HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-4-20, Page 2WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1027.
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B Cs Areggl ! 1.- •
CanSerVatiVe Le.St7.d
, •
Ao lutla-e.tte $1.etclt Hon. S. F.
When 11 • 1 H11.
.11 : ....t ••:-;_ ..1 • .1- ,
IT, •
1....""- •t "ad. -a:1'16%11 'rt.:p.a.,
7.1.e•1.et 4:teal! ir •11..::
14!1 '7 • 1,, 4- t 4,1
fen'. v 1':41 tve ftv..,• I v. •ti.,
for t 41r1.::. T .11,1 net. ex: •71.
110 1'. Aneth-i• .1•:10gate W:14,4 talk-
te re • •1‘.. I 0454 't it was
'not 1.1. :job 9 111, 14'001 10t-r-
rtr, the, 1.10 I a, r, The 100,4 111:,
1441111 d hoist. t.0,1 1, oo:),. 144-
•,.,••r! !0T41-11 :41 11,,411'tfly an 1 110001-.
00.1t: 1.1...tr!
-They ,•001.1Ct stampede th
way, th0414:1. I c024..1. my '11••a,
• or!' to a *No: Nor as soon ae I
could and at my suggestion t -hey tool:
O 4(55 to consider other po...sibilit-
ies. In the end. however, 1 was f•op-
od.thrown. hon. -tied, and branded. In-
stead of eontinaln,:t to brow.a, pea:a-
toll:: on th, broad pastures of Otta0a
I are now headed for t110:(4.4
grant, .•rrals at Victoria know.). 00
the Parlia:e. nt Buildings.
"1 tion't know what would have
happened to me if I hadn't o' n yod
th, ••rack of the whip. Even after I
had shaken my head se ofteo that
was afaaid my brains ware b.a.tionim.t
„:21. tilos d -legates kern cent
tc: rte. Th. ;.• wouldn't let 1,1,.• a-
le! . tit four o'clock in the
aa.aa'aa: two of 111C. Most protIdtl:nt
r,140411441 Ca114,:. to my
1414 't'1, It..rt tli 1ra1n and almost
o w7•11 in.• in their endea-
. o• i.- 444 44in4....4 at to their l'.'tty of
(4. ef t: 11 ewet ilitIt
na on 141.• head!'
I7T1'n-orwitiv • eonvention was a
til' 1;ttle town of lid4n-
14.e. •., 'or it in .•nt an accretion of
:0.•• .11y .• Litt. to the poen!aticai.
It wit, a physical impossibility to find
verybody ln the city, so the
401.1 Victoria deb-eat:ions
Wee° quai•tered in their ..p.» id train,
but it Is not on racord that a sinele
one of them had a good night's rest
while the convention lasted.
Tohnie, referring to
tams times, said that he had sine•-;
been ill for two days and was still
ander the doctor's care, t'Ven though
he did not look it.
those early morning lessons weae not
altogether wasted. I still know
French. T have not forgotten Latin.
And to this day I can tell the rliffer.
once betweco Greek and Chinese at a
'4"10 krlOWF. 1114111 take? the
doete2's es.-imation of his own learn-
11evor, for he is well grounded
in the chissics and ha-,, cam.
mond of languages, even if he does
imefer the more human phra:.eology
of the farm for every -day usage. This
1: because he has been assoehtted with
eatti.• rn101 of his 11 f,. either as
or v0terin0r4011. Ho has spacial-
fea!y years in 11o14. -in cattle,
Shropshire slu•,•p, and Yorkshire
swiae, an 1 his farm is one of the show
places of Vancouver Island. His
father W1.04 the pioneer importer of
pure-bred Shorthorns in British Col-
umbi.a, and today there are thousands
of th.scendants of these Toluic cat.-
tli,,setittered all over urnish Cohan-
1The private conversathm and the
spe••ch.,s. of Dr. Tolmie are
,• T. 1.•11, te w, I ttli himself
••-y 0.•te. 1,0 int: 10 drop 111 11
'Filotte.::!.. he 1 4 rAttem•oine? .1 1111111,
, 1•• 1111 0'1 111:41
:::.(1•111 I 114114, ZIT 1 .111 the 110,41 011'
• 1.'1 10' 44111, fath.”., on- of
Ili earl!' ..t pioneers 0; 'Brit! 11 ('11-
1,1110. a fn.rm 1141' Victoria,
0' 1' th • presant Con,ervative lead -
et. wa.i lewn 1/1 1S6, Wkem 4 lll; of
1:1 S'amn had to rise 417,
'0 tic. me"niog and fol' T1.410
11011"..4 1. f, hrealtfast lie studied
Frenell and Greek in his
r'uthor's 1. '1''i' unlit r parental dir-
ection. Aft .r the morning meal the
boy r,111ti d the family 1.00', the.) \calk-
ed 1.1111.e 11111e5 to 1e114:101.
"T often think of those old tinis,'
d the g,0411 dortor, " mot I cari
truthfully say that they were 4101 the
• happiest days of my life: However,
iomand [aka HO
Thisis heYearofDiarnond Gifts
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1.1••-•• •
•-'•% \s\A\ \\\ \'))
v:::•,/,.....,, ,,,,..,fr .....,,
fil,..'1'.4.;•.0'1-1,, .,
4.t,..1..;1fe14• tIoI/ft37k1,ii,a.
,Jo.r4slZi4•• fe'dO:.
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C.V4:3 EFF RYS•• '
A1111eSt 140:4'04 Can-
ada 11.111401.' :1', •
VU1'01.•1 s, ti '.1.,ve,r 1,0
too ofte-'i. 1,.•,1e1• liam in nor 00:11
1 414,. !,,V,•1wrot, 101'
the wire of rraie I1
Mai:1,11, W0.14 4111,11-1:11ter
the aeianear of Vi.rchere.„1 soall
settlement on the south snare of the
St. Lawreieo-.. about (0', 114'
below \1011 id. In Octobar, 101,
the young girl of 14 year; of age
was left in eltarge of th,' fort, her
father being abFent on duty at Que-
bec and 11 •i• in:niter having 1,ee11
called to rtIoatreal. 'With her were •;.i, et fact v.'ay in which 010 •? wag 4,1
her two little brothers, tan and t..11.1 haw eh., calmed the name of the Mull, directed by a strategl..
twolve yuar,, ',Id, an old man of v.amnan, hew .4411,4 berated. the two yen:km.1:1bl • in a chi -.7. of fourteen,
eighty, a seavant, a few worinot and Nvito Wvrt, hiding terror- and v:orthy of MI 12.4.jil4'4.01111,. VOL',
chill '111, and two soicters, Mi. fort ',a the block house, and ani. • rail,
was aimply a square enclosure of ..-4•••1 her 114411. broth•Ts with her At last relief ari•ivecl. Madeleine's
palisad, s about 111e...44 feet high, 0W11 11••...014' courage. The 111114 gar- 04741 v0,415. 1)1 f441;:t.".4'y with clr!oria-
formed by tc..-..a.• trunk:. plant -d 111 'th' riaen beam, to fire tram tlio loop- th. 141,,,,ity. "I was doxing, with my
ground, piQtred 'oy lomMoies, and 1401-..i., the 4'111114011 to warn the it, a T111419 and toy gun lying
further leoteeted by 1,11. t'115 ••0011t -y 02 1:110 Itt44,14, (4.1111,4, The sentinel told
small trA7er, :tt the eurni_rs. • Out- th.• •1 4.1“. 110 114-4(1'd a voice front the
side 13;11.4 ILL.() 1', 4111014.1 the he.ier that tho."fort. 1.17. 1'. I went 0,) at ence to the pas-
bleckheitse, counected with Or! for.: • .•-•••0•..!..ly manned, and they hesl- tio,1 10 ace wit,. thor it was Indiana 01
by a sOVercii liSselli;c. :MIA vim- attack directly, Por a week :Frenchman. I asked 'Who you?'
. •,•,-
11:.' nior-dote th-• ••11
Dit the D.oquoi:: berst from the
for, st ree
at 4001.k 111 .-urrountling the.
with th' :ervatit.
4,11.4 at 41., 14(,)4"t 1:01,7171;z •':4' (0 "re.
1014 01; 011, 1111(1 lifty
tnh.ca 11,-e.r.1 the •11.)1.:i
1:40'4_,A.1'4•1 tile 111,4(11115 1110141040
0.7,":•,1 21,0 racol for :Ile fort
v-itl) 1 uncs about her 407'il
14 I!' m:11
"vi•i)::" 414t• 4'.-34:441 1111.1
14. 4,4""tod(' .1y. -There 114 an air
t"44!'!1 44 raid .-aiii-.:e•t•lott in
continutql, 1,11 and
;.1 H.• v.'14 '471 14..• and
1i1.:1•• ' 7 ' any her
. • •-• 1!•a•r10l
7 • -7, '7.1 11777!,, 17,11.771f t th,. 111,1-
('a:AOC) :1 settler and his
%.74o wera slolter in
thott44141 tittit
.'!.• wooid sin ' 7 .... r!... to be :1
dr,oa th :a.vtual 1 ha Tort
o10.1441 ,niake a .505.1:: upon
(liti "oppose so. I inalle
'1:1) ''.••1011y marah h •irra 1)ne
io ton 0;' the em•my. We put
f:01.1 lace 011 it that they thought
17041 11161'4. to fear than .•••;... 'th,.
interlaced with ,apient similes and
picturesque 01114 4110111 that fairly
re.l•-• of the bitenyard 101,1 the fields,
Some of 1414 shrewd and wity sayings
d.•serve to live as long 104 th0e.0 of
David Harum, and a few hava, even
now 11044001e minted into the current
coin of conversation around Ottavm,
where he has been a prime favorite
since I Di 9, when he WW1 appointed
Minister of Agriculture in the 110i._
41,11 government. He held the same
office later under the Hon, Arthur
When the fortunes of politt,:.1 de-
prived tlio Conservatives of the joya
oflice, Dr, Tolmie became genend attention to costume, hut with the
organizer for the party. He travelled assistance of a Canadian friend who
far afield, spoke a little, and listened had lived in London for some years,
a lot. Then he turned to Ottawa and lie managed to garb 11 1s4tself in what
WIIS considered proper for a gentle -
Tani Or 1118 station. Finally, ('(40100(1-
'411 10 silk hat and ahltly top coat, Dr.
Tolmie picked up his kid gloves and
inquired whimsically:
"Do I carry these with the fimrers
pointog northeast or. soutlitve.4t?”
Halifax to Viatoria. He came into
As it happened, Dr. Tobnie was not
my office the other day, sank his hugo
long worried over that intricate point
bulk into a chair opposite me, and
of etiquette, He lost the gloves be"
declared, with the utmost candor:
fore he Was half way to the famous
Meighen, I find the greaiest
obstacle the Conservative party has racecourse, but history is silent as to "I found coal and indications that
to overcome is the widespread im- whether he lost more than that be.: Nvould warrant a thorough examina,
pression that, you art' the vice-presi- ...)re the day was over, or whether Ile Bon of the property, and a drilling
dent of the Un•dertakers' Asaociationhad a bit on the winner.
!' operation, which will require' eon.
"Like most of Dr. Tohnie's obser- siderable thno and expenditure of
vations, there 18 a striking truth MAPLE SYRUP . money.
!wrapped up in his humorous meta- To give e rich, sweet flavor 40 "The field comprises the whole
! phor. Fortunately, he assures me ham, bake: it in maple syrup. 'o
wer end ofthe basin and en)-
that, apart from this, there is really prises several thousand acres. It
FLANNEL SUITS coal in paying quantities is found
nothing to be gloomy over."
When sent to England a few
New flannel suits consist of a tail-. there is a saving in :freight rates alone
years ago, in connection with the ved jacket in a plain color, and over coal now available frac» any.
move to have the embargo on cattle straight little skirt of cheeks in the field in the country would bring a
ante color, -combined with ivhite, : handsome margin of profit for the
remoVed, Dr, Tolmie was a guest sue.
cessively of the Mike of Connaught; HIP DRAPERY mining industry 114 liC/111TICTTI OTAPT110,,
They have been burning the coal up
the Duke -of Devonshire, the Duke of Most of the 41500 afternoon 'frocks
&Aim:gond, and tho Duke of Norfolk. show 56)110 uggostion of drapery, 4110" end the people he" 'told Yee 11
Though heartily welconied he did not Aiming or pleating about the hips. is (111(140 satisfactory.
feel exactly at borne on any of the "rho very largo hip bow Of telf.luat. Other Mineral Wealth
ducal estates.: erial is very good. "There are lots of other minerals
, .
It fell to his 1,04,00 representative . 0. A
-•1 110 Coandian government, to 1)4"1)4"4,311.11709 OINI ARIO
-nti a ball at Buckingham Falai:is.
res necessitate(' the p1(rcha.,0 et it
Windsor uniform, plentifully bedeck:-
. tivith gold braid, He went through
`i.•• ordeal with poise and cre•iit,
"I would not talc, $50,000 to 'wear
these overalls on my ranch," ho (400'
4(14.1 lat.c.• to a. friend, "The bulls
wo11141 sorra :tansy ;mother tgection in. ilarir;b.s of ('0111 coal found in Nickel
nginecr Makes Report — E. W.
$o-aftw., Tr1144 Syndicate Precious
l3oro Minerals are Available 10
Nickel Range. Valley.
British Columbia." Rotate Valley. 1101111 of Sudbury, in -
As a lover of horseflesh Dr. Telmio (kat, tt coal very much like tinthra- •
dasired to witness the Derby. Thk, cite. and there is every possibility of
to his surprise, called for meli;:ulous bituminous beds being found alne, g
according -to E. W. Sprague, invest?.
gatiug engineer of Detroit; who has
made an examination of the field for
'ho Ontario Coal Syndicate. Mr.
Sprague addressed about (10 of the
shareholders last Wednesday night at
The King Edward Hotel, Toronto. The
meeting was presided over by W. L.
Clark, president.
Expert Opinion.
Mr, Sprague introduced himself as
a p0S,S111118t by reputation, but he told
the meeting he felt quite optimistic
regarding the possibilities of Nickel
Range field,
• -in .• •• 4, 0' 11, 1p,' ! caus•-...1
tin -1 Os :v.. 0-1 41•1111 4104011 1OP'
1 14*41' 1(4 Illt,r4 'in. As soon 1
ra.w 1.11 "Moont,1 if', 1
:aluted hint, and sail, 'Mon, ,•11!, 1
0411' to you.' He an-
1-111:uit1'... 'Mademoiselle, thay
are in geed handa; 'Better than you
0•;111.11, 7,1spectod the
rot 1:1141 rvami everything. in order,
mid a s, Mine) 0'1 ca.•11 bas'ion. 'It
isinn, to reii,,ve 144' '1)1, 1,,Tondeor,'
said I: 00114 have not been oil' our 441,4,41
tions= for a weelt'.-
This is the ee1440.40 illustrated in
the et,tren). 1-1,-.yond the fort the
eat:tern loight v.01 &MD 4 on
the river, roiled under the Iraq)
04411in.1 breeze of the morning, the
eannes of th., relief pasty
ar: 0,-.roftehin40 the shore. Maile-
d inta' tile landing place returns
:atitite of the officer, Sh.. wears
low-crown,s1 soldi,r's hat of the
petiod, one aide of its broad brim
turned UP. 1:1'1'0110; IS
throlvn over the shouldors of her]
tinlit--:Itting bodice which has a shoi
Iliulng Tappet over the 11i113 and
:•ow leofons down the front. II•!
.: full and reaele.s about to tin:
Low buckled shoes and der
v•iloilen stocking:, conmlete het cos
toil' 4'. Al her clothes are of coarse )
serviceable materials. The officer
wears a long skirted coat with three „I
of buttons down the front,
connected hy gold braid. The stem e
-lat..; or enormous wide cuff which is
op to the elbow and shows a
'loop lin.in Emilie which falls over the
brand _44 iimilar ruffle, falls from his
•oeck. A wide whits sash is tic
round his waist with the ends han,
iag from at bow on his right sisi
!while a leather belt over his rigl
shoulder supports a sword whit
hangs on his left. His wide breed
e44 aro decorated with 0 silk bow tie
i 11 the outside of the xnee. 111 44
bears a long feather curled roun
flit) crown or. the 111144 brim Trot
front to back. The soldiers art,
:*.Mlarly dressed, though without
easit and gold braid.
in the valley, and they are 41044' 4411t -
111g a shaft for lead and Om
With this ore 1.1 found ruch by-prt-
;loath as gold, Aver, platinum, as well
as other mlinrals. Eighty per cent,
of the entire world's supply of niekol
is derived from these hills. The et: -
trent() length of the basin is about
28 miles and its extreme width about,
seven miles.
"The coal is very hard and has a
brilliant metallic lustre. T50 loco -
made a confidential report to his
chief, who later 'told this story at a
party gathering:
"Our general organizer, Dr. Tel -
r)111?, has ;just returnee from a trip
which has encompassed Canada from
tion tyr this field is such that t
auction of -coal Of any grade
ketal]), quantities would be
profitable enterprise," he sob
Though spring froczs nav
tucks, pleats, inserts and s
they preserve their unity of
repose, while achieving pleasi
ion the moment the wearer
r1, 80:Z •• .•••
• 44/.
There are a great many ways to do a job of
printing ; but quality printing is only done one
way—THE BEST. We do printing of all kinds,
and no matter what your needs may be, from
name card to booklet, we do it the quality way.
P. S,—We also do it in a way to save you money.
The Post
Publishing House
▪ *****mme***111*******.o.a..16.i0.000.46.)81114******)