HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-6-1, Page 1VOL, 55 NO. 50 $2.00 f)tr anm in advalice BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, IVEDNESD,1Y. x. /927 To My Customers: Appreciating the pleasant bu"iness relations of the past thirty•three years, 1 Wish to thank you for your patronage. Having disposed of my store to Mr. J. N. Allen,. of Wroxeter, I bespeak for him the same consideration and support that you have given me. JAMES FOX *-44,444-4.1444-44-04.44+0.44-,4,-44-444*..K.•1,s ! The Sui-roundzng District t • • BELGRAVE eft to by the sieging of 0 Oiceaclie. Miss 03.1.3 Coultes sang a solo and 1 his Keep in (011111 the Garden Party towa followed hy a toast to be 13131(1 at W. G. Nit:1101mi WS Innue on July Ith. Watch for further (nu tic. Mars. A very evjoyable time was spent in Knox United Church, when the 0. (, 1. T. class entertained the teachers and of:leers of the Sunday School to a banquet. The decorations were carried out in the class colors, white and blue. At the ennclusion of the supper, Mrs..i. seolde, leader of the girls' group, introduced the program 1:11d also anted as toast master. An illet1.11111P11111.1 WM given by Mildeed Stiobiee The toast to "000 King" was prospooml by Miss Louise Mc- Kenzie 01111 WPM 01/7111011d3'd 10 by the company singing God save the King. Miss Edith Proctor favored with two humorous readings. followed by a dnet by Miss Nellie Anderson and Miss Mary Wightman. A! toast to ',Our Country" WI1 proposed by Miss Babe Wheatley and this was respond- "The Old Oaken Bucket" Will be presented by the Young People of Auburn in the FARMERS' HALL. WALTON friday ev'g, June 3 Play Followed by a Dance Admission 85e and 25e. 5 For your Garden Party or Fowl Supper try the ;••• 1§TOWEL MERRY MAKERS A. company of Singers, Danc- ers, Musicians and Entertain- ers. For particulars apply to D. P. SAVAGE, Mgr., Listowel Loeal 011 ill eh 11.11C1 118 011.ctleiZe111011/1," 07111011 W11.8 propesed by mks Jet„ 110111)133, Wee '1''' 11(10(1 (0 by James ; Afichle, stiperin teeclent of the Sunday School. The (Mullis, "Girls of Can.! ada," was given by 11113 La -Ir -Li • (girls. A toast to the Op ited Church 1 was proposed by Nliss Vei de Proctor and was 1.PP/101111Ni to by Rev, S. Scobie, after (013)1 1311 jeined il Pit*" .,1(11 1101 the Power of Jesus' Name."13. vote of thanks to the girls for the pleasant time provided was merved by Earl Anclersmi, :aloe which the gathering tecl for home, New Advertisements . A '1'1 1 E ACT COMEDY 1) 03,011 1-Oloi,1030 130111.11 Wholmi ti, 14 to -IOU. l' • •I• Yost.. im -1111, 11 o NV.../t1.11'10 31/110 - 1. ..,.111 Aunt PO. 'Vont. 1 ••1,11,0 l'.0•1•-• I • I' , 111,.1,11 1•Ir.0.11.• a ii4.• ,s• 0r13••••i•14 Pubiit• lancers Win. Geo, and Lorne 1(n1 left for o .11,t30 Monday, wile... they trill . be engaged at thefr t r tele fu1 sevei 331 went Noel 11.11(1 1I 131, Diekson ciiid little son, of 1'4.1.0111 0, 410 em•sts of the former's parents, P. V, and Mrs. Dickson, Rev, A. D. At•mst: mig and Feed. Kitehen are attendieg Lonelott Com fPP1'110P, W111011 tieing held in Loud- • on, this week,. WROXETER Fred Davey and family ;vete recent visitors in Guelph. Austin awl hirs. Martin, Toronto, spent Stendity with the lattex's par- ents, Jim. and Mrs, Douglas. Rev, 21 if, Chandler, of Forclwich, had charge of 11133 preparatm•y service 111 the United Church, on Wednesday evening. The annual meeting of the Wroxet- er Women's Ins -limo was held on Thursday, Alay 26113, at, Mrs. John Adams' Mune. A good attendance was present. to hear Mrs, 5', V. Dick - son's splendid papet• on "Famous Women 111 Canada and their Work." The election 01 (10100(1) resulted In the following : President, Dirt's. F. V. Dickson ; lst Vii33. Pres., Mrs, S. Me - Naughton • 211d Vice Pres., Miss D. P. Hazelwood ; Secretary -Treasurer, Mist, X. Hazelwood ; Dil'POtOrS, Miss Mary Pope, Miss Ellen Mcfilwen, Airs. lam Brown ; Pianist, Mrs. J. \Vendt ; Oistrint Director, Miss M. Davidson ; Press Repot•ter, Mrs. J. Fin pfer. Comedy Play Union United Church Thursday Ev'g, June 9th at 8.15 pETER PO PER'S TROUBLES Presented by Brussels Angli- Can Dramatic Club. Music between Acts Admission 35 and 25 cents Como and Enjoy a Good Laugh The Huron Plowman's Association will hold a Monster Pic-nic in Mr. Jams- Armstrong's Grove AbouV3 miles west of Brussels on the 5th Line, Morris o -n Thursthay9 June 16th The farm being situated on the banks of the Mait- land River makes it an A 1 place for a Pic-nic. MR 3. LOCKIE WILSON, Managing Director of the Ontario Plowman's Association, is expected to be present to deliver a short address. Also HON. JOHN 8, MARTIN, Minister of Agri- culture, has been invited. There will bo a full line of Sports, Quoits and Horseshoes. Tug of war open to any Township M. the County. The Committee has made arrangements for a Sat Ball tourna- ment, Girl& teams front Moncrieff, Cranbrook, Belgrava and Brussels. Boys' teams from Ethel, Cranbrook, Mencrieff, grave and Brussels, Liberal pr,izes will be awarded to the win- ners, There Will Bo a Collection Taken To Help Defray Expenses Come ono and all and bring your lunch. The Association will 11 Blyth Or- suPPly hot coffee. A DANCE will be on the program . for the evening. chestra will supply the music. BLUEVALE Mr, and Mrs, (41-1,31311 Dee/lie, 1!) OPUIP, announce the engagement. of their eldest denglitet, Verna Able, to Rob- ert, Hat old, PPM/1111 son 11( 11111' lace Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomas, of 131uevale, the marriage to take place quietly 131)0111 11)0 middle of June. The maniage tonic place very gniet- ly irI Calgary, of Saturday last, of Miss Edna Jane \V llama!). second youngest daughter of J. F. 'Was Mali, of Clinton, and a a former resident; here, and Howard 11111, of Vanconvel, B. Mo. Bryan pet int med the 0131en:01.y. Miss ‘Vastnan went as far CiLlg111•Y 1.0 meet her fiance, and they will spend at short honeymoon at 13an1f befoce going on to their home in Vanconver. ILL\ AUF417 y Se d E • GOT HIS 13, A. J. L. RIIRR, ProPiekr +' • _ J., 2110 Dra,nk1.c Cantata geL--1-3) r1P-•1 s7.; e./1— 11 Church Notes 1 IVIelville Chords A 11101:ting Of the Women':: AL's- ..ionaretety of Melville WChurch ;ei' \oil) he lee.: 1.• th- A ,..111..r1.1,33 of the onerch Instay afteenoon at o'- clock. This is the Ileum Helpers' Annual meeting. Mrs. McDonald, of Goderieh, a former nr-mber of this Auxiliary, will give a report of the Provincial meeting hold at Bradt- ville. Rev. A. ItIcEsa lane, of Clinton, no. 'ended the 11013111 (111 Alelville Church, last Sabbath =truing aial evening. In the morning, his text was Altett. lo : 22 "fie that emtureth to the end shall be saved." (1)11 1st, in *tending out his disciples, did not paint the venture in glowing colors, tenet the world's way, bat 141110,011 1111111 the difficulties, There ate thoughts in the mai chi eg orders which give us com- fort. (1) (Thep:. up 1 (1131(0 is 11.11 end. There is sortie manfo: t in knowing that the struggle Has an end, lint there is much gremet comfort in knowing that the endmat,ee is to 11(1(110 put.pose. (21 Evil cannot last, it has an end, In the fight agninet sin, tve must 1011181 to the end, if we are to stumped in the fight, (3) The end justifies the means, Sul motet: ie the end which justifies 01;dt/ranee, and is thele-ginehge f 3)1310 and better life. The chiefle...011 1.• (loo. (i1111.8 01111 10 our lives will (301(10 331)1111' day. The future lei 131 Hifi 11£311(18 0111 pArt to endure to the erd. If VC 0 /MY om selves to God, we will have pettee 00 30 tted P11000011 111 1/111. lives. Al the evening service., Bev. Air Ale - Flu -lane's text was Mink 12 : 34, 'Thon 13( 1' not for frent the kineeleen Clifford Dunbar, of Detrnit., ' the National Anthem. are tnueli 01,1,1.•cial ed. of (4.4." Some men are far from the Will be given by the Young People of Bluevale United Church on friday Ev'g, June 3rd In the former Methodist -Church BLITEVA_LE Soft Ball Match between Gorrie and Bluevale al 5 p. 111. Play Admission to George Edwards, of London, gro '- tned last week from Westorn yersity and received .114 11,•tats B.A. on Prickly last. Much c 1,; • at 8.30 due our old Brusselite, as n-• took Play 25e & 15e. his course after lioari• as he. 1.011/1 teaching on the public scho.d lie it4 the youngest son of Geor....3 • and Mrs. Edwards, cif Ilrus ETHEL - - Hugh 13'1(y is able to Lie out ; " 11 p5 J. M. CI 11 Will be presented by Blyth Choral Society in the ETHEL Presbyterian Church (Shed) friday Ev'g, June 111 ILICL•r auspices of adies' Aid of Ethel Presbyterian Church. Program at 8 o'clock Admission 50 and 35 cents •01, y to teat thai Airs. ,.• imp,00 01•1'y low and small els.s ate 011(x111,;"111 1111 her .1•00.10. again after his recent illness. ice cr. am , cake and tea A ;tells 1 er. Opening of Confederation Park, pt.:es:get :.ocial time 1.01lP enjoyed : cm,„ Ethel, Oil Jklee 23.11, W/11.011 f(•12 bilk. - all. Th, roll call wts ttme...ered by feW LIELy11 With her parents in NVall7er- , Giver thirty new memb.:•rs jein.:.1 up. 331;;;,e, ;;;;1 ,;;.n; h of „tie nun her The ed ell to thank (he nkighlaa, and Mrs. (De) Me.:11astel. spetillo••• a , paying the foe,, for the e0111/'12: V.:11 T.03 h,e 11„,i1 hheineee ;he ton. meeting closed by the ...1egm,r of • kind ill, do al,d sy enpat h E I \V 3.1 110 GREY and f110/1(1S. 1 F,.MIT.Y, kingdom nf Goo 3 110Y 31.1./. not inter - spending a few days with celatives 31 Mrs, R. Work, Toronto, eyes a le- Some sneak thief 11/14 been calling 1 on we;•;;;eedAy 25o, . Vtlted in the thing, pertaining to the MORRIS 33 kmgdern, 'rimy never speak the ramt guest al the home of lter sister, on the Lill at 1.,loycl D(mbar's chop- 1 R'','VP 110•11(1','1011 will AtII.I.,) (.7'•11 11 13'. : a 0017 1) 111191 wedding wag qoIntlinizki. Mrs. P. A. 1513.AI rhur. e. Cat dill% I piang m:ialyl, lbaustt , tWheilelarl st htecip diid not get 1111,,'1' 1 (4"3 5!;11' 1 11 331!, 111 l 0', "110w,1w.-"k.1 k14' 111 bed Jb)3011R11 eTvV, 1131,13,1(0013AlersekSt ete(lrli. ies,feal t .11•f) 4 ,Jh,o11n11 ea , nsnd , n.,„,7,1:f (14.ist.Ole11110 :t far Miss Berea 03.pliff St. Phoning, anything, Mrs.Jae k It,nest, of Wineham, 11,') (41.100. who: Miss Nellie Atelseono; ; ftoni the kingdomThey go to spent the past wek • the home of Out local bakery had a busy day 031 sient the 13.111189 with het Pal ('((313, uti):tighter of James and 151i., e:101:11:11tb1irf11:h:.0;‚11111t hemRStancltydsposecl of J"111 T ‘l 1 . inmatiagetothpyhaw.nev,n;tielded103'chrtst. 1 1 Anic.:sem,wasUnited r8t1 , in .1,110 kingdmn* 'Peter Pipet's T.:grilles" will be 800 loaves of Mead and a large quern. John Clegg, ' °ice nista from snentling %. y enjoyable week Mrs, MeArter. The young er utile " "V "4" 1/4-71"1"4 en," 441' altit .1 • , 1. as being not far f/ con the lc 1 ogslt in presented at Union Church, on Julie 9111, See advt. in this issue. Airs. Geo. Eraser, 6111 Cell., has been quite poorly, and is not improv- ing as her many friends would like. Dr. John Blake and family, of De- troit, spent the week -et d %vitt) the W11 11 '1 0•'1 1(1311 1 ,01, 1 ••... •1l(ll(11( 110111 11)1,0 will be no 0110101 service iti •' • 11) lie ^fillge 110 brid been brought up in W. T. and )1.s. Lundy :Lod :4033, 11.11.01* DIP rerPtnony 1,43 on a motor the United Chore)), next Sunday. .. . ;1 . , ,, ., .2 .c. , a gond home, He had not been at. R1,31,,,.1, ,,f jimillton, an, 1,, gue-es trip to :me:noon, oronto, .1 meal a . Remember 1110 Sunchty School ses- . 1,1.13310d by the grosser forms of evil ; Pi011 (1.1. 10 45 a. 111. Come. Falls and 01.113.1. points. On their yo. Ho had giegn 1 eliginn a pluee in aFtNILK‘Ht.'t i111;c:1 1()1"'1.3"t'II'L':R4S111:.11.1.?!: The /flee, they. will 1E410.1 011 111P gro‘ m's (2) R0V. 1), Al. Guest and Leslie Bail • funeral ef the 1(31.0 IV all el Alitlet teas tint^ faint in NI./ is• 11(13 lif0 ; (8) He had begun to think 8310 11 In . J 1 1g1(' 1 1, . 1 . e ," hTe(b)n')eyw:lcyd•ol1''S"ilaW"s.t OTa. h"ne;sd.ay (antm )('oonC.. 11and i 1118 ,r-g'hR'','''n. o10 1 l '1 1 11 '' "9 111h1g' , 130131 •0'*1 ' 1( 8 1 nng ..elil". ; loi ff,oet. If Varve 1311' seek insg sthe itruth, we e formets brotnersWillatu and beo31133111(31133) 00,,f,r01100oftheuserviceswereeofuted by BDr. 1... illl triendheted at th 8101n,1farfrom thkinghenn(4) Blake. Cuch, iSt, Adresu„idLarkin, of S..felt)) The pliberInn" 1,1 "1111', ""d `130 V"'k'lr1l'He knew that (31)1-1131 was right mut Mrs. Clark and little daughter have °beech, e0381ve1) ,'.'id 111,‘K''.':line' and i. P00111171“:A1.,,I'(!1: iMthe ('(13)11190> to say en ; 15) He returned ttheir ht me in TorentoThe garden party 88131)011 wisonnrc;11eil,S10A31etIe1 411..11f \'‘'1n;maoi111,„Ne1„3.w11,,c31i, , Yl 11(133 ;ourlives nortalents, and 1,01 to ) 1101ninti United °hotel), on 0111119th 4tmeeo.2t 31 ,11,11, ,.11110 ,,,. hem, Ph"4"""." have 1133011 them in. Ills 501011'P.,ThutsdayJune911I SF.(be plI"weP1‘4):i."7,41 d1'1117"4f11"6"NH"'Chst knowmut possihlitiPA nod ' 1 12t11 001. They mime by mot 3.... The Bly. t011ral Society will pre - Keep Friday evening, June 1011), P. sent. "Joeph's Bondage," under the en"Joseph's Bonda(4e" will be fn F- 111)13)1)1108 of the LadiesAid of Ethe sented by the 13lyth Choral SocielY, Presbyterian Chinch, on Friday even. "PAeitres.ePi Pe'' T'11(1)(":P'es'nted :'•s,,31 11, 1 , : i„1 111 1 SP1101.1 ahold 111P 1,1g17('11 tliirx kDiman• I'l.S1111\ i • was deeeply ninved by tbe appeal of aftervsitingthe001(00113sparents,beon.RememberthefounwhigdaeL" "1") l'''''neIn11V1'1 t• cew of -theil ep- .,0slis, 11(91 (1 11831(40130118 (3)1)3)31 0110 3and MrsFulton90Cones and (0 0(00 them fn ItneJune twurign 1\\T131' ‚.11 u,eath piolte.tirec tutuloget,ne :IIiiw:10tfa”frntbkiogd.nni4(11 Oand Mts. Hemingway 13t1(' 161)1, June 27th and Union,on ned aImosaii, Ala..OI.amune(1111'andbea1)(1f()• 1""."(14I10nottohgivenChritthecontrol the 50th anniversary of1ihe old home j',01111.Tda,of JamesSeat1ett•,,lio(0/101101'11hiesteemitt (0133(11 the church, Knx Presbyteran, Teesvat- er, which waheld therde, .reeesn tly Rossand 511'O, Speira11, of Saginaw Mich., spent the ek-end at the home ofthe 11111 leer's patents, on. the (11I,1lk,sM s, o!sret n givegse iweeee,ifwei,ntfo.ourby the ynringpermit:of Brussels Aug- hs11filmyandag,oO1,11Pr.ib13,•11taH..,iiAIt;il 1..:aPOILtt, , At PreSbytetiall rut.t11. under theaspices of thrLaciest Aid. Bert Will Mrs. Gibsnn, 01' Niagara N Y., were week end visitors with Henry and Nes. NVeenberg, lIth con. Miss Marie Wesenbery re- tuSwi ll s. pend Je4 lug: , JO ttel"int h. 'Keepthe date open. Sleightheiro isin the List- 1)1,411 - 3,10,') hmpitel, baring undergone a serious (metal en 8(1.11018(1.1101(1(3)31y last. Al the time of writing, she is get - 1111.6 1(11.1133George 11,13,1113, 1113"' been broonlenat- ili completelyyl.surlivesin His hands. efone daughter and tett .111,5. AV•Ail1oogn b - •• Ham, ,,f t , sp. Nethe,y made a nita• r - United Church forth fitentiel, f 1) 11.13- 1131133'plv and nimie 11(1' 813110133, 151313,1 11'1'fS"17ti!ti the w... hnuts of the nint11- or took as his subject, "The (411(10 of 0(,d?1(:11yikT,itl'n%.' Jesus," the text Cor, 4 13, "ForGod "1" ri111"111(01113 110111111r""isfRi' 11,111LnET,,,wr is who entutuanded the light 8111110 1110 t of4. N 9. 71111s. for dalknees, haft shined in our hearts Ca11,3e1 Home: t lewith ;I, reI- T e 111..• : wi . o;'nth cf Ni\'10g10'ih;0,1'11-gry get tlurtVean11o:nce gle 11 75. i"l"' 11101.11' t.fGot) in the (131'I' of Je0431 Ohrist" aneofouiiionc.crin(e647‘,7111111111:.t;; 0131,sbe:a MrsJames Rusellrfth "1 0)k 7 Clir oIn (1(1(133(133111133 Digreat ooupte ntweeksalNiagat.a. 1”3"th"a")"""'" (d. 1.1(1' 11rival of cis, who passed mk* 3. 1ne• Inn, .•on III-B•ladeW. 1,,,t`k 1i sit I, leaders, tette les 113.1I 11 01(31 me•i• s. DAUGHTER PASUS 31W130-Re13i- thsect 4 at tbeiihome, on Sunday Saturday. May 28th, atter 1..im nhe;A(e, .3,1;A,„f"1„„,, ,sg,lehothe8,1313)511'1038hehearded, say. 111301 .1) Thiirsilay afternoon to learn of the coogral,11„150„5; 1.1.1" 'nu- Jet DI 54 --Id' Peso., 01 1 - 1.1d-, e of the or impunity were shocked morning. nod 3)11' strived of it big boy. fio-el •,,,1 bed for six weeks. ('1(1313133, 3131133 ‚11113(31.11 111111 (ho m8('t yt 8 of George Wightman, of the fith 00(1• Lodge Nn. 40(3 Maitla ell, L. T, B. A,. oral WeS held on 7.Ion•1119, Ala y enth, Pf f....' o'clock, and i.nterment was e, 1de .In. PR -Inekie 1:1, ,1,... \‘-', • ,l,‘ "i-'tv; ' for their faith. It was especially Bell 84 ; Lloyd Ale., 1,. 111.33 V, ,1, • r passed 11,3-1(33(411 0131 ions pea) pees - d man of Marion , deafly beloved wile '1'110 memhers 1,1' Eastern ;star Bentley 65 SE PR --!:',1 11 -V,'" 'L. 'l 11t(1 and finally goVII their lives cession of 11(361 Wawa.II0s11, She was No, 458 Belo/lee 11 1111 1-1)1 '1110)l)' L )1. batie S, uonfslipherC fp.nevit ,neeeorry.hR,.(t•tt:(.1 litli;..., i:• ,-,01..... ev, 14,11 b1,,,,, 10 , I., I,. NI ,, ,, , ' 3'"'11/ true in Christ's time. The penple fail - the second daugh 1 er of °Upturn t arid 13, A. 11!o.459 Blyth, miller 1110 lead. Yi.ces. During the serviees 'Airs. ;rtes. Allan Seal le, S'mil 1 AIII ''I;1 •:' '''''' ed to umbel -stand Him, and along the Mrs. Sollt11, of ((reY Tow:114‘113. and 01..,thio of -A,tii,g D' G• j\l' 8116' H. a 0, vut • the beautiful solo. ' c- at teodatiee 17 Th - .• e. ,-r• weatv way, Christ and Ilia ini,sion to being most genial in disposition, en- deaeeci herself to all who made her acquaintance. Besides her sorrnwing husband, she is survived by a son, Ivan and an infant smi born the day of her death ; 3.1390 COM" 1)1'0010.'8 and four sisters : Hugh Smith, of Moles - wen th ; Charles, of East WaNV/1110/411 ; d J mes at 110(3(0 ; Mrs. NV, Love, went to Walton, 011 Monday night of last, 'week, and hist ituted L. T. 13. A. there, rimier the name and tounitor of Vletnritt No, 479, The new W. Al, for Walton Lnelge is Bre. R. \V, Hoy. After 1 he degree work, the 'Walton Lodge treated the visitors to a 1(381)3 111(1011, and a sneial time wets enjoyed by all. On Thursday of last week, an inter- esting meeting was held in the United Ohnrch, for the purpose of organizing 13 hlissinn Band among the ynting people nf the nongregation, Airs• W. H. Willis, of Wi turban:. We; present, representing the Women's Alissionary Society of the Nesbytery, and Dude charge of the meeting. The meetings will 11P 11Phl the 01-81 Toesday of every menth. The following camels ws... elected : Superintendent, Mrs. (Rev ) D. at. (4nesl. ; Pres., Dorothy Fran)4- lin ; 001'. Seety., 0nri8 Gill ; PIP0/10., 13111.11e110 ItOW11111(1 ; Organist, Muriel Michel ; Ass') , Velma Ha mitten. to Pace." Mrs. Ru2scli, whose mael- ; •,;1 0,1; .‘„;;;;, ,„ w en name was Mary Ann Currie, was 31,; 11 nwn wsre 010. a born in Goderieh Township in 1 8 It. Afe„„,„.e; /1',„,, 1."w, u1111)'( 9!,''- d and ('(‚('1'! 0"(l Him, In 3 865 she was married to the late Alem,k, me,.. 1 1111" 1 "Id that "Hod who James who pre-dece ised h• -r , , , 1 Y- , otoma ended t he light 0 sh 1, e out of Wi tun an a , Melville Taylor, 0( 2111331 Wawanosh ,• Mrs, Cardiff, of Grey ; Margaret and rilatiorie, at Mane. Mrs. Wighttnan was horn in Grey Twp., and watt 111 her 20th year. She was a tnember of Westfield United Church, The fun- eral took place Saturday afternoon, from her late residence, 6th Conces- ion of East Wawanosh, Interment was made in Belgrave cemetery. Rev, W. R. Alp, minister of West- field United Church, eenducted the services. 1,31ta.0-Z1maNN.- A (Inlet wedding took place 011 Monday, May 30111, at; 1,80 p. en., at the home of t,he bride's mother, at ,427 Wellington street, Preston, when Miss Margaret Hen- rietta, only daughter of Mrs. Cather- ine Ziencann and the late Henry Zia. mann, of PI esten, beltame the bride of John Melbourne Bray, of Grey, onn of William BrAy and 1(30 1(1110 Mrs, Bray, of Ethel. The ceremony was formed by Rev. James Maninekie, pastor of the lneal Baptist Church, The ceremony was performed in the living -room, which was tastefully dem malted with fie 07P1T, 11111110. lilacs and ferns, (131111103( 0. (shaming haeltgreund for the wedding emmle, who steed beneath an men deeorated in pink with white bells. The bride was charmingin a whits georgeti e gown 'with shirring said finished in white rosebuds, and she ;tarried a briquet of pink carnations. She w a given in marriage by her uncle, 13, W. '7.deman, of Preston, and Mrs. John linth. of \S11311111331 011 street, j%1 ((.13(01 Mendes- enlin's wedding 1)3(111). 13111+13'1,118 0331`. tenony t:Ire wedding brOttkrASI. WAS Mrs. Wardlaw and IVIrs. George Kreuter attended the District meet- ing in Brussels last Wednesday and report a good time. The last meeting of the Women's 00 yrear e'rOItMeIitratser, rk,, 11' . Institute was held in the Institute Jano and Lydia Cu'rrri'e:, Hrol.me.e. sviiqllsuel, delii gyhte.eful b.i' r'",t... h 1 ,d -a.•y ,:p a1 •ttr.y . .own S.1au,..r• - . "st•',1'hpe"a1 P m Ce. ;l1tto1'lhi.a,11(1.4in k : II li/WI iigt/1a igts e , 1. 1 /11 1 atw hi1t1hPsr1oIusn rooms, with a largcrowd present. and Mrs. Thos, Ellott, Gravelaburg, day afternoon. .bFather is eve; all 1' (2) The face As it WAS the last 'eeting of the Sasktwo brothesWilliamof Rev3A.Fergusonpastor Wn• „f 1,Th(1)13(3 ((11131111(3(51 f„).13, the the read very fine Goder)ch, and Aruthur, of Clinton. throp Duff -31 Church, 15113(1-111031, and 'ideal world ofw1113.11 cce dream. 'We Bethel suffered a slight stroke 11130111 thepast 31111011(4)1 metticoy ; infour yearago.A. few year1(1 1' onaN1"edmkneshat11 hi11P11illVC1 heattsto they moved to Morris (Own -hip WMthe light of the :mtledge of he where she has residedfor the t• - gleey of Ged throughthe face of :PS" flly-ive years. They wee among WAL. !us Christ ". 'the Bible131a enllectinn the early settlers, ('03)111(9111IIIto A 1)1)01111 ' Jm, liell”),1.1 h , , big sopol.of.:ft,rtr.t131.11,11;8::ter„1lte 1obil: covered farm, which, by hard work, 1,01,1 Itve,, .,, o. ,, ll vtIli .o,,,, he r"fii" i'o1'u,1,1 lai 1110330 wol- 0 they cleared and made into a core- Ieed1,1- linle .•• • io„,IiHit,131::,,:,1F10v111,it(fjes fortable home. In religion she was f"o, I. 3 II.,ve,,.,,,31,,iaits is the n)nt wonderful. In reading A valued member of the Methodist MissJan1•11.1 Ito •• . T,„,i- '""”:'N'w.1:s100nt:v0hsve1.118e Church and later of the Untedw•1;1 113 IirfniPt or t:7eld of GodIt 10 Church. While able, •110 was con- knot lie, .ma si• ,.. • ::slo f....1esits C1nist.Ifwe slant in attendance, and a willing L. 11 1I.131111111111111_A 1,„%,;, ; 11111 VY - the Bi1110 the fitep of Jou, and untiring worker for lin' Lord. liMe Leder 331:)" 1. .;1, . Wewill 1)1(41(3 a13111P1' things into She was of quiet, riqiring dispoitiny 0V,/itieM1-..' .0 k, eine. 3, 1”ie elalittltsilit: il. lireAll 33)11(1(3. 113011, but always thou,211 fil of oth- hers fe'n 13111 1, 43,1;o''".' 1 ",'ll u""ute'"(v300110+13intiPfnee 13115. The deceased is survived hy instituted the lodge it,: ,„ef Chi 1,1, (1) The (tufhling of the right children WmJof Calgarkta 1)1)(NC !' 11 Fathers heartThe 13(31 bas been Dr, Alfred, of Hugoton, KansasDaI.,‘ 0. 11. W. it,.• -. lo ., , h10013 1)13010 of the MyPteryt eveal- vid, of Younestown, Alta.; Thos. H., -!')63 qa-,,,I,,al 111, o . ,' 'i'l he 81). (11) The humn ideal, We see or Chicago; :Perry, of Hanna. Alm, kio en IVieeo 0 130131'. No 47”. I"'4410 fce, the set face, the sytns and Oran. at home; also two :laugh- 1' 1 'liliwi 0,-''" 1 1302 13 3 11'''''''e• fsIoe faee, the sea:red fro anda Ainnie, at home; Mrs. Robert Mie Vera MGardiner entcrtain- '1. smf nguisThe ViSi011 Of Jes- Calgaryand an adopted daucd a (11111111,1im of her girl 111100(10 11 rist illustrates tinee geat 1ildrod PaSsnoreS10 is lMrFMeKerchorand hegrad1e1 1,1 03 (1The light he know 1 ; . 1 131 4(31 11 0111 MrsWilliam Hackelli he natural eport of the business of last year. .1.to 1: 11t1 . The electionof officers for the 00I310 ing year then took place. Mrs. Wardlaw, the past president for two years wished to discontinue as presi- dent so Mrs. B. F. Parr WaS elected, Saturday and is unable to attend Ins duties. Fred Savage, of Sea forth, occupied the pulpit far Mr. Fergu- son on Sunday. George and Mrs. MeSilliddeo Huw.. dt th new home on the 7th eon - 'cession of McKillop last week. Mr. 1,011 Mrs. I1ICSPi131it1011 1111Ve Vittiitlea in the vicinity of Winthrop far. quite a nmnber of years and will be groat - missed. We wish them years of 'success on their new farm. Their son, William, is remaining on the, old homestead. John Johnston 1)89 931131 his farm in the village to his brother-in-law, Col- in Fingland, who took posses eon the first of June. Air. and Mra, Johns-. ton intend taking:a holida5: and are going to take a trip to Wes vim Can - We are sorry to have Mr, and Mrs. Johnston go from our midst. and were as follows: Gates Aiar, family; Pillow, neighbor:4; Sprays from United Church, Belgravo; Mr. and Mrs. Pollard and family and Miss Marion Stirling; Boques from • • J 1 Mrs with Mrs, James Bremner and Agnes Mrs. Cochrane aFT first and second vice- Anderson, jos. and Mrs. Clegg. The president; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. George pallbearers were John MeArler, jas. Erauter; Directors, Mrs. Wm. Brent.- Clark, Albert Carter, John Clegg, ner, Mrs, John Wilson, Mrs, Prank- las. Anderson and Wm. Armstrong. lin, Miss McLennan; DistoOl.' DIVIC- Friends from a distance were Thos.. ter, Miss McLennan; Auditors, Mrs. H. and Mrs. 'Russell, Chicago; Roy Mrs. Robt. Bremner and Agates Passmore, Detroit; JAS. :HUI Marion Cochrane; Organist, Mrs, 10 ianklin; Stirling, Mrs, Sam 'Emerson, Peter Asst., Miss Agnes Cochrane. Little end Mrs. McDoigall, of 00111 r!oh ' " • W -- C servend in the dining -roma. Lai or, Miss Margaint Row an an 1 , . 'V1)' W111. . , the happy temple left by .11)11101' fee 11, eel/tea little Miss Doreen Hollenbeele m• Currie, Clinton; Ogle and Mrs. honeymoon (('111 to Toronto, Niagara with a China porridge set and bib Russell and Clifford, and Mr:. nab - Palls and other points. On their en- for winning the contest for the past orison, of Kincardine; Walt.a. and turn, iktl'. and Mrs. Bray will make year, The losing sidn in nharge of M. ltaake,"of Kinlough, and Mrs. their borne mi illA greetn's farm, on tifrs, James Bremner, treated the Needham and Ogle Needham. of Pin- . i f 1 ton the 161 Con., t ey Township. ladies to a very generous hell Mg o the present, through ennemensness 3. 1,11 he future, t hrough hope, (8) The fees nf (hl 1333. 1111 1(3)1113(1 ; light to the 1113(338041 wend In which we are all going. W3, ;mount be satisfied with 11111131)4 temporal, so we reach oil 1 10 1 11 111134 apt1.11 11.1,, 317 ('"1(10(1 111 I be ,.f 110 0111141. The face of 0)31-11131. tin' redistm, and only that farm can ining neftee and satisfaction 511 due keeled lands and lives, "Shewv us thy face, 0 Chi it; loving 1,50(1,, ('3133.'' Miss Kate Amen Neer at lwatilmo eni Med "How Imyel, at 33 illy Divolliugg," which was 1.11 pally apopeim — - .A.rrnour Dundas has returned hoine after spending a wnalt in De - trait visiting lum husband who ia e.orking in that place,.