HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-6-22, Page 1u1.4.4.4 -4.44,-.4,4,44:;44:44-4-4:140414-H44:444,- i•'� !1,. , .,(; NO, I aa2,00 per annum in advance
11µ(4 r + , o:.+44-4, 44.:-4.444.444,.-4.44-.4.411,4
DI:USSEL<S, ON2".:L(aC). iVRIJN.1i.'51)41 Y. YUNE 22. 1*♦'27
f. L. Fal:IS') , s )1,4,1 tric r
The Surrounding District :.
Ististlolt:_'r,:H;H: riot, 1'4 8 1' 44.144 r i i+ r 1'r"1,44.44,4":: 8 Ht0sJ4s11-.0 r +:S1 -ii
Miss seat, Illyth, spent Sunday at
the home 3(l• \V, M. Vwu Ve.leot•.
\V S. McKereher, who run; rudis-
p a•r,l I,ts'..r.ok, is 111(0 improving.
A. loot Co have seen iolprev.
their store people ty by n fresh j
cont, of paint.,
1, Rutin null fatuity, London, 01-
1[ o f 1'(1 the wedding of the to:merit;
sister, of St t nabs'
P, \V. nod 1R-., Wilson, ;flee,;, trod
ti ib-ou Toronto, wove weelc'eud
vtsitot s with r, hltives in %h1' village,
Rnha'rt 11[1 tu„htin, tvh'r under-
nder-leent an operation, last week, 1'n (;lin-
ta1 hospital, has gone to Fergus.
11.4014, 1 1'k and IG' meth Met,ean,
of \Vaterloo, (pent Hato rd1' ' and Hun -
day with old mends in the commun-
Miss E. J. ;Tows la 111 'Toro oto, Chis
w+ek,'ttl.Pod ilig the aunnnl couven-
th,) of the Ontario Library ASR00111-
3(elsor and Edith
9E Rona Von V
Aliases t l
Earls have returned to their homes
114cle, after completing their Normal
cont 90 at 13 tt'lt1 fat d,
s\ OMISPel'ali nn service, nonducted
lie Arelihishop \Villituns, of London,
will be held in the Anglican Unwell,
on Sunday evening.
\Vr'oxeter girls 13, florrie 2 ; Wenx.
et e' boys 84, (4 orrie 4. was the result
of the softbal1Ira:ntr shoes played in
the pork here, on Friday evening.
The Humorous Play
id Oaken
Will be presented by
The Achim
Women's I
r l r
',7 i
In the
1 fridayJune 24
and 25c
X, i• G3( .
Ethel United Church
Sunday and Monday
June 26 8 27
Sunday Services
11 a, m. --Rev. S. W. Hann
3 p, m,,
(Rey D.
c, D. B. Nicl2uc
730 p. m.—Batu. E. F. Armstrong
Monday, June 27th
2.30—Iuformul Pic -nit 1'n
Memorial Parlr
Supper serusd in Church from G to 8
Grand Concert at 8,30
Listowel Orchestra,
D. Savage, Entertainer
Mrs. T. Dougherty, Elocutionist
Soloists—Mrs, joynt, Lucknow
Mrs, J. Slcnunon, Preston
M. Savage, Listowel
Lone Eckmier, Brussels
Short, Snappy Addresses by Revs,
E. F. Armstrong, D, Rogers, C.
C. Koine and W. A. Williams.
Rev, A. W. Barber, D. M. Guest,
Chairman, Pastor,
A trousseau tea woes given ,1'.i tits
home of Nies. Ii, J, B•(un, on Wi duo •
John and lift''. McEtvot and 1314 s
E110n •i(13ty, a 111n1+'re(( to P.11 3 y
,1'11 s,1, r,:. ]', hl•. t.
I;ru1.1 /11111 2.1 1 • li-"g, [r tat n -r: l•
Ild pll
(del race;, 1('1•', ou
'1'111'1'0111101' tun'+ tat. one limo employed
in the local bail. here.
Th„ 1.1.4nI.) .1 one up•eling td' LI t
w l.nxrt r \\'4411'1.'• bet ii pte will be
held at.'1t...0.A \( nstt•on,'sbonl.
on'Ph111 (1110,.1,3•,( 311;11, 11 13. M.
Elizetb,'I8 S•o,drt', n 5(1411 (peal: "11
"Canndinn Pauli((rsrn:" Tine will
he an exhibit 3(i t he be .utv spots
throughout (lowish:. poli Ua11 will
he answered by 0 rrr.dpe of ",a Sutn-
11101' De•sett. '
A sneialeveol (11' '((2 l.l')p8I tool; place
at the home of R J. and Mo". Ilan'',
at high noon, on S'ituldoy, in the
30000(1011 of a 3,4%v immediate relatives
and friends, when their only dough -
Inn V.100 41
1 0t1 Il
1' marriage *
It. Spence, U. . tiof"10n 1,� 711'v
L U. An(trnuz Ilicittulg
111 hie wa0 111011 ended and wore 1t be- {
coining gown of sand elepe, After a I
dainty mocha the bridal couple left. by
011(1(1' fen a trip to Beave.rten, after
whirl: they win reside iu Toronto,
The bride's going away rnstunle was
It lir lawny tweed snit with a grey
felt hat,
Mervin Bodges has puteba'el a
line Shotihnrll hull front Kerr Bros„
Elliott McAllister, of Vancouver, 13,
0., formerly of Croy, and Rua'+.'ll Ste-
' 1(enzie, Tnl n11(n, culled (13) 1eltcuces
in (trey, (11010;; the:set week,
The monthly 111001ingof the \V, 1.
S, of Union United Church was held
3(t the ;nne of 111 S. Robinson, on
Juno 15th, with a gond 3(tIend(111(0,
Airs, 11. Sp'iran presiding, The
hymn, "We have heard the joyful
sound," was sung, after which Mrs.
Sliest it. prayer. Mrs. 'McIntosh
read the ScriNi: 11('0 1 •sgol, and 1Trs.
Fred Cox, the devotional paper on
"Faith and its Obstacles." The
\Vat oh Tower—fuels f ta011 the field,
(0(48 well ('0spnndcd t3(, nnd 1lrs, G,
Speiran [rave a gond pane, nu "Stew-
i 4 " 'Three shnr I papers on "Tale
al d.s inti. 1 1
Developweo3. of Christianity in In-
dia," were given r 1 h ,rt s, Rat 115(1'11
1 Whil 01
Sperd etas. 11.(1
1frs. W. 5} 14,411 . r
Tho (((01'2il1tt rtr"r4 by singing and
prayer by Mrs. Prawn.
QB UI3ILE Garderi a
Under the auspices of
Trinity Anglican Church, Soigne
Will be held en the Lawn of
Mr. W. G. Nicholson
16 miles East of Bclprtte
on the 4th Line of Monis
•p� � °t
syip{� f�
'py�g i
6 t h
The D. R. Cowan
Concert 0o.
Of Toronto
Will su %ply the program consisting of :—
D. R. Cowan, the nian who made Royal•
ty smile ; Margaret Clemens, Pianist;
Fanny Rogers, Contralto ; Fred, Alex. 1,
ander, Concevlinist ; Elmer Angus, Nat-
ional Dancer (Cold Medalist at Toronto
Cold Meat Ginner from 5.38 to 8
Booth on grounds
Admission 50e and 35c
W. 13, Hawkins, Rector
C. Johnson and T. Brydges, Wardens
Everybody Welcome I
God Save the King
Menesetung Park, �9 Goderich - Mond( Jun 27
Ontario's greatest champion of Farmers' Rights in Parlia-
ment ; Mr, Farquhar R. Oliver, M. L. A,, Canada's youngest
Member of Parliament ; and Mr. Harry Gilroy, President of
United Farmers' Co -Op. Co, will deliver addresses. Mr.
Oliver is an exceptional speaker.
Highland Music Boating Sports of all kinds
Booth on the Grounds
Don't Fool Yourself and stay at home.
• Agnes McPhail will be there
Adults 25e Children Free
- :New .dyerthternents
Cord,nlarty )l 1'.11,0111111 Pan. .a.+
1' Mate wast t- 1 liens -ea
1 rt tall) 111,,,111 3(( 1111,+ Pore
Yon•- , it ei'4 rot Int
1."d uta, s „rt 1,( ( Ire grave
Garden 10 1 R d n 1:M1'01(1114,01
#lard 3(Y 11. 1 rat .(hurl 1nv.
1111.41 t 41 t 0 '1 , 00,041
1{e•Unt I((0 3 Un 1 hats;.
I••Int Ila, n,
Po" ( 1 -�h lei
(1)15(^ .ole -1111 r :la
1,• 3 t11t11'(1
Yr'ne n 1 Weed* 1 t..
• ere; , 11111,4.1.. •1 L ll1( d r h3(, h
utl' I _. L , 1, 4.114, 1 1 1.
oaten n3 , •,0..rvieo at
t1' ern; Ir., v..
7 n i n l' v•:
-_i •1'n tt 1'h liulc 1m1'x
1 I.. I1.1, . ten,
Quito a number atteederl the open-
ing of Confederation Park at Ethel
on Tuesday,
"fhe. Itottentot Ent,•rtailler$ have
given four concerts in our church.;
(heir program deserves highest
commendation. -- Rev. J, Gordon
Cheyne, Morningside Presbyterian
Church, Swansea. --At Walton 'Duff
church garden pntY. July)t
h. •
Don't forget the garden party at'
Union United Church, Con. 12, oat
Thursday of next week. Sapper ser -
red from (3 to 8 o'clock. A good pro •
gram will be presented by the Var-
iety Entertainers of London. Seo
advt. in this issue
Mae 'I'hnmas, or \Voodstoek, and
i1e'vev leuu'ts 4f Poi khill, n
1 I
the Phomas—D111nii welding, on
Wedtoesuay !list.
Nrw IIOA1t,•— Last week, Jesse
Wheeler, 4th Con„ received 11 110ar
Yorkshire hoar for the Agrienllnrnl
Department, The 1(1113(1(11 has au ex-
ce11ru1 pedis ret'.
Ml'+. Frank McOutrhenn and Mrs.
W, H, MiCutchean have been visiting
in Toronto, (1144 also (attended the
graduation of 111x' f01'n(0l''S 0011, 'Wes-
ley, who 318inated in an Ironer
etntrse in Alathm
tics 113 Phsics
Stro rEtt'-A very pleasant 00011-
ing was spent no Monday, June 13312,
at the home of Ernest and ,241r., Den-
nis, of Morris, when a party of friends
from Howlett gathered 3(t Their home
to honor their daughter, Miss Verna,
and j-Uu'nld Thomas, whose marriage
was to take pin(•1' shortly. After a
brief program, Bert Wright and John
Dixon, 011 behalf of 111e company,
seated the young couple with two
heantifnt (Tod l'ol'lt"1 0 0.4714 a 1111111111,1'
of mtseeilaneous gift Ft, /LS -a 3010011 of
,d tui hes Mr 1 1 moa t u (
11 i'
a suitable reply, thanking their
friends for the lovely gifts, after
which lunch was served and a social
hour sp"3(t together.
Pi4Esr,NTATION --A %nest delightful
n• T,
' 91,11) PLiJ . 4111'
MIS1 aS.
1718, nt 181 home (1f Ernest 111111 1}rs,
Dennis5(11011 the members of the row
1 gregntiol of lihenPZPI.United ('hutch
(net Together to honor Harold- and
Mrs, Thomas, whose 115011 rale took
plane recently. A pro (0100 of music
and speosbes was directed by the
pastor, -Rev, A. V. Walden. Bnlll
bride nod groom are valued
members of Ebenezer congregation,
the bride having been organist for a
number of years, '1.11 exeress their
annr111((3innand ecide11rr their good
wishes, the congregation (bevl present•
ed AR. 0013 nil• ,. Thomasns w' h a love-
ly nitlPtr-sev0n pdre0 dinner set, Mr.
Thomas replied briefly, expressing
the gratitude of his 811111' and 111111001%,
1 After a bonntiful lnneh hod been
(served by the ladies, the guests de-
parted, leaving behind theta their
best wishes for the future happiness
and prosperity of the young couple.
ft `"
FtE.LEN 110N
Monday, July 25
$200 in Purses $200
Men's Teams $100 divided
Ladies' Teams $100 divided
ENTRIES must 'be nuule with R, F,
Downing, Chairman Sports Com-
mittee, by Saturday, July 2nd,
Wednesday, July 0t
on ND-. \ti. J. Woods' Lawn
1 I ;
131311 furnish the program
T1,0 Commie<- were Fort mote 1n eerwiuv,
Qu: f;4444.444, G, cup v.Lich 1 r1t, "t 11010
Qui(r)1,, C.h exacter G"nedr,m sad Pma•
t. t the fie.; half IS n 1 time Min-
utl n:; im t 1onl:cnt
Maladies int.ls,tctsed with ll.u!:ry 1Slit
and H,un,n. Thu sce,m I iiart is demo in
whiteface ae,1 Qt:Nriettes, Soles s etc,. are
'aa d, o • iv '. leis;,
emII>h soul. The L ,< n n 7
and English Character Ser4gs in costume,
aeaiarth Band in Attendance
Lunch served from 6 to 8.30
Refreshment Booth
Adults 50e Children 25e
Rev, W. J. Mains.Mts
J, S.
N. Ritcie,
Pieter. 4V5(. Ladies' \1(
'1'noa1As—D1Ia3I`a.—The tome of
Ernest and Airs, Dennis, of Norris,
wl(s the sewn, of a lovely wedding, on
Wednesday Itfter11non, ,lune 15111, at
o'clock, when their eldest daughter,
VI- 1Int Mac, was united in ma( logy
to Robert Harold 'Thomas, of 131ue-
vttle, son of Lite late Albert and 11t's,
'Phomas, of Binevale. The eel e_t )any
was per for Med by Rev. A, V, Wald-
en, in the presence of only the im-
mediate relatives of the bride 11,d
:rearm. The bride, who was twat -
tended, was daintily gowned in silv'-r
grey {1444 crepe 01411 I touches of 1000
and carried a sheaf of Premier roses.
During the signing of register,
0, M. Dennis, brother of the bride,
gave a pleasing violin solo. After-
wards, the guests took their places in
the dining -r n( tu, which 5(as prettily
decorated with streamers of pink anti
white and a large white wedding hell
extended over the table, Herr, a
clellrilln( 1111 10on t 0l was served by sirs.
\\'esleylliaskins, of Clifford, aunt of
the bride, anti two girl friends, 11,1i0o04
Lavine Thomas and Ethel Wardell.
For going away, the bride wore a
navy coat with trimmings of grey
1'111, n rose and gray hat, rose41' scarf
and gloves and bag to tna(eh, Mt'.
and Mrs. Thomas will take 1111 their
residence on the 2114 1100 of Morris.
Miss Edna Franklin has been sick
fm n few days.
I Hiss 1'111( Pearson spent a couple of
day( on Cot, 4
Mrs, John King has leen on the
sink listfro' It few days.
;alas 0hristobel Bishop is spending
IN while with 711-. Quest Dobson.
Rev. D. AI. (Suess preached in At-
wood United Church, on Sunday ev-
vening last,
Mrs. Fred Parker and Joan spent I)
few days last week tvitlt Mts. \\t,
Joh King art ived home, last week,
after spending a couple 01' months in
the North country.
Roe's Garden Party was a big suc-
cess, Quite n few from Ethel attend-
ed 111(1 eepo•t.a good true,
Rev, D. AI; Guest took charge of the
Preparatory serviette at, Molesworth
U11it.1d Church, on Friday night.
Mrs, F. Sleightholm, who has been
in the Listowel hospital for t) few
weeks, is expected home, this week.
John King has had some new shing-
les put an his hoose, Messrs. Q11e1-
0ngesser and S-teiss were the tvorl-
111 MI,
Union Garden ,Patty, 200e 80111 ;
Ethel Garden Party, June 271h,
These two social events will be well
worth while.
Dr. 1:. A. McMaster was in Toronto
for a few days last week, attending
the convention of the Ontario llled-
iolt1 Association,
The Orange Lnage of our village
held a successful service, 011 Snnciay
evening, in the Presbyterian Church,
Rev. 0. O. Baine, of Atwood, peeaoh-
ed an appropriate sermon,
111. L. and Mrs, Desjerdine and Les-
lie, accompanied by Roy and Mrs,
Hall and Ellwin, motored to Fkint,
Bich., and spent a few days with Gen.
and Mrs. Holl, of that city. They en•
joys(; the trill very much,
Annual p ric- nic
S. S. No. 4, Grey
and No. 16, Union
will be held in
Brown's Bush, Con, 2
Saturday, June 25th
Good prograln of Sports in-
cluding Soft Ball for Young
and Old.
Bring your Basket
Business Places
4. Saturday,July 2nd
But closed for the usual 't
'r Thursday Afternoon
Half Holiday and on lt
Friday, July 1st,
Brussels Chamber
of Commerce'?:
++++++++++44+ 44+44+
!I,fn (�`,,, li i&t1d
.lir l s16 t ZIIn :�� C�E9
Sunday, June 26th
Ihel, i .1 I -..'..r
t 1 13. 1.'.,!
The funeral of the late Wm. Eek -
oder was held hast 111rusday, and was
very largely attendee, 1 Ire set vice
was ron4ucird by Rev. \V, A. \Vri-
liarns, assisted by Ilev. 0, M. Guest.
Mervyn Erkc% ntiwho was culled
11111110 wring 1',l t be death 1'.f illsfath-
er, returned on Sunday al'trl uon1, t.3(
i\ entlb1(1k, where he is engaged in
Dr, 71,11r1tsr') has had an addition '
put to his house, besides oilier rnl.
prnvenle11t (t1' mond his horue. It re
hoped that others will follow 1119 ex-
ample and help to keep our village.
clean and tidy.
c eRn 3(i• Tlf,xits —%Vo hereby wish
to tender our 01110010 th02,1:0 to
friends and t1Plg1(tinl•N for words 1.3
00111301'4 1,1d letters of :.f Nally, also
to Ethel L. 0. L. for heir sympathy
in ow' recent bereavement i0 the luso
of husband and father, Such acts of
to bear
1 01 a
3(r sympathy ath • h
and 81040099t 3 t
3 i
the trials of bereavement end will not '
soon be forgotten by us.
n11ts \\'lt 13(ecstiglt AND 111,11111.0. -
MFrank Waugh, of \Vinnipe g,
and Mrs. Geo. Franklin, of Wood-
1'C :, "rt: visiting w1111 their sister,
'\Ls. George Addy, They are also
visiting with Mrs. Nelson Franklin
this week.
P,aclly Injured—Miss Mildred How
3rd, of the Moncrieff ladies soft ball
team, W;k knocked (low,. by a boy on
a bicycle on the sidewalk as Ethel on
Tuesday afternoon and was badly in-
jured. She has not been able to be
removed to her home yet.
Opening of Park.—All that the
opening of the Confederation Park
lacked was the crowd. on Tuesday af-
ternoon. Reeve McNabb, of the
township, opened the proceeding with
a few remarks and short • ape eele's
were .nada by Hon. Donald Suther-
lend, of South Oxford; Hiss Agnes
McPhail, M. P. of S. E. Grey; and
Fred Sanderson, M. P. for South
Perth, in place of Hon. J. C. Elliott,
who Was unable to be present. Shot
addresses were also delivered by Mr.
MacEwan, of Goderieh; S. Bricker, of
Fordtvich; and Arch. Hislop. The
Moncrieff girls and boys won the two
first prizes for soft ball. The rain
in the evening spoilt all chances of
dancing, but the concert in the. Pres-
byterian church shed was held when
the Kenny Concert Co., of London
supplied the program. Ethel has a
park now to be proud of and a credit
to any place.
S '
s Garden
3 y
i f
Mr, and Mts. NV11118, Dluldas, visi-
ted Tom and Mes. 13 ask wel1I, on Son-
!.', H. and Mts. Rockwell visited
Leonard and Mee, Bolton, in Seafortb,
Wednesday eva1iug, of last week
John and Mrs. Elliott, 01', and John
and Mrs, Elliott, ,j1'„ of Mitchell,
spent Sunday with the forrtlet's
daughter and the hatter's sister, Airs,
T. H. Har.kwell.
3. '•5(,d S
,.,..w •:w.• , . w. Lou C.fY
�ii4lnr�ag�M I one �.,
ttl�l �.�ot. �i���� 50th
Sager r coed n, t
atp..Ea .(t',eE.l from E 0 8 o'clock +
Good Pr,!.'1':m in Evening (
Mrs. R, Ferguson and daughters,
the Misses Ferguson wore guests of
A. C. and Mrs. Danes M 13russels.
The play "Peter Piper's Troubles”
will be presented in (he Workmen's
Hall at Walton on Tuna 27th by the
Young People of St. John's Church,
Tho Play "The 01(1 Oaken
Bucket" will be presantod by the
Auburn Women's Institute in the
Farm Vs Hall, Walton on Friday
evening of this week. This play
was to have been produced soma time
ago, but ha dto be cancelled. Soo
advt. in this issue.
i 'l
"c.,i ,, t s
4. ii 9 r• ,
*G 1'o'` f;"t. c�'j.fl': C-.' I•sr!
., ( hie
`•AdMissiol; .0c and 25e
1?. 11. Gu,t,
15 Sul
Dia mond Jubilee
of 1111.
Colaiertin FJ1. rondo
14 ;,i , ,' 3(1 7h14llks
(tr5 iri 1.,• 1 i 'WROXETER
PARK, n,: SUNDAY, JULY 3rd, at
Ttol 1) + d ,' i 11 emigre-
-.roes will atee..i this 11 1- 1 no,_'t;ng
1h' rhoirs th.,di 4,:c! e.'71 lead
the ) 1,i 1 'e
1 I tUt:C—••
it'1au ; 1 i.l niu•'d. .1111 ,3, '.s will
:v1' addle• 11-. coat 1 3•':11, of
F,:1rciwil'11, will p, ,si(i.'.
l;;t' 441.0 pt'nri1ine•(r. it I4 1, -Irl' 101
334ht r 141111( than t , %'.4141 1,1 leatiy',.
'1'11e rhurr11 5(580 rot pr (miser] hum-
' rrdlreation (5 ...Lin' 1,1,..! ;VV. but
lle w11.1. 312 (((1110.( Il 10 11.11
The condition ❑'a to wotit pntiontly
,before God 3('iIla
1811 11001tnnd 1131114.
'rhe chinch of tcedlty needs ,343 .4
1 ('r and can have it by 1"'101111813 with
; the eemininl.s 1'lw }r « t 3331' 40r-
rrre Yoh (1110 b1' nh'ltir d t81'.1)411) the
Holy Spirit ;cm Icing tin., ugh the 310-
"9 of I31"o1. If we 11r' 5111 111(11.11 1(1 the
13terestaofthe-"i,nrelt 111 'Its geed
of 1110 Cnrnmul leu, , ul , 'al 11roh-
3,•In4 (r ul i he s 'vel? 240(130:33 ri1(1
fit.414 fer>'rc e3,helit_ nee. 11(l:g of
gyp, , ; he Holy Spill:. o I ho ever in}. Si: Flee
Churc th Notes aM rt(51'11'1 ed ntllrlg to Iht' ftt't.vNr9-
i/iIlIlt$$$6LLY V5d 1 E.#l• 1i :i i y tacos hent(- held in iYfelville
t 11 e`'' '11:ri:41; 1 Lydell,
• '''r,
St. John's Church
Next Sunday evening. .lute. 21311,
the.etvice at St..101Ot's Clone!, 50111
be rnnluct, l by the \Vrtl' htrtn rector,
Rev. F. \V. Sch:alf:or, r}(utt' owl or-
ganist, The Brussels t1' .(or. choir
and organist will take the 401.Vil'1,4 t -t
\\'inghatn Anglieau C horedt.
On July 41 i, the• Arehhlsh"p of
Hnren will administer the rho- [ f run-
31100tien in St. John's Chure11, the
FNIy11' ±9 e :
t1eTP' 1' at 8 11,il.
United Church
The 111
' t h era of Rev, A. \V. Barker's
t 1
diserm se, last 8(.1111.4111144('1 sing, was
"rho hrrt 01, 3(t• P050r," from Arts 2 :
1-4, "And when the day of Pee % 1'r•(m t
was fully mole, they were t(1; wish
one acem 41 in one of see, ear, and 4}41'0.
Ser a
were I filled with Holy (l
o1r h'sk.
Christ 111(111),'t:(('ted Hi, tlnewels to
tart3, in .,ern -•.6 on nutrl they s11•,urit
reeri111 power t0, 1'n 011 high, whirl;
watkl fit (hero to be 51'l!11 -.1's for
Him both in Jerusalem awl 111 .111:100.
and in Samos i't and onto the utter-
most tarts of tb e ,.rill. In 3(p'd1"1)c"
30 this, .r1na,tnl 111.0 55et0 1111 with
tt+ a! 03, 11-'1' 5:tiring, with
pet fee; t:3( t 1:1 (10d for ;he power
The Jane meeting. 1 t the 81031:,00
%'omen': Institute 10518 held nvently,
In the I r.•4ut- Hai, ten h oeod
t'0danee 3(k' 104,11.00.3e tud0isit-
t.. The t,n:rti(,3 Itis e.peret, by.
-,n3i1(3 "0 Canada," f1' ,.c,
• 4.1.44.yer. A few dale-alt1o'. of b3( -trees
14 ere (,1 -caused, of ter whe,•11 Alia•• Nola
Van Camp f.tv,or,d the tnreti"g with
• poio11ie a„u , Geti.1011hicd 1 y Miss
531 i.
you n e r
1'l `. r ('1'u, t :he rise, A
;rectal fearer, of the Inset
adtlr00e oiv,nl by hiss P. .35'Mat-
s thews, n, Simeon, Institute Star, uer
spanks: from the Dep. rtmrint. ,.i' A.g-
• t'ir(1llOt'P, Toronto, Ili •'\\'t` y 5(P
411011111 811050 ou gnilnttya 3(1'-' !k it,"
A eliding1n.ct 0 t , given by Miss Eci-
' rill Putter, ••1'1111,4 "Dan 111,04411 de-
r„ 1
r ea himself" „
C lair - !' 7(Y • 14
R t F„= is
1:11 'al A ll, ,t Mil. r the "can ' t -
t. ( t f a t tp[}
03(1 pots (f the day. It Ives num):
'1'3,'.7'(1. The meet' 5(3
meeting (l1'-. t','. with
Ow n
1 Nat -1' ,t Anthr after 1':•
m, whirl: a
delicious Innrh 011k sell,,?•
Walsh Bros., whose bueilr,',s has
been running See the past 44 y('a19, at
s;ratford, are now going oat of husi-
Melville Presbyterian Church
Annual Garden Party—The annual
boder. party of Duff's Church will
e held on Wednesday, July 6th on
W. J. Woods' lawn. The Hottentot
Entertainers of Toronto, 1vi11 furnish.
the program, The Seaforth Band as
usual, will be in attendrtltce. See
advt 1n this issue.
The Hottentot Entertainers come
to us 'every year, just like Santa
Claus. They gave us a whole even-
ings fun •— clean, wholesome and
bright, Any church may safely en-
gage them."—Rev, D. T. Ellison, Run-
nymede Presbyterian Church, Tor-
onto, At Walton on July OWn
Hold Anniversary Services
The ,02.)ivet'4al'y services were. toll-
ducted in Melville Presbyterian
Church, on Smithy, June 19th, at 11
a. 01. and 7:'1 i', m., by Hey, A. C.
\ Alta a former. :
% rlxod
Wishart, „t ,l ,1'i.
poster trent 14100 to 1411. Shine ]eau-'
Ing Brussels, Rey, 114, \\'ishan was
the pastor of the Presbyterian'
Clint eh, at Calgary, until forced to re-
sign through i!) health. Three years
aver" spent in California, and some-
e,hal 1ectlp.tat•d in health, lir•, •
\Visltart again entered the ministry
of his beloved eh(1,11, tali: trlu ac 1
minister of the Presbyterian Cluuth,
at McLeod, Alta., where, it is un•
((01' st11y to state, he is doing good '
walk in building up the congregation
which had Inst 10011y Of its members 3
thiough Union, 0.tbb1ttlt morning, '
the church was packet; to the doors,
anti an inspiring address was given 1,34
Rev. Ale. \Vishiu't, The subj.-et 58(14
'+Pet(•r'0 Confession," based on the
story fouled 1'n Matt, 10. Jesus hod
taken the disciples ap,lrt and asked
them "\Vhom do wen say that 1
am 1" 'T11011 He asks then%. "R'horn
say ye tight. I 11m F'' Peter (eltlies
"Thou ort the (;Mist, the Son 1'r the
living God,," This rot:Fes-dot Hitless
joy to the heart of Christ, H. i1', ••-
' i revealed by(cod it of divine
origin, Hiself. i'h, let
then confers on Peter 1t great honor
and a great tr1101, He does 11,3 (00011
that he has given Peter superiority
over other's, but he mewls that on the
rolf,'ssion of Peter He will build His
eintreh, tend not, ns the Rouutn ('13t11•
t an Church believes, on Peter him-
self. On this (ceasinn, for the filet
time, Christ uses the word, Church,
meaning a body of people, gathered
together for His 5001c, who believe in
Christ as the Messiah, Only those
who thus believe are member's of His
Church. Oltrist gave to Peter the
great. honor to stand at the door of
His church and give the right band of
fellowship to 3,0(10 Jews, who believ-
ea Peter's confession. Again, at
Philippi, Peter was permitted to wed.
cone the (,enl.iles. The sone Amboy.
it.y and the same power was given to
the other disciples, as to Peter, at
Pentecost, We cmntnt but a(1mire
' the faith of Christ; 111 Peter and the
0(1103' disciples, that day nt Caesarea,
Philippi, hots he 000111 see that under
their leadership, His church would
ow. To•t}ay, we should have a like
with in His church, that. whatever it
undertakes in ('heist's name will
prosper. Sabbath evening, maty
were unable to gain adnsittal(ee, the
other ohltrches of the village, the
United Church and the Anglican
Church, and the Presbyterian Church -
VS 3(t Ethel and Biuevale having with-
(itnw0 their cervices. \\'1411 Rev, Mr.
\Visbaltowl Rev. F. (4, Fowler, the
111(0301', on the platform were and as-
sisting iu the service, Rev. tilt. Lewin,
e u*''111 Church rev, 1
f the A Il(a lin 1 I )Ir.
Barker, nal the that ed Church, and
Bev. Mr. \Vi,liams, of Croninenl{ and
(3(1101. Again, 1t. stirring message
was given by Rev, Mt. Wisher 1, on
the text., Hatt. 10 : 2123, "From that
time forth, began Jesus to shote unto
His disciples how that He urns) go un-
to Jerusalem and suffer (natty things
of the eldet4 and chief priests and
seribes and be killed and he raised
again the third day. Then Peter took
Him and in'grur to rebuke 1115(, saving,
"Be it fat' flout thee, Lord ; this shall
not be unto thee." But He turned and
said unto Peter, "Get thee behind me,
Satan, etc," Fr, in the text, the
speaker learned lessons 33001 life,
We have a portrait of a yuan with his
face lit up by the possession of 1t life's
purpose, whielt was: divine. The pos-
session of a life's purpose will impart
to the soul tran(I(trlity and peace.
Examples, Christ's soul was tranquil,
('130(5 0319)1 110 (('aS faring the cross.
Paul, on his way to Je)lultle01, had
peeve In his soul, although he knew
that afflictions awaited hint. The
1 osesssinn of such a life's purpose is
1,eatly always opposed by 50111P dre-
ruptive voice. Peter opposed Christ
, and met with a stern rebuke, because.
011,151 recognized the sante tempt.
(tion with whirrs he mot in the wild-
Ptnl'>4. This is also the same tempt-
; 1(11,•1' which Ile met on 0010:11 y, when
' (t voice said "If Chop be 131(4 Non of
God conte dawn from the cross."
(Christ knew that if He swerved from
His purpose, man's redemption could
eo3 be 'accomplished. Just as the
1 servant is not greater than His Lord,
and He had opposing 001006, so will
every man who tt'ies 10 follow the
Heavenly vision, \'\'herr these tempt-
ations come to us, we should tl y to get
wane of 1110 spirit: of Christ, and. set
elle race to carry ant our pup0so.
Special m31513' was fmnil•hed by the
1111[.: ; sfneoteg " thrnL "0 sing on.
to God," solo, rt come to 'Thee,"
(Cara -Roma), by Ii. Sullivan 1 'Even-
ing quartette, "Oeme unto Me," by
Mrs. Fowler, Mrs, J. Meadows, Mars.
N. Hamilton and Ml's, R. Thomson,
solo, "The Lord is my Tight." (A.1 -
Baton), by Lo110 Flrkmier, 1910311)
Church, under the ipltdeesltlip of thea,.
present pastor, Rev. A', A. Fowler, is
growing in membership and good
wok r1a being clone by all the organ.
Nations, Rev. A.. C, '\Vishart left on
Tuesday morning, for his hr,me In the
West, cheered by the welcome given
him 'by his fol mer congregation,