The Brussels Post, 1927-5-18, Page 1VOL, 55 NO, 48 $2,00 Per annum in advance iilWSSELS. ONTARIO, V1WNRSD4 Y. .11 A Y 8, X27
J. L. Praprieicr
6444 44feestof: 44444 44-4-44:4144.84:44•414:44..tofeIr4.44:4•44+4441-4.41.• 444.+ON'ell'44 4
The Surrounding District
00;•41;44.14:414:44:4F4•704403•6..e4.44.0.4.+44,-...treetir,44 4•444-4,-444•44fl*Moll.
'What about, oue :meet lighting I'
W. W. Sholdice, 1+ milee not th or
Sale nu Friday, See liet in another
c 01 num,
the village, is holding an Auction
U. \V. Hall on FeRlay evening of this
Don't forget, the dance, In the A. O.
week. The Ludwig Serenaders will
supply the znueic.
The 'Walton Orange Lodge No. 252,
at their May meeting, decided to cel-
ebrate the Battle of the Boyne, this
year, in Guelph, on July 12411.
St. George's Anglican church is
preparing to repair and redecorate
the interior of the Church and affix
storm windows throughout the build-
tho ft.!' Call will be 0. verse of Scrip.
lure will' ..eilver" in it.. At. thie
Meeting, the eecend Milliner Of the
hook, "Chriat of the India 1(01011,''
will be given, A hearty invitation is
xtentleil to All,
D. L. Sttstchan, 01' Port Elgin, was
a week -end vieitor with his sister,
Miss Annie Strachan,
Alex, Dark 101(.1 A very successful
sale, on Tuesday, of last week, Pric-
es were good and a. large crowd was
present, Mr. Dark and family are
t•emoying to the States. We wish
them all kinds of good luck in their
new home.
Mrs. Yuill visited friends in Toron-
to, recently.
Ales. J. A. Geddes spent a few days
with friends in BI (1081(10,
A. H, and M. Wilford, al Sarnia,
were callers at Joe Brandon's.
Mrs, Scandrett and daughter, Miss
Corrine, are visiting friends in Lone!.
\V, and Mrs. Bryant and family, of
Hullett, visited recently with J. A.
and Mrs. Brandon.
Grass (rattle have been moving pret•
ty freely for the past, week, over 150
head being weighed over the settles,
last Saturday.
Morley Jordan, of Clinton, and a
fOrnier resident Of 11)1(1 loettlity, hits
rented the Stu. Theatre in that, town
and is (1048 Opel ling it.
'rhe annual meeting of the Ifelgrave
\V 0018I('141 Institut e was held on Tnee.,
clay afternoon, 51(18171h, 0 the home
of Sire, J. T, Sell, lith line, 5101118,
The Presbyterians of St, And t ews'
Obtireh, Wingharn. will preeent their
play, 'The Spinstee'e 111.1 4(141,'' 1:1 the
Foreeters* Hall, 13010 aye, on Ft iday,
May 20111, at 8 m ro., under the rm8.
piees of the Presbyteri en Su mmy
Mond. This humeri -me play has re-
ceived great applause at the varinue
510.1.148 81101811, Wiligham 011+er:tem
will furnish the music; for the even-
the Ladies Aol of nox Unitod
C1100011, Belgt•ave, met for its peptise
meeting, on Wednesday efternoon, of
last week, in the basement, of the
church, with a gond attendance. The
first part of the time was gpent in ,
quilting, and at the ennehision of ,
this, the meeting w as nailed for hush I
ness, with the President, Mrs, Joe
Clegg, in the ('hair. Fuether plans
were made for the bazaar, to be held •
111 the Fall. The ladies were invited
to meet at the home of the president
for the June meeting.
At the last regular meeting of the
W. Al, S. of Knox United Church,
the report of the Presbyterial. Mr'
Goderielt, Was given. The Bible read.
105 4811.5 taken by Mrs, Choy, Camp.
belt, and prayer was offered by the
President Mrs. 311R, Andereon. A
(lnet wag bertuti r1 ly rendered by Mrs.
Toe. Oleo. and Niles Nellie Anderson,
The Itoll 011.11 te.eponded to by 14 lad -
108 was the name of a missionary in
India. The meeting &Deed with
prayer. 'ph,. next ((1001 1145 will be
held st the heme of Mrs, D. Geddes,
n hewn, of their 488(1(1' ('5 mid
We are' loading a
car or Potatoes at
Ethel and Brus-
sels all week.
Leitch & Ze.7-qer
Phone 22-11 Elllt1
°V J. Leitch
Phone 65 Brussels
01'008 are looking fine.
Send in the news from your dist-
rict. It is altvaye welcome.
Last Thursday night, thieves visit-
ed the hen -house of Gem ge Hendee -
eon, 3rd line, and stole 50 or his finest
John Wilkinson, of Grand Rapiele,
Alielt., is visiting his bt•other, NVillittni
Wilkinson, 4.(1) line. It is 16 years
siince his lest visit 11141 14.
The Court. of Revisits' of the Asses -
Men 1 }Loll will he 1101(1 in the Town-
ship Hall, on Morichiy, the 23rd inst.,
al, 11 a, in. See advt, in thio bottle.
Last Friday evening, a dative was
held at Lew, At.tustrong's, 31.(1 line,
and a leg (POW(' Was present. The
platform was laid 10 the driving Shed.
Lloyd Lucas, of St. Alin ys, motor ed
with his runtime and :deters, (14( 01(4
and F,iierme, to Ne 1(411 51eCauley's,
on Sunday, to spend the day, Airs.
Lures is Mr, AleCanley's sister,
Thos. and Airs. (10 11, 501 lin, of
Morris, announce the et gap n et t of
their youngest 1111U110 00. A »tt te 0010-
111(0, 10 John Gilbert NI' 1110(7, soil of I
301111 and Alrs. Nethet y, 8r11 lipp,
NVedding to take place earls: in June, I
'-; • • • T1 . Kii,eardino
Repot ter•Review Of lest week l0ftlr0
to the death of 11 f: (rms. reeident of
this township 1.—Tl( 4' sudden death of ;
Robert J. NVittsoli, Fliclay, Slay 1
0111, earne /le a shock to his 01807 ;
ri ends. Dornod, 141111w as 40 y 9
of ag(•, had only lessi slightly ill for a
few days and death overtook him !
swiftly ft•orn a herttt attack. Deceas•
ed wits 1101,n 11 Morris township, stm
oft he late James \\i'(( 10(1(1 and Mrs. 1
Flora Watson, Th0 flintily moved to
near Paisley when Robert was 0(148 11 I
boy, 48110(0 111' lived until alumt 20
yeals ago, During the last 20 years
he bad followed the barbering trude
and had resided 1:1 Ifelmonton, Chie-
age mid Milcionty (14(11 f o r several
yeat•s 0(1(1(11.1 ted A bar her shop in Kin-
cardine, when (1 he built up a fine 1)1101.
((088. In 111141114 took up farming nu
lid 1, eon. 5, Kineeriline township,
with his nnly th et, Th emits. This
1141 1(1 was, by (lint of tbeir great ener-
, gy, trondet fully improved, the land
being clenred and chnined and made
into one of 1110 beet farms in this see•
tion. He never married and he leaves
his melher and one brother, Thomas,
: to m0n.011 his passing. lie waS
member, of the United 011110011 14e
1. was a mall'of strong 1111 ('181114(1 eller-
aeter end to generone supporter of his
; as Well as a. fait hful attendant
(1.1 1110 eervices ot the elm eh, Being
vet y (1(11011 interested in finternel
' societies, he belonged 10 the 0. 0. P.
Lodge or ICI (11490111111' and Petletaw,
gore Lodge, 1. 0. 0. P The funeral
tnek nlane on Mentlav (((1.01 110,111,
from the family residence. It• wits an
exeeptinnelly large one, showitig the
esteem in which the deceased was
Hera! Blacksmithing
Woodwork Repairring
With 35 years experience we can give
you servree in all lines of the above
• We apply all sizes of the better
' grade of Rubber Tires, to your sat-
; isfaction.
Regrind lawn mowers, carry a full
stock of plow repairs, genuine parts
by the original makers and Cockshutt
Implement Repairs.
We appreciate your patronage;
charge a Moderate price and would
be glad to be of service to you at any
New Nd veril,seinen Is
Sera Cara -W. J. Iniff
(11.1011F Pei], at 1i111ii,1
Plants for sate ('1.4. 5.4148
Pig. tor sale -n.1,4 s. 14.,011
Piss 104 ?sale -Milton 'ittinthi
raffia wsolea--.1 Nnehal
rot! (t.
Pio for snle-.1.1,
For mile -Jain,. A rimarmilt
Dimee-fienry Vornomq num
boont-hlonerteir t'hoppIntrOftli
WEItIno, Pnoor, 61.0.-30- It, smith
W ooti for wale-I/no, Alvtilnoon
'181)1,' (),(,,8" Th.",
,lernees- Wu... It, 11011, 41 Chin g.11
Potatoes wante11-1,e1eli di z,tigh.t.
Biwa (24-11111l1ing 0011 Snips .nrvion
Dunlap Tires -Press A Ronny Burenn
Concert-14nel eroshytariso Chtireli
((011144 01 inivkiciii-TownshIr of Grey
((0(111. 04 Bevil/Ion-Township of Morris
held, Rev. L. 'W, Reid. peetor of the
United Church, condueed 1 he Her -
vice.: of the This was follow-
ed by the I. 0 0. F , conclueted by L.
Buckingham, N. G„ end Earl Hall,
chaplain, The unitheitiers were : Jas.
Paylor, Kenneth Matheson, W. A.
McLeod. John 114e1Cenzie, Jae, Munro
and 0, K. Norman, all members of
the I. 0. 0. F.
51158 McNair is sponcling a while
with Mrs 1301 Vedden.
Aliss Rhea McLelland spent a
couple of days in Toronto,
Mrs, Cliff. Rowland hes recovered
again, after her reeent illness,
P. N. and Mts. Currie and Helen
tool Sob spent, the week•end in 1.
Mrs, Coates IA spending a few days
at the home of 'Scheid uncl Airs,
Johnston, 97rowitric1ge,
Alex, Dunbar hi making Rome im•
proyeMents to the interior of his
house, on the station road.
Feed Selling anti John McNeil are
both able to he bank in the shop
again, after theit rest from illness.
S1)01lle3r Hell, of Victoria College,
Toronto, is spending a few clays with
ft.iencis here and in Brussels.
Mrs, \\Testes, Alttrquis, of Clinton,
was a vieltor with her 111 other, Jos-
eph Engler, Over the weekplid.
Mrs. W. 0. leckinier, of Winnipeg,
., . e .
home of her parents, Joseph and Airs.
Ed Deejardine intrebased a good-
sized truck, last week, which he in-
tends to use to haul in all the cats,
that refuse to go.
Ethel Pieshyterian Sunday School,
at 1 30 p, 111., preaehing at 2 30 and
7.80 p. tn. These services are attract-
ive and popular, with special music
by the choir. A hearty welcome is
extended to all,
Don't forget the Concert end Plny
in the Township Hall Thursday 08011.
011 11118 week under. the auspices of
the Ladies' Aid of Ethel Presbyterian
Munch. The young people of At-
wood will present the hn morons play,
"Rev, Peter Blire."
William -MeLecul, One day last
. week, attacked the interior of Joe
Nichnlson'e barber shop and left a lib-
; veal quantity of paint on the walls,
I adding considerably 10 the general ap-
pearattee. "Service," 04I 11411111, 18 0111'
barber'S in 1 tn.
1 Dr. le. A, McMaster is having rather
extensive improvements Made to his
residence, A new woodshed it being
I built with tt eistern. Messrs, Quer-
engeesee. Howlett, Remy and Steven-
; son have been exhibiting some of
; their 817111 (1(111(15 the precerclinge.
.1011 11 A11108 rethrned to olls village,
on Thursday last, after spending a
few InOn I. 118 in Bay City. "Uncle"
1 John 1888 jr141 (111(1111(18 glad to arriee
111 the village as his many Mends
Iwere to SPE. him, and best of all ie
that he is as hale and hearty and se
3111(71444 eyes, Ho will snend a while
1 with his sister, Mrs, 111.4011hp,
Thos. ore
(Successor to E. &S,
A -•
S 0. White Leghorns
Over a three year period our pens in the Canadian contest have made
the best showing of any birds entered by any broader covering the
past three years. At present our pen in the Canadi,in contest is
in first place f Or all entries from ()Mario in the light breeds, in
the Ontario contest our pen is in the first place for the light
broods. In the Nova Scotia contest our pen is in second place, a
Government pen holding first. We have the high hen In this con-
test in the twentieth week.
Wo aro booked up in May for 12,000 chicicons. Will have some
surplus each week at $12 per 100. Juno chicks $12 per 100,
Waiter Rose t,,, ussels
Crops are coming along tine.
Send or phone in the news from
yew. dietrict, but get it in early.
Many head of cattle have been put
on the grass, clueing the past week.
Mee 5114141111. Johnstone visited With
Mos, J. J. MeOuteheon, last week.
The wntic nn the new home 01 01-
1974' McOtetery, Bomidary North, is
proceeding nieely,
Miss Aimee Weisenberg, 14111 Con„
vieited with Slifer Margaret Hayden,
Oyer the week -end.
George Hishm, with his friend,
Walter Schlueter, nintneed home
from Detroit:, for 111H week•end,
Roy 51c00( 11)8(1(1 spendieg ft few
holidays (11 1(18 home, 2nd Con., recov-
eeing Nom his recent accident,
The Court 011 Revision of the Arises-
sment Roll will be held en June 61:14,
at 10 p. 111. See advt. in Pose..
Don't forget the play,at Ethel, on
Thursday evening, 01 this week, A
splendid program has been arranged.
The Sunday Sehonl, at Roe'e, W1114
opened 185 0711107. 30110 Pearson is
the superintendent. q'here was a
good attendance of 45, and we hope
111010 next Sunday, Remember the
time, 10,15 sharp,
An interesting Mother's Day see.
91(18 480.5 held at the Union United
Church, A speeial Mother's choir
rendered appr opt late 0111810, Mrs,
George Michel 8111(5 11 solo, and the
pastor delivered a sermon on “An
Olcd-Time Mother," A 8(1(30)141 118111(100
of the seevice wag the baptism Sol,
viva When 1110 following were 1)0 511)7.
ed : james Murray Di1.ey1 'Ward, eon
of Percy and Mrs, Ward • Mary Tois
Machttn, daughter of i•itardnv and
Mrs. Moeller; ; Clarence John Henry
Ward ; Joyce Isabel Reyes, daughter
of Harold and Airs. Keyes,
The W. Al, M. end Ladies Aiii of
RAM'S 0111111011 110141 their May eyting
at the lintne of Mrs. 3. AfeCutellenn.
There were 82 (4(48441447 1. The meeting
Walt 0110,11nd 118 singing the Doxningy.
Mrs, Roht, Peareon cod in prayer
During the 11118141088 period, a finane-
ial report or last year's work 48148 1141411
by Mrs. Raytiard, showing an in -
an" ‘e
Tuesday, May 24
Mr, Martin Thornton's e
(Twenty Years Married)
Everybody Wele9mo
Lisle from Holland
Admission 75o the Couple
Henry Veramnerman
crease of $16.00. Interesting 1 ead-
ings were given by Mts. J. T. Pearson
and Al es. R. J. Pearson. The uext
meetieg is to be held at Airs, Ale -
Kay's, The Ladies' Aid is planning
for the annual garden party, to be
held on June 1604, thia year. Fut -111.
511. particulars later.
Don't forget W. W. Sholdice's 4010'
1(041 sale, on Friday, of (his week, at
Lot 1, Cnn, 15111, F'ull list is in '1'10:
Roe's United Church Sunday School
was re -organized, last Sunday, with
the following teachers and officers :
Superintendent John Pearson Ass't.
Supt., Wm. GI ainger ; Bible Class,
Mrs, Jno. Pearson, Mrs, Jas. Peargon ;
-Young Ladies' Class, Mrs, Sriugle
Young Alert's Class, Rev, D. Al.
Guest ; Intermediate Girls, Mrs. A.
openirL5r, of
PA Ith:
T pi, 14
Tuesday, May 24th
In the Afternoon
.A S,$t Bell Tournament. will 1a1.0
(dace witli Wain, 4,51 Lo,towtl,
Atwood, Moncriaff, 1211 Lite,
At 6.30 p. m.
A Feet Bell Mittel, Nvilllaayi,i 7
Innween 1:111c1 and , •
1340.011. and Ethyl taking paft,
At 8.30 p. m.
A Canal Concert will ba wboo
it is expeaol a Hawaiian()
Ult. an l'.,locuti.itiOt and CuillUtiiial
furnish the
Booth on the Grounds
Dancing in the Evening
Watch for Bills for further
Reynard, Mrs, R, McKay IflI'rI1. 1
mediate Boys, Ruby Grainger, Eva
Savage ; Primary Class, Mrs, W,
Grainger., Airs. P. Tyerrnan ; Seely.,
1(814 51910514 ; Treas., 01 ;midst, Marg.
aret .flayden. Sunday School is held
overy y, al 10,15,(490071)0117
Come to chrwch, next Sunday, Stay
22nd. Smulay School at 10 a, tri.,
preaching at 11 a. tn.
ev. . A. Villiants, Mts. R. K.
Mc 001101)110011 Mrs. NV, A.
attended the Presbyterial, at 1(10.
1(011111(8, on Tileeday.
The regular monthly Meeting. of
the \V, Al, S. was held in the Pl 1.,1)y-
toritin Chnrch, on May 1111), the Pree-
ident, Mrs, Keys, presiding. Mrs.
Alatthew Carnet on read the Seriptio e
lesson, follew(•(1 by prayer, offered by
R. K, MacDonald,(4padings
were given by Airs, Dan, linether,
Mks Jean Noble, Mrs. Jolla lettether
and Mrs, R. K. 1.)(1110.1d. A duel
W(18 sung by 51 188 Edith Gorsalitz 0111
Aire. Martin AfacDonitlel. Miss Edith
Keys presided at the (1rgan. Mrs,
MacDonald and Mrs. (Rev.) Williams
were appointed (Integra PS 10 the pres-
byterial, at. Kitteardine, Next meet-
ing will be held in the ehUrCh, on
the 8111 of June.
1411844 Hazel Kitchener, is
visiting et her home 110( 0,
rhos. Glhson and son Edward, took
a motel trip 10 Sarnia, last week.
Mrs, Robertson has returned from
Galt, where she spent the Winter,
Silos Rona Van VelsOr, of Stream (1
Normal School, was home for the
J. J, and Mrs. Gibson, of Toronto,
were (poen 1 visiter pi With the former's
ski er, Airs. F. V. Dickson.
Under the attspices of the Voting
People's Society of the United
('1) 41 1.011, a company of young; people
ft•ent Alildimay, put on a splimilid
play, ent itled "Home Anees," in the
town hall here, last Friday eVening.
The different roles were well taken,
and the 11111010, 700111 and instrument-
al, given between acts, was thnrongh-
ly enjoyed by everyone present. Pro-
ceecle alTionn led to 852.00.
Word was received here with 11111(.11
('051(41 (11' the death, in T,n orlon, on
Sunday, of Reuben Sanborn, Ds.
ceased, whn was a farmer, had been 11
resident of the village for a great
many years, He wits a kind, unas-
suming man, respected by the cow.
Triunity He was monareled and is
survived hy 111011(10, in 'rine bey-
ey, from whose home the funeral will
take place to Wt.oxeter cemetery.
(Intended for last week).
Miss Bernice Shaw returned from
Manitoba, last week,
Wm. Cuff has erected a new up -to.
date gasoline pump in front of his
Mrs. (Rev, A. V. Walden lets so
recovered after her recent operation,
in Wellesley Hospital, T0101110, that
she was able to sit up for awhile en
Rev. A. V. Walden attended the
funeral of the late Miss Nelsen, in
Wingitatn, on Monday afternoon, tak-
ing the services for Rev. Mr, Bennett,
who hay been ill for the past two
The services on Sunday morning
were in honor of 0110 MOtherti, and a
baptism service wee also held, A
inothet.'e choir supplied the (4111810,
mid the address 1.7a8 nn the subjeet,
"What, the Church owes to the child's
first Walther."
The 71111115 people 01 131(109141)4 went.
over to Myth, on Menday night, in
the final inter -Presbytery debates,
Charlie johnsten ami Miss Ethel
Wardell leek the itrfirintaiVe in 1.110
det111,10, "10801ved Ow, the Renteet-
timml Programme of Young People's
work has n011189(0 the noble put.pctee
for which it WAS (7111(411 ed," They
wen the debate from 11(110(4101d in the
Weet 'Huron division and brought
hack the medals provided by the
Presbytery of Huron County, as
trophy for the whiten%
Church Notes
St. John's Church
Semi-ennual meeting or the Dean-
ery of Huron will be held 0 sr,
John's chureh on June 1511),
The (-Nreirbishop or 1(111 ,44 will ad-
minister the lite of Confit 'nation in
St. John's churell on .11117 lth, The
service w111 be held al 8 p. tn.
Melville Church
Luke 22 : 24, '"rhere WitS also strife
among them which of them should be
accounted the greatest." was the text
taken by the pastor, Rev. F. G. Fowl -
sr, in Melville (5101 111, (net 1404111101
morning. The question, who 01100(1
Ile 1 1 he r t, 48011111 •
have caused great strife ameng the
disiples, had Christ not heett (110001( 1.
They were looking for Christ to ea -
t111111811 0, great earthly kingdom.
When this imeetion is /piked by in-
Vid MIAs ill a spirit of a4(110, -,0i; y, the
result is to create strife, and also in
churches, when the individual asks
this question, strife ensues. (11)1 (81
gives the only true answer to thie
question. Those who 4)0 1(1(17 the
highest, place are not the greatest,
but those who humble thetust•lyes
and set ye their fellow -00m end Christ
1)1441, This question has often been
asked by one nation of another and
this has resulted in war. The great.
wealth, but: by the service %Oriel, it
renders the other nations. T11 14
queetion 15 (1.1111e11 bet Wert, Capital
and Lahnr. and has led to 011 111041 atel
lock -outs. A strife 01 511(715 on in the
wOrld between Rightism -mess and
Sim \V hen we see 1110 10541(110 of sin.
We are tempted to say that is 11 gi 01(1'
60 f0114 1.10111
nothing can be 11.0001111 ted great that
destroys life. It is 111411541 14(1 (11 41514
this question between nations and in -
Mu we s'00111,1 ask it in 114-
5(41 11 to rign and 481 ong in 14(10 five,
and see to it that right is greatest,
Sabbath evening, the intetor's text
waa Isaiah 2 : 6, "A root out of a dry
gtound." To understand this refer-
ence 10 Christ. We 1111141 e011811101. the
etiVilolinient into whirli 011054 WAR
born. In the Jewish religinn (311 111(11.
day, prowess was discouraged, and
there was nothing t o (l)1veler a vital
religion. The teachings of Christ
were 0111 11111y diffel'ell1 (-0 those of the
PhaeiSees, 00 (11111 b e 1.9 0.5 a root. not
(11 (1. dry 5( 1104(11, 81101 01011 as Alart •
in L11 I het and the Wesley,: were (5(4'
1141(5' elill'event in their I henght from
the men id their day, and stenek
new note in the t•eligiorts teachings of
their day, Eaeh or these men naught
the real spit it of religion, Po -day,
We need to guard agal est pitying too
111(1011 attention to the foentalities or
religion and neglecting the ('('(1.1 (451111
of religion, The only way 10 develop
these roots in a (ley greund is by
nourishing 11! ittough faith in Jesus
°heist. At the eremite!. service, Mrs.
Clouse sang "Moment by Nlometit."
United Church
W, 51. S —The regular. meeting. 011
the NV. M. S. of he United Ohnerli,
13russels. was held on 5111.7 111111, in
the lecture room of the church, Airs.
Fox presiding, The devotional elter-
rises were conducted by Mrs. Skel-
ton and 0011818t0d of emiring "Aly
Faith looks up to Thee," the Lord's
peayee its unison, leading of the
Scripture lesson and devoitotml leaf-
let tm "Faith and Power and 51(17.
811.'' 11110111 of our Pitt hers" was then
sung, (01(11 1110(1 the 110001,15 (11 up, see -
Paltry (00(1 1 rensit Per Were 0 Veil. it
ilenided to 4(14011 the 1000ey 4,, 1111!
supply secretat y, instead of the cloth-
ing for a boy of fourteen 71111,, as 11
Will he ;111.111 13,8 trecepteble. Upon 010
reit treat of M Moll nit e, the mem-
hers 01 (11(4 Society wet 0 (0.1k011 10 set
apaet one they when every woman in
1.110 01)11(4181010110(1 4811111111)0 vielted 1111
a tuetnher or the Society. Exeellent
et:poets of the delegates, Mt's. Procter
and Mre. IL. St rachan, to the PresIe-
1..01151. They brnugh I hark to ns the
thotight that the most nver.wilty
thing for the stmeess of Missions is
prayer, and the women of Chi istian
nations have the 51711 )1111 reason for
if ;RAND '!
; Wilder the auspices ot the
10 c•f' ..thel Pres -
try curls 11 4.11 MTh 011
Thursday ev'g, May 19
in the
14,1 8.30 p. 111.
The Humorous Play entitled
"Rev. Peter Brice"
1.k. i,,,,ano.d by lie, Yk/Illip, Penfile
J , ., , . , , , , ,,
) tf PI, i,l, iospilvti f.y lay renewing ,
Nir, if. 1: B. ,14,4,,..,.., 1.444,1.,4I. Suloi.t :
1.1r. I.,..ts. 1.44te4er. fit s»., 1., Noted
11.-. Meticril l'itoliii..iii. List,,,e1, Sof-
Sri 11.44 4.te, At,., l. ,,,,,I 'Mr, 0. Sav-
.n,..r.., —.1:,...., .,„. Letflorelititi Nlitlii,e,.
".14 4(414' and Erlitiy 41 Cl.tili .
, , , , ,
1...ittigl. illtti Huai 111414 [1144, Ariliii,
Admission 35e and 25e
Mk. W. Nicker., Pit:4SL.;
Mtv, P, Lemest, 8:srenity.
thanktultmee, bemuse wherever the
gospel of Jesus Chriet wire proclaimed,
the int of W1.11100 was i•levitt ed. Olre.
Sarkis, san5 it very appropt late 0o1o,
entitled "NVon't Stanebotly telt
5105. Parker gare a three-minute
talk on "1 111 Stewardship and
fOking rim her thought
the allnrat ion so long ago the (tine
; 1,11 1110 Illikiten of Israel. They had
allocations, some of theme being kno•nt
offering peace off-ving,, thank c.ff•.r-
ing, offeling, itteettRe off,',.
jog, Sin nifetitti.; and 1 re.possi Ng off"!-
ing. We, no f0110Wer8 1.1'
(10 110 leSs 111011 they, Ilvayer rot be-
hall' of Missions Was It.d by Mt 4. Me, ,
Call. :Anti rapets. svere given by
Mrs, MeGuit t., 51; s..larks110 4,1111 '
cLau chlitt. 'Flo, meet i 711.3; was
brought to a clo,c by singing. -The
ohoteirs one foundation is Jesus
Christ her Lot (1" and repeating the
Alizpali heneilictien.
1 Thte "Three Leaved Book- was the
subject of Rev. A. W. Sarkis', sew
mon last Sunday morning 1 the text,
"He that bath ears to hear let hirn 1.
hear," Matt, 11115, 1111,0 IA 01 414 are
to be Found ts,veral times the New ;
1' (1(110111, They spoken by
Christ at the close of the Set mon 4111 ;
the Afeutil and 8180 10 he 1011011 114 ;
the elose of each of the let-
ters to 1111' Asiatic Chltrellog. !
Ille subject for the inert).
ing was, suggested by a hook en t it led
Al ellen ny of Grace," which eon.,
tabled hut three Wank leaves — a
Mack, a 1 td and a white lotf—the
11.11)1e alliniive in the 4401 11 of (4( 14014,
signifying the voices wbit,11 aln,eal
us constantly, The black tear te• ;
minds us of sin, the thing that sepal'. 1
arcs us trom (1(4(1 111111 dominates the
paseions of men. In spite of 1110 (1(1114
pieturt•, 11(141.1 0141(108 to ns the voiee ;
front 0,1(1011,or the eall of eonseienee
(('51(4(4 (41' 1 he 1111E41,1 ,11v
14(14, 11111 ((1104,1' 11 Sill 1111.1011 11,111 111,
page 4.pen Ice to us of blood ;
, 0111'htRn
5g1 (bartvilif
- wtef (111 Tr', 1'
the inner voire, we are (he)4 evaryd
to hear the outer rob, 0.8
life of sts vire. Ever win th I
while in life has heist heught by sac-
tilice. 517e are often mower-11rd only
with our own i it t el 4418, 1101 if 480 11141'
going to heo. pnWer for good in this
world, [1 18 111410814.1.1 y [het WO take 1011
11110(140 111 otheis Thi', will, no
doubt, mean self.sact floe, hut C111 isCs
life was one of selfwattriffee. The
cvhite page stmgests the voice from
above, Our whole *nature responds
to the voire 11.010 nbove, signifying
the wmk of grace nothing Nom
Prayeris the link which connects ns
with God, and by this contact, we (4'-
011 91' the power to respond .
voine from above. We 01 le t
011114 10 heal', let 1.1.4 hear the v,,,
Of ennseienne from Within, the vote,
from "111040 railing 115 to service
and 111,. voice nom above hy 181(1 '11
we me v receive power to Flerre. "He
1110,1 1(1(11 1,11'0 ('n hear, let him hear,"
51114107 14 prating on a 2.1th of 111 ,17
18,1Teubill' 1i, -nee County Day at
the 0. A. 0,, Onelph,
Teeswat er 1111t1 deet.ease (1)' 50, dur•
ing the paet year,
in their poprtlat
Kineatcline 1111115tis that there ie tm
prospeet or having the si rects paved,
this year, and will use a heavy oll 0(1
1111' 41108113.
11 tv Couneil have 70 des!
with the Paint lizitt ion of the Co, 17,1.
nalors, at a epecral session, this
Deep sorrow entire 1.0 the pimple of
101nweri1ale distriet, -1111 Con., 1411110(1
rwm, when [4 Wail learned that iLliss
Alio, Smith, Smeller in the
local sehool, hail passed away, She
had been ill for just shont a week,
with pnellnionlik. Miss 81(111 11 1111(1
j110 1. 1111.50011 Ilee 21st birthday, 1111,1
Was the Oldest danght,se of (Ills eh,.
I 141;11:1 1\51 rh9e. (111.1si tft,hr, ri 111 fht4;1 41vir11 n(11Veli• 1111T (,'"
11901 United Chnreit and (aught in the
Sttuday School,
Personal Paragraphs 1
Cti. Hoed e, .4 Clinton. wee in town,
.1,41 S..; in day.
In-ta, '1 P 1,1e1,1 was visiting BrIts-
ei.l. Pubiie helped this week.
The Mismss Seine, of Starfort it, have
'friende in town.
• treel , ,t1.• 01-1.ittg fa irsele in Amon
emdine, spent the week -end with
1(1,1,,Jr:yiyor,1(11k1.)-i..1114171(1,11f :1.i 111110,,, ,Av iici..1 r0115, Fl °ea
1 11110.,
pen, visited '1'. C. end Mrs. McCall,
11Nriel re le' i 1:' tite8 1.4,PAefirr"si.i 1Ne1;tWrn. fhPl'avli.wMeeilkIsstw. with
been the guysts of their sister, Mrs.
Peter Soo 41, (luting the past. week.
Hanover, were week•end 911'i fore with
the latter's parents, N. P. and Mrs.
and Warrie Hewitt motored from
Bel vie to bpend the clay at the Ilee-
J. L. 141111 Mts. 1.1,11100, of Kin -
Hey. R. A. 1111,1 Mrs Lutilly, of
Miss Aliee Jen itt, Grund Rapids,
On Monday Sarni. and hire. Hewitt
W. If and Aire. Met klinger, of
Robert MeMillan, of Seaforth, was
a visitor in loWn, last week. Mr. Mc-
Millan keeps busy with the U. F. 0.
J. H. (4111111144( 11 i0 away to Stulbury
4111 a Illlsi11e44 flip this Week, Mrs.
Gill In 9.1 th anonm tont i ell him as far as
Toronto, going try motor,
John Wilkinson, of Grand Rapids,
AI 0.11 , has been renewing 411
OM -
f 111 ai 11111.110014 in town. The visitor;
was a 11444111141(1 here some years ago.
Clinton News-Reem 11 : "Mrs. M.
Stevenson bas 1 etut nod to he( home
in 131.11-,se1e. afro( having spent about
a month with her sister, Mrs, A,
Glitzi.-( "
11 C and Mts. Ross anti It, J. ant
:Mrs. 51 14 lauchfill 1111,1 01 eel as far as
firineshy, on Sunday, to see the 1110e.
44(1(41 in the 1( 1111 tell. it is a wond-
erful sight.
Prank and Mrs. 11011yWa0 and
011)1111 014, 01' Witt el',10W11, Were %71,11 1-
01, ill toW11, last Wednestioy, with
Chit,. mod Aire, Look wood. Th. lad-
ies me giRt(stS.
George and Mrs. Bowman and Miss
Mason motto IA up fr( nt London last
Week With the hunter's emote -law,
W. 51,' 1)0141110, 1.. spend a few days at1.
Ite y.
'Mrs. tRev.1 A. W. Barker will 1 es
eni80 fm the first time sine,. het mar-
riage. at the United Clno eh pa1,1111.
age, 131 1114814(5, 1111 TIntr.dric aftei noon,
.May 2601, from :3 to o'clock.
IIet bet t Stretten, of the Standard
1311011 staff, Lireatt, nintoted up, on
Sunday, and spent tle• day at his
!retire, with Frank and Mts. stretton.
Alvin Sabine, of I.ondon, heel 101/1111*
ied him,
ledgro Lowry and Mae McDonald
10t111I1l'11 to Toren to, 00 Monday. Of(.
ter spending a. holiday with the Torin-
o -es (1141'('U 144, Edgar has 1144(4111 ('11 hie
Summer poeition as Purser on the
steamer, "Cayuga."
Clinton News•Record : "Mrs. Har-
old Kitty and little (1411011 Peggy,k
who have 1100 visiting the 01 Mel s.
pal en le, Dr. and Alt,. .1. NV. Shaw,
since Easter, returned to their home,
111 formai,. lust week.
Mrs R, Thompson and Ails, R. J.
MeLatiehlin Were host eSSes ft fiye-
hundred party, in the 111)1141 44', on
Thur -.:day evening, of last week.
There were 14 tables, A pleasant
time W111( spent,
William and 51(8, 51(011, Miss Alice
Jewitt and S. and Mrs. Weikel were
at Lontien, last \Ved attend-
in5 1110 490111111(5 of Aliss Harley and
E. W1111,trn Jewitt, B. A., of
Sarnia. The groom is a nephew.
Philip and Aire, Ament, of Begs.
...els, announce the 0145a51 1111411 of
!heir daughter, Kat yn Piles, to
George Dawsom of Ht ant fez d, son of
A. and Sirs. Dawson, of Hickson,
Ont., the 1111111 (450 to take Wave
early in June.
J, NV. Kerney and wife, arecanpen-
led by Everett and M,s, MeCuteheon,
1 nee Helen Kerney, left. Guelph, on
Monday, for a visit to San Diego,
00 , where they will spend the Sum-
mer, Old 111110)11'l4' Mende wish them
a pie:leant, visit, but ale entry that
[ thsv won't be here for the Old Boys'
l Wis. NN'. W. Ilartis returned on
Saturday from her Visit at Galt and
111 1101 1101018. 1\i vs. Harris 1111s recov-
ered hem her ear accident and re•
perts her siv ter -in-law, Alt s. Green,
• lila 11O011 lane 10 ('8.1(110 to her home
' Cayuga, although her 0111 is Still
1111. Harry and Mrs. Robinson. of
(1,111-, metered Mrs. Harris 11011141.
St. Marys is celebrating 1 he 241 h.
P1)', ire At rho preeent t•rns '1110111
1W011:0 (((114,11,11 hooks in the IC 1111,114
Lihrnry, over seventy volumea of
whieb were added 1,101 month.
Psi, l:•11 Kelly, employed on the
1'' ten of Lee Grieve, Con, 8, Downie
Twn„ ie in the hospitAl, suffering
from painful injurier: as a re8t111 of be-
ing 1,1111 08011 by a lend reller, 11 18
believed that 111e team of' 11 ((1'0('8 at -
replied 10 11(0 roller became frighten-
ed and ran awitY. throwing ;Ur, Kelly
beneath 1110 1,41101'.
There passed awev, while en:10mm
10(4 141111 friend, it, Newerlr, N. J., tz.
fort, v,..vat011 vointnim-
tlY, in (he prison of Miss Jenet, 1511v-
idson, in her 67th year, The bap Anse
Ditvideon'e illoese was of shor1 chtts
nth -in, mid the 1101148 or her (10(1( 11.'
ramp OS 0 00111' 1110,e1C in her many.
ftiende and 1 Math'. Fi 1,010 1'1101 de -
(Posed Wonialt Was till 0 type of
Chrietirm (4l151'(14'( ('1', end *1, 734 greatly
beloved by all who 11'' ,'w her. she
191144 it (billable!' 01 11,e We 'Hugh and
Nes, De videtm, lel is survived by
ttro 111,01 hers, 11111,'1, Davidson, Van.
ronvor 1 Alexander, of Newton, and
by one sister, mrp, John Munro, of