HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-6-1, Page 5Lu ber
Flooring Coiling Sidings
V-iViatch Shiplap
--IN -----
eolar Arid Hemlock 2 inch Dre,..snoi an d Noma, h
VP) isan make walnut Dellve.ry Phone our cemanse for Prices
Phonns- Carrie 0 r 3 Wroxetor GIG r
R. J. Hutra6ti3On 84 So in
Sir John Willison Passes Away
Well Known Editor and Author Dies
at General Hospital, Toronto -A
Native of Huron County -Former-
ly Edited Glebe, Later The News
-Was 71 Years Old
Sir John Stephen Willison,
LL.D., died at Toronto General Hos-
Mud last Friday afternoon in his
71st year. He had been ill but a
comparatively short time.
As editor of the Globe and late of
the Toronto News he was wifely
known as author, public speaker and
Publicist. His most famous work
was "Sir Wilfrid Laurier ani the
Liberal Party."
While it was known that Sir Jelin
was very ill, it was reported from
the hos*Pital early in the week that
his condition ehowed improvement
and the end which came reemitly
was not expected.
"'flit, immediate cense cri (ten
was a growth on the hip bone, which
necessitati 11 treatment that made in-
roads on his general physical condi-
tion, and these complications ware
fatal," said Dr.. W. D. Thistle.
At his bedside when the end came
were Lady Willison; his son, Walter
Willieon, and his niece, Mrs, W. 13.
"In the death of Sir John Willi'
son, Canada has lost one of her fore-
most citizens," said Sir William
Hearst, former Premier of Ontario,
who was one of his most intimate
friends. "He was a great lover of
the British Empire, with unbounded
faith in its future and its influence
for good in the world. He was a
man with the highest ideals and a
keen sense of his duty as a citieen.
His greet talents were devoted un-
reservedly and unselfishly to the ad-
vancement of bis country's interest.
He was personally ono of the most
charming of men, a true friend, a
delightful companion, a courteous,
and considerate business associate.
"A patriotic Britiener, a refilled
gentleinan, honored and loved by all
who knew him has passed away."
et et el• k'e ie
re% asznzi
'14s z,z9 toicreaa
* Reduced Prices on all kinds *
* of - Woodwork, Plaining awl
* Sawing.
cs Cars Repaired and Tripmed
• Painting on Buggies and
cars given best attention by
* W. C. Smith.
• Plow Shears Ground
• Robber Tiring a Specialty
Born at Hills Green, in Huron
county, Nov. 9, 18513, and educated
at the public schools, Sir John be-
gan his journalistic career in 1882 on
the London Advertiser, , In the fol-
lowing year he joined the staff of the
Globe, of which he became editor-in-
chief after a series of rapid promo-
tions on the staff, with only ten
years' service on that paper. He left
the Globe in 1902 and • became c•di-
tor-in-chief of the Toronto Daily
News, which position he continued to
fill until 1917. Shortly after joining
the News he changed his political af-
filiationa, and became one of the
champions of the Conservative party
in Canada. When he retired it was
with the announced intention of
devoting more of his attention to his
services to the London Times, of
which he was for many yeare the
Canadian correspondent, having
been appointed thereto in 1908. Two
years ago, with his son, Walter Wil-
lison, he founded Willison'e Month-
ly. 'In 1900 he was elected yresi-
dent of the'4Canadian Press Associa-
tion, and in 1904 was one of the
promoters of the Canadian Associat-
ed Press cable service. His publish-
ed works i.nclude: "The Railway
Question in Canada," "Lessons From
the Old World," "Anglo-Saxon Alul:
ty," "United States and Canada."
Knighted in 1913
Sir John received his Knighthood
in 1913. He was a Fellow of the
Royal Society of Canada, a governor
of Upper Canada College for fifteen
years and a trustee of Queen's UM-
varsity. Queen's conferred on him
the honorary degree of Doctbr of
I Among the puone positions held
I by Sin John was that of chairman. of
the Ontario commission on unem-
ployment 1914-11)16, and chairman
of the Ontario housing committee,
* ;
Film Repair & raid Shop
MAKE your attic into extra
sleeping quarters or a chil-
dren's play -room,,
Gyproc will give you bright,
comfortable extra rooms at small
Right over damaged walls
and torn, faded wallpaper apply
Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard. Gyprot wal Is and ceilings will make every
room bright and fresh. Takes any decoration. Fireproof, cold proof
and heat proof. The strongest and lightest insulating wallboard known.
'Write for frac booklot-"My Home," It will foll you how Gyproo, Rooloord
Gypsum Inoultalna sheathing one Insoles tylil reduce your fuel bill from
20 IP 40 nor mt.
Fireproof 'Wallboard
For Sale By
Wllt & Gillespie - Brussels, Out.
Memorable &MIS tn the
taistorq of fire Empire.
eharias Conwe
°tit, 1.01,1 forty )'o.V1-n
ur:0, th 211 ..Jan,, 17SO,
W....graven:1 Gordon riots broke
out in 'Lendon.
At the time of the ate -:m of
William anti Mary in 1689, when the .
Ibilish nation was in a paroxv.cm of
nervous excitement eyeing to the rte
ligious zeal of James IL several
harsh levee were 'mese(' which impos-
ed many hard:hips and disabilities'
eti the Roman Catholics of Britain,
and th u ILW:4 remained in force. un -
19 the Catholic Relief Aetwas pees -
e4 In 1778, This sects a inos just
and reasonable measeee, which rut
'xit'a the improve] of all fairminded
Protestants, and, there woull have
b- e no Itt, ithihi itt commetion with it
had it not been for the cane:A dsm of
Lord George Gordon.
Tie was the erack-t,''ined ecin of
the Duke of Gordon, and wt 01
laUg11111V-StOOlc. 0' 1-1‘,
UOLI,±0 Of Commone owing to the
violence of his speeches when ,ver
his bigotry vets aroueed. In 1779
he founded and became president of
tho London Protestant Alliance, the
members of which deeinred th(1:. the
emallest .conceesion would be abu.e•cl
by the Catholics -and result ;c1 the
downfall of the Protestant religion.
Gordon prepared a petition -for the
repeal of the Relief Act and called
for 20,000 Protestants to accompany
him to the House of Commonto
present it.
Ile made a number of • grandiose
and inflammatory speeches and eve -
tired a eel:elder:J:1e following, wh'ch
consisted mainly ot the must ruck-
lers and beggarly scoundrels in Lon-
don and its vicinity, and on the
Intoning of the 2nd June, 1780, he
marched to Westminster at the head
of a gigantic crowd, in which Were
to be found all the worst criminals
of the city. The movement had been
r-garded with amused indifference
by the authorities, who did not think
that anyone would take Gordon's
crazy project seriously, and thus no
preparations had been made to cope
with trouble.
For several hours the Houses of
Parliament were besieged by the
1/'01;/. 011I. itt1
Wevo. r..;11.3I mid belfentied, r-
ed. Finally lite creuel eet dbeeiged
by n d..tatilitivint lett the
11,i,,h1,.1. 1,1;1 bi-n aroil„,11
tit night fall the mob retuami.led
ant vorion,tieeti tin oray of murder
and deetruction which lasted .for
five day,.
The rimers pillaged and burn. d
nemeree8 catholic eharehecrtttrl
man:lone, set fire to Nowgitt Jab,
broke open ell the other prbunt,, ;Ma
th.4r attacked
the Bank of Entritoul autl 111Ilny 1013/ -
lie Intildings, ovhii. .,eot',i of inno-
cent citizens wer,. Intirtlerrel or
maroon for life. For tour day.•1 the
truth did practically what it 91...1d I
owing to no weakness and indeci,-
i,o of th Governrrient, which v:as
feerfal of proclaiming tnartial law,
:old it was not until the king himeelf
gave orders tht•t the 3oldiers were, to
fire on the rioters that peace 0:1
Store than five hundred it the
rioter: were slain in the London
eireets and several of their ringlead-
were afterwards tried and exe-
cuted, but the principal offender es -
:teed punishment, for when Gordon
vets dated nn trial he was tiequitted
01 13,to owl that he had no treesintention. Ile 80011 b,1110
iliVOIVi'd in further dangerous
echemes, which Ind to nis hte'n.ce ex-
communicated by the Archhiseop of
Canterbury and placed under lock
and key in Newgate, where he
after an imprisonment of riee..ey six
years. Some time before h:s clath
1e. yen/nine...1 13 Cl•••"•••ien nee
iirofessed to lieve become a convert
-eto Judaism.
Why Not a Wheat Week? .
Ningara dietriet do.ts well our of
its "Bleesom Week" and we wonder
why Huron Co. can't get there
Southern visitor e back here w len the
wheat fields are ripe. Now P.00110E-
tt.r city comes out with lilac Sunday,
but we know some people who can
"lie -like" -any old day,
Three Days' Holidays.'
There seems to be a little ceufus-
ion on just what will be expected •A
1918-19. He was also president of fir- _merchants. when the two holidays
the. Canadian Reconstruction Asso- , 4'licji Incly '%e'll'icirile
(dation, organized in 1918, wit?, of- :stein to be adopting is that 1•11.: mer-
fices in Toronto, Montreal and Win- thants will keep the stores open on
nipeg, and which conducted an edu- i.SIg.ttli,,rclay, It is that
possible for
cational campaign in support of a lay .innircsitel t.ZpItutooflaysr=
national tariff and economic pro- the three clays and especially when
gram. Last year he made a tour of added company will no doubt be the
or.ler of the day.
the west and submitted a roper'. to
the Ontario government in support Mean "Angling."
of a government liquor control poli- A clause in the newly amended
cy. Sir John also held for a brief CitiaommeoTilictl,IMeerioel oAncti is alined at
Period the „presidency of Conarla ii ow prohibit el 'angling ginrInany :lopremt'.
Colonization Association, and be al- within 25 yards of pound net. It
se had held the presidency or Mort- lied been the premier, in (whin
gage, Discount and Finance, Limited. cir
lt,ru_bz.rspe advent of the
tiou° for anglerseio
o t o an-
SiroJohn Willison was ono of the cher their boats to,iot
best known lawn bowlers in Canada, pound net and calmly fish in the
'trap" , wherein there
For years 110 o. e was . prominent mml
ber of the Ontario Lawn Bowling turd
flbof the net
Blsit t T
n:riort.of cap -
Association and of the Dominion prohibit this unsportsgaulciejna'cli."'
Lawn Bowling Association, being an
Foot Ball Schedule
ex -president of the tatter. Te was june 3 -Brussels at Monkton
a member of the British Empire and i June 3 -Listowel at Rinburn
Royal Colonial Institute, London, ; June 7 -Brussels at Listowel
June 7.----Kinhurn - at Winthrop
England. He was a member of the .
c, June I0-lton
at Kmburn
following clubs in Toronto: YorlAot0_ViilitLisre
National, Toronto Hunt and Royal June 14-Moncto7aBrolo
Canadian Yacht Club. i June 17-Lietowel at Monkton
Sir John married the late Rae , June 1.71....7wIlritontsherlosp at Wmionotlii:tteol
Wood Turner of Tiverton, Ont., inn.)
June 1885. Two sons were born to , AI: 214-:-IitinliVonti It BIlTifiltoP
them, William, who was actively ere ' June 24-Kinburn at Listowel
gaged in newspaper work when the . June 27 -Listowel at Winthrop
June 28 -Brussels at Kinburn
war broke out and enacted and was
July 5 -Listowel at Brussels
killed in action, and Walter, Who July 5-Kinburn at Monkton
wee also. a newspaper man and serv-
ed for a time as a Canadian press Inspector Fellow, Now County Con-
correspondent in . the Great War. With the opening of the new re -
In April, hist year, Sir John mar- gime in liquor law administration in
ried Miss Marjorie Jardine Ramsay the Province of °uteri:), the 'Govern-
vives him. The residence its at 10
MacMurehic of this eitY, who sur- 1,,o-nreito.h, 'ars. ,Fitliil?slipitoeisiecolipwc4it,lideTiochs,eans.ielen!
and rieagritNivIztg:
()Pus', efficient&
Minsky place, close to Queen's Park.
.. . . charge of his duties as an (Aker was
..... . --------- :recognized throughout the connty,
' and we believe his record in this TC:.
sped was equalled by few, It any,
officers in a similar position in the
' entire Proineve. No pablic explana-
tion has been given for Mr. Fellow's
release from his office, but nn in-
spector who does his duty faithfully,
without fear or favor, inevitably
makes enemies, and in this, along
with the changes following the resig-
nation of the former .Attorney -Gan -
oral, W. F. Nickle, and the adoption
of new policies in the matter of 19 -
nor law enforcement, may lie the
causes which have deprived the
county and the Province of bit. PO -
low's services as impeder. Mr. Fel-
low still holds the office of county
constable,-Goderich Signtti.
Your Eyes Need
If your eyes bother you in
any way;
H they titre quickly or be-
come inflamed;
If you do not see easily and
If headaches impair your
efficieney or interfere with
your pleasure;
If you cannot enjoy every
minute of your reading',
11111411,1do 0. Bryans
Radio fans in Canada now number
207,328 according to licenses, but the
half is not told.
The word "and" oceurrs 411, 627
times in a total of 773,716 Aords
or:tom:sir:0* used in the :Bible,
1 Phone 26x Brussels Human lite has berm lengthened
from 22 years in the Middle Ages to
); yetub today,
WEDNESDAY, .11.1'NE 1, 1927.
1 v,, 0, 15
The Fordor Sedan, $000
The Touring Car, $000
The Runabout, $000
WITH many improvements in the past
year, Ford c:trt; today, more than ever before,
give the buyer the greatest car value available.
Outstanding features are all steel bodies of excep-
tional strength and safety -a dependable, quick -
starting motor, greatly improved by the addition
of the new Hot Plate Vaporizer with its many ad-
vantages of fuel economy and operating caiciency.
All models are now oilered in either moleskin,
gray or sage brush green.
When you consider the price you'll begin to realize
why we claim that the Ford i the most practical
and economical car you can buy.
We shall be glad to give you a demonstration any
time -no obligation wIlatever.
G. B. Mchityrm
I 7,7:r
I peak,
James Davis, u highly esteemed
resident of the town, tit tipped dead
from heart 0, Itt,e tot Ft i tie v
V1711110 HIM\ ims the 111.1.% a'. Ole ies1.
deuce of bit, tete brother, who died
suddenly a year ago. 111, ht
v011(111(4'1141. l'tISII PSS:
God trioti kiLl'ON1 E tst, had not e1.,1:ytal
gond health for 5, 1110 111111, WPS
around as usual, Id. was it rooming
of the Mist PPPAllytPSbIll (11111Pb.
Pond 18 SU vvi ved by his widow, fot 11101,
Miss Maude Barbour, of Stt.tfa,
Tits new. steel water supply tank
at the 0. P. It station is COW.
pitted. It is quite alt impt,ing
structure and will be operated by - -
hydro and an automatic pump,
(4. NI. and Mrs. Chambers have
moved to the Betides pt riper ty, which
they lately lmct'haod.
J. G. Etnigh 94 'leek to town after
spending the Winter at Grand Valley
with lila sou, Wm, leinigh,
Goliti Fingland has purchased the
30 -acre fat 01 belonging to John John-
ston, Walton, and has taken posst s -
Gem0 Mouteith, of the TI1411108
Ruud, UsIII,1 it. bil,1•11tt
last week, t. the ..Li of '72 year..
The therms, d h d liven aide!: f
about it yes!. 010 foto, tuotttlis ogo,
he fi-at-Iti, ed limb 1, \\ISS ,iP
that comottolit
an elder of Th4tnes ..ited
Chute b.
Word 11/IS looll I.PPPIVV,1 1 Diu,glui..
non of the death et \ice_ Geoit the
its, wife of lieu, St.; bon, mt stoat.
PIS IIIIS icih,,,I 1w-1.111
Guincia for many ,1 oat s, 11 is toeity
friends svittra ititre with him in los
loss as this is the fourth time in. Lai
tI0IIilere.tv d t, •
The Boat d of Regents of Viet, in
? 7..o0ege have appointed Misr Alta,
Colt itt icetni et in nench.
Cook is the dmighter of Rev. 01, J.
I s, and Mrs Cook, now of Tommie.
- , 11 .: r of Clinton. Miss Cook
.L.e.;11 3' -•
401 .,115% , y, token
I Italian broccoli. served with He
landaiee Kum', makes one of th,
most appetizing and "different" of
1Iuncheon dishes.
Worth luta been received at Listowel
of the death on 'Tuesday nt Robert
Woods, aged 113 years, at the resit,
deuce of his so mi ndaw, A, Ai Wiest)
Toronto, kir, \Voods had been a resi-
dent of Listowel for 60 years, and at
time was prominent in Lite municipal
Me of the town. He was born in
enmity Tyrone, Dviand, :old at the
age of 18, rame to Canada, set thing at
Haan, Wellington Count 5. After a
short residence there, be moved to
'realise, going to Listowel, in 1860.
He conducted 11. livery busines there
for 63 yeArs. He disposed of this 14
years ago Pot, many years, 11V COM 1.1.
11101111.Wr Of the Town Council, Master
of the L 0. L. ter Peri h Comity and
15 member of the Black Knights. itt
192(3, he was made an honorary mem-
ber of Queen Oity b 0. L., Tomo Le,
where he was real ding of t er retiring
100(11 bitsi fleas, 11 yew, ago.
The S-tsen th Annual woven t ion of
the Bruce Comity Education Associa-
tion 00111 110 held in the town Ha11, at,
Southampton, on Thursday _after-
noon, June MAL
Ignathe Weiler, who enjoyed the
dietinction of Ole oldest resident of
Walkete on, died at his home, on
Thursday morning cif last week, at
the advanced age of 93 yeara. The
deceased was for upwat ds of three
score years lb resident of Wel k erton,
and was a wagonmaker by it 5(1,
3. Y Kellongh, who has been asclial.
not Agrienlinral Representative at
Walkerton, has been moved t o Noe.
folk County, as A.eiing Repteccent-
[Wye, 0011 h headmiutiters at Simone,
No fewee then 75 per tient of the
stit (II ars of Walker( on Pit bile Selo, ol
were found to have defective teeth
requiting dental iteattnent, after a
dental inspection,
,,,F4744/4 Wit7401.4
, "The FiralsA that tEares°
A Canadian, Produci; Better Made
The universal home brightener -Flo -glaze Enamel
for floors, woodwork, and furniture. Try it first
on just one chair. Then you will want to go from
room to room -a chair, a table, a tiocl, some wood-
work -spreading cheerfulness and warm color
And outside, too on baby's buggy, veranda furni-
ture, garden implements, boats and the automobile.
Flo -glaze Enamels are the most useful colors to
take to the summer cottage. Easily applied -
lasting and inexpensive. In your home are a dozen
or more articles that need Flo -glaze Enamel NOW.
Come in and let us tell you how inexpensive and
easy it is to use paint, varnish and enamel about
the home. We will advise you of the Flo -glaze
product you need for any piece of work.
Walton Farmers' Co-operative
Cu. limit. (I
Phone oto, Morrls 1 orcy men, no r 0, yelemei, 3