HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-6-22, Page 8'WEDNESDAY, JENE 22nd, 19'27.
'us- Specal
Examination Tlir
THs Week
Th ennual S'hu l Ex:(ttin.
nr••...n pon (.3,0 313.ve
a,...ertmeta, (4. .upplies
LI( tt at' ;le: :10(1—
Fool Scare
Exarn naction 1 a -Wets
' ate man's Fountain
Pe;1 n Inks
E -n 4.2 2t, 11;,•:•r r,tot.-4
s s Oom passe,. , Feet.
The Meld
f Spert
Play Ground 11 Balls
Base Balls
Rubber Sponge Bath;
Tennis Balls
Base Ball Bats
Foot Balls
. .
Fishing Poles and Lincs
Fishing Hooks, &c,
Shari Toilet
The Enehnol im;
r.f Ea( ly Blossom
Beauty Creme P time
Rtee Pov.rtler T31,Nut Powder
Robber Lined Dee3.1e
I'o It et, 1 'hi it z (^oval od
(art yndl ,Mtaldo. tor
NV4,41, 11,111 la, Tool l! 114t usit.
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31.3 -o.t 1
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This Store
I. .11:1,:.• . • •3;
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Kodak Film
Ftloto Firieletrer
7. e SeOf
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4.444 447«.141,41W;414 4134 47.44,44:41344433:" ' - '..r.t712_04.4.3...7...:!7.4734A:43.7+.3'7.41.4334.433W.433:4§337343373
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Attendiive Convention at Seaforth. Huron Old Boys' Pieni. ..
Many 'from Bruseele and eleinity Th annual plintio of the Huron Old
are attending the T'emee-eanee Cori- Ilems' Association will be bell in
vention at Seaforth today tWede...- semi 3 and 1, Exhibition (irounds,
day.) south of the transportation building,
Friday. June 24th, eommencing at
Got Finger Badly Cut. 1 pen. Games at 5 pen., supper at 6
Bowman Galbraith had a finger p.m., lall genie after senile:. ,
badly cut on Tuesday imening at the
Park while on the road grader. A On Overseas Trip.
doctor had to attend to the damaged Stratford Beacon -Herald— Miss
finger. Helen Kay left for Toronto and will
join a norty of undergreduates from
Reduced Fares on the C. N. R. the University of Toronte, who will
S ecial rates aro new in ei-feet
un ,elend a vacation in Europe taking;
the Canadian Natinual Itmlway ir(!ro.
10 o'clock noon on Fri,:lays to mid-
night on the following Monday to al-
low holiday week -end trips.
Had a Fine Time,
The Plowman's Picnic VMS held laet
Thursday afternoon on the river bank
at James Armetrong's grove on the
5th line of Morris. A full prograte
of sports was run off. and a deeming
platform kept the young people buy
in the evening.
Get Your Entry In.
In connection with the Old Boy'
Reunion. there will be E, Sat bell
tournament on Monday July 2Mh and
6200 in purses is offerer, 20e „Ieho
and Girls teams. Entries must be
tnade with R. F Downing Chairman
of the Sports Committee, by Satur-
day, July 2nd.
Had Pleasant Trip.
Listowel Standard—Dr. al -1,1111r. J,
Moore motored to Tobermoee last
week, returning via Barrie and Owen
Sound, They visited the reforest -
ration nurseries at Midluirot, north
of Barrie and the Ruthven Cox farm
at Alliston. There are VS foxes on
the farm. Dr. and Mrs. Moore had
a very pleasant trip.
Played 50-50.
The Bowlers who attended the
annual tournament at Blyth last
Wednesday won two and loot two of
their games. They lost the first game
to A. W. Robinson of Dlyth; won
from Cash, Stratford; won from
Gregory, London; lost to Sloan, of
Garden Party Thursday.
The Gactien Pattynclee the aus-
pices of the Melville Presbyteeian
ehurch, will be held at the home of
Walter Y '11, 21"1tnorth of
Brussels on Thursday evening of
this week. The Listowel Merry-
makers will provide the program. in
case of a wet night the program will
be held in the barn which is lighted
by electricity. Cars will leave the
church and public library from '7 to
W InstRute
Brussels Women's Institute held
an interesting meeting on Wednes-
day afternoon, June 15th. Our new
President, Mrs. R. Thomson, occupied
the chair and filled the office very
capably, The Roll Call was answer-
ed by "Bringing a New Member" and
our Membership was more than dou
bled, We have a membership of 84
ladies up to date. The Government
Speaker, Miss P. Matthews, a Sim -
coo, Ont., was present and addressed
the audience. Her subject was
"Why we should know our Country
and Talk it." Much benefit would
be derived from this talk. A social
holm was enjoyed •ever a cup of tea.
We would be glad to see all the ladies
of community attend our meetings,
'gement :7,t :71.!
PEF. F. A. '41,,
tietea$ 11..F (...Zeth
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
"T!1 o Selmer:le Contest"
3 p. me -Suede)" Schoel—A Pat-
r'ot' Preerem, ';lse ids -
sage of the 'Belle."
21.•••••••••••••••••.....“ .11•01•4.
J tp,
3 • ,,•4
At thu hoint• •
Mr. \Vulter
2i inilsn,n;q13 of ttiN•
1.14,1 aHip
ilt ;
flood Progrem nevi,1: (1 Lt.' ilia
( .........,........... tor...r.......3,1...re*.ormire
Lund: Served. ,,i'i til c,, ;,,,,,,, ,...., ,;.,,,1
,;t r
•,.,,r,v 22: .t i, ...01
'' rt,';
2 1,'?... I ete lr.r. ell l 1)gollae q '1 al '."'..4-.i
iAdults o.au Chil...1','e'. 1.15i.?.
ii' vi,A inInt Program
h p ;
11,0 ••• ••••
tt. 0 • ' 11 .014
will itu hod tu COMING H E
ve body Welcome whien is .lemet
Electricity. END OF JUN E.
7 pen.—Puldie Worzhip.
: Mem Cse keec eicisee Cisme eel.
"The Culture of the Bend" ! 7 S. Leave your girder it::
Wednesday—Free:1r Serviee
Sonday. Jere 3 • Biemond Sub -
Dee Service and L. 0. L. Ad-
Taking Tournamen s. -
A rink of howlers composed of A.
Streehan It. Bowman, D. C. Ross and
R. F. Downing are Listowel today •
gm.11mi' a tournament, On Thilrs-
day il.kssr. J. Logan, W. Scott, D.
C. Ross and R. F. Downing will be in
Welker -en playing in doubles, We
hope they hring. back the trophiez.
- -
FOR SALE—Young Yoek Pigs Phone
45.5, L. Hollinger, Lot 15, Con,
7, Morris Townehip.
LOST—A rolling coulter off a riding
oiow on Abe. Bishop's se:leveed on
Friday, June 17th. Finder please
ratify, George Dunbar, Phone 0- -
LOST—A Raincoat between Lorne
Taylor's and the 16th of Grey, on
W,elaesdir of this weilt. Finder
Phone 20-14.
' FOR SALE -1 Good Durham Cow
dm, to feeshen in lune, Baxter
Stevenson, Phone 4226. —ltf
0 Pi's, 6 weeks old, for Sale.. Cecil
Phone 85.18. 1-1
PIGS For Sa7.0, 8 weeks old. Phone
?CR SALE -1 Durham cow, just
freshened; 2 Durham celvs,s and 7
Chunks York pftre, .11)."rtt 50 lbs.
Melvin Gilkitieon,
Phone 35-15, Lot 80, Con 7, Grey.
roan 1 year old steers strayed ou
to premises of the Inuiersivned, at
Lot 21, Con. 7. Owner can have
Camet Dobson.
PIGS FOR SALE. -- Eleven choice
York Pigs, will weigh about 75
pounds. Phone :if 45 Leslie Lake
Lot 2e. Con, 10, Grey
Wanted to sell fee es "Old Reliab-
le Fonthill Nurseries" (lielabiksh-
ed DO years.) N,-,•," and special
the Overeeas Educational League lines, big sellers, exeluseve territory
p. They sail from Quebec on the highest commissions paid; hand-
-Empress of Scotland" .311 %t ednea- seine free outfit. Experience not
Chamber of Commerce Meeting.
A meeting. of the Chamber of
Commerce and Council met at the
Library on. Monday everting to at-
tend to several matters The Execut-
ive Committee were granted an ex-
teneion of time on the matter of the
neeessary. Write for full particul-
ars. Stone & Wellington, Tor-
onto, 2. 62-5.
House and Lot for Sale in Brussels.
For further paritculars, apply to
Percy Tyerman, Phone .8817.
STOCK FOR. SALE -2 good milch
cows, due to freshen; 1 sow with
of 11 Apply t
pigs. o
annual picnic. the holiday question
W333; settled, Th.; storc,; close next P. McIntosh, Lot 21, Con.12,
Phone 556. Grey.
Thureday afternoon and on Doinin-
nin Day and open on Saturday. The HOUSE awl LOT FOR SALE.—
matter of a loan for an industry to Comfortable frame hem, in
• • W 11 MT the Reeve tel good cellar *hard ar:1
will have Mr. J. T. Woods come to water. A geed stable on the y;ram-
Erns-3:31s and decide the qUeetion. isos. APply to Wm. Hall, Mill St.
Phone 28. 52 -2
Passed Away hi Ottawa. TO RENT. -6S Acres -of Pasture
The Teeewater News of last week land. W,e 1.ot 12, Con. 17, Grey.
refers to the passing away of a :tor- Apply to Alex. Nichel, Phone 46-
in,r resident of Brussels, it the pox- "`"'"
eee of Mrs. Thenne Fide mihipe—The
death of Mr'. Thos. Friel:Ishii), sr.,
occurred .1.0 Ottawa ,in Thersday,
June 9th, after only a short ilineee.
The week previously she had suffered
a stroke which paralysed her right
side, end she was removed to the ,
Civic: Hospital where ,,he passed pace
fully away. She lied been visiting
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.;
!Wm. Chapman, and wae in her usual
good health and spirits when the at-
tack of paralysis overcame Inc. She
later regained coneciousnesg, but a
few hours previous to her demise,
failed to recognize membote of the
family. Her demise is all the more
sad by the fact that her husband, the
1 late Mr, Friendship, had passed on,
;hist ten weeks before her at. Ottawa.
The late Mre. Friendship, whose mai-
den name was Janet Harknees, was
1 born in Scotland, eixtv-eight year
ago and came to Canada when eho
was in her teens. She was married
over forty years ago and for nearly
all the intervening time has lived in,
Teeswater and at Wingham,. After it
short funeral service at Hulse Bro-
thers funeral parlors, conducted by
Rev, Mr, Watt, of St, Paul's United
church, the remains were brought to
Teeswater arriving here on the noon
train Saturday. On Monday after
noon funeral services were hold at
the home of her son, Thomas Fr:land-
slip, Clarinda street, which were
conducted by Rev. D. 0, Paton of the
United church, and ineermene took
place at the Toeswater cemetery.
She leaves to mourn two diturhters,
Mrs. Chapman, of Ottawa, and Alm.
Schaub, of Kitchener, one eon, Thos.
Teeswatcmme stepelaughter, Mee.
Allen, of Wingham, three sisters,
Mrs. Wm. CaalIck, Mrs. Caslick,
'Mrs. Thos. Ross and four brothers,
George, Bert, James and John
ITarkness, besides four grand -child-
ren. The pallbearers ViOrn her four
brothers and two- brothers,m-law,
and -36hn
Toronto-Brusselites' Annual Picnic.
The ninth annual picnic of the
Toronto-Drusselties' Association was
held last Saturday afternoen in High
Park, when,. despite the rather un-
promising weather of the forenoon,
nearly 150 were present and enjoy-
ed one of the most pleasant outings
the Association has held .since its or-
genization. The Sports Committee --
Messrs. Hoag, Hanna, rhomson and
Cousley—put on a splendid program,
consisting of various games and races
to suit all ages from infancy to old
age. The Balloon rare and the Nail -
Driving contest for the ladies evoked
more than usual interest, the former
being won by Mrs. Craigie, and the
latter by hire. Robt. Work. An old
time tug-of-war was hold in the
evening between the marled and
the unmarried men, the former winn-
ing after an exceedingly hard "tue.."
About seven o'clock all were invited
to the beautifully deeorated and well
laden tables, the refreshments being
in charge of Mrs. R. A. .Pryne and
her committee of young Iodide. At
. the close of the supper hour the re -
thing: President (Mrs. Jessie Karr)
announced the appointment of Dr. H.
A. Hoag, as the President of the As-
: sociation for 1.027-28, which met with
the whole -hearted approval 4,01
present. The new President and Miss
Zimmer then distributed the prizes to
the different winners in the sport.
It was a real pleasure to have with
us several fernier Brussolites now re-
siding in different parts of the coun-
try, viz., Mr. R. LeatherditIo and
Miss Laura of Winnipeg; Mee. Mk.)
3. A. Moore, of Listogole and Mr.
Melon and daughter, Mes, lqeehom
of Brantford, From the many c.pin
ions expressed on Saturd iet, It is
quite apparent that the majority ef
these preeerit are looking forward to
going back to the honte An of Brim.
sale for the tennioni 3 ly 24th, 25th
and 26th.,
Silver Tea,
A Silver Tea will his held at the
home o. Miss Elizabeth Downing, on
Frui-ty efternoon of this week imam
3 to 5 o'clock, under the auspices of
Group 3, of the Ladies Aid af Brus-
sels United Church. All the ladles
ere. invited.
Will Observe only the it of July. -
At a meeting of the Chamher
Commerce on Monday night, it Nytts
decided that the stuns would mks
the usual Thursday half .1-ii)11dem neet
and all (lay Friday—let of July
—but open for business an Sae-
urday. The politic will bear this in
Orange Service.
The annual sermon to Brussels
Ornate Lodge, No. '774, will be
preached in the United Cliarch on
Sundey, July 3rd, at 11 o'clock. ty
Rev. A. W. Barker, pestor. Members
are ;Liked to assemble at ths lodge
IrroeTenomate..10.80 a.m. brethren
Wife Passes Away.
Tho daily _pee.% reported'the death
of Merle Jennie, wife 01 Earl A.
Koenig, of Paris, and a :former Brus-
sels boy, when his father Adam
Koenig conducted the American
hotel. ItIrs. Koenig died last Thurs-
day after a short illness from pneu-
monia. The deceased was born in
Eseex County, 85 yeare ago. In 1915
she was married to Mr. Koenig, who
s.urvives, as also a smell family.
Report of Year's Work of W. 1.
It gives the. members el the Drus-
P,rinieb of East Hun: n Women's
institute mull pleasure to submit to
readees of the Post report of
rp_. work carried on by thein during
the nest N•onr. Since Jana lst, 1928,
",c• • have hold twelve regular meetings
ef our Institute, one each month. We
41 mond.crs th,• Roll nod
.3 ttt everaee attendance of 25.
We :dose: en' kooks 'with a balance
o ov,q• t5o. We listened to. 15 ad-
dreeess or papers during' the year, all
of whi6-1 wheri time and
thought had been spent in their care -
lei preparation. There was a com-
mittee of one t °arrange. for a musi-
cal number for each meeting and wo
listened to some fine vocal eelectioes
during the year. Of course the busi-
ness of the day always preceded the
rest of the programme. A cum of
tea was served at four of the meet-
ings. The. Government Speaker
dreseed .0110 gathering. A demon-
stration of baking was.held at one
meeting; also a demonstration of
email Christmas gifts, botloft
were very helpful, interesting and in-
, teertive indeed. The July meeting,
took- the form or a picnic,
.• Snle of the Pleeic en,. At
•:. August meeting we took the trip
(town the St, Lawrence River to
Charlottetown and back, in our im-
aginations only, with two lady toacit-
ere telling us the points of interest
along the way. We generally try to
have one man address us during the
year. This year Dr. C. C. Rammage
gave lin addrees on Dentistry. We
sent a bale of 23 jars of fruit to the
Huron County Home, Clinton. The
hest meeting of the year, we believe
was the one when the Institute enter-
tained the Grandmothers, and the
program was given by the grand-
children, There was pearly 60
ladies present, 16 being grand -moth-
ers, In return for our donation to
the Navy League, the Secretary ee-
ceives a copy of "The Sailor," their
monthly magazine. A cheque of $50
was sent to the Armenian Relief As-
sociation. There is a committee to
visit the sick of the Institute, ale() a
copper collection is usually taken at
men meeting to supply dainties or
flowers to the During the year
we helped to furnish the kitchen of
the Inbraim, by buying a. cupboard,
coal -oil stove and ening cups and
saucers. A cheque of $25.00 was
donated to Library Board for use
of Librapt, for our meetings and
other social events,,810.00 donat-
ed yearly for prizes to the East
Huron Fall Fair Soriety. At our
. 'demonstration of. baking we charged,
16c for a cup of to and sample of.
baking, We had an interesting and
enjoyaple afternoon at the aproit tea
when admission -was copper for
each inch of waist line, put into little
apron pocket. A 500 Party was also
held which .filled our coffers consider-
ably and everyone enjoyed them-
selves. The Women's Institute is
undenominational and non-political
but is under the supervision of the
1 Ontario Government, Their Motto
1 is "For Home and Country" and their
! objeet is to carry on after community
work they find to do. Our fee is
only 25c and every lady of the eones
munity is cordially invited to join
, for the coming Year. We meet in
the Public Library every third Fri-
day of the Month. Come one, come
all, ladies, and make this yeae. a ban-
ner one forlhe Institute.
To Builders of
Canadian Industry
SINCE 1873 we here beer cone
ducting. a banking businees
manner compatible With the lost
development of Canadian induetry.
This evidenced in the euecess
those whom we have semeed, To you
who will le• the heftlers a co -morrow,
we offer sound financial support end
counsel. Our toted manager ei re:0Y
io diecuss ways and Ingalls of aeeiete
ble the new venture or expanding
growing business..
OF" CA-1‘,146,..DPa.
BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager
, f -' 7'r ;to -- 3 Minor Lewain,
. 2 rps
CLU (.1 Oct your decorations ready for the
Diamond Jubilee.
• Entrance Examinations on the
proegire next week
Peron Deanery Holds Suceqsiftil Palmerston gets a 2 mill reduction
Meeting in Brursels. in ho Ines ads year. in 192,7.
Thr. ineit- ,13.,,.•cssful d,,,,i, ,,,,, 1»,,,,t.. 3' cot Ball Match tonight (Wednes-
ing in the history of No eth Ti uren dee l Kinburn vs. Brussels..
P10 he'el le St. John's Ciel, on The Departmental Exams. com- - BORN
Weillteinitty 1;14 Wilttll l'it111," 1 .. . 200 lti,dc,, 6 un Monday and close on July DavmsoN.-ui vieinrin Hospital, linudon,
12,• -it -. pr,sont. Th,, 1).• ,.:, ,,.,!in.: • b0. 4th. On .11111. bth, t," At., and 511e. 11 050(11 Onvid-
;;;t1; a t 0 o'elott7t 'Wit il linty c ' I mraun - A 313'W diamond is being laid out on '''''' a' (ar'"'!"'"))
sttended by 1031 communicants. Vitoria Park and has already been Auction Sale.
,b,..0 1114.nri 11!",v."1:1P.:,, wl..; the oale- Aimed, Toesnee, 10NE titirn -karn, Stook, implo.
1,12111ts assi
tel by 11,,, r, L. Le Win. IlltION. Ole, at 1,nt 15, 1 ' c 111 4, Grey. Sale un•
At I 1 0' ,..lock the elegoelm chapter . sesereect at I u'ebutit. NV . .1, JAcklin, Prop. ;
D. M. Scutt, Aug.
• .1 ;
nesday was the, longest day Teegso lege. ego Ifte IN 12"0101
• Winnifred Ole 0illat, (Latin, French)
Joe Yolleek (Latin)
Petah Co, has peeled $82,075 for
road maintenati 00 anti construed:1n
met in tlt, 11-•ctory to 1 mo::not Lolller schud kxailL Results
heel a mecteer in tit, bode t‘r to
elteech1 un,li wee 'tv) 313 32,30
in tha 'hasment of l'oa eharth.
the afteynoon session. whieh °paned
at 2.30, thr.- instruetive. ;aid impio-
addres were yd -c• -•n. which were
listened to with deep intarest. Von.
Archdeacon Fothoringhanl, of Ilrant-
ford, spoke on "The Li:, and Let-
ters of Jesus." F. 'W. Sutherland, of
St. Thomem, chairmen or the Lay-
men's _Assesciatien of the Diocese of
Huron, ,poke on "How the Cintreh
May Make the Fulleet Uee of the
T.:wine/1," and Archdermon Sage, of
London, poke on "Enthusiasm.'
Brief discussions followed, a :rev
which the general business of
the deanery was transacted. Supper
was eerved. at 6.90 HAIL Whiell •
brought forth a 'hearty vete or thanks
te the women. of St. John's Churele
Briaseels, and St. Goore3e's Chw"ch,
Walton, who were hostessee of the
day. The next meeting of the denn-
ery will be held in the fall at Bayfield.
Married at Kitchener.
Th f,111tIM lig 14 1(1 1.31011
LIP 1.:1111.111P.,,tt,'tlE And ti
ai natoo :( •Mdeet denct•
e: i ! hot sullem, .4.3,..nles tetit
itt elpheimlie 13,11331.
Thr 'Kitchener Daily News Reemel
of Saturday Inst refers to the mar-
riage of Mies Nora Lang Ford, a Cor-
er resident of BrusselA, when her
father was Rector of St. John's
Church, here:—Amid 1 profusion ne 1
beauty and lovliness, the meridiem of
Nora Lang -Ford, only daughtw or.
rev. end Mrs. H. M. Lang-11'6rd, 19,
North Water street, to Ranee E. elder
son Of Mr. and Mrs, ',cone Iirie'eer, •
2.1(1 South Queen street, took place
this afternoon at 1 o'cloele in the
church of St. John, the Evengelist,
emelican, of whieh tin bride'e father
is easter, and Which 'was a seene of
unusual eplendor, The aislee and
ebeirel of the ehuech weea writ,
-lik• bower of floral beau(y, the
flowers having been arranged by the
girl friends of the bride. The nup-
tial ceremony 07110 perrormei by the ,
Most Reverend David Willams, D.
D. of London. the ;web -bishop of -
Ontario. The marriage serviee and
the communion service which follow-
ed were fully choral. The proceseion
of the bridal party was led by the
St. John's (boil" which was eurpliced
in white. While proceeding to the
chancel, up the center Male, the choir
sang "The Voice That Breathed O'er
Helen." Immediately after the chor-
isters came the bride an the arm of
her father, followed by her attend -
eine, Misses Kathryn Rees, Helen
Snyder and Wilamyne McKellar, Mr.
Douglas Bricker, the groem's brother
was best man. During the proeeseion
of the bridal party Mr. J. 1. Galloway
organist played the bridal chorus
from Wagner's "Lobemgrin." 'rho
guests and friends were ushered by
Messrs. Stewart Snyder and Harold
Wagner. In the interim between the
mantiage and the communion rites,
the choir, kneeling, gave an inspir-
ing rendition of the hymn, "0 Per-
fect Love, All Human Thought Trans
cending." During the signing of the
register, in the chapel, Miss Gertrude
Weenie sang "Because" very charm-
ingly. In leaving the chutch after
the ceremonies the choir preceded the
bridal party, while the organist play-
ed Mendelesohn's Wedding Meech.
The archbishop and the parents of
the bride and groom followed the
newly wedded couple and -their at-
tendants, The choir while surpliced
formed two lines across the lawn
from the church to the rectoey, be-
tween which the entire wedding party
mimed and entered the bride's home
where a collation was served and a
brief reception held. The bride look-
ed enchantingly beautiful and win-
some in a wedding gown of white
satin back crepe and lace, wearing a
veil of tulle and orange blossoms, She
carried a large shower bouquet of
sunburst roses and Hies of the val-
ley. The throe bridesmaids were at-
tired in pink and wore hats to match.
They carried bouquets of pink and
mauve sweet peas. Mo, and 1)3s, R.
Bricker are leaving late this after-
noon on a two wadies motor trip to
New York and other cities. On 'their
return the happy couple take tip their
residence on Park street. The fin -
posing array of gifts which the bride
and groom have received conveying
the goodwishes and felicitations of
their friends are a nevidence of the
popularity of the young couple,
Helen A two: ong,
0o,r(3,1e) nownbm.;
laoroco Eel: miel. (Latin)
It:mm:1h Jackson
James .1 olinston
George Kirkby
L 'Urs (Lai In)
Clara McCall
Ruth Strachan (Latin)
James 'I'uen
Helen leneker
Jelin Barr (French)
Margneeite Bulger (Late Physiog.,
I -Int Amy firyans
ean Oamorot,(Phyging
Dorothy Fear (NIL , Aril h.)
Marie ilueth.r )
Hat ti 1 b., Pliyeloge
Helen INIenthh
Milthed Pollard
Finlay Sands (French, "Altittl
1111,0•01 Sholdiee (Menet), L
Mal gat et Smith
Mal gul el Strachan
Atm: Thompson (Arith., Physing.„
ro„ (4ra1s , Fretiel,)
11.' ikon
(Lst trade Yolleck (Physing.,, A rich.,
Tenders Wanted
Booth Privileges
Tenders will be rt.n.tived 1,0 the ouder.ign•
tel no to July [Oh (o. the privilege of otternt-
ing °not rho main t.treet during Brussels
Oki Boy.' Ile -Union, Two booths tody will ht.
permitted and one oerty to he tiliose/.0 only.
DLO booth. .1 c. BA MOM.
ChkOl•Intill Ground SI ("o mit tee. -
Farm for Sale
104 em., bp1,33,..3,,33,3 27 am? 20, Cult 14, Me.
Killen township; miler Mall MI' Vilhige Of
Walton. On the limn i 1, gond hotote, two
barnH MI tither outinaticiniet. For price and
• tenon at sale write tel
Lain 107115 7511, Ave , St retheona, Alta.
To Whom it may Concerm
Nn•ine is hereby given that I not hold
myself responsible tor the ut wny
. debt., orattractwi by io v wire or any other per -
1 son atter this date. without my written order,
HitteVnle, /rune 14th, 11127,
1 House for Sale or Sent
7-roomea house on Flora street 0, good
thape ; hard and ,,Oft 3 h1111111 garden.
Will either sell or rent, Garden is ploughed,
hut nothing planted. slinall harn and hen
house nu the lot. Apply to AL1/AN tik911I011.
Key left with A, R. MacDonald.. 52.2
Last Time Wednesday To -Night
t !I F..1-,Iles,ltilnil beeti b."aten in his
light liy the champion
F , _and [hell the girl he had
ta r,,,,g,,tten helped him win
his regenei mien,
Friday & Saturday Ju e 24-25
"T Third egree"
With Dolores Costello and Louise Dresser
The Greatest of Pollee Melo-Drarnas
Tuesday & Wed'y, June 28-29
A Big Double Bill with 3 Reels of Comedy
Mae Murray in 66Valencia"
and a Columbia Picture
Enfuloration Jubilee July 1 &
A Second Double Bill
"Three Bad Men" and
"Hero of the Big Snow"
;Mr. All Pictures at the usual Popular Prices