The Brussels Post, 1927-5-4, Page 1VOL, 55 NO, 46 $2.00 per annum in advance BAUSSALS. ONTARIO. JVADNESL).117, .11 117 4, 192,7 J. L. K11R .1101,;444014:0104.,14.41.1f-d.,41.401(4,14141,411.(1,0:140:4-4.41,I+4,01{4{4.410.144101({:{441(1,44,-{11•!1 X The Surrounding Distvict it At (1431;4)11•3:4)1•44-14•7•17•4:4•74.44:1•47434•14.4 5.144.74,0:433•1•44,•14•14•74•1457• '15 4efe TEESWATER Alra, Deo. Waugh, of Tetelsvater, Ont. ; Mrs. Geo, 011.11111110t, MrH, JaH, AL the annual ;fleeting of the Tees- Ak,minmid mi,,,, maaimi Tin „wil. water Board of Thule, IL WW1 TIPT.11-1,41 of Edmonton, Alta. 13eautiftd 11 ova( to erect sigoR at certain or the high. .i1w,,,,,,iv,./1 cenin ,j, and ways 1oiiiig 1' •''`v"t", p He" Ails 1 toe:bull, M111)P4 MI41'1011 Jule/1061, Lty 101 1.111( 1)P111•11T a 1001)4194" • A, Turnbull, (3. and Mts., Dandier, as a IIIPS,014 10 PA veptising t he tow," Elmer Candler, The Eventide Home The /109811011 of a weekly half.holidaY and NVIn. and Mrs. Clandler. was left over until anothee meeting. The following officers were elected ; - President, Dr. M, H.. Gillies ; SP0l)- JAMESTOWN t • 13 1. II I Teeasurer G ' O. Webster. the Sunday ;School, 00 Sunday aftee- ' noon , All at e welcome to this set, EXPECT WRIT SOON SEAFORTH 1 vice, — — FOR NORTH HURON BYE " M0111PP DAY W111 ObTRIT'Ved itl MY, Is scot: ts ; NPV, .1.41 1.4.rtisententa It . The Pest t,00tal--.1. 11. Etstr Palf,- 1111,11mil 1,01111,1 TIP. ‘I•11"•'I i4 \ VI 1. teak Epi- -l'.Alei4 emon t) craittostok t.,, tit, of oast me- o. marks rp p. , change In Dotes- tastal Tiltattre 118)110 Treat—strttutttert4 Loatima in,ianece-httlrell & cs,etaler Prevent ieereita tentes—Dent, of in- terior Safety lnisor blades aliarnened—rox's Dreg store This month, Thomas Stephens cel- ebrated his 50t1 anniversary as own- er and manager of the Queen's Hotel, in Seafoeth, Many changes have tak. en place in the town since that time, hut the Queen's, through all the years, has InItintained its reputation of being one of the best known and conducted commercial and family hotels in Western Ontario. Al r, Stevens, who ITT now in his 87th year, was bore in London, but spent his boyhood dap; on the farm, on Con. 12, Westminster. He is veteran of the Fenian Raid, Master of the local ()mop/ Lodge, and for many years a member of the Seaforth town coun- cil. Mr. Stephens still enjoys good health, is able to be about his duties as usual and attend service, regular- ly, 0,51. 121101111.11( Church, of which he 18 ft member. WALTON Harry Olark, who was operated on, a few welts ago, for appendicitis, 19 able to he on the street again, his many friends me pleased to hear, Mrs, James W. Moweray and son, Gordon, of Detroit, who have been visiting relatives and friends in Wel- ton, have returned to their home. Airs. R. J. Naylor and daughter, Miss Lois, of Rochester, N. y„ who have been visiting Ales, William Hackwell and Mrs, P, B. Gardinee. have returned home. The members or the L. 0. L. Lodge, of Walton held a social evening, re- cently. The evening was spent in playing caw& and dancing, Lunch was 10)1 PM by the ladies, num IN TUE WEST —John Grey Turnbull passed away in one or th,, M ti -al hermit hospitals, on Saturday, 1pril 16th, at the age of 61 yea.; s. )fteeased WRY well-known in this %t lit:3/, having, been boi 0 and raised ound het e. He went West some 20 sears ago to Strathcona. whet e he had 8100e resided. The funeral was held the following Monday afteetmon from Wainwright &Jackson tunerai parlors, Rev. C. E. McIntosh offirdat- Interment took place in Mount 1 Pleasant cemet y. Deceased leaves 1 to mourn hie loss three brothers, Rob• ert, of Edmonton ; Andeew, of Irma, ; and Merles, Alta., and four &stets, 1 Miss Mai y Ale Donald, who has been visiting at her parents' ht,mi, lots 1 e- tneued to Detroit, to resume her ditt- ies as nuese-in•tettining. Quite a munber of people from Wal- ton and vicinity attended the funeral of the late John Davidsou, of Bros- sele, on Alontlity, of last week, BLUEVALE 1 F. Black spent the week -end at I Toronto. W. J, and Mrs. Masters spent Sun- day at Blyth and .Auburn. Everitt McGee was home from 1 Fergus, over the week -end. J. W. Leggett mucle a business trip to London and Hamilton. Oharles and Ales, 0oultess, of List. nwel, spent Sunday with Mrs. G, Sitell. George and Mre Townshend, of Gorrie, spent Sunday with William Thornton. Mi.s. W. J. Masters and son, Rob- ert, spent a few days with relatives at Belgeave. John and Mts. Angel. and family, Fergus spent. Sunday with Alex. and Mre. Al ca ee. Ls Roche received a telegram, stal- king that Itis brother, Petra, wets ser- iously 111, at Saginaw, Mich. Mrs. (Rev.) Walden, who unclei - went an ripe; allot), in a Tot onto bratp. Hal, a few days ago, is getting along nicely. It. Johnston shipped a carload of cattle, ale° 14 load of hogs to 'l'oron to, last. week. Fat cattle in this section are getting quite scarce. Hein y Branton was at 13rantfoid, attending the funeral of his sister, who passed away there, on ThursdaY, of last week, after a short illness. Geo. McDonald, of Goderieb, was home for a few days and has brought a carload of feeder eltiAle and 1011 them (int to grass, nn his farm here. ;John Messer had the misfortune to fall off the disc and get rut and bruis- ed. WmBalfour also had the same thing happen, but is not hurt as bad- ly As MI, MeStle1). Both mishaps were caused by the seat breaking. On ett 1.• to The Ci izens of Brussels and the furrounding Community Having purchased the Grocery Business of J. Leitch, we will after May 1st be prepared to serve the Public to the best of our ability. Your patron- age will be greatly appreciat- ed. Phone Calls promptly at- tended to. SERVICE will be onr motto. Lorne W. Echoer Proprietor WROXETER Hans Rasmussen, London, was a recent visitor with'his mother here. Mrs. John Hupfor has returned from a vieit with relatives at Essex. The annual congregational meet- ing of the United Church was held Wednesday evening. F. and Mrs. Kitchen, Mrs. Arm- strong and Mrs. R. Stocks attended the meeting of the Huron presbyter- ial in Goderich on Thursday. B. Lott, Brussels, had charge of the services in the United Church here and at Salem on Sunday in the absence of the Rev. A. D. Armstrong who preached in Wingham, owing to the illness of the pastor there. The Rev. R. S. Pinnock, agent for the Bible Society, gave a very inter- esting illustrated address in the United Church Tuesday evening. The views shown were taken on the western coast' of Africa where Mr. Pinnock labored as a missionary for 35 years. Funeral of Mrs. Adams. — The death oecurred last Tuesday in How - ick Township of Jessie MCKercher, daughter of the late William McKer- Flores lip Wednesday E gs, commencing May 4th, and Dungy Afternoon Half Holidays begin May 5th and continue until the end of October. Meter of Commerce &IRON —ff.? 0,221.2.2;6716.91111 ,,,,,,,nr,samtasineneF,Ionovrannzar, ===rement,r,—mmorreanurgartam amer AnnIttrAnn.rartprarr,...rncel 0.1{ IR C11 e hite Leghorns Over a three year period our pens in the Canadian contest have made the best showing of any birds entered by any breeder covering the past them years. At present our pen in the Canadian contest is in first place for all entries from Ontario in the light beeede, In the Ontario contest our pen is in the first place for the light breeds. In the Nova Scotia 0 ontest our pen is in second place, a Government pen holding first. We have the high hen in this con - rest in the twentieth week. We are booked up in May for 12,000 chickens. Will have some surplus each week at $15 per 100, June chicks $15 per 100. Walter !lose .31MI08(e4.2.tatttl.M11101$1.4., teca.covagthtbanmonalca11, Irtt.i..±......,......itmatIOarragmbgrAttlarnesrartnorareccansc.tenntlnnal...13xlennt..rfte...¢..d.0.2110kieraz Date of Voting Likely To Be An- nounced in Week or Two Ottawa, May is expected that within a week or two, the writs will issue for federal by-elections In North Huron and Victoria -Carleton, The time for holding thom expires in June. In North Huron there is an abun- , dance of candidates, but little move has been made in the Now Brunswick seat. The situation is influenced by local conditions, partieularly the pos- sible purchase o fthe St. John Valley Railway from the Provincial Govern- ment, and also by the Maritime legis- lation. cher and wife of Allan Adams. She was in her 63rd year and had been ill for several weeks. She is sur- vived by her husband, two etsters, Mrs. Thomas Lovell and Miss M. M. McKercher, of Howick, and three brothers, W. S. McKercher, 01 Wrox- eter, and Alex. and Duncan, of How - ick. The funeral WaA held Thursday afternoon from the home of har ne- phew, Stewart Lovell, to the Wrox- eter Cemetery. Former Pastor Dies:—The Hamil- ton Daily Spectator of Monday, re- fers to the passing of a former min- ister of the Presbyterian Church here:—"Rev. Louis Perrin, 6.1 Fair - 'nigh eroscent, a veteran minister of the Presbyterian church, having spent 36 years in its serince, passed away at his home on Saturday. Mr. Perrin had been in failing health for some time, but Itis death 101110 sud- denly and will prove a severe shock to the many friends he has made throughout his long ministry. He was 70 years old, and had lived re- tired for the past three years. De- ceased was born in 1VIalaposa town- ship, near Peterboeo, the eldest of the six sons of John Perrin. He at- tended Queen's University, greduat- ing in 1887. His first charge was in Victoria county and included the two churches at Kirkfield and Bolsever. His later charges wore at Pickering, Georgetown and Wroxeter, and for the last four years before his retire- ment, at Chalmers church in Armo. For the last five years the family home has been in Ilamilton, and Mr. Perrin had spent the last three years very quietly im that city. At the time of church union he was of the branch of the Presbyterian church which joined forces with the United church of Canada. Mr. Perrin is survived by his wife, formerly Ellen - both Clark of Kincardine; by one son, J. H. Perrin, of the Royal Bank, London; and one daughter, Mrs. R. 3. Con etlty, Einearline; a) It two SktOrg, Miss Carrie Perrin and Mrs. Charles Mather, and two brothers, John, of California, and Wallace, of Kincardine. Funeral service was held at the family residence, 64 Fair- leigh crescent, at L30 o'clock Mon- day afternoon, following which the remains were forwarded to Kincard- ine for interment in the family plot. CRANBROOK Como to church Sunday, May 8th. Sunday School at 10 a,m. Preaching at 11 a.m. Subject, "Mother." An invitation is extended to all to attend this service. The Moncrieff Dramatic Club will present "His Uncle's Niece" at Long's Hall on Friday evening of this week under the auspices of the C. 0, F. See advt, in this issue. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. Robert Campbell, and was pre- sided over by Mrs. Keys. After the reading of the Scripture lesson Mrs. R. K. MacDonald led in prayer. Readings :from "Moslem Women" were givea by Mrs, Malcolm Engel and Mrs. Claire Long, also a duet by Mrs, Keys and Mrs. Huether. The next meeting will be held- in the church on May 11.th. DELGRAVE Brydges shipped hogs, on Tues- day, Alt,'. Nethery, sr., anent 44 few days with her slater Mrs. John Nethery, of Afore's, last week. The Womeit's Alissionery tioeiety win hold lie regular mon Oily ;age( lop, on Thursday 1-41 1110000, of this week, in the United ()lunch, Belgrave, J. T. Opultes, arrompanied by Geo. and Mrs. Ti win, of Wawittiosh, spent last, Sunday with tho taller's hrothei, Jiffies Van ()amp, lex,4ter. Mrs. 0/mites, who had spent the past week there, returned home with I hotn. Tho 0.0,,,,t1 0n Satin/lay eft etnoon, of Mies 1?.11,1 13rytiges, daughter of lcutry Mrs. Hi pivots, 13elgrave. The deceased had been ill 01115 14 short, time with pneumonia. The Itotern1 wits held on isy at. P{1111011. GREY Connell met on Monday, The Sunday School al. S. S. No, epens1 his Sunday, at :3 o'eloek. All are weleetne, P. A, McArthur is the soon iiiteinlent., (UM) OF THAN K W 111)' tinder. Owned, wi -I, 1 11,1.11 th., tn 1 y teiala mod neighlans their kind /reeds aml sympathy, tinting the 111. 1108), 11,1111 dont h of tanwife and moth- er. W In BUTTERY AND FAMILY. Jaw and 'Mrs, Brown expect to leave Los Angeles, the 13rd of May, and continue their ;journey to Galt, whet e they will visit 1W0 mouths before returning to Neepawa, Alt. Beown reports the weather is flue and lots of rain, this winter. The flowers me 0111 111 blossom, but Oan- aria is good enough to live in yet, lie think. Report of S. S. No. 3, Grey, for the month of Aprin—jr. IV—Wibna Lowe 75; Harvey Jacklin 73; Eva Hall 54. Jr. III—Isabelle Warwick 69; Dorothy Brewer 04; Lois Johns- ton 61; Haroutun Hatchadourion 01; Sr. II—Russell Hall 73; Mack Cardiff 69; Jr. II—Mildred Turnbull 82; Jack Brewer 60; Dorothy Hall 51; Lloyd Wheeler (absent); Sr. Pr. —Frank Cardiff 74; Jr. Pr.—Verna Brewer, John Armstrong, Jim War- wick, Adeline Burnett, Teacher, Dien) IN Hgti 79TH YEAR.—The At • wood Bee,' of last week, refet red to the death of it former resident of Grey Twp. : "Tuesday morning, Apr- il 20th, the great call cattle to ;moth. er )I 1111951 of this dist ict, when after a short illness, Mrs, William Buttrey passed away in her seventy•ninth year, Deueaserrs maiden mune tvits Jessie Thompson, and at the age or eight yeare, earne to Canada from Scotland wit It het parents, who spent most of their lives in Grey Twp. Fif- ty-six year 5 aga, she was united in Marriage to her now bereft husband. Nine years ago, they moved to Elma to reside with their daughtee, at Lot 4, Ono. 14, Five sons and four daugh- tets also survive : Harty, of San Francisco, ()afire/ nia ; AVilliain, of Regina, Sltsk. ,• Jack, of Adanttc, Sauk, ; Ted, of Regina, and Charles, of Plata ; Mrs, N. Given, of Delisle, Sask. ; Mrs. Roy 1.1,tsting, Silver Omelets, Mrs, Russell Riddell and Miss Emma, at home. The funeral took platie 'rhurstitty afternoon, ftann the family residence, 891 8101' being condncted by Rev. D. Al. Guest, of Ethel. Interment was made in Elutes Centre cemetery. MORRIS 0, A. and ivies. Slichie, 01 Hespeler, spent the week -end with Alter. Wm. oth Old friends on the 5th line regretted to learn of the death of Mrs, Allan Adams, after tt severe illneas, De- ceased, with her husbaml, lived 1 on the 5th line, for a 1111111ber of years, retnoving to lIowick, a couple of 51015 145(1. Me. Adams has the 145111- piti of old friends, On Monday morning, of last wesk, at. 2 o'clock, death 01(1110 PPI y sudden- ly, to Mrs. John Scott., Con. 8, Mot, th, She hed 1101 been enjoying the best, of health foe the past few monthe, but her conditinn was not considered serious, The late Mr)(1, Scott's • maiden name was Hannah Fraser. and she is survived by bus- t:and, 1119(1 ()TIP /lisle), Mrs, Fred 11115. 511, and one brother, Chas. Wager, of Myth. Intel merit (r' 111 plitee on Wednesday, to *Union 991n1'191 y. Rev. (A vorge Telford Karl ehSarl;ge'111'ifrn)1.1111111tP3r7)7vi 3.e.i—"Following is the r1•1101 1 of Browittow 1 School (.S. S. 8 Morris)1, for the Wi n tee 191 0), SW 1 V—Ieredn. 1411)8( 14)11 89 ; Ed i 11 Gar- niss 88 ; WIPP SI1111,11 85. Jn IV— Rya Dennis 75 ; harry (loll 65. JR, 11—jean Titrvey 81 ; Tom Gat nias 72; Tirolhy (loll 69 ; Jean GAMINS 60. SR, II—Viola Goll 74 ; Stanley Mnstard 72 ; Charlie Alatheis 64 ; Te - tine Warwick 63 ; Elmer Sellere 58. 13, II— Wilfred Nichol 66. 1—Mang' 4191 Turvey SI ; Isabel Thynne 80 teens Anima 65. SR. Pis ---Isabell Mustard 65 stars, Rees 5'nevey 05 'dais, Dorothy Stewart 32 stars. .1w. PR —Stewart Amen t, Gordon Nichol, Clarence. No. en roll 24 Beet 81)011' '1' during the term, Edith 13 al'IllS14. Highest al en don ee during tho' 1111)1, Irene Wariviek perfect attendance, Margaret 'Purvey orie 11(111 11115 absent, lead Er. 1. WARDELL, 'Pen eh er. ETHEL Loading 1'11{1110(.8 nt Utile{ StlIt{031r 1V001100dILY 11(141 111111.0(111Y. Phone 22- 101' ,a; N,eIgeer, Ethel, Leitch &' Zeigler are loading a car of potatoes Wednesday and Thurs- day. Charles and M.A. Congram and family, of Ripley, were the guests of Roy and Mrs. Hall, also of Har- vey and Mrs. Dobson, of Ethel. Ethel United Ohm oh is prelim ing for the jubilee, in June. Invitations being issued to forme: members of the congregation to come book for June 25(11)11 27. A number of fishermen of the vil- lage motored over to Illuevale to fl-sh and one of our fishermen opened the swimming season. We wonder if the Doctor brought along any cold- breakees in -MO of accidents. Ethel Presbyterian Church will have a special Mother's Day Progrnm in the Sunday School at 1.30. Preaching services nt 2,30 and 7.30 p.m, An invitation is extended to everybody to etten)1 this eervice. S. and Mrs. Cole, of Steatford, were in the village attending the runeral of the former's mother, and spent the week end with Mre. Doh- erty at Ihturryn. Aly. end Mrs, Col- by also spent the vt-oek end wif 1 lit, latter'S sister. Al/of, I i imert , tittinti.ter 11''v .1. W, ,.11,1 Ili''. il Whorl , or Uttiteti (eon elt patiseatee, Is tinlon, will graduate ft 0 1 11,80 ft '11) FOP). 11 (p.,(411(1, Tiff WO 0, DTI T11,11,flitY, Alay 12111, Mr. Ilitiberi 9198 0 1'10 Imo pa -tor or 1411101 Mitt hodi-t Choi eh. t; .TI- tin .1 - ed take tin., to thew; Intrey frieeds and nerthbors fur their kindness during George's lay-up of the past 12 weeks. It has been much appreciated and will never be for - Dunbar Fanitly. gQ(e'ttt:lein'tert A rtustroog, of Toronto Univevaity, RIM 8011 or 1499, le 11141.1 Ails, Armstrong, of Liston el, 14 let 111- 81 pastde of Ethel Methodiat Critirsh, will spend his SIMITTIPP 8111181 41))) 1111 0 tniSsion field, at. Lando:mile, _Alta. 0 d fi ends are glad to see Calmat/ keeping up the good work. COLI3Y—COLE.—Tite home of Sips - worth :a and Mrs. Cole. 63 Douglas sti vet, Strath.: tl, seeue of IT quiet, bin pretty weddiog, on Wed- nesday afternoon, of last we3k, at 4.31) o'clock, vt hen their youngest (Iftl11.1111e1, Alma 119111111P, WKS 111111,11 111 11111'1 859 1)? A I bei 11 . Colby, son of Jillts.arci and Airs. Ool by, also of ST 1-81. tOP(1. Tioe ceremony was per folioed ; by Rev. James 11Iford, of Salida, uncle of the bride. The bride, wit() was given away by her father, was at - tilted in a lovely gown of two•tone rosewood crepe and wore hat 111,11 ahoes 111 11111,1011, 111.1. 11 rwers were carnations and sweet peas, 'Doti e were no attendance, Alter the eer- eniony, a wedding breakfast was eery - 111, and Intel. and Mts. Colby left on %short hout-yrnoon trip to Lend. 011, Sarnia and Dett vit. Fur trav- elling, the bi 111" W(IPP It dress of Week satin (1111)111911 191111 rose and a coat or block satin fu •t. innued. A smart hati of black and white completed her costume, Guests wet/. present at the wedding. from Listowel, Seaforth end Sarnia, Alt'. and Ales. Colby will be at home to their friends after May lets at 63 Douglas street. The Social held last Frriday even• ing, under the auspices of the Presby - 191 ian Ladies' Aid 1889 quite a sue - cess. After a well•rendeted megrim' of solos, recitations and music by the rierhestra, the people were asked to take part in a (ample of contests. Before the crowd (1181)P1PP(1. ft good luneli was stn. Yea. The following ad• dress of welcome Wag (0,411 10 Rev. and Mrs. Williams and family, who have lately come from Iowa, U. S. A. REM. AND AIRS WILLIAMS AND FAM. DEAR FRIENDS — We, the members 1111c1 adherents of Ethel Presbyterian 0.11.11011, have assembled here, this evening, LO W.)1. come you to our midst. You cattle here as strangers to all of us, but we desire to show you in (4)1 informal. hut eincere way, that WV ale 3-1.111 friends. For the past three years, we have been, figuratively speaking, "sheep without a shepherd." Doling that time, WP 111409 felt the need 01 )4 coincorting and guiding hand, not on- ly in times of sicknees and soirow, but also in our general activities and Sabbath worship. We have waited, knowing that in Ged's own time, our want would be supplied, 1111(1 e are confident that we have been guided in our choice of a leader, At the 814(119 time, we know that even the best of 1e111]11 8 110(03 811111/111 teils, and we tt nst. that 9(10111,1 na will do his utmost to 011119 God's work prosper in this community. May yrn, Alr• Williams. enjoy the hospitality and friendship of all these whom you seek to serve matters I'' (((('(1. May Mrs. 'Williams and ehildt en feel that they are always welemue guests in any of nor homes. Bitty our PO* jom 0 togetheit he mutually beettivial, and may yone work 1/1 our midst he crowned with snooess. Signed on he half of the Leith's' Aid of the Pi esby- testati Church, Ethel. The remains of one of Clinton's oldest residents, Elizabeth Anne Simpson, beloved wife of the late William Colo, were buried from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Adam Glazier, of Frederick street, on Fri- day. Rev. C. J. Moorehead of On- tatio street United Church officiated in the burial service. Interment was nutele at Ethel. The pallbearers were Herbert and Alfred Glazier, George rind Fred Cole, Wesley and Fred Stephenson. Many beautiful flowers were received from the following: Family (pillow) ; children, Herb. and Mrs. Glazier, Stratford; the Reeves family, Toronto; Stephenson grand- children, Brussels; Glazier grand- children, Clinton; George and Mrs. Hall, Flint, Mich.; Campbell Suther- land, Kinburn; Buick Works, Flint, Mich.; Mrs. .Stephenson, Kinburn; H. and Mrs. Gidley, 13lyth; W. and Mrs. Sago, Clinton; Mrs. A. C. Streets end children. Those who at- tended 110311 a distance were: 3. and Mrs. Cole, G. W. and Mrs, Cole, Geo. and Mrs, Hall and (laughter, Fillet, Mich.; S. S. and Mrs. Cole, H. and Mrs, Glazier, Ii'red and Mrs. Cole and daughter, Wigs. George Pollard, Mr. Colby, all of Stratford; Thome and Mrs. Pollard, Dave Nelson, C. Sutherhinel, Kinburn; Thomas and Mrs. Butts, Robert and Mrs. Day - mond, Kippc'n; Mrs. William Steph- enson, Fred and Mrs, Stephenson, William and Mrs, Stephenson, Wes- ley and Mrs. Stephenson, A. and Mrs. Jacklin, Brussels; E. and Mrs. Pickard, of Porter's Hill. William Cole and wife of Listowel and a number of other relatives attended the burial sereice at the graveyarti at; Mount Pleaeant cemetery, Ethel. The members of tlx family wish to thank sincerely the firernes aud rei- ghbore ler titeir kindxi . to their de - 19 111,4, ^ -{ Inn a n iz,§ MEMBERSHIP OF UNITED CHURCH IS INCREASED A car of Cement for sale at Walton Sawmill. Jno. cD nald Phone 1913 Brussels Public School Report ROOM III 8 i, 118101 to represent the number of 81(4(11 11(4(10111, Missed, SR. IV - 13',, yollerk 84 laek White 83 .1 P1111 C0010/1,11, 8(1,3 1/{.(111{{1t1 Walk /0 78.2 (2,1111(11110 Walker 76 Jaelt Hamilton. 72 2 Viola Fox 67 Allan AI et:racket; 6'22 Florence Gaitimage 50.7 *Hilda Whittard 40,5 JR 1 V— Nancy Jane Fowler .. 76 Beefy!' Dennison ..... 73 1411101(14 Hamilton ' 864 Evelyn Riley 04 4 Jack Douglas 60.2 *Sam l'olleek 60 Mary floe 56 2 Gl0113. 9 PaW911t) 541 Jim Kerr 59 Scott Butt/hill 57.4 Jack McDowell 59 Russel Fox 46 6 Melvin Thompson 49 6 1108591 Farrow 41 2 Norman Thompson 35 (1 SR. III— Marguerite Logan 80 5 Jessie Little 74.1 Dean Davison 73 it Alairnie MeQuarri 1 70 0 Alarguerit,• Br yens 08.7 Frieda Pollaid 05 2 Alice Pope 05.2 Russel 131 yans 554 Jaelz Rutledge 54 8 Lorne Kerr 50.7 Mac McDowell.. 48 5 IV. J. Rutledge 47 5 Phyllis Hityans 48 S Stewart Lowe 41.2 John Campbell 20 5 E. DOTITITR, Teacher. 14001211 Report for March and April. Those rn:;.rked * missed one or more eXarn- illations. JR III—Examined in Arith., \Vi it Hiet., Art, Geog, Lit., Comp. and Read. Edna Ihnvison 7(1.7 Fred Burchill 71 8 Stuart Brigham 79 ' Jessi 1 01.1.1(1 well 73 1 Donald Wane 71 Donald Ferguson009 7 Lyht flicks 61 Jean Riley 00 5 'NM Gam/nage 58 7 Irene Riley538 William Edward 51 2 Stella Henderson 46 6 *111114 Farrow 44 6 Sit., 1I—Examined in Arith, Lit., Spell., Comp., Art, Ceog., Writ, 14101 Read. Aleen Gibson ......... . —84..5 ..- Vera Fox , Hilly Palmet. Helen Douglas Lloyd KOPnag111411 JAck Fate ow Bei tie 111014'. 3110 Ritchie 70 d ' Huron Presbytery Receives Very 3-- 14 1;.4:1:4;Set C4oalitions —Raised $223,277—One Student Recommended for Ordination -- Committees Are Appointed Goderich, April 29. --The Huron Presbytery of the United Church at its meeting yesterday accepted its allovation, received the annual re- ports and appointed a number of committees as well ee sending on several resolutions and approving of :several students and recommending one for ordination. At the afternoon eesison the chair was taken by Rev, George Telford, of Blyth. The report of the Maintenance and Extension Fund committee was given by Rev. W. D. McDonald which showed the $47,000 had been raised for this fund. The report was adopted. The allotments in the Maintenance - and Extension Fund for the (mining year for the churches were given by Rev. George Telford which are as follows, Ashfield, $1.900; Auburn/ 32,000; Hayfield, 3600; Belgrave, 31,000; Benmille,r, 81.000; Ifinevale, 81.100: Blyth (St. Andrew's), $1,- 300; Blyth (Queen street), 31,350; Brucefield, $1.400; Brueele, 32,000; Centralia, 31,200; Clinton (Ontario street) 32,800; Clinton (Wesley Wil- lis-, 32.500; Creditors, 31,100; Dun- gannon, 3800; Egmondville, 3300; Ethel, 31,125; Exeter (.1ones street) 33.300; Exeter (Main street), 31,- 500: Fordwich, 31,000; Goderich (North street), 33,000; Goderich (Victoria street), 3100; Grand Bend, 31,800; Gerrie, 31.100; Hen - sail, $2,600; Holmesville, 3400; Kip - pen, $1,250; Nile, 31,000; 'Armies- boro, (P), 31.000; Seaforth, 32.500; McKillop. 3900; St Helen's, 31,100; Thomas Road, 31,470; Varna, 3800; Walton, $1,575; Wingham, 84.000; Wroxeter, 31,090. The, following reeommendatiors were also brought in and adopted. "That an immediate effort be made to place all the information re- lating to the Maintenance and Ex- tension Fund before every congrega- tion and that Sunday, May 22nd, he set apart for a genera; exchange of Pulpits. "That all allocations as presented be accepted and an earnest effort be made by every congregation to reach the objective set before it. Every congregation is urged to ad- opt as widely as possrde the 11)")() of the weekly duplex envelope as the hest nr,ans to ensure regular propor- tionate systematic giving. "That every congregation adopt gg e the system of monthly remittances to 63 0 the treasurer of the church. 61 5 581 4) 6 JR, II—Examined in same sobjects as Sr. 11, Alina 131ya11s 94 1 Jack lirteker 787 Harold Yolleck 77,5 Methrerly Lowly ......708 ()Intl Plum 76 Alarm King '7" Bowman Gallietith (e) Not yen Rutledge 114.7 Mac Edwards 61.1 Totn Strachan 60 3 Ji nt Douglas ir.4 8 Elwood MeQuarrie 58 2 Nod Rutledge ...... . 42 (i MARY 14. MeNeem, Teacher. ROOM I tiw. I—Examined 111 Alitho Snell., Read., Welt., Dep. and Daily Work. Isabel McTavish 1)1 INIargery Riley Gerald Gibson ‘48 Alattgat et Scott 87 133110 Stephenson 85 Jim Palmer 84 Alutiel Halal 82 Garf, Henderson Al emery 141110 74 Archie Holmes '78 Ethel Foe 711 Dort) t h y Ballantyne 118 813tuee Mantra 50 JR, I—John Fowler 76 814 Pee—Exeellent—D, Dennison, kleQuateie, 0. Cunningham, 13. Best, 1. Riley, H. Xing, H. Htvam 11. Rutledge, E 12/.9.'119101, G Beightun, *13, Bekraler, (4. Galbraith, l)'. Rutledge, H. (4i)tt. 61* INT. Pn. —Exeellent— AL Whit- tard. Good—II,Oampbell, J. Lowry, JR, PR — I). Ilenamerling, le, Scott, V. Plum, M, Davison, IC, Spier, M. II:leiter, 0. Ament, Al. 11. ICeer, B. Stiles, A. Doeglee, E. I, IluctIANAN, Teacher, ereteed et -dative during her long !WC'S, • Erect New Church Tho church property report wee. peesented by Rev. J. W. Kilpatriek, asking permission for the Dayfiald- charge to erect a new church at Por- ter's Hill. This was granted. Rev. C. J. Meorehouse gave the report of the Life and Work Com - mince re Sabbath Obeereance which Was adopted. The Religions Educational Com- mittee work Wris reported by Rev. 3, I Byron Snell, of Londesboro, who spoke of having a standee(' training echool conducted by the Presbytery this year. Lack of time prevented a more full report The report of the -committee re Students and Candidates for Ordina- tion, was given by rile Barnby- as follows: That having oxamined 1211'- 501 G. Cook, We cordially recom- mend him OP a eandidate for the minietry of our church and hereby certify him to the Theological Col- lege at Queen's University at King- ston or to 18111112 college he may choose to attend. • That WO recommend that the fol- lowing be certified to Victorte Col- lege—A, Clayton Baxter, 3. 0. Brit- ton and John It Snell. That John McIntosh and Carmen Hough be revemmended to the Un- ion Theological College at Toronto. That H. G. Whitfield having com- pleted his corneae as certified by Rev. Prin. Dawson we reemumend Presby- tery to ask London 'Conference to 11- (1111151 him to preach and to be or- dained at the approaehing (infer- ence. This sport WaS ndepted. Rev. S. Jefferson explained a (Continued on Popo 5)