HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-4-13, Page 5iL;
ri'i:,.vca,.-11 11 1I1 I 11,111 tl--:'x •}7.1t;e 4X,. {t':ik °Iilii
The Bank of Nova Slcotia. Drafts
Promptly issued-- ' Iii y .bie anywhere
charges j :lock:rate.
Do you occasic-lally wish to scrod money
out c; town? Step into any Branch of this
Plank and secure a Draft for the amount—
an conveniently •=_ad with no more delay or
' f formality than iu buying an artir,.lc in a store.
The Sank of Nova Scotia Drafts are pay -
al 1u 1st slur at any banking point in Canada,
and the scale of charges is very moderate.
d ale:
<71) At t,,, ,,, -7r r 4aalmr•1 t n M, sae , — ' , "t,
lfi pp ; ltl,j' 1 ;a y
, t aa,.'r• a
n 4
Capital $/0,000,090
Reserve }19,500,000
Resources $245,000,000
News of
Local Interest
Superintendent 111.
Rev. S. It. Drake, superintendent
of the Ilritish Methodist Episcopal
Church in Canada, has been confined
to lois home, 229 Maitland street,
London, for several weeks with a
serious illness llis many friends in
London orad throughout the Domin-
ion hope th:.t he will soon recover,
Dismantle Battlement.
The work of dismantling a portion
of the Dutldurn "battlement," at
York and Dundurn streets, Hamil-
ton, was begun last Monday, to les-
sen the hazard to motor teaf1ic at
that point. Several serious accidents
mammal there owing to the building
obstructing the view of motorists.
Contract Awarded.
The contract for the stretch of
provincial highway between Dublin
and Seaforth has been let to W. \V
King, of Oakville. The pavement is
to lie of concrete and the distance is
0.17 miles. The contract for the
stretch from Clinton west to join the
present pavement has been let and
when these two strips are finished
the Huron road will be paved except
for the one section between Seaforth
and Clinton.
( "Doug's" New Treat.
Douglas Fairbanks is again the
cinema pioneer, In this instance he
t' exploring the realm of 1 1
-nappy. and 11. is said that "The
a color photo-
Pirate,"'tlte screen ro ct
lac is 11047 releasing is easily another
outstanding novelty. It leas made
after five months of preliminary
scient(vc research. In addition to its
actual color, it glows with the color
of romance and adventure, of heav-
ing ships and roiling seas, pieces -of -
eight and plank -walking pirates. It
will quicken the pulse of everyone
who has read and dreamed of the
days of piracy. The Technicolor pro -
less by 48111011 this film is being made
;itands as another triumph for Am-
erican ingenuity. "The Black Pir-
ate" is coming to the Grand Theatre
on Thursday for three days.
Watch For Motorists With Glare
lat'ir"•, 77',.111_1; Patrol and Muni-
cipal Police Forces win stop all mo-
torists whose cars are not ?ouipped
with non -glare lenses from now on.
The Department will content itself
with warnings for a short period,
and then the law will be rigorously
enforced. It won't be nnt('11 trouble
for the officers to catch some of the
cars with glare lights.
Appointed C. N. R. Regional Council,
The appointment of James P.
Pratt, asssatant regional counsel of
the 0.11.R., at Toronto, to the posi-
tion of regional counsel, is announc-
ed by Gerard Ruel, vice-president in
(aharg0 of legal affairs of tate nation-
al system. Mr. Pratt's appointment
is effective at once. Robert E. Laid-
1'Iw'. salieitol', central region, suc-
ceeds Mr. Pratt as assistant regional
counsel, Mr. Pratt, while not known
to many in Brussels, is metrical to
Miss Linton, a former teacher in the
Brussels Public School.
Municipalities Responsible For Care
of Unused Cemeteries.
Ily a recent amendment to the
Cemetery Art, when the owner of a
cemetery cannot be found, is un-
known, or is unable so maintai l it,
the municipality in 1v11ich sash cem-
etery is situated shall be deemed to
be the owner, and the Council shall
be charged with the duty of keeping
it in order. Every ,County Council
shall have the power to appoint one
or more inspectors to look after the
e(•meteries and to enforce the act.
If a Township Council fails or ne-
glects to properly care for at ceme-
tery, the inspector may secure a
court order directing the Council to
do so. If this order is not obeyed,
every member of such Counc'l can
iri uusiness
The undersigned wishes to an-
nounce to the public that he is the
Ford Dealer in Brussels and is now
prepared for the opening of Car
driving with all Models • of new
Ford Cars.
Genuine Ford Parts
Gua,ranteed Used Ford Cars
Also for sale at Garage
G. ei ty.61 e
Phone 73x
Ford Dealer Brussels
be held liable for eentemlpt of court
and punished arcore'ugly, unless
they can prove to the satisfaction faction of
the court, that they were not con -
seating parties to neglect. I'in.• rur-
al ea tuetr ries have, e , in th,• t , been
:awed 1'roxn utter negli-(•t, to t lata""
extent, by the exertion of Woman's
tn,lthl. A. 1111 atnurudl,d act will at
least assure n'h nrganizatiuus of
the ee-operation and tinanci'd sup-
port o1' Municipal Councils.
Easter Holidays
K i .t.r holidays commerce en
Thur. I v and c,tltinu. till Monday,
(F. ti5th.
New Ledger Keeper.
Earl Cox, of 1'ahll rs1011, 1S the
11,•4V ledger keeper at the Standard
iLunk, Brussels.
Baster War Cry.
Salvation Army 011iacrs were in
but week selling the War
Cry, They report a good lard.
Watch Your Speed.
The now 35 -mile -an -hour speed
limit prescribed for the rural dis-
trict, by the provincial government
hoeaule effective on Friday. The 20 -
mile per hour limit for. urban enters
remains undisturbed.
Charles Ray Has New Role in
"The Auction Block."
Charles Ray departs from his ini-
tial country boy roles to play the son
o1.• n Pittsburgh millionaire '•n his
latest picture, "The Auction DMA"
which is canting to the Grand Thea-
tre on Monday evening next. Elea-
nor I1u1:1d(111111 is featured with dray
Metro -Gold n-iVlaver picture,
in the y
whish was directed by Ilohtrt Iie.n-
ley. "The Auction Block" is an
(dabot.'tt,. and intensely dramatd 1 pic-
turi::ittion o1' the famous Ilex Reach
novel of the same name, and boasts
an excellent east that includes in
addition to Ray and Miss Boardman,
the following players; Ernest Gillen,
Jana.:; Corrigan, Edythe Yorke, Sally
O'Neil, Charles Clary and Daaid
Torrence, Frederic and Fanny Hat-
ton have written the continuity.
Time Table for June Examinations
Pupils writing on the High School
entrance examinations will com-
mence on Tuesday, Juno 28th, when
they will have Grammar, Writing
end I!i'ory, 0:1 fi•a•xrrda;;, the;,
have Composition. Spelling and Lit-
erature, and on Thursday. Arithmce-
t'"" and Geography. The Lower
School examinations will comment'
on Friday, June 24, when first unl
second year Agriculture is on sched-
ule. On the 27th they will have
Phsiography, English Grammar and
Isatin Grammar.'. On the 28th, Eng-
lish History and Gerry.-apely, on the
29th, Art and Botany. and Arithme-
tic and Zoology on the 30th. The
Middle and Upper school pupils start
on June 20th and write until July
5th. Literature and Chemistry come
on the first day. Geometry and Eng-
lish history on the 21st, Physics and
English Composition on the 22nd,
Algebra and Ancient History on the
23rd, French Authors and Composi-
t:-nr on the 24th, Latin Authors and
Composition en the 27th, Trigonome-
try and Botany on the 28t11, German
Authors and Composition on the
20th, Physics and Zoology an the
30th, Greek Authors and Comopsi-
tiolt on July 4th, and Spanish Auth-
ors and Composition on July 5t11.
To His Newspaper Friends.
J, J. Hunter, of the Kincardine
Reporter, an,l 110W Grand Master of
the L,O.L., Ontario West, had the
following editorial note a—Boys, I
went to thank you for the many
kind things you have said in refer-
ence to the honor conferred upon mo
when I was elected Grand Pilaster of
the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario
West. 111ave refrained from using
them in my own paper, not because
I do not appreciate them, but I be-
lieve an editor sl1onid not use his pa-
per to boost himself. 1 haye shown
them t0 my wife and with that sense
of loaner which God has bestowed
upon her, site told me the following
story. It's old, hitt it will bear re-
peating: "John, T am reminded of
the story of the Irishman who died
T -Te had not been the best of hus-
bands and had not taken much pati
in the life of the community. In
fact he was not an ideal citizen.
However, the priest at his funeral
gave hint a wonderful character. He
said deceased was a model husband,
a good provider, an outstanding citi-
zen, in fact a man the conlmunity
could ill afford to lose and the
church would miss. Mrs, Casey af-
ter listening to all these laudatory
remarks leaned over to Mrs. Flanni-
gan and said: 'For the love of. God
look into the casket and see if that's
Casey, 1 fear he is burying some oth
er man'," However, it's good to
have such a loyal group of friends
as my fellow publishers have been.
One shonid feel gratified that such a
kindly spirit has been manifested to-
ward him as has been shown toward
me, I trust that no act of mine will
cense me to lose that goodwill and
confidence publicly expressed, and I
can only say that I appreciate the
references because we have learned
to know one another in the news-
paper game. J. J. HUNTER.
William H. Travis, C.N.R. barge-
innat Collingwood since 1002, died
ander tragic circumstances past
week. He was prnning'a number of
fruit trees in his garden, While do-
ing so. the ladder broke, and in the
Tall Mr. Travis' log caught in the
tree leaving his suspended in midair
He was alone, and when discovered
((0m0 time after, was dead, ItIir.
Travis was born at Georgetown on
April 1, 1.867, and before going to
Collingwood lived in Listowel and
0111111, He entered the employ of
the Grand Trunk Railway many
years ago.. He leaves his w(fo. Tho
funeral took place to "Georgetown.
The 100 -acre farm of John Miley,
four miles east of St. Marys, which
Wats pot up 'for sale on the frown hail
aloes on order of the mortgagee, was
nurchoserl by Joltn Murray, of the
Stratford read, Downie Township,
for 83,700.
Single Comb White
Lei;horns, Bred -to -lay.
10c per dozen more than
market price.
Alex. Perrle
Phone 2515 R. R. 3, Brussels
For sale at Walton Saw -
Mill a car of 5x B, C.
a9 i tlo. McDonald
Phone 1913
111141. ltolosnn, of \Vest 110nkton,
was severely shaken up, when a ear,
iu which elle was riding, 'Twit ed in
an "Weld Pill, on the Huron Highway,
near the Si winging Gate Inn, on Sat-
tuday afternoon bast. She wet, tat•
trotted by Dr. F, 11. Nelson, of Set).
r'ngville, and then taken to the home
of her sister, in Dublin, The car in
w hietr 111tH. 11.4(11301( WAR 1'11i11g 44)419
driven by Alex. Parsons, of West
Monkton, and traveiling Last on the
highway, So, too, wile a car driven
by Petoy Smith, of Sebringville,
Parsons brought his ear up to pass 1.1,e
0,141 t car, just about the saute time
that I3enjelll1111 Williams carne along,
going Rest on the highway, The
i a4480ns car was sideswiped the Smith
ear and the former machine turned
over 011 148 side, The Parsons mar
w as considerably damaged, while the
S,niIh and Williams tnnnhines wets
only slightly ha med.
The stenuler A. M. Byers, With
g'aio from \I(nv:take wa:q 11(41 first
boat to enter Iii,- port (''4 19'37, arriv-
ing here rat 7 n'0(nek ' atui al:ay night.
The 1''tp„aln , •, ure."tlted with a
new hat by lire'1'.•lvn Conned.
The slsewer Mom ire O. Smith ar-
rived Al 1 his pnr1. Sunday afternoon,
Mit Ave, 1. , i(('irlleti(ll9 from rho
ine,tl tug tad'. de entering the harbor
to 8P'(eed to'Toledn to discharge its
cat go.
Tile dales for the Canada Confer -
ea ce of the Evangelical church are
Anvil 2025, 1927, at Sebrirgville, Ont ,
when Bishop L. H. Seager, of Le
Mars, Iowa, will be President and
Chairmen of the Conference.
On Friday evening last, the mem-
bete of Hillegreen Gong, pgation and
the coulmunity met at the 10111e of
Blare. 0. Cochrane and presented her
and the girls with a beautiful bridge
Tamp, electric iron and toaster and
coiling tongs. Annie has been organ-
ist in the church, 101' a number ( f
years. and both she and Agnes have
b'en faithful in everything that went
on in the church, and they will sorely
be missed by 00 congregation, They
„re moving to Clinton.
Harry Treleaven has purchased
from Charles Elliot,. at Dungannon,
the bns(nes-1 wh'011 has been suecets-
fnily conducted for the past quarter
or a century. It consists of a general
stare hnsiness, including Frnreries,
dry gonads. boots and shoes, dour and
feed, Till" store has glen been (110 1v-
04ivinlC station for (.room and eggs
for the S(Ivelweed Comm nv, of
Lurkno v, 110. Treleaven is not a
stranger. having b'en hewn and rnisret
ii tl1" V oinity, and hexing n( r'orm d
the duties of elm k in tr. 1I1(0tt'v
store, for the past 115 nr 18 months.
The Lucknow Fire Com8•tny are
making arrangements to have a bio;
rrlebratd•on in Lucia -ow on artily lst.
The sports will, in all prob,ihllity, be
of the nature of the old-time Cale-
donian games.
That David Thompson came to his
death through statural causes w'as the
verdict of the jury at the coroner's
inquest investigating the death of
the Saugeen Indian which occurred
on December 2, 1026, three days - -
ter a quarrel with another Indian
while cutting wood in a bush at a
place known as the Scotch Settle-
ment near Southampton.
A pretty wedding took place at the
home of James and Mrs. Kemp, Har-
riston, on Thursday afternoon when
their only daughter, Alma :Evelyn,
became the bride of George William
Mawhinney, of Carrick Township.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Mr. Lemon, of Clifford.
Paper ganging
The undersigned wishes to an-
nounce that he ie prepared to
handle alt kinds of jobs in the
above lines, and win endeavor
to give the best of satisfaction.
Prices reasonable
work promptly attended to
Alex. Colerna,n
Phone 6411 13russets,
A Complication
"'1'((1s J"bn 'Oar," said SU': Haskins
her daughter 15,1,11.+ 4 , n
etesi a(RQ', '•w la, is ( ,t1•' at, 1 [ :1.
y ,;o lavishly 'mist be the sane ural
711.11 lt'huin t m 101i1 that (1111,1, ,n n'lt
rat'" .Igo when we were dtaj to 1411
"011. mammal"
"Why aro you so moved. 1111 dear?
turd}' there was nothing serious be -
weed 51111 4(1141 111(11, uucl that Wits S
,11(8 while a40."
"There was something between us,
tlanlltla." .
"There was?" as :ed the mother in
lel' (1(191• showing comern.
Isabel made no reply to the question,
tut after deep thought said:
"I 114441 to meet 1111:± SL'. Ring. If
le is the s:emo 1 lues tell t'eal's ago I,
hall do all 1 (1111 to win hlm."
"Why so—to secure his large Br-
"No; to remove a serious eou(plica-
That was all the mother could get
put of her daughter, The society news
(7118 scanned from day to day until
lir. King was menlhulltd as u guest
tt the house of one of Mrs. Haskins'
agenda. The lady 18(113 appealed to to
lIring about a n:le tin:; between 11r.
Ging and hiss 1:1,4 !.1119 and slid so
tt a dinner given by the mutual friend.
After the dinner Isabel returned to
a(,r home with a red spot 111 each
:peek and a spark in each (eye.
"Well?" said Mrs. Haskins.
"Oh, mother, he has no rnlnem-
=ince of Ino whatever."
"Then he is the man we supposed
Mut to be?"
"And do you still desire to marry
"Did he seem pleased with you?"
"1 think so."
"Why is it not to his interest as
much ns yours that you and he should
tie t.ulrritan
"Perhaps It Is."
"Then why do you not tell him of
your meeting ten years ago, giving him
the reasons, if he does not already
know them, W by he efion(d marry you?"
"Because I loved him then. 1 love
him now, and I wish him to marry
me for love, not for any other reason
The mother was obliged to be satis-
fied with this statement, though curi-
osity was sbarpened by her interest iu
her daughter. In time Mr. King was
invited to the Haskins' to dinner. Ile
came and set lezbel's heart wildly
throbbing by saying some deliciously
sweet words to her. But when later
he met her at a social function she
saw him chatting with another girl,
and, judging from his expression. he
i was saying sweet words to her, caus-
ing Isabel's heart to sink as rapidly es
it had risen.
& few days later lir. King called,
making as an excuse the offering of
his box at the opera. Either he was
the same skillful lore maker he had
been a decade before or he was much
smitten with Miss llaskins. In his
conduct were many of the indications
of a sure affection.
And so the affair went on. At one
time he would be devoted to her; at
another she would hear that h0 was
browsing among the prettiest girls in
the social swim, What most troubled
her was that be was passing into that
age where a bachelor's admiration is
bestowed upon girls much younger
than himself.
However, as the weeks tlew by his
devotion to Isabel grew more constant.
1Ie had appeared to purposely display
attentions to young girls when she
was present to observe them. This he
i was gradually giving up. Indeed, the
l affair between them had gone so far
that his attentions to other girls ceased
to trouble her. Flowers had begun to
come from him to her, a sure sign that
a proposal is about to be made. One
evening when Piing followed a box of
them he had sent he called, and when
Isabel came down to meet him he put
his arms about her, Massed her warmly
and said:
"My dear wife, it is time this play
came to a climax."
"Yes. I knew you the moment I saw
you. Immediately after that wedding
which was got up between us In a
youthful frolic I went to a lawyer and
asked him if it could be construed into
a legal marriage. He replied that 11
we both Intended it as such it was wit11•
in the law of wedlock. It was inter'
tional with me. if it was the slang
with you we were married ten years
"In my heart it surely was intens
"I resolved;' continued Ding, "that
as soon as I had aceumnlated a sof'
elency I would ask yon the gtie8tioa
that would, if answered in the emrsu'
ative, make us one. I have slnee been
more than fortunate. I came hero purr
posely to find you. When 1 saw the'
you did not remember me"—
"I did," interrupted Isabel. "1 sup
posed, however, that you did not recog-
hize me."
"I wished, to win yon."
"And T wished just as much to will
When Isabel joined her mother sn1
gave evidence that something women
tons had happened.
"You are engaged!" exclaimed Mre
'(1"014, We have been mauled ter
Vat% but wo didn't know it."
Flooring Ceiling
RV'-s<flatch •SWpiap
- IN
Flat 4'54(U :F CEDAR
r edar .0..raN r- a:mine:ft :I t• ;1.l
t aru dingss
pre- sect and Rough
(ivx'iRO° WALt.11t4Afa) L;h1E
W' can make prompt, Deli 80ry
Phones Gerrie a r3
Phone our expense for Priees
Wro Voter 026 r 8
R. J. Huestort et Sore
1:, and Airs. S.aaaltt(tau'y have been
appointed keeper mud matron III the:
Frith County House of Refuge.
Rev, John Hugh Guinan, 13. A.,
fru 14 yaard prl9tor of the A7(8,LI',),
Preoby(.01(140 Chnroh, rn'd .11(00 civ
(lu,e1nmeu,tttute rot Monet, 11Wuu, ,0
,Jane 1:125, a resident. et' St..
pawed away et. hes 11.11(1' het 0, aft et'
a lingering illness. He teas in hie
7'1'11 year.
Jn,(•ph Bhu'Iac'k died in Hamilton,
on Tuesday, Match 211111, alter :ate ;11
ors of ulnae than (-wo 1001011s, at the
cage of f15 years, Ile was a 111017e rt'
1 ullartoh Twp., and he left 35 yeals
ago, but had ftequently visited in the
vicinity of his ia,yhond home, 111141
Carlingfoi d.
Ad0n1 Seebeck", of Ali tehell, has re.
eeived word of the death of his broth-
er, Andrew 11. Seeietch, at his home.
in San Jose. (hal, The late Mr. See-
heelt spent his early days on the farm
called $eebacll's Hill, 011 the Stta,$, ft -
Mitchell highway, neat' Seta ingville.
He left. there 40 years ago, rand had
never paid a visit to the. old home.
He wets (o his S2nd year,
In the death of August Elligsnn,
which took place on Thursd ty, April
7'11, lal(c„'I'wtl Ince: „roe , t'
ly r'ap, 1"d ptourel' sertl('(9 The
late Mr, Nlligson WAN 11018 in Hanov-
er, Get many, Mei Paine Canada with
his parents at the age of six years,
and had lived (li h;ll(ee for 79 years.
He was tr member of the Lutheran
0111neh and took an active part (u
111tttoh and Sunday School wort(, LI
politics, he was staunch Conservative,
A vrty sudden death took plate
at Atwood, when Robert Wedge,
who was wheeling out ashes for a
neighbor, was stieken with heart
failure, and expired before 1111.111041
aid reached him. Tho deceased, who
was in his sevelty.fifth year, was
born in Cornwall, England, and came
40 Canada some forty years ago, and
lived in Llma Twp. the greater pert
of that time, being (t farmer nn the
8t11 Con., a short distance from the
village. After the death of his wife,
fifteen years ago, he disposed of his
depropertyath. and ptu chased a home (:1
Atwood, where he resided until his
It -v. T. W. Jones, rector of St, Al -
ban's Ohm eh, Atwood, has place,) hi;
restgtut(inu in 411e hands of the we(d-
ene., to take place the That. of May.
Air Jona• (n1,'t d. gonag .hcek In h,s
Uhl 14141,,' in (Atp»town, 14011111 Africa,
Weslfot d Pub!ic beim,' was let rg-
1a1' i, recently. A phonograph
A itb )u I'1cerds anti au Aladdin Ir,mp
w -to -('I ,. The thieves smashed al-
most ev,a y tvi natter and door in the .
scan ol, The police are investigating.
1104-4 hnul,l' 1loigam ad ude(41 (14 the4411:411(44 University, in chemistry (le-
per! mem, son of Levi and 11rs. Horg-
an f Ripley, was alv(u'(aed a bursary,
valued 91700. given by the National
RP—Search 0011netl of Canada, He
will receive his degree of B. A., this
Seting, following wide'', it is expect-
ed 1 hat. hr• w ill go to Toronto to con-
tinue his work.
W. W. C?o1h1149 has been elected
Pre,'i,'en( r'1 the Canad(a11 Club of
New York, for the corning year
Hon. ,las, \lalr01,41, of Kincardine,
1linist0, of Trade and Cnmmeree, w as
elected first 71re-10re(de51r Arthur
Stringer, 900101d vire president, end
W. Ellsworth Bagman, third vice-
j)t'e"eT1 C.
F(idwr years in the penitentiary, at
Kingston, was the sentence instil e
Letml..x. (1(r Thtusday, of last week.
imposed an Daniel Crowell, aged 20
years, of the Southampton Indian
Reserve, who was found guilty by a
jury. in the afternoon, of the charge
of manslaughter, in fatally shooting
Grant McKay, in October last. The
.1017 Wail) two hours deliberatitlg the
responsibility of the young 11(41((4(1, an
tate firing of the shot, which resulted
in the death of young McKay, Clear
Pivot (1111.
Andrew McBeth, Prti91ey', grand
(11d matt, relebtated his 98111 birthday,
at his h"tne, last week. Snores of old
Friends vele present at a birthday
p -arty, held in his honor, nitre
messages OF we'd w1911ee were ('000ty-
ed from many friends in varinns parts
of Canada and the United thioles,
Referring to his long life 'Mr. Ale -
Beth ravelled that he had 9000 eight
t'Fi:e'•n(.•nt ' 4' tl" f,'f(ty. (n linty,
from his grent.grandulother, who
ufv(ved her 100th birthday, down to
the fourth g-neraticn in a sister's
Thursday, Good Friday & Saturday
April 14, 15 and 16
ouglas 1 66The fL lack
Fairbanks Pirate"
She was healt.(fnL A Nip) iYe. The oily w( marl no this, the
terror ship of the Salty Sens,
There he stood with hmid r0ds of 118,1,191'eaehi llg alit to 8118(411
her lova y. Isn't 1 slat a sal:nation to stir the blood ? It i8 11(17 one
of many. A thrill a minute—A s'-'nsat(on a second,
The Blank Pirate is Doug's greatest rnntrihuUnn to the screen,
Here's high -point entertainment, Enjoyable to you whether
7 et 77.
Monday & Tues., Apr. 18-19
A stirring Picturization of the famous novel by
Rex Beach, with Charles Ray and Eleanor
"The Auction Bloch."
Pr0xn heir to millions—a plavhnv who wasted iia father's
wealth on girls and gavety—to a job 148 shoe allelic in a
small town, What a dizzy decent, lvilat a thrilling picture
of romance, of the boy 07110 '.7111 the heart of ,a beauty—
then found that he could not hold her love I
Friday & Saturday - April 22-23
Rin -Tin -Tin ---The Famous Dog
in "The Night Cary'
A Story of a Nevada Sheep Ranch
mMary Pielrford --"Dorothy Vernon of
HaroldLloyd n "laid Brother"