The Brussels Post, 1927-4-13, Page 1VOL. 55 NU. 43 $2.00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY . APRIL T3, 1927 j L. KERA, Troptietar y E ti tik i'lr•T577•571.71•IIRralf,Tarlcr • ' At% Ja. §..%o 11 I .417 ^ al l.„ r llt Cr. .Liaseaeu. gitweitarentakm litneel not have happened. MEE distress caused by loss of farm buildings through FIRE could 1 in many instances have been prevented, Cornigated Iron roofing and siding, properly grounded, gives perfectprotection from lightning and flying sparks. The wood shingle roof is a menace; a fact demon- strated by the hundreds of barns burned in Ontario each year. Let us quickly and conveniently cover your barn with COUNCIL STANDARD CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING giving you protection, peace of mind, a lreker insurance rate and an investment of lifetime benefit, , ..... „. l. ..... EIRINOL5TAIIBIde STamPed Roofers'Supply Co., Limited ( office and Factory: TORONTO 4, ".,....4,4',.. °Wevr Branches: Windsor, London, Ottawa, Montreal. R 108 Wilton & Gillespie BRUSSELS ONTARIO v;\ 40.,*..ftmtte kr -4ir 4figiffIEFFEE:4777. The Surrounding District it Esie*Ke.lea'sdeeeeeesiedet4:44:41+4.4 sisiel.....e.,,teeedsledeteeenienen ne:+4.+Ceitesesi)-Ietateians • BLYTH OFFERED IMPORTANT POST. -Word fectively presented. vas received by P. Gat dime. of Blyth, from his enn, Oecil Gardiner, B. A., student and demonstrator of Physice, at Queen's University. Kingeton, that the latter has been offered the posi- tion of assistant to 1 he well.known Prof. Hulett, of Princeton University. Prof. Hulett, is one of the leading men in the United States, in physical and ?learn chemistry. Besides hay. Mg the chi nce of working under such an eminent bider, Cecil will have the opportunity of taking class work und- er three other noted, professors for his Ph. D. degree. Members of Queen's University staff claim that it is the Pipet opportunity any nf their chemistty graduates have obtained. esbyterinu Ohm ch. There was 0 gond turnout. 01(11 the play was ef- BLUEVALE Howard Grainger, of Detroit, spent the week end under the p00110001 100?. Ben Hayden and Bill Balfour have retaliated from Detroit. We are glad to see them hack. Lorn Turvey is ' to Bonn. els, where he has secured a nosition as head mechanic with 15. ()uniting - ham. Mrs. A. A.. :Fowler. and little son, Don, who have been visiting the for- mer's ;men to, B. and Nits, Payo, have eturn ed to th 010 limn() in Walk pet on , The play entitled' "The Spinster's Re torn," was gi non by the ladies of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, in the 0. 0, F. Halt here, last Friday . sight, under the arespices of Bluevale \Now on hand 10 iItui & Gillespie BRUSSELS eereseeeemaelesmene.miesSeleNermenounete CAR OF XXXXX B. C. RED CEDAR i INGLES Coming to Morris & Grey Farmers' Mob About May 10th Also Car et Western Oats About May lst Leave Your Orders WALTON. On Good Friday, a service will be held in St. George's Chuich, at 8 p. 111. REMEMBERED BY FRIENDS -About 25 friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Andrew and Nies. Sloan, on Tuesday evening, to bid thein 10)0 - well. Harold NV igh tman presented Mr. and Mts. Sloan with a 00MIllan lamp. klr.s Olarence Johnston read the following skid eess DEAR MR, AND MRS. SLOAN.- You have For a number of years lived amongst, us and mingled with ue neightmi s and Mends. During these y eat e, the more we have become acquainted NNW) yon, the mere we have learned to respect and admire you for your many good qualities. As neighbors your cheek fel and 100113' Oasls(pnop 1)1 0111,11 of ird ov10• 0:10011 appreciated and commanded the esteem of all with whom they came in contaet, It was with feelings or regret that we heard that. you had do - 10 IMAM 11)10 neigh hoehood and. for a time hoped that it might not be true, But, now Hint the decisioit is finally made and the time CI raNVA near Fos' your departure, we have gathered to -night to spend a social time, give you to parting handshake and NANII" sent godspeed in your new home. We also ttAlt• yon to accept this Coleman na a Mail token of our respect For you, and also hope that it may at all times nail to your al-me/obi ance your old friends and neighbors sr:ind the eighth line corner. We pernestly wieti'you and yorum leng life and prnsperity. May sorrew pass you by and adversity keep fro from your dwelling, and when you are celled from this sphere of tnil and cure, may you enter the home of endlese jny and rest. Sigma nn behalf of friendS, OLARENOE JOHNSTON, HAiooto WIOWCINTAN, The SVP11111g Wall spent iTr Mdsin and cards. 1011, 1? • Marshall and Jaek Mc- Arter sang pleasing solos. H. Wight, - man gave eevei al selections on the month organ, Mr. and Mrs, Sloan Beautify Your toes By growing. flowers We offer you your choice of 250 varieties of Gladioli at s Petco that will eomparc with any -quality con. sidenal. Also a (Imlay of Ide, (unnamed), et 25c each, Perennial Phlox at 30o each for plants that will bloom this year. J. El* wma. nte A ;lumber of 2nd - hand Fertilizer Drills. Apply at once to R. JOHNSTON R.R. 2, Listowel Phone 801 r2 or 39x r 3 Brussels New Advertisements If ,111,1, fey asle-B, H. oordirnati 011114 wanted -E. .I.A104011 ()111,,,Mpig, Pill.111PVS S1•1 VII 1,-iir11`,VIS (111;;.rt (.1111,011 Wail Pse.e. -P. it. swim -Alex. Dark 1.1 St^ettOrl Rage it nil ttltiottn-11. megninen sleek rop 1+, NI e0.ito.11 seed for nele-,1 P Robs 15.40-.440505. McArthur PC., Mr Fate - All.. t• 14,,, .411i • 11 Sr 0 1 (*M. ti IP -11f) rt.; detizimt Seed for sale -14, 11. llainpin..11 Car of shingles -Morris & Grey Farmers :stud Andy are now get ting settled in 0111111 1)11.00 home, neat. Walton. After the service, on Sabbath morn- ing last. Mrs. Oster was prepented with a Bible, by the Women's Mis- Mammy Society, Illoq. AlcOallum read the following address and Mrs, Mueray made the presentation : DEAR AIRS. °smelt. - Having learned regretfully of your departure to your new home, at Blyth, we, your co.workers in Duff's °hued), have assembled to tender you some expression of our apprecia- tion of your week in this congreg- ation, during your association with it and also of our sorrow at severing this connection with you. During your two years as Presiclen't of the W. M. S., yon have proved yourself a valued and willing worker, 5.8 1)3 every branch of activity. You have made yourself a vital part of this church and community, and we feel sure that yon will do the same in the new eraninunity to which you are going. As a token of our esteem, we ask you to acnept this Bible, and in doing so we extend the hone that it may servo to remind you of associates at Wall - ten. Signed on behalf nf the ladies, MRS. Jsm S. RITCHIE, Alna. eflAta,ust. Airts. VV»t. MURRAY. SCHOOL REPORT. -'11.10 following is the oeonit of the Easter Examinations of Walton Public School. Examined in all subjects. Hon, 70 per cent, pass 60 per cent. *missed examin- mo's, SR. IV -Fergus Smalldon 78 ; Alvin Farquharson 77 ; Ellwood Sinn treed 77 ; Ethel Shaw 75 ; Blab more Shaw 73 ; Mary Ennis 78 ; Oharlie Hansuld 78 ; Ray Caller 70 ; Winnie Drager 80. SR III -Wilfred Shorti eed 78; Jim Murray 77 ; AlcOall 74 ; Dorothy Deegan 88 ; Laura Hoy: 84 ; 8111010 Steias 64 ; Is- abel Farquharson 83 ; Edith Ennis 81 ; Mabel Meehan 80 ; *Ruth Mail- ing 48 ; ****Harohl Bolger 83 JR, Murray 78 ; Gladys Small. p01176 ; Robinson Hamilton 70 ; Grano Manning 58 ; Muriel Hondas 58 ; "Mildred B oerle 80 ; ',04**Ross Alderson 22. Sit Ir -Helen Smalldon 02 ; Norma Steles 80 ; Earl Hoy 78 ; Jane Dundee 75 ; Gordon Ryan 74 ; Gordon Shot treed 72; Helen nu qu- harson 72 ; • Kenneth Murray 89 ; Florence A100104011 64 ; Margaret Mur- ray 55. JR, II -Lena Drage'. 75 ; Al - 110(1 87 ; Willie Farquharson 84; J100k 'Viva avin 52; Matey 1300h011. 011 48 ; 13. I -A ama balms 81 ;Teen 811(111131 75 ; .**Sval Alderson 88 JR, 1 -Jack Drager, Ruth Hoorle, Maly Humphries, Jack MukTay, Dorothy Murray, Vera Hondas, "Everett Lowrie. Sk. - Good -Kenneth Sohier, Jack Smalldon. DORA. HOUSES, CHAS, SELLERS, Teachers. DEATH OF JOHN RINN.-After illness of several weeks, an old and highly respected resident of this com- munity passed away on Sunday, April 8rd, in the pevson of John 10)1(11. .10r. Rhin was born lai the Township of Blanshard, son of the late James and Mrs. Itin 11, and was aged 70 years, 7 months and 20 days. Forty-two years ago, he was united in marriage to Miss LilIle Leslie, who predeceased hint sixteen years ago. He had home- steaded in Manitoba, for a number of yeaus, coming to McKillop, 40 years ago. Seven children suevive : Mrs. Frank Stoa ey, Orystal Olty, Man. ; Ws, John AleKeezie, Swift Ourrent, Sask. ; frs. (novenae kindle, Walton, and Margaret, Eloise', Hugh and Har- ry, at home, also one sister, Airs. Robert Grieve, of Manitoba. and el even grandchildren. The funeral, vlt0h 100,5 lailtely attended, took plane on Tuesday afternoon, fume his late residence, Lot 28, Con, 12, McKil- lop, to the place of interment, in Maitlandbenk rettietery, the Rendes being conducted by Rev, Mr, Lewin, of laruseels, assisted by Rev, Mr, Brown, of Walton, The pallbeareas were 1 klesses. Richard lioy, George .Taokson, William 101001111, Thomas Kinney, David Boyd and John Bel. lard. Deceased (0100 (0 member of Wal- ton L. 0. L., foe many years, in pot - Wee, he wee; it stet -inch Conservative, and in religion, an Aright -ern, Among those front 10 distanee who attended the fn 1(011101 Were .• Mrs. Samuel Grant, of Remit:ford ; Mee. William Hogg, Strat ford ; Mrs, Frank, Stmey, Cry - stall Oity, and Mrs. McKenzie, BELGRAVE The regular ineetieg of the Belgenee Wenten's fnatltule will be held in the Foreeters' Hall, on Wednesdayaftee- ennii, of next week, commencing at 2.80 o'clonk. The District President, Mrs, °mirk elintik, of Wingham, will be present And tkac111105 the meeting. A Still attends:nee is reonested. BROTHER PASSES AwAY,-The foll- owing re Foos to 11)11;1(41011of the fath. orof Alfre..,1), Geddes : The citizens of Auburn were shoelted to hear of the sodden denth of Robert Stalker, of that place, who passed limey while reeling, on Sunday afternoon, April lird. at the 1101510 or his do ti-IMlaW and daughter, 13, and Mrs. A with whore he had node his borne shine the death et his wife, six years ago. The late Air. stalker wan the eon of the late lovannis tititIker, 11. p10111101.' 11? this district. 05 10 large faintly, there remain only Jaime Stulkei , of Nap. twee ; Alia, Bolo. McGee, of Animeit ; D. Stalker, ef East Wasynitosh, ;mu Mrs. D. Gedih,., cd. Bow svito (malaria the Im.11 of a kind 111 other. a, family of I ()Vet. ,0118 rued fire datigh- ere /We ten to realize 11)1(1' They are 1 Mils, Mrs, Ceale, Frank, Roy emit Jack, of lelint, mom, ; ()arter, of Gorlei ich, and Mr.. M. AIM) and Mr% W. of A unit im 1c,lc Went intik nIttee In 11,1'aettletety, The Auxiliary of the AV. M. 8. of the United Church met last week, with Mrs, J1413, And erson n he chair, Ws, Michis read Psalm 27 and Mrs. (R.ev.) Scobie gave an interesting pap- er on the new Study Book, "'Vim Christ of the India Road." Ales. Michie was appointed delegate to the Presbyterial, which meets in Goder- ich, nn April 28th. A visiting 0001- 10(01.50 0? 3 was appointed and also a musical committee, which will ar- range for a piece of music, at each of ite coining meeting, Mrs. Herb. Wheeler acted as Secretary in the ab- seuce of Mrs. Geddes, MORRIS Miss Janet Hood, of Blyth, is a vis- itor with Jas, and Mrs. Alichie, 6th line. Friends 5.08 501003' to her that Mrs, VVm. Speir, (nee Miss Mary Ring), is on the sick list, but we hope for a speedy improvement, GREY Miss Ruth McAllister has returned home, after visiting her grandmoth- er, Mrs. E. Bryans, in Toronto, for a month, George Hislop and 'Howard Grain- ger motored home from Detroit, nn Friday last, to see their friends, and returned cm Sunday. hid. W. Grant, Orin. 14, held a. 5110 - easeful auction sale, last Friday. Ev- erything sold well. Auctioneer Stunt wielded the hammer. P110 attalOn sale of farm stock, etc, of Mts. Oliver Harris, 00D, 15, was a big success, last Thursday. Auction- eer Scott cleared off everything. About thirty of the itramediate neighbors or Feed and Airs. Oster met at their house, on the lfith (ion., on StIonday evening, of last week, and presented them with a beautiful par- loe table and a set of silver butter spreaders. Silas Johnston read the following address and Mrs. Hislop and 'I'. Nolan made the presentation : To MR AND MRS, OSTER AND ROTS, DEAR FRIENDS. - We, your neighbors and friends. have gathered hese to -night, for the purpose of extending to you our very best wishes /id express out. cpprec- iatirm of what your friendship ban 311510110 01) us all. It was with deep re- gi et we learned that you were about to leave our neighborhood. Knowing yon all as we have, for some time, we feel that the tie of friendship has been strengthened with the passing years. We have always found you yeey kind and syinprithetie, always ready to lend a helping hand. As a small token of the high esteem in which we bold you, WO would ask you to accept these spakeaders, not for their intrinsic value, hut as a slight token of our good will tnward you. We hope that you may live long to enjoy your new home, and we can as- sure you that you will not son» be forgotten. Signed on behalf of you). friends and neighbors. ;tome IlLsmor, T. NotaN, SILAS JOHNSTON. Mr. Oster thanked thetn, on behalf of his wife and sons, and hoped that the 1,111 0? friendship would not be broken by their removal to Blyth. The even- ing 'MIS spent ha games and social chat. PyESENTATIONS.-Last Tmerlay ev- enitg, about 80 neighbors and friends paid a surprise visit to the berate of James and Mrs. Grant, Oon. 14, and made a presentation to Ulm, prior to their leaving the old home, Arch. Hislop read the addeess and G. W. Abraham, nn behalf of the host and and hostese, made a suitable reply, Games and dancing followed the make- entation, and lunch was served 1011 1'. convenient time, Air, and M Grant are leaving to reside with their dough ter, Al re. Cameron Adams, near Morrisbank. • To JAMES AND MItS, GRANT AND MISS 13 ARGARET, DEAR FRIENDS. - We have met here to -night to ex- press our peofound regret, at yon(' proposed departure from this neigh. boehnott Ahnost from childhond, you have lived this locality. Yeti have been kind ueighbove and true feiendst always ready to encourage end assist, 10I1511 encouragement and ameistaiine were required, At BA tint - 01), you have ehown a deep intersst in the 000101.05 0? the community and in everthing mating to the advance. (tie)1t of public affairs, While tiff. igentx the management of your business and domestics noncoms, you have net been unmindful of those higher, i teees Ls, which extend the empire of man over the material world. Granite and marble will yield to the ravages ef time'hitt your kind words mid deeds will live forever. Mr. and Niro. Gettnt, we itek yoo to accept, these chairs as poor Lek. elle of our respect, and esteem, We 511) 0111113' hope that you 111(07 500 many more years happiness and useful. DOSS in this 110., and that as yoe rest in your future home, yon *tiny snow - times think of the knitify friends Nom left hem. Mins Margaret:, we ask you tn ancient this timbre -dia. Yost amiability and diepositiou have won for you golden opinintts 1)1 cireles lo whichymt have been 0)011)11 Ity 71101, profession, We trust that 11, times 05 0030 and storms wilhami, the ettnshine of yoite pereonality may FM LiilE [ C 1111' ' lh Irr te ....aI C - , 4.0 S 41 11 FARM ER,;' 1111 I., W A 1.TO N Wednesday, iJro2011 ' Lyddiatt-Jaekson Orchestra will supply the Music, Lunch Served. Il are Welcome David Beacom, of Clinton who celebrated his 100th birthday last Monday at the home of his son, A. W. Beacom, of Hullett Township, with whom hi has been residing for several months. Mr. Beacom is a member of many years' standing of the Orange Order, and a number of the Clinton and township Orange- men gathered at his son's home an Monday evening in his hones. ireow in power and Mighbness, and that y 00 may be twig spared o eheer yaul nomfort those in need el' YOUR NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS. ETHEL Hyd a.° etigi nee) s e expected shortly, to make a 0111)1 0)1.08 of this co/mutually for electric 1)8( 00, Itoy who has been laid up 00 (5(1 ('171)' ((('11. mil ether troubles, (10 1), week or so, is tittptov. ing a little, slowly, but, we hope, nove- 1 y. Mervyn elemire, of this who hag spent the pest three months at, Guelph 0. A. 0'!! 110, has ('1( 11 rued to his lintue. Congeal ulathrie are extended 1 o on reerivilm 0'4 - class honors, at his eeentexnenin- ations held 1)10( 1'. he halving 75 per 00111 111 ,N11 his subjects in (Meese and (1lliI'3'll1g, 11,1 111 0y 11 has seen, ed e sit- uation as manager ef the Avonbank Cheese and Bo 1 tel. 10.100.1 31, pent, St. Marys, whieh ikk 111111 Or OW ler. est in the Dominion. We wish Me; n suc- cess in his unklerteking. MONCRIEFF Easter service will be held Knox church next Sunday afternoon, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Maines, whose subject will be "The Appeal of Easter." Special Easter music will also be rendered by the choir. WROXETER John Rutledge, Brampton, spent Tuesday in the village. N. and Airs. Garrett were week end visitors in Clinton, Thos. Henry and family were re- cent visitors in Orangeville, Mrs. R. J. Rann, Alma and Al''n, were recent London visitors. Bert Martin and family spent Sunday with friends in Luckuow. Jas, Ballantyne, Brussels, called on old friends in the villaga last week. Mrs. -G. Tait left on Monday for Toronto where she has purchased a home. Miss Kathleen Armstrong, Aft. El- gin Institute, is visiting her parents at the Manse. Kenneth Gibson, Hamilton, was a week end visitor with his parentt, Thos. and Mrs. Gibson, Miss 1.3e/la McDowell returned on Friday Prom New Haven after spend- ing 'the winter with a sister. The Amend of the late Mrs. David Jackson of Howiek, whose death ea - curved on Wednesday, took place to the Wroxeter cemetery Friday after- 1 noon. john and Mrs. Gibson were in London Saturday afternoon attend. . ing the funeral of the lader'e broth-, er-in-law, John Betnard, a former well known resident of this village. Albert Gower, of Howick, suffered serioths head injuries MondaV, after- 1 noon wink; in Gerrie when the team ha. was driving became frightened and) he WAS thrown from tho his head striking the paYement. t At a (went, meeting cf 0r01,1,11 11. A d hill' Hutted 01m-ehm, no the 111 C el oll the pastor, Rev, 10, I t ilknocks, Was Off ended all 1 Moms invitation to retaken for the second you.. A Dramatic Caaf.-,ta by 3. Al. OHADWICK will be presented by Blyth Choral Society in the TOWN HALL BRUSSELS Wednesday, April 20th Under auspices 'of Ladles' Aid of Brussels United Church. Admission 50 and 35 cents Plan or Dell at fax's Drug Store Plan opens April 13th ' HURON COUNTY (Minter) tax rata IV 111 010 45 mills, for 1927. Goderich Waterworks system has a $4,000 surplus. Clinton peve Huron etreet.from the Royal Banat cornet West to town limi ts. J. G. Stanhury, Exeter, was elected President of Like li..S'keter Branch of the Bible Society. Font' boys were fined $17.50 or one 1001(11) for lemons driving on the streets, at Hensall, Robert McKay, of Egmondville, had the misfortune to trip and fall, while in his orchard, three ribs being broken. J H. Boomer, for over 30 years, O. 10.10. agent, at Winghatu, who retired some time ago, died Hamilton, on Monday evening, nf last week. The Waite' Bros., on the 4th Con. Colborne Twp., ale busy 0151111.5 maple syeup with their new outfit, having about 600 trees tapped. The farm of Gordon 111111 ter, on the the 3ed Qom, Hsborne, was sold by tkublic aiketion, recently, to Fred El- lington. It contains 150 aura; and sold for $9,525 Robt. 0 Muitheakl, who has been mechanic in Geo. T. Rober tema's gar- age, rot 1)01110 two years, has purchns- ed the Reid garage, and is now in possession. Mr. Reid left on Mon- day, itt. London, where he will be chief Merit/WIC Wall the Oln ysler and Studebaker agencies. A public. meeting will he held in the tnwn hall, Clinton, on 'I'llea.rlay even- ing, April 1901, la 8 o'clock, when graduation exercises in emmection with the Olinton Public Hespital will be hel(h, Ales. Aikenhead, Aliso Ross and Miss Memo.), are the grad- uatee. Inland Revenue Officer Porter and Constables W Ili [Rattles, Pellow and Gundry 1115.1111 10 trip into Bay Two., on informal 1011 they hail as to Lim places said to be connected with the 0100(1(11,11 Or ft still, .At1 one place, the still was located, 1.11 011 IV01 111 alla a keg of whiskey, and at two of the other places Hillier was found. At the fourth place, the owner had a permit for maskilig for his own use. The still and outfit woe seized, and nu Tuesday evening, the man an whose premises the outfit was found, 005.5 )111 in the police court and remanded for a week, What tnight, have moved 11 very serinus fire had it not been fer the timely assistance of the neighboks, oecurred reeently, whim the ma of Mrd, John Taylor's house, 111 Tucker - smith T1911,, e10ugh1 filo, 'I'he fire 11105 01)11051)11 (11 have been started by a spark from the chimney, and was 111,10 noticed by 81 t s. Payint, hell she saw as burning shingle fall to the ground. It. was not until half the roof was burned that the five was put out, In the afternoon of the same clay, the neighbors returned and had the roof all shingled again, by five n'elock, Hensall was atgain called to mourn the lose of one of its highly respected residents, itt the pereon of Mis. Time. Fat qnlitte, who passed away al her home here, on Friday, of last week, after 10 short with pnenmonilt. Mrs, Flu kinhar's maiden Ilatne was Alive Kitty, and she was bolo on a reran, North of Clinton, 72 years IMO. A f tee her marriage to Air, Fat (mbar, 1.11071 iod on a farm nette, for a few years, after which, they moved to a 1,01 111, on the Parr Line, Hay, South of Hilsgreen, where they were highly vspeeted and well-known residents, 50) 0501' 20 years. In 1911, they mov- ed to Hensall, and had resided there, continuously. On Thursday evening, of hod week, at Carmel Presbyterian Ohm eh, the liduction was held of their neve past- or, Rev. Mr, Merlikny, of Termite, to vhoin the congregation recently ex- tended an unanimous call. There vita a very largo uttemiance, the Unveil being filled to rapacity, and vire nicely deciwitted with Bowers, toth the Nehnoiroom and the auditor - nem Rev. Att•. McFarlane p3010011 e01 11)'iTermon, after whieh 1505, 11. c, leDermid, or Knox Olutreb Onderich, nil the 5111 1115 1,111111 )1(1 nanderator,1010- unieil the rhair. Rev, Alr, Foote d' (levet) Ohareh, Exeter, addressed lir coligvegal and Relt, Mr, Lark. 0, or Seef oath, (dosed the induction ervine, • Cintreh serviee will b. livid in St. tolok's CLI on 01001 Friday, at 7.30 p.m. 011 Faster Sunritiv the services will he at 11 :tam end 7 0.m. -special Mi1510 by the their, Th,, anthems will be ."Now is Christ 'Risen" by Jahn E. West. and "Ye That Stand in the House of the Lord" by Walter Spinney. At the evening service Miss Doreen Lewin will play "An- dante Religioso" by Thome. Melville Church Genesis 27 "God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man Immune a- living soul" was Rev. F. G. Fowler's text in Melville Chureh• last Sabbath morning. The human soul is the immortal part of man which distinguishes him from the - beasts, and is the essence of his per-- senality. Christ taught the import- ance of the culture of the soul and from Him the Church has inherited the gift of the development of the soul of the individual. Lives are be- ing transformedby this power of the breath of God and great things are being done every day by men and women who feel within them the breath of God. Within the church there are stunted souls who limit their duty to their own narrdw cir- cle. The attitude of the seeusers of the woman taken in adultery stands out in strong contrast to the attitude of Christ towards this woman. To develop the soul we have +o accept the principles of Christ and pot tI1'01 into practice and our :wills will then be more like to that of Christ. Sab- bat hevening the pastor's theme was the second ouestion in the Shor'er Catechism, "What rule hath Cod giv- en to direct us how we may glorify and enioy Him?" The Word of God which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments is -the only rule to direct us It 7)V7 wo may glorify and enJoy Him. Pselm 117:105, "Thy Word is a lamp unto my fent and a Light unto etv path." The Bible is the Word of God as re- ., unto men and women who • were spiritually capable of under- standing it and revealing it's truth to men. In order that the Word of God may be a lamp unto our feet - and a light unto our path (1) it must be stuffied. (2) it must be studied . with a purpose, i.e. to know more about God and our duty to Him. The hest revelation of God we have is in Jesus Christ and we must study Nis life and teachings. (5) it must ha • studied intelligently. We render Bi- ble teaehing null by considering the study of the Bible as an end in it- self. We abuse the Bible by de- _ structive criticism. Strong spiritual characters cannot be built up with- out Bible study. Vv -hen under the Shndow of Death the Bible i3 aiNvays called for in order to give liv,ht to our path from the known to the un- known. The duet, "r Am Looking • This Way" was rendered by Mrs. Meadows and Archie Ballantyne at the morning service. The evening's service of song was led by a choir of ' young men. United Church On Thursday afterneon, .April of the United Church, Brussels, was held itt the 1"iu». room of the ehurch. Fifty ladies w PI e esehlk, I Mee. lokpc pres ding. The 51150( 1(15 Op- ened Willi singing, followed hy pray- er by Mrs. look. Mrs. Hal! road the Seri phut, lesson and Mrs. Proctor read the devotional leaflet, 0111101101 `"I'lle Risen 0110 1st," after which Airs, AleCell led in pre yer. Bei), g the first meeting of the year, the ammal reports Wel e given by thr_k._ different 5001'o(11)')es and treasurer. The treas- nrer's report ',hewed a very, Proeller* ens year. 'I'm, life.wembere 110011 added. Af i 414 0 PPM "Ode a nietnbership tilleste to Aire. '1'. Steacha» and Mrs Smith gave one tn Mrs. MeNatughtum, in ment.,ry of her sister, Miss A Ross. Mrs, Denman Rang a 5107 anpropriate skklo, entitled "Share your Bleseiegs." Mrs. Fox gave a very, Meaty ontline nF the privileges and 1i ties of 1 he 505110P - tale Mein ilerS, Sit:rasing. Ina fael, that every woman in the entigregatien ehould be linked up with the NV, M. S. Mos, McArthur, Mrs, Helni ntr- way. Airs. Nichol and Mrs. J. Stine11- an 15111 1' appointed ai,sistati1 ii4s0einle members seereiaries. 11,,- fl Straeh- an and Mrs, Peocter were eopointed delegates to the Presbyterial, to he held in Goderieh, on April 28.11. In 0(1115 Well Ch01)011 words, Mrs. Me. Gnirk, gave a Inmed visit'', or our duty 00 011)' neighbor, from tn. os one Masi Pr, "'all ye i I! all OW world and twench the Gospel to etlerl, 1100)00. 01) v." Wit h Ond'e eublenee 0141 help, we are looking forward for greater Stletelta. in 1927. Tile (11en) inl; %VIA clneed sitigitig mid all jeininte 111 the Miznali, Foltowieg fhb% MrS. Downing and Mea, were beetesses at a very (laterite :served Alt.. Fee end at,., Mi - 1011,111111011 11,1111fd tea. 01,13 were Rd by Miss 1011111 stanellain And NINA • Ithttgal.et prott nina., Dining. the 1 ea holly, Mier Pope dei igh Ted the ladies With 110.1111 Ifni niftlItt a, don. the regIllar Meeting I he W. AL S. AI the altri Intl RAN, Al, the town hall, Clinton, recently, the Selman% Perm, on 11..‘ rend. WITS 11111 Phased hy Ales; Sib lieg, fel. the einn of r/.1 00. This foul, 011 nal ea on 1 P10101 1111.1 111,:1k111151, cooniklered to Ont, rtf Ilse 1, 11 (1 ,1 ,1 1 cis