and Mrs. Rubel is l spray, grand•
ildren ; spray, Mies L. Me.Kay
ray, Denoghne fa.nlily ; soya y, Mr,
d Mrs, 1311ttles ; spray, Mrs, Butler
sway, miss Birt ; spray, Mrs, Onmp.
bell ; spray, 'Visa Heels ; "spray, lit•.
and Mrs. !Mettle ; wreath, Mr. 0,uiek-
5han111 ; wreath. Irwin family. The
remains were taken to Brussels nal
the noon train, no Mn7da7, and ager.
vice was held in the United 0110 teh,
of which Lhe deee1sed teas 8 member,
Re'viees were eoxluct1131 by Rev, A,
1V. Harkey 13rn1sels, and Rev. D. M.
(41111st, Ethel, *Interlrrent was inede
in Brussels cemetery beside the re -
•' .•
1L•5. ('lnnchill and N,.i-,;r 111.(1
Master IBM), Ea "+ao aL.,'a?„o,
A Py thrlu( Skies 'nem/it, has Leen ••1.' 11 !i'!ay iI ;, 111:1, AV'tn. ,., It :lir,.
o)(nod 1,1 Sal,,:l',-ti, 1381)1,', 111)11'.l'at'el,
\V t'lllem Len Ott, 11 y'•,l, I 4, n of :• w
'111eemr Lech, 0, 1,l Sit -tufo) d. was Atilt) and :118: .t, Qum.'lo a7.11arn.,
1111411 dnwa ht' Wear noel died in less Douand, ,t1 '1'ol/We,, 149(17 r4i) 1 r for
hien nn Lou; ft urn injori4'5. at few days Iris week It it), I(rbl,
A 1)p •'i',1 on -cling of the 1aF"paye15 and Mts. (4liv11.
1 S. 8. No (1, L1gan,:d Pinta, ww,
•Ll at h •h.' •'11' n.1,'. 1,n, .lune 1.1. 1,, Alts. H. 1; ..1,
V. ltissil Flvr••
0 1114 purpose of t 44'0l!er''ll( sr,: se l. Hier said Doi is ;,,,i .1
lite, . r'; I', it•
.•ling; a cite 1.1 a 111-1V poi Ile 1.1,6 fou• 8111, of Bolt til ,l 1, ,• '.hc 11ct k•r),d
ling, of Fonlwkh. Rev, N. E. Pow-
ell ollwatted, After motor trip tot
the United Stales, Mr, and Ahs, 1)1-111.
et ling will reside at Pot citric)), 1i
011(101(1 Bricker, of Galt, (celebrated
long-distance 11111)1111, turn ()rooted n -1
new world's amateur cernrd tubal he e"
won t11115•nlile Jubilee Marathon at 11`
Toronto. nal Doniniorl DUN' is a nerd)."a
ecv of Sheldon Reicher, of FMrdwic1,
H11 made the trip in 1 1l) 11) 25„—tineed
minute and 20 seconds ahead of then
he 1P
of the second matt,•.. -and led the ll,
field all the way. all
here, England, and when a young
nntl11•t.',lir, 1,
Ar U)•• r gu11u• I011vting of List10; e
mud of le location, on Titer lay Pee:
le;, of hast n eek, Mato let 11, 1.., o,
111,111 y, teas npprd„14'8 to fill (11
(caner on the teaching sated ('1111.11
v 1110 14,4131110 lent of hiss Thompson
:\nnthet (4. l Prr 1,l' I.. eau and Alit
tell 111 the casual sual of Millet Choir45 passed 1((tay' ii hi. 8511) rein•. 11.
id been n Melia/111 of I,ng•,ti ft d 1th1
lett, 110 bad firmed in Logan fat
yens and since retiring, he had lir
in Mitchell, 'Pte late Biller Clark
11. boli Month of the 81. L're•ren-°
ver, neat' the Interllalinna1 hatch'
(1 80 miles 'West of Monti teal. 1-[t
as mut ied twice.
11r, and ll1,s. 811 Brim, of 8'113, pal P,
o wet•e visiting at the home of the
ter's aunts, the 111118(.1) Bake•, of
Marton, and who are now on their'
w hones, were expected to arrive at
onlluht, 'Their son, Paul Sullivan,,
11 'will remain in Ennio ten with his
tits for the next flue yenta, was 1111
at white American child horny on
and of 13nrnen,
"avoid Hamra, (11uggist, of Sttet•
•d, son of Jas. and Mrs. Hanna, of
13)tomer, was nue of the victims in a
serious car accident, on Thursday
'horning last, Harold, with two tithe
el' young men, was on his way to
Owen Sound, When rounding la
01)14714 near 01t1151ey, they lied a
puncture., and In some mlIn1111(' the
ear swerved and overturned. learned
WWI Llu•own about 211 feet and :nstairt•
ed sever' injuries e nJurles to his bark, and is
at ple5Pnt-(enfined to the Owen
Hound hospital.
Digging in the garden °f het' 11 1,111P,
nil John street, Pavistnek, Mrs. (1.
Pilwson unearthed an interesting old
medal that may or may 1101 have a
etnl5ide'ahlt histntic venue att811111(.
Apparently, it. is all American model
sttnek in 18111, On the one Bide is n
piefnre of Gene•aI \Villiatn Shelia=rt
and on the ot.hel'side, only faintly dis•
111rni1l11 are the words, "r\ntriverset
(1, A, Tt Encampment, De••trnft,
August. 1001." -
Iwith re114tit•es in 1, W1,,
' Miss Ll1001 A mem, ;silo has - h h a. been
t : leaching at 131rux 1.i- I.. 11, i5 spo0 i
t. ing the v tiar , 00i)h 11,•r' !Intents,
1 Philip and Ali... Atli ,I.
11i.::. Janet lit t•.,,,, n I... firs (oat
'I 1l At.
• :titration -1 t melt,•
i •usu
' llilf •a
r1 ,
N . sinrr hist ticpt, 11114'1, hies 1.//4111 Pei a
position frith the S:n.tf0ld Chattil•er
of Committee.
Lennard Porni1�(4, 111(1,-d11-ine HBI,
was a visitor fora short time with his
, I uncles in town, He was »Inking a
• ' holiday m
1 tt,} and c'tallyd 1 1f lime. Ile
is a son 1,f 1ph, Icon leing,
Miss loan 1'la millon, who has ter
! turned 1'rottl ccndurtitig the Summer
1 series of Insltt11111 11eetiogs in Bruce
and (4('('3', is spending a fete days with
1 Nesbit and Mrs. Hsnillol,
d• 4.
Recent visitors nit)) Mrs, \\'m1.
Rabb, Phomas street, were Thos. and
'Mts. Lyons, of Bondhead, and Albert
and MI5 11)11et, of NeWrmuket, Mrs.
Rn bb returned with Lli.nl and spent
the past couple of weeks.
Mrs, Gen, Edwards 'titillated home,
last week, from L0ndou and Strut -
ford. Her daughter, is at present in
SLratfod hospital, suff1111113 from
s10ma.rh 11ot11111, Her 131useels
friends hope for 11 (meetly restolatlion.
Miss EsLhec• Pollard, • of Vancouver,
B. 0., (81•riv11(1 in town, bast \Verities•
Clay evening,, and will spend the
month with her parents, Ed. anti Mrs.
Pollard. Itis iwin yslat5 sines, Miss
185111et' went Weet, a1d she looks as if
the (Impel) etiolate agr1ed with her,
\'V. G. Willis, of Seafront], was NV
knocked down in front of the Dentin- wet
ion Bark, by a car 11111'111 by 11,1, 1111
Getrml('y, of Hibbert, 1'he car was Pt
travelling slowly at the time, and Wo
Mr, Willis escaped without any brat(• 1J
en bones, but was badly ben185(1, es• Iv'
genially about the knee. He was an
picked up by Thomas Beattie and Hr
driven to his !eine by W. J. Duncan, I111
lir. Willis did not regain cnnse)on11-
ness far some hours, and although hig fol
condition is not regarded as 5e'i0ns,
he will be confined to bed fora couple
of weeks, at least,
Friends were shocked on TI1w sday
last, to learn of the dead' of 31rs,
James Holland, tvbieh 0acurre1 at
the home of her sister, Miss Fanny
VV'hitlep, of Olintnn, Mrs, Holt' 1,i
had not been in good health for some
years, and owing to the illness anti
death of her 9)5111', the late ifliz'tbeth
Whitley, who died a tittle move than
to foamght ago, she had been prob-
ably under 1a special strain, Death
came v1t'y soddenly, so saheb so that.
her husband and son 00111d not be eat.
led to her side, The late tab's, 1Tol.
land was 11d8ngltte' of the late Wil-
liam Whitley, 01' Tuckermit)1, and
spent )ler early life in that township,
81111 was married in 1885 to James
Holland, of the Huron Road, mid
there she had lived ever since with
her husband.
From Jennaty 1st. to July 1st Of
this year, P. A. O'Sullivanpeirl mutat
SeaT(n'tlu station the sutn of $43,700 97
for hogs alone, This is 1111 ilnmei5e
811(011111 of money, and spells ready
ea5h for the farmers tf th5t dist' }et.