HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-6-1, Page 8i
W nder tl
A Cosi uine Rubbsseect
Sh <vin; Brush and
1Z t•'^lllstr• +Slay s' -est
1' lents° Slot -tying Cr: tun
Special llection
These include
Tapers e g
Being clone
this Sea so i
Mee- geese tineas usual hare
tl brightening tip the inter -
air theist houses lately with
n' w• Wall Paper.
Out• stock of Wall Paper has
teset yet ' asost
a pareslid rhoiee ,f pitterns
and coloring-; to choose from.
The prices are lower than they
have been for a long time. We
will he pleased to have you see
Our stock and compare values.
Some New
Good Colors and nieltly
• 'l'rio Ined
• 49e each
e est.
.,A,«.....,4a...A..-. - .
Tlrmegibt and stationer.
.N H i•'rw .Hits. 1 •solos . , Local '+"i'•i t•!iHs�� i e ,. y fttn�iioMW h �H;.Y N{Hiw N� .�Hi•p'y
�_ ..-ws items
•»<�.:«w•H•»;«,«;..,;..;«r,«;««H;H:».».H. �«;�+ rw .•-...,�.«i .H+ . .
Council Meets Monday.
The regular monthly meet'ne:
the Town Council will be held
Monday evening of next week,
Co. Council Next Week. the
regular .Tune sesstoTe of
Hurray County Council tern open at
Godo rich next Tuesday afternoon at
3 o'clock.
At Flower Beds Again,
Several citizens have nrot:!eteed at
the action of certain pe ties in town
who have a mania for taking flowers
and other bloom from other people's
property. It's about time it was
The following from San Diego,
Cal., rettera to the eudl n lath .''1'
John Kerney, to whitth The Peet re-
ferred last week:J. W. eaerney pass-
ed away near Needs •, cal., a it.lv's
journey from San Di a", Ins destina-
tion. He laid been w•• 11 felt some
time. espeeielly during the trio. nod
the day pie. din After t lee tv
supper and ahertly t'' • 1 re ring hn
became ill end ,Igesite n riteel eat
and geerts attention. he naseed away
a few hours later. The lun.ral teal:
place Mendny aft•rne'nn to Mort:'t
Hope Cemetery, San Diego. 1'c '.was
largely attenle-d sty feemee arieeds
and the ;lariat t^ ,citwere teeny
and beautiful. Mr. Kerney v:a+ in
his fifty -filth year.
House Shingled.
of Will Styles has
Laying Cement Floor.
The now cement hoar is being put
in Anderson's garage this week and
the North wall is also being erected,,
Workmen Busy.
The Telephone workmen ars busy
skinning poles and alre•t,l;: have loops
hung, ready for the new cable that
will be put in this. summer.
Moved to Shakespeare.
Bert Crawford. Junior at the Stan-
dard Bank here, left on Tuesday for
Shakespeare where he has been.
May Take the Trip.
A number are talking of taking
the Greyhound UI1 tl3) to Detroit
week, while others may take in the
"Moonlight" on Monday evening. at
District Church Service.
The North Huron District tt ict A. F. &
A. M. will hold Divine service in
Melville Church, Brussels, on Sun -
dee afternoon, June lSrh, at 8 o'-
Winthrop Drops Out.
The Winthrop Foot Ball team hes
dropped nut of the group. Th- other
dates will he the same'., On T lrs'tny
night ltlonkton played Listowel a
Graduates From Western University. draw at the latter town.
Among the 1027 graduates of the Sold Business.
University of Western Ontario, we dames Fox has cdisposerl of his
are interested to note the moms , of h'lsmrms to J. N. Allan, of Wroxeter,
one of nue imus. lc bons. ' t th • per- w•la, i. now in charge. This (hinge
sort of George No,.m In eht a d.a, sin
of George and Mrs. i:dwerd , 11,11
St. Gorge was born in Pru.. els
where he rettei ed his null d ri•oo]
Nine:mon I_atr he becalm- . Au-
Winsdent nt bttaltford Coll trate. :lftrr F.R.C.S. Degree.
gradu•atin,' from that is -titauon he Mrs, Wm, Armstrong received a
attended the Faculty nt Ftlucattoh cable on Tuesday front her son, Dr.
in Toronto. As an extramural .tu- Harold G. Armstrong, who is taking
dent hr, has attended :'retial um:ner a special medical course in the Old
sessions at Western Univtrsity and Country that he won his F,R,C.S. ole-
in 1112P he wes Vire-president of the gree, The Dr. is coming hone and
summer school. In the graduating will resume practiaa in Toronto. Old
year he has secured Ci is t stand- friends offer hearty congratulations
ing, ranking seventh in a large clads. to Dr. Harold.
For the past three years Mr. Ed-
wards has been Principal of Rectory Minor Locals.
street school, London, and for the Juliet
past five and a half wears on the! It can rain any old time.
critic teaching staffof the London Friday is at Bank holiday.
Norma' school. ' Now for the June brides.
Exams. will soon pe hero now.
Appointed District Deputy Warden. Council meets next Monday even -
District lodge No. 0, of the Bade- ing.
pendent Order of Odd Fellow:, con- Co. Conned. will meet next Tues-
vened in the. Lodge room, lllyth, on alar itt Goderich.
Wednesday night • last. All the lod- The T,ondon Conference is now in
ges in the district were reonseetttod- speston at London,
except Teeswater. A matter of im- Phone your news items to 3t. We
portance discussed was the advisabll- are always glad to receive then,
sty of changing the time of ,hatalla- Manv new flower beds have began
tion in all gmbordinato lodges from planters to beautify the town for the.
January to July and a recommends:-; Old Boys' Reunion.
tion to this effect drafted and sent In suite of the flailme. of Govern-
to the Grand Lorient, ('onsirl, Calle ment Control to function this mints.,
routine business wag transacted after May hes been very wea
which the following .iistrict ,ulcers Not many wreaks are to pass before
were elected: ---D. D. G. sal., hro. W. the boys sand gills will he fret 1 from
Knchnt, Myth; I)War., Ileo. Wal -3 thein attunes and be able, to roam at
tel Williamson, l,lueeel?; Dix, Soca,- will,
TSro. J Dodds, Wingham Bro, Van Parents should teneh their children
Wyck, retiring D.D.G.M„ presided at not to play on the pavement. Evoty
the sesaten, following which he was day some child errapes only by the
presented with a jewel of office, in viellnnre of the driver.
recognition of his services during theWh
nt with drinking license;, (rats -
past year. Lunch was serval at tho •, 'ng hcensns, motor lieenses and rico
conclusion of the meeting by the lots licence , no home will be complete
had his house
wa made sone weeks ago and Mr,
Fox exported to move to Toronto.
Mr,. Fox has been in busincs here
for the past 33 years,
without a film ca]n0
al lo
b g t.
^Tl)tc ran1r.Sa, S POST
611165615 Urged fluffsh
PEV. A. W. EL1:''r'CFR. E:. 0.
$Qat; ds. , June 5th
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
Re De. A: H. Brown
1. —au say Scheel Inas Lwle
Sitssionary Program
and Offering
7 p.m.—Public Worship.
Dr. Brown
Wednesday—Prayer Service
Sold Property.
Wm. Work has disposed of 1$s
brick cottage to Mr. Leitch, sr„ who
will get possession in July.
Must Take Stock.
:Notice has been sent to all On-
tario druggists that they must :Hake
an inventory of their stock. of alco-
hol and liquor on Wednesday morn-
ing and report forthwith to the Liq-
uor Control Board. Notification was
sent by W. S. Dingman, director of
Seaforth Races June 15th.
The spring meet. of the Seafoith
Turf Association will be Brad on
Wednesday, June 15, when -1,200
will be offered for three races: 2.14,
2.18 and 2.23 trot or pate. The tact
ee will be held under the auspices of
the Hamilton Driving' and Athletic
Association with entri ss "losing at a
p.m., June 14.
WANTED TO RENT.—House and a
few segos in town er on grass
farm. Apply at Post.
FOR SALE.—A Number of First
class basswood hayrack sills; also
gravel box sides and wagon axles.
Gordon Knight, Lot 17, Con. 34,
Grey, Phone 43-35. 50-1
ALE.—Cons rtablr frame house in g
repair, an• good cellar hardtd
and soft
water. A good t.
r'o c1 s alilc. enth
e treln-
i r . Apply to Wm. Hall, lull St.
Phone 28. 52-2
NUMBER of Cedar Posts and Anch-
or posts for sale. J. C. Beehett,
Lot 0, Con. 2, Grey. Phone 8418.
50-tf •
TO RENT. -65 Acres of Pasture
land, W ti Lot 12, Con. 7, Grey.
Apply to Alex. Nichol, Phone 46-
18. 40-tf
Quantity of good Dry Summer wood
for sale. Dan. McKinnon.
48-tf Phone 25-16•
Comfortable frame house in good
repair, good cellar, hard and soft
water. For further particulars ap-
ply to George McMillan, Brussels.
15 HEAD of Cattle Wanted For
pasture. Earl Mothers, Lots 58-
50, Con. 1,. Morris. Phone 4.11.5.
THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock and
Single Comb White Leghorn baby
chicks, June 21st, 12 cts. each. Al-
so Thoroughbred ]jarred Rock
hatching eggs from Schwegler's
best layers. Wm. 1ticNair, Brus-
sels, Phone 24-10. 44-tf
Anniversary Services.
The Anniversary Services of Mel-
ville Church will be held on Sunday,-
unday;June 19th, when Rev. as. C. Wishart,
of McLeod, and a former pastor of
the congregation, will preach beth
morning and evening. Watch for
further announcement next week.
Tips to Subscribers.
The Editor of the Erin Advocate
tells in a "lodgeicat" manner the cor-
rect method of entering his sanctum
and attaining his good graces. "Par-
ties wishing to enter the printing of-
fice at this time of the year should
observe the following rules and re-
gulation,: Advance to the, inner
door and give three distinct raps,
The "devil" will attend your alarm.
You give hint your name, pain ollhee
address and number of ,years you
are owing for the paper. Ho wi11 ad-
mit you. You will advance to the
centre of the room, address the edi-
toi• with the following countersigns:
Extend the right hand about two
fest from the body with the thumb
and index• finger clasping a $10 bill,
which drop into the extended hand of
the editor, at the same time "Were saying:
you looking for me?" The
editor will say, "You het." After -
giving him the news you will be per-
mitted to retire with a receipt.
Married in Toronto:
The Clinton News -Record reports
the wedding of Colenso Salton, who
was born in liruscsls, and is a ncph-
c•w of S. T. Plum, of town: --A quiet
marirage was solemnized in Toronto
on May 14th when Colenso J. Salter,
son of the late W. H. Salter and
Mrs. Salter, of Toronto, was uniced
in marriage to Marion, daughter of
Janes and Mrs, Wilson, of Toronto,
the Rc!v, 13 t. IT, Robinson officiat-
ing. The bridegroom, who is just
greduatsng from the School of Prac-
tical Science, University of Termites
is a nephew of the M't r•t. Rozcll of
town, and of Mrs, E. L. Mittoll and
Mrs, Roy I'lumstehl. He is a gradu-
ate of the Clinton Collegiate anal is
well known in Clinton. His friends
here will extend good vvishos Mr.
and Mrs. Saltttr will probably make
their home in Toronto, after Mr.
Salter's graduation, which takes
place next month. •
, A. W. L. Gilpin
•a ,r. ;Jr,.,,,. F1 9,1 wn /$0,,,,,•
An old Brussels boy, who 'mu; beer,
moved to St. Louis by the Chevrolet
Co., -as regional manager. The St.
I.ouis plant is the largest on! of the
Chevrolet Co. lir. Gilpin is oa the
job now hut will move in July to the
Southern city.
Last Friday seaming -after Choir
smartie,- the members of the choir
presented 'Hiss date Anent with a
silver cal:, basket. in vi• •w of her
coming merriage. Lunch was served
at the close.
Heavy Frost.
Just as many citizens, particularly
those interested in gardening, were
beginning to think winter was over,
there came Thursday and Fraley
night's heavy white Trost which no
doubt did Sonya damage to the early
vegetable; and flowers,•
La Boheme One of the Finest.
"La Pohetnn," Lillian Gish's first
American—made picture in $ome
years, is the attraction commencing
Monday next at the Grand Theatre.
The mu It h -r ,hied may, in which
Miss Gish 1, seen in th ^ tragic rola' of
PTnni, famous wherever opera i.: lov-
ed, is nne of the outstanding produc-
tions of the year from the Metro -
Goldwyn -Mayer studio,, and Miss
Gish's interpretation of the Cols has
Created a furor in studio circle,.
Ring Vidor. who directed "Tim Big
Parade, directed the now picture,
which was staged on 0 lavish scale.
John Gilbert plays the leading male
Rodolphe, e )OP- � It
the t
role a
cr 'ig ' Mus-
o • v , n l htl . I
clo r ,r the v
Ranee A
•s areRo • D'-
ette. Other. in the cast 3
Arcy, Ed erd Everett Horton, Gino
Corrado, Karl Dane, George Hassell,
Eugene Ponyet, Frank Currier, Dav-
id Mir, Roslin Ilarstini and o:iters of
Sunday School Workers Meet,
A very pleasant time was snent at
the home of Miss Jessie Strachan, of
Grey Township, on the aftern,gn of
May 27th, when, under the aaspiecs
of the Grey and Morris itrt: to t of
the Ontario Religious Education
Council, the teachers of Junior and
Primary Sabbath School wort, as-
sembled, numbering thirty-two, The
following program was presented,
'^`?•s. Stanley Wheeler presiding:
Hymn singing, Lord's Prayer in uni-
son, Scripture reading, Matt. 15:1-8
by Mrs. Machan; solo., says. (Rev.)
Barker; report of O R.E.C. Conven-
tion in Toronto, Miss J, Strachan;
Discusison and Question period; talk
on Teacher Training stork Mrs.
Robt. Strachan; solo, Master Glen
Wheeler; prayer, Mrs. Jas. St °chert;
hymn singing', Mizpah Benediction,
At the close of the meeting a very
tasty hunch was served bit the I res:
town ladt, s and before generating' a
hearty vote of thanks was eximessid
to Miss Strachan and all who assisted
her in the afternoon program.
Annual Meeting of Women's
The annual meeting of Prussels
Women's Institute was held last Fri-
day afternoon, May 20th, in the
Public Library, with only tel: mem-
bers present. The meeting was amen -
ed with the Institute Ode, followed
by repeating together the Lor'd's
Prayer, This was followers by the
Roll Call and payment of fres, The
minutes were read and signed. The
Secretary's report ext the year's
Work was also passed, The Audi-
tors reported that they had examin-
ed the books and :Found theta quite
correct, The Financial eta:encnt
was read, showing 11 balance on hand
of $156.62. The 'Treasurer of the
Emergency Fund gave her report for
the year which was passed. It was
suggested that the $1.0.00 usually
donated to East Huorn Fall Fair
Society be used as prizes for a baby
show. This was made a motion and
carried. Plans were made for the
entertainment of the District l° xeeu-
tivc. on the 25th of May, also for the
next meeting to be addressed by the
Department speaker, Miss P. Matt-
hews, Simco'„ Ont. Mrs. P. Scott
took the chair and prCsidecl over the
election of officers for the conning
yeart who aro as follows: Honorary
President, Mrs, Peter Scott; Presi
dent, Mrs, Robert Thomson; 1st vice-
president, Miss Iv. Dote -sang; and vice
presiclent, Mrs. R. r, IvlcLauchlin;
Secretary -Treasurer, Miss E. May
Armstrong; Assistant Secretary,
Mrs. A. H, Macdonald; Pianist, Mrs.
(DiPianiisi',1 t, . R.Mrs, SAn, Hdamrew Lilton;amont, Assistspttrocs
Secretary, Miss T May Armstrong;
District Director Mrs. G. H. Samir;
Threetors, Mrs, J. Logan, Mt:i, W.
W Harris, Mite. R. F, Downing, Mrs.
T. Ritchie, Mrs, J. S. Armstrong,
Mrs. N. F. Gerry; Visiting Conlitte:,
Mrs. Roht, Henderson, Mrs. A. Si.ra-
chint, Mrs. James Armstrong, Mrs,
Wm. Gillespial Emergency Fund
1 iheertylvote ofsthanksllVnti tendered
the retiring President for he' effici-
ent soiwicr•s during the Year, The
meeting closed with the' Nast onit1
Postmestcr Honored,
The frig itis of John Scott, Listuw•
ens genial postmaster, honored hint
Thursday night on the nevasem of
his 70th birthday. Thu 'e v hiring
took piece at his home en ala`n street
and wee featured by the co'r•.1ng to-
gether of many old friends, with
whom he bad horn associ:rtr!d 'for
fishy g en's., thot,•in tiddlers Train
Darrington made t ty in, mete( ,I
inga by their neass, 1 goldsheatied
MHO 0rltfi nr, '--ti 1 lit' (,onlge lhn'n',1
,rf 31nl, swn'•tie sass til' tot:begs made
by 'sayer R, T. kenn), with Mac-
er \',',t.•on, H. 11. llnrphy turd James
Duma 1. to itud othera other='r tpnttr. ; him
by their t•'tk Leerily c. nee iva d
e lei eteaseetle given cxpt .'e-tr' n to.
Mr. Scott's old fri nil, in Brussels
extend cemeratttlations.
"Sally of the Sawdust."
Friday and Saturday it the Greed
D. W. Griffith's Jilin, "Sale of ,he
Sawdust" will be presented. The
ring 1st- T h.'
is a pitiable young thing eat inexor-
u v n' -
ably into the wings of the wagon c ir-
cus. Still thele is within her the
mad, gay dash of an impfisorcd and
indignant bird beating its wings
against the smelly bars If a cage In
which it knows by instinct it does
not belong. Always beside her and
to protect her is the happy-go-lucky
juggler, faker and circus ballyhoo
elan, Prof. Eustace McGargle, in
whose care Sally was left by her dy-
ing mother who had been cast out
from her home when site married a
circus man. The tender devotion
which enwraps these two strange and
captivating travelers is made tt thin„
of exquisite beauty, all the more en-
gaging because of the rich -and al-
most continuous vein of humor in
which, by their very natures, they
carry on. When the cireuq goes
broke the Professor and Sally find
work with a carnival company at
Great Meadows where. the rich Judge
Foster, Sally's grannfathet• lives,
Romance comes into Sally's lett, and
the story has a happy ending.
Convention to be Held at Seaforth.
At a recent meeting of the Execu-
tive Committee of the Tittrna Coun-
ty Social Service Couneil, it was de-
cided to hold the annual cots te'utimr
in Seaforth, on Wedeeetuty. June 22,
when a strong program will be pro-
vided. In a very emnh.-ltic wily the
Executive emir, .sd then d ,npttrov-
tl of the action of the Ontario Gov-
ernment in replacing; W. T. Pallew
as enforcement oflieer in Huron
Contyu. During his term of oiTce
Mr. Pellow has had the entire ap-
proval and endot'sation of the or-
ganization throughout the County,
which believes that it has been large-
ly due to his efficiency and untiring
efforts, that the "temperance laws.
have been so well enforced. The
( reports of Government
published r oats the Go ,
1 1
also show Mr. 1 Pe]low in hays av' been
one of -their most efficient officers,
and a protest has been sent to the
Attorney -General concerning this
change in Iluron County. Thr' Lire
nor Control Board of Ontario has
been advised by the Executive that
Huron Counts expects that they will
be recognized by the hoard as "dry"
territory, and that no attempt will
he made to establish hquor s:_u•es in
this County, contrary to the expres-
sed will of the peol.—c as shown by
large majorities on several occasions.
Personal Paragraphs
3, K. Wise, of Clinton, was n visi-
tor in town on Monday.
Mrs. J. A. Schinbehi, of Listowel,
was visitor in town on Monday.
Ward and Mrs. Buchanan, of De-
troit, were week end vistors in town.
Rev. A. W. Barker , and Mrs. Bar-
ker are attending Conference itLon-
Miss Wallace, of Clinton, was a
visitor with Mrs, J. L. Kerr last Fri-
day evening.
Mac Ferguson is home from the
Toronto University for the :summer
Miss Londsborough, nurse. of De-
troit, is visiting with Mrs. William
Robb, Thomas street.
Mrs. Rathwell, of Clinton, is
spending a few weeks with her dau-
ghter, Mfrs. Sperling, of I3russels,,
4, 4' 4,
Jack and Mrs. Ballantyme, of De-
troit, were week end visitors in Brus-
sels with tate formers. mother.
Rev, Mr. Fowler i:aettendtng the
General Assembly at Stratford as a
delegate from Maitland Presbytery.
Roy Burton, of Detroit, and a for-
mer member of the Standard Hank
staff here, was a holiday visitor in
a se ;,g.
George Backer, of Detroit, was
home :for the week end. George is
now, managing a store in Detroit for
a big butcher concern.
es as 4, 7
Clinton News-Record:—Miss Ber-
yl Salter, second year student at the
University of Toronto, is home for
the vacation tune,
4 - se
Mr, and Mrs Piett and Miss Rel.
on and Mrs. J. F. Beirnes of Detroit,
spent Sunday with Mrs, John Jack-
son and Mrs. Louis Williamson.
as ta
Rev. F. G. Fowler was at Quebec
to see hie sister who was en route to
British Columbia. Mr. Fowler had
a pleasant visit, although a short one.
as as sa
F, M. and Mrs. Milli), of Wash-
ington, D.C., who have been guests
of Mrs. Hingston, are leaving to -clay
for London and then to points in
6 ,ii ,' ,•s
J. H. and Mrs. Cameron and '13. S.
and Mrs. Scott, of London, were
visitors in town on Sunday, 13oth
gentlemen were former principals of
Brussels school,
,as.,.n srr,m===, xmAmA vv. '..."..A.ZAA.A.AA'At"'"""*AunnurtAvvo^ i
An Essential
f Modena Life
essentials a fore f modern life11 ,iirtsis
Ili the pi ethic! ofevrry ru'teb,
and itt the tiuospn"tatiot of every com-
modity, Without i1. dtvu•ibttl.Ion
would he 11011,ss111,. Yet, 13011ictn;
fi,ue,liru s }n .tenetltly Ihnt wenrrnrtrrn-
ly attars of otu nt,l n l it' upon it,
liy taking Banking 'tiv„e for panted,
art play OM' gae,ttcat 11ihute 10 its c(11'-'
sultry, Hach year, as in,nwstltg,timber
of depositors and client off„t,ls evirienee
of alio chnavtntcr of Sot vice nffererl by* the
Sialidin13 iiattk of Cntatd,t.
sir i a DARD t AN _
BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager
Gore on Best, of Detroit, was Isere
for the week end.
Barrister W. M, • Sinclair was in
Goderich on Monday.
D• M. Scott, of London, was a- visi-
tor in town last week.
Miss Elizabeth •• Downing was a'
week end visitor in Toronto.
S. Wilton attencieclthe Coal Men's
Convention at Toronto last week.
Jack McCracken, of Detroit, spent
the week end at the parental home,
George and Mrs. Roberton and
Rev. A. C. Macfarlane, of Clinton,
were guests of Mrs. J. Ballantyne on
Hiss Ly1 131'nw,,, of Toronto, was rt
wrek•end visitor with her sister, sacs.
J. L. Kerr,
4 ,. ga .,
,]re. George Lnwiy iv visiting with
relatives and friends to Toronto for a
few days,
as as
A. W. L. andMts. Gilpin, of De-
troit, we::: visitors here over ftttint-
d'ty. J. J. Gilpin and Mrs. Oriels
1.111.11 Eel with thea, for it short holiday.
es se ea es
George E. and Mrs. Ferguson and
Miss Jean and 'Master Russell, of Tor-
onto,were vi ltis for a short time
with L Kerr.
v 11 Mr . s J
r Free ide3 \
L udonPeCYleeilr ltl,�): "G. W.
sod airs. Holman, of (4ndericlt. are
guests whit Mrs. R. M. Giuliani and
Miss Leckie, Kensington avenue.
1111. I•Inlman is tt representative of
Magma County at convoeaticn,, at the
cnnvoratinn, at the University of
Western Ontario, to -clay. labs. Hol-
m'tn is attending the sescinns of the
W. A.”
HILT.—WAPbIAN.—In Cslgnr.y, Alta,, on May
24111, by Rev Mr. Bryon, Edna Jane Was.,
min, second youngest daughter of Mr. J
N. Wnsittan, of Clinton, anal formerly of
Bluevale, to Mr. Howard Hill, of Van-
sALTnSLi-WILSON.—At BnNdngliam Apart •
runts, Toronto, on Mny 1401,134, by Bev.
Benton F(. Robinson, Merton Wilson,
daughter of Mr. end Mrs James Wilson,
Toronto, no Colonxo J. Salter, B P. So„
son of the bite Otr end Mrs %V, H, gaiter,
of Toronto, and formerly of Brussels.
RUetiiLIt.—In Morris 'Rt•p., nu Sntu,•dny,
May 22801,1927, Mor: Ann Currie. widow
of the tete James Bassini, aged 82 years, a
mouths nod adays
WIGHTt'IAN--In Best Wawanoslt, o,, There.
tiny, ably lath, Marion Snaith, holovod wife
of titeorge Wigiltmnn, in her 23tht year,
MOFFATT,—A, loving memory of our dear
wife sad mother, Bessie Davidson Moffatt,
who depart, d this life Junc 1st, 1026.
She bade no ane n last rerewell,
she said g,n,Lbve to iiia ;
T110 henvFulc gates were °pound wide,
A loving voice said "limo
SADLY IIIS,M.D nY HuniAND, Dation-ran AND
Auction Sale.
SAvunnsy„I nNlt 4'rn.—(4ned 'turbine Cows
1 Steel's and nelfers, et the ,a„p„rty i(nown
,, ns
the "Turnbull Pines” 15,0Immo n Imn of Ben,.
l ,eta. sale nt 1 00 o'einck, N°+hnG Hamilton,
Proprietor; I). M. Scott, Aum.
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received by e f the nnder,n•
Inn u
to t loth, for a dreornthi
ed n Friday ... on h h
n y g
fof the upper portion of aha Brussels Public
Lib,,uy -eµu oar tendert; rgceivedPorrith-
rr painting or lottsonaning The lowest or
nay tum,tr not in ee+.ariry urc•e„trd.
701.039:NCI4 Iain inANAN.
Secretary et ',Unary Ronrd,
North Huron United farmers
The Annual Mee; ing or the United Farmers
North 0 vivo; it tie help in the Township
Hall, WinsLnre, on Saturday ttato-noon, June
MORE 4 h, at2 o'clock. A gond 1110 .11,11111A0 Is ex-
iDUNBAR —In Grey township, on Pundnv, pente,l front all part, of the Hiding. t upor-
Ma 9th, to Mr. and firs. (3eor •e A. Dun- taut bnsinuss to hedI RUTHERFORD,
beat' a son. 6 WM. ltjti11 E, sORD, Py,
R. J. CURRIIt, secretary.
„gip �,n }�;y
1, L�
t re
Last 1 i 1e Wednesday To -Night
See The
PA A in ANO '''
Friday & Saturday, June 3-4
"Sally�•., Sawdust"
f e wallas
SALLY in eirous Logs, Sally itt silks ;
She'll snake yon laugh ; she'll else maks' you weep.
Sawdust o' mansion, poverty or tre,tlth,
Tatters or vet Vete, all lite same to her.
She's tnnnceilt, daring, circ' -free, nhild-like,
Batt loyal, devoted, to that adorable rngtte she calls
Monday, Tuesday & Wed'y
i"i r4t
GSH PRODUCED with the greatest star
cast of 'notion picture history, head-
ILB RT eel by Lillian Gislr and John �rilbert,
diroctod by the man who alai le "Tete
TN Big Parade," one of aha world's best
loved romances is here now in a film
masterpiece. It is a gorgeous pic-
ture of gaiety, beauty and pathos, in
the colorful setting of Paris artist
Friday & Saturday June 10-11
"Pte. a it h"