HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-5-11, Page 814. WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1927. SorinTirn C Y, ---,,-- , , .„, - _,.4 Is Kodak Time All Out of Doors invites your Kodgk these pleasant Spring Days. This Store is KODAK Headquarters. Fill all your nerds from our photographic section. Bring in or send us your films and have them develt.p- ed and printed. NEW WALL PER See the new SUNWORTHY WALL PAPERS, which will not fade. Varnished Tile Papers—sur- face can be wiped off, and are fine for Kitchens, Pantries and Bath Rooms, f7 SEE THEM *mete For Hous Cleaning DOLLY CREAM for Tinting Curtains, 15c CHAMOIS for Polishing 20c each MOTHER GARMENT Storage Bags. MOTH BALLS and RED CEDAR FLAKSS CLEANING COMPOUNDS CHLORIDE of LIME, &c .e 1. •' +,> F. R. SMITH i;rucgist and Stationer Local Nc' .:'s Items wellsesees l ielseeta-isteslea 1 1st lteg elei fKeie#:t"1:}!iga• N!eiglie44 Cid Boys Reunion. Soni people are wondering what se dales in regard to the Old Boys Reunion. The Executive have been doing their work quietly and thus I'd)). have completed contracts, etc: I vitatiens have been mailed—sone 1,500; 91st Highland Band of Ham - n,: segiessal for both days; a mid- way .-'._soil up; street lighting and decorations also contracted for and more is yet to follow. W. C. T. U. The regular meeting of the Won - en :< Christian Temperance Union vs: hold in the Public_ Librar:' on Thig=rd r ,.te rnoon, May 5th, with a rend at t. t d;uicc. The President, Mrs. McGuire. presided and conduct - tel devotional exercises, the follow- ing ladies taking part: Mrs. E. Mit- chell, Mrs. Ira Parker and Mrs. J. E. Smith. Roports from Treasurer and Secretary told of contributions to the different departments of the work, namely, Budget Fund, Marine Department, Chihir n's Airl. The main feature of the meeting was a splendid addrcSs given by Mrs. (Rev) Brown, of Walton, on the ub,i,et, "Preparedness,” which was much appreciated by those pzcsnnt. 'I'h.• PI Idr,nt spoke oke briefly on the Hard on the Shades. Last week Whi:e ball berSnd was in progress, the electric 11, It shade at t • lank of Nova i i corner came to u " and the will be out of pocket on the s'•n•o. A Heavy Wind. Tuesday morning the rain Was tt- companied by a heavy wind that blew down ti big tree at Geo. Mc - Call's borne and also broke orf he branch. -s of thea tirriesid town. F'er a while the main eireet looked like a small Mississippi flood. Intpro' ements. G„oi'g 5 +'is having a ;g•trac . erected at his home D. M. McTavish is having, -lit• house sided. and the old verand.,a at the front has '.,, . n r. -moved. Good progress is being made at Andersons g':er: Two rasol:n'.a tanks wore put in this week. 5. A. Mass Meeting. Don't forget the Ma..s raeogeg in the Town Hail on Sunday tifterneon at 3.15 when Conun:nulant H, A. Hurd, Put nehil 11 1,,spentatt bf Western Ontario for the c dreg : ,n Almy, will give an nddreee.1 .v Ill bit assisted by four musicianfrara Lordot and local talent. See t pro- •ams. Maitland Presbyterial. The thirteenth annual eneetiii;; of Maitland Peesbeteriel of the V' ?;T S. of tbn Pfn,thyterian Church will be held in r, i e auhnii on Tneeda• May 17th, 1.::7. Sessions at 10 a. m 130 ;find 7.30 p.m. Sp,•eial Mies ,p, ek_•rS ft t the day will he ? t, Robson, ntlei,sonary on furlough froth Indra; Mi.. Rattee, of Toronto, and Minor Locals. Rev. Dr. McGillivary, Moderator of May 16 `,- drawing nigh. the General Assembly of the Pins' ! Got the. 1;tirrwer aging yet? byterian Church in Canada, l;l„ +nm tine will soon be here. It seems to rain any old time now. Now Assistant Actuary. Vey: Lor about throe million dol - "The Agents' News,” an official ! lar refire. now. pamphlet issued by the Imperial Life i It i:, nilonrod that gasoline Is tak- Assuranc'e Company, in making;' re- Ines :i drop le town. • fere nee to recent appoirtm_ at; in ( Tbe font: ball boys will soon have the head office of the company at , to -•,•t down to practice. Toronto, makes the following; t I Delft forget that Thursday after - marks concerning W. B Strilehe n, neon is half holiday in .Brussels. son of A..and Mrs. Strachan, Brits -I Don't forget the Boy Scouts con- sels, who has "been a,r-loth d t.: i_, 1 erat.on Friday evening at the Town ant actuary: --Mr. Strachan men! to Hall. the Company in June, 1015, after it w't a groat rain Monday morns I i 1 ing. It graduatrng, w•}th the degree of Iia- brought the Buds out in a chelor of Arts from the, University hurry. of Toronto. He, too, has always i A new flooring is to be put on the been contracted with the Acinar rtl -ridge, and it is badly needed right to wheedle Mynhect Hertogenbosh of the Company and beide the away degree, of Fellow, the: Actuarial See- &tone i; now on the, program into fitting up the mill with modem iety of America, the. Institute: oe Ac.- at S,. north as the frill east of the appliances. Wilhelmin, affected by tuaries of Great Britain (A,I. "e..), town r hr eg cut down. the handsome foreigner, throws Cues TheC Grand Theatrec'tle r9 now open I ans herlover. However, oweverh, o they st ofmns- tar:v and Wednesday nights and I ally deel( e o s on Friday and Saturday ni;hts, of old Holland anti the lovers aro re - Tb. e .tv that a number of epeed- united. Jean Ferguson as Walhel•• the new system. o:r'. tr . ink; onto( tats will have a blue palesti mina and' George Hymmen as Alp- ]y and with a great at saving of. labor for driving fast through the town. 'beer Hertogenbosh were the hi`, of s formerly Ilene. manually, A general (dean up toad paint up' fhe. eveninaz. Jean captivateri the what wag will be on thin program in prr•pnra. audience with her splendid acting TME JtRUSSELS POST Won At Brussels. An re •:;tion of I.ui'knwi twee!; 1' players were at Brussels on M, nd iv it lit givingthe fan, of that uwa (.rut wt . 711 v pout t uol tun ri tt ,to th wee. ma* hi.ar. .!t d h. 11 .net,. • a lam ih (vis n"no'.' bar t: u1F MittIh 0 r 1 violet o n I heir t•tv- k,t.; , ret, prov- ed worthy i i )gout.( wef as ^1 , = lvt'utt -i i-nra,t.ut, :.tin^ll. Din,' in St. Catharines, • were tt'r.: re 'ivt,1 in t„vn last Seitundrty• ineeree, "1 t 1e e u .1 Themes y.i,t i e :on of this late .T hit ll,d i, ee Mo fs }own.dilu t- ) t':v beim in 'Turn in t . ,5. 11 had b, n t .•,itis with his t. r, ?I1 Geo. loth and t r. (tit t I1 with th.. i'n til pneumonia, (unt, and, his hetu't not h n. - strung, his condition hoeam,• :,nous. 1;, .;des nue sot, P:trry M,('',.'•, of Dr.:olti, he i, sur - .,1 by et = a, 'l 011.• brother: Mr Watts, Brantford; 3. I Mc- Crae, Toronto: Airs. Speirs, Brussels; 'Airs. Stone, Canttington; X111',. Geo. Robb, St, Catharines, and Mrs. J. Kearney, Guelph. The funeral was held on Monday at St. Catharines. The deceased in 1803, after spending a few years in the States, took up a homestead at Olds, Sask., and con- tinued to reside there until a few years ago when he rented his section i'or a term of years. For fifty years there was no break in the fancily, but in the last 4 years there have been four deaths. Mrs. Speirs, J. F. Mc- Crae, Mrs, Dunbar, of town, and W. A. Lamont, of Molesworth, and Mrs. Wm. Hollinger, of Grey Twp., at- tended the funeral on Monday. OP LISZO S �i to tug cis REV, A. W, BARKER. F. 0. MINISTER Sundlay',iVi "y 1 Stn 11 a.m.—Public Worship. ,.'' 3 p.m.—Sunday School and I 111: Classes. 7 p.m.—Public Worship. SONG SERVICE Theme—"Tire Old Rugged Cross" Tuesday—Y. P. S. Wednesday—Prayer Service Friday—Choir Rehersal 8 p.m.—W. M. S. Moved. Billy hing and family have mov- ed to the house lately occupied by the late Mrs. Win. Martin. Attended Service. Many members of Western Star Lodge I. 0servic0.e F at attended unday last evening Sunday nivht. Has Resigned. Miss Taylor, Principal of Brussels Continuation School, has resigned after G years of successful teaching, to take effect at end of present school term, Motored North. ATonday afternoon Harold Losiey' started to motor' to New Liskearri and was accompanied on the trip by \-'ill Lowe, Nesbit Hamilton and W. Meadlnuret, Messrs. Low., and Hamilton, we understand, will look up some cattle. A Happy Birthday. Tuesday anomie= of last week a fete fai'etier neighbors assembler) at th). home of Mrs. Pair, north of the village, to congratulate and wish her many happy returns on her 89th birthday-. Those who so kindly re- membered Mrs. Parr were Mrs. A. Yuill Mrs. J. Work, Mrs. Charles Davis, Mrs. Giro. McFarlane and Mrs. A. McLauchlan, Lunch was served and a most eitinytible time. watt spent by :Ill, each wishing; Mrs, Parr Many more birthdays. Daughter 'Dies. The following refers to the death of a daughter of Walter Burgess, of Mitchell, end an old resident of Brussels, whose friends sympathize in his lo-s:—Mrs. Fergus Buck, (nee Miss Muriel Burgess), who had been in poor health for a considerable time died in London on Friday, May Gth, in her 31st year. The late; Mrs. Buck was born in Mitchell and lived here nearly all her life. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon front the home of her father, W. W. Bur- gess, Mitchell, to Woodland Ceme- tery and the services were conducted by Rev. H. D. Moyer, pastor of the United Church. Besides her ltusbanl Fergus Buck, of Seaforth, two sons and one daughter, Keith and Clare, and her father, W, W. Burgess and sister, Miss Irene Burgess and sis- ter, Macklin, are left to mourn their los?. There were a number of beau- tiful floral tributes, and the pall- bearer., were six cousins of the late work that lies before us namely, we Mrs. Buck: Ferg. Levy, Thorne Levy, /mist eha e and agitate against the Wilfred Thorne and Percy Thorne, evils of intemperance and soma gittd ! of Mitchell, and Alfred and Gordon Thorne of London. Quite a number of relatives from Seaforth, London and Stratford were in attendance at the funeral. Captivated Audience. The Kitchener Daily Recond of day right will prevail. .lir:. Brown elesed the nicotine' with prayer at' - ter which lunch was served and a social half hour was enjoyed by all. A pier. u hem tt ort the program was the p .. (-nation to Sues Il. McKin- non or a County Lite Membership Saturday, May 7th, had the follow - pin. •c to the Operetta, 't re at is 3n item in. g g p "Windmills of. Holland,” presented by the Collegiate students, in which Miss Jean Ferguson, -of town, took the leading part: -A largo crowd fillet- the Assembly hall of the Colle- giate to see the operetta "Windmills Of Holland" and came away certain of having enjoyed a well -spent even- ing. The play deals with the trials and tribulations of Hans, a student of music. in Holland, played by Ed- die Rcider, and Wilhelmina, Jean Ferguson, the daughter of the local (hiller, Mynheer Hertogenbosh, Geo, Itynnnen. Evelyn Bender plays tiro part of Frau Hertogenbosh and Lil- lian Brown the role of her daughter, sister of Wilhelmina, whose sweet- heart is Franz, Charlie Weber. lain the calm serenity of their -lives there enters a Canadian salesman, Jack Canuck, Dong Brown, who endeavors mechanical - Company to l r rf C ago,(' In 1 Two years the 1 in t ed the Hollerith system a an )1b1 the actuarial work and Mt ,trach an was given the tit I of installing t It 1 chanical and and particularly tat the end oI tL•t: year, performs quickly andaccurate- ly the van igneurit of weld: nceer- eery in comm.: en \vitt( Trolley value tints, Government statement stasr- tics, .etc. The 111 ti, t i' al to p t t tang ( March are most fatal to man, What : Chisholm and I. WS. Itaach ,C. C. was farmed to carry 00 the week ..bent ,June' imp production. Most of the success With Mr, Strachan es •Su ,ervisot', In Moos anybody suppose it will be' -of the operetta is due to their tire* his new appointment as 4s: i,tant easier to enforce the I. 0, A. with-' less coaching after four o'clock al - I ,:Actuary hey will continuo in charge out a pnlir.e force than it hat been most every night for the past five of this dcpftrtment. to operate the O. T, A. with ono.' 1 weeks. Hon for the Old Boys Iteuntibti In' rindbeauttful vales, whtic (,00rge July.• cdutracterization of the old Dutch Health authorities uiy that the miller had the audience in gales of months of January, hebt uare and. mirth. Mr. Yule, 1irs ted by Miss FOR SALE. -2 York Sows, due to farrow in June. Baxter Steven- son, R. R. 2, Grey, Phone 4225. VERANDAH FOR SALE. Apply to Mrs. D. Robb. 47-1 FOR SALE or RENT.—Summer Cot- tage, furnished, at Clark's Point, near Amberley. Nice location, For particulars apply to Dr. Par- ker, Wingha,it, Ont. 47-3 20 PIGS, 6 Weeks Old. Phone 2512. Harold Speirs. LEAVE Your Orders For Flowers and hanging baskets at Mrs. I3a1- lantyne's grocery store: where they will have prompt attention by Chas. V. Cooke, Clinton. 46-2 FOR SALE or RENT.—Up-to-date hog pens and four acres of land. Pens are in good condition and have accomodation for 300 hogs. Abundant water supply and con- venient to railway yard. For par- ticulars apply to Richard Van - stone, Winshanl. 47-5 FOR SALE. -1 -Ton Ford Truce, in first class. condition; 1 Ford coupe, looks like new and in good condi- tion; 1 touring McLauchlin car, also in first class condition. Philip Ament, Brussels. 47-3 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE:— Comfortable frame house in good repair, good cellar, hard and soft water. For further particulars ap- ply to George McMillan, Brussels. 47-4 McLAUGHLIN-BUICK Sedan For sale at a bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair, Brussels. CATTLE to Pasture; Can Accomo- date about 10 head; lots of water and shade. Clifford Marks, Lot 18, Con. 5, Morris. Phone 33-23. 46-2 BUNCH of Little Pigs Ready to wean, for sale. Apply to John G. Fraser, Phone 200. 4G-2 SAFETY Razor Blades Sharpened. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Single edge 3c; doable edge 4c, at Fox's Drug store. 46-4 FARM TO RENT.—Lot 10, Con. 14, Grey. Apply to Nelson Askin, Pent River, Ont. GOVERNMENT Tested White Blos- som Sweet Clover; clarified and free from all Primary noxious weed .seeds. Phone 4214. John H. Stevenson, Lot 12, Con. 14, Grey. LOST.—Between Ethel and Mitchell, by way of MeNaught, a bracket and tail light, also license number 212-942. Finder please notify George W. Elliott, Phone 4010. QUANTITY Seed Peas For Sale; Al- so quantity oats. I-Iugh Lamont, Phone .237. HATCHING EGGS.—Rose's Strain White Leghorn eggs 10c above market price, Seed potatoes, good cooking variety, $1.00 per bag. Phone 25-6,. William Grant, I,ot 6 and 7, Con. 12, Grey. PASTURE to Rent. Apply to Alex. - Nichol, Phone 566. 45-4 15 HEAD of Cattle Wanted For pasture, Etu'l Mathers, Lots •58- 50, Con. 1, Morris. Phone 441.5. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock and Single Comb White Leghorn baby chicks, June 40, 14 ete,. each. Al- so Thoroughbred Barred Rock hatching eggs from 'lcltwegler's best layers, Wm. McNair, Brus- sels, Phone 24-10. 4440 YELLOW Blossom Sweet Clover; Government tested. Free from all Primary noxious weeds; 57.60 per bus. Wiliam Grainger, Wroxeter, Phone 602-17. SEED,—"Abundance" Oats, Grown from seed that won 2nd place at Guelph Winter Fair; Yellow Rus sten oats, a splendid oatfor heavy V land. Also a limited quantity of Alfalfa seed. Use home grown seed and secure a good crop. BITS5B15 Pfil1llc School Report l'lle following is the 1 epnt 01' 11ru-- sets (entiuuatien scho„'1 for Almon and April. i'xiwlioatiuny tnisstti rue 111e1l:ed ” h'('RAI I11 PA u'rl.t1, el .tilt ll'l' t.A'r1 t 1N 19;'1' Y l..ttt.— i)oreen Lew in 7u( 11 k,,•.lir (tanipboll 111.7 \\'aIle 13„nnt,ttt .07 4 Curl Hemingway (15 7 V. lues .I„rdaa 13313 Bei yl (tilt til 51:it y tt.i d ,' 50 1 Doris .\ltteltonaid 17 Glen I?eauliet' , 4115 Alvin L gtfu . 15 WViuuii'ted MacMillan .-11 4 Joe Yulleelt 071 P.tttr1A1. Iln'rnu•. 2:,11 Yt:,tlt— Siuclaiv Hemingway 70 1 Kale AIeNalt nub Golfo: d Iituivtt 411 11 NuterAl, ENTRANCE— (4 col ge Marti n N'rRANrl•:(•leotgeMartin 66 FORM 11 Helen Bneker 80 Helen McNair 754 • Margaret Smith 71 2 Ma)'gat et Su:Arlie0 66 6 Harvey Brytins 64 4 Dorothy Fear 63 6 Hattie McCall 01.3 TAXING ONE Olt MORE SUItJL'OTS Foitnt 1— Vio,a %Vilsou 651 Russel Shnldice 65 1 Alildced Polltud 651 Marguerite Bolger 64 3 Mile Huether 54 2 Jean Cameron 53 John Baer 47 4 Gertrude Ynlleck ...... , 46 4 ""Finlay Sunnis 42 **'Auua Thompson 28 8 FORM I George Kirkby 76 4 James ,lohnston 745 Clara McCall '72 0 Kenneth Jackson 7I 8 Helen Armstrong 00.7 Marg :ret Downing 07,1 Laura tlaneiag 00.7 James Turnbull...... ,50.0 , Doreen Eck niter 587 *Rath Strachan 85 8 Glen Hunter 431 IN Not Much Change. Have you noticed the tremendous speeding up of motor traffic on the highway's since the speed of 35 miles per hour was legalized? Neither have we. Gets Appointment. M. H. Moore, for the past: four years license inspector for Perth Co. and a former resident of Brussels, has been appointed to the Provincial police as a permanent officer. Boy Scout Concert. The Boy Scouts will give a demon- stration and concert in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Friday, May 13th, at 8 p.m. Program will consist of two plays, choruses, signalling, bridge building, first aid work, etc. See advt. Changes Run. Alex. "Scotty" Hanna, who - has been employed as braktsman on the London, Huron and Bruce lines, of the Canadian National Railways, for, the past 17 years, has accepted the position as baegageman on train No. 17, operating frim Toronto to Sar- nia. Road is Dangerous. Local motorists are advised- that the cut at the top of the Hamilot mountain on the Guelph -Hamilton highway is in a dangerous condition, and travelers using it do so at their own risk, according to a motorist who passed over the road recently. Rocks and earth from the embank- ment are sliding into the road, it was stated, and several cars had nar- row escapes from falling gravel and stones. Two ellen are wonting on the cut. McKim's Directory Issued. The 1927 edition of McKim's Di- rectory of Canadian Publications has just been issued and this publi- cation, no doubt, will be welcomed by national advertisers throughout - Canada and the United States, ft is the twentieth nditiol— the first issue having appeared in 1892, and is ac- cepted generally as a reliable source of information on Canadian publica- tions for regularly consulted tions and is rc� Canadian geographical and statistical particulars 12 months in the year. The Fire Inspector Nuisance. Of all those government inspect- ors who conte nosing around business places and giving cheap advice to urban -council, there is no more use- less one than the underwriters' fire insurance inspector. We suppose the original idea was to have the fire- fighting', equipment in such good con- dition that a conflagration is impos- sible. But we have never seen any reduction in insurance to amour to anythirtg even when the inspcc.r's regulations are carried out. In the village of Stouffville we notice by the Tribune that the inspector re- commended that a member of the brigade sleep itt the hall to be handy to the fire appliances in case of a fire. Such nonsense in a small env- porationi When the inspector cones he palls the alarm bell, there's n big rush by the, firemen to show how fast they ear throw on wtter • the 'n e t ee- for goes away and makes his reportort which is pigeon -holed, the members J. P. McIntosh, Lot 31, Con, 12, of council forget what manlier of Grey,Phone 556. man he. is, and everything goers on 'as before. There's a chap for the BLACK Minorca Hatching Eggs and prevention of accidents in factories Timothy seed for sale. Jas. Per- ris, R, 11. 3, Brussels, Phone 2516. 40 -ti and shops who camas around every year and recommends safety meas-, ures for the empioyees. Vire don't LIMITED Quantity of Century Seed Pity any attention to t.lte blatherskite oats for sale,. Earl Bentley Nvaanti have never yet carried out tiny Lot 21, Con. 3, Morris. 'hone C of his suggestions, 'These travelling 464, 41Q-tf ntspectory are. a mile: tee to business COMFORTABLE. frame ciweU}ng 1 men and the woods are getting full - house in Brussels for. ;gale at a er of 'Mein ery a n evyer, (',h,•tley 1(ti bargain, Apply to W. M. Sinclair. I torprise. e@ti BANKING FIFTY YEARS A Dollar is Saved when it is in the Bank AND the sooner 1t is deposited in the Bank the greater the assurance of It being saved. A Savings A.ccount is a magnet for the honey that ordinarily :lips through one's fingers, and an in- come -paying guarantee for the future. STANDAR BAS K Olt' CANPs,iJA BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager w LOOK AT YOUR LABEL � Church Notes `f Melville Church The evening services during the summer months will begin at 7.80 o'clock. Services appropriate to Mother's Day were held in Melville Church last Sabbath morning and evening. The pastor's text at the morning ser- vice was Psalm 68:11, "The Lord gave the word. The women that published it are a great host." The position which women occupy to -day Ss entirely different to what it was in olden times. Women are to -day taking their places alongside men and have done great things toward the building up of the Kingdom of God. The qualities of tenderness, gentleness and patience possesses, by woman, has enabled her to influence and lead into the kingdom those whom men could not. The influence of the mother has been greatest in the home. The modern tendency to withdraw the influence of the moth- er from the home is to be deprecat- ed. Only by the mother continuing to occupy lter rightful place in the home can the children be taught in such a way as to enable them to ov• - ercome the temptations which aro so powerful to -day. Christ possessed in full measure all the attributes of the mother: gentleness, patience, tender- ness, etc. The mothers of today hold the key to the bringing in the king- dom of Jesus Christ and if they fail all is lost, Genesis 13:12 "Lee dwelled in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent towards Sodom" and Daniel 6:10, "Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, be went into his house and the windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem he kneeled- down and prayed." Lot was called upon to choose between the rich lands of the plain around the wicked city of Sod- om and the less fertile land of the hill country. He chose the land to- wards Sodom and the result was dis- astrous to his family. Daniel was compelled to choose between obey- ing the command of Darius and obeying the command of God. He chose to obey the command of God and God. saved his life. In any great crisis of life the overmastering in- fluence in life is the deciding factor in making the decision. Daniel had been silently preparing himself for this great decision in life which com- pelled him to choose between his God and his life. With each of us there is a tendency in our lives driving us either towards our Sodom or our Jerusalem. The important thing is the direction in which we as individ- uals or as a nation are heading. The Sacrament of Baptism was dispens- ed at the morning serviec. The ser- vice of song Sabbath -morning was led by a choir of the mothers of the congregation, Mrs. Fowler and Mrs. Nesbit Hamilton singing "That Beau- tiful Land." The choir at the even- ing service was composed of the daughters of the congregation. Nan- cy Jane Fowler sang "The Song of the Rills" to the accompaniment of the organ played by Mrs. King and the violin played by Josephine Wyck- off, her cousin who i5 now visiting at the manse. 11ORN SOITTERt'II LE. -- .tt Acton, Ont., on Miry ist, to George It, and airs. Somerville, n son, James Fyfe. MED 4etnrelay, Nay 7, 1927. In Listowel Memorial Ilospltai, ,Tone 5,1ti t t, aged 52, Beloved tvift' of Rec. .i. M. Nicol, an. 1Iernesi.—Tn 9t. Catharines, an Fri- day, .May sth, 1927. Thomas Meets e. formerly of Morris Township, in his 72nt1 year. Last Time Tonight ed - Y3 "Lights of Old Broadway" 1 Friday & Saturday May 1344 WPPadfi t�A .Lt i With MONTE BLUE Jane Winton, Myrna Loy, Tom Wilson, Walter McGrail ROMANCE — INTRIGUE and ADVENTURE A THRILLER of THRILLERS! Tuesday & Wed., May 174 8 "T t.' !i;a P,y ����' s Wil' 1', 3Cw �� t. 1. vn �.. 1 Lon Chaney plays the Master Criminal-- A. big Detective Story with many thrills and sensations. anti 'ride'riday & Sat'day 20-21 Tho World's Biggest, Most Sensational 6T/ilqt t a ��y, / Comedy—M ystoty—Drama now la v - ishlv lone for the Screen.Every- one Iv 1Y ono suspected, every moment, of be- ing— "HE BAT" A production of high ten cion, tautly suspensive interest, quick surprises, shrieks of Hon grid laughter, and astounding climaxes in every one of its smashing climaxes. A Itiot of Fun and thrills! Corm' Rin -Tin -Tin in "While London Steeps" "La Bahemer'