HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-4-20, Page 1' ae dei . e , ee i e e 0°« serene eeeteet 4 + : + eeee 'O.W yen i esi r 4eteene tae ese to es leV. t tic R. The SurroundingDzs t= 5.i6.µ HH«H«H+H«1«HH ° «I-.4 Hf ,.. 4t1tt - 1+«tf«;,««;,1 �I« 4. 44,4«? f 1?�? 1:4* «-1.1'«';1 t3t.....«.1.1_..1. «.,.«. S».:� Y':a1.1s.1.3 ., VOL, 55 NO, 44 $2.00 per anni(vt in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, x927 J. L. KERR, T'raprietcr JAMESTOWN ) Miss Mabnl filet/ lord, wh t is employ- ed at the home of Robert and who met with a painful accident, in - Jill tog the spine by a all 1.11 mute icy steps, "Lep,, same weeks ago, ie dm• proving slowly. She is being eared for by Mrs. Smith, of Wroxeter, and De. Otildee, of W)ngham. We all wish het a complete recovery. Lar B Quite o f attended d i RI I their t k with 1 C P R Mon Wren, at W' 1.g} Gordon d til 1 t Sunday Hat gray e a P Misses Florence 1Ia11 and Loreen TURNBERRY TOWNSHIP (Intended for last week). Earl Harper, Gotrie has engaged with J. L. Mcareen, for the Summer. few tten a the neva e Fair, and received good prizes for eir• R oC , • Weeley and Sperling Yeo have se- cured ositiuns with the R. sec - i 111TH. r all Mrs. Yoe s )en - 7 with the ratter's sister, Mrs. Emerson t +ordwich. Chamberlain, Wroxeter, spent the week -end with Mrs. L. Roach, The Bennett Berm., of Salem, are Utley getting things in 'Melee foe work ou the old Stewart farm, which they have rented from Mr. Stewart. WROXETER Hecent vis- itor Harvey Robinsons ar e Y Rbln•tin was icor t'1. his he in Clinton. Mies Jennie Miller, Toronto, is she rDickson.'C 4r q o ?des. I . V. i)1. k g tet r Laurie Van Velem., • Or aw n visited over [:aster Day with his pauenCs. Service was held in the Anglican ihnreh, on Good Feeley evening. Rev. A. D. Armstrong and family L pent last1Vedilesday, in London. Wm Oorncartl1, Durham, called on Id fttends in the village, last week. Mrs. Perry Patterson and little San re visiting relatives in this vicinity. ,\.l's. G. Davidson and Miss May etvidson spent Thureday, in Stmt. inc1, Bert :Werth) and family and Mies :.an Wylie were holiday visitors lit ondou, :baster Jackie Brun, of London, is believe will he quite popular. the visiting his grandptlr'ents, R. J. and tenet)now 1toning now arriVes in Mrs. Rann. 1 at Walton at 12 01 noon and leaves at ec 11, Wrn. and Mrs, Wendt, or Norwood, 4.32. So far as is known here, at press were holidiL visitors with the., form- ent, there will be no change in e*m- 1.v Y neceiol with this train. en's brasher. J. R. Wendt, A, and Mrs. weltering spelt San. A. Ll' - 1.t '4l'e , with le i h. Gibson, teat Pundty c erso❑ and Mrs, Black and son, of Tornntn, visited the form- e ]t• Hud Mee. Bruck, over. Jeanette AUnn, ISlugeton e Aim Munro, St. Catlin) furs ; Diary AlcMtrhnel, Blnpvale • no, Munt'u. Torun to ; 1Vm, late, elildtutty, WALTON The C. P. R. gang is Metre malting extensive (Mangier ou the switch lines, Rev, and Mee. Lundy. of Kippen, wet guests, un Good Friday, with Ferguson ou a lid Mrs. R. et us 1 l g Dtnr>•'s OHtrncH.-'Lha annual con- gregational meeting of Duff's United Church Walton, was held last Friday evening, in the church, and the an- nual repots has been published. Theee are 105 families connected with the church end the membership is 248 ; the Sunday School has 100 mem- bers ; Adult Bible Class 20 ; Christ- ian Endeavor 40 ; W. M, S. 40 ; Lad- ies' Aid 105, and the Mission Band 40. The total receipts for the year was $2,374 64, with a small hulauce at the enol of the year. X3545 25_ was raised for the Mission fund. The Christian Endeavor raised $372 61 ; the W, M. S., $480,97 Ladies' Aid, elL380 37. The outlook' far the conning year looks promising for the pastor, W. J. Mettl- es, B, A.,and his earnest workers. Two EW TRA1Ns -An artnoun cc- ment, that will pleasing to the people of this community, is made by the Canadian Pacific Railway, to the ef- fect that the present passenger SCI' vier, is to be angmented by a train n he or raster❑ amts, u t leaving f L env P g the from t1 East, •''V n m •u * and arnt 1 arm g b, in the evening, this will bring the service back to its former' standard oP two trains a day. each way. The new train will leave (Inderich at 7 a. m., and reaches Walton at 7 50, arriv• ing int Hamilton at 1130 a. m, At Guelph Junction, connection will be made with a train reaching Toronto about ennon. Returning, the trail) leaves Hamilton at8 50 p. 01. and gets to Walton al 7.27 pe nl., arriving at (3oderich at 3.15 p. m. The connect- ing train leaves '1'oronto at 3,15 0. 01, This echmitale, whialt canes into ef- fect May let next, 18 quite different from any Intmerly in effect, and we Itday wi 1 tl I t1. p entP .1 Mrs. G 1 Aud Bobby, .. en's permits, ''-the weekend. N. and Mrs, (Garratt are spending :lie Easter holidays at 011111021 noel ' Willi n, and the teaohere, Miss Mc...0117.3P, at T-Iarrlston, Mise Bowes, at {;the'. and Miss Gestic, in Hgwici( ID. D, and Mrs. Sanderson attended 'the annual cmlvocaticu and cto,ing exercises of Knox College end Victor- !. University, last week, when their ' an, Alex., received hie B,A,a and also erhnlat•ship fon' General Proficieury n n the teaohers and students •A+ng nine for the Beeler vacation are : hisses Agnes McKercher, Mt. Forest ; Elizabeth Sar,dersnn, Arthur ; Beat- rice Ilowe, Leamington ; Edith Earls and Rona Ven Velsor, Strat- ford ; Bertha Smith, Mildmay ; n. ow ©n hand � l.1. t,. t Lime Patton Syproc ➢ GIYOGp lFYsFI�.. ➢ U BRUSSELS 1 CRANBROOK The Sunday School has been started again, at Cr'anbroolt. Everybody 1,hoeld watch It grow. Rev, W. A. \'Vlllitlme and family have unw settled in the (Owes, Thein' car of furniture arrived as T*tesdkty. '*`Ile Ladies' Aid ni' the Presbyterian Church sur holding their first 9001"1, at the Township Hall, next Friday ev- ening, at 8 o'elnek. An Easter message was delivered on Sunday morning, at 01,0brnnit. 'fine chureb was Comfortably filled. and eperiktl tnt1810 was given by the chole. Evening service' ere new being held alternately, at Crllnbraok and Ethel, the 8014/1/30 next Sunday to be held at Ethel. A welcome to all, to all our services. R.a; ,.- renwater.®» CAR OF XXXXX 13, C. RED CEDAR GLES Coning to Morris C.Pire Farmers' Club About May 10th Also Car Bats Western o� About May 1st 1.oatve VOW' Orders SCHOOL REPORT SENIOR Room Examined in Reacl,. Gram., Lit„ Writ., Comp., Geog„ A.rith., Auk, Spell. Sue IV -Kathleen Zeigler 85 t- Vel na Osborn 82 ; Hilda Quol'ellgeese• 51 JR. IV -Evelyn Humber 75 ; Vera Porte' 60 ; Stanley Fischer 05, SR. I1 -*George Fischer. Jet. 11 -Mary McDonitid72; Gert ie Pride 66; Dor- othy finethe' 85 1 *Ellnee bunking 49 ; Rnma Oemeren 48 ; Miltofl Os- born 35, OLIVE 8r Bowen, Teacher. Now Advortieemente t.04-- The PONT Ver ,,sl ti 1 Plan ver'alr 11. 1.l `~oars Far 'al ' l"*s S1e1(,r Par null 1 red Inulnhill Ong lost -,111o, JKnitiluok ('hewolot-leranl* Woods Pup • Per xnl.0-Phone 61 14 Tonder+washed-.T. 11. West (91211. wanted- Earl Mothers The issl rnr-G. 1i• McIntyre'. Anr•tlon ,+nit Mrs C thin ('1. t•' r. t ,-'Lit ri, ( nv t'futas and eg5n-V. n, messier Flax lana wonted -J. MNa(WWM Bransel+ eeutotern-llobt, Unrlc New slid old rare -W A. Lowry Glover for sale-W1111am larnin •er Farm for sale or rent -T, (i. McKey Aiba Mowbray '74 ; Ross Abraham 04 ; Russel Barnard 03 ; Mabel Bos- t/len 52 ; Jack Nicholson 55, I -Pro- moted to Jr. II -Hazel Master 80 : Alice Thornton 78 ; James IVard 73; Willie Hall 64; John Ward 54, PR, A -Promoted to I -June Walden 85 ; Isabel McKinnon 85 ; Daisy Holmes 76, PR B -In order of merit -Jack Kerr, Gordon Leggett, Ernest Tal- coner, Jack Bosman, Arnold Lillow, Lorna Hamilton, Eunice Thornton. M. Arnee AITKEN, Teacher. MORRIS Mrs, Farquhar, of Clinton, cons an Faster visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Joe Clegg, 5111 line, Miss Verna MtOutcheou returned to Toronto, of Monday, after spend, Mg Easter at her home, (ith line, Mise Mabel Grahame and Archie Kirktown, of Holland Centre, were ']de Pass- more. P rilieeA Meted TeCenC visitors with. more. - On Alex, and Mrs. Dggleson, of Dray- tow en y ' i ' were Baster r v1s •ttc x s withJoe t ': Hud Mrs, Clegg, 5th line. The ladies are 8letek'8. FIRE. -Tuesday morning, the barn of N. McCauley, 5111 line, was de- stroyed by fire. Cattle is unknown. The barn was insured. Vere D, and Mrs. Cunningham and children, of Oolborne, spent Easter Sunday with the founer's parents, W. A, and SI[s, Onnuiugham. Mrs, 11. 0. Elder and children, of Tillsonbueg, are spending their East- er holidays with IV. A. one Mrs. (lure niagham and Harold, at Sunnyside Farm. 8 Qt' „L li 1.l '-eee e CARD 01?'.1'.HANKS.-Tile undersign- ed wish to thank the neighbors and friends for their kind words, and deeds, during the illuees of husband and rather. - Mits. H. MCARTER AND FAMILY. ilcsmoon ltNrORT.-Following is the report or S. S. No. 6, Morris, for the Winter term. Pupils examined in a1 i st b1eets . Honors lors 75 per cerit, >• pass 60 pec cent. JIINIOR. I'4- Stewaat Pierce 67 ; Roy Pierce 58. 1914' III -Velma Duncan 71. Sit. I1 - Annie Pierce 83 ; Dorothy Bone 77 Joe Brewer 52. PROMOTED TO JR, I -Excellent -Betty Currie, Lettie Pierce, Archie Henderson. Petomo1. ED TO Eire, PR, -Excellent -lade wheeler, Good -Ross Wheeler, Ross Danoan• No, on roll 12.' Average at - t endauce for to m 11 27. M. D. PASSMORE, Tench er. OnnTUARY,-A line old Inas rutd one very highly esteemed was William Henry Brandon, who departed this life, ontTuesday, April 5111. FIe had gone to spend some time at the home of his nephew, Tohn Brooks, Victoria street, Wiegham, and it was there he died. The tteoeased woe born in West tewlllimb*ry,and came with lois par mite to Morris Twp., over '70 years ego, We wife, formerly Marjorie Bridges, predeceased him about six years ago, No children survive. 'Che late Mr. Breeden was the last of a family of flue brothers end two sig. Letts. His parents cams to Canada as bride and groom and were among the very early pionees. The late alt. Brandon spent the greater part of his lire on Lot 3, Con, 4, Morels Tem., Hud their home was noted for its s. e The hvs tiCasue lity, Int the t y tim he funeral woe held ou Thursday after- noon The brethren of Beigeave L, 0, L. No, 482 hod charge of the ser- vices. h Te funeral of the late -• A IIARY. it L GRIT Henry DInAt'ter wk's held last Pticla y afterloou, tux* the servines were cm: - dilated by Rev1'. G. Fowler, The pellbearet'e WeP+: Jim, Sherrie, Jtho.. Beer Wm. Andersen, Ward Sellers, • t- Ehnen Cardiff end Duke Jordon. to, . I t t.et•111e'.nt WAS made in Brussels 0e111- etery, The late Mr, MOArter was 110r1 in Usbornc:'L'wp., over 06 years ago, and was the eldest;son of the late John and Mre. en:Aster, Wbo moved up to the soh line, 56 years ago, 19 years ago, the decekwed tuns Married to Mise Margaret, White, Who surviv• es with a son and daughter, Jahn and Dries Mary, at home. Decreased is ale et) survived by nue brother, 50hn, on the 5th line, and a sister, Mimi Miley, in `Lor r ' •n iso, The late Me. MoArter suffered a stroke,; ahem; six weeks ago, and hod been in poor 114121111 ever since, He was stn hottest and indeed. - thins citizen, who will be missed not only by his family, but by old neigh- bors and friends, Among those who attended the funeralwere Itis sister mud his coaeln, David Mowbray, of Toronto, 1021)011 140011 Examined in Writ., Arith" Spell., Comp., Gene., Read, SR, II-elarleline Krantei' 91; Aline Looking 91, JR. II -Maty eluet.her 93 ; Glen Heether 89 ; Muriel ()lateen. ala 78 \Villin Zeigler 85 ; Maurice Cameron 04 ; ,lint O1'meron 50. I Wineton Mcleacllern 81; r)nrle Lang 08. Pt,„-Stette ey Campbell 92; Ed- ith Osborn 91 ; Mae Fischer 74 ; Vida Cameron 50. Ammo J. 3l'0RRIEST, Teacher, BLUEVAILE Harvey eleeeer, of Toronto, Is home for the Baster holidays. Thomas lladdoty, of Brantford, is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. A. H. (Months, Mrs, William Elliott, nP wroxeler, spent a couple of days with Mrs. W. J, Masters, While ploughing, in the field, on Phnreday, of last week, Chas, Mc- Cutcheon's team hemline frightened and ran Away, 0nnsing a dery to leap over the 'Moue tutu oho field, where Mr, MCOutobeon WWI wmiking. Both the `leer end the teem made a goialc getaway in dllfel'enh, di"ecstinns. 301n0ot. J4i P0WV,-Molintving is the report. of Bhtevele Public School, for the Winter teem, 40 per tient is ant• iRfavtnt'y,110n0ee 75 per eerie Num- ber enrolled 80. SR, IV -Alberta tihoill 70 ; May Nicholson 51 ; Leslie Greenawae 00. JR. IV-Wiisen Thornton 69) Kenneth Aitchison 68 ; Nornutn Barnard 61; }high Mun21 1i an; 111,51'1 Hamilton 53, SR. III -Pau) Walden 7(3 ; Doria *'hison 72; Ka Kenneth Mowbray 7 OI Rnhr , •tt Mester ast,ar 09 ' German 110010r• htgton 68,4 Dtisy Nicho IAOT 07 • Leggett 8t Virden einwbray (31'.1., ti•R, LII-AhnnBnemen 631 Dorothy Geeenaway 45, II --Olive ;Moen 80 CAR 01? Expected the forst of text week, Miss l+larle, of '('in onto, (VP.- P.I. ! and s ver.tl, th.'r iltdie,, lor'ki1+g after e, .r anti 2 hp 4.4A1:1. f..1 1r, unrg 1 r stet visitor Will) her rnu�i1, AIi•,, 111 • maty 1„u 9'H, (•n+f.•l er • • 131* r +, ,! blight, (1ioove•, Mb('.n.. i .\i'Ieltl•l:+ ANI/ I'i(t *4l `rrATo.N. ' *)*4 silo, 111 .1 Opti, tlr r ..,et !rtes Bert elm Airs. 14l1.41./1,nl' "8114',e 2i elinm,y,•t tiny(, Ari :1 1.1i, a n,11r11u3 1-1,r•d tel,le1 41 f : I * s 1 ,•ae,l a- t 1 reierid'« ul(l nee -Mitre gal .h••u-d (0• r, 14 't,,hd held a huette� ,t', the end 1 irnll rl N. *1•., lite 11 *1*4' •a Simile t +earl * r,•Lhet; I0. i t , IY?.,rn1" "1' 14d or ar,*l the Nunnery at the h, tna of rhe etier1'H g f h y u. } 4 ,4l;•v, Iiighn,*`, w'J'u. u^ ,•, ky, to "Pella pitu•uld \., Ire{ r hi to lie Its Ullt 1 14*1* (4.11 liruryand Mrs. Il`ev>Ynberg, , , 14th Cut, t a Hutrial evening. +t • thee deft fen 'again, aft.r . 1 . k „f pnen- 1 thea• new. hone•, 141. the 1•.1h Ce•n. !1111111", Milton ; Fetter Sow) -Lust week, 11'he noun feature of rte. ev«'uiug wan Jnn, mod ;tlr-. MrJ(:1v, r f h'lirt, , LnLvesoldtt;sf1* ** roi the 1.t+htl"n,it h,. In es,its.lirah.,I' two ,ll'" 1.... 11i 'their., PI . vi. --;lorry i,ietela aril lel- ;,,, iti•i,,� �1 ,�elt, o, r. In • 1.t: t- i 1. '+i•. wn•aer rn,.un, ')tie tolloui .g suit -aid �o CeBacker ting it the crop, duid.'g the peet'ahlo etddre,' waH tvlfttel by 514 week, diepnsed of it to ,Mune,; 13a11an- Verna Elliott and read by Ear. 1%1• tyrle, North of Brussel=, wilt, will l 1114[[•, the preren1.atiou being trade by reeve to the farm, the first of June, i Leake 13n1t and (4rttham \Vray. 0. and. Mrs. 1•Iu tehieon, 81. 11 line„ DEAR MR AND Mits. Hieelnes AND A LVIlti,- Unee more, nye, your Primula and hbc nehere, neighbors, gathered rl eel e i joy your generous hospitality, en - y, but to -night, the find that the cloud of sorrow and regret overshadows us, when we realize that you are leaving were aG Goderlch, taini g home the i letter's mother, Mrs, Jus. Breken- 1 ridge, who had been visiting for a 1 week, Mrs. Breckenridge is 88 years I of age, and enjoys motoring to visit relatives and friends. kinen141 ALCOCK PASSES AWAY. -On Tuesday, of this week, lino LI Aleoalc, will be given ll will. Ben l*olleubeck, a well-known resident of the 14111 our midst and this is our farewell The y wel Call will be the Institute," by Oon,i passed away, after a long per- party. we have always had your Thereitshould join Iuwl titer- rod of ill -health. He was in hie 63rd heartiest co operation in every social Thera whit also be 1.t musical awl titer- year. The funeral will be held from enterprise, your kindliest sympathy 'al program. All the ladies of the his late residence, Be Lot 0, Com 14, in sickness and sorrow and the help• community are invited to attend, on Thursday afternoon, at 2,80 p. m• ing hand extended to full arm's Scultet REPORT blitSchool, is the Iuteement will be made in Brussels length, in the hour of need. The ream o1 Ethel Public School, fur the cemetery. Fuller meotion will be cheerful optimism, which you have teem ending April 14111. Names ade next week. radiated, has ever been a my of sun - made with an asterick (*) missed SCHOOL REPORT. -Following is the shine, as it were, in the neighborhood. CLASS -Wesley McNeil 661Doris one or more examinations: V 1r,P ort of the Easter examinesnn AS We reOrecount yOttC'Ottllee, the more ; hill 85.`L ; Lnrue Vodden 83 ; lanche held at S, S. No, 4, Grey, JIt. SV- reluctant the became to give and we knave tbat those of .you up, he teen Rnwlnnd 61 3 Jack Sunders 81.1 ; Helen McAllister 81; Stella Sellers age are finding it as hard to part with *Dnrothy ebel 7lin 55.5. 1V CLASS- 68 ; Laura Jacklin 86 ; Laurie Hud- Advice as we older ones Rod it to pelt Muriel Michel 7U 6 ; Edna Franklin 901 62 ; Wilfred Savage. Jo. III with his parents. But, we are pleas - 88 5 ; ll56Calvin Kreuter 62 7 ; Albert Meltaye Beckett 54, SR, II -George ed to know that you are not cin so 'Viola r 56 8 ; *Artl+ne Remit 53.2 ; McKay 48. JR II -Dmfs McAllister fur awe but what You can come back, *Victor McMaster 49 5 ; *Marga* et 88 ; Kenneth Sellers 70 ; Carl Grim• Co visit us often, For you, the latch Lawless 42. SR• III -Jim McNeil mer 68 i Batt Grimmer e9. Jo. 1- Be *Gordon Slei ghtholm 3- GertrudeWillis, ve']1' F Da r nYeLT l imme l string will a l ways h ang to 108 outside de Della is 81 8 Kenneth Krautd lnLara Savage, Shel- of the nei,hbothood. and now,as er 55.1; TOM $a * 51 6; Dvele onJakdi. Pit -Marie Jarklinr slight tribute to your worth, we ask Wilson 4 9. Ju., III- Orme. Gill Mende Savage.you to accept these chairs with the . *Stuart McInnis 67 2 : Ler Al- MARGARET AcDovOAL.Teacher, combinedly'shes of each And every- Ian ye* - fan Wardlaw 60 ; Claire Michel 594; The following clipped from the Ow- ois fox ahundtnceofhealth' new friends and prosperity, in your Allan Franklin 56,1; *Velma I•Iamin • en Sound Brutalities refers to a form -Future haute. Signed vu behalf of tot 55 ; 'Doreen Lawless 32, er well-known Grey Twp. boy : "A your, sixth line neighnrs, delight£itl social event occurred at the EARL ELLIOTT, LESLIE BOLT, GRAHLI( WRIST, JAMES HALLIDAY. JUNIOR Room home of Rev. J. T. and Alrs. Strachan Examined in Spell„ (4eng., Ar1th„ 2nd Avenue West, when they were at Lite, Onmp, Read., Writ., Mem. Milne to!Hembeisofthe congregation Work, Daily `York, SR. II -*Edith of St. Andrew's Presbyterian (Mulch Krauter 73 ; Nelson Sleightholm 57. and 1118it friends, both afternoon and JR II -*'Kathleen 13e11 ; Annie evening. The charming rooms were Freetklilt 60 ; Marjory Brown 68 ; bright with many Spring flowers. Stuart Henry 57 ; *Lorne Desjardine g'he door attendant for the afternoon 114 ; **Bryant Awes 60 ; Alex. McNeil ' was little Jean Strachan, wearing kL 40. SR, I -Ross Ounninghem 8.1 ;pretty green velvet frock, and tvta Jean Fran111in 82 ; Ada We -renew 70 , meted by Ales. A. Campbell and Mrs. Bertha Earl 74 Stuart Brown 6S. Milne, Mr. and Mr$. Strachan reeriv JR. I -Helen Ourrie, Dorothy Brant- ed in the large living room. Mee. PE Excellent ; Allison S -i' -11 hnhn, Strachan wearing a most becoming Stanley _ Wilson, Good. SR. Pie -, gown or two-tone t,tiiettt in rose and Ruby Gill, Nola Henry, Ruby Gilkin- silver with Chantilly lace Warming, son. Arnold Earl, Good ; Willard and camping a nosegay lir pini` ruses, Dliohel, 1121E' Highest rnb nner of valley lines and violets. The flow. stars itbtained. for daily work in IT pts beautifully arranged throughnnt and lcrosses-Jean Franklin, , in PI. the rooms s ve re rt, e n ve end rose t11• n.'caner and Jr. 1 r.lasses-Ruby Gil kins0 '. ips with a bnekgrouud of g1. y. \iG IeennD C. BIss1 E, Frine.while rose candles in pretty holders E. el, FRASER, Asst. 111121 softly she•ded lights completed a perfect setting for the occasion, a GREY . grate flee adding to the charm Re - Miss Marie \Vesenherg spent the relying with •1Me. and lir .:er •r\i le 1 . week -end with relatives in Brotillag-y in the Barrett, Miss Morrison, were; Ste watt 1 en. MONCRIEFF Farmers are busy at the seeding. Mies Serve Spelran, of Dlonkton, spent Sunday at her borne. Miss Strata Matthews, 'l'ntontn, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Will. Har- rison, George McNair and Alex, elcNah visited at their hollies here, over the holiday Mrs. ;Milton Hoffman, who has been write' ly ill with pneumonia, we are pleased to say, improving Mee, 1. y . n Arnold McKay is hemp from Flint Mich., and be intends remaining for the Summer months. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING -The annual meeting lir Knox United Church was held recently, and the an- nual report was prevented. The var- ious organizations ht'd* a sueces5101 rr ny Miss Doreen Lewin is visiting. in London this week. M. Black was a visitor in New Hamburg last week. Mrs. Sanderson, of Wingliam, was an Easter visitor in town. Cameron Strachan, of Sarnia, was an Easter visitor hi totem. Len Downing has been laid up with a touch of pleurisy. Dr. and Mrs. Lackner, of Kitchen- er, were Easter visitors in town. .rmL,_. ETIIEL The Presbytel•inn Church, ttt Ethel; win bold eL social, itr Ole Tnweellip Hall, on 1!riday evening, April 22nd. A silver Collodion will be taken. Lunch will be served by the Indies of the ccnngregatiett, Everybody, wets George Buchanan, of the Essex School staff, was hone for Easter. Miss Mildred S)ilarling, of London, was an Easter visitor with her moth- er. Eugene Dobie, of the School staff, spent the vacation at his home in Auburn. Miss Mary Walker, of, Toronto, t the ar- • vacation a Par- ental the Easter ental home. Miss Isabel McGregor, of Galt, was a weer: end visitor with Miss Ruth Sinclair, Miss Edythe Willis, of Rochester, N. S'., was an Easter visitor with her mother in town. George Dawson, of llrantfoed, was a week enol visitor at the home of Philip and Mrs. Amont. Miss Betty Walker, of New Ham- burg, is an Easter visitor with her grandparents, D. and Mrs. Walker. J. B, Ballantyne, foreman of the Post staff, is •confinocl to iris home this week with an attack of pleurisy. Mrs, Harold Fenney, of Harrislon, is here nursing her mother, Mrs, Eld- ridge, who is confined to bed with bronchitis. Mrs. Oliver Querin, of Gerrie, accompanied ' by Ms `laughter, Miss Lyra • Queriu, of Toronto, were Eas- ter visitors with jos. and Sint. Quer- ill. lBwsteil'Ids Miss Winnifred ing in Guelph. Earl Cox spent the .week end at his home in Palmerston. Archer Grewar was tan Easter visitor at Kitchener. Miss Mae Skelton, whc, teaches at Wiarton, is here for the Eastertide. t. Wm. a'weelcwensd visitor his fam- iwly ily here. SIiss Gladys Dukes, of Toronto, was an Easter visitor with Jae. and Mrs, Fox. Miss Jean Scott, of London, is the guest of her grandparents, P. and Mrs. Scott. Douglas Walker, of Buffalo,C .peat Easter with his parent:, Thos. and Sirs. Walker. Dr. Vernon Roes, of London, was parents, 0. with los > visitor wit 1 an Easter T1s C. and Mrs. Ross. Miss .Gertrude Ross, of the Toron- to school staff, spent the vacation at her home in town. Misses Laura and Ethel Farrow, of ,t . 1 With Easter visitors ,•e i' ,. Toronto, w(.1 0 Miss Elizabeth Downing. Miss Ina Cunningham of the Win - hem Hospital stair, was a visitor at the parental home last week. Miss Bessie T,eiteh, who is. Attend- ing Business College at Chitllnm, is •• ho hon(; for the Easter lida • 3s. Mac Ferguson, of Toronto Univer- sity, was an Easter visitor with his parents, J. and Mrs. Ferguson.. Mrs. Brown and Miss Tanen:, alio are residing in Stratford for the pre- sent, were Easter Visitors in 10w21. Misses Doris and Marjory Ross, of Toronto, were Easter visitors with their parents, 0• C. •and Mre. Ross. Bert Crawford, of the Stanch -ad Hank staff, spent the Meter holiday at the parental hone, near Poet Al- bert. Miss Taylor, Principal of B1l01scia Continuation School, is spending the Easter 'vacation at her home near lii:es Muriel Sperling, teacher 011 the public school staff yat Niagara Fells, le spending the I.,aat01 vaca- tion at her home 111 town, Mrs. Robt, Hays, or Lncknot', is Hotel. Mrs. i a visitor 1.t the Q u eel's lla,t. Hays '2v r as a former resident of Brus- eels 00 years ago and l.4 an aunt of S. 7', Plum, carne, Tho \Vorn,en's Ii,stitrlte will hold their meeting, eni P1nt•sday aft.er- n0nu, of tide week, a1.230, in the In- etitute venni, The subject, "Sog- Ieeteons for ritakinl "the 13ubbttth "n 1 tnrnstin , day fon nhli 11 1..r. n,rll be n it taken by Ait's, Guest, Another rind• Pelt, "Ways of malting children for rt, habits of obedience and roineeay," ing to Work. McMillan is visit - Miss E, Downing entei^tailted a number of her friends to a Bridge party on Saturday evening in homer of her sister, Miss II, Downing *111(1 guests, the Misses Farrow. Harold Work, who is conducting a drug stole in Whitton, recently Un- derwent an operation for appendici- tis at Owan Sound Hospital and is vni gressht ' fins. He is expected to isit at his old honor Worse return - PiJ Ven Mies Mac U14.1401 11 L1.1ltil11(•41 t TurntltO. SIP Alru+day. at•rx spel,ding the holiday with her parents, 15o111. rood Mrs, Livi nelev . CHURCH WS St. John's Church Good congregations were present on Easter Sunday when the Rector preached two excellent sernu n8. The e11o11• rendered several Ea=ter an- thems and at the evening >ervice Miss Doreen Lewin played the violin Solo, "Andante Religiose" by T1one, which' was much appreciated by the congregation. United Church The subject of Rev. A. W. Dark- er's discourse last Sabbath morning was "The Altar and the Chancel." The text was found in II Chron. 09: 27, 28, "And Hezikiah commanded to offer the burnt ofreriete upor. the altar and when the buret o8'eedug began, the song of the Lord began also with the trumpets, and with the instruments ordained by Davie, Bing of Israel." In the temple erected by Solomon there were two ;mite spew - tally of God 1 ed .ted to the service c is l d 1.z Y seri 111n altar an _ and. humanity—the chancel. The altar, sylrrba 1( ! of sac- rifice, a rifiee, reminding us of 81n and the closed heart; the chancel a symbol of praise. The darkness of the altar is made light by the scrvlee of the chancel. Life is a conteact,partly t sorrow and partly joy. In 1if. we have our altars speaking to its in the voice of loss, of sickneee, ar•.d of sor- row,. but from •the chancel of life come: the note of praise. of the resurrection. There is the tragedy of evil and the trinnlph of good. In spite of all the tragedies of life there is the glow of a mighty 1 dynantie power in life. Very close to the tragedies of evil in life 1s the chancel of the triumph of good. The altar in the home speaks to us of a world wide and eniicit;nt atonement made for us 1n Jesus Christ. The chancel of the Easter time speak,; to us of a restoring of nertee. The *lore r. • ' 1, of the Easter i time 1 • tin, r•e- elective glory of the crass. The al- tar of the cross, the chancel of the resurrection. Two very eepropriate musical numbers were r'endot'ni by the choir: "I Know That My Redeenl- er Liveth," and "Come We 'Heath the Clouded Skies."' In the evening Mr. Barker spoke on "Tile Fascina- tion of Jesus." The choir sang the. Easter anthem, "Alleluia! Christ is Risen," and MMliss Hingston :ing a solo, entitled "On the Cross," Melville Church The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed in Melville Church at the morning service on Alex. and Sirs. Smith, John St., Sunday, May lst• were Easier visitors in Toronto. Appropriate Easter services were conducted in Melville Church last Lieut. -Col. Ii. B. Combe, of Clin- Sabbath by the pastor, Rev. F. G. on, was in town last Wednesday afternoon. Miss Hattie Downing, et the Tor- onto school staff, is home for leas - ter holidays. - Miss Carrie McCracken, of Tor- onto school staff, is visiting at her home in town. Sydney Ballantyne, tubo is attend- ing for 1 Normal, ing London , is hon- t the Easter holidays. Miss Wilma Galbraith, who is at- tending Toronto Conservatory of Mdausic,s. Y was home for the Easter holi- t Mrs. F. Stretton spent Laster with the sarrifire of Christ (7) the great doctrines of salvation which can on- ly be explained by its work in trans- forming ' lives S the doctrine of the Fowler. The morning theme was "Easter," the text being Matt. 28:6, "He is not here: for He is risen." Easter, the great Christian memor- ial day commemorating the resurrec- tion of Christ, is important because (1) it marks the greet triumph of Christianity over the forces of evil, (2) it released the spirit of Christ which is more powerful than while et'nn ',t Ch•l..et He w•(• on earth (3)the t .religion is largely based on Easter (5) a great feature of our religion is cross bearing ---Christ teaches us to bear burdens in a way that will enrich our lives(8) the great e at doc- trines of our church are based on her mother, Mrs, McQuarrte, and sld ter, Mrs. Pringle, at the, old Monte in Grey Twp. . Miss Elizabeth Arnett, who hes future life (9) Easter has given us been teaching school at Londeeboro,, a oharaeter perfect enough upon was an Easter visitor with her aunts, 1 which. to found a religion, The drive the Misses Hunter. ing force of this religion is the stir. Miss Mayfrid Arlin,. of Toronto, ting up of our inner life by contact with Mrs. 'ala Christ. spent the Easter holt ywith 1 at, At the evening service Kerr at Riverside Vill.t, returning to the pastor's theme IVIL ''Gonseera- Toronto on Monday. tion," The New Testament meaning George Thompson, of Toronto, of Consecration Is devotion 17 God accompanied by Miss Florence and o1' dedicated to place ourselves under son, Bert, motored up and spent the the leadership of Christ• This ie the dut • of at \ ( el Cltrltitl:l .int it . holiday with Cleve and Mrs. Backer. Y n 1 1 t the N. Chapman was in Kingsville last Easter time le the log1cal time to re- cotsecrate ourselves to Uluist. week attending the funeral of his Christ Ahould have donti;dotn over brother-in-law, W. Anderson, who oto• litres fly mason of whin tic has passed away last Wednesday even- tion` Irissacrificial d *h 1.h dent of. GeiT10, lives because of the power of a life W. H. and Mrs. Patel', and daug'h• energized by Christ. lexapmles, D. ter, Miss Clara, and son, I{erbe rt, 1.. Moody, John R. Mott and W. his wife and baby Howard, were re Grenfell. Christ should dnnitiate all visiting at the. 'home of the Misses our activities no matter • what our Hunter for the Pnstee holieeee Mrs. caring may be. Many 1m, are giv- Inners, Ir., is a sister. li'g cf their hest to t 1 s' tyke of Mrs Furless and son, of Winni- Ch1•iee and NYC can at this time: pro- pog, are vteiting in town Thr :t Welk fit by their example an,1 reconsecrate 't• or ten days. They expect to have ourselves to the sera is e of Christ Mrs. Geo. hacker' accompany them and hntnandty. T111ottl;h us (",heist hove. and :mend a Year with her eau - Mrs. able to do great things. Seeeied ghters, Mrs. I+ol°bee and :lire, I+ant, Easter nuntbr re were rendered by less in Winnipeg, ltitlt lira, lint micl the choir as follottt(: 110111110/4 54rpleer, Earl in IT. 8. am mitt rind his wife t\ttthent--"Cit 1 1 the Hord r. Wsvll" i a8010, `l'rusr. t 111 '411,:. Lo:':i," 121$8 at Fort Frames. W0 tt•Ysh Mrs. Brie- n 31,111na Govan; 901u, "0 Nott of Sar lots T1 SuIT •• , na n evening nn ' vie r t me- at \fl then ,r t n• n 4'41 \ C Then aoI Weepiest Bone O ,t Iter fatnil "Open y. , p t1tL Gates of the Tone pie," Mr's. Meadows. ea.. on e ing. The derc+ased was a former > esi- Cross. Christ should dnittin:ite our kir a pleasant ,journey and a happy (1.1 with the western r \ w ruefrtb0l. n (Continued on Page 4).