HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-6-15, Page 6WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th, 1927, Cakes baked with Purity Flour keep fresh for three or four days. Purity is a vigorous, dry' flour that absorbs and holds ' more water or milk. Tasty calces, ri h lii.:a, and large, light buns and bread are always yours when you use Send 30c in stamps for our7004cc pe Parley Floor c: ,:F: Book. 2.13 Western Canada Flour Mins Co. limited. Toronto, :etoatrcal, Ottawa, Saint Jahn. aAwramaa:_: n,RxW.x".Tse_'i,MlnM,rc•.ni::-Ai'.:C.Saa>Y'.L6`VLi:^s''hY..iYW.i.«:3WSM'RC•,'..sR+fSY:a val•sx.-alwx.102 JUNE dFN the Corn Por act ntd give every n,,.-ible y p o COUq� a -sit ti to the inspector. ¢lk-a t He also pnl,e of the Wee 1 Act 0r sed suggiated ;hat a field dee be nal end the: one el the professore ( Continued :from rare -1) of the Coliege be asked to attend. Mr, 111c Donald his release from the Co. Paterson also spoke on sheep dipping, Horne. chert courses and other topics which .At our meting June 3rd tenders were proved interesting. opened and the following contracts Good Roads Commission. were awarded: Meat, Connell & The following motions were d: -alt Tyndall; Bread, 5. Wended; Grocer -with: les, J. P. Sheppard. "That as Kinloss was .dlowe•1 $500 Re communication from Gladman for detour, used by work on the &Stanbury, re H. Goebert, an innate boundary, that West Wawanosh and We recomemnd that a by-law be pass - Ashfield Ashfield be allowed the same propor- ed authorizing the County so!citer 1tion. Sent to Good Roads Ccaonis- to execute a bond of indemnity in Bion. order that Messrs. Gladman 3t SteinThat we hold no picnic thio year bury hand over to the county Mr. but instead that we attend the Cen- Colbert's money which is in their tennial celebration at G>derich. Car - hands. ried. We recommend that the Hoar: of Refudge and out building be re Ided as protection against lightning. We recommend that a radio for the House of Refuge be brought to the attention of the County Council at this time. We recommend the inspection of the Count Home and pre- mises and found everything in first class condition. Recommend No Action The Special Committee reported as follows: Re communication of Crown Attor- ney Holmes, that C'>unty Cauree: may pass bylaws, regulating livens:rr• the purchasing of poultry. We r - connnend that this council take rt action. Re communications of Judge Rei'' of the Juvenile Court we mar mend that the judge be requested to appear before the council to gave a detailed account of the juvenile court work in this county. giving the a- mount of work done by the Clerk of the Court. Goderich, June 10 -Oswald Ginn, -of Goderich, wen yesterday afternoon appointed County Inspector under the Corn Borer Act by the County Coun- cil, Much discussion took place as to the salary and also whether of not he should have one or more assistants. The following was the motion by Messrs. Beattie and Cameron• "That Oswald Ginn be appointee' Corn Bor- er Inspector for the sr,-tson of 1P27 and that a by-law be drafted confirm- ing his appointment and fixing the remuneration." This carried, The road program calling for an expenditure of $232.821 was ?ta=7:•d. That two lights be .+laced on the highway west of Auburn and that the cost be bourne equally by the County and Colborne .rod Wedt Wa- wanosh and Mullett Townships. That owing to the large amount to our credit on the concrete road in the village of Hensall of about $3,500 no special levy be made this year. Wingham received its proportion in the same way. Sent to the Good Road Commission. That the County Council pla'e into a special account the amount of mon- r.y Veit would be required to p5;7 the t • een on accident insurance and sae ept for meeting any emesgen• c;; pertaining to accidents. Sent to Good Roads Commission. That the attention of the Ontario Motor League and the Ontario Tour - et Association be called to the, fact hat our public school lavatories are being used by tourists, a condition which is very strongly objectel to by the parents of the children and the school trustees and that aid nsncia- tion be requested to make some ef- fort to induce service stations to pro- vide such accommodation. Carried. That considering the fact of the removal of Ilayfield from the county a,; an equalized municipality there- of, the same committee that nada the equalization of the con.tty in March he appoined alone with Cour. Milers Baeker and Ballantyne, added, to make a re -adjustment of the equal- ization and consider all matter? that may be presented to them regarding the same. Carried. "That as all urban centresinthe County of Huron with he exception of Win •hant and Hensall are receive Dth-r motions ,leap a;th x;re the ing their proportionate rebate of following: :road tax to be used on other design - Tho the business and income t tt-ed streets when due them, that sessments of 413,803 be d Elacted ' inghtnn and Hensel] be plae�:•1 or. from the equalized schedule of nylaty same base's as other urban centres. No. 3, 1027. Sent to the Executiae ; Sent to Good Roads Commission, Committee, 1 Favor Stop Streets "That we recommend a guard :ail "That we, the Council of the Coun- be placed at a dangere e turn ;n the ty of Huron memoralize the Highway county road just north of Fordwich. Department at Toronto to make it Sent to the Good Roads Commh_ion, compulsory for all towns and villages That we ask from the Highway De- in Ontario to place stop signs on all partment a definite statement regard_ intersections crossing main or ing their intentions re the Road No, through roads at a railway crossing. Carried. "That the county grant the Iluron Ploughmen's Association . the sum of 4.150. Referred to Executive Com- mittee. That a grant of $13u ce made to the South Huron Ploughman's Asso- ciation. Executive Committee. "That the Executive Committee Consider the claim of the Hurc:n Co. Ploux1me n's Association for further run:eideration. Sent to the EEecu- tiee Committee. That the Good Roads Commission "That this County Council recorn- inspect the road in the village of isle st the return of Warden Elmer Fordwich and take in eonsideratim Klopp for year 1928, The same to the suggestions made by the depute- be sen:: to Hay Township Council as ton that waited on the Council. Sent the consider the Warden of previous to the Gond Ronde Commission, years a benefit to the County Coun- Tltat Messrf, Manson, Joitneten til. Carried, and Kennedy be a committee to meet That a grant of *F200 be macre to with Mr. Patterson, Agricultural re- the Red Cross Association. Reterr- presentative. Carried. ed to Executive Corilhcttee, "That the Highways Department be asked to finish the pavement from -Seaforth to Clinton this year as there is only that portion to be completed. Sent to Good Roads Committee, 1. south of Clinton in o•+ler that this road may be taken of by some or- ganization. Carried. That Thomas Inglis he a member of the Warden's Committee 'n place of Mr. 'Werner and that John Manson replace Mr. :Werner on the C ennty Property Committee. Carrie t. That we recommend a cans table be appointed to act for two months at Grand Bend and salt appointment be made by the High Constar, Car- ried. That we contribute •200 to the decorating of the Court House, said money to be spent at the discretion of the Decorating committee, Car- ried. Contribute to Celebration Good Roads Commission. That we give $200 to the Goderich The report of the eland Roads Centennial celebration and that Commission was adopted as follows: During the early part of the year en examination VMS mane of the roads in the County System with a view to deciding on the improvement to be recommended on them, and also with a view to examining the presentative of the county, then ad- merits of ttle various proposed ad. dressed the council rorering to the (Mons to the astern, Reeves of Godorich and Goderich and. Colborne townships superintend the expenditure. A vote was taken and a majority of the Council voted for the preceding motion, G. R. Paterson, agricultural re THE BRUSSELS POST Britain to End Tirade Treaty WithRussia Considerable work has bean start- ed, largely the completion of work left over from 1926, and the regular maintenance work has been carried on. The total expenditure to date being $34,762.63, Repair work required on roads used as detours, and for hauling gra- vel has been considered by your com- mission and we recommend that com- pensation to local municipalities for such work be discontinued, as it is felt that the improvement to the County road involved, more than compensates the conununity for any: damage done. We recommend that the Lake Shore Railway right of way be added to the county road allowance. The The Township Council of Ashfield are agreeable in the matter provid-• ing that the county pay to the town -I ship the back taxes on the said vigil,- of -way, and it is expected that the ' Township of Colborne will co-operate in the same way. We further reeom- mend that the forestry department of the Provincial Government ba ask- ed to send a representative to make recommendations re tree -planting a- long the road, where desirable, as the department is willing to supply the trees and otherwise assist in the matter. Re proposed additions to the Co, Road System, asked for in January, we have examined the roads in q uec- - tion and also the merits of the vas'- the 50 ci rebate accumulate to apply grant $110,410;total of $ 243 318. loos townships to receive an cell- on this work, $9,000; Road No. 22 Sumary of estimated $ xpenditur- tiomal mileage, and since these are 'East and West Wawanosh 1,e mile es -Construction $116,121; main - roads which have been struck off the: continuation school grants as pro- made• system by the Highways Department, of reconstruction southly from con. tonne., $105,700; machinery, $6,000 vided for in Section 21, Chapter 78 The request of Council of Tacker. we recommend that a by-law be pass- enol 10-11, 31,000; Road No. 36, superintendence, $5,000: Total S. 0., 1925, at the June meeting, of smith regarding care of indigent pa ed re assuring them, and submitted Lr. borne completion of 1926 con' f28 ,5 1. Estimated surplus 410,- the Council. We recommend that tient, requesting the sum of $205, ,traction, 31,400; Road No. 7, Exeter 997.76, We recommend a county this matter be deferred until Decent- that they have had to pay, we recon- _ mile reconstruction, $700; Road road levy of 2 mills to cover this pro- ber meeting when reports ox euntin- mend that no action be taken. No. 2, Goderich extension of tar posed program. uation schools aro in, when if reports Re request of Albert Carter, turn - road treatment ?sm}le on Bayfield Inspected Building. agree as per statements of Dr. Milne key, for increase in salary, we re- read and retreatment of Victoria' we advise some more generous con- commend that a bonus of $100 be treet, 32,500; Road No. 1, Turn-' The Huron County Council yester' LEADING FIGURES IN ANGLO-RUSSIAN RIFT Shown ABOVE are the principal actors in the drama now being en- acted on the Anglo -Russian stage, At the TOP from LEFT to RIGHT are .Sir Austen Chamberlain, British foreign secretary, who was reported to be in opposition to a discontinuance of the trade treaty with Moscow, but who evidently capitulated to the demands of the right wing in the cabinet; Premier Baldwin, who announced the government's intention in the Com- mons; Georges Tchitcherin, Moscow's commissar of foreign affairs, who is at present in France, and Foreign Secretary Deland, of France, who, i* will be noted, had conferences with Chamberlain during the recent visit of President Doumergue to London. Below at the LEFT is Michael Borodin, responsibility for whoa, intrigue against Britain in China is re- asserted by Baldwin as proven by alleged seized documents; Sir William Joynson-Hicks, the British home secretary, who ordered the recent raid on the Arcos, Limited, in London, precipitating the present situation. state, and that the financing of the county's share of the cost be done over a period of ten years. Re motion that more caro be taken in applying lake gravel, your com- mission has examined the road on which this gravel has been -observed end no definite cases have been brought to our attention, but if there tlr'r, any cases where late. gavel con- tnining large stones bas been .l',nlied, instructions will be given to have the stones removed, if attention hits not elrearly been given to the matter. Re motion requesting that tit.! ln'o- vi: ions of sub -section seven of s•ee- tion 19 of the Highway Improvement Act of 1926 be not applied to Wing- ]t:mi and Hensel', we recommend than action in thus matter be defetr d pn- til Decennium, as it will involve the ad- justment of the agreements 'between the municipalities and the county. Ito motion that the special levy on Hensall be not collected this year, we recommend that action be deferr- ed until December. Hen - highway purposes. Re petition of ratepayers of Hen - By -law No, 11, 1927, levying four sail and vicinity that a road easterly from Hensall be reincorporated in the county road system, we recon - mend that this road sae included in the bylaw to be forwarded to the highways departmene roe approval. We again recommend that the ap- proval of this council be given to inspector under the Corn Borers Act, your commission to purchase a power The adoption of the various coin - Re if it is seen fit to do so, mittees, as appended concluded the• Re claim of Nicholas Hedley for business of the June session. damage's to self and car in an ace! County Property Committee dent west of LuckCounty, w b yagreemont That we have inspected the jail with Bruce county, Huron is relieved and found everything in splendid or- of any responsibility in this macer, der. as the accident occurred on the Bruce We visited the Children's Shelter section of the road. and found four children being taking care of at present. We recommend that a new roof be placed on shed. We visited the Registry Office and found everything neat and c lean: We inspected the court House and found everything in first class order. tion work. We recommend that new chairs Re motion that a grant of $150 and desks be placed in the Ceown•given to the North Iluron Plowmcr t ffc Attorney's office, recommendthatas € Association we res n We have refused to pay for the grant of 3100 has been made they be filing cabinets in the Surrogate Court given another $50. Office until the work is completed sat- R motion that a grant of 3100 he isfaetorily to the county property given the South Huron Polwnren's committee. Association, we recommend that as. We res mmend that tenders be asked for supplying coal for county they have been granted .100 no fur- ther grant be made. purposes. mills on the dollar for county pur- poses. By-law No. 12, 1927, making ap- propriation for highway purposes. By-law No. 13, 1927, snaking changes in the highway system. Bylaw No. 14, 1927, appointing Its motion that the petition of th ratepayers of Fordwich for street in provements be given consideratio we recommend that this .be done. Re motion° that a guard fence erected in the turn south of Fordw. we recommend that this be carrI out in connection with the con;tru Education Committee Re motion that the County Council take up the matter of settlement re he motion that a grant of $200 be made to the Red Cross Society, we recommend that as our debenture debt isalready so large, no grant be to the Department for approval and that the final decision in the in ttt(•r be left to the Department. We recommend that the follow- ing items of construction work be undertaken: Road No.2, Goderich on Glouster Terrace, grading 7200; Road No. 2, Township of Colborne, o »ton. T tey mate a widening to Dunlop bridge,4:100; t Grey Township, southerly from 488.45),we recommend that this be pitals: Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth Road No, 25, in the Township of Col- Wawanosh Ethel 1?t miles of reconstruction,' general inspection of the home and paler at the cam time as other sou- and Wingham, we recommend thee a e 5 the premises, and were wellpleased cg borne, 31,i miles of reconstruction-o,a00; Road No, 22, East and West . tinuation school grants, if verified grant of $500 be given; $750 was westerly from 'Young's Creek, $9,500 Wawanosh swamp improvement and with conditions existing, They were and found correct by the Cleric, voted to each. No. drainage 3500; road No. 85, Goderich served with lunch, provided by the Re motion regarding Salvation Road No. 25, Hulled and East Was mascot, Mrs. Jacobs,assisted byBev Good Roads Commission. g g 1 township from Tuck's bridge west- Army re grant,as a grant of 3100 wanosh Townships, 1 ,3 miles racer- e.ral ladies. The council then assem- Re motion for detour roads,we struction easterly from Auburn, ct'I,v ?h mile $800; culvert extensionha salready been made, we reeom- on Lake ShoreRoad from Port Blake bled in the hall where Warden Klopp recommend that no further grant be mend no further grant be made. 83,000; Road No, 12, McIifdlap, 2 northerly and on the Hensall-Zurich took charge of the program, ,vhich in- made as the County of Huron can - miles of reconstruction, Seaforth eluded addresses byes -Wardens C. not be expected to pay for a part of Finance Committee north, 37,500; Road No. 1, Hallett, road, $4,000; annual grants to Han- i A. Robertson,M. L. A., and N. W. grants made by the County of Bruce Re account of Drs, to Manners= and ?_mile completion of 1926 work, call and Wingham $9,821. This Replies were made on behalf of the and the township of Kinloss. Taylor with reference to attendance 3700; Road No. 22, East and Woot makes a grant total of 3116,121, to c on patient in hospital, we recommend Wawanosh, Hickingbottom'a bridge, be spent on road improvements, i Trewartha and Councillor Coupes. Re motion that the department o. that this be referred to the Warden Institution by Dr. Shaw, Inspector highways be asked to gyve greater at- and Clerk to be taken un -vitt the $850; Road No. 30, Howick, road The estimated expenditures for John Torrance and Manager Jacobs. tention to streets leading to railway construction at the Blind Lake, 32000 maintenance, etc., are as follows: Re -1 The proceedings were brought to a stations, we recomemnd that this be Colborne council to be au,lusted. Road No. 30, Howick-Fordwich South surfacing, 366,000; oiling and tart- i close by the singing of several songs done, as these streets are of import - That accounts sent in with refer- Road miles of reconstruction, 38000; ing, $10,000; snow roads, 32,000; led by ex -Warden Erwin. The Co. ance in marketing produce, and of cute to expenditures on the county Road No. 21, Grey and Wallace, east dragging, $15,000; bridges, $4,600;' Council were highly satisfied with the general interest to the community, courttheo Clerk's cooffee, tobreferred as from west boundary of Wallace, 1 culverts, 32,000; weeds, 32,000; visit and intend making it an annual though in some instances not leading under property committee, tait was mile, $2,000; Road Ivo. 21„ Turn- drains, $1,000; grading, 33,200; a' event. roads. under tltcir supervision that the worb sideration be given. given. berry north of Wingham, ?_ mile of day afternoon accompanied by Coun- Re application for maintenance of Re notion that a grant of 31,000 reconstruction, $1,800; Road No. 10 ty Officials made a visit to the House Lucknow continuation school ($1; be given to each of the following hos- f Refuge at Cl} 1 1 berry and Morris, improvement of German's hill, $200; Road No. 21, Kinloss and West Wawanosh recon- struction 1?z miles, 36,500; Road No. 21, Kinloss and West Wawanosh, Dickie's Hill improvement, 31.500; Road No, 2, Ashfield culvert south of Kintail, $700; Road No. 2, Colborne culvert 1 mile north of Dunlop, 3850 Road No. 1, Blyth completion of Blyth Bridge, 32,500; Road No, 14, McKillop and Logan l4 mile amine widening northerly from eorsceselion 12, 41,000; Road No. 25, Grey and McKillop completion of 1926 con- struction, $2,000; Road No, 10, Grey township construction of two culverts, north of McNaught station, 31,100; Road No. 35, Goderich Town ship, 1 milt; reconstruction westerly from concession 4, 32,500; Road No. 2, Stanley and Hay townships 51 miles reconstruction northely from St, Joseph, 39,000; Road No. 38, Stephen northerly from Greenway, 214 miles of reconstruction, $8,000; Roaci No. 0, Hay, 'A mile reconstruct- ion at west end and completion of Hay Swamp widening, 35,000 ;Road No. 8, Ushornc-Exeter cast, 2 rniles of reconstruction 35,000; Road No. 7, Hay and Stephen, widening road opposite lots 84-38, 31,000; Road No 12, Seaforth, paving oe the balance of title road on the north and south ends, The town of Seaforth to en - into en agreement and to have total of $105,700; machinery, new, i Goderich, June 11 -The business Re accident insurance, we recom- 34,000; repairs, $2,000; superintend -1 of the June session of the Huron Co. mend no action be taken. enc., $6,000. 1 Council .was finished Friday. Five, Re motion that the department be Estimated receipts -1925 surplus, . by-laws were presented and approv- petitioned to complete the pavement 330,000; 2 mill levy, 391,793; special' ed. They are as follows: from Clinton to Seafortn, we recom- levy (per agreement), $5,115; sun -1 Bylaw No, 10, 1927, levying' two mond that this be done, as otherwise dry receipts, 3500; government's mills on the dollar for general county the work would be in an incomplete was done. A number of accounts were order- ed paid, Heading in daily paper: ONTARIO FARMERS TURN TO HOGS. THF.RR are many reasons for the choke of a Chevrolet in the ttvo - car hon,e --- its de- pendability in all weathers and under all con- elltions--its Buick response, ease In handling, and its irresistible beauty appealing to the finer tastes. The,smany improvements fust In- troduced in low-priced ears by Chevrolet and the striking beauty e,1 design and taint make it a ear worthy' of service to the: who also own the costliest of cars. More and more the own- ers of hist cars are now turning to Chevrolet for a second car. The Mud Beautiful Chnero1et in Chevrolet History with Its Fisher -built Body -Its ease color --its boats of mechanical refinements In- cluding oll filter, air cleaner and many others -is selling at new, low prices, the lowest for which Chevrolet hos ever been sold is Canada. Roadster . • 5655 Touring • - .. 8055 Sport Roadster $730 Coupe 5780 Coady . • • • • $760 Sadao $$865 Cabriolet • • • 8890 Landau Sada, 8930 Imperial Landau Sedan • • 8975 Rc elder Delivery $055 Con,'ra'i Chassis 5490 1 -Ton Truck Charsis • -. $643 !'rices al Factory, O.ohvea--Coce,nment Taxer Lexus evrolet _biska y CP -5116 Fl ANK PHONE 71 X GODS BRUSSELS.