HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-5-11, Page 1VOL. 55 NO 47
y,' 2.boPer annum 'in advance
r'. L. KERt' , 'rotriercr
Ht+H'"+M+i"+'+ 4. 4+4'4 1H•MJ++4+H4,44-4.8444-0-4 8+64+t4,444w:41f I New l dr amiaem'n(H
The Surrounding District 1
F:M�M44H ♦; � jh✓:H�w�I V:H�Ii1.�:*i !�'i: tiF'+'"v"f 1 tHHt♦tH H4� Hh1�h,',H+,•+�,MI•ItF1++++++F FHM 4.4,t414�+`'P'I Y.
GREY survived by three daughters, Mre. A
Mise 11'1iugaret 1 -Judson, Detroit, f, Milking. Frielto 1 ; Dlt8. Rohan. Wal -
spending 011 extended visit with her 1aee 3(131 Mildred, alt hnrne, also 03113
mieon, Leslie. .A eon, Alfred, paid the
mint, Mrs. H. m oldYuill' s(1 nl ule sacrifice in the (Great Wal
Chu I4IiI Tim old Welk, who has 1'11. funeral 31311: held from her late
be,.o visiting al the hewn' of his fatly residence, i) 1 ,ley street,
e1', ret to tied to Wiartoo, last. week.
Miss Belle McIntosh, of Paisley
Block, Guelph Twp., is visiting her LISTOWEL
sister, Mr,. Neil D. MCNaiL', 141.h 00n,
Mrs. Will Hollinger attended the One of the best-known women of
funeral of her uncle, Thomas McO•ae, Listowel and district, Mrs. J. M. Nie -
at St. Catharines, Monday, of this 01, wife of Rev, J. NI, Nicol, minister
week. of Knox Presbyterian Church here,
foe the past 1.4 years, died last week,
in the local hospital, where she had
WINGHAM , been a patient Inc the last two
sL. months. Mrs. Nicol, who possessed
Miss ()etherise Nelson Minnie , I an attractive personality, had taken
was found dead in bed, on Saturday,a prominent part in the organ tzat10ns
by her neighbor. Airs. 0. Pattison. Iof Knox Church and of the town in
Coroner R, O. Redmond decided that general, Prior to coming to Listow-
Miss Nelson died shortly after retie- el, Rev. and Mts. Nicol had iesieled in
n had lived Wallaaehut >. whet
ing, The late Miss Nelson Wiai'tnrl and t,
in this vicinity all her life, and was I par, Nichol had had pastorates. The
horn in Tnr'nberry Twp. She is ear, deceased, who was Miss Jane 0011001(3
vived by two sister3s, Mrs. Jaln1BPole• of Chatham, before her marriage, is
'r and Miss Maggie, I 'vived byher husband, two (langh-
ell, of Turnbel y, set
P'I'ornnto, 343431 a brother, James, of tars, Miss Fora, a teacher in She Pub-
lic School here, and Alms Kate, at
horse, and oar son, James, engaged
in newspaper work in Sodbury. 'rhe
funeral was c'Inducted from Knox
Church, Perth Presbytery being in
charge of the. services.
Seaforth. The funeral wets held from
her late residence, on Monday, servic-
es being conducted at 2 o'clock, by
Rev, Me, Walden, of Bluevale. In-
terment was made in Win gham cem-
On Thurflay evening, May nth. Misr
Il'ilboru, wife of the late Pio:immure!
Hilhorn, passed to Der reward• She
had been lit ill-hen.11'dl for :nine time,
but it was not until recently that het'
condition 11311,' (-onside? pd serious.
Mt-. and SL's.I-1111>mn caul' to Blyth
front Freeltou, about. 10 years ago.
Ale, Hilborn (metaled the Sour mills.
tip to the time of his death, about six
years age, when 'lissom Leslie, and S.
(4, Leslie took over the business.
hirs. Hiborn 33'813 a F 1ithPul ruetnher of
Queen street U„filed (1)101(' 1. /She is
Erkmia 9a Grocery
Our Motto
Try our Teas and Coffee
Is Side's Nie 11491
A Rollicking Farce in 8 Acts
written by Raymond W.
Will be Presented by
The Moncrieif Dramatic Club
in the
Friday Ev' May. 13
Under the auspices of C. 0. F
r,lrlinrd Tate, • Esti, A main('
Young Lawyer ,. AduMe-
i1r,nn -
T'ranels Pelton—The cause or
all the trouble Clifford
Dora Hale—Very much attached
to the trouble . hazel Snelr-
Alice Malcolm—A dos' churl of
Hera's Laura Patterson
Mrs, Sarah Ann Mullen—A Wo-
man of few words ,. Mtldrod
Simon P, Felton—Prank's Uncle
who never makes a mistake
Jas. McTaggart
Philander Pllmore—"1',nrhle but
wise" Orval linr"?9nn
Timothy Hay—A 00110 r at
Happy Valley ,,,. 1,111 111'13
Silas Steklemoore—A Constable
at Happy Valley 14 Leslie
Admission 35c and 20c
The Town Council is negntiat ing for
the sale of the Maitland Road plant of
the former National Shipbuilding 034„
on terms that mean all active aper-
, atinll of the plant, An Agreement
has not yet been readied, although
1 the c )0111311 has offered very generous
(4oderich has lost one of her oldest
citizens in the person of W1Win tin J.
i Johnston, who pawed away nn Satur-
cltty evenin +. The late Mr. Johnston
his 91st ear, and anus the old-
wits in y
est native born 013131334 living in l:he
town, having been born here. Ile
owned several lilne kilns and was a
coltractnr, having built several of
the old buildings, including the
county court house. For a number
of years, he had been living with his
family, in Chicago, hut for the past
four years, he had resided on St.
Patrick street, here.
An rnon11013oen t has been made that
Rev. J. N- H. Mills, 113rtoe for the
past ten ye'ti's or :;t..11011es' Anglican
Church, (Grand view, Brantford, has
9 George's
,• of �t C
]ed rent 1
been non €T
Church, God erich, succeeding Rev. S.
S. hardy, who has gone to Clarion,
Ohio, the meriting rector having been
Canon .1 13. Fotheringham, now rect.
or of (Grace Church, at Brantford.
During Al, Mills' inctttnbeney here.
111' 11118 had a new church built, find
the congregation is in a flout ishing
pnsinl n. He is a member of the
13111(1131 of Education and an active
' Mason, lie will become it !aerobe,' of
10 e Chinese on the removal of Rev, J.
T).'MacKeezie Naughton from Owen
Sound to Nova Scotia,
I n, 8810- 1 Un .n1'
1110' nl
I i\ 1 l 1 Il 1 1 1 „1'13
Vor •• 11 I 3 , :41,4,11,011
1:,;p rt 7\i - le. Ilrighenl
cnie tor 0 1 Is , ht `+f -n-1
Auction S,1,• 11 W. F6tii1•'
("113 8810 or IN.I4t 113'. I allu•r
111,318' for 1 I C to. McMillan
I. 81,10 Or 18•311-1
\',..,1101418 I 11 Lni.o
lelr,a t 113: „ n li 111 rrlync
'renders 4',':ull d 141131(311 P ('nnn('11
court of ReVI vlun—oil uis(Q: Council
leleguer—\yitlten Partners' Co-opera-
1'uLlle Meeting—Women's Institute
Notice to Creditors—Estate of H. Me -
Notice to Creditors—Estate of J. L. \
The Guild of St, (George's Church
met at the home of Mrs. 4Villialn And•
etsolt, on Wednesday afternoon, of
last week. There w0s a large number
present. Alter the business part of
meeting was over, the hostess and
her daughter, Miss Eva, served a
splendid lunch,
Joh: and Mrs. Johnston and Miss
(Gladys- Bolger, of Seat'orth, sjPrlt 141'13'
eeal clays at the hone of the latter
parents, Thomas and Mre. 13(31(3131'.
The pupils of \Valtnn Po ie School
sped( Friday afternoon planting trees
and Hulking flower beds, eu'nul1(5 the
school grounds, This will add touch
to the 1113uuty of the ech001 grounds.
111es. Armour Dundee, of Walton,
and Mrs. \Vm, (4illes11(e, of 213aforth,
motored down L'o Waterdown, last
west, and visited John and Mts. OarL•-
e1', of that plane,
Arnold lldgar made a business trip
to Windsor. this week,
Jas. N. Allan and F, Davey have
purchased n'w Ir:sex ears,
Leonard and Mrs, .Rotten, Blnevule,
were visitors here, on Monday.
\Var. Pat Leeson has been on the
sick list for the past ten clays.
Mrs. Chas, \Velldt, of MHarney, is
the guest of her eon. J. R. Wendt.
Pd, Lowry, of Brussels, called on
friends in the village, no Saturday.
F. Davey and Rev. R. S. Jones are
attending the Synod, in London, this
Harry Allan has returned/ feorn
Toronto, where lie has been attend-
ing Phatanaey.
Frank blocks .anti daughter, bliss
Hazel \Vocks, 7'eeswater, foi me) 1'1381•
dents of Tut Mite II, visited M (his
neighborhood. on Satueday.
The Anglican Church was filled to
capacity, of Sunday evening, when
Rev. R. S. Jules delivered tt vete tine
address to about sixty-five members
of the I. 0, 0, F. Society, as well as 0
large congregation outside of the So•
Rev, Ira MONO
\vil1 sl)t1ak i+" the interests
of the Armenian Relief
Association in the; 'Toren
hall oil -
Monday ev' g, May 16
at 8 o'clock
Collection in Aid of the work
Meeting under Auspices of
Women's Institute.
School. This h1)0101nus play has reit
calved great applause, at the various
places shown. Proceeds will go to-
wards 0 Communion set. Admission
2513 Wi',gharn Orchestra will furnish
the music Jur the evening.
0, R. Coultes spent Lite week -end in
George Van Camp is spending a
week n1' two al. (Guelph and Toronto.
n• Ill A119.
1I'.Sntn Jordan, 19
and little daughter, all ,
wine visitors in the village, last week,
The Young People's Society of
Knox United Church, Belgrave, has
13113131(3(1 a boys's and girls' teams in
the inter -church League for softball
games, and will start prltc.ti0P, in the
near future. W e wish theta all suc-
The aa113111a.1 meeting of Bel grave
Women's Institute will he held 034
Tuesday alternonn, May 11th, at the
home of hire. 3nhn Bell, 5111 line,
Morris. A fall attendance of mem-
bers and all abet ladies 0 t le coo•
mutiny is hoped foe.
A very succeseful Mother's Day 913r -
vice was held in the United Church
Sunday School, Belgrave, last Sun.
Baty morning. Phe al.t-et1C11tnce wile
142, Flowers wel'(' given to Aitu'ie
.Anderson, the yougest child present,
and also to Mrs, Corbett, tine mother
having the largest. family )11 es131nt.
Mies Cola (101ltes sang "Memoi138 of
The Presbyterians of St. Andrew's
011tir00, Windham, will present their
play, "The Spinster's Return,” in the
Forester's' Hall, Belgrave. on Friday,
May 20111, at S p. nl„ rindee the aus-
pices of the Presbyterian Sabbath
Reduced Prices on all kinds *
of Woodwork, Planning and *
Sawing. *
Cars Repaired and Trimmed *
Painting on Buggies and -
cars given best attention by *
W, C. Smith.
Plow Shears Ground *I
Rubber Tiring a Specialty
},eta Repair Of rivet Shop
We w'lI give you expm't service
On all kinds of General B1ack-
'snlithing, Buggy and Wagon
repairs; and Slorseshoeing,
Patronize the Mort that gave
you the old 25c Shoe rate again
The Oshawa Reformer, of last
weak, in trlakir)g reference to vttrin119
tea( estate changes in that city, em' -
tabled the following item enneerning
a former wel1.know1) Or anbrnohite :
"W, J. Hunter has disposed of his
beaut1ful home, at 41 Connaught
street, to Col. Chappel, the price, it
is understood. being $14,000,"
A quiet, but pretty wedding was
enlet(ntzed al, the home of 0, ;Aaron,
when Miss Mary Maker Das married
to ;lank Wilson, of Greenock. The
wedding set 0w011y was performed by
Rev. Mr. Wright, of Trowbridge.
The Bride looked charming tr. a grow rt
or blue silk and carried a Sequa of
111y -of -rhe -valley and mange blo:sorns,
The groom's gift to the bride was it
wrist watch, to the the bridesmaid,
Miss O'Connos, a bracelet, and t.0 the
groomsmen. a gold stickpin. The
Toting temple motored to Hamilton
and Niagara Falls. Oil their return,
they will reside o1 the grn(m'8 fine
?turn, in (Greenock. Many gaol lvislt•
PS go with the bride and groom.
The Ewen Block r�
4 4144 1v ♦ • ♦ ♦ 4,44•154.44-44.14:4•444.44.0:+.04484+43:411
- ,•.,.,. ta
ac Y�,:mm �tsmremri*ssititd,r
Over a three year period our pens in the Canadian contest have madethe best showing of any
ds entered by any breeder covering thePast three years, At `•
Int can: pen in the Canadian contest is .l i
in first place for all Is from Ontario in the light bread.
the Ontario contest our
t is in the first place for the light
broods. In the Nova
t contest our pen is in second place, a
Government pen holding first, We have the high hen in this con.test in the twentieth week,
We are bOoked up in IVIay
or 12,000 alticicons. Will have thesurplus each week at $1'2
per 100. Juno chicles $12 per 100.
after ,6,v B. Ef 11.4 a'li w�9 ('f;,1' l Cit
,xtiranae,cawi„wrarm:ra,(saso343434.avrisuamxamrr.•mrkr.atl,e. n
to tic unloaded on
Saturday and Mon-
tecial price; off car.
11 atch
this space 111 Xt we'd: t„r
program oI 1'IC)NI-TEI:
C i? I. F. I; 1, •,T(t�\ „t
opening of
CaiitadaraUiail rarii
at Ethel on May 1.th,
will bent -Rt by n hat, he teas it, d live
in the atmosphere he did so much to
create. And, if '•J 'I"' h,e. ltov
knotvl1dge 1 f 1t now, 115 will .wile at
hr sin titer fo,getfuhlhss attd rej• ire
ti a huger fact,"
1 it 1.341340 7011,1'2 1'.'111 dem. ++ .,♦w ,
,.�l Y•i'• +`1' c�
,la nuY t'1, r:_te,+.• tt ,1311}, - o Scout
1f. _ ..,; Id cute.' k - °°� p gR�j °���gy
,,,„y., , , , oonctra ion F, hd
.311 a nior , is ' - Y(o1) i,,' in 1lie
Ic1('d= ,•f t.lw 4`:'. 1'. A. ,.Jret'(r:'
1' It I twist h- 0133134 •'
H ,}• 1 1 all R'i
1 .1
'1:: ,t,.!.x,cint ore ire, ,;t'o'ps 113431
tht: et-1V'tn, re:
No, 1 Galt. City, Babcock, Wil.
vox, Goldie-McCullorn (of Galt),
hot 1,,nr'r 1(3134;