HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-7-6, Page 2WEDNESDAY, JIILY rill, 1027 ftwaxyfi , THE BRUSSE CANADA'.; SPEAI:FR HONORED S POST -,•teara,,,tti= It depends largely on the flour you use.. We believe vouU woleomo this suggssH,sa— try Purit a, the rich, vigorous 141am—sin:Oa fiann rie tioast Westerv)leat. Thotisnak of Cooks say Purity Flour is best for cakes, piea, bunnd bretid. Sessi30:Inissasspslis- taw 700 -recipe Purity Firm. Cook BA.+6. thti Wo n Canaan Flour MLl C..Limited. Toronto, 111,111treisl, Ottamt, Saiot Jobe. osmasci.....zerratxr4.1.sau, t);' as===stras.....—trataastaa • - I Sunday School Lc.)s,coil j: BY CHARLES G. (Editor of "rho Sunday School Ttmett) TRUMBULL SAMUEL'S FAREWELL Sunday. July 1).—! S tinu:1 13, Golden Text Thy levingkiitiiiiesa is before taim s an 1 T Imve wliketi in 't."1 trutit, 11:ut. 26;3.) (4c 1,1',:t!,•71 1.11111::::,27 to Samuel 111;1 ilc o.n11 have known eth: 7 wiFe. T1.1 it.tatt 1.21 op timos y7y,• truth tr.,,1 in a •autot,u, Itt.77,11,,le,17• way. ts-hieli iloos ••7: .t• ply ts: ordinary life. Tin•o,,,r,t fl. 42 t.he inselre I t•tire-i::tytt. Coe -4 111,.'01*,1, ern.' oil tinto, a special stt, t,••tt, ::71 •til Elis an 1 tettnn-s• :.oreg•atasilia.g4. - 1 Bible vas hare a pecuti begaus••• of this. Atn1 so the farewell s71 th, agyd et•eintot and iudaio. Sagmaei to the in•opL• or God. ;7:a•io 211.re. 11••••'1.10;" 11,011 th:V -1311.1 b0..11 1:110W11 apart _from God's sti•e- dal ret-ohrtion to Sanuiel. ity 7,no of the few Bible chit mens of whom no outstanding sin Is racordeid Jn tbir public aldresa to Isstel Oat 1;1 ,t1 for some thirty -thy v•, -•at..., aft•. -r this, but it :an , his vai.• pail- licly challenged hist peat.: • so eonvlat him of having wronged theta in arts way, and they heartily tsstifiel: to la:s clean record. Then he called to Duda mill& the great things God hal -ion•• fo..• through her history. It was not a. "patriotic" address in the mega', FCTISC of that term. which exalts and stsorl- fies a nation and Its a•r-sit in,•ti, set- ting forth th, mighty thing', the na- tion has ion ,•:. There is non7, of that in the Bible. What Simnel did was to tell his nation th o mitriuty and elate- icus and loving things God had un- deservedly done for them, T1. ass minded them of thair faoures and aaultiog misery asai slider -Mg, and how God ha 1 c1011VOrir1 7111 in as they aoknowledged their sia and cried out to Him. But Samu7•1• hos a fresh n. - tic. -nal sin to bring 1)t ,r Israel. He hat', .sahl same thin in lest week'o. lesson, anti this gives it the solemn Las, rasassivanass of reit. i tion. Herat is the charge: Israel had said: "Nay; but a King shall reigt, oyes ea; whoa the Lord your God vsaii aouT King." What a lesson that !s in ilia duty ami privilege of full suerorales to the Loisi Jesus Christ on tho part of vet'!,* Christian: Whenotter wo hold an to anything that God would have us let go, or when -aas ass holding an to (ma own lives le • aal of th•sa v.holly onto lh,, we tire saylTa1 rr-a. T•ig shad reign ovtr tis." 1,11-c•n all the t! -,t• the Lord Gm God is our :King. euen tin Samuel, node: God'o dircetion_ a.- aired Israel the: wchild fent the Lori and 0.".11-0 Ilim 1111,; 011,y His video, a:`.• 4-.1111 Ise well, Disobedience and 1,•0••! in 212.121 1 ttritil. God's hand •,g,i'mt tit, 10 0.7 1 1 11Z66 t1,011 110'0110 1 ltr•i1 Then vont, a 12311:0•1•7 iluien Goa to authentionie th,. wo,d, on 1 ,oithoriti; of His prophet, Samuel >1', '4 that it would come to "that ye anay perceive and as, that you,- wickeluess is great, rhich ya have done in the sight of trio Lord, in ask- ing you a King." Samuel prinsid tataratirtataria--atattatatias.-aaimsagasaiatisaso Letterheads Envelopes Billheads And all kinds of Business Stationery printed at The Post Publishing House. We will do a job that will do credit to your business. Look over your stook of (Vice Stationery and if it requires replenishing call as by telephone 81, The Pot Puhliehing Nose 4•11111•1• I :.:i• sa Ist:,, i! •:•.1 isltn., • •-• •: • s : • • :a :.! a."7•, "_•', e,t, ye int.— ail ;., ,2 :.,•1 !nun itot • la al T..... rat toaaat a aa ' 'tat t:•:,0 would as: 11.? W.., i"41110 , tn: great st1i,•71 7'; ,•1' hctit • Lord to k, you ills peoole,” 011/1. 11111L.,101110d 0011 1111110001i1A- 111 24 !DV,: 101‘1 11-0 Ott' roasol, v'hy Cod hos not forsaken any of u, t us r7o1.-mber, 20nirhaps the 91'' 11247 : •aehling in t -his 1: sson, the eh, prophetl., word to W., !topple: "Moreover. te, for mo, God forbid 1:st 1 should .,in i:gainst th•• Loil 11, k•',.:110: to !Tay for ynt.'"rhos-, W ore God's own people: Co1 knew Iter than Samuel what they need- ed: nevertheless :iittnuol kept op to: ying for them. If it is ft duty to patsy, it is a sin not to pray. One of the greatest in- it,ries we can do any he0.7031 cot. whom Ice have any 110 teslibloy to :ail to Dray for IS COMING TO CANADA Prince George is gutng to accom- pany his brother, the Prince of Wales, and Premier Baldwin 011 their Pending' visit to, Canada eitriy in Au - slat, it was announced last week, - • Moro horr'•ags are being eaught olI the Irish coast this 4>',> 4332> thou in any year sieve 19111. A department store III Prague (12 ''1' in its window.; the 117111177 of the window trimmer. Oros Dam, said to be one of the largest irrigation dams in the is to be completed by the Govern - 112011t of Braail. Moon builings were started in Canada in the 91st -Nue months of this year than in the same perioti in the past seven years, WhIe many factories in Castello - :Slovakia making the famous Gablon3 glass have had a dwinatidg business • those producing imitation sowels and rhinestones are rushed 110 3111 result of fashion's dictators in nearly all pings of the civilized vassal, • Lentieutt, ttalladian oil C.Tent,:ms, •.. le,- ill.Par' cieio:ey :iloryl nnl Pc''teti "•••':• • • lin• 1', 1(4 nnorther th•• .1, 3, la late Car- , ..' alsraes Huron Man Directing World's Poultry Congress Itominion Poultry IL.rtbanclo1.11,, Rotarian, gentleman and ad -round good aellow. This last two 11112 2103- .5 sum up the man---Fre•1 C. Elford, but many more may be used to ,rapreeatt.• his ability as an otestai- zer, administrator and 3)11') 1121>0 This job of directing vat is Poultry Congress to be held at 03- F'. C. ELFORD Gfneral Director, Wor'd's Poultry Congre AS, 11'.'"^""'"'''`tt.--t1^^-•"‘" twat July 27th to August -Ith is -no small one, 110 the following few facts will emphasize: Delegates expected Ira n foreign countries. about (1000. All continents will hare delegaGs present. Nearly twoscore countries will be 11'1 1:ttsentutl. Many of world's most famous! scien .iot: will ;present papers. Many countries will stagai exhibits, lath 31> >'23t1011111 and live bird, Over ten thousand bitrds will be on &maid College at Ste. Anne de Twin- wa., Quebec. Four years later, -1.1 1011, for a few months he engattod, in a commercial poultry undertokina, but he was, called to Ottawa in 11112 and became Dominion Poultry Hes- bandman, which position he still holds. With the whole Experimental Farm system of Canada under his direction so l'ar as poulbar work is concerned, he has built the division uo so that its results are recognized throughout the whole aorld. Largely as a result of his efforts, the mast important development of reglastrit tion has been inaugurated, and has caused the eyes of th.' noultay world to be turned to Canada mid i.s ex- perimental Sams. In 1924 'Mr. Elford was Canada's chief delegate to the World's Poul- try Congress held at Bal Spain and through his efforts Canada ,Se- vured the World's Poultry Congress for 1927, As a speaker, Mr. Ellord 15 well and favorably known from roast to coast, and through the United Elates of America as well as on the Continent, and as such the demand for his services is widespread. A SAVING IN SEAT COVERS. The seat covers used in minor cars generally wear first itt the scams. In order to prevent this it Is a good plan to reinforce the seams by sew- ing over them a strip of :saltation loather about an inch wide. The strips arc sewed to the ,'over 'Cloth on each side of the seam. This re- inforcement also prevents dust from accumulating in the seams mid thete. by adds to the cleanliness :if the cover. I3LOCKS DISCUSSION al • ' 40 exhibit ion, This show will constitute the finest 01101' staged in any part of the worll, There will be thousands of viaiters in addition to the delegate:. To gitt directing genius of such a vast organization as as necessary to the carrying out of a t.istril. ON:011T„ 13 mail must measure high in the esteem of his Government, -the leaders in the industry and the eitiaenra at largo. "Fred" Elford, as he 13 popularly known to all who have had Loa plea- sure of his aaqualntanc) 38consdior- ed the ideal man for tate great work, being fitted both by temperament and by ability for the intense and eua less effort which is entailed. .An On- tario boy, he is a native of Relines-, villa, in Huron County, He has lived and worked in Canada's capital for nearly three decades, his first con- neetion with the Department of Ag- riculture, Live Stock Branch, being in 1001, when he took charge of at demonstration farm at Moine In 100•4 ho was called to Ottawa to take charge of the Poultry Division remaining at this post two yeas, when he left to enter mi the work of organizing and admiaistering the ioultry department at the new liaise.. Frank B. kellegg, Secretary of State, who has, ordered the Wash- ington delegation at Geneva to refuse to comply with Britain's request for discussion of capital ships, C.Alitl4RA. I ' Iiighast Peak of Mechanical 1Pertetts. that In Aerial Photograph). The hi: hest peak, of mechanical I, 17,12' 03 11711 ilt a••lial phoio!,7aplly 11115 3,o•11 euttoliod, 111 33 new camera used ;11 the "tchind of Photography at Paraborougn, ifingland. When the pilot wishes to take 81 photonvann of the g.round below him, he tit,a,h; 1>23 electric current throuel.. as Cho eantera The vainera 1100a th 1511, oht, 11,13Itit, photograpItt; ut regu t• intert ;Ms on zstus,1t 1: 13.t 31,t nir,• wide, with- out fault or Atop, Unless the pilot it sets it.3 553117 111,for >'X31"44>1 1'00, 1)>>,! f30t. 11.0040010 bef 00011 010 10 - graph is due a rod light appears on tie• davhbottr,1 and 20111 141 the pilot :•,t that litt may tilt his machine to the desired angle. After the pitott,granii has horn tan - en, UM roll 111''. ('i al. '3123 MO uremia's to take another snap, while the Word "set" appears on a dial in front of the pilot, The saol.• proct ss is re. neated olio hundred times, when the camera automatically 74,7p8. The pilot can also lake pictures in tho intervals 1)5 'tWo,11 litio regular snaps by pressing 0 no her button. 131a1s anti pointers dettote httw tenor exposures have been made, at what intervals, 01.. low.ttli of the and whether ihe camera is acly for anoth.•r p3>'> >i>"', I's" w!ll bo teed on all 23. >1313 „e 1.1 13 Maleta, w 17, re 11,1 30 ittt:.n 1 oltein of WW1411111 L. 1L, 11- d int,. a Wall. at! obvious tte,gol:1 o, Ottll it1 11,11 Ile. (.!(C.1.! 1,.1,114 tti' .1.;‘,1•4.1.- k^item on tiro A1011Zu2l. A land ante ,•tit 62313 .117::.:0Veroti 777, Malitore, co,. et tho t''''at ,u' the A,oitztlit. 1 y ooslina, terat,-•riy l0'113•1 , Minisler0 i1.•i14-!11, 'Who c!...:77411 2"'1'101177 :t '71217:.i which It, atrie;tt 11:1111Itittth-17:;1''';'•10:.. '4f ,, ;7 34:11: 05 81 V book, '"rravel and Advent or- it. Mat,y • L'1123drt•.1;(,112,3 00 0110 t:00, -,0/1 had, 1C111 311,f :I 3! :11 4>2,' 1 i W11,11 110 00111, j, 11 !mt, lost?">23 he 1111121 >11)1,', • jaguars might have 5132(11me," said Mr. Clouting, "not bo possible." se2o1 the heir - caste, "bu1 it is far more likely Unit „, oo. 'would have been (1,..•vou1'0d ants. YOU 11101114 111210 30011 ttlf. ants edleel: round you from all sides. ''1074>31>0 11`011/0 11111'0 compelled you to 1:11 00, 11(12 1110 4',>,' would not be far tib-tunt when, exit:Aust.-3 by lack of food and %eater, you could 421 110 f111'11101`, Y011 11001 Id have lain down, and the ants would havtt col- lected round :.7th in in)riads and would have .auten you." Mr, Gosling travelled at times through forests Inhabited by wild 10- dianS who shoot at sight with Id:ton- ed arrows, a wound from which anuns death. Ho had to go without bread for >s'ven Months, BURIED 335 A (,'L,2(1 81.13. --- Broken Alpen-mork 'Pr/wetly of 1870. A broken alpelt-etock btaring the • name "Dr. J. Ilegn" was 11,1431 by 011,1408 at the of Gliteior ties itossons, which "liem-s” 3,.7,11 from the summit of Mont Diane. ')'',lo find bronglit hack to memory the most turrible accident in Alpine history, ,witen elevon nt.,:iF17! d mt. lite sularnit of tin, nionotain 111 Niolent 11.- 01011 11101 al for a week, 1,, .4001 01100 0, 181o. (1, Mc - Cork incltle, t and tw:> A0101t1C11111, 1//'. 13,2111 11.1111 '41>', ;111)1(14,1, ti01. Oat 3r,177 Chamorix 1211 >) Oh:Alt truides.1>271> reaelled the 01.1 01 Mit in 1 (1.,n1 li1f111 w' •ather. 81(3' 11,21 Ditty began Life desc,mt, FL 011 D10-81 ''14)3 started, and not one of the ev• WaS Pnon ' a:1).0 again. ?Ater, a party of ruffles found the inalits tive including tite citrgymnr a and D. llettn, hut the Inv' never been discovered. It is prohalillo• they will ' '4''111144411)'follow the till -tee -stork. .Tbe glacier 11'211,1'1,4 at tit,. laie 1.0,3 feet it Ittrit•-•'t >,''r'''11:1,. a glee's:: ice -river has retained its dead la lye l'er-onyears, the victims being Dr, !lame] and his guides. who perished • on 'Mont 1(11111,' >1 1R20, and whose 111>43,11were found 111, terminal of • tho Ilossons 0 ir,cier in 1.361. CONFEDERATION JUBILEE STAMP - , `!1'.0.11Et 81 1 2 11 '••••,1 , 3 34 tt • • • • ' . • \74 • as 120011111'1l'.::,42,,11 ('5 Out Anniversary of emip,,,•iemita, • nuatio.:1• steata•al P, J. Vtitiot 11•1. •-11011 1>, 4>0 sof Fix bilingual postage stamps. Ore-emi: ol•JeTe '0 '1''11',), of Sir Joint A. Mot...Mould; Two - cent — 131'1'41, 1'03,11,tt 1001;011 03' Q11dtoc Conference, 111237;Tiiree-cent red, ccatve of Parliament Buildings; Five -cent — purple, Sir Wil- frid Lauriel r; 'wolv,:t-ecat -- blue, maps of Dominion as it is with four original confederation he:te tie:: tleoletl; Twenty-eent — (11'n1150red, stages of mail transportation in Canada, the dog -train, the maii-ritler, the steamship, the railway and the airplane. my LADY'S COLUMN. BEAUTIFUL TREES .. Tree.,, like human Ind ng -t, appre- ciate a daily bath. Torniair the hose or them, espec!ally when they are Yeneg, helps them to g'o'.'.' mai flOurish. SPOTLESS GLOVES Never put dress gloves of fltli- cote tilt 116011y with spots on sham, Cleansers on the market will remove spots without leaving UNNECESSARY WORK. . All extra -extras should be put 11- '41113' in summer time 01 to 3'0 till house wife. That includes small ornaments for mantel, many small rugs and such things as intricate mend or ivory lamps or decorations. . ESCALLOPED VEGErAnizs Left -over fresh vegotablis make satisfying luncheon or supper dish- es creamed with hari-b stied eggs baked with top covering' of cheese and cracker crumbs. POPULAR .PURPLE Violet and purple gowns, in chif- fon, satin and lace, were noticeable for their number and beadty at the Ritz Carlton at a recent smart din- ner dance, SUMMER DESSERT .. An appealing fruit whip may be made by mashing any fruit, uncooked and heating it with white 0.!!egg over a dish of cracked ice, Swam in glasses. TASTY SALAD For variety, grate differ:nit kinds Of cheese into, French tke,s'ng. Grated Roquefort is especially des ightful used with Romaine. Bobbed Tails for Birds. A ta presentative of a tribe of birds which includes the only kind In the world known to prae!lee pelf-decor- s:inn has arrived at the London Zoo, It Is a narthaninian :Woburn-, from America, and it. 00,111 iitgly v015- (4,10,4 relative is known as Die ,Thacs Itta-taited motinot. Itzieket-tails (212' not unconunon 3(13 natural adornments of many birds, but the Motmot produces his artin- far he nibbles away the vane on each side of the shaft on the two intddle tail -feathers until thy desired shape Is obtained, 121 excessive vanity prompted the Motima's ancestors to nibble their tails, as 10 pl'Obabift, 01 18 would se- coont for the habit becoming In- stinctive. 1115 evident at any rate, that the females learned to regard a raeket- tailed suitor as specially desirable, otherwise the "fashion" 'would have, died out, Reek. !Rook is a common bird of the crow family. It is quite numerous In the northern districts of Eastern Canada. During the breeding season rooks form colonies, building their nests in the tops of tall trees, The rook of our north country is black and con- siderably larger than a crow. The Ilighcst The highest building is the Woo, worth to New York City, height 793 feet. • New SHAWL A square of the softeat 04 black velvet, taking a deep ;WA fringed edging, makes a litanies!: 01.113111g shawl for wear over delicke chiffon 1.011111:1. PIRATES—NO ! TREASURF.S -- YES l'irat,s. Treasure and the Spanish 3113133 h.,ve hoett associatod in legend ard story for countle,,t agits. True ti,ere are no pirates now there :-3111 the Illro of teea,11 l'ft, 31)111- 3» '110.11"' of journeys 0M: tit.? peaks of tit, Canadian Pacitie Bookies through to the sea, of the Paciiie and western cities of Vancouver mid Victoria. See it 1131 in planned bit'orehand con1- fort without tedious b',li>,u 412311 and '4000- 114' 00)1' 101110y11 1100 11111'111g twenty - oto• days Oast will live in svaimatat memory under the ttu:pices of the 1Vorld'74 Greatest Travel System, The Canadian Pacific :wim e•grterittneed personal direction of Sinclair I.aird. Ask 11. L. Jackson, Bra.: 4e's, for the 1.1.3, to ihe Treasure ('110,1. , MAY RETIRE „4 MORE YOKES Yokes grow more. pooniaa on Archbishop McNeil, head of the dresses, blouses, coats, pyjamas, night Roman Catholic Diocese of Toron- gowns and now beach tuntinnes ole to, whose early retirement at his 0)111 utilizing this seasonal smart toile]) request is rumored, ,amtmc.r.sat..111,.....norntsztattocatimr...”..rw.auvst..vcaTtraawrazd . ' hain t 80 If you, as a merchant, could be constant. ly meeting new prospective customers, you could ke,ep year business healthy and flour- ishing without advertising. But the 'Wahl reason why ADVERTIS- ING is a sound, paying, investment is be- cause it does this missionary work for you, constantly, Efficiently, at low cost and leaves you free to render personal service and plan further business development, Look into the value to you of advertising in THE BRIIRSELS POST from a business. building point of view, Talk it over with us. PHOOREHIVE - MIRCIIANT5 ADIIERTE •