HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-6-29, Page 4i.:,!-1Hl;ESPAY, JUNE tu1, 11.027. THE BRUSSELS POST
Vic ttusscis
-WEDNESDAY, Ill NE •:?...!tilt,
Personal Paragraphs
1.".1 • II.
' ..•
'• L.t .1:4
- • 1i It.
0 0 0
.1, t'. •111 :\liaitieilal an
1.. \V. 1.114 M
. Mlum,
d 1l.‘...doh
uc Et, or ,1 wan
11'hy it that dtwlc 4••.1 n ", :,s li .11 Th.. 1!y
w; know, I% that h n Alt 1.:illiSES1t th, mom ';.t
,"11 an :1 duck ke, ;pd. 31:Ll Ill.!1 r tinder 11.0
W. try Ilk -1 h•ri W,1 11•Y t.11.*w1i.i w1111N0
,t •at line of lotildiag1u1.b 11.tre.1,,iott etc.
All Nit. 1 CtidAr Shingle, gi•ai:•1
All No. 1 Eistr.t Viitiii:$5 Cedar
l'• $
Hetlat alai 1 lmii 1sShipiati
hiottring, Ith.itilning, Etc.
L. tor Hy For?: Tritel,is
1 1 4 n. Pine Wag•iiii Lt.:\ Lumber, Etc.
Let's not oe Docks
paizi] itZ' &CidEr Mill - Wroxeter P, [I.
t1'horie C DEL1VEN:
<V. U•1 tavairstatteprizereirrrnirspttititicemiL
Sok nd id Jubilee Servics Ield
in Ethel lnited Church
• 1... I 1 0
1., 1' a •
k,• • • k
•- • • • I. 1.1- I; k ; 3.
• ;. • • • : I ;
•1••• ••• • ;
!" .l'•! T.,• Of.
, ; • :
- IL- a.a1-1- .• -:". , A-. J. -Lao
--Lis. 711". • : L, la,s3 %a. i a .w.)..1., or nt 1i.".
.10,0-00r! - of
0 0 •t'. i• •11 fr_ t1.1
• - .1•;"..
L..." • •• ,: !It tht, V:POt•f",
L' t..`r
0 0 49 0
1. :4' •
0 0 0
Li1L; 1•'.
:kir,. 1.:elaas.'11, Al \road; Mr,. A.
tt,,11w00,1; 11r.i. 1,. a1. 11.d,
1 : (1.
31•-.. 1'011:11.1, ford; 11.
1 Is1V;1. and 'dr.'. .11:111. al
, I Leki-ev. 1.111. 1,. I 11 .dni
11r-, ;-ti
• .1
11t. 1.1114.111.tt t 111111
; 1 01' IV, 1\
I 7”.,t0,1•• r r .111.:1-. I1O(it:13S
ri i L :k 11;ill
: • • '
1 -401',01.
.tis. 3T. :`,Icralltini and .Maii.jorie aitd
•'••'' 1 '• r 1.0 • u -
11,t -u. Al's. 11,
e...1•,11 311, 1; ,•; .1 L:LI Pa. a It onto; G. W. nod
3) 121111
""••. "1,1i 311L•c.,-,1)12; A.
., : 1;., •:•!. E.
.17._31,1s1 .1. Saml 8, Cart.t
I 1. 1.. and 310s. Jackson: :nal "Airs.
(11'.) It!\'Ittifittott.
Also the tellewine• from Lnlier
• ito,,i1t-. 0i1.71 ti. , Cont.
1, it: 1 Grainger,
DO Tql)rf,.,
RE.'hiLlii$T IN 1 9 1 7
1'11' ; I1
1% "" 3104.
1.''LC liet3 -1'1' 111212 1.. 110211 For!!! ;on. Ind Etiiih
R E :r ffipptri •c... •
:1 l 3wp of l'ornoto; 'Mrs. (1)1'.1
41, Cuti lason, Willts L., Pa, ;
, tiv.avt Proctor. Pei!, 1. tt ..; Fred
" t'utt hemt London; l'otid Mor;t111.1ML 8,111 DIV 0703 aaillli totf0 ()Vol.
: ;1 . I. ;1 0. • .
t'. 11 n
! a "L. : ;tail 1.`t• a. :.1a.t1atiLt. n,
'"...1:117i and -.1 .1. 1.
31,.. .1.:. ia. aid .1.1. 1..1•";
L . 1 11. 2.
La .1, '1. in.!
• 1, ;11»-.; I 1. ;
• ;•••• :kk,tL'O(''L'a; .41.
Church Notes 11
St. John's Church
Ott 5lontlay roiting, July 1111, the
At clatisliL,It el 1 1 111 011 will itilutinistor
the rite of Omillittuttion in St, John's
enure!' at (1 "does,
stinday evening service by 1111
\\";„3111„„, 11,,,,181,.,t by 1111'
1.11"1'111:11VtillilL,g1111)ll'tell'1' i'n1;41t.1111(1'.1"11•1111.11g111.1.11.1;.:1t1,
titot present.
Melville Chords
',Jut t 1120 1 Ili, "F•nlow 111111
li"owlet.. in Melville Presbyterian
Chu], h, hiI Sabbath morning.
1llI '1 reatizell tlati if Ills 4y1Li k was
tii11 ('111 (111 on, he must have hell).
tir,, so lie ealled liis lle
' renliz's1 that they tuust be 1 rained
11.1011111' 11v8I way to g.-1, this trainimg
‘,1ttys 111317 0.'1:11111t111 °gaily!
to know Chi 111 11.1:2 by close nenta01
tvil 11 To.day, if 11.0 1111' to kI aw
Christ, 01" 1111141 1.111101V 1 1 1111 Il1l11401y
• and live the fLalile kill or 111,, 1.1,01 110
it) 110 •,oreiet, of men. lir fel.
1vittg isto gel a hotter know -
of G al. At. the 01.000)31 1.41(1.111', I
intstor's telt I 1.. 11' lio11111113 1 : 10, I Church Property
-1 .1. not it81c3li1i,t1 or 1 IIo of
cinist, rot 111 111' pow,..t. Ir clod unto
1.1%,11.100 3,1 PVI'Vy 0110 .I.11 1.1“11-
,11." W11011 pre .0111)18 1,, the
1;0111 ..te, 1 eulized Mott lu. (11 0.1).1 „„ „ „,
iltrist Iota r.t, holt, 11, -1'2", to sell oy
a "1 , 1".-P3"Y'
ni ',I' III. (.;„s1,01 „r 011,1,1, 11o11)3t0.-0:1,0 ,041110 HMI
(Thl 1,1 -" 1 Rt...1) result 1,f I .7 (1), 11 1'••
,,,.1 ‘,1,tit'' spi, ;1
11 d 1,1,13 1-, 1, 1 tit•trit" fif.1,,i 41,t1it, 1 t.,211 tol7.:1 'rye 1111.r';'.
it, 1-tio ttity lets in 11,. 0,1,1 tolotriant,
i•!& ."&.-to& !'w& tu.1 '.t'-ll0 111,1 will, Al 11111101i ;Ma `,11,1 1,0
in Loy i 1111 ettioo. 11 to
111L11.1. it, 1.11) 11 41 111 11allos it
0 oe, '1'0.11. y, lilt' 3elti.n.i. of
whi.•11 at ote. I in, K00101-1.1
11',1111,.; 1,, , r Oh 1 1.1
i, i, In,' 111,k and Mo. Will;
1:'ill i -t1 lolly. 1.1
(11. 1,,diatelly. 11..,
,1t. it tiLawor that
te t d'ortil .1 itutfi s11,11; 1, i,i3ttil
et:Jo, Lt L', ..f 11' 10. lot et•
114' 111. ....fa-, TA-
M O., , 1 11,1 1111101 3,..
1.21,1 ..,,,stn,/i,111 I1,I 21.01 ft 1111 Urn,
Ho: Ll..: 11: ',
: to;
,,1,1 1 ;l1" er
. .
7 'L
:keit )1•011,1 1101 IlIlIlili foe eaa's
lie artmal to Atilt." 'it
1hy tionmet pall 1 hrtnediodt the 11111.1
Not.d ,1•0140 ;
A, ,1., 1111 I10I 11 l'.a 1 101 ihta
or as in Lundy's 1.11•1 •.
son, will battle toe IILN' l'41111.;
.1 nil I rev:10111'S 01111.40
Said ltindly lit area 11110r,1 to ine
The choice where 1 dw,11,
(,atiatlit: that clloitie 2110,11,1 be,
The land 1 lot e Woll,
1 lore thy hills and valltys
Thy waters tlitsh atr 1 foatn;
t1,,t1 111 Imre o'er 1 11 tirt,sitio,
31' own t'atiatliatt hour";
• I
Colors of Markers.
Plaid; figures and let'.Lits against a
''(1] 11117 background hare been Illotom
for the Ontario automobile :Heel:sc.
Hates for 1 In20, it was 111111011110A
by the Highways 1) '31711-12111 int 11) "t
week. The design, shape and size
remain the sawn' :11 -Ulla ol'
L'111'. Tenders are being called for
1111 nuinufacture,
ThLonio, A111(1111111r, Too"
rHtt. (3',!.) in
Ift,.&:,,,,,t&L,?:,7L.,SL-,2,7.•:5%;,'1,-‘..L'e. 7 ?'1.a1iJi
win m11:t1ehas d 1. ortig
1e1.e. 1004111 111 • kitchen anti 1.
idle, b1.1111110,
11 1r, S1111111,1(111, con of 11:1,-.
el 1 .1(1) 311s. SvAtilon, who has hy..n
7.7 111. is r0..1Lve1-11,g 1110''i7,'.HGa1ri1., who has beet, i
eh,11 on 11. visit, has returned to
1101 111111, il 1 111. 17111 (1011,, 1')'.
Pnna 1. Cotlint r11,ta 10011a1 finl y
cats has at the station hove, and
is (mu busy loading at 11..N11.T•114.
and Mt., (1111 k and Janet
11(111 Alex :onto:oil to Coon:toy and
Corners, o visit friends imd
1 elatvos.
Dr. itnort Humphries of New
York, spent a row d.tys eeently,
\V. .1 Humphries and his sis-
3.. .1 ter . ill 11. Shar,
Ftan k and 111. l
Itecwoll and three
hron and Prod and Mt•s, ))toi,y,
3,11or visited W. J. and 1411.s.
linonh1 eS,
A floe 1010 111,901" arrived at the
1t '10" Josonh 11. and Otto, Hak-
on Monday, .1(10" 2)1 h\Ve of.
toe fefigeLtIlllalIOUS 111 the happy par-
lMr. 3118
lllelo i$ the oldest nvimber ems,
1110 ,reel. 80L.3t2,,,
a11ar1lutli, who 12 0'I!(1 West
her 41ear and is till able to of the villge, 10-1 one to the Otn-
h11E:.1, •1'o1und. sshe takea.tae.
(031111(1 .\Vog
l. 811
r )n,
111,o1 tim1e1l
in the churolt servia.ns and inothndal 'athor. (1111101 Tibor 1.2,,]i1 - 1(1 111 permit1, 40 he 1-1of
1(1.0 in the house f God. 113140
::,! ('Puri', of 1,indsay; 111102(2BLUEVALE
ip,„„Th„; 104 1 i',111011 10 :Totaling r,
1,urknov; and\cooks al Tot onto.
Aekert, 1m.ltiev; rs, ' (3101-'.,,! Titunt)'r (In. ls
. MeGinit. Malrorne; Erns;old ed 'Lowland oImolai.
clai..17.0 PetfulaW. 3. "liHroirs. ("1(11(0 is sfennlhat
; t.. Ca- few \vied,: tCheri ywoed (1.ndat- Nth,-
10 A11;
.1. W. ulla'ie,. .
knitsJAI 'P.
nod 3114, WaJter an
d1Mrs. 1) Isehi:on are at
1 a S. Sove1; 1
:11 111111e
.01740 oial to y.0'1 l'er-
ataatvusena111f.ooem of rtnt
enHe taai:c:ienietdeiilf
111 tlic nis•12h111. Tll2e10
pge 1.looklet wwell vevavd;Int
101011111' 01,1)1111(471 res 0,11
11 ('11(1)'12111111 to their
for 111.1
natitr, 1
pr. esenet visiting Diet d
s atWindsor
and 1)'! 1111'
,1011:: Inclerwood 'ti,') „',1 with at ear-
l-aAd ioi(f1 o11t0h1e•,r1*,lan(
s1f1 tS 5.511Tt
non, 18
w -..k. They aro all 2o0.1 heavy (mos
and youtg
'1'h' galdon paty 1101(1 in on,
0&tm with Ow ('((('03' g of Kin X
P1 et"bytoritil eh Woo 0 11,n1/1K1
rnts if ortlerol front 304,8(1)3517)' 148 tal'vea 1,11; In
1,11.Guest. n'elnk Flenton
41 111.171', crowds gathe:ed. 'I'1)0
1"11011' 1r 1:
31wst! i111111fl7,:o3t
w 111 (311' 1001 31)"(l'
c3110 14) l',Lt11,rll :s
foW 01to:$95800, a very el editable
days 111 London, wo,. ion 111111 congregation that is
obi nod Mr.., Scottie, or(' 1110steadily.
John Clegg, 11, J dim:ten :11111 1,H88
Myrtle Johnston, \V111. i.vtges md OWN CANADIAN IIOME
edtr 1e
JeanandAnnie(129l11)"1 tend- (by G, Nelson)
ho graduation a 11(1' mues in
Sral ford, last Wednesday. (levlT1 u other skit' may be abright,
volia•ti•er,7 •••• • !'•• • i
.Thm 41'7 "I'"130" it be -
h cas e
. •
efi TOYhfeouy hirma, o
f othrclime
s invite
141"1 '1 1, lAnn.troop; a a tty 11(31 111)!' 1Tttgl; 011)10 kIOW11 that 11,10OV0»8 hadMygwnderig footsteps there
I Inum d wihiNwton1and 211119send awayMr owens had not t thr(0 one thepeer of all
ined t 11.1ll WuPollardHamiltonJ1Stmirhan 1„,„ pifjoyiog ver y goo( 1ten1 31 1s enetn light heaven dome
jck HiwiitAn•Iii 111,31 andJesie Striaehan,BluevaleD,j.Spilog,hutwasonly seriooslyillor
HuIsng0 happy laml,
lhot th31 '11 AWBref Diliand MrWerTermv:aar6and thelat wek11 1(131(1! by his Mm own Cnadian 11019101
0 0 ,, I 1 chair i1 totrodtte- qrsBarrie; and 1rs, wiro, to 11.2(1(11) thesympathy ef allis
NVivin f12ettm9, 019310 Rio:. P. ).1. flueit. Rev. 111;,r- carscadden, Bradiord; FI. end
in Donald Stewart'.q. 128912. tier proved himself (17'.rs. capable .111ehrriond, Atwood; J. 3111)1 Mrs, 1)211-
'0 0 0 0 his ready wit and wis, Tan, Atwood; F. E. and Mrs.Colo,
When Jack not/Inv:A and 'Petri nem at intervals duelag the pro. Stratford; W. and Mrs, Cole, Li stow-
Tanat.ry? el; J. S. and Mrs, Slemnson, Preston;
31(1-11.310)1 kept the lice,iy n t
ihe old ge8111.
0 0 0 0
When Gordon Mooney drew 30 tons '
of dour from Van5tone s mill to the
station. with one team "Kate aryl
0 0 0
When Dick Williams ‚.w,,,'31 "Sandy
11" the 0t1(',':. horse and Jiro Dell taut
wax hetwoon its legs and Sandy could
not walk ?
0 0 0 0
123'3.,))1)r. Warwick an 1 Sank How-
itt rteeti their homes "Satan" and
"G,1. 1103111'r Hari" from Siatforth
to 11 1.1,4114 in 1 hour and 5 minute,?
0 0 0 0
When .115ii Vii-toria ITO J1Imos-
tOW11 Waft opened, and the bey; were
throwing • 1-0311211.211-0311211.211-0311211.21 around and the
'Prustpe"s vaned nn Sam, Calbeek,
to put them out, and in tho ;lark
San) put out the Trustees instead of
'i- the -boys,
fiVANAVOIVIrer.V.W0,14%.211.1.2reeneu.M17.11.11.....er*.... M.Y11,..11.roastmow.metonloolum
,04.1411101.Matiew.rment.rot,, elMr
0. C. 'White Lephorns
Over a throe year period our pens in the Canadian contest have made
the best showing of any birda entered by any brooder coveartg the
past three 31(1111714. At pronent our pen in the Canadian contest is
in Drat place for all entries from Ontario in the light breeds. In
the Ontario contest our pen is in the first place for the light
breeds. In the Nova Scotia c ontest our pen is in second place, a
Government pen holding first, We have the high hen in this eon -
test in the twentieth we.ek.
We are booked up in May for 1 2,000 chiektins. Will have some
surplus earls weelc at $12 per 1 00. June chicks $12 per 100,
Walter 17.2ose Brussels
osensmissieeintmerssimiiiiititiloistraiiikeitontt rmosmtsstmItaseseeerawaresontriransatraismtunoniture/
jas. and \frs. Anderson, of Mo-ri,
17(011 )3,1333 Mrs, McArter, Rude A11/151.-
31011, Mills SA/ a Young and 0. R. Cont.
tea and family attended the al sa-
ltation expecises of 1110 10'27 elass of
11110808 143. Stratford. 3)48(7 Wednesday
afternoon, Mifilt Violet Andel son,
daughter LI08. and Mts. Anderson,
seem ed 11211 3101101' of being gold med•
anat. of the class, as well as taking the
(11 11(0 for the highest standing
in me3111900, We wish her all suncess
to her work.
The Anniversary Services of the
Presbyterian Church, Belgrave, will
be postponed to Sunday, July 1.01.11,
on account of the Confederation tier-
Yires next Sunday,
Peculiar Accident,
Palmerston Spoetator Reube
Horning was the victim of a peeulint
smith:1A on Sunday night when Ilia
baby girl struck him in the eye with
her finger tearing it. We are pleased
to learn, that while the aceident Is
very .painful, no 801;10 418 effect:5 are
Thy lakes and rivers, as "the voice
Of many waters," raise
To Him who planned this vast extent,
A .symphony of praise,
Thy mountain peaks o'erlook the
clouds -
They pierce the azure skies;
They bid thy sons bestreng,and true
To great achievements rise.
A noble heritage is thine,
-So grand, and fair, and free)
A fertile land, where he who toils
' Shall well rewarded be,
And he who Joys 111 nature's charms,
Exulting, hero may view-
Seenos of enchantment - strangely
Sublime in form and hue, •
Shall not the race that tread thy
Spurn all that would onslavo? 21 miles South to Dth lino, then
Or they who battle with thy tidos, East and West to his own stable,
(Irma, and the so: or 10, 0011. 7 In the
1 7,...,.......,hboxi, gspr,
100 nateil of land, south 34 of 13o35.
Shall not that moo be bravo? , Township of Morris. W11010 fO visa 0offered
Shall not Niagara's mighty voice Teems. -To insure $13.00, ,paytibie for eine to climate the estate °it'll(' l't 61:".oe
Inspire to actions high? lst of February, 1028. Mares mug aii-x,sgzglutm;m1.):T,zidc:',i1-08,
',Nye. easy such a land to love, be returned regularly or tow W. AtThxmi/s.
i Or for her glory die, be charged as insured mans, i
Ill tile 1001 t).). of the 10.tatti of 411014,T800
11,1‘illop. llto Count:, of Unroll.,
IS 14101, Into of (lie o ash ILD of
NitTtur.1 ;11(4 tItEl/11.10
1, .11 7,, (ttl,t 1111r, 11t111. 1t)
'1'10 d t otos of 1 111t.triot
'1,Lt p,, r 1 11.1 s 4•1•0 ,1&& tiro awl
3, L 11o. &or, 1,01,1.4 :Wain&
fir 171. tisro .51101,103)0. '11119
,1 .01 ro hoot no. :Th. day o
1., , s ro rorluir t1 of ok•
3:&&...1„ 1511,
('304!' 1,, Nu, AL. rya ref 1,01,0,111. 0,
foLlorlo.11,.- (7 :-oul ;0 tti,
1,0 11 ,i7 01,0 1..1.11,
t'1 1 '11r1 1 1,11 :104 ,..1-
111, :" ;Ma fot
1 1.1 lit' lilt l'11111110. 1110 4141,111,11r
111. 1,1,111 111.1,1111101 :111.1 11111 11111•Ir 11r.
11.1 1• 11 4', held by Melo.
mak,. that oftee
ati, I, la,t held renal ;I Ile. Ili, sold rla-
rfa (.1I1 pro, 1 a to distribute ide
1.1 1 II, 11.
part ;00 II IL ol 111110,4o. 110‘,111,
1011.: It. 112,. 4 1'1 11111.er sN•ilieb ices, sicin
1111.11 011 1. nod Ilto 011141 1•7,X,V11,
1122 w111 IlIlt b., 1141314, Ine the
10or ally part !hereof to ;Ho per0.01
for persons uf ela 1111 moll,' shall
not hove been 1')'')' Ivo) 111 the 1 lot L. of
wool) distribution.
ttiitt tt this 111111 day or Jto,, A. D..,
W. ar.
S01.11.11T011 for the 1.2X113.1.711111.X.
1()11(1,1 '11)) ('12111)11110.119
lo the Molter of Ore lics7tote of Mori
.1000 11'11011.s, Inle of the Village of
Count y of Irviroit,
1 NI 1111i11,1 is hereby pit en, pursuant to
I 1111 110141 141,3,0,'of Out:trio, ChLrp-
' ter 1 tli.,t all era] It pro and others
elait111. Loitilust 011
11.. 1:: .7, :11 Or
1,L1 Ala r,y L'oal os, 1,0 1,i,q1
01111 1110 1 111111 , or
1,, fore 11 1ty. 0. 1 a 27,
11,1,1E.., /4/1
, 11,1 I, 1:1,1,00 I ilit tholr
'ea" :Led andro,se a and
a Le !Lao: aa.s. (In' rain pair:tent...vs of
1 . Lame" (11 staiL :root of 111)ir
eaaina. the nature of the soottr-
'7,7'1;',',7';17:'"V,;119:117';'1,17,1:,.. ..,. , 1
7'7:‘,. 77
-111,iiit 'hat alter
relde, o; 1..111.t 1 .-.11 1 or &,', 1 t ' iot,, 11 ,lo to 1 1... IL:
010,111,1 1 11ron,',.st. 0.5,11 ki ,n11. 1, 5, di, 00,1, tli.
war r ttn't l• I] 71; 0;1 •-• 1-• 000l, 111,•”,--1 11,k1'-
1,1,1,1 "al...., '1,',1!“, 110l.1.tl-,'l •,"1ll ,‚•,111,",' • of ).• :11,11
5; && lr&1111,.
eon& &r, L 'r, 1 It& 011 t, 251, 1 11 , o t,:. 11,0, 1 ' oo.L..of to :my (00_„.,1„ 91 a oh e., 1 1 ...LI, 1 alma:, ,,L .1: iy:. moo el .91
; 1:641:92,0;0', I ,:t &:L, 1 in., o' .1, Lr:I
11 1
lI z, •I 1,111 (lay of Jaue, A. D
• ,..;; ei!. L.,
ltobert E.. coati...,
'1' •Ltt : toe -etioz.,
l'oor, tort',
Art 1 11,11. 1 ill 11..1. Po, 111.11, 71 S11:
ul„1,11 n: 1 e.ric endei'
Tenders Wanted
Sitati-i Privileges
.t. •,1 .1 0 lilt. `1111-101,101.
tttl lit, 11,1, f tt-itiot
L f IL
Secretory sellt0,1 Floord.
Tertler,, 11.111 ! e rt 0,10,9 bytho utitIvrsittio Farm for Sale
.1,,„, 0 .1 siL. 1:11, for t10 o
trivi,,,to ot otl000I•
IN; toLL01, on "11,. ;WM; are, t tilll'inl; litu,...01..
001 Hoy,' 11,4,13100. Tv.L.I.,,,th, only ',toll 10. 1 1,,,,t u„. ,I, „13. 1,,,ne„.1,,,, 14, Tow„hip ot
permitted oat one party tl, 1111 111111WKI 01113114
31eK,11..p, I 0010,31.4 L.F Wonati, containing
ona booth, A pplictude
iiru,sois. 'I.Innsr, Ile2',.1,101a$ 1,1 .',
'11,14}.',n1t1111111”:1111113St11,!A11%,:.( ir,1:
. o ao, ; , hoal Ifor further pik rt 4..1,1urs, ripply
to 110i,1'lI1T HOLLAND, in core of Theodore
klulholl, isenforth B. N. No, 1, Ohne 287.3
Farm for Sale
105 mires being 1,030 Li 41113 11(,1'00 It, .1.1a
tow110111p; 13., 10 ilia, troth the Village or
Walton. 11,, the farm 1.11 1810.1 house, two
bttroL.,30f1 "Itlisr outbuildings For prieonna
i1e1110 of ash write to
1111,•4. RALPH CONNOR,
1.11m 10705 790. Ave , Stratheono, Alto
Popular Stallions
0417 2,"
Monday -Will leave his 01011 stable,
Int 27, eon. 0. Grey, and proved west
to Rory MeEny's Con. 1, for noon;
then North and West to Earl Mothers
jamestown, tot'
TUeSclaY-Will ()Coed Wegt to
Oa Your Net Behr You ?
ht. tragedy of feet, the it i,ery
of pomfully (triaging ono tOta Nth,' thy Oat.
er, the 1.11ivrait's1,1 003,11171h ,,Ohre step
oloog wIt hour foot 001,111 tilt" world, litiot
010413 can he hyoid I 10L0w, Leenu00 I
suffered 1or yottrm, Imt I found. it way to re.
here that painful 011 nin upon mv wiailreced
Kreln's, Now, 1 wont to help otfiers ; if you
Int' 11 solferer, mention 1011 10119, wI(szt
40,1111 1,3, W01)1), 2211 Pros:Tee! sto, Htun•
Eton, out., Or11103 be purelloseol ot Downing
111.04.,,110oLlealv1.0 liroAsels.
11011E0 and Lot or Salo
The unClersoot oticts for 1)00 111,i house
hot het otrcet, liruie•ele_ those
anthills bath, finance nod 10 electric wind.
(hod 'tarifa; tom parrmo, 370,0rythillkf 10
lir.tr•oluse, rtipulr.
1354 ,1 4111, ENThiltiroN, sorforth,
Farm for Sale
(1 (11'(i( of the hire 11. Ilam oomist•
int; ot litIVIL.1 of oxeolleta lord in (1,,,
Alio of ttowlelt. nit 15 nerve 1(1,131,11, lints
mote all Wrn•lni1.1.1 71111.111.R1 ironer
supply ; !met! orelnirtl, It:3000a Ernno; lump°.
C0Ift 'Mnrris, rmd Nott h to 'l,;1."',.7,','„,1.;; 21 ‘,,L,:,11.1„;;1.11,-,,,10';',").,„;,41:'„r7V.,f7:a(1:
(lordon 11111 'vale, for 110011; lar, 10150011141 3ir0t•e1o00 land, well dodo.
(1, n SOUL!! to 211l line,. Morris, and suit
3112patter sop.
ast t 111,au
' . MaxWtill'S fol' n 11111 , 1,:111111
Wo,loosday-Will proeaeil WLsi., to 21,u,211 ist„ 1107, A plly to Mrs. Wm, H. 1133,
Boundary, :Nforrd: and 31Z114:1110S11 and "P. Ex''''" trrizrVl' 0„t.
Smith to Geo. Ceo;les, Ilelgrave, for
noon; then T•1ast ohth line to das. Farms for Sale
Shaaaiden's for night.
Thursday-11TM Eitti 3.0
Alio 101' noon: then East 290 ilere0, being the motall 110IVoS LOIll 13,
10,114,1)1 3011 :M. 11)11)1, 1,0 tlon.10. Grey foWn.
',hip. 100 acros 01101 15 11'M with nth.
11111g Water 1111e1 1.11:1111i i111 ill` sepnyntelv
12win consider i'i(,(l,ig part Or ell
to 80110101,10n11‘111. Appht to 11811
0010, 11-10MNATON, It 11 2, Illutivole
or 09003121il 81710111TON, W111011.1'
and North 1 1,1 miles, to his own stable
l'or night, and remain till Saturday
Satorday-Will :proceed East to
Elinn and North to Trowbridgo for
noon; then West along 1311 con, hcrn:
for night, where he will remain until
Monday morning.
Terms -To Insure a foal $12.00
payable February 1 928. Parties dis-
posing or mores will be held respon.
sl,ble for payment whether in foal or
Homo and Lot for Sale
The 01101010 house ,nt) lot on Quoon street,
Brussels, the property of tiie Into
10 offered for snie, fronifurrnble lioilme with
small garden. Iror further D3331001033 apply
8.tf R. 11.11 Brussels
Farm for Sale
WILSON MAP,KS (The old Hamilton )'lace)
ii,naggrrnr.ssi,ivtas.1111;1101filtitItott itAor shblIng
110 acres. :being 3134 1403,0 7,8, 9 and North
Morn12ny-W111 leave his osvn sta- rxres of i0, con. A, Terntairry township.
oranni, never failing spring 011 ream 1 miles
West to John Wightritan's for or noon ; 1 Tgohoi: trzeutimioz:ipaa:trioriegit
ble, Lot 18, Con. 5, Morris, and 1)70
!Or. Houle years'
lt 1 le to1:114, fohiTi;
Myth for night.
thence South along gravel road to
ii.nd i vantewsisinditfige.111Vollicr1t'iotfInnr8s, apTito. 'Bud
, from Wroxater 91118tge and 110(10 from sehool
East: to John Haggat's for noon;
Tuesday -South to Boundary
Administrator .101111 15,(8431101t oahlte
ttpleenneile odriohwittuldBotrianstilatroy staomeNsVIssiritonlit., p, 0. box 77 Wroxeter phonon
BO'S 112011 night.
Wednesday -North to 163h Con.
and South to Brussels gravel, then
fire undersigned offers tor ante his 100.ocre
North to Jamos E. Spivey's for noon;
IstMilliii,1a4N1gh ill; CM 72)eViil A, r,
non North to Gth lino Morris and
home for night, where he will re-
(loc. /, ifforris. Good hOlts0A 411nd bar't in
main until Friday.
North to Mallard Jacklin's for 1100T1 '
Friday -East to Brussel 5, then,, lfl:)!:c:!iety,181t:Attin aIt01, ..; riilvtif:oloctoriLiktitisiti
Proprietor, li.11.4,Broasels
down Dth Con., Grey, j54 miles, then on for sellitig, iiiiiiiir 1104 a
then West to Win. IT.enderson's, eitli
line, Morris, for night.
Saturday -1 14 miles West, then
Farms for Sale
Farms\for Sale