The Brussels Post, 1927-5-25, Page 1VOL, 55 NO. 49
2.00 per annum in advance
J. L. KERIR, I'rof.'tiett,r
Ntelele see: ee i eetee t eeleeee Ht, ae te,! leeekeeee4 !Hi f, 140 f141 }N1:1 Ie tett W Hiatte
The Surrounding Dista•ict
Miss Jean Winter, of the Tornn10
University, la home, after finishing
her year's work in arts,
John \Vrrllal-p h•tving min plelEel hio
third year in tnediciue ire Toronto
University is at his hone.
Robert Oakes, tun employee of the
Goderich Organ On„ had his right
hand badly lacerated while at work
repairing one of the machines. Int
some unknown manner, his hand be-
came entangled in the machine and
was badly cut.
J. Witte ed Graham, 20 yeats olcl,
ton of J, 1-1, and Mts. Graham, sus -
seined a bro';en brew:L.1)one and sev-
eral bruises when the truck he was
driving here, overturned, pinning the
driver tinder its weight. He was
rushed 10 the hospital, but was later
removed to his Lorne, The youth is
in the employ of a contracting firm,
and was drawing gravel at the time,
when in some Inexplainable matinee
the accident oecnreed.
A drive for the Canadian RedOt'ose
has been launched here, when Dr. 0'
R. Routley, director of the Canadian
Red Oroes, gave an address in the
Model Theatre, speaking on (ire Wok
of this organization and ire aim, The
local Lion's Club are raking over the
drive io town and have as their oh-
jective $1,000. They are soliciting
the aid of the various women's nrgnn-
tzatinns, and have hopes that their 1,b.
Jertive will be raised. The dates for
the drive are June 6 to 0 inclusive.
The appeal of Thomas Sherwin
against the D. Bannernrul Award
chain matte by E. D, Bolton, engineer,
was heard by County judge Killoran,
at the Agtleultnrat Ball, Atwood, o1)
Tuesday a lee einem of last week. U.
G. MCPhefe011, K. 0,, of Stratford,
WAR 1.110118(4 for the appellant ; H. 13,
MOrphy, K. O., Listowel, ennueel for
the respondent. After hearing Eng-
ineers join: Roger a11(1 9.:. 131,1,1,1, and
several other witnesses, the judge mrd.
eted with the onnsPOt. 1,l' the counsel
for appellant and reepundent and of
the ptu•Lies Lhat the line of ditch he
changed and taken to the N. E. angle
of Lot 18, Lhelire West and North to
nutlet as on Bolton' plan. 811 bjt'Ct 111 -
to to the following change.% in iteses-
smene : Sherwin to do 800 feet, in.
stead of 425 feet and pay $3 50 instead
of 37.00, and Sherwin and Bannerman
to pay one-half of casts of appeal,
each,. In othP1' 1'00)10018, the award to
be confirmed and appeal dismissed
with each party to pay his 1,100 costs.
Geo, Thrmpeon is baying a ear of
1\Iiss Jessie Gray underwent an op-
eration, at Toronto, and is getting
along nicely.
Rob.. Hamilton, who has 1)0011 Olt
the sick list for the peat couple of
menthe, now has diphtheria. His
many friends hope that he will get
along well,
7`lie annual meeting of the \Vom-
etis 11101) tut 1) Was held Thursday aft -
01110011 of last week, a1 the house of
14t•s. L. Elliott, and the following
otfieees were elected for the coning
year : President, Mrs, Alex, Mow-
bray ; Vice Pees., Mrs. Rohn. Ait-
chison ; Sec'y.-1'tease liliso Olive
Scott ; District Director, Mrs, Joe.
eL -
3-1925 Ford Coupes
1-1928 Ford Coupe
1-1919 Ford Coupe
2-1922 Ford Tout'ings
1-1924 Ford Sedan
1-1928 Ford Sedan
1-1023 Ford Sedan
1 Hudson
1 1Vlcreauchlin
3 -Chevrolet Tottrings
1 Olds
2 Gray Doris
1 Ford Runabout
1 Rubber and Steel Tyrell kluge
W. A. Lowry
Agent Hudson & Essex
, flrtekruridge ' Martel) Directors,
111s l) Johnston, Airs, 0. liotinr.
• iugl 0)) tire, 1'.. 1). Beeman ; Press
Reporter, Mrs Whit. Stewart ; 1'1 n.
grunt (nlnrnitu,, etre. A. Aitken,
ells, (. it. (1 t' 1 n e, et ro..7 W. Lt 1,•
gain Auditors, MI,. U. IJhioti and r,
Miss Be,1Llice Thoroton : Pianist, rib, 11) July, ,villi the result that it
Miss 01)rn Jetv'it, Victoria p7lpe0 was returned to the
Secreta) y, Mrs, McLen0a1), eon-
('ain(1)g 1118 nhitnary entice,
AJItlr'Pw Sampson le et pr 'sent visit-
ing 101)11 hie Mumbler, Mts. John
elonLgnm(•ty, at. IVintht op.
Mrs. Rubel coon, or \V,',xeter, was
viniliug a1 the 111 mu'y 1,1' her sone,
Duncan trod iVi)linul (1)acDonald,
Vise \V, Rae, of 'WIoxeter, and
Miss Hammel and \Vet }tae, of 11110 -
may, were 24111 visitnls at Duncan
Ate Donald's,
Nely .adv erttseal P010
1'o rt'nt-Alex. Nlcha&
Cor, roe ,nate--W. A Lowry
v, r, ening t - lfnrlu,•re' ('Ina
Public Nnttee -e A. Nichol
Lurnl0-Eh.g Brno„ W )l,gaum
111110110 ..alp-1.1111on io,nds
Pine Ap1,e Week-L.0,'ktuier
1S el
))))1re rama's' Hnll, wem
t Apoly11011nPesv
Serviel.--nrusa•1.+ Ualtt 1.hurch
Nonce 10 uredltor,t—,I, C hein1ltua
relax Inert wanted -d t11on..owy, Iira"oels
Dr, A. McLeod spent Friday in Tor-
David Armstrong wasa recent vis-
itor in'Pomo to
Gavin and Mrs, Davidson motored
to Oshawa, on Saturday.
Mies Sybil TCing, of Ethel, is Lhe
guest of Mrs. A Higgins.
Miss Della, Rut het ford, Toronto,
waste resent Vloienr in tlhe viilat;e.
Mrs. S McNaughton returned on
Tuesday Irani a viell with relatives
10 Toronto.
Mrs, Mary Edgar has pnlchased
W. A, Rutile/lord's residence nn
Howiek street.
Miss Aon Muni n, St. Catharines,
spent the week•etid with her mother,
Mrs. A._Mum 0,
Misees Myrtie Rowes nod Minnie
and Bertha. Smith were holiday vtsit-
itors in Tmronto
I;, and Mrs, Jackman, Toronto, vis-
ited with the lttlet'8 sister. lelra.
Thos. Brown, ihie Week,
Under the nn01lr00 of the Women's
Iustittar, s. rery sot rrssful wile *f
home cntking was held al Aliso
l ewe's steer. on Saturday a ileronol,
Gordon and Mee. Morrisol and (leo.
and Mrs. 3.111)1110, of T,nodnm, spent
Sundry With Aire, John Morrison, ae-
ennlpanied them on their return
Secretary Ai. W. Telfer, of the
Blyth Lawn Bowling Club, announc-
ed that the dine of their etch tourney
is June 199th.
Blyth Ohorel Society presented
their cantata at Coven Church, Mc-
Killop, o1) Thursday evening of last
week, to a crowded 11000,
R. Gracie, who has been in chimp;
of the Presbyterian c•nugregatinns in
Blyth and Aubu,'n, for the past year
and a half, has tendered his resign-
ation, the 8)111)0 10 take effect in awn
weeks, Ile will return to Toronto,
where he will again engage in miesi0n
work. The Gracie family have been
1.08iclent8 of Myth only at few weeks,
coming here from Auburn.
elegises. Oollinnn aft Mousing. ship-
ped nutlt last week, the balance of last
year's output of green tow, Their
barna and warehouse are now really
for the extensive crop they expect to
primer, next 113tle They enlntrlehced
seeding nper'ation0, last week.
Miss Margnrel Brown spent the
weekend at iter 110010 ill Morris Twp,
8, and Ails. Snell etre visiting 1,t the
home of Bet 1 \Vatson, Morris Twp,
Alex. Dark and family spent Sun-
day with friends on the 4t11 line, Mor-
Mrs. Jas. Van Camp, who has been
ill, is imp1Oving nicely, we are pleas-
ed In state,
Arra, \Vttllace, of Detroit. is visiting
her daughleee,'ells, \V. Griwmer and
Mrs. L. Willis.
David and errs Jnhnstt, attended
a wedding recepl lou, at Lalgside, on
Tuesday evening,
()lumens 11A1(LST D6:t'g,tsem.-Word
was received here, last, week, of the
death of a former resident of this lo-
cality in the person n1' Charles Eaket,
which necurr06 at. Victoria, 13. C., on
May 10th, Deceased, who was 65
years of age, left here ninny years
ago, and had resided in Victoria for
the omit 17 years. An 1001),))) 10)1 had
been sant to him to attend the Old
Boys' Re -union at 5, 5, No. 10, Mote
Car of Standard
Coming to
Morris & Grey farmers'
About June 1st
Leave your order Phone 46
■ CM
hite Le. h ,,li1,is
Over'a three year period our pens in the Canadian contest have made
the best showing of any birds entered by any breeder covering the
past three years. .At present our pen in the Canadian contest 18
in first place for all entries from Ontario in the light breeds. In
the Ontario contest our pen is in the first place for the Light
breads. In the NoVa Scotia c ontest our pen is in second place, a
Government 1 en holding first. We have the high hen in this con-
test in the twentieth Week.
Wo aro booked up In May for 12,00.0 chickens. Will have some
surplus each week at $12 per 100, June chicks $12 per 100.
Walter Rose Brussels
The holiday was quietly spent in
the villtige.
A.soft ball (Ra mt»1 has been laid
out on the sol not 111 of 11)0 t hunch,
Commencing next Monday the
Walton ()hopping 13(11 will be elused
foe at ween( for repairs.
DI r. Asquith, who hoe been staying
with his daughter, pits, (1j,ev,) !games
has not bee» enjoying very good
heal of late, we IO sorry to hear.
The Aubtu'n Young l.'eepIe' will pre-
sent 1 he play. "His Uncle's Niece," in
the Eat met s' 01013 Hall, on Ftidny
evening, Juste 810, A (lance will fol-
low the play. See advt.
Hugh and etre. (1cagg have moved
from Stella to nor village. Seven
yews ago, they purchased n home at
Stalin, and M1'. Bragg opened a shoe
hospital, ere had ihor0uhly ]earned
the 13,10111100 i1) England, and is a filet -
Hass Workman, lfnw00er, he did not
get enough Wolk, and he derided to
move to this plane, as there tuts been
no ehoonlaker here shite Lnnis Wolfe
left six years ago.
The Wotnon's llissimlary Society
and Ladies' Aid held their 1egala1'
monthly meeting at the manse, n»
\Vednesday of last week. Miss Janet
Simpson presided ; the Bible reading
was token by Airs. Jaynes AleDnnald ;
topic, Dirs. (Rev.) Bi own ; ('lurreut
events, Intl s. Ke) Hey 1'het a were
forty ladies pteselt. ,The Ladies' Aid
President, Aire, John Ritchie, presid-
ed over the Lndiefi Aid. After the
*pining exercises, the ladles set the
date of July 0th for the,tnnaal garden
party, which is always linked for-
ward to as one of the outstanding
events of the season. After the many
items of business were concluded, the
110005s served an appetizing lunch,
and the large number of ladies enjoy.
ed a stela( half-hotir.
Commit met, on Monday, tit the
Twp. Hall.
The fan in land is getting too much
1'at1) 11UN'.
Allan Coehrene, of Waterloo, wan
renewing tad acquaintances (0 Mor-
x'fs Twp., over the week end,
John Sherrie, 4th lion, urdelwent
a serious nperaeiOI least 101 e1, ItId is
I„ ,• ,
doing as well as can ( t x(t tail,
CARD of TnANgy.--1110 nn lersign-
ecl 1vi1111 to tha)it the ut'ighbors and
friends for tie kinoil'e is .110101, there
owing to the death of etre, William
el cagey. It wire much epprec(ated,
(tats, A\m Dins. DAVI3,
OnrTUAw,Y.-We regret to announce
the death of Lillian Stevenson, ,wife
of William Murray, ill lute 231'(1 ye(1!',
in To'ontn. Lillian was a ,night
young lady, and haul been a resident
of Brussels all her life. Her many
friends deeply grieve her early
demise, The fnnPl'al was held last
Friday afternoon, from the home of
her uncle and Mint, Oh)ts. and Mrs.
Davis, Mortis Twp. Rev. F. (4. Fowl-
er, of Brussels, had charge of the ser-
vice, and Intel mentt wit9 macre in
Brnssels cemetery. The bereaved
have the sympathy of the cn,xunun-
ity in their. beteavernent.
Mies, M,tnv ROME INCITED 00 I111.
UNION, -firs. Mary Roe, of St. Partl's,
Nebraska, received 101, invitation In
attend a r'e•Unlon of all the old boys
and girls and ex -teachers of Sellout
Distort No, 10, Morrle Twp„ which
will be held on the old school
grnnutle, on Thursday, July 21st,
1027, She will hardly attend the re-
union, but the receipt of the invit-
ation, 1110akened at flood of fond mete -
meets of clays 65 years ago, when lel 8,
Roe was engaged in teaching school
le that very school, Mrs, Roe is new
()vet 80 veal.% old, and she will hardly
matte the trip back 1)010. to attend
this r0.1. 11ion. 13111 her heart will be
here 011 that -day, when she Will turn
bank in melnney acid recall the child-
ren with whore elOewas associated at
blot time, What: a pleasant time she
mild have foe a short. while, if she
could attend this gathering. There
she would bo able to meet with a few
of the pupils who attended 8(111001
when oho Was a teacher, but it is
doubtful if 81311 \yenta meet many who
gr(10 up at Chet time. Sixty-five
years is a long time and wonderful
changes have taken place in this
c*1111 try ill Hatt space, of time, 13111
it\votld bean interesting experience
far DI1's, Itoe, if she could stake the
trip. It w0itid be quit)) a trip for it
person of her age to make, neon
though she is in the best. of health
anti ere oyhlg life to the hilliest ex-
tent, Not mltll3 persons of (10r age
is going to he present at: the re-nnion,
Some here Will remember Mrs, T,tncire
Miss ATary,1, MtOraeken, Old minils
are asked to enrntntnileat.e with Mee,
It. J. McLennan, 1t, R. No. 2, Blue -
1)11. I) ,VI' tir:%Ftnt'rHl —nu l'uPsday .
1,f 1111-+ %week !\ 'ani e'r 11,11'1, 001) of
he late Thny. nod .tire. el tiler of Ilii:
tinenthip, p eeiel aWay at Sl'ttitnt11,
at the age of 243 years, 7 months and 1
S days. Ile had ,leen 111 falling health
1111 \Viniele liewl,te`4 bho agt'd nether,
he sin mini by five brothels, Kohl„
of Grey ; 'i'houla0, i1) elort is ; (l cot ge,
in eta:Mobil ; Allan and Andrew, 111
Brillsla (hdumh;', and ill,,,,
etre. Ki,k"tint„•I,, of (tree ; elle 1,10,
Kerney and 11'e, Jahn el/Auer, (l
Morris. The 1,1,110 was brought to
the horse of J. 11. Smith, Ne Lot 27,
Lon. 9, turd the funeral will be held
front there, on T1ttn•saay afternnnu,
1,t 2 30 o'clock, vervice being conduct-
ed earlier, Interment
will be ,lade 1)1 Brussels cemetery.
The farm land is getting winked
these days,
The Pahl spoiled the Celebration at
Ethel on the 241h.
Ethers Celebration has boon post -
posed mail Friday, June 3rd.
Airs. Rnl:t. MrAllister is a visitor
with frieude in Toronto this week,
What about Of from this town-
ship foe THIS POST 9 Send it in or
Miss Aiae Hemmerele7 of Guelph.
is visiting with her friend, Miss Beth
Hoover, 9111 con.
Miss Mae Croke, of Stratford Nor-
mal 80131101,
or-nla1801)11)11, spent the week -end with
her aunt., etre, Wm. Hollinger.
Walter W, and Mrs. Carter and
Miss Att1,'jory, of Tovontn, spent 1he i
holiday with Tinos. and ales. Turn-
bull and Norman Lamm) t, 8th roil,
HAD A CoLT.18toN,-Sunday evening 1
while Earl and Mts. Sholdiee were 011
their wry home, tt ear driven by
Alex. Clark, McKillop township, ern
into their ear just south of Octkley's:
bridge and both cats were badly dant'
I aged.
0lH'rrARY.-Aftel. an illness of 110v-
eral months the death (wenn ed of
Mrs. Isabella Turnbull on clay 18th,
at het horns near Galt. Sit 1.0110 born
in Seollnl,6 in 1845 tool et/01e 10 ('(tn-
Ac1a 11, 1801 with her 'Father, Thee,
Turnbull, who settled i1) 11111 Mt Co ,
00 1110 15th con. of Grey, 01) 111e farm
Where her 111.01 her, the late Thomas
Turnbull, resided. She was the last
of this pioneer family of nine. Since
her marriage to the late .lames S.
'Turnbull she has lived peau' Gull, A
fatally of three danghtere and two
sons survive her. The funeral wens
held Iasi Sanctity Afternoon and httrial
was made at Halt. 'l'hnmaa 110011,
11r,.Olivct''1'nruhnll, Andrew Tnrn-
11»11 tool Oliphant Smith, all of Grey
township, attended the funeral,
Sunday Services.—Sunday School
at 10 a.m., Communion service at 11.
a.m., preaching service at 7.30 p:m.
Rev, Mr. Fowler, of Brue,elo, will
have charge of our Pre -Communion
service next Friday morning at 11
The by-law voted on to grant to
Pointon Bros. a loan of $10,000 Car-
ried by a large majority, sltolving the
confidence the ratepayers have in the
firm establishing' a business which
wilt be an asset to the town.. P-,ain-
ton Tire^0, will erect a building 32 x
00 feet, equipping it with woollen
still machinery for the manufacture
of blankets, , Weaters, socks and yarn
which will give employment t ) quite
a number. Since coming 1', Illyth
83 years ago they have twice had
loss by fire, but hope in the building
of the new trill increased business
will be the result,
Dr. E. A, Moe -tester is driving a
new Pontiac.
S. Howlett spent the week -end with
friends in Brussels,
Dliss Ruby Cleaver spent the 2401
at her (101111., (1011. (3.
Allis Edith Dome, of Nlttgtr'a Falls,
amen, M few days at. her home here.
Mrs, A. P. McKee is spending a
couple. of weeks in Toronto with
Nettle and Mee. Me.Kee,
Roy Cunningham returned home
froll'E'orontn, last week, tercet hehlg
in the General Hospital for tt couple
of weeks.
Et ed Parket' has not 'flea hie em-
ployee, John PP :1,'y.',, 111,11 he is Lear-
ing in a (ample 1,l' weeks to seek his
fortune in the U. S. A.
fe. 0. L, No. 661, Ethel, will h 118 a
special meeting, on 1011000 evening,
May 801,b, at 8 n'ciork, Thi^. Ornng0
and Blue degr008 will 11e exemplified
by 1317111 L. 0. L. No, f166,
PDI0reneet)-Ther,' wen simile dib.
appoinlulerl1 felt when the weather
Wits so htn l'avornble for the opening
of one new park, on 'luesdny, May
24111, The nfternnol pi'0grem hurl to
be called off, 11,10 ib is expected that
plans twill be trade to lime the eel-
ebration, ol,lnntRed, 'I'le evening
enneert woe held in the Twp, Hall,
and watt very much enjoyed by a
a large audience.
The Contel4. given at Die Twit. Hell,
leenT1nn'dnv owedme, wan a splendid
nuce,ese. The play, "Rev. Paler
BOW,” given by the 70111) * hennle of
Atwood. was %veil pi-eonilei. nn(1 the
misee11a111441110 (11')1)3(1111 Which fnllnw-
ed, wits ,t very ;enrolee one with the
a0dienee. The Ladies' Aid of the
Peeehyteritto Olim'el1, moire. whnst,
anent Pre the 0tvn'('11. was given, nee
to be ennerntmlttea on )1)P .Ileere.N.
Thr Concert lielcl ender the aus-
pices of the Ladies' Aid of the Pres-
byterian Church proved a splendid
event in every way. The Hall was
well filled with an attentive and enee
the artistst were well received an
ever 310,00 was added to the Build-
ing Funtl,
"His Uncle'sNiece'
Will bo presented (1 by One
Young People of Altntien
in the
11 � S'
� )
I '� 1.. l , lz If :\ 1.1.
\,V.A1, F•.\N
friday WI Jung 3
Play Followed by a bane
Admission 35e and 25e.
The Sunday evening service. are 1
great addition to the wort, of the
Church, it being well fillet. it cal ser-
Foneteu PAsT,lt IND 0("1 -ED A'1 Tl))(
1)110)) —Last k'rttlay's 'Cor011,, 1-; lobe
eonteined the followwg notice 101,0711
1 ,•fern 1.0 a former pastor of the PI e..
by'terian ChM, 11 heir 1 '•A IrP'
crowd asse1)Jtlled Inst. evening, in IEnt-
1n teuel Church o1) S,va.,,vrek avenue, 1
for the c.vwrnony of iuduetiou of Rev.
A. N. Boyle to St, Altothew's con-
gregation. Rev. W. H. An due we,
aerial Moderator of the I'„lslylel tun
Church, presided and condo 'led the 1
iudaclion ser'vioo. Rev, A. R. akin -
UM: of Cleotrttl Chunk, preached the 1
n of the ),0"118101), and HPV, Dr,
0 13. Gipson of Cooke's Church, Std-
dies'red the eel term' and cettgregatinu 1
fr,llowing the service. A reception
WW1 held afterwards, when about tw'))
hundred people were guests at (1 Most ,
enjoyable banquet held in the base-
11)0tl1 of Li 011111rI1, ander 1110 chitin -
1 ulanehip of I11*v, (4, 11. Dunn, An ex-
00111' 1 f Il 1 1
it 1❑R?19a pr001(11n n nave( ( le
ckm ier's
hieapp e
Phone your orders in.
Prompt Attention
"SERVICE" our motto
Itov. Charles W. King, pastor of
Walkerton Baptist Cbulch, has ac-
ce.pted a nmvIimous coil extended by
the congregation of Broderick Mem-
orial Chinet), St Tllonote, Ont, lie
twill hike over his 11Ply rhatge, *t Sun-
day, eley 20. h. Prior to coming to
\V'a'kin toe, 111. K(ng W•ta pastor of
Noma Pleasant Road Bapi.islChurch.
1'o onto.
No. th11. iv 1101 0 story of a Spatlish
bull tight, hot an incident which or.-
enrred rerII,tly, i1) C'ulross. T.- le,
el'.winllry, jr , tures bringing in a hull,
and tlnught that it would be an uni-
que (101)8 10 ride this 1,7(ltbp,.U)d
,mitral, which trudged along ns d,rile
04 any ohs dobbin 1vit11 Liv rnnster
The 111001 log of Bruce Di41ict
Lodge No. 10, 10. 0. 1'. was held at
U1)derwnntl, Bro. Caen. TI. 111Kay,
1Jnitrw„nd, WAS 1111)'001) as the 1nrom-
ing 11(er)ict Deputy (1)and 'titterer,
and Br,,. John Bell, et' Ripley, wee el.
elected Distr101 Secrete' y, The longe
of i)slrurtiuu will be held at Dervie,
on Thnreday, May, 2(J, and 1110 next
diereiet tact ting will he held in Rip-
, ley.
banquet, anti at ins eloce, votes of
1.1111.111t9 were tendered to the people'.
of hmuntnuel Church for the 1,,e of
their house of worship, to the choir of
St. Matthew's, Who had fnruishod
511011 an excellent (110131,1 of cnueic,,
and to the ladies who had arranged
the banquet. The presentation of a
basket of fragrant roses 1110 ))lade to
Mrs, Boyle, on belrtlf of the Ladies
Aid Society of the 1111)0 1, Rev, Mr.
Boyle was for many year's minister of
St, Andrew's Church, at Southamp-
ton, CHL He recently came to Tor- 1
onto, and took charge of the wrtrk at
9t, Matthew's Int 01. receiving the call
to that 00ngreg'tt(*11,
A very pleasant afternoon was'
spent at the hone of Mrs. J. T. Bell,
5th line, Morris, when the-11:1gr100
Women's Institute met for the May
meeting on Tuesday. There 1.118 a
good atendancc, and the peesident,
Mrs. Jas, Anderson, had charge of
the meeting•. After the general busi-
ness had been concluded, the paperi
for the sleeting leas taken I1( Mrs.
J. VttnCamp and was quite interest-
ing. Mrs, Joe Clegg favored the
.;'athcring with a solo, accompanied
by 1'Irs, D. Geddes. As this was also
the annual meeting the election of 1
officers took place and resulted a8
follows: I -Ion. presidents, Mrs. til. A.
Wheeler and Mrs. J. Van Camp;
prsident, Mrs. E. McCelltnn; 1st ve.e.
president, 11Irs. Chas, R. Colinas; 211d
vice -1,r .1.1,1, Mrs. J. 1T Coultas;
reerctahw Miss Cola Count, ; tree,_
carer, 'urs. D. Geddes; plan -t, ,11i:a
l ora. Van Camp; assistant piani_t, 1
D'Irs. Herb. Wheeler, Several con-
mittees were also appointed to look
after the different parts of the work.
The secretary gave a summary of
the year's work and ,showed that the
attendance had` increueed clnsider-
ably during the year. The tret'.aur- i
er's report also showed n very good
balance of cash on hand. A dainty :
lunch was served by the hostess, 111rs.
Bell, assisted by Mrs. N. Welch, and
a social time enjoyed by all.
Bruce Go, Council will heit1 their
Ju 11' sossh,n, int \\' Iai 1,711,
TivPrtnn tN ]0)1.7(1: rnrlvtud to the
installation 1,i' nn eleal vie 111311, mart,
PI'nviNti111 is tieing made for at ten.
Ms court nn 1110 School grounds, at
I';nvinrinlOft(eers have unearthed 1
at stili at David Mlr'te(dale's borne, il,
Sangeen Twp.
The ("doing to Kincardine of the
Morgan tiros. Fishing Co, wein18 a
gaits In l/t)tilatiol of 13
Dr. J. A. Me.Dnnald, I'nr 31 years a 1
medical doctor, at. K1rteardiue, passed
away after un extend16 illunss.
The Bruce einniet pal !telephone
System hes relnOved 47 poles from
the Alain street, Kincardine, that
wive not heeded,
Dave Lemon, fnr111e1' proprietor of
the Commercial Hotel, Ripley, has
disposed of his farm, (ion, 6, Relent
'1wp., kflown as the old Sirut)idee
faun, to a Chatham Man far the sum
of $86,000.
While at work at Lneknov, under
the frame building, West of 131itz-
Mei it's Store, where extensive r(pahe
are (whip; roads, Dan McLeod 10410 the
vici,hn of one of those accidents,
1011(011 easily might have been much
1.i'01'S1, H'1, eeca1ed serious 1)1,301'7 110
evetl death by a vele: narrow margin.
With It number of other men, lie was
engaged in doing some excavating,
when tt concrete wall under the faint.
of the b11116111g gave Ivey and fell al -
1110011011 1011 of him. He was crumb t
by Llhs feet MI6 lege, and Was saved
from being further buried only by the
heroi0edemas of l311ioet ATi11r1' and a
few ethers, who held up the masses of
the wall until help arrived,
The First Parliament
In the structure -ure of Conte ler:itinll,'
the parliament of Canada was the key
.-tone. It was the one creation of the
British North America Act ub,ut ,
which, the wwails of the nation were
Act maned t]) Br tish
erected. The
House of Commons mons in the early
spring; of 1 S'iT, O11 Marrh 211 1,86:
it was given Roy:- assent In the
House of Lords. By proe•];imtltinn it
crone into effect on July 1, and on
tos-emh,-r ii, oe +11.11 year. the fir -r:
0(8.(.,11 of tit, first parliament was:
open,1 i r Rt Hen \ is,'ount 11Tt nt'k,
the feet governor-general of the Do-
'('1;„ first .. anion of the first parlia-
ment lasted until May, 1868. The
parliement under the premiership of
Sir. .Tonin A, Macdonald, Iived
throup' five sessions, dissolution be-
ing 1,r:. ted by the Earl of Duffcrin,
the governor-general, in 1811.�2
. Fit',
teen parliam"rlt;' have been summon-
ed and die.,olved since July 1, 1867,
and 1927, find. Canada between the
first and second se,eeions of ,tie 16-th
Fourteen ministrn:as have hell of -
flee ender the Crown. Of these tight
have been Con: t rvative, two have
been l nioniee and four have been
Liberal. Then citizen, of Ct,iada
have held the high office of Prime
Minister and thirteen Governors Gen-
eral have represented three reignhtig
sovereigns in (hies Dominion 8iiiee
July, 18(17.
Four times during these 00 years
Canadians have stood to arms and
on two of these occasions troops have
fought abroad. These occatdons
were the Fenian Raids, the Not th-
West Rebellion, the South African
War and the Great War of Europe
With these interludes the story of the
Dominion has been a dome i.'
It has been a story of nmol ,::.c': ,n,
industry and administration and over
all three phases the parliament of
Canada have exercised the donicant
Quite apart from considerations of
parties and the rise and fall of poli.
tical movements the chronicle of Cnn-
federati'on is without a parallel in the
history of democratic government.
Never before has such a mere hand-
ful of people occupied, achninistered
and prospered on such a vast ares of
country. EV011 now-- 60 t'eat's after
—the world cm. loots TO Canada for
lessons in administration. With a
popUlaii0n not much greater thatl
some of the cities of the World but
spread over half a continent, demo-
cracy functions in ail its branchez
and the citizens prosper. It it; not
only a tribute to administrative abil-
ity, it is a tribute to Brash parliamen-
tary government, which has been
proven equally adaptable in the com-
pact little crowded islands over the
seas and in this great sprawling nat..
ion of British North America.
P Church Notes
Melville Church
'Ili "l,i l ie eon),"
l 4 31 yy'n
Lrtrt 3a
t n Bitted id
'liel%,lleelm/ e41 twill leen {heir Sp1(ng
t •r'ui, 111 , 11) tlo• 6awerneut of
1110 church o1, 1'i (day r1 ring of thin
week. A free-will efi,'riog will be
Sabbnt.11 morning the pastor, 13ev,
1', G. Few'ler, i,1 Melville church.
took as is e
111 text, Luke 10:17. "When
he carne to hlutself," and Mark 14;19,
"Lord, is it 1 7" and spoke nn the sub-
ject of "Self lexemivatiun," One of
the conditions of the developanerlt of
the soul is self examination. The
Prodigal Son saw no Hien 0 in life than
to eat, drink and be merry until he
began to examine himself. Then he
saw his mistake and tried to mance
amends by returning to his father,
The Prophet, after examining him-
self, said "Woe 18 me ; I am undone
for 1 am a man of unclean lips." In
the life of Paul there was not much
soul development until, on the way to
Daruascus. he looked at himself inthe
light of Ohrisl, then he clluoged his
altitude towel de (11)1)st.. Earl' of ns
need to 0x11(nilre ourselves in the light
of Christ. This is difficult because (1)
Itis not easy and not always 111Pat;-
an1; (21 It 0adways easier to look for
the mistakes 10 the lite+ of nihprs
than our 1,100), Examining nutscl00S
in the light „f ('hriot helps: tie to gttitl
a knowledge of 600 faitil,gs and 1(111'
strength ; it will 1eve1)1 Ir, us our pos-
sibilities. utn,day evening the
pastor dealt with )l,e question from
the Shot ter(.rleehiom, "liew runny
peln0114 are there 11, the (4rdhpm) 1.
neve,u0- three peree,78 in 11he God -
heed. the Eaglet'. the R,'1, and tie
141117 (host, (.1)d these three 1410 One,
(--yultl in power and glory " '2'110 dre-
trine of the'14'ini'y is one of the /nitfrl
dncttines of 0)10 church. We believe
hi ,4ue tied haviog the rhareeteris-
tics 1,t the father, Lite Non and the
Holy Ghost. The t'nnctien of the
Fath r is to inmate by hring(g 1,110
nae 11,'10 lot r r!,, and e/uidir f: told guid.
ing the Universe. The funelioo Of the
Stun is 1 e be a i1 tviorr Mirnduc'iug in-
to human life o)'tior,ipie tittle enables
thea, to (a—epeit1'' their tet0pt011000.
His work io still 1",1,13 ori saving and
regenerating sin „sic, 1110 f,.nt•tt-n
of the Holy Spirit is inspilatien.
\Vhen we thit,k 1,l the lives cf m011
11,111 women 1010 have given their liv.
es tinder the infiu01)re of the Hely
Spirit, dning service fear valets, We
realiz0 sol)0111i1i11. , f the work of the
Hely spit it. The wet mf thane
three pere0ns of the Godhead is 1,01.
esv(tr7 to the f'+rtnetien of true rhter-
teeter, and the same attt ih)tee pnFFPe-
sed by them 1114151 he entnifestod tit
our lives if we ,ire to rne0Nn1 P 0(1 In
nor (0sp1111s1bill 1.tes. We rn1gt et pate
new vall108 he, doing something wetth
while. We 1I,11st manifest the Saviour
Spirit. We shnnld nianifes1 the Noll,
of the Holy Snirit by living s1, as 10
tosr,ire rebels to nobler t1(,11 greater
To the .nen who have led the gev-
ernments of Canada more than to
any others belong the credit for the
administrative achievements of the
six decades. The prime ministers of
the past 60 years aro as follows:
Rt. Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald,
(July 1S137 -Nov. 1873.)
Hon. Alexander Mackenzie, (Nov,
1873 -Oct. 1878.)
Rt, Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald,
(Oct. 1878 -June 1891.)
Hon, Sir J. J. Abbott (June 1891-
Drrenlber 1892.)
Hon. Sir John Thompson (Dec -
1 892 -Der. 1894).
Hon. Sir 1I. Lowel] (Dec. 1804 -
April 18911.)
Hon. Sir Charles Tupper. May
1896 -June 1896.)
Rt. Hon. Sir Wilfrid I,aar;er,
(July 1890 -Oct. 1011) I.
Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Borden (Oct.
1911 -Ort. 1917).
Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Borden, (Oct.
' 1917 -July 1920).
Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen (July,
1 Jl'20-Dee. 1921).
Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie Ring
(Dec. 1921 -Jane 19.26).
Rt.. Hon. Arthur Meighen (June
191 + Sept. 1926.)
Rt. Hon. 1V. L. Mackenzie Ring,
(Sept. 1926 -----.)
John A. Goetz received painful in -
11101, to his face while cranking a
gasoline engine at the Mildmay grain.
elevator When the: engine backfired
amid the crank flew up and struck hila
on the face, inflicting a severe gash
which required several stitelme t0
t 1.011 of ;,npnr tow'e]1in„t should
he kept in the kitchen to Wipe off
the stove, to prepare ve.grlabi08
to wipe, out greasy pans and to drain
A salad n day 'keeps the family
gay. Don't bo satisfied with just
dressed lettuce. Lot your imaging-
. tion have 1cin and try different
combinations of fruits or vegetables
and mix up difitiremt (lre8sings.