HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-6-15, Page 4WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th, 1927.
64; be .b russztsuX
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th, 1927.
Bayfield Reeve Loses Seat at leveed —
Rom'. Costs Total $232,921 — Ae-
point Inspector Linder Coro Bor,,,r
Act—Bylaws Approved and Cords
mitt4,e ;Reports Adopted.
Goderieb, June 8.—The June see-
sion of the Huron County C mneil
gained Tuesday afternoon in the
Council- Cliambers with Warden
Klopp in the. chair. After the ea!!..
mg of the roll, the Warden briefly
addressed the Commit in regime to
matters coming un before them inn,
ing the seseion. He alto referred to
the serious iihmee- of Couneiner F.
J. McQuaid, who will tie unable to
attend the meeting.
The communicatione were real and
sent to the various committee::
.From R. C. Muir of the Highway
Department, acknowledging le.icelpt
of Bylaw No, 6, 1927, amending the
system of Comity Highways. Filed.
From Hon. Mr. Goldin, re the
County Connell's suggested emend -
molt regarding admission of ind 'gee
patients to heepital. Filed.
From Hon. G. S. Henry acid:low-
lodging reeelet of resolution of Come,
ell regardina open ditches on High-
Fermi Mr. Muir, of th., Heetem
Department enelosin.z. seitoneet re
the aovernment eubsidy on Iluran
Highway expenditures. 'iled.
Communication Timm Thoma. Me-
Miehael,. r his bill for serviee mn-
aersd at Home, of Refuge. Sent ta
House of Refuge Committee.
From the Clerk o fTuck,rsmitil re
care and attendance furnished the
late John Dobie, during his illness.
Sent. to Executive Committee.
From E. Douglas Brown, of Grle-
riele Secretary of the Lion's Club
and from Miss Jean Hobbs. of Clin.
ton, re placing piano in the House
of Refuge. Filed.
From S. L. Squires, of the Iligh•
ways Department re the payment of
County fee to the Good Roads Aeso-
elation. Filed.
Copy of judgment re the County
equalization of County assessments
as per bylaw as framed by the County
Court of Huron en March 24th at a
special meeting. Filed,
Several communications regarding
the business assessments also income
assessment a- included in the Comity
enualization of certain municipalities
in the county. Sent to the Spa en1
Statements of the Clerk, aiving
statistics regarding the workings, of
the Mother's Allowance Act in Her-
on and the Province of Onearlo.
Communication and other papers
Dem Pollee Magistrate Reid rsgerd
.salary paid to stenographer. Sent
tr the Special Committee.
Correepondence from the President
of the Goderich Hospital Bo i rd,ii.
J. eleGaw, re assietance to that ie-
From Pea. L. Caesar of the Agri.
cultural College at Guelph re th ap-
pointment of an Inspector under tee
Corn Borer Act. Filed.
Statement. re. the population ;tree
or the different police, villages of th
county, obtained by the Clerk frem
the Hydro department. Filed.
Receives School Grant.
From the Educational Depertnient
giving the amounts of the me'al
Se11001 uTant,, to the r•ounty ,e; fel-
lows: Public schools, e2.039..le; Sep-
arate schools $91.2; total S2,111..20,
This Was filed.
Anelleation from the Continiettion
School at Lucknow for the Cutty
grant, Sent to Education committee,
Commune from Toronto Gen.
eral Hospital re the payments of
charge on account of an indigent in-
Communication from the Tamil of
tla Western University re the attend-
ance of a representative of 1111' et at
the convocation.
Letter from Dr. F. J. Burrows, of
Stiaforth, informing the Council of
the eerions illness of F. J. McQuaid,
-Reeve of McI(illop. Filed,
Statement and application :for an
increase of salary of .Albert Carter,
turnkey at the jail. Filed.
Statement from R. C. Hags, jr'.,
County Solicitor, giving pertieultats
of the legal fees and costs allowed on
the recent equalization appeals. Stint
to the Finance Committee.
The Jailor's report for the fit et
six months' re convictions and prison -
S, Filed.
Invitations to visit' the Suerogete
Court Oleo for inspection. Filed •
K. F. Merrier, reeve of the Ittee
village of Ilayfitild, which has reeeet-
ly been ereated a police village,- then
inedeea statement regarding 'is sta-
tus inthe matter as a -member -02 the,
. .
After some discussion the matter
was referred to the County Saliciter
end his report will be presented in the
A petition was presented re a
change in road system in Hereall.
Thisw, . referred to the Good Reed;
Hospital Grants.
On motions being called elle the
followieg motions were present .1:
"Motion to grant e1,000 to the
Hoepiaile at Goderiele W1'1411;1,11,
Clint,,,, :1,1 ;'4 frth."
"motion appointing. Coulee Coultas
Hays eP,1 Barker to prepare a suit-
able resolution and letter re the M-
eese or our respectful councillor 11.
J, Mmetinisi and present same to the
e,ouncii the morning,." Carried.
Motion: That thio County Ctuecil
ti s Henn County Home on
Weitneekly aiternoon at 4 min, in
order Met oath and every member
may have a definite knowledge of the
accommodation and protection arerd
eat our aged and that C0111041;,..1'.•
Banker, Hays and Beattie mei the
Warden and Clerk be a coonnittoo
to secure transportation," Cncri,1.
"That1 food form rly knowg
;load No, 20, extending from Welt
Boundary of East Wawaintsh to the
Belgrave station In replateet on the
County Road Syetem." Sent to tee
team peed,: Committee.
That this Council exprees ti the
emeng peeple of Clinton our :lop-root-
atlen of their generosity in pliteing a
!Mato in the Huron County Hone, for
the benefit of the inmates." Carelel,
The Council then adjourivel to
net at nine o'elocl: in the merringe
Goderich. June 9. ---At the efter-
noon sitting of County Council Prof.
Catenr, ief the Agricultural College
to. GueltM was prt.sent and addressed
the members of the Council on the
Corn Borer Ant Li, talk proved
most instructive end interest -Mg to
the coueeillore.
The appointment of int insmietor
under the net will be brought up be -
:et', the .session.
The following motions were then
alt with:
"That the Warden, County En -
einem' and the Good Road Commis -
ion be more careful in placing, lake
gravel on our county roads." Filed.
"That E. F, Merrier be placed on
the pay -sheet for two days for at-
tending County Council on the ed -
vice of our County Solicitor." Car -
"That we draw the attention of
the Highway department to the need
of station streets in towns and Nil-
lages also dome instances of Hamlet
connections and suggest that the be
put on the basis of connecting links."
Referred to the Good Road Canonise
"In the matter re inmates of House
of Refuge having funds t °their cre-
dit that their accounts be reedited
with bank interest that accrues there-
on. Carried.
"That the matter of accident in-
surance on our County Road. System
be referred to Good Roads Cemmis-
eion." Sent to the Good Reale Com-
The Special and House of Refuge
Committee:. give their reports. Both
reports were adopted.
The Comma adjourned at 1.00 and
eheted the County Home at Clinton,
House of Refuge.
The House of Refuge Committee
re -ported the following, •
A deputation of the Young People
of Clinton waited on the Committee
with reference to placing mplano 111
the County Home to assist in holding
concerts at the Home, They stated
that they had about ;475 collectes1
isliieh would be applied and thsught
it the County made grant of $150
that a suitable instrument could be
provided for the Home Thie in-
trument has been planed in the
}Tome without any old from the
.A motion moved by Messrs Me-
E,.vanatrl Klopp was carried, insteuet
ing the. Clerk to iesue an order for
e12 being half the cost; n'lltary
hunted for Private Albert Bohm, a
returned soldier, all inmate of 'Om
County Home.
Re a communication from Thomas
McMichael offering to take $100 in
full as euttlement. • The Clerk Wa-s In -
eructed to write Mr. McMichael tell-
ing the Committee is prepated to re-
commend tip the County Counee that
$50 be paid him in full payment of
his account and that the clerk also
inform him that. he being an ab-
seonding inmate is liable to be
brought back at any time.
R•fi a recent communication from
?dr. McMichael assuring us that $100
le the least he will accept, your eom-
mittee recommend this amount bo
paid him.
The Clerk Was also instrected to ,
notify the friends of David McDonald
an inmate of the home to hat: him '
removed for safe keeping tel mane
other plaeo es he is a nuisance in the
home, As this has not been complied
with your committee recommend that
the County :Connell give Me, Me -
(Continued on Page 6)
Duck or Hen?
Why is et that duck eggs are lint as popular as hen eggs? The only.
reason we know, is, that the hen ADVERTISES hist the moment
elle lays an egg, while a duck keeps quiet and hides her egg under the
straw. We try to be like the hen, We try to tell the world we have
a great line of building lumber, dimension etc.
All No, I 5x B, C. Red Cedar Shingles [Edgo grain]
All No, 1 Extra N, B. White Cedar Shingles
Alex, Murray St Co. Asphalt Shingles
Cedar and Hemlock Shipluee and Boards
Siding Flooring, Ceilisg, Vlouhi Rte.
Dressed 2x4 1 -lard Maple fur Hay Fore Tracks
1•1-4 in. Pine Wagon Box Lumber, Eto.
Let's not 8PO, Dt4C.Et4
Lir 11.Eidgr Wfitiliter r. 11
thane No. 30
frasragnarszaracosmaratrravesaftratas-astarraxa staaccararashrsamsraurturstreasstroaaerraasrareararaseass
ta Le !.-011 acne
' Over a three year period our piine in the Canadian contest have made
the best showing of any birds entered by any breeder covering the
past three years. At preen!, our pen in the Canadian coMeet is
in first place for all entries from Ontario in the light breeds, In
the Ontario contest aur pen is in the first place for the light
breeds In the Nova Scotia contest our pen is in second place, a V
Government pen holding fuse We have the high hen in this eon-
test in the twentieth week.
We are booked up in May for 12,000 chickens. Will have some
eureiee sat -Is week at ele per 100. Jane cheeks $1.2 per 100.
n eett 4
m(2 Z1all 5..41
11-fnenTejtJiUd pin F 11-) eT
It may riot be generally known,
but by an amendment passed to the
Corn Borer Act in 1920 it is compul-
ory to appoint a district inspect-
erand comply with all the regula-
tions of the act. These regulations
should be noted, and for the purpose
of acquainting the people with them
they are reproduced here, just as
they appear in the Act:
1—It shall be the duty of every
person growing corn in the counties
in which the Corn Borer Act has
been made effective to adopt such
methodin the growing of corn and
in handling the land and the rem-
nants of the crop as will most effee-
tively control the corn borer; and
all persons growing corn shall be re-
iponsible for giving effect to the pro-
visions of the act and regulations
whether owners of the land or not.
2—All corn stalks, pieces of stalks
and cobs of each year's corn crop,
whether in the field, barn or else.
where, is not fed, or ensiled, or
shredded or mixed with manure, be
destroyed by burning or by ploughing
tinder completely, or by a combina-
tion of burning and ploughing.
3—Wherever corn stalks, or pieces
of stalks, or cobs are mixed with the
neinure, the top eight inches of the
tittire U flies of the manure shall
be removed and burned, or ploughed
under completely, or piled in a heap
nee the heap at once thoroughly 20V -
ere) to depth of four incite,: with
earth or well -rotted manure, free
from corn stalks, or any coarse
plants or parts of plants capable of
affording a hiding place for the bor-
ers. This covering Anil- remain in-
tact until at least July 1.
4—All shelled corn and corn -en -
cob shall be stored in a perfectly dry
place after May 20. Hence all such
corn if in a crib or other exposed
storage shall be transferred by the a-
bove date to a barn or granary.
5—All corn stubble shall be
ploughed under completely and pro-
per precautions shall be taken not to
drag up to the surface this or other
buried corn remelts or weeds when
cultivating the soil or planting the
succeeding crop.
6—No person or persons shall
plant wheat or any fall or spring crop
in a field in Which the, immediately
preceeding crop was corn until all
the remanents of the corn crop on
the field have first been disposed of
he a
Last Time Wednesday
A Real
"The Desert's
Play Toll
Friday & Satur'y, June 17- 1 8
A riV With his
Al'UL-4-31. Horse "Tony'
' "No an 's G
Rea Red.Slooded Story
Tuesday 8r. Wed 'y, June 21-22
6 6
Ole had been beaten in Inc
great fight by the chompion
—anti then tint girl he had
forgotten helped him win
his eegeneration.
Ilenot Ado] ee, as it roguish
young beauty t f olt w•ilt all the Irish htimer, pluck and
(Amine will ma se y ,n flI fo • olilittoley"—altel hull,' 1 The pettiest
bart' kimekle 1 tItI seen ts ever filmed! A throbbing
picture iff romemee 11011 it(1 et' Imre! A ringside seat to the most
omit ing amine film in a long lime,
Friday & Saturday June 24-25
With Dolores Costello and Louise Dresser
Tho Greatest of Police IVIolo-Drarna5
M. M. McBride, former Conserva-
Wye M. P. P.,, for lariat Sontb, has
taken over his BOW GoWer111110111' post
of Supervisor of Truffle under the
Department of Highways and will
be located in future at Queen': Park.
Mr. McBride did not eontast the lid -
hitt in the last Provincial election.
in aceordance with the above rege16-
7—,These eegulationii shall apply
to land not leave meet for hunted:et-xi
cropeing its well as to land being so
used, and all control measures ftnlI
be eiimpleted not later than May 20,
of the year suecoedinff the corn crop,
mver the ineneetor on ex -
:indention find, that any or the elmve
eegulatione has not been cot
with, he :4110 at once take such ac-
tion :Li may be miceeeery for the des -
'election of %Be borer.
9-7Ady prosecution for violation
of tat.ct or rogul.dions shall be
made under The Ontnrio Summary
Convietions Act,
Willing to Vacate Seat and Preclude
Court Hearing. — May Seek Re -
Walkerton; June 9.—n/int/wing an
examination for discovery' at the
Court House, Walkerton, in connect-
ion with the South Bruce election
protest, which is to be Heard before
three Supreme Court Judges at Wal-
kerton on June 23, M. 4,4, McCal.lum,
M. P, P. has written David Roberton'
K. C., counsel for the petitioners in
the ease, offering to consent to a
judgment, uneetaing him if this will
satisfy the petitioners and preclude
any further court proceedings in the
matter, it was announced tonight.
Mr, McCallum offers to pay all
costs in the action to date and vacate
the seat as Progressive member for
South Bruce in the Ontario Legisla-
The petitioners, who are supporters
of W. D. Cargill, Conservative can-
didate in the last electien. have in-
structed their solicitor to take the
matter up with the throe Judges as-
signed for the trial.
it is understood that this ceerse
will not disqualify Tar. MeCeilum
from again entering the field id the
event of a by-election in Seoth
Chesley, June 9. — The alum'
meeting of the Eugenia Hydro-Elec-
trio Association was held here this
afternoon with an attendance of more.
titan 50 delegates, representing the
various Hydro municipmerees in the
Dr. 0, S. Fowler, of Teeswater pre-
sided, in the absence of the District
Chairman, John Taylor, of Hanover.
The principal speakers were: T. G.
Hannigan, Guelph; T. C. Jami's, Hys
dro• engineer, Toronto; Willie Mc-
Lachlan, Toronto; and J. Purcell, of
the Hydro Commission, Toronto.
Officers elected for the year were:
President, Die G. S. Fowler; First
, Vice -President, C. J. Halliday, -Mos-
ley; Second Vice-Presiaent, J. Lucas,
Markdale; Socretary-Treasnrer, C. C.
Eldridge, Durham.,
Advertisement in a daily paper:
"FOR SALE, poultry; roosters and
pullets, all laying,"
AMMON BAt,TilOW 404(11215 ITAB64, 131450.
Ana,. will olTer for Bale et Lot 20, 0011, 14, 1110.
Einem fin lerldny,,lrole, 24th, nt 2 n'olock, th.,
fcliolvitig : germ eonsisting *5 10 neves. 1 mile
Itant of the village of Walt.m. 0 tho term is
41 focr.rootned c °tinge with ; stable
and allsnhotten. nom im in a high state of
aultlyntiOn end 10 ktlf,dralliliK, Alit n 11.
clime parlor (mite,' stove, 0 1010110n chairs, 1
sidebOard, 1 Ititehen onpboard, 1 bedi•nom
(mite, 1 'ditthig P5015 table. 1 kilaben tnble, 1
horse rake, 1 walking plowel intRITY,!
1 MOWOr. 2 window onsings, door ons.
Inge end Cameroon other erBolerl,
Terme for rent netute loosen tin day
Wis••:./ I16'
Wt. son.*V".".1•14 •=1.1=Stai4.11....M.M. Cithttt'INPIAO71,.15' 1101t410-1, prop,
tiottatrrn, 84(1,-Thort, Brown,
14 co tic,,e. t Oveditors
In the "ratter of the Estate of
James W. Hanna, Docensool.
Notice is hereby givon, im,•stunt to South.,
60, Chapter 121, of /110 Revised ,,r
(n ta,•to,t•Itat all perums 3141351(1 ,1,13 against
ths er Janie, W Hanna. late ef the
Township (.2 14busi, 1 1.11i. rounty of Perth,
farnior, itgoogged, int on or about 1111,
1.1'.13' :i10Y, n (he Tow nth I p of Blum
In tno I Monty of PMi'tti 0 pponfro,1Po gend
by post. proollid, ns to octiver 1,111 tinder.
tho Solielfin• for 5,31,1 It
he Toivi—h11, of 1411titi, in (Iontit,
PerthInc'' tits .4,1minittrettir or timeree
'i.e 05 t s .0101 rItrovarror!, I Unitio,4 nial ad.
di, sub %y•rli 001 ii:ooloolers In writing •,f
their a',11,1n, 00d tho nature of I hp seenritits.
tt ftkrther talc. Indian 115 oft,,p
On, 1 .1.ine. tie .414
41,511 oi 0,0,1 5111. 11301-1 of
t11.11 '.fl' among the ne 1.1 1tri
114 1,10.111,1.1' d only 1 the at
ho Ay It 10, laid minas, sal
tnbl aints•ret,,,,hell nor 1, Malde for flit,
e•ie ng. 1a or any part hereat in 1111Y
aS whogo nial lu. shall; not then 111 0' re•
nal aid noHni,
I,10triwol Oda TWN111 in•li any 0,
51,13 , A.1 547.
.1, 01.11,31, Ft A VILTON,
4J-4 on...pros. Listewyl, (Mt
Ssliciter for the sold Administ,tny,
Popular Stallions
Monday—Will leave his own stable,
let 27, cote 0, Grey, and proceed west
to Roes' MeKay's Con, for noon;
then North und West to Earl Mathers
Jamestown for night.
Tuesday—Will proceed West to
5''' ,'t'.' sid.o.oad, Morrie, and North to
Go54100 Hall's Illuevale, far noon;
then South to :lest lime Morels, and
%Vial. to Wm. Maxwell' for neihe
Wednesday—Will Droceed Wrist to
tmomlary, Morri, and Wawanosh and
South 10 Gen. Cook's, lielgravf,, for
PO011 ; Then East 1111 line to ;W.
Shedden's for night.
Tintooday—W,11 py•ps•ed Fist to
.!1m, Tlichno'F, for noon: then East
noel Islm•th 11; tiIi, to his own stable
for night, and renmin till Saturday
Saturdee—Will prem.ed hast to
Elma and North to Trowbridgo for
neon; then West nlom., Bh eon, horn,
for night, where he will remain mit 11
Monday morniege
Terms—To insure a foal $12,00
payable February 1928. Parties
posing of mares will lie held 1..spon•
ri,ble for payment whether in fottl or
Torrs Diadem
Manager. ' • '
Monday morning—Will leave his
own stable, Lot 21, 3rd line, Morrie,
and go north miles, then east- to
Charles Forest's for noon; then east
to gravel road, then east 11,4 miles,
then south to Oliphant Smith's for
TuesdaY—Proceed east 216 Inas,
then south 114 miles to Ethel line to
Milton Parr's for noon; then weet by
‘yrty of gravel road to his own stable
for night where he will remain till
Thursday morning.
Thursday—Will go west 2 Ili miles
to Reboil; Higgin's for noon; then
west lee miles; then north to stone
schoolhouse, then east to centre eide-
road. to Fred Churchill's for night.
Friday—North to Bluevale boun-
dary; then south to lst line, Morris,
to Addy Frar;Cr'S, for noon; then west
to centre skteroad, then south to 1141
own stable whore be will remain till
Monday merlin, remaining home all
clay Saturday.
Monday—Will leave his own sta-
ble, Lot 18, Con, 5, Morris, and go
West to John Wightman's foe noon;
thence South along grovel road to
Blyth for night.
Tuesday—South to Boundary and
Fest to John Haggett's for noon;
thence down Boundary to Walton,
then North and East to James Smil-
lie's for night.
Wednesday—North to 16th Con.
and South to Brussels gravel, then
North to James E. Spiveye for noon;
then North to ath line Morris ancl
home for night, where he will re-
main until Friday.
Friday—East to Brussel% -then
down Oth Con., Grey, 114. miles, then
North to Richard jacklin's for 310011
then West to Wm. Henderson's, sith
line, Morris, for night.
Saturday -11e miles West, then
2% miles South to Oth line, then
East and West to his own stable.
Terms.—To insure $18,00, payable
lst of Febreary, 1928. Mares must
be returned regularly or tney will
be -charged as insured mares.
Knight Music
(3593) (67000)
Thoro' Bred
Trotting Stallion
This horse was bred by Dr, Groves
of Fergus, and is sired by Slow Muss
ic, and dam Ella R. Knight, by
)lorder Knight,
This fancy bred stallion will stand t
for the season of 1927 at the stable
of James Shedden, Con, d, 111101TiS 1
Torms—$20 to insure foal. Any
owner patting with it mare after
she has been bred, forfeits all insur-
ance or return privileges and service
foe must be paid ttt once.
In (be 111,45er 01' 1)1,' 14s IA14. of lffnry
•Insie Coates, Pile of the VIIInge Of
itesseels, itt 11p. ('ount)" or 11111100,11
11 1110W. deceased.
lo.folIY 1 1% -en, pursuant to
rho 11.•‘1e0.1 Sin 1 nes cintarlo, Chap.
that all credit ore and others
hieing maims against t he estate of
ljlit:,•„..(4. a 50 1 ryo „.1,t,•110o ,,,11111,11.5
(er ills Torii I, any or
and tot went of the ,1,•,,,,a sod, their
t'ht'bIl1iti 11 Sticouip,s., addresses (tip],
descriptions, the full pa rt bodily:1 of
tlp•ir ski lenient of tit eh'
11.4..11111N anti 1110 1111111 itt 1.110 !incurs
it les, lf any, held by them.
.1 ',el 1'111'111er take notice that after
lost. it),'ltltt,.(i 010 tt,, 10xeor-
tor 14113 prneoed to distribute the as -
0.•11; Of 11,0 doivonaad, (tmought the late -
t1, et0111.1 t hereto, 1v'lig regard
,olly to the claims of which he shall
ben have note, nd ha au Id 34, in-
t''t 50133 not 11:1111, 1'00 Lhi r am.] as -
or ally part tli,roof to any per -
sr: ti or persoils, of
Itt not hat'e been 0,1 vi by 1111,1
,,t Coe leo- of such distribution.
Ib 1 0 Is 1,411 day of Julie, A. D.,
Robert 14, (Mates(
1'23:mentor, Steaforth, Ont,
bo,ra inst rueben n Veli al Lot '0 Urey
begs mors, It0.-11. :if Soot, A ucti er as
(m k i•iday,•Inno 17th, at 1 &Meek tharp, the
,f,i.1117.,•;:ti.i1„,141,1,.,,,e,..,„,e• Our e.sa,..r:ro.1.10,11 imurr„.0,111,?•erl•
shoot t Mont 11, 1 noir fiseM alumni, 3 no:ntlis•. 1
ltegisiersd Ayrshire° 701100 001 duo Sept, 8112;•:-.
1 env duo 4 mt 10(It 1 cows milkorg due to
noir in sent. and at., 1 :miler due to delve
in ri farrow vows. 10 heifers from 7r0 in
SW lbs., steers from 700 to 900 lb,. , fi 1 -year•
((1.1 stoOrg, fi 1-yesitold heifers, 1 ,n•W with lit-
ter at 5,1,2,05041 due at Palo of ,004.1, 1 ,,ow
half 1491!e• 41 ohnoks spout MO Ins,. 10 y ennui('
hens, 2 .1 on ks mai 0 drake, t101501111,_ 1 sieigh
!ilin•aai-•Harris binder norrly‘n.01 v,61assily!
Harris mower No 21. ri.c t. eat 1 Nifigasprlinr-
i is I 01,I' nearly new, 11 ',admire CT fertiliz-
e...LOW 1 Conkshott Itforrow slow, 1 OBV'
riding alow, 1 fanning milt, 1 flat w,
enr, I boggy, I an, ter, 1 P0.00 lingdIton
imam., I grindstone, 1 sot 0 section lisr
set Itt'ivy !limpets, 1 set light heroes.,
gelvariz.eil. piping, 1 'awl, mower,
rosts, 30 minis dry bloftwood, 1 work
Moto;;,. crew,. separator, 1 eoek
store. 1 cup000rti n lied and other
side unr.-eryed As proprietor lit
ferni 31151210s, -A 11 annis 01 $111
; 000 1111,1, allitrant 0 montho
an on furnishing opproved joint n.
oast ell' for onsh on or, reit 01000
owners for seenrity,
Farm for Sale
Lot No, Pt 23, Concession 13, Towasht
51ef4Oleo, 10(10 east of Walton, contnii.
42 norm( of land; four -roomed Promo ho,
ruti 4(4011 01 slid hen house, 511 well Imo
orl and fanned For further pertioulars tip
10 120141iniT HOI.LA ND, in care of Mead
liollitncl, seaforth It. 01, No. 1, Phone 237-3
Do Your feet Bother You
Oh 1 the tragedy of aching fest, the misery
of painfully dragging one foot after the oth-
er, the bitterne..9 of watching others :Imo
along without n foot care in the world, Iroot
misery 0511 be avoided. 1 IztlOW, becitrale 1
suffered for years' but I found n wny to re-
lieve that painfulstrain upon my weakened
arnhes. Now, 1 want to help others ; if yea
lire I% sneerer, please mon GI on To it PORT When;
writing. J. WOOD, 220 Prosspec t at., Bane
Ilton Ont., or ntny Itt parrauteed tit Downing
!Mos., shoe deniers, Brussels,
House and lot far Bale
Theundersigned offerit for sale his ho
and lot on Albert street, nrasceis. 14
contains Wall, P0101000 end in electric wlr
Good garden and garage. 11.1yarything
firat•olfikla repair,
85.0 .113 0, BENDBB80N, Beaforth
Farm for Sale
Venn 0( 53,,, late William 12, Hustle, annsist.
lug ol 72 acres of exnellent land, in •h,, town.
ship of Howlett. About 15 acres of bush, bel.
alma all workable; spiendal natural writer
supply ; good orehard, barn and frame house.
tlitipited about 11,1 101100 front (.40rrte 0,
and shinning station. Also 100.ticre grhfs
farm adjoining Firstmlnes laud, well drain.
ad, good shade and Cover-fatling water sup -
1116' goad born, drive shed nod fruit trees.
WIII sell separately or together. Possession
Maroh 1st, 1927. Apply to MIT. W111, R. Has.
510, 12xectitrix, Box 2311, Gorri e, or
G. W WALlattl, Gerrie, Ont.
Farms for Sale
260 acres, being the moth halves of Lots 10,
10, 20, 31 end 33, in the 1st Con, of Grey town.
ship, 10(11101.09 Ideal 5 (151 Nem, with 0011 -
bins water undtheds, will he sold scneretelY
If desired. Will consider routing part or all
to suitable &mia. nply to 8811
GNO. 0..TOHNSTON, lt It 2, 111nevitle
or 01101.5G15 SPOT'l'ON,
Farm for Sale
100 Rotes, belog Lut 20. 111111 Con., Twp, of
Grey: About VC acres domed, bole nee past.
nee slash. On the premises bo lt Int•ge grayol
Who story and e half frolic hout,•, f rnine
stable, nnel other 91111111 hallf11114S, Stinill Cosh
payinents,baltmee may remain On mortgage.
POSPeaS1011 lab of A pril, 1027. A nply to
131001-1. 5101,61AN, 11, '1 r. 1'11114E1819,
House and Lot for Hale
The eligible house and lot on Queen street,
Brussels, the property of the Into Alt's,Kv
In.offered for snie. (lomforte hie house with
small gsoden. leer farther ofirtionlars apply
to BA 121.V7 1712.2B,
13.te IC 12, 8 Brussels
Farm for Sale
(The old Hamilton Place)
WO acres, :being N'4 TAW 7, 8, 9 and North
.10 acres of 10, 0011, A, Tarnberry township.
fmrge Bret -ohms hem, splendid 010110 sbnbling
underneath ' windmill, large driving shed,
good frame lhouse and stone kttnhe,t ,• •
orolmrd, n ever felling spring on term, 2 mita
from Wroxeter village and 1 mil() Crum school,
This farla 111 mtstnre for some years
and will give higheat returns, Pam land
valuen wfli rise, Per particulars apply to
Administrntor John 1t. Gibson estate
P.O. box 77 WrOxeter Plume 80
Farms......mfor Sale
The undersigned offers for sale his 100.nere
farm beingDTX, Lot 26, Oott, 7, :Orris. Also
160031•45, being North l4, Lot d 1(14
(Ion, Morrie (400d houses0 bei-iiV11;
lowers lenity to W. R. MoOTJTIIBBION,
Proprietor, It. 01.4, Brussels
Farms for Sale
ng,6.11,`"1;`,T1h11,",:gx orig,leltili. 711 SI
(lainhafgpd'rilo le;tit foAftri 18e 1 e:Ver°,111:e5d;
smith. R not sole 11109' will be lemma for not
tura Pot unttioulers fond". to TO °touters,
AT,81,1 TR,
taarrrr sAnntassos