HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-4-27, Page 8WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 10227,
T e
Is Kodak Time Nagst----
All Out of Doors invites your Kodak these pleasant
Spring Days. This Store is KODAK Headquarters.
Fill all your net -ds from our photographic section.
Bring in or send us your films and have them develop-
ed and printed.
NE ,g,'.1:' WALL
See the new SUNWORTHY
WALL PAPERS, which will
not fade.
Varnished Tile Papers—sur-
face can be -wiped o1P, and are
fine for Kitchens, Pantries and
Bath Rooms.
SEE THI1M -.mute I
For House -
DOLLY CREAM for Tinting
Curtains, 15e
CHAMOIS for Polishing
20c each
0.71 91. '^v .s.3todT°47'.
T -r di�
TIrutzgist and Stationer
��Local News Items
• W N+«MM
• Si
•1,• N
Jut of a Job. Dance To -night.
License Inspector Pellow will be A dance is being held in the Town
rut of a job when the new Liquor Hall to -night (Wendesdayn tinder
'ontrol Act comes into force. The. the auspices of the young mets of
?rovineial Police are to art girl the town. The Wroxeter Orchestra will
.'Setter Shut Up the Hens.
Many householders are complain -
ng of the neighbors' hens scratching
•p the seeds already planted. In
;me cases the hens have come from
he next block.
.nnual Service.
The annual sermon to the unember.e
t Western Star Lodge, No. 140, I.
,. 0. F. will be preached in Brussels
nited Church on Sunday evr•,tiee,
'.lay 1st, commencing at 7 o'clock.
.ember; are asked to assemble at.
e Loden room et 6.30. Visiting
rethren are cordially invited to at
deglect To Take Oath Deemed
.cosig nation.
Under the ant nd:Ieut to the
'r-unicipal Act. .cul ron•rl by the
lunicipal ('oremitte,• of the, Lc±gia!a•
ane every quelftied person elected
any ❑ enicipal office, in future,
au t take the oaths of office wh•hln
ntt days followi.lg his election.
n default Of such aeien he eh:tfl he
haying reigned. the
:ermcd as hat In
:est a d fault r wax .:abject to a the:
sly. 'T'h.e art was also amended so
hat a County Judge will have the
i'; lit to investigate the affair.: of any
iisines.s conducted by an elected
_enllneeei)nl or a Conl)u!3.i1011 a;)-
ointed by a liunie ieel Chest t;.
On Thum I t.. lust week at 7,._
elm a fine many in the persrn1 of
odin L. 1 Deei,leen, 1i3d away eery
eacefully at hre home nn Tutu) r a
13rus,.e1e. b -int_ corm ins in the
.1st. He was born in S(arboru
',,pp.rk County, on Dec.25, DA':. He
-44d resided in Bruesels for the pa. -4,
3 years with his sister, Many Pe -
!eased is uivived by 7 bre, h , ;
',Thomas and Rages, Lrus 1 Jen
,.ph, London; Wilhelm Niagare, Da -
'id, Nestleton; Frank, Whittier, Cal.,
end Jamee, Stratford) and 3 8i..
i Mrs. H. 1. !Iarvey, Winnit ; 1L.,
C. R. Bennett, Arcola, Seek., and
:Miss Mary, Brussels), They were all
'etre for the funeral except Mrs.
Harvey and Frank,. Mrs. Bennett and
laughter, Tillie, curving the day be.
"ore the funeral. Ilie ons;, um le,
Wm. Davidson, was elle to attend
he funeral from Toronto. Rev. Mr.
Fowler conducted the funeral serve,:
which was held in Melville (hr ch
on Monday afternoon. Lorne ! . -
:nier sang two solos, "Face to Fete"
. -
end "Beautifdl Isle of Somewhere."
Interment was made in the ilruseels
Cemetery, From early childhood he
.vas allied to the Pri ityteri a e c .rc1
:And his seat wars seldom vacant whe'a
able to attend, often sorvin0 th
church as an office holder. He we.,
,.n honest, inrlu.etrleum man, 143 et lin
his manner, and w is held in• h1 e
em by all who Innen v hien. Inn tee,
vnde.need by beautiful floral trib-
tithe received. 'rho following six
eine friends here hrn to hl 1.1,1
Shu ' place: Jame.; 11 'W. )trent
nlT:vizeun, Waiter Rose, Fred Bun
•r, Samuel Wilton and Georg; Anl-
loon. •
:supply the music.
t9p'yt� �ppyp�oIf',�Y9 pmQ•�7,�jt� 9 `�.0
16J rgssel �i �it LSfiaVrllil
t-: EV, A. W, EARKER, S. 0,
Sunday, M3y 1sit
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
Subject -"The Arit1inetie of Life•"
3 pan. ---Sabbath School ses-
sion and Bilnie Classes -
Missionary Program and Offering
7 p.m.—Public Worship.
"Odd Fellows" Service
Theme :
"The Supreme Quest"
Tuesday—Y. P. S.
Wednesday — Prayer Service,
Mother's Day Program in the
Sunday School and at the Morn -
Council Meets Monday.
The regular meeting of the Town
Council will be held on Monday
evening next.
Stores Open Wednesday Evening,
The stores w141 be open next
Wednesday evening for the summer
months. See advt. elsewhere.
Thursday Hr -if -Holiday.
Minor Locals.
4 more days in April.
Schools opened on Monday.
Seasonal advice—Keep 'em out
Saturday, July 2, will be an extra
holiday this year. •
The snow was not a very welcome
visitor last Friday.
Fishing is a favorite pastime with
many a youth of town on the Malt-
April is evidently trying to be
"wet" so th.a.t the May "wetting
party" will net be so noticeable. •
The trout fishing season this year
will open on May 2nd. The season
far bass does not open until July 1st,
A horse named Backbone won a
rich cup race the other day, Back-
bone and a stiff upper Hp have won
more important events than races.
Tornados in the United States and
in Auetrahia again serve as a remind-
er that Canada is an excellent por-
tion of the globe on which to resat, -.e.'
Huron Regiment Will Go To Camp
On June 10th.
Between 900 and 1,000 men, re-
pre,•ntativet of nine nonpermanent.
venue militia units in 'Military Dis-
(rier No. 1, it is definitely announced
at Military headquarters will attend
,he camp to he held at Carling's
I14.1hts for nine, days, rommr'ncinec
on .June 10. A list of tine units
whi h will go Into car111) in(.11ldee the
1.4 Hussars, 0th Grey's Horse, llid-
dh ex Light Infantry, Huron Ite; i-
01 1 1. Fleece we e R . lin ent, Wellington
Ridge nth V1 tutee I c t invent,
Iniebte�n 'i rimrnt and 2nd Batta-
lion, lie+ t Cele:dian 1lachine Gun Corps.
r 1
In rr,;incctim) with the camp, 01-
t rn•emente have ben made for a
rung) school, ('01)1(111 CML ;• on the
1 .•mn, d to ruin to Led 16 days, tat
I vlliclr 11li.crs, t': )'rant "1iu g,1 and
inolicaminiiorii.A officers may quali-
fy fn' her rank. The camp, which
bd is c. 1 the' first to1
held in
t, •n -
I don :See, the war, will provide an
0)14 1uu+t for • practical training
f h'er unit ah:.ch attend in the arms of
the serol, c which they represent.
) 1)n.,kefit anis machine , un work
! will be conducted at the Cove- Ran-
Infai0ry drill awl cavalry work
i will be carried out at the heights.
Som, 50 hr r e•s will be provided d for
the mounted units, with the poesib(1-
1 ity of 100 being allotted. All Ow,
los of euilitary life in camp will be in -
eluded luded In the pr o rain, which is be-
i ua0 err u1 ed by the onkel of the gen-
ii oral taff. Thy .foar artillery units of
h liA riet, the r„t.h a„d 12th halt -
le: , of the 7th 1 :. i,1 Ila tde, Can-
t adieu Artillery, and the 16th and
20th of the 1'lth Field Lit#rade go
Ln 1'e•tt tt tw 1 for )outing; The date
)f the Vfoinnet000nont of an camp
tete not t r t leen announced, The
12th and 5lith batte).'ie •, both of
which toe of thin city, however, are
11r regularly Y tt(•
f0 1 .l 1
l.,nc .r
r 1
� -ng, ,e•), r
t t leen amt- of the, dlatale;,
stn ' than time, wh e,h will tale par
in the manning apt the camp her: of
• at 1'e[nwnwa will train at local head
Commencing next Thursday after-
noon, May 5th, the hair holiday will
be observed in town until the end of
October. Most places will be closed
by 12.50 each Thursday.
Stole Chickens.
By an advt. elsewhere, it will be
seen that Walter close is offering 550
for information that will lead to the
conviction cif a thief who stole chicks
at his poultry farm, Last Wednes-
day morning as he was getting,' Inc
shipments ready he noticed that the
boxes had all been tampered with,
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized at the Manse, Listowel,
on Wednesday, April 20, Rev. J. M.
Nichol officiating, when Mary Jean.
daughter of J. A. and Mrs. McIntyre,
W11:4 united in holy bonds of 1110101-'
mon)- with John W. Gregg, son of J.
A. and Mrs. Gregg, Cargill. Miss
Florence • McIntyre, sister of the
bride, and Wm. Parker, of Cargill,
were the attendants. After the cere-
mony lir. and Mrs. Gregg len: for
Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec. Up-
on their return they will take up
their residence in Cargill. Their
many friends extend hearty congra-
tulations and best wishes for a long
and happy wedded life.—The 'bride
is a sister of Bert McIntyre, of Brus-
The Editor's Trials.
There is a joke going around at
the expense of a modest young news-
paperman in a neighboring town
width is so „shod that it nng111 be
true. Tho young man in question, it
appears, was recently invited to a
party where the home had lately been
blessed with an addition to the film -
My. Accompanied by his best girl he
he kind hostesss
at the door,
after the customary salutation, sk-
ed after the welfare of the baby.
The lady was suffering from ,t cold,
which made her deaf, and she mis-
takenly supposed that the young man
was enquiring about her cold. She
replied that though she had one ev-
ery winter, this was the worst one
she ever had; it kept her awake at
night at first and confined ]ler to her
bed. Then noticing that the scribe
was getting pale, and nervous, she
said she could tell by his looks that
he was going to have one just like
hers, and she asked hila to go and
lie down, The paper came out as
usual the next week, but the editor
has given up enquiring about babies
(deo, 11,•81 hag rebuilt a garage and
it p+'.•tis is the shingles and .eielirn,
- John Logan is r, -modelling hie kits
then at his hone, on 71i11 street,
The top veraadlta i; b -Mg renl0V-
i-d at tho Queelr a Hotel.
Card of Thanks
'1'h, undel'si,.,nc d wish to theek ice
neighbet s rand Mende for kidleese
shown hiring tozhuc r illno. and
death of our i-eother, the ltd-,• John
I., hAid on, 311h alio ti0 1'•1,1c
Who kindly loaned cers Inc ire• fun -
,gal, Their kindness will neve? be
#3 Sisters and Ilroth, re.
Lloyd's 'Laughomettt .
A.fter ).81'8 of leatchl Lt '...:'-can
Metare audiences rcait to :e'reen
comedies, Harold Lloyd hee conclud-
ed tll:'t it is po nible to mcaaure the
114th. breadth and thteknees of
merriment. For ilnstan(a, some
screen Incidents are more ee111i01n1
than others, so some means must be
employed to measure thele. Harold
Lloyd's titillation table is as follows:
Four smiles—one titter,
Two titters—one giggle.
Five giggles—one equine giggle
(horse laugh).
Two equine—one hyena laugh.
Three hyenas—one snort.
Three snorts—one howl.
Two howls—one scream.
Twelve screams—one hysteric.
Two hysterics—knock 'ens dead.
"Two Hysterics" is the estimation
placed on Lloyd's "The Kid Broth-
er," his latest Paramount release,
which will be shown at the Grand
Theatre next Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, May 5, G and 7.
Thr clot)' tier hour --rail:•• at I
Hutt lawn and hack yard,
John Rohb.Burlod;
The funeral of John Robb, well I
known reeldemt of Seal'ortln, whose
death oecurred Good Friday, follow-
ing a trots. of »aralysis, took pfi,e
Tu d It 1 nth !tont nts vr,sktonet on
I1,1411 tree 1 to M ,itl lndb tilg < mt•- ; :p \ol•Iv
ter) The se \see was conducted by I
Rev. W. P. 1 tnr., Northside relied
Church 1cst to d by Het IL C. 1 u -at •
of lorort,l Ile is .survived by his
Widow, Margaret llroadtoot, t date:
ghter of the 1(111 Janina, Broads of
'l'uc ke t mith and four &meld ere,
Slee Nina M. Robb, of Port Col-
borne; Mrs. Donald Menenoll, var.
e•o Dakota; Mrs, Clarence Whlt,ly,
Vermillion, Alta., and Mrs, S. Plcal1
of Port Arthur. The pnllbe were
Were Dr, R. R. Moss, Oscar Veil, J.
Allen, W. Black, A. Broadioot and
W. llroadfoot. Sire. Robb teas a fer-
nier t,r(•her in Brussels school and
is a sister of John Brondfoot of Gr:•y
Twp. Miss Robb, the school nurse
of 3 or 4 years ago, is a daughter.
Funeral of Miss Augustine.
The Port Arthur Times -Journal •of
Saturday, April 16th, refers to the
funeral of the late Miss Augustine, a
sister of Mrs. .H. Walker, of town:--
own:—Very Impressive was the funeral `-
service conducted in St. Paul's Unit- Has Been Seriously 111. Negative Won Debate.
ed church on Thursday evening over John B. Ballantyne, the well i By a popular vote of the audience,
the body of Miss Augustine, kinder- known foreman of the Brussels Post, the majority favored the negative
garten specialist on the public school has been a real sick man during' the side in an interesting debate, "Re -
teaching staff' in Port Aruthur, who past week with pneumonia, but is solved that the cost of high living,
showing improvement the last couple rather than the high' cost of living
of days. We hope for a speed/ re-, makes the cost of living high," at the
and a ore the cortege the
cover,). Y. P. S. meeting in Melville Church
church was filled in every available ton Tuesday night. In voting as
corner with a sorrowing couarega• Checker Men Ahoy! they did, many present doubtless
Hon. Among those present were A. Ten or a dozen crack checker thought it a good opportunity to ab -
L. Woodrow, chairman, and the players from Lucknow plan to visit solve themselves from any alleged
'numbers of the board of education; Brussels next Monday night to -play weaknesses, foibles and tendencies to
officers of the school board; members a return match with the local club. luxurious living, which the human
of the Women Teachers' federation; The Brusselites are out for blood and race may have. The winning team
the kindergarten children from Con- are thirsting to• avenge the defeat comprised Misses H. Stewart, N. Jar-
tratl school, which was her own tie- sustained in Lucknow. A meeting, of cline and Mr. A. Lamont. The afTirn'1-
partment, and pupils from other the members will be held at 0 o'clock ative was supported by Dr. C. C.
schools, and teachers from .Fort Wil-
liam, Many young people note oc-
cupying positions at the head of thr--
lalces in commercial and professional
life, who had enjoyed the privilege
of being under Miss Augustine's tu-
telage while attending school, were
also there, Rev. Amgen Redden,
pastor of St. Paul's United Church,
was in charge of the service. He
preached a comforting sermon from ince liquor may be sent by marl, but ,
41-0. E. Cole. 45-1
GOVERNMENT Tested White Bios-
som Sweet Clover; clarified and
free from all Primary noxious
weed seeds. Phone 4214. John
H. Stevenson, Lot 12, Con. 14,
10 GOOD York Pigs, 6 Weeks Old.
Apply to Wni. Eckmier, Lot 2i),
Con. 7, Grey. Phone 35-17.
LOST.—Between Ethel and Mitchell,
by way of 11Ic\aught, a bracket
and tail light, also license number
212-942. Finder please notify
George W. Elliott, Phone 4016.
QUANTITY Seed Peas for Sale; Al -
00 quantity oats. Hugh Lamont,
Phone 237.
HATCHING EGGS.—Rose's Strain
White Leghorn; eggs 10c above
market price. Seed potatoes, good
cooking variety, $1.00 per bag.
Phone 23-6, • William Grant,
6 and 7, Con. 12, Grey. 44-tf
A BICYCLE in Al Condition; New
tires; a real bargain. Apply to
Richard Elliott, Phone 40-16.
PASTURE to Rent. Apply to Mex.
Nichol, Phone 5613. 4J-4
YOUNG Sucking Pigs For Sale. Ap-
ply to Thos. Alcock, Phone 425.
9 PIGS, 7 Weeks Old; Also 12
Chunks; 1 Tamworth sow, clue on
May 12, for sale. E. Cole, Lot 21,
Con. 5, Grey. Phone 41.-0. 45-2
13 LITTLE Pigs For :laze, Ready to
wean. Clarence Martin, Lot N111.
26, Con. 9, Morris, Phone 17-23.
FOUND.—A Sum of Money on. Main
street on Monday. Phone 7-78
ROCK Chicks to Hatch on May 12th
for sale. Wm. Crawford. 45-2
FEW Bushels White Blossom Sweet
Clover seed still left for sale. Ap-
to Mark Cardiff, Phone 4216
15 HEAD of Cattle Wanted For
pasture. Earl liathore, Lots 53-
t M1lorris. Phone
5J, Con. 1, .
wishing to put in flax, apply to
J. Meadows, Brussels. 44-2
THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock and
Single Comb White Leghorn baby
chicks, June 4th, 14 cts. each. Al-
so Thoroughbred Barred Pock
hatchling eggs from Schwegler's
best layers. Wm. McNair, Brus-
sels, Phone 24-10. 44-tf
YELLOW Blossom Sweet Clover;
Government tested. Free from all
Primary noxious weeds; 117.50 per
bus. Wiliam Grainger, Wroxeter,
Phone 602-r7.
Brussels Trail Rangers Win
District Shield.
A feature of the congregational
meeting of the United Church held
011 Good Friday evening and men-
tioned in our laet issue, was the re-
port of the "'Succes, Camp" of 'Trail
Rangers. It was pointed out that
this group is following the program
for boys as suggested by the Ontario
Boys' Work Board, and which pro-
gram the
m, to develop a bo nn
gtratn u p Y
four eith e 01 his nature, h.e., mental-
ly, religious, physical and social.
These; four departments were very
briefly explained. The boys took an
active share in the recent bond sell-
ing campaign condunteo to rase
funds to carry on boys' work
throughout the province. In recog-
nition of their' c,Torte, two of the
lade had received bronze medals, re-
presenting sales of $5 oath, namely
Stuart Brighton and Stuart Glassier;
and a silver medal, showing sales to
the value. of $20, had been captured
by Dean Davison, Chief Ranger, The
group as a whole, was awarded •the,
itistru 1 shield for Huron and Perth
Counties, representing an average
sale of 87 per member, The shield
Was unveiled by Dean Davison and
is indeed as handsome one,. It is of
• bronze and re pre vents the four -fold
development already mentioned. All
those who had in any way ccon1ribnt-
1 ed to this fund were not thanked but
congtatule.tcd on being aharehotdere
in such a paying proposition as the
' r Ontario; e • ' ow-
• ll0 1,i e. )fthe Were, n
Boy I; Y r
ever, sincr r ty thanked for. the kind -
.t td
. ly reception which, in most ease..,
the .boys received.
01,11•011•11.10.1011104,1•11.1. MPIII10•••{11•00.04110.41..t.
A Safe Repository f or
Bonds or Other
Valuable Papers --
SAFETY Deposite t,o>; in
your nearest branch of the
Standard Hanle is -the log-
ical place to keep your vat/.tlthlcs
for security and convenience. We
shall be pleased to furnish you
1•vlth space necessary for your re-
quirements at minimum rates.
BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager
flied on Monday night after a week's
illness. Service was at seven -thirty,
l b f th arrived tl
on Saturday night to make plans to Ramage, Miss ilsrnett and E. Dobie.
resist the invasion from the north.
Everybody out!
No Liquor by Mail.
When Ontario's new liquor act
comes into actual effect, the degree
of freedom with respect to liquor
will not be so extensive as In the
province of Quebec. In that prove
the words: "Wheresoever this gospel
shall be preached in the whole world,
there shall also this that this woman
hath done, be told for 0 memorial of
her:" In the course of hie remarks
Mr. Redden referred to the kind
heart, kind thoughts, kind words and
kind deeds which had always been
characteristics of hiss Augustine's
life. Rev. D. R. Patterson, pastor
of Trinity United Church, offered up
0 prayer of consolation for the be-
reaved, and Rev. R. 1M. Fothering-
ham, pastor of Knox United Church,
read the 14th chapter of St. John's
gospel, which commences with the
words, "Let not your heart be trou-
bled." Had not Rev. P. C. Peed,
pastor of the First Baptist church,
been suddenly called to a caes of
sickness, he, too, would have taken
part in the service. The choir of the
church was in attendance, the hymns
sung being, "What a Friend we have
in Jesus," and "Blessed be the. Tie
that binds." Before the body was
taken from the church, C. H. Wright,
organist' and choirmaster, gave •01
impressive rendering to Handel's
"Dead March in Saul." The pall-
bearers were: Inspector Wilson, pub-
lic school inspector, and the follow-
ing school principals, R. 11. John-
ston 1(Central); W. J. Judd (St.
James ), R. S. McBurney (Cornwall)
I,. Nesbitt (Pine street), T. R. I\Ic-
Ewen (Prospect). The floral trib-
utes were numerous and very beauti-
ful. At. the conclusion of the ser-
vice, the remains- were taken to the
Canadian Pacific railway st^.tion
whence they were shipped yesterday
morning to Toronto, en route to
Lucknow, where interment will be
made. Accompanying the body east
were Mrs, Walker, of Brussels, sis-
ter; Ormiston Augustine, Brentford,
brother; Miss Pentland, Clinton,
niece, who is a school teacher at
Clinton; Laverne Augustine, brother,
of Fort Saskatchewan, Alta., who
journeyed east as far as Schreiber
with the other members of the fun-
eral party, taking last night's train
back from Schreiber to his ]lone. in
Fort Saskatchewan.
LOST:—In Brusselis, .Abort Noon,
in or _between 1''e4' e Drug store
and the Post Office , sum of mon-
ey. Reward. Leave at The Post.
SEED.—"Abundance" Oats, Grown
from seed that won 2nd place at
Guelph Winter Fair; Yellow Rue -
sign oats, a splendid oat for heavy
laficl. Also a limited quantity of
Alfalfa seed. Use home grown
seed and secure a good drag.
J. P. Mclntosh, Lot 31, Coln. 12,
Grey. Phone 55(1.
Bared Rock Hatching 113ggs and
Baby Chicks for sale. April hatch
13c, May and June 15c. Also S. C.
White Leghorn Chicks. May and
June 14c. D. McKinnon, Phone
2316. 43.3.
GIRL Wanted For Housework, A
permanent position. Apply at The
Post 40-tf
GOVERNMENT Tested Timothy
seed, five ]ler cent alsike; free
from all. Primary noxious weed
seed, $4.75 per bus. Also a quan-
titf of yellow blossom sweet clov-
er seed, Phone. 37-10, Russell
Dougherty, Lot 11, Con. 17, Grey.
BLACK Minorca Hatching Eggs and
Timothy seed for 11e. Jas, Per -
ti', R. 11. 3, Idrueeels, Phone 2515.
LIMITED Quantity of Century Seed
oats 100 sale, Earl Ilen1}cy, N?(S
Lot 21, Con. 5, Morris. Phone
4 re., 40-t:f
Morris Two.
Acre f m , Mi r
100 farm to rent al
Apply to W. A Lowry, Brussels
COMFOR'f"AfI.E. frame dwelling
house in 11rus,eels for stale at a
• bargain. Apply 'to W. AC Sinclair.
not in Ontario. There is provincial ,
autonomy with respect to this phase
of commerce. The federal policy is
to prohibit the shipment of liquor by
mail. Should any province, however,
pass an act providing for such ship-
ment by mail, or include a clause In
its liquor act, then the post office
must comply and cannot prohibit the
shipment by mail within that prov-
ince. 'Quebec has such a clause in
its liquor act, but there is no such
law in the Ontario act. D. B. Han-
na, chairman of the Ontario liquor
commission, said that the board had
110 intention of shipping liquor by
mail, lint would use only- the express
for such purpose.
"Jacob's Bondage."
The Dramatic Cantata, presented
by the Blyth Choral Society, an
the auspices of the Ladies Aid of
United Church, given in the Town
Hall Wednesday evening of a
week, was a real musical treat from
the first selection by the orchestra
until the last chorus, "All Are Now
United." The characters, both He-
brew and Egyptian, were well repre-
sented, from Father Jacob clown to
his youngest son, Benjamin. 01d
Father Jacob had a wonderfully
clear, ringing voice for an old chap
of one hundred and fourscore years_
S. Leslie took this part. R. M, Mc-
Kay, as King Pharaoh, as usual made
n good king and sang with his old
i time 'vigor. Joseph, aged 10, was
. welt taken- by S. Sidthorpe, and Rev.
G. Telford as Joseph in Egypt, was
a favorite throughout, both in sing-
ing and acting. The trio by Mrs.
Hawkins,. Mr, Telford and Mr. Leith,
as Potiphar, Joseph and Potiphar's
• wife, was fine. The duets, trios and
choruses were all well rendered,, and
ably assisted by the bassos led :by
• Jack Brown. Misses Fraser and
Cole and Mrs. Kershaw, as Jacob's
- wives, as well as Princess Zella and
]Hiss Alice Rogerson as Benjamin,
deserve honorable mention. Finan-
cially, as well as musically, it was a
glorious success. Blyth Choral Soc-
iety will be welcomed back.
Hamilton, April 20.—Rev. David
Perrie, Wingham,' was last night
elected moderator of the Presbyter-
ian Synod of Hamilton and London.
Rev. Dr. J. H. Barnett, Ridgetown,
who Was nominated last year and
withdrew. was named again but met
defeat. The 53rd Synod sessions
opened in Knox Church last night
and were largely attended. Nine
presbyteries are represented, reach-
ing from Niagara Falls to Windsor
and from Lake Erie to Georgian Bay.
This morning there was a de-
votional service conducted by elders
and to -night thele will be a banquet
of laymen. Frank Yeigh, Toronto,
will be the chief speaker, and Rev.
Dr. McGillivray, Moderator of the
General Assembly, Rev. J. W. Mc-
o-Namara and Mrs. Fletcher, Hamil-
ton, will also be -heard. There are
many platters of interest appearing
on the agenda and the sessions will
continue until Wednesday.
DAVIDSON. In Brussels on Thursday,
April oat, 1927, John L. Davidson,
aged 62 years.
71 D01AL2D,—Int Grey TWp., on Thur?3-
day, April. est, 1927, Donald 1fcDon-
11,1 aged SG years and 29 days.
SWINE At Brantford General H'os-
p1tal, on Thursday. evening, .April
1 21st, IIev, \yilllnm Smythe, 111.3m11.1.01.9-
n 111s
1131'0 year, a former pastor of Bras-
sels Methodist Church.
.11,7 A119P,n1t1Ai\I
SI'EIf$,—In loving memory of Janetet
Speirs, who departed the lino
April :illi, 1924.
We were not there to clasp her
Or hear her fleeting breath;
Or listed to her dying wish,
'Ere her eyelids closed in death.
The blow was great, the shook
'\Vo never thought her death so
And only those who have lost can
The pall of parting - without
Ever Remembered By Brothers and
1 �r
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