The Brussels Post, 1927-5-25, Page 8WEDNESDAY, MAY 25th, 19.17,
1 The.
Writing Pads
A 35c Pad Kid Finish Paper
and a 15c pkge. Envelopes
to match
511c worth of
good Paper and En- •-2.
velopes for . •
Can be exterminated by
using Carbon Bisulphide
1 Ib. tins 60c
A mixture already prepar-
ed for spraying fruit trees,
current bushes, &c.
1 lb. pkgs. 45c
Chamois and
For Cleaning and
Polishing the Car.
New supplies of these just
received and the values are
especially good.
Your \\'inter Clothing, Furs,
Sze., from moths when put-
ting neem away by using
Red Cedar Flakes
25e pkge
And this week there is being
given free with each pur.
chase - a Kennedy 'doth
Storage Bag.
DESTROYER 500 bats.
All Outdoors Invites
Kodaks $5.(.0 alp
Brownies' 2.25 up
Stock up here with Kodak
Film and return it to us for
Quality Finishing.
F. R.
17 Sic, -
BruSSOISUnita' Church
REV. A. W. BARKER. a. O.
Sunday, May 29th
11 a.m.—Pub1ie
Subject :
"The Faee of Jesus Christ"
3 p.m. --Sunday School ani Bible
7 p.m.—Public Worship.
Theme "Tile Gibralter of the
Moral Seas."
Tuesday—Y, P. S.
Wednesday—Prayer Service
June 5th—Conferenee Sunday
ance of all Spring outer Garments,
Coats, Suits, Wraps, ete., Thurs-
day to Saturday, May 26th to
25th. Lost $10.00 to $20.00 on
your purchases these three clays.
King Bros., Wingham.
wishing to put in flax, apply to
J. Meadows, Brussels, 49 -
TO RENT. -65 Acres of Pasture
land, W'2 Lot 12, Con. 7, Grey.
Apply to Alex. Nichol, Phone 46-
18. 49-tf
LOOK! — Ladies, If You Want a
good coat or suit at a low price,
come to aur tore Thursday, Fri-
day or Saturday. We are clearing
all our stylish new coats ar,l :lits
at sacrificial prices, King Faros.,
Druggist and Stationer S. C. White Leghorn Chicks; hatch
Juno nth, 12c each, Phone 254.
Milton Rands. 49-
Es-c04-4.4•01.4sessa 41.4•04-01.414-0.144g104.6-4,104.4.
Local ws Items
Had a Holiday. Shipping Out Chickens.
The rural trail carriers hada heli- A car load of cold storage, chick -
day on the 24th. ens is i ;n;; shipped to -day by R.
Coal Unloaded.
Wilton & Gillespie had a cmple Foot Ball. U_;n_
of cars of coal unloaded 1 tst trek The first league match 1
for next Winter's burning. 1:.1d hero next Tu_sd.ty •evon,.1„
w'- : n Winthrop play, here.
Will Receive.
Mrs. (Res,) A. W. Durkee will re-
ceive for the first time since her
May 20, from 3 to 11 o'clock, at the
United Church Parsonage, Bruss'JJs.
Deanery Meeting.
The Semi -Annual Deanery will be
held in St. John's Church, ora J'uae
15th. The special speaker for the
day will be Archdeacon Fothl,r n -
ham, of Brantford.
Huron Plowmen Will Hold Picnic.
The Huron Plowmen will hold a
monster picnic in James Arms-ron 's
grove, b, side the Maitland River,
about 3 miles west of Brussels, 5th
line of Morris, on Thusday,\\ Junee Keep dateopen.
for further notice next week.
Attended Executive Meeting.
A meeting of the Executive ve cf the
Huron County Social Sour•.., Coun-
cil was' hehi in the Community Ball,
Goderich, on Wednesday, Moy 18th,
Officers were present frorl Wing -
ham, Clinton, Brussels, Kippen, God-
ericln ]lith and Exeter. Mrs. A.
McGuire was the representative from
Will 'Dispose of Western Stocl:.
Frank Stretton, Jeweler, left on
Wednesday morning for the West to
take charge of a large Bankruptcy
Jewelry. Business. W. L \ltcnu'ar.
Tie, of Saskatoon, Managing Bisector
of Rctatic•, Trust
Co, was given
Power of Attorney and state th ap-
pointment. Mr, Stretton will return
shortly when the stock has been dis-
A Record.
James Swan, of Brumfield, has a
record that probably few can sur-
pass. He has been 40 years a trav-
eler on the road and never lost a
day's pay through illness. Mr. Swan
has represented th, firm of C,onid
Shapley and Muir, of Bran`f 7�1 Hills
30 years as agent for
gasoline engines, pumps, etc. He re
tired last November from active bus-
iness, but says the jot is still open
for him, Mr. Swan paid Brus sels
many a visit in the past 40 years,
Foot Ball Sohedule,
Issuing Liquor Permits.
A. C. Baeker has bo n appointed
ksuer of permits fur this virility by
the I.9luor Control hoard. Up to
the present the rush has nut been
Auto Recovered.
An auto owned by W. A, Crich, of
Seaforth, and stain from the paint
I •hap of Norman Nichols, was found •
0r i0. in Petroil The speed- 1
lotic,cr showed the car had been
driven 2,000 anile• A window was
broken and a cushion lost. A Nosh
gar was piclogl up at Petrol'a whole •
-the thief, di_ealdod Mr, CricI's cat.
An interesting Booklet.
"Sixty- Yoars of Canadian Progress
—1867-1027" is the title ,f a 170
. page booklet issued by the Dominion '
Clovenunent to celebrate the 1\ia-
mond Jubilee Confederation of Can-
ada. The book contains a w-ealth of
information on Canada and its his- 1
tory for the past sixty years. 1t is
profusely illustrated. The price of
n `s in no
F to I r
nth k
o eats
ten u
sense a standard to- Judge 11 by.
A Successful Bee.
On Thursday last a very utterer fur
"bee" was held at St. John'; Church
1 to level up the South side of the
church ground,. Those who brought
teams wore IIarvey McCu cheon, Will
McCuteh' on, I.on Armstrong, Chas,
W entn•u1, Robertrlt Smith,
;reek Smith
Harvey 11ryan Clifford AI_'nek Car
Jncklit, Tont Ellis, Jon smith, Sam.
Ovington; the others who helped with
the shoveling and levelling 'wore Jim
Thune, sero. Davis. Dave Snaith, Gar-
vin Smith, George Manning, Richard
Stevens, Nathan Chapman, Dave
Walker, 'Tont Clarke, Herb Flawkins,
i.. A. Gannmage and other.=.
"While London Sleeps."
Rin -'fin -Tin, famous canine screen
star, has enacted death ,struggles
' with many creatures, from men to
- crocodiles, but never before has he
fought a more thrilling dramatic
fight than in ht.:: latest Warmer Taos.
production, "While London Sleeps,"
•t picture written itten and directed by
Walter Moasco, with Helene Coe-
teila and Wolter Merrill in the feat -
tared human roles, Panty, alter an
enmity lasting throughout he story,
pits his ninety pound • of flashing
energy ag.tnst the hundred and
eighty pomuls of George Kot,ori cos,
the, world's light -heavyweight wrest-
ling champion, who portrays a fer-
ocious apeman. The do r: fighting
to save his beloved mrd r'.rs; the;
"monk" is fighting for her posses-
' :-ion, while .he, weak with horror,
9 hold: the evenly matched struggle
' which will decide her fat', The
gripping climax is but errs of the
nomy thrills in this melodrama of
romance and. adventan•o ]atter In the
sinister shadows of the Limehouse
district of London. --At the:, Cannel
Theatre this Friday and Saturday
May 31---Monkton at P.istowet
May 31—Winthrop at Brussels
June 3—Brussels at Monkton
June 3—Listowel at Milburn
Janne 7—Prussc+ls at Listowel
June 7—Kinhul•n at Winthrop
June 10---Monkton at Einburn
June 10 ---Winthrop at Listowel
Juno i4---Monkton at Brus-els
June 17—Listowel at Monkton
June 17—Brussels at; Winthrop
June 21 --Winthrop at bfonkton
Juno 21---Einburn at Brussels
June 24•—Moncton at Winthrop
June 24•-•-Einburn at T '.dtowel
June 27 ---Listowel at Winthrop
,lune 2R--13russeis at 'tinhorn
July 1; Listowel at Brussels
July 5--•IKinhurn at Monkton
PAIR of Sand Kid Gloves Lost in
Brussels last Wednesday night.
Finder please leave at Th., Fust.
OUR POLICY of Carrying Over No
garments to another season means
a pig sa'y'ing on every coot or Sault
in the store. Come Thursday to
Saturday and share in these big
price reductions. Onc-quart,•r,
one-third to one-half off. i'.ing
Eros., W'inham.
Order Your Flowers and Tomato,
Cabbage, and Caudow•er plants now
from Chas. Pope, Brussels,
Quantity of good Dry Summer wood
for sale. Dan. McKinnon.
-Le-tf Phone 23-16.
FOR SALE—Feed Grain Oats and
Barley mixed; also a quantity of
C. J. 13. KearneyPasses
Timothy- Hay. Apply to M.
Duncanson, Walton, R. I2. 2 Lot
12, Con. 17, Grey; Seaforth Phone
15-248. 48-3.
CATTLE WANTED by Month for
111•,.. Whitiitdd, John Street, is hav-
i ' her house re hiu led.
River is Up Again.
utviucr to the continued reins the
rit,ry is high atrliu and the v'at,'1' is
1,111:111V ower the dawn in good style,
Nicety". Here To -day.
1 It,• 1:x.•' u: two of tho East Huron
\\a1111.. 11'd Ill:tit 11 0' nt t 111 here
te•,Ir; to arrange for the .annual
me 4n_':.
A Fine Comedy. -
their Oro 'joint apse 1'W:e
"Th, h SnobNorm i Shrove -1.
Conrad Nagel appiar "11
S, x. ' whhtt ro:u to dheo
Cvomi 11. •;ctrl' 0+x1 'Cu..,I t 1,111
Wednesday. Tlhis play i, tr
opposite of "'i'ito Snob, 1,,thy et
fast-moving, hilarious comedy, adapt.
tat front the Broadway stage success
of the same name. -
Falls Into Grate Fire.
Last Thursday afternoon after-
noon, after being busy among the
'!ewers, etc., and in the gnrrle.n, Jas.
Fox, feeling chilly, •started a grate
fire, and shortly afterwards took a
dizzy spell and fell into the fire.
When Mrs. Fox discovered him he
was badly burned about the hips and
head. Mrs. Fox had her herds bad-
ly burned in rescuing her husband.
Mr. Fox rested well last night but it
will take some time to fully recover
from the burns and shock.
Among the Prize Winners.
The many friends of Mrs. J. H.
White will be glad to learn of her
good fortune in achieving a high
standing among the prize winners of
the recent Macloanagram contest as
conducted -by Maclean's Magazine.
Mrs. White has received a cheque
from the magazine for a substantial
amount, and congratulations are in
order on her success in this unique
series of contests, of which Mael_an's
Magazine announce a new ono In
each issue.
Minor Locals.
Next Wednesday is the first of
The 24th passed off quietly in
1 tow
Can.rloads of beer, it has been
f brought out at the customs probe,
metamorphosed into carloads of nlilk
at the border. We heard of a bottle
of whisky once that turned into u.
1 violent headache.
This i, the period when the back-
ground of Confederation is coning
to the front.
One circumstance with regard to
tttc approaching warm weather hi
that the then will have something
tboy can leave off.
The ,Tune weddings are being an-
We've had plenty of wet weather
this month.
Brussels will give a royal welcome
to all the old boys and girls on July
2.1, 213 and 26.
Old rule for judging mushrooms
seems to still prevail: "If they don't
kill you, they're all right."
It really seems as if this part of
the world is the only ono immune
to Hoods Like those in the Mississippi
Valley, the storms of Florida and the
earthquakes of California. Why
leave home even for a week's
Suddenly Away.
Brussels citizens were indeed
shocked to learn of the sudden death
of J. B. Kerney while en route to
San Diego, Calif. Death took place
palsture. J. A. Nesters at Needles, Cilia. on Friday nigh". or
Phone •12=23. 4S early Saturday morning anal the
FOR SALE—Little Pigs, seven weeks body was forwarded to San Diego,
old, ready to wean. Robert S. Scott where burial took place on :Monday.
48-1 Lot 18, Con. 9, Grey. P 2415 Only last week The Post referred to
EARN $25 weekly up at home clipp- Mr. and Mrs. Kerney, accompanied
Ing newspapers and addressing en- by 1Ir. and Mrs. McCutcheon, ienv-
yelepes. No canvassing. Every- ing for California to visit with the
thing furnished. Spare or full former's other daughter, Mrs. Doug -
time. Particulars for stamp. Gu- hefty. Deceased was born in Morris
lies Mailing Service, Box 3, Sydney Township and got his schooling al: S.
N. S. 48.2.
FOR SALE—A large range in good
condition, Splendid baker. Burns
coal or wood, Good for farm o1•
large family, Apply to jams
Armstrong, Flora Street, Brussels.
Phone .12 X -f8 ,.f.
FOR SALE. -2 York Sows, due to
farrow in June. Baxter -Steven•
n •1222..0.
son, R. •+ P.. �, Grey, Phone
FOR SALE or RENT.—Summer Cot-
tage, furnished, at Clark's Point,
near Amborley. Nice location.
For itarticulars apply to Dr. Par-
ker, Wingham, Ont. 47--8
LEAVE Your Orders For Flowers
and hanging baskets at Mrs. Bal-
lantyne's grocery store where they
willhave prompt
attention by
Chats. 1'. Cooke, Clinton. 40-2
FOR SALE. -1 -Ton Ford Trucg, in
first class condition; 1 Ford Coupe,
looks 1111 new and in good condi-
tion; 1 touring McLauchlin car,
also in first class condition. Philip
Anent, Brussels. 47-3
Comfortable frame house in good
repair, good cellar, hard and soft
water. For further particulars ap-
ply to George McMillan, Brussels.
SAFETY Razor Blades Sharpened.
Salisfaca'on guaranteed or money
refunded, Single edge 3c; double
edge 4c, at Fax's Drug store.
GOVERNMENT Tested White Bios-
som Sweet Clover; clarified and
free from all Primary noxious
weed seeds. Phone 4214. John
II, Stevenson, Lot 12, Con. 14,
15 HEAD of Cattle Wanted For
pasture. Earl Matthers, Lots 58-
59, Con. 1; Morris, Phone 4415,
THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock and
Single Comb White Leghorn baby
shirks, June 21st, 12 els, each, Al -
.en Thoroughbred Barred Rock
hatching eggs from Schwogler's
best layers. Wm. McNair, Ilrus-
sel.s, Pltone 24-10. . 4.4-11
LIMITEDQuantity of Century Seed
oats for sale, Earl Bentley, N'J4
Lot 21, Con. 8, Morris, Phone
454, 40-tf
S. No. 3, under Malcolm 'sleek's in-
struction. He later attended Busi-
ness College at Chatham and enter-
ed a grocery store there. He after-
wards moved to Brussels, conducting
a restaurant and later the express
business. In 1900 he married his
now bereft partner, Miss Saitilt Mc-
Crae, and two daughters weire born,
both of whom are now married, Airs.
I. Dougherty, San Diego, Cal.,and
Mrs. McCutcheon, of Toronto. In
1911 they moved to Guelph where
Mr, Kerney was agent for the Lon-
don Life, and had a large business.
Resides his wife and daughters, the
Tote Mr. Kerney is also survived by
his aged mother, Mrs. James Verney,
of Morris Township, and three bro.
there, William, James and Francis,
all of Morris Township; and two sis-
ters, Mrs. Robt, Forbes, of Morris,
and Mrs. Jewell, of Cleveland, Ohio.
To the bereaved old friends in Brut-
sees extend sympathy in their sudden
Personal Paragraphs
Alex. and Mas. Fox, of Toronto,
aro t'i.sliillg 111 tuwil,
1Iis.•: Mao Skelton of Wiart:nl, wt,s
home for the holiday.
'i 'i •
11. Havens, of Orangeville, spent
th,;r week end in town.
4. '
1Irs. McDermott andMae, of Nor-
wood, tire visiting here.
Theipt't Burges, of Totrtlto,
w;,• hunt, l o' tho holiday.
1Ii l..a Burgess, of Torun; is
\ isitin at -the parental home.110113' anti lei's Fax, of Windsor,
aro visiting at the parental horns.
R. D. Cameron, of Liu'kn tw, emcee
n business trip to 11rus>els 1:181 Iri-
• ....
Miss Martha Reed, of Seaforth,
was a visitor in town last W idncsday
Mrs. Dirties of Toronto is t•ii$t
ing at the home of her father, S.
Miss Hattie Downing, Tse mt.),
as a week end visitor et her home
Mrs. J. J. Mitchell, of Exeter,
visited last week with Mrs. John
Miss Carrie M• cCracken, of Toron-
to School Staff, was home for the
week end.
s• a •
John Cunningham took' a weak
spell last week, but is improving we
are glad to say.
Miss Hutchinson of Toronto, spent
the week end with her sister, Mrs.
Earl Cunningham.
0. II. and Mrs. Sproul, of Rogers-
ville, were week end visitors with
Jas. and Mrs. Burges:
1Irs Leavens, of Toronto wa • to
week end visitor with her sister, Mrs.
Hingston, Jahn Street,
Frank Cudnmre, of Seaforth, was
renewing old acquaintances 1l' town
last Wednesday:. evening.
Russel and 1Trs. Zimmer and child-
ren, of Toronto, .,pent the w'e,at end
with A. C. and Mrs Dames
Mr. Sinclair, of Toronto, was a
visitor over the week end at the
hone of Jas. and Mrs. Burgess.
STiss Jessie Cunningham, of Tol'-
onto, bus been visiting with 9•r par-
ents,. John and 1Irs. Cunningham.
Mrs. Hunter, esof Toronto, (nee
3Ilse Nellie Intim) was a week end
visitor with the. Misses McCracken.
H. 11, and Mrs MeArt'r, James
Doris and Donald, of P,urford, spent
the week end with relatives is town.
Wingham Clinton
Listowel St. Marys
Gode'ich Hanover
Blyth Seaforth
Brussels Lucknow
Ripley Walkerton
When W. M. Sinclair was the pro-
prietor of the Electric Light Plant?
• When J, Mellain had is sign;
We gave, our Customs fits"?
Harold and 3Ins. Kerney and Mas-
ter Ross, of Holliston, spent the holi-
day in Brussels with Mss, L. L Lld•
Mrs Edward Rryans wag expected
'lame hast week, but took a sick spell
which will necessitate a longer stay
in Toronto. -
rrvti9 ti+
Mrs. (Dr.) Scott and baby, of
Robcaygeon, are visiting with the
formers parents, Jas. and Mrs. Bow-
. .
Geo. and ;Vers. Roberton and Miss
Helen Roberton, of Clinton, Spent
part of Friday with Mrs, James Ilal-
1It's. Robt. Work and Master Eric
and Miss Jean, of Toronto, were
visitors with the former's sisters dur-
ing the past week.
Cha;. and Mrs. Hingston and two
daughters, of Toronto, spent the
week end in town visiting relatives
and old friends.
;• •i + •;
J. Ti. C. Woodward, W. H. Irwin,
of Loudon, and A. J. Roberts, of
Stratford, Income Officers, were in
Brussels last week on business,
Mrs. Howard Wyckors and slaugh-
ter, Josephine, returned so their
home at New Carlyle, Indiana, after
tt. pleasant visit with the furnter s
sister, Mrs, (Rev.) Fowler.
Jacic Vincent and wife, of Both-
well, accompanied by their dtughter
and her husband, were calling on oid
friends in town on the 24th. It is a
good many years ago since Mr, Vin-
cent first started to clerk wit]1 A, R.
The ladies from Melville Church
W. M. S. who attended the Presby-
terial, meeting at Kincardine last
Tuesday were:—Mrs. Clouse, Mrs,
Ilobt. Oliver, Mrs. A, Smith, Mita.
Fowler, Mrs. Strachan, Mrs. Thom-
son, Mrs. Davis, Mrs, Birt, Mrs. Wil-
mot, Mrs, A. Lamont, Mrs. A. H.
Maximum Security
at Minimum Cost
SAFE 1;,Y Deposit Box in the
nearest branch of the Stand-
ard Bank will relieve any anxiety
regarding the \vhereahouts of your
valuables, while permitting free ac-
cess to them by you or a duly auth-
orized person at any time during
banking hours. The cost is Tess
than one cent per day ; the value
received is an inestimable .sense of
BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Samir, Manager
ll an and received their early education
r/ Z in public schools in that township.
1. M. and Mrs Claflin of Washing-
ton, D.C., are visiting at the ]tome of
Mrs. Ilingston, John Street, Mrs.
Claflin was formerly Miss Lavinia
Ilingston, and as sister of the late R.
G. Hingston. Mr. Claliin hat only
recently retired from the U. S. Gov-
ernment Printing plant after 27
years at. Washington, and they aro
taking a year's holiday trip to visit
Old scenes, The visitors wore here
some three and a half years ago.
General Motors Have announced a
new half million dollar addition to
When Rev, David Millar was min-: their factories at Oshawa,
inter of Knox Church? ' Burhand will also bu tang roomy.
bored because of his failing to pro
When the weigh scales was leased
by tender$ duce a .squirtless' grape fru";.
Expert Service
We will give you expert service 1
on all kinds of General Black-
smithing, Buggy and Wagon
repairs; and IIorseshoeing.
Patronize the Man that gave
you the old. 25c Shoe rate again
The Ewen Block
J. 0. Moore, barrister, of Wiarton,
has been appointed Judge of the
County Court of Dulieriu County, to
succeed the late Judge Smile'''. Be'
is a graduate of Toronto University
and Osgonde Hall, and has had twen•
ty years' practice, the last twelve be-
ing in Whitton.
1•L. 31. Holman, who, for nineteen
years, has:been agent of the Canadian
Pacific. Railway, at Teeswater, has
been appointed agent at Calming, to
succeed Ed. \Vorth, who has been
trnnsfert ed to the Chatham office.
lir, Holman, has arrived there to take
up his new duties,
At Lite horning service, nn Sunday,
of last week, Rev. Father Maloney,
I pastor of Sacred HIeat't Church, Walk-
_- erten, announced an extensive irn-
PERTH COUNTY I pt'ovenlelrt program to the panisll
Jas, Waugh, of Logan, has been
awarded cu.tndt' of his 1gree children,
who have been staying in Toronto.
91t'. \Vttugh was in Toni' to, recently,
and brought two of the children home
with hits. They are now rename -
ably settled atthe home of the form-
er's farther, Thos. \Vaugll.
Mise Sarah Dunbar, daughter of
John and Mrs. Dunbar, Downie Twp.,
is renneted rrenveting nice-
ly from shock and 141jt11.105 sustained
in a fatal car accident et the earner
of Waterton street, London. Miss
Dunbar was badly shaken up and her
head badly bruised, when the fatal
er ash til 111 e, She luno able, later, to
se' ern to her home, near St. Marys,
where she is resting nicely. Two
hi °there, George and Keith Buckle,
mel ElPal 11 i11 Ilse accident.
1h'. Schneider, who was formerly
head of the firm of the Collett Jt
Srbneider Co., dry goods merchants,
Mitchell, is going into partnership
with Harry Stephan, dry goods nler-
chant, Walkerton, and formerly a
clerk in the T. S, Ford & Co, store at
Mitchell. 1Tr, Sehneidef and Mr.
Stephan are both gond business men
and they have known earth other nll
limit. lives, They are natives of Log -
property that the trustees had decid-
ed on, and which will entail an ex -
1 penditure of $40,000. This sem, with
i 3 per rent interest, is to be provided
far by the issue or debentures spread
over a period of 17 years, and which
will necessitate the raising of $3,541
annually, by the (mow egatinn, during
that period to meet nue new levy.
JAesSPN--711 Aljntn Towmhip, near Hari
riston, on May 21st, 1927. to Mr nail Mrs.
Albert Jackson, n dnunhter (Grace Al-
berta )
IIENNISDY.—In Mount nrydges, on I('rldny,
May 201h, 1927, to Rev. T. R. nod Mre.
'Kennedy. a 14111.
SP1itIRAN.—H, Grey Twp , on AloeOny, ttlav
2Srd, 1927, t0 Strnaley tine Mrs, Spelrsn, a
W01EI(1,RR —Tn Morris Township, on Thurs.
tiny. Mao 19th, 1027, to Mr. and hire, Cecil
Wheeler, a daughter (Mary Eliza.)
RA&ET.—In Victoria, 13, C., on May ttlh,
1027, (Merles Saket, formerly of Jnmete
town, aged 053'1nre.
ICERNEY.—At Needles, Cal., on lrrtdny, May
Malt, 1027, John w. Kerney, of (fuelplt,
and a former resident of Brussels, in lila
55th year.
MILLER,—In Setferth, on Tio, day, May 29th.
1027, Walter griller. aged 58 yetue, 7
-months nod 8 days
A,UlRAY.—In Toronto, on May 18111, 1927,
1.111inn Stephenson, wife of William Ill or -
tiny, in her 28rd year.
Last 'rime Wednesday To.-NAgit
Friday & Saturday May 27-28
��� 1
G In i
You've been thrilled by Rin-Tin=Till in melo dramas of the
snow country ; of mountain, cattle and swamp lands.
Now for the first gime you will see him in the dark under-
world of the city and be thrilled as never before,
Tuesday & "Wed nese, ,laanel June 1st
She Chose a Career instead of a Romance
but she found that men preferred
the clinging vine.
See The
L4 A
Friday & Saturday, June 3-4
"Sally of the Sawdust"
SALLY in dream togs, Sadly in silks ;
She'li make you lough ; she'll also snake you weep,
Sawdust or mansion, poverty or wealth,
Tatters or velvets, all Inctcarne to her,
Sire's innocent, daring, care -free, cltik1.lifte,
But loyal, devoted, to that adorable rogue she calls
tt 1: