The Brussels Post, 1927-5-25, Page 2WFIDNESDAY, BIAY 2ttli, 1327. • ci.iren. t • , L teeil 9 '7 T73. It is by far the. St7.CrLat &zincu S., .aat,11 far it. Wat montave Evestg in.tate hiSlorii offt Entlinte. 62),- Charies Comte) of 31ey. Si:. :• .•• .; '0. e • ' •••-''••ir c,-- • .;. • ...IA. • dt:' ,--., H. • r.! Iiin ••-i - v• • • ' . •,,, 1:11, h 11- !' •• •- •-•Thr • .."! r".1 j•3 I fos 1.1 p.tt. t "'' !". hir• t•: 3,, 1...i it to b•- ei" • • • • 1 • . • sl: 1-. • r ,1*.I :it i• • •y,t...•••••p•ic iilY.wsitil tito 1..• ti?.:: four y• ars Iator tea- oepoint..t tin, soo, •olott t•ti. ill. '1:eel Pe-tan:die •71 ree-rtly be es- ttlicli,h,si icristei .or the Inv Hen ef ce, iieal properties of eet,cec, then co:mil-111.A hi brilliont eoroor pi"on;ist. :old one of" his cl!ic.cw..:os was tit- T.:trous or ne• wi.ich cot:plod with puldicoti..M of his hook, ' al..1 Philosophivai" brought hire wide tam, and led to his iccing appoirtol, at the age eci 23, Wi•••••::-.,r of VI. •.•hom'cal laboratio•y at the R:,•1 Institii:lon 1.ereloth. Foi• the nest ton y,'ars 1i woik,l trin- ttottsly at the Iistitutioti. where he Fara,lay. who was 1. a. ol to in.eoa,,. en, of 01.11.!...111,. at, -it natural plillo,n0i;or.•. Davy viduabi.• dis- covers in zit, course of lets nerieeiter• al and oleetrioal and at tit. ago of 3.! it 10.ceivoil the hereele from th th-i . re,.3(1, or the 1 Itili oaa,. of huntritity, but his dis- ir•-••ros by a et.;:en of by the owners rho Engiisht oolliorios, In 1,.111 1 ii a 1i:roller, ao1 wo •,1 tir .t,id-nt nf . So?'...y. eil.•C the most covet- ed honour, :I, VI, P.1.111,1/ 1.01q11. 1.To n-11,1 only -!•••3 when he had ereelectie se:zure, from the Lctects of which ho IP ‘1•1' ,n41. and at th'mpai'ntivoly early ag.• of 51 h.. dioil :it Goma, where he was given 0 riti..•lic Iiiv..d.liticin .o his setc-ttific writings tiii 11 included 'tumorous works on agricultural chemistry end the c cal ago nebec of ele,ericity, Davy was the author of "Salmonie, or Days of Fly -Fishing" and also numerous eth- ical and rell;rious phamplets. Some of his verse:, wee, highly praise 1 by frionds. 0)1,1.3 lgo and Southey, the poets, and it is of intoi•est :n ecc- vall that OF... ,wo coiobrities were among the fin -t persons to inhale the laughing. gas e..31•11 it was originally Poi-, d liy Davy. ELECTION PETITMNS Dates Fixed kr Hearing Cha,•,:;es in Port Arth..n., N. & S. Bruce Election, Petition to unseet Maleelin A. Me- Callan-, as mcmicer o .fthe Legi,lature for South Ermao will be hoard at Walkerton on Thursday. Jun . 23. The petition rt-hitive to the 01..ction of Alexander MeWhinni.y ;•.1 North Iinuo„.. will be heard at Southamp- ton, June 20, while the eiterges of commit praetiees in the eleetion ,•-•f D. M. Hogarth for Porth Arthur, will in, heard at Port Arthur, June 20. Some time ago a rota of six judges was selected to hear those petitions, iwo for each ea.*, WOODSTOCK, WIARTON LAWYERS NAMED JUDGES __— G. F. Mahon Appointed to Essex and J. C. Moors to Dufferin Ottawa, May 1 1.—Three vaeencies on the County Court bench of Ontar- io were 111 !d by the Government to- day. G. F. Mahon, E. C., of Woodstock bectomes County Judge of Essex. J. C. Moore, K. C., of 'Marton, is nutdo Judge of Daljerin County, W, A. Dowler, K. C., of Fitt Wil- liam, 18 the mw justice, of th:c Dis- trict of Kenoru. Mr, Mahon succeeds Judge Smith, who recently retired, while Mr. sAfoore succeed4 the late Judge 'See:len, NORTH HURON VOTE .LOOK AT YOUR LABEL NOT UNTIL. JULY Unofficial Report Sets Date Following Diamond Jubilee Celebration. Ottawa, May 1 2. ---With Hon. Jas. Malcolm away to Europe, told with the other minister hard pressed by -details, of the Diamond Jubilee cele- -bration it is probablo that thp by? - election in North Huron which was to be called soon, will be laid over for several weeks. While no offieial information could he obtained from cabinet ministers to day, it was intimated unofficially that there 18 a possibility of the bye -elect- ion not being held until after July 1, when the political skies would be clear and the Ministers intere:ted .couId give time to the campaign. Quite a heavy gale passed over Atwood on Tuesday last, and resulte1 in the blowing down of a portion of Ole new brick curing room at the Elma factory, which is now in pro. Tress. Stanley Bennieger, a 17.year-old youth of Culross Township, who was convicted of forgery ut Toeswatee a feW days ago received a sentence of four months determinate and four months indeterminate in the 011tarl0 reformatory.- .• •• • 0.(0.51toevarnalaustrawayi THE tRUSSELS POST Here ancl There 11221 'll'i eie port LI11104 into - (.2 ormion May 1st.. Th.., prer, y r-Ia• 14 11,. A 'eue,,e k heifer eonstieee: wel the •,,ribi .11 tin, lo,o- i,•••;• an !,y •-\ H-1-..o.:11?...t. In 1 • iOlt. 1 :1,1 • 1001 • 1't..1.iit.4and, in r-,•ro, cis, thoir Tloy aro hear to •.•.1' leaning tr,-oo in soarch , • A••••••..1'11t to 0..1•,•nt tt•trti? rogola ” tion, Provinco of , grotn,i), iirtri ii11104,.•r yellow loirs, lo••01•:‘,1 :2101 golden ei,ver, 11 -ON on .11. ; ro,•.•tn.l list, while 110, I•.,0 (.1; I110-.14.!:in pa -”tri•.!;.:.,... north the Neeli Sasleit.rle:ceecii Liver, hes ;1. Tt deen mineuneel by l'ree,cer Fergesee. ,,f 1 422412 Volt tie i;40- ernme,11 t., er,a- tin c.n.1,.1.:q 00,12 for 1, rtn•ps. 2solvino scien- tific prc-bloirs rf procloot!on 11141 pro- c..ss for Canadian itelestries. While 011 11, tone of the iljr.rithees reenttly. Dr. F. T. Walilen, ittccf the seed branch of Deparinient of Agrioulture at Ottawa, wi, f th opirion that a great deal 111(.1.1I of the s,..c.d tesed 111 tliec,e, previeees should bt? grown on their own farra. The seed is very hardy, 12e if:n.1.11.1,1, and, with proper care, a rriaritot coal.41 •r•stalilishoil in the northern states of the Union. ii•aal the crop profitably (lispesed of. The versatility of the seaplane was ably demonstrated recently. C. F. Tennefoss, a Swedish sien cap- tain, with urgent business in Shang- hai, was taken from the Canadian Pacific Toronto Express at Missien City, B.C., and rushed by seaplane to the outer wharf at Vancouver, where he caught the flagship of the Canadian Pacific fleet, the, 'Em- press of Canada.' for the Orient. The seaplane was landed on the 1 Fraser River within easy reach of •' the depot. The s4msen for bass fishing in • Ontario, with tl•e exoentions of the St. Lawrence and the Ottawa RI Vin`S, has been shortened this year by aheut a fortnight,. opening, July 1 and ending Noventhor 21, according to information given nut by the tourist •department of the Canadian Pacific Railway. This action was taken by the Ontario Provincial Gov- ernment when it was found out that bass had not finished spawning when the season opened June 113 in previ- ous years. The same ruling atiPlies to mils:eel:Inge fishing, in Ontani0 this year. Canada is sending inceensing. sup- plies of tobacco to the Wtost of Eng- land, according to the Tra.ie Com- missioner at Bristol. (Inc organiza- tion has built a factory in Ontario, have their own buyers, and are pack- ing the- leaf, Canadian Burley, to suit the English trade, Consumers in England are getting used to Canadian tobacco and with the Empire preferential duty, which amounts to 48 rents per pound less than the duty on foreign tobacco, increased quantities of Canadian Burley will fid their way to the United Kingdom. In token of the fact that this year the Diamond Jubilee of Confedera- is -v. ,,•,- • - • - •• 01-1IIB new Piker -built bodies, fulliihtd la the mail modish shad:a of Intro —the nnis,ive fallscrown feudera, the smart bullet -type !merit, the newlywiesigned rtuliator--the host of mechanical ream!. talents, inthalian oilsfilter anti AC ttir- cleaner --the powerful, sInuoth rc,Pnrc,c,v Chevrolet engine -all or 43, COIlltibute to the deep ,tling Feriae of ratkfattion which the OWll-r of OW Moot BMW/fill C1LoN-ro1vl to,vanize,. All that you want in a im..1t,telY1,10,1 car, 'ton rite, rive 1, 1 :3 ,^ t•. , 1(0 11 CI.' M4•,;( for 01(11 Chevrolet brut veer l.v. i s44ii in Canada . , 1111,1 no other car at r.r near the price can giVe you oll nu. wham:mkt ultioh giviLe the 11.101 Beautiful chi triilet inn outstandiatt automobile achiessoritht of the year. • Itt ' .,,,As.rr.nnem3741111611021.turon,w% 11 TANCEiliE tg NOTE ea-uty Powe Snao les3 LiCOM, Ira Coareart Ni:IW Loma PRICES Roadster - omit Toutittg - 41.0D :sedan 24,0rt Ciddltdet 1(401 1/..00ry Cm:ma-rad Utility fano-, Chasda - tortgy. tlernett, (;..t.,rnment Ya -,s L.1411. 8760.00 ((1110 00.00 030.00 655,00 4'100 645.00 CP -36110 , -••• , • ,,,10 V A Y.,r e ..,ievrogot 1_,:,7,5torey 3. x 11 4MEZRECI There are a great many ways to do a job of printing ; but quality printing is only done one way—THE BEST. We do printing of all kinds, and no matter what your needs may be, from name card to booklet, we do it the quality \ray. P, S.—We also do it in a way to save you money, The Post Publishing Holds e tion in Canada, E. W. Beatty, Chair- man and President of the Canadian Pacific Railway, has c'xtniirioci n per. sonal invitation to Miss. Hortense Cartier, only surviving daughter of Sir George Etienna Cartier, 0110 of the Fathers of :lrinfecieration, to take part in the trip Remiss Caroula, organized by the University of Montreal under the awitices uf the, Canadian Pacific, to start Miss Cartier, who is in her 'Lab year, has accepted, and it is ex- pectcd that she will meet Sir Hugh MacDonald, son of Sir John A. Mac- Donald, another Confederetion Fath- er, who is police magistrate in Win- Eipeg. Mitchell hold races on the 24th of May. Stratford will celebrate th,, Dia- ond Jubilee of Confederation on July 1, 2 and 3. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has donated a silver trophy valued at t35 to the Listowel Agricultural Sc c- lety t obe awarded to the girl or boy under 15 years of age who exhibits the best heifer calf under one year of age at the Listowel fall felt', The trophy becomes the property of the winner, .I. -.C1u411..----It', 'Cr- 1:Bt 111110 yoli take ed. et eleht."---Pitt Panther. BUMPING THE BUMPS W!tcd 1' a detour?" 'I "The rough,st distance. between . ..,,,,, eointc." — Christian 't Science 141201'. • WOODS BRUSSELS • ti A MODERN PROVERB (loos unaware Tiny that tolcv the sword shall per- ish by the tax.—E1 I'ltso Times. DENIES THE CHARGE On, or the AaViving an 6M-1N:111011V," 1%.1111/1' hotly. denies (hat '.4- (1!! do all (It, '114 house-keoping v•ith a can -opener. — Arkansas 1.i. :met te. + + WEAR YOUR RUBBERS The A;flei,li,th 3.421141 coh,ehtion, it Is ammunced will be held in Paris ( Frame) this year. Many who at- tend will do so out of sheer curiosity to see if it has stopped raining.—Life FULL HOUSE A,Tonnessee couple who had .1411)- 1 100' also have twins, la other words, they have a full house.•Amer- lean Lumberman. A GOOD-BYE China thinks the white man's bur - SOMEBODY'S FORTUNE If woman spends $4.0,000,300 a 7.,,ar for lwanty ail, as r-.pcn.totl, wc•0111,4 hor 1.11CCI '05 SOMIII)Ofly CILVS tit fie. ---Pittsburg Chreniele-Tele- greldi. .1. C. THE POLITICAL BUG Tin, political bee that buzzes in mcmcy 11 boncect is 3 hum-bug—Nor- fent Virginian -Pilot, GAME OF GRAB Tina--3"13ess, I'm the happiest girl alive! I'm mnrrying the man I want!" Tess--"Pooli. yOu goose, that's nothing, to the joy of marrying, the • 1114111 :,01111' 0111. VIA, '4'1211t.'' --Answers IS SCIENCE WONDERFUL 12 14011.11I1' 1 n wonderful as it claims, why tini•sn't it malto soino ef- fort to cross the rubber plant with a Aced plant and grow their 'with metal rime?--Philadelplikt Inquirer. + + BASE BALL SEASON HERE The busiest little "sphere nf iri- fluence" in this country is sewed np in a horsehide cover.—Boston Herald den ought just now to be his travel- ing bag.—Boston Herald. grigneLOOK AT YOUR LABEL .‘„,12-arparsenslynix. ..../niarseetrommuunaamponnwilanssitelysruaaamunsuoascaralamo.ununzaceleman......,...ca 11) .4-s.. : ill -L._ __..,•tarlig,21,1 .4 r v- SITE FOR A SINGER Five -room bungalow with a hath on corner lot—Ad in a Johnson City (Tenn.) Paper. CHOICE OF FUEL "What, according to your view, is the burning question of the day?" "Shall 1 eat, or buy gasoline?" — Florida Times -Union. + + TRIFLE FOR A SNACK An Oklahoma millionaire is said to have spent $3,000 in one night at a New York night club. Well, he shouldn't have ordered a sandwich.— judge. MAKE a permanent record of all the scenes and occasions that please you. Each one is a cause tor future enjoyment and recalls happy memories. Full stock of Films, always fresh, with a long guarantee dating, in all sizes, Bring. your Films for our Super -tone Finish. of. R. E JEWELER MMMO=CMC.1616...nsJmawr.p% osnuelmmaafazem...mmnm.awanemsv asi=016=1=01mnarial=.rnm...1a6L Canada's Three Score Years of Very literally are the Provinces of Canada bound together by bands of steel. As a matter of fadt, British Colunthi,a became a Province of the Dominion in 1871 under promise of railway connection, thalami the actual linklne-op 1111 not become .1 reality till 1885. Tho enormous development of railroading' has been one of the out -standing features of the sixty years that have elapsed since Ontario, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia united undo, one central government in 1867. At that three the new-born Dominion boasted 2,278 Nationhood miles of track; it has over 42,500 miles today. In equipment, too, the evolution has been groat, The old wood -burner of 1867, though capable of very creditable speed, Was a pigmy in size, weight and strength com- pared with the huge locomotives of to -day, Mr. C. W, jefferya, Canada's foremost historical artist, here graphically depicts the changes that have 'taken place, 117 21 a 1. 0 1 1