The Brussels Post, 1927-5-25, Page 4WEDNESDAY, MAY 25th, 1927.
rbe truz,vis
WEDNESDAY, MAY 25th, 1.927.
(Imcknow Se/Mittel
'If ne first yet) don't nee,/ el, try
againe' We think th, t Mc.
Spcdt)rt trt incti 'ma ittant-ilt tip
i''.•'. tJ t"l'erso-
vontince," :ono. . • it' I, i
1231 116.1111i• 'A 1.1111 in the 1 iicli lantm,
al:3-i al 3 C •et,t ts. hat that
1.i a t 4•1 ntittit
so that 1 f. aml look
at it rot, e t II"! •
Mr. Sim, tlig
rl 'le ...... nactisrl
111.1.111or of • and
cl,o0in int; • hotter
Nai Itor der, at - -not
ignemeniots':- O. • . -_ 1,, t
enrol Blacksmithing
Woodwork Repairing
wn 1171 years exporieutte we can give
you eeriee In all linos of the above
aeely allsizes of the hotter
ecede of Rubber Tires, to yonr sats
II•eratiml litwo moWerr, ettriT !Al
-teak of plow repairs, genuine parts
I,y the original makers and Cockshutt
1,,e3t,t1 1,t
\V.. ammo:hiti. your patronage./
ehethe rianierme pi -ho and vinudst
lie to 1,c, of servioe to you ;,.t any
time. •
Thos. Moore
tsue.,., toE. & S, Plum)
Cll., Chide Pt-mei:me pe.141
ent in his tedi mt 9 ele:I Lau, LW 1B
c 31, at• our am
last .t 1 tt-. .1 mm what
imang ..-t.t. to ft
par' y coo-maird.
-at 1,41.1 100,11 so
• ••
• • •-• ". -••••••:•'-..e.ieeeige•
ftPthe date of the hy-elo"ri.fin bo-
ing kept a close secret by the Cows
eminent, whieh evidently is not much
concerned with the 'fortunes of etni•
serv, candidates. Asked if he
- an, 11101011i
he wisely 0111.1 that 41.3131,1 l ort, en -
tion be held aml the 11,01.400 nt.vart
that it (invalid ite uld be in .1m
flell he will etr ,i.. himself a -s t cans
didate Tleme neve. bovever, be a
goal deal of met ning tit thin T.121
"offer." 71,•••r, Ivry he •1
of perstinece fore- at the beee .)e
le, Ile. A.:-.,:e•o-lenee, fl1.3t
Wia,:natit 31... Spettmi iloes not To.
to Fay, 111..t
journal th:tt. hts -hat is in the
e•1 will be that, In the
last Dominlorn election Mr.c.lootton
gave thr. late J. \L. king a Masovon,
anil that on a ce-ermat. -C nty
Judge :lethally ..;:tto- him the toot-:. al-
though on an anneal ,,b1;
revrsed and Mr. • I
The ciactigEtances till, Cons
servative party are a bit peouller tit
it being practically without
1,8der or rorz ,t pintlriii
condition Which does not muk,, f or
the of its ea/Mid:tee; le bys
Goderich, May 21.—At a meeting
of the Huron County Buse ball Lea-
gue Mild ln Clinton last erenituf the
schedule for the season wits drawn.
Pour teams compose the leaurtet Seas
forth, Goderich, Auburn and Exeter.
As announeed prviously. Wiligham
and 3111 ch.•11 had entered not but
fIniby withdre The sellodtlIn is
as follow:
June 1—Seaforth at Godorkh
June 3—Auburn at Exeter
Juno 7—Seaforth at Auburn
Jun 8—Goderieh et Exeter
June '0—Autuil at Goderich
June 10—Exeter at Seaforth
June 13—Goderich at Sea forth
June 15—Exeter at Auburn
June 17—Seaforth at Exeter
Junte 20—Goderich at Auburn
June 22e --Exeter at Goderich
June 24—Auburn at Seaforth
June 29—Seaforth at Goderich
July 4—Seaforth at Auburn
July 5—Goderich at Exeter
July 11—Exeter at Seaforth
July -18—Auburn at Goderet
July . 15—Seaforth at Exeter
July 18—Goderich at Seaforth
July 20—lexoter at Goderich
July 22—Auburn at Seaforth.
Jely 25—Goderich at Auburn.
July 29—Exeter at Auburn
ColleeleSs coats, re.: coats with
necklines that have narrow bands
that end here or there with a bow or
ornament are newest,
111 ,1 1 isinio 13.11
itteet it ;,( of 12, 31.10 land \V.
d •..t• 1 he Pies I,'1OI-III
111:1,11 40.11 1eI1 14 RIIOX
11. e, .day, ltlay 171 It.
dedt was in the
11 1 2IO mot
1 by XP ;1 1-, I 12181.2212 (I by
itt oi 111 10 IC (I 1,042 iuxithey,
eeeeee‘ \i, ce„ethe
, f meet o 11,1,1
hy 11e 1' ('10:47 122111,1,„
410. Del/ LI [went 14tif.-
ret • (444. P 044!•20 PIIP0121 HIV :12)
Au oiliori ;1,78 itietulnii s, 215 in '1 ...ts
et. "0;2421, 4411t.1,,i Ili, 304 .1.1d lit Liie
.lisinntitiships, IV. A A.ttifillart....,
11. (1, 1 T 1 I Mission iimids,
:111S UW1112201. and 22 1 ;mini, Menthe,.
-hill:. 112 2101)4) 1 ielted s 1.1rei 1111,10 hot
$1,I14.121, 4:4ll sti10.1.1 in. -inns fit (tied
1.01ing., 1,i. 11)01 Idin 'try See, tenor!
d141 tire 03,1 and a stippiy
mi 7114 VN: :"!f. null IVelfare Soo-
letai y visits to hurtles of so/timers
',ming 11(11 ivals dnd Inoatimis :Ind 23
elsiis Supply' See, t e-
pi.0t0 stinulles hold Itt
adit.e,s tr'nu last Seer. For school
Moues, net111)2; 110t teljtislimmt,
i1.1.11 25 uf supplies to Selkirk
Total 10211114 ..1 supplies
II1 alloestion for 1927, clothing
ei 41411181 4. mils.
1 tie 1,011011(lindesnonditlit See.
Nit .. dat r teas lead by Miss Mather.
lily, 1110 Lord luah eirowbeti thr
4111 with His georinese, Optimism
ts the dominant nide. \Ve 1120724 11Ls-
O.1111 1 hrniigh changing conditimos,
with no changing oin poem Her ex•
1310110 report (dosed mat Drowning's
oft repeated 40011144, 1.(40111 in 111s
Heaven and all's well wit 13 the
ts,ei Id." :IA 4411.401 (11 stet potent ii4,-
a20.77, WI/mations (o4' 11127 $4.512 00.
Dedieetory prayet • hared by Mis
Couse mid prayer by ittita. R. I/avid-
-0n la ought the meeting to a close,
Devotional exercises led by mem.
tau e A.shlield And Ripley Auxillitr.
r230.71011 the after noon esssion.
kindly address of nelcoine Itt howl
of members of Kit1C2Lt'Ll 11121 C11111011
'rid Anxilbu les was given by Mrs
(4,01nbe. She congratulated 1 he
40111111211 021 1 112.21 work and tot rising to
(((0 eiteasn.». St. Poll's itainonition,
"0 ,ve man at
nything tut love,"
wits quoted. Let us prove it 1137 01111
i.r,iyets end gifts to Cell. The reply
(see, given by :qrs. 3. 11'. lJa
Ails, Perrie, in her presiduntial
ks, 1 imit Lon 3, vets,' 23, :Ls the
144.2.02 i),q. ks on ',1Fliolubeat 1-
.,e5s." emelt ±L gliIIIIInt" of the ate, ,,,11
eattil s man. 1, ok at the thorough.
or's, ef His workmanship. The
44 oil is liis work. Ile 14 the master
lmilder. Primal ri is the watchword,
onward is the motto. 10 teller In
get itispii Mimi. 10 11 oreessary to have
information. If we hove knowledge,
then we are interested. IVe must
leath what our work is, 1', here our
,,,31 tr. is and what. ire are (I, ing. Wo
4171 1,211I44 11111.1cPlii h0414,144 and
kO'Oper., 11,144.1,(11v giv
(10 11 full surrender to Christ, 1t1t ern-
ity is aimed and "we plies the, way
Mts, CY. Donglos, delegate to the
13, neintibil Society Animal hold in the
H.storir 170-is1,y8l Intl Chntell, found.
111 1811. in 1.411.1.1nd an
lartrease in every line 12 4110 proeinc.
he rept 3, het it 111 onconrogi merit anti
24 1), "1)'t(0 ials, 533 Auxil-
Y. \V. At,x , 28 M. 13,, 5512
71/7 Lif, 'Members nrid
over 2031On subscriptions to Glad
logs, 1,000 Ills111lier44 111 11021alleo
the previous yea], with offeringe ex-
ceeeing $5,000 for the salne porind
Two young men were designated rot'
serVitie ill 11,0121,
1028 I1l11111;t1 meeting will be held in
The midi enee Was greatly plea -,',I 21,
have bliss 13. Ronson, of Aniklita,
s„„thp,.11 Shit in who is
on furlough, add 1 sus thorn. 'Po this
131,11 34,3.4, Rev. lir. Rtiohnitatt went
1,moty years ngo, founding his DAIL-
Rino 41.2 .1.1111011n. The Work the) e has
been i n tette e, rather ban ex bumf ye,
with far reaching resulte, The 131111s
were abm igi nal I Pities numbering
three bundled millions (a rnotp, and
lived 011 the plains of Northern India,
Thiough the enthless prosecution of
the orhHpipdtursi aw)81 inl1,4(fllfla3)$, 1(11107e
It III,'d 111,3 11)11144
made Nieves, fetind
planes of safety in the dense jungles
or Central Indio, end dense Forests i
It 3 bited by wild animal/4. For een
rules, these people have lived there.
separate in nationality and manners
and eustoms, 11023144 1,) steatege, prirn.
itive ways, The', homes are bamboo
2)1168 401)11 vital floors!. The people
are timid like animals, mid the great
rliffieulty of the missionariee lies in
the fent that these etrange people ac-
cept the estimate whirl) the Hincloo
planes on them, that they are not at
all euperior to 31)1) 411)118(418, They do
,•nt worship idols, but 04 7 are WO Hr.
ally anpneati te one and try to appease
the demons. They know greet pnv.
erty. Although the women work
very herd, they IFIve ft tneeh more
hemmed position in the borne thi n
women 111 other parts of India.
There are no child marviagen, (14)11 00(1'
sequently, there are no child Widows.
Rov. C. E. deal:ins, 14e0711i OS St.
1II:,!.(lottl, 111111 a foe:m.0
or at and (11 int on, Who
o'1 Sand:0 voIthrttte(1 2%rt 011111-
0v1.1:10;,.. of ills ortlinatioll.
They p,ssess a natural inlelligener
and etolily ereive the ti pill of 1),
tiospel. Our Chu, eh is res4100.1114.
1 nt. 1(11 nreei td.2.1.aining 21. I/02311114! ich
of lun 201031..0 alai fin y theeeted
people. Miss Iteleen 2,2211
heir iiiihners, (tin:Imps th ess
their nheeretinee id the Sabbath
121 of their 11 to 14 and wortiors
n selmed e. In, at e all native. 141211,1144
ensile 110211 iS To/Wanly 4144 121,12 the'
402 1 11. 111. 121,21 1t1el1e111-11.24 111111 nol•V118'8
/211 I -111238y. \V11011 nmeh has 11oPtl
21,00111 2111,103 in 30 seats, „I oal 1312,4121
al 10 ,peli rot 111 t 110 followi 1 (2; wen ty,
Mis. returns In this peottle
assin ed that (Ind is working. out Ilio
bi iglu sign, Mies 11111 10e,
who is in Phu/go of the Redemp-
tive 11,01(4, in Toronto, gore a, most
inspiring midi ems. The work in which
she IA pligi.,,,o;•21 in seeking nut I In. lost
and saving the How ensily 11.
thing it ind 1 The price of ignor-
ance is staTelittg ad despair. \V1
hope that a more earnest endeavor
may be inittle 1,1 gnido and 2,11.1)1 the
7(111)11 212)1(1 the pitfalls of temptation
and But, with the knowledge
that our Redeemer lives, there is a
gm hepe. (3 rem ings from the PL•PS.•
by(e) y Alla kindly words of eueorw-
ageinent. ss -ere brought by Rev, Mr.
dames. A selo, "alod 441)13! Wipe
away the rent R," WAS pIPSSittgly• rend-
ered hy 11,1iisa McKenzie. A Mission
Bond exereise bv Kinearrline 31. 13.,
,,,,,1.110 'l
1) amberts 53 mm
ebers, was giv.
thl:tiillowing the election
1 111:,,i,ittliation service anCIF
ufyee WaS C0113 1100.3 b;
welt. based 011 "Puit (t)»11”sitlige 11;011401e;
111 '1411)(1' it (anti, given by bliss Mc-
Kay. Prayer by Ales. Oliver brought
the aftei noon seseion to a More.
Resolutions submitted by Mrs,
James tvere s aiondeil by Miss blather.
The evening session WAS presided
over by Rev. Mr. bleOullought Rev,
Air. Jaintss assisting. The address of
1)10 000023141 was given by Rev. Dr,
NI °MAU va ry, :Moderator of I lie Genet.
A.ssembiy ('f the Presbyterian
Church. The address was greatly en.
hived liy a large ttiulienCe.
'1'11 o following MI -kers wry? re-plect-
ed : President, Mrs. Perrie, Wing -
11111E2 1st Vice 'Pres., Mrs. Coombe,
Iiiitettrdine 2tid Vice Pres., Mrs,
Strachan, 13 russets ; 3rd Vire Pres.,
NIrs. Atha, ProtSwater ; 4111. Vire
President Mrs, AT, 0. MeKerizie, Asle
feed ; Teeleemer, 'Miss Nicholson, 8.
Kinloss ; Onr.-Sert'y., Mrs. A. Carr,
Wingliam ;
1610.8 '(1'v., Mies blather,
Kincardine ; SIis. 11,,0 Secy,, Mrs.
Lin lc la! er, Terswal er Lib. and 1:12,
nod Life Member See.'y., Mrs, J. 3.
121110(3 ; 110100 Helpers Sen'7., Mrs.
123011)4011, Moliseworth ; Glad Tidings
Sec'y., Mrs, Porterfield, Relgrave ;
P1016 Sec'y., Mrs. 11, iNTeWhinney,
nonettnyon ; Welcome and Welfare
See`v., -Mrs. H. McGee, \Vingb1uo ; 1
Y. W. Sec'sr., Mita) earrick, Luck -
10W ; Sultrily See'y,, Mrs. (I. Doug.
pas, Lucknow,
When lee
, 0
211111:11)1 41111,1 flee sold In
.1. .1.
When 1:11 • i•lt.iitons ,11,:„, 0116
the t;raei1 It tail: after the bliamrti?
40. •
mrttrs Dia a Mode r :41013
ohon, where the Post D2111at now
4. 4.
w h ,or14n-,1 the 1•14. of
Ile, imis for oiti•li 1811 ladled it for
gam!? •
1• Ito:etaam rilmbed 013
roe.: eel- and pat a 112211, 1.1111084412 1.1h;
4111,91 1))', :11,1 /1 11011.4 2110 21011111111
111111 OH STo, MUir Di 11;}1;i21.1 111
lru ssels ?
0 0 0
Weetia stemi-up light by big men
(11 (0110)1 andnobody inter -
fel LA':
VelPm P1113 (23, 122)' 11.1,11 to lob the
NIP. for e
11)1,11 strike? And when
Roe, Ross would tell lliIiy what he
thontria of 12121,r
• • •
bet Walter
1.'17he hadn't 0 horse that 1,1,110 3a, to altos , 11.11111 111 in: eeer,
) /led Walter won?
I - Velem Dune Fcegasono cow of
ere, eee r homo from scheel,
tiee\t' in his iptidi.“ ;HUI then ran to
Areatreege, bush to escape tho 11:a-
! • When in the Spring of the year the i
pin,logs hoth -.des of the street 1
rimp, c.,11,,rii the old ilitx mill stood to 1
1211,1', 3. Anderson's farm commons
e, ids() from rtouipsort's plant to 1
• the mill?
When oripositiolt of two hot,es was
so strong you could -et a ride to 8,114-
201!! 10111 v. free diMem and remra
for nothing and tinaley wouml up by
one man 11214 11141 5 or 7 horses pole011-
0,1 in one night?
[Here anci Melo]
It is estimated that 23,500,000
11440(5 will be sown to crope this
year in the West, an increase of
2,500,000 acres over 192e,.
Canadians hew the record for
eating eggs. The average Canadian
last year consumed 337—a record
according to Dr. J. fI, Grisdale,
Deputy Minister of Agriculture.
Tobacco -growing is flourishing in
Western Ontario, and this year the
acreage will 1114017 run to 45,000 or
double that devoted to the produc-
tion of this plant in 1925. The crop
last year WEIS valued at $6,000,000.
One of the most powerful radio
stations in Canada will be erected
at Red Deer, Alberta, in the near
future. Stations will be operated in
Calgary and Edmonton by remote
control to the main station.
Now Zealand will be officially
represented at the World's Poultry
Congress at Ottawa, July 27 to
August 4. R. W. Hawke, one of the
Island Dominion's best known poul-
try breeders, will represent that
Besides the. game fish hatchery
which will be established by the Do-
minion Government in the Wateren
Lakes district in Southern Alberta,
a commercial fish hatchery will be
estabil$114 j', traegl, TheIatter
will also handle certain spectcs or
game fish suitable to lake waters.
The Canadian Pacific steamehip
pass/ange-r traffic through the pert •
of Saint John during tee winter
season oc 1020-7 was over 40 per
cent. grater than that of the previ-
ous season, and it is expected that
the summer traffic through the St.
Lawrence port will shme 3 still
greater increase.
The last addition to the chain of
Canadian Pacific hotels is the
"Hotel Saskatchewan," located at
Regina, opening on May 24 It is
one of the finest of the chain of a
character in keeping with the im-
portance of the capital city of the
Province which furnishes 50 per
cent. of the Dominion's wheat out-
put. The hotel is 12 stories, con-
taining 216 bedrooms with bath, and
many beautiful public rooms and
administrative offices.
Single Comb White
Leghorns, Breci-to-lay.
10c per dozen more Ulan
market price,
Alex. Perrie
Phone 2515 R. IL 3, Brussels
The Canadian eiteifle flailwey
Company reports frtad
On Marl:Mir of tr!..-Iin (11 the pr,e-
cot rate of 2eeeesl 1 1I41411111 daily. as
wi tit 1441,1:741 for the coe
ramon.lin .-- ••,, .1 of lart year.
Manitelat's 1 11.1,nnil conntares with
Saskatchewan's 7.13,000 and AlIntr-
ta's 111113,821'. Loadings arc also
above lest year's record with 220
cars date..
The ge!etter portion of the hells
forming the carillon to be nettnfled
111 tiv.: leMtery Towcy, at Ottawa,
wore seneed from Eeeleed on May
!-;,! the Cereeeen reeific stcanise:e
"Balfetrit." The carillon, consis'it•-:.
(.f n'; Le:113, is r('01tril,.1 the 1':':-
111 111, work', and litre
144 the farriorts led) feinelry 21 (trey -
don. The lele portiOn of a
national 014111 118) to thousands of
Cannilmlis 10112 !aid down their
lives in the Great
The Province of New Brunswick
is rising 111 importance tts flirt
farming province. The report 00
the fur farms of Canada jUst is-
sued by the Deminion 14111112 11 of
Statistics 4'.'1)6,'14 Nen Ertulswielt at
the head of all the provinces in the
matter of the ycarly gall) in the
number of fur farms. These in-
creased by exactly 100 in the year
ending March, 1920, nearly doue-
ling the number of the year before
and standing in the later year et
206. Prince Edward !eland 01111
leads the Dominion in the number
of farms, having 570 out of a Do-
minion total of 2,2)13, the latter
figure comparing with 2,130 the
year before. o'Jho provinees rank tie
follows: Prince Edward island, 579'
Ontario 495; Quebec, 453; Nem
Brunswick, 206; Nova Scotia, lee;
Alberta and British Columbia, each
120; Manitoba, 53: Saskatchewan,
42, and the Yukon ',territories, 2U.
Signs of fab or foul weather are
noted very carefully by country peo-
ple. Some of them are much more
inclined to believe in the old saying's
about the weather than in any read -
logs from barometers or the predict-
ions of weather prophets.
Evening red, and next morning
he 1,
qs you
T f r -ant
when yo u a
LL the really important things about an
automobile, M:cLatighlin-Buick owners
take for granted—
Because McLaughlin -Buick designers and
builders take nothing for granted,
Constant seeking to improve on McLaughlin -
Buick quality has resulted in some of the most
important automobile advances of the century
. . . the McLaughlin -Buick engine, vibration -
less beyond belief, with its triple seal against
excess wear . . the Sealed Chassis . , the
Vacuure-cleaned Crankcase,which solves once
for all the problem of oil -dilution . . the
McLaughlin- Buick Mechanical Four -Wheel
Brakes, unsurpassed for dependability . .
the princely beauty and luxurious comfort of
McLaughlin -Buick Fisher Bodies.
Me -1418
suite eet,Attotteitestnett wtet
grey, are certain signs of a beautiful
If the rock goes crowing to bed,
he'll certainly rise with a watery
When 1)11111 1 rmils cross your path,
black elourls 11100. moisture Irtile •
W1101 reeks ily high in
air, it shelve that mendy etorros are
the peiteOult loudly bevels,
soon we'll have latth rain and ,:tot8l.1.3.
If Dm moon slanys like 8 silver • -
shirt)), he not afraid to reap your
But if she rise halool mune,
soon we'll tread on deluged ground,
A rainbow at eight 11 1110 1111,1)'
1), 21)4)6 1, ifthe 121110
itt; 2, showe teat the lain.
caaeis nr,. passing aWay.
If at sun-eising or eetting the
clouds meant. of a lurid red color, it
is 11 sure ..sign Of storms and galee of
Public Notice
Reports made by AI r Jelin Harris, Walton,
! 1, 16
t 10
5O04101Y 110,0. ;1)7
own wry. 1Will not ha,. 1121' ar
Teethe (es 1 He ,10 o ('44,( ra 1,1221/20 ((144 )11)0'
nth 1r. 11171mil:110 that 18', 'John
rota ono '''111 121 debt for him nod did not 087
1,4401 0
01,144,. 44101100,
1 Court of Revision
Meeting of Hewn Cu. Council
TIP. 1111110011 of 1/20 (1,,00tolint1 OP 111.1 o1/1-
ry '-1121,11 Win Wool 111 too 112211121•1/ 1 halo;
Inn., 14 o(orie11. 120.1 ;el) 111141 arthropod of
To; 1,17;11 dey ..f ,Iitrw, 111.7. All
'(0)1O, nctiinst the county most be it the
halals of the Ch not Into" than Monday
preeedin g the ineeno it of retitled.
1111.10. AN,
cavity Clerk,
14od erleh, Nay 20210 1027,
Notice to Creditors
Dre the matter of the Estate of,
James W. Hanna, Deceased. 1
NOtiett Ilorehr L:fron, poroonnt te Slretien
56,Chapter Idl. of the 10,w1s, a So) (1)0,4 of
torto, 11181 011 oorcionlitivinir olititonagnInat
the 041010 or Jame( tv 1,1111,13, IMO Of the
of Mom, in the ,Ionnty of Perth,
former, (1i-ova:ed. win, ale 1 811011,
nth day oF 111,1:2 , 11127,41 t/to Too:2)4210 of ifirOO
in thninty ,if Perth, 8.•0 required to iedel
117 Posts premod, or to 111, '1' to Ihr
Ai coed, (ho .4o11e2tor for Adam 11 sorith. of
the Township of Elton, in the County of
Perth, former, the Arlthini.trotor of the erop•
erty of the said de1,11.0,. 11511I44q and ral•
dreseee, with full oniiiirnintio in wrIiinc ef
their Online, awl the nature of the sororities
(if 0w:110,01W. them,
And further tehe ,,,,tire that aft, the Snth
day of June' 1017, the "8(31 A)ininiarAtor
WM II MOHOtt) intriho to the ,,,set. of
the said estate among (ln, pa -t) ,ortitIod
thereto, having rsitnril only to 1)144 ,1011(40 of
Whirl he Phan then have tow entiee, met
said Administrator enen net he Pahl. fer the
raid reiiiets or any
of whose 0101111 he slut11, not then have re.
ceivod notice
Niter: nt Tdstowel this Twentieth (107 0'
.1, (11(CI1't 1,1 l'Ifir034.
404 12;22-rkto1". 11,141,1Nol. Ont.
SO11121tIn for the said A dititoi.trator.
.32-0'1111.11 TO Cltelni_Tella
In liniter of the 1.1stoie of ftenry
11,- Inte of the Township of
'.orris, In the County of tf men,
P12 inner, deceased.
Nrrmeal 0, borohy mvon pursuant to
dThe 7:prised Stattitos of Ontario,
Chapter 1214, that ell creditors and
others bovine' claims riga Inst the es-
ttrte of the said Henry 2IpArlor, who
died on or alimit the 111,rteplith any of
Amill A.D., ore required on or
before the l'wenty-olghth day of May
A.D., 1927, to send by post preneid or
deliver to ItT,,rirnret Jane Me.1rter.
Brussels,. Ontario. the Exliputrik of the
lest will tool testament of tho tier coo-
ed, their Christian ftnet surnames,
etre:tees nod desprtntInnii, the full par-
tieuirirs or their clahns, the statement
of their npliounts and the ontiire of
the 00(.111'0 los. If anY, 110141 by them.
And further lake notice thnt atter
snell last mentioned date. the said EX
eentrik trill propped to distrIbtli 4, 010
assets of the 0,•,ienspf1 ronongst the
parties entitled thereto, 101.01n11' regard
only 1,) the plaints of whieh they shall
Olen have notlee, and the said Ex.,11-
tri4 will not be noble for the said 10.
44,10 01' any (0 rt thereof to 0.117
or persons of Whose claim 11(1100 shall
not hove Innin revolved at the time of
suet, distribution.
Dated thls Fourth day of May A. D.
SOLICITOR for the xxmouTrux.
Ifn the Matter of 1110 Illsrlftto of Jetta T..
Davidson, lnie of the sinitge of
11r0,40elx, in the f'oinity lf ?iron,
(1entletittin, deeettsed.
NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to
the Revised StaLtolos of Ontario, Chap-
ter 1 that nil ereditors and others
haring ehtltna non Inst the estate of
the said John 8, Davidson, who died
on Or alktut the Twenty First day or
April A, 11., 1177, aro required on or
before the 21It1) any of Mn', A.D., 1(27,
80i13 by post prepaid or deliver 10
Miss Idary 07,,' Bison, Tirussole P, 0.
one of the 10110,1,1ors of the last Will
and testament of the deeeased, their
Cdirlstlan and Surna men, addresses and
riercriptionr, the fult particidars of
their claims, this statement of 1110(r
a ....omits and the nature of the 44044(11''
211,0, le any, held by num
And further take notiee that after
tomb last mentioned dice Ito 14,4440'
2,1)11 will proceed to distribute the as-
sets of tbe deveased, amongst the par-
ties entitled thereto, having regard
only to the Maims of which they shall
then 1111TO noitce and the saki Execu-
tors will not be liable for the sald Re-
sets, or any part thereof to any per-
son or persons, of whose 010(1,1 1102100
shall not have been received by than
01 the limo of such distribution.
Dated this TWonLy Ninth (lay of An
1.11 A. D., 1227,
W. 1». sTIVCMAItt,
Mary Davidson 'Robert Davidson
anJoseph Davidson.
- • • .
Knight Music
(3593) (67000)
Thoro' Bred
Trotting Stallion
This horse was bred by Dr. Gloves
of Fergus, and is sired by Slow Mus-
ic, and dam Ella E. Knight, by
Border Knight.
Thie iancy bred stallion win stand
for the spason of 1927 at the stable
of James Shedder), Con, 4, Morris
Teems—$20 to Mauve foal. Any
owner parting with 01 mare after
she has boon bred, forfeits all Maur-
/Ince 01' return privileges and service
foe Must be paid at once.
or Ride:sets
ceert or i-iceision on the .1ssess-
nicui Coll 01' the 1'illoft.., iLe lit 1121;0.113
will 1... 21o.121 of 11,14 1‘Chntrther,
Atenday ihp 1411 day pi Jane, next, at
' hieit imin pertics intmtested
iv (11 please tel !tote,. 11111 govern
t•o1111,1011.1.122 122,2•0111111,110.
A. 31, 31,4-01 Iris.%
Drnesele. :tray 11(1), 12.11,
2 Court of Revision
'Ph 0 i' III.- It lIoViAinti on 1110 A sn,o21110211
11;111 lie "row tediip .1 dray will be held in
the TOW (1111(0, on Monthly, tho tun 1107
J noxt. 20; u'elitelt 21 111 All parties
II I,- ',tea wii I 1310i1SO take witho and go044011
d. 11 PEAR, Clerk.
Ethel, May ligh, 1927.
To close up Estate of the late
8. B. Smaie
This property enneists 01 a solid brick house
With rvonot, n good stahle end two lots, on
filettheth mireet, lirtvetels. Property must he
"'Id-,', make 011 offer. Vor 0.(1011111118 Imlay
to Jitial 1,0108, tictiseels, or write
11. 0, ('O(' 4)140 2,4144, Trustee,
100 Glenholine ave., Toronto.
For Sale
0,0 .04 the hied 1,041ire farms 121 (11','v '1100,,
124, 20. Com 11, running spring water and goo
cedar shad 0. (1); would take eat tle in hy the
Also international harvester, implements
of ell hinds, ileum in and order what yon
n12.1 o!1V2. agent,. 212111 1310C1212111111,1 kapott.
E2.2111 1.01111111ti01011. C811 111.111ta terms to siut
1157 0449, DAVID 9111.91B, lethel.
Farm for Sae
Let No, Pt 23, Concession 14, Township of
11,t(i)lop, 1 mile enst of Walton, motioning
42 erre, or land; Mar -retuned frame 110044o
ond 01111211 tarn and hen house. All well drain
ed and folioed POP further pertionlid, apply
to ROBERT HOLLAND, in mire of Theodore
Holland, i-iieforth 10.144./0.1. P4090287.3
Elo Your feet Bother You?
011 1 the tragedy 04 (1011(115 feet, the misery
of painfully 11440.11(1(5one foot of ter 1110 0111-
044, the llitterne,s of watubing others step
along without a foot care in the world. Poet
misery Mtn be avoided. 1 know, because
eateree ror years, but I fuund 44 WIty to re'
(levo t11121 polatil strain upon_ my weakened
arches. Now, 1 trent 10 hulp others ; (1 7014
are 0 sufferer, please mention Toro Pon. when
writing. J. 0, 120021,224 00000)1811 0),, HMO.
Ilbon, Ont., or may be purchased at Downing
lima., shoe dealem Brussels,
HMO an tut for Sale
The undersigned offers for Rale 11111 house
and lot an Albert street, lin1s,.018. Heine
contains bath, 70(1)008 112111 eleotrie wired.
(100(1, garden and gaintge, Everything in
first -chits repeir.
0013 JAS. flaNDERSON, Senforth.
Farm for Sale
Farm or the into William R. Hestia, oonslat.
ing of 72 mires of excellent land, In 11,, town.
,hip of Howlett, About 15 /1011;21 (11 1,0,4)1, 11111*
ance all workable: splendid natural water
slimily1 good ornhard, barn and fratoB bootie.
Situated about 114 antes from 001.018P, 0.
and shipping 0101100. Also 100inere grip%
farm adjobileg First.elass land, well drain.
ed, goon .1indo and neyor.failing water taint
ply: good horn, drive...lied and fruit trees.
24111 sell separateLy or together, Possession
Alar,.), lab, 1027, Apply to Mrs. Wm, 11,8,,o'
tie. Executrix, Box Gerrie, or
G. W WALKER, Gorrie, Ont.
Farms for Sale
200 acres, being the south halve, 4 Lots 18,
10,20,21 and ad, iti the lt.t Con. of Grey town.
!dile, 100 aeries ideal roes farm, with run.
fling water nod thade, 40111 1,0 .,,Id separately
1( 110012031, Will nonsider r, n lug part or all
to suitable tenant. 001113 to 1.181.4
(8140(1 JOHNSTON, 2(1(2, 13Itteyale
or (11101104) S5'OTTON, W1110/1111.
Farm for Sale
100 stores, being bob 20. 1041, Con., Twp, of
Grey. Abont 80 notes (steered, balance past.
1110 810011, 011 the premises is a lergo gravel
pit,a story and a halt frame house, frame
stable end other small buildings, Small 000h
payln en ta, balance may remain on mortgage.
Possession 1st of A aril. 1027. Apply to
31(044. MOTARAN,Ii. 11.2; Weasel.
House and Lot for Sale
The eligible house ((031 101 en QVIE111 street.
Bruesels, the property 04 91)0 late Mrs, Keys,
Is offered 501 60)8. Comfortable house with
8101,11 garden, Por Portlier PartionInra apply
8'9f 11011.117 441375,
11, It, 0 Brussels
Farm for Sale
(The old Hamilton Place)
11)0 acreintheins 14I4 Lots 7,8, 0 end North
10 gores of 10, ma. A, Triyaberry township.
barge 1104.0111100 barn, Sple11(101 steno stnbling
underneath windmill, large driving shed,
good frame bowie and atone kitchen'large
orchard, (toyer railing Haring on imam 21811)14
from Wroxeter village and Indio from school,
Thls farm has been in pasture for some years
and 10111 give molest returne, 'Penn tand
values will rise. For partionlars apply to
79108, GIPSON,
Administrator John II. Gibson estate
P. 0. box 77 Wroxeter Phone 80
Farms for Sale
The undersiciteLl offers for solo his 100.aare
fsrm bel" N" hOP 96, OOo,7,2OnlljO, 30,44
1 nacres, belnkIst_ th 34, 0.021 00, and _ 4, ,
Oen, 7, Morris. Good houseR and barns In
fleet -elms oondition, oleo oil good outdo:did.
Ines. NVIII eon with or falout crop. Rees
Proprietor,R. 11.4,Bruseele
Farms for Sale
100 acmes of Inee, being the intubli 39 of Lot 9,
Con. 8, and ten south 3' of not Oon. f In the
glownehip or Morrie, .Q1)0044 1441000 are offered
for pale to dose op the estate tif the late Jain es
Smith, If not gold they will be rented for pro
tut% Dor partionlars apply te-the exeentors,