HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-6-8, Page 1VOL, 55 NO, 51 2.00 her nniim in advance •
D.R U$SE LS, QNTeLRJO. JJ7JU)NESD4„'7 N 3, i927
J. L. KERR, Preilttor
Anniversary Services
elide Presbyterian Church
131 ussels, will be conducted by
Rev. A. C. Wishart, of McLeod, Alberta
A former Pastor, on
Sunday, June 19th
Garden Party
at 1 1 a. m.
and 7.30 p.
Monday ev'g, June 20
A Garden Party will be held at the home of Walter
Yuill, 2 1-2 Allies north of Brussels. A good program
is being prepared of which particulars will be announc-
ed later. Lunch will be served and Refreshment
Booths on the grounds.
Adults ase
REV. F. G. FOWLER, Pastor
Children 25e
A. A. LAMONT, SocrotarY
'SPW EtW,111.'l fliplmn,, tr. all the girls. A
huge nuintier crttetaied the exhibit
110111 last NS'ecicabsdity cift.•rciecnt, and
expressed their pleasure ((1111 scup( ise
crt the varlet y and quality of the
work shown,
C'er sale-Fre& Stoolelott
Stes rot' 1100.0 %Di
14tolik for solo 1, P. McIntosh
Girl wont ea -Mrs. W. Pd . Sittelalr
Nan want,ed----Follee Brush. 1,0.
Pips ler sale 11..1, 1110 10 -anon
Hones for sole -Perot- Tye,. woo WALTON,
, auction ibacifi-tectioe Lowe Rev, Mr. Maittes IS attending Con•
Tenders cylintest-Inicl.., School 1101.1,11
.A 10110.-00s 00 serviee0-I0 entitle (lurch Fels -meta is, London.
,Heryi0as-lieitstuals llauren Dr. ••ro.r., 40,11(10(1 t -
Deck or tom --18itc1to ('o. (('((((1 •..
Or01, • tr.o•te 1- Psloo•rst, .'11.8ta1ery
Mrs George 131 udley and MISS Jean
Wel e in Hamilton, on l'riday.
Ale, and Mrs. Walsh, of Belgrave,
visited their daughter. Airs. John
Johnston, on Sat t11 day.
Mrs. Albsrt Dundas, of Seaforth,
visitee her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Armour Dundee, over the week -end,
Phe Young People's Society Soft-
ball teams of Belgrave played Wal-
ton teams, on Friday evening. There
wits a large crowd to witness the gam-
es. The score was in favor of 1:Valton
girls' team, while Walton boys loot
by a small margin. Walton teams
played in Monerieff, on Tuesday even-
ing, at 6 o'clock,
Quite a number of old neighbors
and friends of the late J, .1. Irvine at-
tended his funetal, on Sunday, to
Maitlandbank cemetery, itle. Irvine
was a resident of the 12th Con., Me -
Kilian, for fifty years. Since the
death of Mrs, Irvine, he had lived
practically alone the last 5 or 0 years.
The late Mr. Irvine spent, the Winter
months in Tnronto, but preferred hie
milng /11 1.01111,dolnr bun Park. gthel
Li/tonal Pony -IOWA Unseal Morel(
seeelol low adepts -F. A Hunter
Raptors expert ---.1 Ilettvely
Hot,,. Han re -Prank Hollins
0. and Mrs. Hall and family spent
Sunday wit h relatives at Wroxeter.
Mrs. (l -tee.) Walden is steadily im-
proving, bee many Wends will be
pleased to 1 0a,"'
• notiert, Shaw pi Bitched in the 'Hall -
ed Church, on Sunday morning and
gave a splendid serum!). Rev. Mr.
Walden ryas at London attending
George and Mee. Thornton celebrat-
ed the 20th anniversary of their wed•
ding, on Sett» day, June 4th, about 80
guests being present. A very pleas-
ant time was spent by all, and 111r.
' and Mrs, 'L'bw (Hon received many
- beautiful mesente.
1.1.1444.4.10:4144.1441.:4-4.44.4-44-.X..14-04.00.10-0144.4. 44-4(-.00:1-44-0.8.+4.14.44:444103..Ti.:41
For some time nOw, el!orts have
beeo made to have the Hydro brought
The Surroundi?19; Distr-ict L. the village. Considerable work
has been done in Seenting the neces-
cantracts. Application was then
made 10 the BYtho Commission to
and who stood high in his class retell have 1110 power bre-night here, this
year, have entered into partiPrShip, ,iiiiintner, Word has been recei 0 -
and will practise the %yolk of their 'eft that, 010 application has been ap-
profession in Kitchener. \0,' (0 wish proved ((ltd accepted, This should
them e ety el( ereee, mean that. the will be enjoy-
ing electric' p0Wer and lighting hy the
time another Winter 00100s,
Succgssrur, IN EXAMS -On Wed-
nesday last, the Pitetil y of Dent isto
annoutinced the rosolts el examin•
MMus. Among the slimiest:1111 was
‘‘,..f. Ross, soil of 'Mts. M. lbws, of'
Clot.0,., Who received his degree of
Docbtor 7, Illailuation ex-
eises were held on Tuesday (if this
week. We might say that. W. J.
stood first etteh year in the 0511018, Of
his year foi the Ill four yeas. The
stauding for tire final year is not
known at the thee ccf writ ing. Lest
VI sr, he won two sehiclat ships. llis
many friends extend voligrat ((hal' not,
He and Dr. H. 11. 110111 inc;rich, who was
11.1s0 S.01 00 14 the 1•1111,111,1S1.111 this 7041',
John and Mts. Geddes, of Belgrave,
spent Sunday with eta! 10011 here.
Itobert IIatnilton is steadily im-
proving after his reeent severe ill-
S, ttlid Mrs. Young, of 'Poronto,
spent a few days at their Summer
home bere,to
Mrs. Sneil and James and Mrs.
Mao 0(11 0110111 Sunday With 0. H. and
'.)11 s, (Mulles, at, Listowel,
"adoration Part - Ethel
T esday, June 21st
Soft. Bail Tournament
The main attraction in the afternoon is .the Soft Ball
Tournament in which 8 teams will take part.
Speakers MISS NIcPHAIL will be the principal
speaker of the day, while Mr. Elliott, of
Middlesex and Mr. Donald Sutherland, of Oxford, are also
expected. Booths on the grounds.
Concert in the Evening
In the evening a Grand Concert will be held in the Pres-
byterian Church Shed, being put on by The Kenney Concert
Co., of London, in a complete change of - program, to com-
mence at 8.15. Admission 50 cents.
Dancing Pavillion Afternoon and Evening
rAILW- Everybody invited to spend the day in Ethel -me
The Huron Plowman's Association will hold a Monster
Pic-nic in
Mr. James Armstrong's Grove
About 3 miles west of Brussels on the 5th Line, Morris
on Thursday, June 16th
The farm being situated on the banks of the Mait-
land River makes it an A 1 place for a Pic-nic.
MR. J. LOCKIE WILSON, Managing Director of the Ontario
Plowman's Association, is expected to be present to deliver a
short address. Also HON. JOHN S. IV/ARTIN, Minister of Agri-,
culture, has been invited.
There will be a full line of Sports, Quoits and HOrseshoes.
Tug of war open to any Township in the County.
Cranbrook and Sulgrave will play Hard Sall.
The Committee has made arrangements for a Soft Ball tourna-
ment. Girls' teams from Moncrieff, Cranbrook, tolgrava and
Brussels. Boys' teams from Ethel, Cranbrook,- 31.1oncrielf,
gravo and Brussels. Liberal prizes will be awarded to the win-
There Will Be a Collection Taken To Help Defray' Expenses
Come one and all and bring your lunch. The Association will
supply hot coffee.
A DANCE will he on the program for the evening. Blyth Ors
chestra will supply the 010810,
Tho Committee will take all posible precaution to avoid accidents.
Anyone taking part in the sports 07 onlookers, will 010 so at their
Own risk, the Association will not be responsible :for accidefita.
NIP'S Mary Harris has t eturned from
13ennett left last week for a
trip to Saskot Mewan.
Bert Martin and family visited in
London over the week -end.
Harvey Robinson spent Sunday
under the parental roof at Olin ton.
Miss Francis Edgar, NI/bight:on, was
a. recent guest at, the home of her
brother, At nold Edgar,
Misses; Mary and Agnes Gibson, of
Toronto, are holidaying at thele
home, "Maitland Brae."
Mrs, Alex. Sanderson, Harristnn,
visited with her mother, Mts. .A. 511'.
Dougall, 000011(1 11113
W111. and Mrs. Sanderson, Toronto,
were recent visitors with the fortn-
mos father, W, 11. Hand 005(111.
.1, Inglis Sanderson and little (Burgh -
Ler, Jean, of Guelph, and Mr, and
Mrs, 'Harper, of Stratford, called on
Mrs. Ilezelwood and family, on Sun•
R. Stock. eneducted seevice in the
United Uhureh, on Sunday morning',
11 oe'sUn'ted Church
Garden Party Josey
Dramatic Cantata
on C lurch Grounds
Thursday, Jung 16th
Supper served from to 8
Auburn Women's Institute
will present the play
"The Old Oaken Bucket" '1?
Musical numbers between Acts
Adults 50o; Children 25e
A Real Garden Party
Good Program
Will be presented by
Blyth Choral Society
in the
Presbyterian Church
friday Ev'g June 10
Under auspices of Ladies' Aid
of Ethel Presbyterian
Church Notes
United Church
Ileo. 11r, A. 11. 111 nw 4, Wt1.1!1'0, 11,-
141111.1 110, 111111/ii , 0 i 1, I...Ili!, 11
Mill, 1,, 1..,1 11.... 11 1 1 ti, ;: 1 hl• i“ .... WC
1,1 1 kle 1,91 1.1, VI hi, 10E, i I. 1.11:i.111,rii /11.,
lending henerni r+.1,1ei cure. to Ulf
tom (king, Or Brown to,,C. fr,1 his text,
John 21 : 4, '-‘S' heti 1111,11(1114 woe
atone, J0sll, stood on Ili' share," The
ilicideto 1 cc, 1 tit d heti. took phare
:mate 1 ime in the intei Yid 501 (00011 ;he
resittlection and the ci,..ecn..;ou ni
Christ, '1'he clic.cipies had wail- hark
(1> their t former ovum Minns, having
lost bops of gcriniog rt. p110114,II( in the
kingdom, which they irungitieci 4'11rist
was going to establieh on earth. They
had toiled all night 111111 1111111gilt 110 -
tiling, hut in the mof iiing, they hs -
held Jesus standing (111 tin. shore. St.
John tak08 110000 of the inter vet
displayed by Christ in his d kelpies'
welfare, What a 11111111M 1. 11 ((4 to
know that the Son of (4041 is t.t and-,
ing near and ticking an ie ter PS! in our
((Mit s. After 1 110 datrkest night com-
es morning, revealito,-, (inlet if:reed-
ing on the shot P. AV1111E. (3011 144 111.
1 1.11eS1Pd 111 1111 1 110 111(0, 1,1' the titii•
Program at 8 o'clock Vel -.V, 110 11.1 /1.1140 411 1.1 es/ rti in 1111 our
altons. -Our Pallier is at the loom "
Admission 50 and. 35 cents The (0. c , • , . i' 7 d '
11 .a, Is oeenitong ,t1.111-1 11 1 1101,
0{90 little cottage in the country, for .......--...------............-......,-...------- **----",•••••*-------*---*-- worse, 0. ....in,. ..,.,3, t...,/,.. „f the
.....______ ..........________._._ pi ....Is ore : (1 ) Homan lite e.. 1,f io eat-,
the S111.11Iner. He was imseessed with - _
.. number Both 1 his 0h:inky motor- er yam:, ((allay '1141: ..0e1 10p0i.1 0. l31
a cheerful disposition and was a 041111
of marked ability. The decetreed was , Union Chi:11(M 01(1(1111 Par ty oil x (4 refoor interest is take:, lit all Moral
ea 1 0 3‘ alton, 011 Ft iday evening, to ,/,,..srli.to. 'ht. P501 4,401 0 l'tiat1y
born on 1110 homestead farm, in Blatt- dil,''''. ',1(191'
Lion t forget, the ripening of c.ii-rd- S.," t11" yid 1 hall gmw.s rlay...,1 1).4 W10-111 ....1100 p,.41, 1,104110 11, lift ./ i.,1, ('(1 450
shard, now owned by his brother, Me- .
eration Palk, on June 2181 instead of ! NValifin aud Beim /Lee young people, 1,,,,,, .1,,,i iii,, i„ii„, 1..,1 4,0. (1, 1,141,,,,
The Walt..11 girls 191(11(11 11 their gatne rsii. Na geed Ill., it. 44 i...1,0.., toft
Causland I 11%1111P, ex 51 L. A., where
the late Mr, Irvine was at the time of June 22141.
Miss Olive L. Cooper, ft, N., of 0e. by one run, and the Belgrave boys win ,„5.,,,,,,,,,10%. 1,,,,,..,.
his deatb. He will be missed by
wore winners from Walton again. ,,,,,,, 01, 1,,,,i,,,, 1 1(4 441. 0,,,.,C,1,,,cese
Many of the people of \Velum, where (reit. i'4 h°11claYing 711- the old 1111011,',
.1,11 11111 %VA, 11111'Ved in HUI 1/310170.,,t of ,,. i„,,,,„„., ..`"„. '40. ii,,,,,, i „ si 0io1
he had most of his business dealings 10111 Con,
0,,(1 iis dm 100,c a his hadiug. ph, Ke?p Friday evening clear to hear the v11111..12 and a social (111(1' iment, ("1,1 i„ii- i4 wsti., w. , 1, i 1,,, .i.,,,s,
ont to the bereaved family. mu, axe "..1(.0e1)11's Bondage," at Ethel PresIcy- Friday even ii,,,....1,1 ii,. ph h.
1 he Blyth Choral tioeiety 1011(tBrussels teams play in 13elgrave, iti
1 Ryinpathy of this neighluithoral 1.1 111154
quite well Rciowci. They rxre : John, letinn (317"rehl I
of Peace ltiver District ; Thomas, 01 ".1 4' h'. liotelege" will be me eel 1
MONCRIEFF it h......11 him c blv 1. 11,.', (1,'' Ile
Inglewood, California ; Alfred, Cal- eel at Ethel Presbyterian CM ureh, onlaid p0....-..-,1 away. The 1,11^ 1114 1.eicr
gary ; Flerbert, of Toron 10, and (Viol. aFtryittilycliPuvit;:iiisa,g,,,i,otry 11,1,11i:gtiviiiteok,n rIelpe. 1;mpf,„,,retsiililcg. :c111,(14....f.rwy, cib?fortaire(1,1,1;11„1.. 0 1::,',.L•':', : :,;:i4111.11,1,1.:.-.'111:i.:31::‘:011;i3.,-.:1!:',G.:,•:.(1,::':!!:,,,":1,.1!':,;11.11..,:1,;:1::`1,1'
Fl.) MIS, G11nrge Underwood, of \Vol-
utation for presenting ille;-0 cantatas. ; says, "I have the coupe, 1'11 1401.0 get , 4 ... • 1 ' 1 • • . .1 .
erdnwn, Who Was tvith her father 110r- ,,r,,, f-,,.”., ,, ik y .,o,a, rc, JO 05 41.1
the chicken,"
Koop Monday, Jinx 2in II, open tot r:1;',',.','''':1‘;,,\(:1',,',./,i,"'1';',,i,';' 1.-1,;";;' `..„,H,',.; '1,),,,):"
the big gitifien party, The Meri y N1,; '1,,.1,,,' „, i,,,,,,,, „ ,.. ...i.,... ,i, T.,%....
Makers. of 1.1,1 owe', have hem ei,gag- . , , -, .,1 ..,, ri,,,11„,.. .0 t,,,,„ .,,1
11(1 for the 40,011i111.14 Watch on! 11 ''' ","• '''' ' • - ... ' '
full 1,410.411m Si next week. Nelson (,'o,, ot ti in ii'l!. I- ii I Went
ing his ; elso eight gr entIchild-
ren and one eat grandchild,
Reeve Hell ti 111.1,011 is attending 00,
Council, at Gotierich, this week,
Robert arid MS mother wet e
visitors itt Georgetown, last week.
They !named down.
Mrs, Lorne Nichol, Master Ross and be auctioned+ofT on Saturday evermig
her (tierce, Atlah Gt ashy were visiting of Otis week, et 7.30 p. 10.
the former's sister in C1P0,40town, Tuesday of last week, E. Lynn Wil -
MARRIED AT C4010113 -A quiet, lis returned to his home in Braticten- 1
but pretty' weddieg was cadeninized ton, Fla., via Pittsburg and Washing. -
11 St, .licseph's Church, Olin t cm, when ton, D. 0., after spending a (ample of
511try Loretta, ti (111(411101' of the late weeks with Geo. and 511s. Bateman
Midler.' and Mrs. Ellen Kelly, of Mors and other, ielatives,
ris Twp Iva.; united in Zuni Hoge to On Monday evening of last week, ,
41111104 ,10111 -ph Kelly, 8011 of James the 'Myth Deg» ee Team, accompanied
Doherty and 11(4' 1111 0 Mai y McBride, by brethren from 01701 and Atwood,
by Rev, Pal her Gaffney. The bride paid a 01811 10 5, 0. L. No. 031, Ethel, •
and put on the Otange Glue de-
grees, in an exceptionally fine maa ner,
One new member (11.5 'initiated and
three lied 110 Mlle degree conferred
Re -decoration ccf the Utt it ecl Church 1
is almost completed,
Don't fie get. the celebration on .1 line
21st, Although we 11110e no softball
or football learn, we have a park.
Avortox SALE -The 11011001101d ef-
fects of the late Gideon Blown will
was assisted by her (1101'', Miss Olive
in the 00800 CE. 01 Rev, A. D. Attn. 1 ‘4,,,,y
; , while the gltontl 40118 support -
strong at London. The evening ser• '`
ed by Earl ICelly, brother of the hi icle.
vice 19(15 WI 1 1121 1.41.1911, The bride Was dressed in a navy inns
,. a 1 snit with a. copen blue hat and sand (111. 1., • . Itseiols in London.
Wroxeter Boys Soft 1441 1 t 00,01 vlsit•
ed Sitlein, on 1(1 1(4 atld '14°11'01' ginvee and Stalekings 10 (natal. The a light lunch Was served, Ethel ‘‘.T Mtn] H.1/111, 111 11(151(1 0., Pat i el •
9„111 ,,S11„',10 te,em% „Tl.,10,, X."' 1.,'„, 've.' 1 In idesmuhi win e a ohm Wing dress of Lodge is enjoying a steady growth, ..1,11 41,,,s. 4,(codoe, 4011t, ;t 0) 11 in
iti-U TuPY 44" UP'"'e" "1" "7 19g- 1 fungi silk SN WI Intl. 1(1(11 gloves to and several initiations al 11 05110 ed 1 OW11, .11 'Fl-iii11y.
11(1(11 1 1,t1 111 on the park - here, on Fri- ,
' match. The groom's e i Ft to the in the near future. The next mewing A ho ge toutilwr of the NV', cigberti
day evening, when the score MI5 12-
E3, brideemaid 5515ca coif' lii e0011 and to 11.1 0(2 11.100(laY liiht. at 8 30, at, which High 8iithool sl oder s ii.ok In the
,,, 150 grontilStlittit a '-01 or euff links, all members are 1 0(111(feed to be pi os -
The 0114' (4"ne" M"Ing (11"se ' After the wedding .•efetnonv, they eta. sports held at Firilyi on, 01. Friday,
Mis l, flowaid, of T. 1 omii, te•
The Directors and Officers of the 1,1„1,1 11,,„,„, 4,„ ni,1„y, ,,0 1,,,. 0.4,,„
Womill's Instituto spent Moielciy i„,. with 1,,,,,, skips, mi.., 11 s 11,.(;„,
for the coming aimual District illoiit- ;11
i,vimirips with 3,11.$. Carr, making: pl:m.. 1 11,'v. c. 14 (1„.,,,,, IL, .,,‘,, 4.1.
. 1.41.,. 1101111 Ilr`l (11,' nonivels,fry ie.rvieos
ing to be held in the Township Hail in 1 1)0 T21111541 Chureli, on 11 1,0(3,
on June 1(3111 at 2 o'clock. All ladies Jo,,,. 1201. MI. Crugg wm a fen 1net
Rev. W. A. coal Mrs. \V! 1114111' at-
tended 1110 :Hominy of 111,.
Pi esbytel ion General As- eniiily
Conte Next Siinilav
Children's IbLy, timidity sohool 80
10 a. 111., eit0iling at. 11 at. tn. coal 7
p. tn.
MiQ.41011 Band for the elCtil tam is
toting ot gocie.e,1 lo- -sl,y let i,ttt
Chin ell. All eldifli at, me eiceure to
011 0101. 1.1111 Of -1 004 lS :11
1101,1 next ls,ct 'mkt', at 2 110 /.. 111.
1)1iss 130): la) :1181-tec is visiting, with
which luta been in progress din ing he
Winter under '110 lead,» shi p of Miss
IC, linzbbl woad, has suceessfully fin-
ished the course in seri lug. Miss Phil-
lips, eXaminer from the Department
of Agriculture, Toronto, pronounced
the work of a very 111411 order and
Odmedy Play
Union United Church
Thursday Ev'g, June 9th
Presented by Brussels Angli-
can Dramatic Club.
IVIusie between Acts
Admission 35 and 25 Gents
Come and Enjoy a Good Laugh
Went Jetties 13,11 y'e honle, Clinton,
Where a dainty wedding. bt eakfas
was served, after rdlich the Minify
elm ple left (01 a short honeymoon.
On their return they will reside in
Blyth. May the'ir wedded life be a
long and prosperous one.
Smoot. liEromr ---ifollowing is the
repot t fir S. s. No. 4, 11,1orris, for the
month of 1.17. Test examinations
were held. in all subjects. 'Total 100
per cent, Pass 60 per cent. Pupils
marked* missed one or more examin-
ations. S. 1V -Mildred Nichol 80 ;
1.,eota Cardiff 60 ; Lloyd Pipe 68. Jos,
IV -Glenn Smith 72 ; sit imam) Har-
man 58 ; Mervyn Pipe Mt, Sit IIT -
*Day e Miller 70 ; 0411101 1. Soli! 11 68 ;
Kate Thissell 65 Margaret Russell
64, 311 III -Gordon 51 ('11(11 02 ; ow•
era Smith 50 . Jack Pipe 51 ; *Mac
Sent t. 17, Jit. 1.1-Lewie Russell 78
*Adah (trashy 62, Stt 1 -Clara Smith
86 ; Glenn Nichol 85 ; Bill Harman
75 ; 'Janie Bernal 11 72. Ja. Pa -Jim
Davis exeellen 1, 100alior Nielcol good,
Fraelt MeCtiteliefm good ; Tom Ber-
nard fair. 'rlinse protarnt every ditV
Were Lloyd and 311810 Pipe, Adah
(Trashy, .Tan'e Bernard, Jim Davis.
WINONA A. ll'uAtts, Teacher.
Grey Connell met on Monday,
Ruptura Ex jortHere Moncrieff Garden Party on Mon.
da y, Jure 2010.
0. and Mrs, Davidson and children
Do you suffer fron rupture? If so and John BraY and bride spent Sim.
day with Percy and Mrs. Annett, Oth
your big opportunity has now arrived.
Mr. Reavely the noted rupture expert
file infant son of (40044e and the
will bo at the late Mrs. W igh Wien, of East Wawan-
AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS,0511, Pas"d nw"10 S'"'gl".1 14"P'
I tat, on Wednesday hot.
'Union Ohnech Softball team ivon at
for one day only
Brussels, last week, and In the return
Wednesday, June 15th ,I,4 ts,,e7.11076221:tmclawyttsn !tante, (00111 1)7
and will bo pleased to give frCo ex-
lea" will he presented at, Union
Don't forgot "Peter Piper's 'Proltb•
amination to any sufferer and to de. Church, on Thursday evening of this
monstrate his famous appliance. This week, by the. Brussels Anglican Dratn.,
appliance will contract the opening alio ohth.
in 10 to 15 days and will cure cases P1144 annual pilinin of the schools 8.
in from three to six months. This S. No. 4 and 'Union School on the
appliance is positively demonstrated
to you right on your own person with
,out any charge. You do not spend a
penny unless you are fully satisfied
that it is the right appliance for you.
G.tcy Boundary will 101 110101 in Alex,
Tirnwn's bn411, on June 2515. Pin,ther
particulars will he given next week.
Alex. Dark and family' expect to
leave this week for Norfnlk, E. Va.,
A consultation with Mr. Reevely will w1,,'e t.be 10101Erhas 1101715
cost you nothing. Don't let tins 01- gaged market farming. We wish
portunitY get away from you, Re- our citizens 51101085 111 Uncle Sam's
member the data. 1 country,
t plaee rto Sllttliity .•: 11 1 (-14 .
„ 111','.''0, 141.
0'l111:,•11 Siii,day.
and 11-040 ''.1, 1:-'4!.
Surid,l,i• at th.:, hilm(4
T):,411 I ore
. •
411101 71,113. 111.10(0-11 91l'11', 11011
,.t 7811,-„
1111.1y "Venni!, wO.attor1.1.; Nor
.i..1.1001 at Striitroiiii.
111. .111)111(1 11111i,.
A, Strori:, Soi."'orth,
tlfe 'll) or
101015, W. st of tho
Win, fond bbs. 7'- :41 111111 11110:11 1.011.
. G. Nit1 abo 111 Atm!. For.
1,4-1 d rolatives and i'rionds.
ha.= ;1,, .11
' itfito r
cal1u111,1.. Arny, 2TO:\1111t.1,
.111711 a Iv: day:, 111
‘4,1'.F.11111 no5'. 1'or1
eall. (1 a) ft",
\4,"!,1 thiolfwoll on Smolay,
iii4 t.,11 known t:. 11,1
as Ir. (Otil1.1110ii1'0'1i 111,
No. 9. Ateli.illop oil 11'--- 1 42 11 con. for
of the community are Invited to ot- pastor ('12 (1114 eltrell. .loW years.
tend. Lunch will be served. 1 0. AV, ifirner and (1. 141, ft: ..1,o. of 1',,i..r 11, 811.1 ti.u.,1111,0 ard
811,1? 1.q'd itw 11e11 elcohom; r. ,
BELGRAVE wine in 11110,11, 011 ('11114117 1, -Irk:
Rev, James Seobie attended Confer- fly"' lif
Perinis,ali;e.m.u.....ab.,-; will o,. '01 III'4
enee ill Lona MI.
1:0 1100(41(111(4.41,11)'I .,10)11iirtn,
0. R. 000ILes shipped. three eats or
,y, 0.81
G(0I1,104 Ilts unloaded 110at «1 coal 1,11 ursday Insl1y h•i-s11(11• ryte1 130011.1 Prfthy,Ton.
az 0.i S- a-
' forth Sunti;;17 and l'..sited
with 11(v. Dr. I.. O. Marsh, of 1'33t1'7• Fionnil. wh,, 1V1.6 nitendine. (18neral
Ass,,m1)"y in 13:ra.,(7r01. Dr. Lrk:»
1111(1 invittil Dr, Marsli to take chayge
!lush, WI1Prt, 01111 will 14. 3u .111/31111101 ,3 1.111,111. 011 :41.11111.1r. 1111. Harsh le: a
. ..
, 'i1r1ePh11 di1* 91 1r ; 111'1117 wrTrTom Shi.ebot um) ha11en unload ,, ,2,1 ,.111 t 41, 1041 toty 1I1'111 io
ing a car of oat 8 It 1 Ili,' station.
Al re. Brandon, of Hayfield, visited re'"vP"' ,,o IT" lill‘l 0'l'" 1-"'" 't
her sister, Mts. 'I'. 131100)011 tont, fmi a vel'S P3ti,q.1 4110.P1P1' 41111,' 111,1
week. All
\Vatch out for the Anglican Gard-
en Party, to be held at G. W. Nichol. BLYTH
son 9, 011 July 71-11; Particulars late" Reeve Milne to altending CO, C.011.- 0., , 1,1%4....,.,1 bun, 1.1. lo„.0. in Of, Nag
Icricher..le-Inw of Mr. Gardiner.
(Tonal to Deatl,....--semetime 1411.1194
Monday U13 "1141', J.111.1 Arthur, re-
middlrainal merchant, was
eon d and trowel, death hcro by'
Miss Gertrude At instrong, rich line, cil itt 11;alicrieli„ I his week, v.1r.1 or Flmor 11 ohert,sen, 'farmer.
Alorris, was 111 \\Noah= itospital for 1317411 Pall Pair Ai.' Is. 1(1 -1,1, 41,11, „,,„, ,li..,„„r..„ r mak.
a few days having her tonsils renter- ' ia11,1 s.; . 27; II ncal, by AIr. R-,byrt
writ LACliPS' or tile Anglican Mrs. 1,eri, 'Sear, of T,,ror,;., (11 (10,.. and 0(11'))) (1
(411)15 Olmrch met at 010 holm. 1,1 51114.tal:i1,1,112);81sttihweek with her sist 01'.Mts. lira(' 116111i451. Ho had been in
Nicholson, on Thursday afternoon Of 01115, tope min, RI!, Oh tile. 1. rage ly, until 11.. s'inuble,1 across
' the remains in his yard. 11, the time
last1,,114, en enkd, for1g(11. p t th:. 1,.‘nternot., itn Quit." "111"199' 1.`"`h 111° 70 (11i) attack, Wae alone
ligh, trip, on 51oliclity, and ,,l bets c„, No on, wifoc,4801 the
Pareof , littclitX0, Miall , and Mt. and typo 1 to polrvii ibm, a ,;11.1-t 1,'I Abty• , t,,,,,,j,1010100. „, 1„,,,t„(,1,.... /4, ii,„! 1,,,,,,, „
mvs. Horner, of Zurieh, visited with Myth (Morn] Society handed !Wig` .... 1
111'.1-1111111: n1111,1..11 DA' AilbUrll :Ind ._111,
J. A., and Mrs. Brandon, 108011 1to 1 he 11111(8111101' of the Niemorial Hall
5 1:11'1111Ei'ts \Vre'g"t'tiratrib's 11111‘011118151111C'ynnt11.1Yef 4SiY1PgiPrftYl. *I.P1(ril 1111.1 111.1° 11`11;11'stir(11,1 11"1.0t811:11(e117;t:Itit4 el)g; 1.0',!'rs' .1.,,,11;':1:::;'1i.1!!:41711'111':!'i'l 1111'4'.'181'1'11.!..ter''1!:°};el!"fliCia°11
i ‘rthur by five ettildreie i'mr.
t he home of Alex. ()lonkey, nth lin P, to $006, They also 54144 a grant oi ,
5 00,e,t,0151,4,0aava clillialuoralatclialar, Laansf,1,,entonotana 1,13,11t.i, 1 . s,2‘5vtbiiiti,,t(h4aLwi ii,Iniunynder w ea t a a ‘1,.. 1.,;1;,:..1.;,,,,;;xiisAnt.:11111:;07111-40 (1,, 1(01 1.2, so)tie ,v:te 1.1 oe Tittle.
er spending some time with frieods mai 1;01 In London Hospital for
East 01 Tneonto. Mr. Van (lamp at umstoids, on Wednesday. His ''''I'a have be,n) Pla330
i a,;,.4.)at i Leratly.:mul,.; gillinel,_Titst,t,..gt.Idurfic).„rintaiT7
01 Tuesday night hit
present is 1101 0113071114 very gond Rion has tipen quit, el mom, n; : ti
daughter, Mrs. (40o, Johnston is in ‘ burn, between Auburn and S, a-
beT4triatitil'and Mrs, 1110Aster
ed home from their hnneymoon spent operation for appendieitis. forth, has beyn postponed.
have return. Wingliftm Hospital, haying had an
....._ _._____...- ...-...,-
at Toronto ancl Niagara pans, and Blyth Lawn Bowling Olith have set ' HENSALL
have taken up their residence on the j;711,e1111,t.,,ist(htri;111:005181„, ttn.onilh4,:kaiot,Iti„,„ ,111,11i: 1
Thrown suddenly forward down
g0R0Z11131:t9v1714111)111:080t1,101171tilr1;” 1‘111:11.111°11.1:10 " it'd 051)00(Ni that some sixteen rinks sv'''''c A''' ''''''11 1' '1"i' sht" was
caught by a ;sadden gust
117 M05819, Pattny"" an.(1 0180,11. 1IP1' will participate, Three peizee will be ,,°,1.1",1,";4,1,g13 ."0"31
on District Representative min Assist.- awarded the winneril 1111 Well all a r-,,,;(i`ol;,,,,1\,,T;n.w,,,',';',11!1,';.11;1 :11'1.,'.:1:''1:!1;
ant, motored to London, taking in 1104 1 spe.rial prize to tvilmers of rinks losing , of on,,
Western Educational Assembly held the first two games. hip. The areitlent happenedi
in the Arts building, at Western Residents of town Were Shneked 011 at ill'', 11°111(44 1,.)2 11', T1'. Cerin l'Ist-
tiniversity, on June 2nd and 8r(1,
l'he regular monthly meeting or oil, spneted resident of Blyth, bad passed Visit with her aunt, Mrs. APZUrt
10ara that platattrai r,,,,,,,, ,,, hiody ,„. ,(;,,I.,,,i1,,.,,..110,(1,,n,i,yv,1.04;11.,,,.,..tmt:14,2%.‘11.:11.7,ilf,,ii...aad
Ladies's Aid nf KMIE United Church
will he held on Wednesday afternoon, week. 1140 had been 101'n111(o)nttrin *
away on Wednesday evening of 11080 mother -in -l((18 of Dr. Fletcher.
at 2 o'clock, at tin home of Mrs, Joe t lift xlity, having 110711 01700 10 Ail511143 I
egg. 1 310, 01 1,i0. 31(44 133 • with his (laughter, Alta. S. /Mellow. 1 The 8 nere annex 1,1 tel Carr l'..
.. 1 _. m iseurn will
be present and bring their thitnbles As
ics of 3,11e congregation sr0 invited to On his return, he went nostairs . National Exhibitio 1 C I' ' a( 14.1
while his wife was preparing supper, 1 aerornmod .
at( 1,800. hond of caitla
there will be a quilting bee, and not coating down, Mrs, Lear and 1,500 sheep mud swine,