HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-6-15, Page 1'L VOL, 55 NO. 52 X2.00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, lVLWJVE'SDA X, JUNE 15, 1927 J. L. IK'ERR, Prof`rieter Anniversary Services OF eluill� Pmsbyterian Ehurch Brussels, wi 1 be conducted by Rev. A. C. Wishart, of McLeod, Alberta A former Pastor, on Sunday, June 19th at 11 a.. m. and 7.30 p. m. Garden Party Thursday ev'g, June 23 A Garden Party will be held at the home of Walter Yuill, 2 1-2 miles north of Brussels. A good program will be provided by the highly recommended "Listowel Merry Makers." Lunch will be served and Refresh- ment Booths on the grounds. Adults 350 Children 25e REV. F. G. FOWLER,Pastor A. A. LAMONT, Secretary The Surrouniso• District d � »H "':_S:Oy4.W :. »� � HW WWF i' M�HSW. t� i«Hi"p:. iH:"r ., e I suer as served by the ladies of the LISTOWEL I Angeras Church, and the hikers, User 150 citizens of Listowel vicin- leaving Durham, arrived at Listowel it), joined in the motor hike to Owen about 11.45 p. tu. The local band ac - Sound, last Wednesday, In spite of 0umplu0ied the exert' sionista and the rain, the aiT.ur was most enjoy- entertained at the different stops, Elide, and all of those participating , with varied selections. were K10111ei1(41(1 neer this year's 11ip. The hikers, this year, were con• BLUEVAIE veyed by five largeMotor busses feo it Pal onto, instead of by private motors, F. Black spent the week -end at err - no ill fertile), yearn. they left Listnw- onto, el at 7.80' t. w., aoa male their first I'.veritt McGee,' of Fergus, was vine ut Mount. Forest, where they home over the week -end. were welcnme(1 by Maynr Beacon and Sirs. T. bloKinney apart a few (4, P. Allen. Mayor John Watson days with relatiyea here. and Rev. 10. 1". Atmsttorg 1polled on Rohl,. Hamilton is steadily improv - behalf of the visitors, At Chats- worth, Reeve Bouvet 10,10lved them. On reachi lig Owen Sotltid, they were ,met by the Kiltie Band and a repre- sentative body 11' ,'l (Iz0'll9. Alderman Percy field and Sir. Creighton g.VO Turman, lievisitingat the home of (ben WOI ,lo of Wventente, and the Len, and Mrs. Rattan, thanks of the visitors were expressed L. L. and Mrs. Eldti(lge, of San An- hy 01, L Kemp and Jack Walters. tonin, Texas, are at present visiting Dinner was served at the Central Un- relatives a sold here. ited Church, After several hours, Mr, and M,'s, t51cQuarrie and (laugh - during whil'h the Listowelites had the ter, Margaret, of J-Iart'iston, spent upl)orhn(11y of viewing the beauties Sunday at the home of R. and Mrs. and evidences of progress made by Musgrove. this lake port, they started back on Georg(` and Mrs. Moffatt, of Cleve - their journey home, (tan nn cantos• land, Ohio, are spending a 0nuple of 'natio reception was given them at weeks' vacation with the foi-,ne,-'s p101. Durham. Mr. Mnrdork, on behalf of Ole town, r"eeived the hikers, and Mayne John Watson, Rev T. B. Tlnw• and and John Sangster replied. Here ing after his recent illness. L. H. and Mrs. Tinsman are visiting with their son, Robert, at Leatning- ton. Dan. DnItnage and daughter. of New Adi,xiit,rmenis (!onvention-••Haran Sterol For, Connell Nemo'. to (Yredltnr 0l ,. entea 000009 Play-Anillnnn Drumm 10 voci, ty (+Arden Party -Knox church. Droneritlt P1n•nln-North nor"n Former., Servlrus brussels Un heel Church P104110-8,04 No 4,0000y Variety tare---1l'N Thom,, :Moore Ex,ntdnntt al Supplies -1r. n, smith Notlne tarda debt nicht Tenrh,.r wonted --M. 4. No. 10, NO -taloa troy 991 n - .1101vin G, l ld n.:oe (10000, ,n A lou "petr SLP, 1) :1 (, ' I) 15.00 P' ror n -LoII Lotto Ammon Sol. -nob„ C Holland Ren -Pinta Ivo wonted -(ltd !tellable Font - hill Nu rseri,N Edgar McMichael, of Toronto, spent the weekend with hie parent. here. Gordon and Mee Gallaher', of Bel - grave, spent Sunday with Robt, and. MIs, Musgrove. A, large number from here went to Wingham, on Sunday, to attend the decoration service there. THE ANNUAL NV of tie Huron County Social Council Service will be held In SEAFORTH UNITED CHURCH Wednesday, June 22 Sessions begin at 2 p,in. and 7.45 p. m. (Banquet at 6 p. m.) PROMINENT SPEAKERS THE PUBLIC IS INVITED E. BENDER, Blyth, President. ants, P. and Airs. Moffatt. Ro(1t, AlIcWnnon received a held shaking up, one day recently. when he fell oat of an apple tree. Fortun- ately, no hones were broken. A very heavy electrical storm pas- sed over this district, last Wednesday afternoon, accompanied, by a deluge of mail' and hail. which ,'ell for about 5 rninut0a. The lightning struck Jas. Khrtnn's born, killing a pig, but did not start a fire. 1 Variety Store Mrs. Thos. Moore Wishes to announce that she will open a stock of Fancy Goods, China, No- tions, &c. in the store North of W. F. Stretton's Jewelry. on Saturday of this week. We invite you to Ball and see our stock whether you want to bay or not. BLYTH Robert Laidlaw, of Blyth, has par- chased the McEwen property, et Winghiow. The property consists of nine acres. Mir. Laidlaw will de- vote his time to raising silver foxes and police dogs. WROXETER '1'1508, henry and family were week- end visitors eaford. n Geo`g e'1'own and A. Rann visited at Eugenia Falls over Sunday. Mr. McLean 'visited with his par- ents in Listowel over the week -end, Hans Rasmussen, of London, spent Saturday and Sunday at his house here. Mee. 1'lernnn1,,g and her grandson, Rae Henning, WPM recent visitors at Bolton. Mee, Robert Gibson, of Calgary, Al. ta., is visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. Geo. and Moss Moffatt., of Cleveland, are guests of the former's patents, Peter and Mrs. Moffatt of Morris. The softball game between Wing - ham and \Vroxter was well attended, the 800(01 being 8-2 for Wroxeter' Kercher, which took place at Mt. For. John Munro has returned how To' est, where she held a position on the onto University, And will remain High Schooi staff. She had attended school, on Monday, hut was taken suddenly ill, on Tuesday morning. Several doctors were called, but were unable to diagnose the case, and she passed a1Vav on Tuesday night, after THE ANNUAL Garden Pit -oF- KNOX CHURCH M 0o" CRIEFI' will be held on the 222 Church Lawn Monday, June 20th Supper from 6 to 1 in the Basement After which an excellent Program will be provided by the popular Listowel Entertainers - "The Merry Makers" Consisting of Comic Sketches, Songs and Readings, accompanied by e Snappy Or. chestra, also of Listowel. In case of rain the program will be given in the Church Shed. Admission 500 and 260 Como with the Crowd and Enjoy a Feast of Good Things. D. McTaggart, Rev. W, J. Maines r Chairman 13d, of Managers, Pastor 7 Uted Roes Chu nirch Gordon Prty o<z Church Groor:cls Thursday, June 115th s Supper served from 6 to 6 Good Program Auburn Women's Institute will present the play "The Old Oaken Bucket" Musical numbers between Acts DAVID SAVAGE, Listowel Soloist Adults 50e ; Children 25e A Real Garden Party Interment was Lunde at Woodland cemetery. The - pallbearers were : Charles Se'motor', W, B, Gillespie, J. W. I. McGee, inspector of Incur- CollisonG , George Hair. J. A. Jones anee, was a business visitor in town, and George Pearce." this week. Passed Away.—On Monday of this \Von. Underwood has moved from week William Eckmier, of the 7th totes back to its tarts, where he putt- con., passed away at the age of. 77 . poses farming again. con., 3 months and 26 days. The Rcbert McLaughlin, Wroxeter, was years. " r operated on in ()Hilton Hoe phot, and funeral will take place from his late } } d L t vJ con '7 on Thursday afternoon at 2,30 Service held at 2 the operation was a success. to, encs o An air of sadness prevailed over o'clock. Interment will be made at this community when wood was re- the Firma Cemetery. Fuller madeperticul- eeived of the death of bliss Agnes Mc. ars of the deceased will be mato next IKercher, only daughter of W. S Mc - Karcher and the late 1111s. Mc. week. home during the Summer months. George Town has been successful in sectoring engagements for his 'T'own's Orchestra, in Wioghanl, during the Surnmet' mouths. Among those who set elided the De- intense suffering. She was 20 years cnratinn services 091; \Vhighlltn, were : of age, a brilliant student told a grad - Harry Walley and family and Fred g Davey and flintily. of Queen's University, where she won several scholarships, She had a Under the Respires of the Miessirnl Band of the United Church, a most bright, cheerful disposition, and tuns enjoyable picnics was held in the parte, on Saturday afternoon. The following k the result of sever- al games in the Y. P. S. County Soft • Ball League : To Corrie, on Tuesday, I Girls, Wroxeter 20, Go'rie 7 ; Boys, Wroxeter. 22, Gov, i„ 7. In Wroxeter. on Friday, Boys, \V ruxetet', 18, Salem GREY 8 ; in Wroxeter, Saturday, Girls, Wroxeter, 8, Wingham 2, le Mrs. H. Porter, 10th Con„ is spend - Thomas Sage, in his 06th yea', ha ing a week or two with Atwood and hearty and Mall (15 some `nen in friends, their middle age, resides in Wroxeter. Don't forget the celebration at Eth- Rrhen asked his ng". he said old el Park, on .111110 21st. A big program enough to sent e, Mr. Sage tells of is being prepared. coming to Hluevale it) '66. Be resid- Don't fo, set the union picnic of S. ed there for two years, theft moved to S, No. 4 sand the Union Srhnnl. at Al- i \Vroxeter, and has resided bore ever since. Healsnowned the 5,'.t team of horses in Bluevnle, and in allose days, a gond horse cnnld he bought for 5100. 500(154 were hauled from Clinton and Seaforth to \Vroxeter in those days, a6 there 90P1'11 no iailways s In t}10 ne' l)n• nn(1 then. bits Sage Ig111 raised a family of nine, and tells the story that he has never been to a doctor, He also tails of the first bind- er, ;nine 51 yea's ago, and how the people walked miles to see it work. Eggs were then four emits per dozen, Also, he didn't Forget to recall that whiskey sold at 26 cents a pail. Mr. Sage remembers one man who took 1860 for a vote. Last week was a red letter week for Me, Sage, when he motored to Stratford and visited hie nephew, OPENING OF Ethel Contedutio T y esday, June 21.st Soft Ball Tournament The main attraction in the afternoon is the Soft Ball Tournament in which 8 teams will take part. �����,� MISSa0 McPHATL M.P. will be the principal p speaker of the day, while Mr. Elliott, of Middlesex and Hon. Donald Sutherland, of Oxford, are also expected. Booths on the grounds. Concert in the Evening In the evening a Grand Concert will be held in the Pres- byterian Church Shed, being put on by The Kenney Concert Co,, of London, in a complete change of program, to com- mence at 8.15. Admission 50 cents, Dancing Pavillion Afternoon and Evening Everybody invited to spend the day in Ethel "mill" loved by young and old. She is stlr- vived by two brothers, Stewart, of Snskatonn, and Robert, of Motteeal. The funeral was held from the family residence, on Thursday afternoon, Rev. A, D. Armstrong nflicittting, Farm rs Agnes McPhail, M. P. Farquhar Oliver, M.L.A. l ors will ad - and others ea t p dress a Monster U, F. 0. Pie. nie in North Huron on Monday, June 27th Fttll particulars next week. Keep this date in mind, ex. Brown's bush, on .1ntie 250h. Mrs„ John Steins is not as well as her friends would like, but we hope that slip will improve in a few days. Yon will 11008 a treat if you don't take in Mnuerieff Garden Party, no N June 2 1 as the 1 'evening, JU 6ll Monday ev y g, (1 PI'P. Merry Makers are goingt be them Ie Mrs Robt. Pearon4th line, fell part way down stairs, on Monday, and broke her hip. She is doing as well as earl be expected, but this is a serious accident for anyone at the age of 78 yenta. Mr's. Wes. Beacon, of Hullett Twp., and bliss McDer- mott, nurse, of Listowel, are waiting on the patient, at p0eseut,<-. B1to'r nioio PASSES A\t 1Y.-Wedues- day's London Free Press reports the sudden death of the brother of Mos, J. J. McOutcheon, Uor. 2, of this township. -"One of London's best- known residents and valued citizens died yesterday evening. in the Person of James M. Jackson, at Bothwell. For 22 years, Mr. Jackson bad tray elled for the Hobbs Hardware Com- pany, of this city, and in his work toot for himself a host 00 friends iu Western Outmice For over ten years, he was a popular weather of the London Rowing and Bowling Club, and was well known as a bowler, having won a number of prizes. Last year, Mr. Jackson resigned from Ole Hobbs Company, ,one started trav- elling Howland lin for H a (t Sons, al g „ hardware dealers, of iotonto, Born 50 years ago, in Mitchell, Ont., he came to this city in 1004, where le liv- ed until his death, Before cowing to London. he was for 14 years organist at Knox Preeby1erial Church, Mit- chell, 0u Monday morning, Mr, Jack. son left home apparently in good health, and the news of his death comm RS IS great shock to his many friends. The cause of death was heart trouble, He 9008 a member of the Ontario Commercial Travellers' Association and the Metropolitan United Ohuteh• Surviving are t his widow, Lillian Pearce Jackson ; one danglrter, TTelen, aged 18 years ; one brother, W. 0, Jackson, of '.Toronto, and one sister, Mrs, J. J. Mc0utcheen, Brussels, Ont. The funeral services for the late Mr. Jackson, were held en Thursday afternoon, at: his late residence, 188 Wharncliffe road North. The funeral was attended by a large number of the business men n4' the oily, and the nutno'ons floral offer - Inge bespoke the high e510om in Which the deceased was held by all who knew hits. Itev. 13. H. Robin. son, aesocdate rast0,' of the Metrepnl• itan United Churoh, conducted the Annual - Pic sic --of- S. S. No. 4, Grey and No, 16, Union Will he held in Brown's Bush, Con, 2 Saturday, June 25th Good prograrn of Sports in- cluding Soft Bali ter Young anti Old, Bring your Basket CRANBROOK The Dramatic Club of St. John's Church, Brussels, are presenting their farce -comedy "Peter Piper's Trou- bles" in Long's Hall on Friday even- ing of this week. Play starts at 8 pan. sharp. JAMESTOWN H, and Mrs. Muir and Layton and Dinh; were tite guests of Wal. and I hits, Bell, 18th Coo., 011 Sunday. ETHEL Everett Wright is driving a new Fold coupe. Mi1•s. (Rev.) D. M. Guest spent a', week at her horse in Ritmo dim-. Sirs. Gen. Bateman has been 0(811•' ing ft lends and "'datives in Brussels. Mrs. Weir, of Walkerton, spent last Week at the hone of Do, and rs. i 11. A. binMastee. Dr, and Mrs. 13. A. McMaster spent a few days last week visiting in Lond- on, Toronto and Buffaln, Mrs. A. P. McKee has returned , home after visiting in Toronto with Noble a nd MIs, M(•Kee, Geo. Bateman has not been e1-j"r-: ing his usual 'health, this Spring. IVe hope that he will soon show 1111ptove- men(, Woe's Po l� n 's United Clout ch G( r ,'den Pu l i ' of Thursday night, Ju 1E RI; h. The Hest of the 80(18015 and also the bt•sl Conte one, come 0011. Mr. and Mrs, McKee, of Smuthtawp- ton ; Do. and Mrs. George McKee, of 1 Owen Sound, and Dr, Godfrey Mr Kee, of Teeswater, spent Sunday with ; Quest and Mrs. Dobson, There is a probability that either Lucien Cannn,, or Col, Ralston, M. P., Minister of Defence, may be 51150111' uted for J. 0. Elliott, who is billed to speak at Ethel, on June 21st., in which case, hand bills will be issued. We were glad to see Mas, W. H. Love and Roy Otlnninghtorn, both of whom have been seriously ill, able to rnotor to the Cantata, on Friday night last, and hope that they will be cern• pletely recovered soon, Jnbilee services of Ethel United Church are unto completely arranged for, Rev. S. W. Hann will conduct the morning services, Rev, D. Rng- ars and Rev. D. B. MacRae 10 the aft- ernoon, and Rev. E,,,10, Armstrong, of Listowel, in the evening. On Mon- day evening, a first-rate concert will be presented in the church. See bills, The Orange Order of Ethel will hold their 1 r n it annual Mint 0015 par ode dap evening. . at 7.30 to the Presbyter- ian ian Church, Rev. 0, 0. Koine, of Atwood, will preach, and Rev, W. Williams will have charge of the ser- vices ill Atwood United Church. There will be no service in Ethel Unit. ed Church, as it will be withdrawn for the special service in the Presby- terian Obureh, A very interesting and instructive evenings entertainment was staged on 1!ritlay night last, in the Presby- terian Churchrah shed, when the ca. Wet, "Joseph's Bondage," 0108 pre - Hinted by the Blyth Choral Sneiety, under the able leadership of Rev, Gen, Telford, This production leas remarkably well presented, tvllile the resumes were suitable in each ease, Those who attended feel that they got good value for their money. The Ladies' True Blue and Loyal Orange Lodge No, 681, Ethel, will hold Omit) [lomat church parade to the Preebyterise Church, on Sunday, June 16th, at 7.30 p 111. Rev, Bre, 0, C. Kahle, of Atwood, will preach the 550(1)001, Brethren end sisters of neighboring lodges, who are able to attend, will be cordially welenlne. Brethren will please meet at the The 2', Hour y Farcical GOlnedy I Entitied m TEP PIPER'S i; ,, .'vim+ US'r. L ES, i Wi11,be presented by the An- glican Dramatic Society of Brussels in LONG'S HALL Cr anbri.'ok Friday, doe 11 At 8 p. m. sharp se es se This is a Humorous Play Well Presented Admission 35e and 25e All Welcome 1 1 Rc •eDobson nod wife at d 1101 tY y Hull and sou spent Sunday at Holy. 1 ond. H. \V, and Mts. Love and sou, Ron. old, Mrs. Bateman and bliss 1&Ila Pear - 0011 attended the decoration services, ut Winghaul, teat Sunday. On'I'uo5day, June 28th, 'lost \Vot- *hipful Rev. Bro. P. G, Gosse, of Eug- lehatt, Grand organizer of the Orange Association, will be in this locality at, it is expected, an open meeting, Watch for fiend bill,,• re, ° Church ores 11 MONCRIEFF Mr. and bliss Monteith, of Exeter, were visitors ttith D„nalld and 11rs' McTaggart, (111 Tuesday of last week' Lee (isle has his new blacksmith shop ltlulest enmpleted. It wilt Ire mune eetlwenientand up -to -Elate than he old one. Louis Hart ism, little sou of Frank and ,r St. John's Church Tiro90',tno in Sr Johns Chttreht (1000 `+n ,lay even n g, 9 111 he with - n 7.,')'' (l_( �1; n.:rut'elc.nry neivn e iu MOlvtlle Com eh. Melville Church Last Sabbath morning, in Melville Church, the paster, Rev F. G. Fowl- er, gave an interesting report of the meetings of the General Aseembly of the Presbyler}an 01100011 of Canada, held at Stratford. Attention was called to the progress made by the Church throughout Canada, during the past year in building new church- es and extending the work where they all eady have ehurrhes. Tribute was paid to the worth of some of the out- standing risen of the Assembly : Dr, Ephriaw Scott, Dr, Clay, the new Moderator, Dr. Nelson, Dr, A. S. Grant, Dr. Wardlaw Taylor and Dr. D. Perrie. United Church The regular meeting of the W. M. S. of the United Church, Brussels, was held no June 10th, in the Sunday School 00001, with (a gond attendance of ladies. In the absence of hire, Fox, through illness in the ftrmily, Mrs. Hall presided. The devotional exer- •we'. 11 Mee l,. Strachan, 01908 re led .L I y who gave same very fine thoughts on "Failte and Power." After the te- por•ts et the secretary and trens urer, Urs. Jackson read a let tel fr, to the ' Dominion Board, thanking the Soe- iety for theirfaitltfulness in the past year and urging ber000 1111105 111 the future. Sirs. Parker gave 801110 fine thoughts 00 "Stewr.rd:111n :,:'d t. Fn - apnnr0lr"ulc1n0 p0PrItliEgthinegf"; 01e7 wtrh'l0- 011011-1 0to Clu•is[. Those who ea(nu,t ge can do their share by giving. '1'}00,0' 41•(00 ' papers were given by Ittlsa D„wring, Urs Skelton and Nils. Ptt .ror f:nul the study h,.r t, Nett f • > In Old L 0000.” bfrs. N1„Grtire g,<va (h( 110 trnductr,-n paper tiro, the t,r.' k "n- titled "The ('tri'`. rf the Polon Road.” '1'5 10 iso` singing and p1170t by 'Mrs. J. E. Smith,. /11 1'6. Harrison. is able to be around ag•,in after his serious illness, The 1,luncrietT girls gave the \Val - ton girls a liv„ly gone l.f snt•ttan, on Tuda7 night of tvrek. Thv 0(10es01 wet, 84-13 in 0,111%,"011. of binncri(ff. There will he P, in, ge crowd here, of Monday eee11111g, Jane :Mt 11, at the garden party, pia Liv to h, -an the pop- ular entertaiuela, t.h•• \let ry Jiukers, of Listowel, and to enjoy ,a first -claw services al the house and at the grave, lodge at 7 o'cioolt, supper. ! ace hands." It 90(10 aarnr:nnced al thi8 meeting that 545 had beer raised at the baster Thar,keffetl-to. Mrs. Reid rinsed with prayer. The Le dies' Aid have Omit pians well laid to make tale garden p,101 y, nhi,•lr is to be held on 3(117 0th, the hest vet. A enueial ptomain 11.10 beet) mute •.P: for the occasion, and Se,sfnrt5 Bona will he in attendance. Frail par HE ulr,rs later. MORRIS Nlrs. [r ann,jnals,l, of t.'t0nlen, -pent a few drays It I, her datiglltet, ,Mrs, Clegg. 5th boo, •1' Itte, UA01t1.1141.1,-AL 51, John's Church, Brussels, on Wednesday, .lithe 1st,'. the (n-000110,;," 10108 solemnized by the I recto., Rev. 1', L. Lewin, t Annie Carob,,, younger daughter of Thos. and Al Clank, 5th line, ,510(5 is, and John 5,ilbert Net hery, son of John and Mrs Nethely, of Heitz' ave. The I bride 9 - chumming 111 a gown of peach colored crept'-s1e•chene trim. 01011 with corn erg ..ted (1lee tcith hat to match, 04.1•- ,I,e carried a bouquet. of lilies t ,-ire-valley and forget -toe pots. 511.vas attended by her Sister, \r1 0015000 of \ s. Dl, 1\, L. .1 (u ,Ir 1 \Vill:es Barre, Pa , who was becom- ingly Pc mitlgty dressed in Nile green georgette tri(tuuea with 00011 e,lottd lace anti', hat to 11111105. The groom 1,Ve8 (it - tended ht• bis brother, Herman Neth. pry, Following a wedding breakfast i attire home of lite bride's patent5,; the young couple left on a Motor _trip i (0 Turman, negate Falls and Ono- I field, The bride tiav,'lled in n Val- entin crepe tlress,'rosewood coat and hat t0 ,notch. Upon their return, they will reside on the groom's fine urn), on th'• 3rd line, Martie, Airs. McCall Passes Away -After an illness lasting for the past 17 weeks Mrs. Simpson McCall passed away on Friday evening at the age of 47 years, 2 months and 10 days. De- ceased was the fourth daughter of the late James Gibson and lelos. Gibson of Blyth Deceased was mar- ried to her now bereft partner 18 Years the 23rd of June. The Senor:11 was held on Monday afternoon trod the services were conducted by Rev. Mr, Fowler. Interment was made, in Brussels cemetery, the pallbearers bas the brothers and brother -in -caws — i Bew- ley, Wrn . Gibson, Jas. Gibson, on Jos. I3- ley, G. E.McCall,McCall,T. C. McCall, Jos. Taman. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful Besides her husband, her mother five sister and two brothers survive. The ber- eaved have the sympathy in their loss. WALTON. Tine regular monthly meeting of the W. M. 5, and Ladies' Aid of Duff's United Church, Walton, was held et the home of Mrs. P. Br ens 'on June 8111, with over sixty ladies present. Mrs. Oampbell presided. The Scrip- ture lei-eoe, 14,0, Chapter of Metl., was read by Miss'1'omlfneon, and Miss Knox led in prayer. The topic for the day, "Wage earners in Eastel'm enntltt•iee,” 9'116 ably dealt with by 'lire, A. Colltes, An extract from a nliseiolary's utter was reed, which said, "The Lord wishes to send Holy Ghost revivals to every 1n185i011 in China. Much prayer is requested for miesinnaties at hone and the minion stations thus left vacant, It is weld. trail that almost a mi11ien test - entente have been printed for dist. ributlnn at the time when the mis- sions are left almost entirely in Chin- On \Vednesdayt„sr, John \\Tauter, of 'Mitchell, received the sad 05018 15(11 1106 51st•'. faoer•t•,•.s QuPenio Walker, hail died of scarlet fev"r, rat the heal). of her ststet. Mrs. W. D. Jnyee (Kate), of Iirnrnheller, Alta, where elle ((111de her lu,tme, on Tues- day night. TeGmr Drowned When Motor Car Drops Into Diver Daughter of Tom Ross of Chesley— Driver hesle - aut; y— Driver and Another Companion Scramble to Safety—Drawbridge is Open—Funeral Held Today. .... Burk's Falls, Jun,, 13 — Miss Blanche Ross, teacher at th-e Axe Lake School, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ross, of Chesley, was drowned in the Magnetawan River, four miles west of here, at dusk last night, when Alex. Cripps, young far- mer with whop she was motoring, (trove his ear through an open bridge and into eight feet of water. Cripps and another girl compan- ion, Freda Smith, scrambled to the shore, but Miss Ross, believed to have been stunned in the fall of the car, sank from sight. Her body was not recovered until two hours later, al- though rescurers worked frantically to locate her. Dr. H. L. Barber, of Burk's Falls, 'who was sutnmoned, pronounced life extinct. Cripps was placed under arrest, but since Inas been released on bail. Dr. Barber ordered an inquest. The jurors viewed the body today, and will reassemble a week from tonight. Cripps claims, it is said, that ho did Inot see the bridge lights. The pass- ing of a boat a few minutes ear)11or had necessitated the swinging of the bridge. Miss Ross was a 1025 graduate of Toronto Normal School, Besides her Parents, she leaves two brothers, G. H. Ross, 160 A:iiivcrton Boulevard,, Toronto, and James Ross, who is sail ing on the lakes; and three sisters, Miss Edith, teaching at floe 51111; Mise Helen, teaching at Chesley, and Miss Fanny, of Bressels, - Mrs. 3, E. Smith. and Miss 1+'anny Ross left Tuesday morning for Chess ley, and other members of the Rosa l family of town are attending the test - oral at Chesley today.