HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-4-6, Page 8WEDNESDAY, APRIL Oth, 1927 .24 Jll fl:y7� eztej WAVES TIME Now Showing the New 7 Su.n�i' o thy Wall Papers Blinds can be left up and sun- shine lot in without fear of having the paper faded, or tell- tale patches on the walls when pictures are changed around. Let as show you them. Formalde- hyde Seeding time will soon be here when this reliable smut germ killer will be needed for treat- ing the seed grain. We carry a brand that has been tested, and found of stan- dard strength and quality. 1 lb. and ?S Ib. Bots. eautiful Flowers For Home Decoration Can be easily made from Den- nison's Crepe Paper. We have the books of instructions, and also the full range of colors of Dennison's Crepe Paper. Ask to see them. Easter Cards Booklets and Novelties Suitable for this season Raw Cod Liver Oil for Poultry 40c a pint Special price by gallon ZitAg .. R. SMIT Store Pr:rggist and Stationer s. �...a - _-- *-4.:•+^i'•+'a�i A2«:a4484 444N:4.4-8.:: 448'4,4);87.. Local News Items• Brussels 1.1alteti Church REV. A. W, BARKER. B. D. MINISTER Suncha.y, Apr.10 th 11 a.m.—Public Worship. Rev. A. H. Brown, S. T. D. 3 p.m.—Sabbath School ses- sion and Bible Classes - 7 p.m.—Public Worship. Rev. Dr. Brown Thursday, April 7111 Meeting on Women's Mission- ary Society at 3 p. m. It will pay you to advertise in The Post. Many Boys Have Them. The boys with catapults had bet- ter put them away before they get into trouble. There is a heavy pen- alty provided for possessing these weapons. Now is Time to Start Cleaning Up the Front Lawns and Back Yards. When the robins,crow sist and blackbirds come to stay, in e nearly spring and we need to get an early start to have the old home town looking its best for the Old Boys' Reunion in July. Bi -Lingual Stamp Issue for Canada. The Confederation Celebration Committee went on record as favor- ing. "bilingual stamps," and Hon.. P. J. Veniot, postrnaster-general, at orae issued 1 nstruetions for their printing. The opinion is that hence- forth Canada's postage stains will b2 printed in dual languages. O.T.A. Fines of $456,491 Collected Last Year. Although the Ontario Temperance Act is soon to pass from the Provin- cial Statutes, the annual report, just BRUSSELS POST Gone to Marlin. G. A. Deadman left en Monday for Merlin where he will spend a few days looking after his numer- ous hives of bees, Big League Stuff, Our Mase Ball piayets have com- menced to limber up at the Park, Tho practice season opened up 1851 1'hur•riay afhruoun—ltareh 31st -- but it may be postpeflru anytime. 'KING'S Coat Shop Invites Your In. epection of the Big Array of Se inr,•time Coats Dresses, and Suit.. New styles ---new fabrics Smart Colons. King Bros„ Wingham, Ont. SEED OATS FOR SALE — 1925 American Bantam. 85e a bushel. Phone 31-18 Thos. W. Bone 42-2 Lot 24, Con. 3, Morrie BARRED ROCK AND SINGLE Ce ;l, Whit, Leghorn baby ellicit, 15e each; by lilay 7th and May 30. Also pure bred Barred Rock Hate't- ing eggs from Schwegler's great layers, Buffalo. William McNair Phone 24-10 R. R. 3, Brussels 42-2. WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER Seed for sale. Also a quantity of 2 -rowed Seed Barley. Phone 4216 42-tf. Mark L. Cardiff EASTER In Just Another Week — Shop with us for your Easter out- fit. An immense display of spring merchandise. King Bros., Wing - ham, Ont. rresented to the Legislature, accords tLeraeiee tae„o..et.elp,eeesteeetaeeeeea ease eeei eeea.;., �eeeegseeegereeeaee`':eegeeed'8-eeSe+• it the place of prominence in its ea_ Had a Tumble. cession of the past year. More space New Trucks. is devoted to it than to any other Fred Burchill and Backer Bros. , Mrs. J. D. Warwick tripped on topic. and it is stated that i; was re - have each purchased new Ford the sidewalk last week and in fall- s onsThk for 4,469 prosecutions. trucks from Bert McIntyre, Ford ing bruised her face, but she is all which in turn resulted in 3,390 con - dealer in Brussels. right again. victions. "The large number of cas- W. F. A. Annual. es presented, with the correspond - Had a Tumble. ing large number of convictions and Lee Thong, our Laundryman, The annual meeting of the W. F. confiscation of liquor and vehicles," while trying to stay on a bicycle, A. will be held at Kitchener on Good says the report, "is indisputable eel - fell and slid part of the way on his Friday. What about the Brussels- i �lrnas of Energetic enforcement of face on the macadam road. Lee Ethel team for 1927. , the Act by the officers concerned." looks as though he had had 10 Roads in Good Shape. 1Fines collected under the Act are rounds with Dempsey. The Grey and Morris Boundary, given as $456,491; value of liquor both north and south of Brussels, seized as $41,651; and the number Movings. have beenut in excellent she e by + of vehicles seized as 72. Mr. Demmerling has moved into the Road Sunervisoxs. The South the house recently vacated by Chas. road was a dandy on Sunday for Obituary. Lockwood. Roy Thuell and bride ruts. The following refers to the fun - are taking uptheir residence lance rn the oral of the late George Mills, and a house recently vacated b y Robert Thuell. Moved to Palmerston. On Monday of this week Robert A GOOD ORGAN FOR SALE— Phone 20-8 Robt. McAllister 42-1 Grey Twp, LOST A GOLD CUFF LINK WITH "J. N." on it. Leave at Post, 42-1 PASTURE !LAND TO RENT OR will take cattle for the summer. Phone 48-6. Robt. Coutts, 42-2. Lot 14, Con. 13, McKillop. FARM TO RENT. APPLY TO A. H. Macdonald, Telephone Office. 42-2. 6 CHUNKS OF PIGS FOR SALE -- Phone 83-15. Roy Cunningham, 42-1. Con, 10 Grey FOR SALE — A DETROIT VAPOR Coal Oil Stove. Apply at Post. 42t1 PEKIN DUCK EGGS FOR SALE-- Apply ALE-Apply to, Jas• S. Armstrong, Phone 28-19. 42—tt f. WANTED—A. NUMBER. OF Sll- cond hand fertilizer drills. Apply at once to R. Johnston, R. R. 2, Listowel, Phone 601-r 2 or 89x r 3, Brussels, 42-2 8 YORK PIGS, READY TO WEAN, for sale. Melvin Gilkinson, Phone 35-16. Lot 30, Con. 7 Grey (42-tf). LADIES!—Visit our Show Rooms where you will find the smartest creations in Spring ready-to-wear garments. King Bros., Wingham. COLLIE Dog, Strayed From the home of the undersigned about March 28, Finder please notify Henry Armstrong, Blyth phone 3612. 41-2 4 CHUNKS Pigs For Sale. Phone 38-12, Crawford Strachan. 41-1 FOR SALE.—A Quantity of White Blossom Sweet Clover seed, $6.00 a bushel. Apply to Wm. Gorsalitz, Lot 29, Con. 5, Grey. 40-2 FOR SALE.—A 4 -Burner Perfection coal oil stove, practically new. Apply to Mrs. W. M• Sinclair. 41-11 FOR SALE. — 5,000 White Brick. Phone 27-12, Fred Oster. 41-tf HEINTZMAN Victrola, Almost New, in No. 1 condition, for sale. Ap- A Handsome Present. brother of ears. Wm. Robb, of town, ply to Mrs. R. Alderson, Walton, Last Monday night about thirty who died at Bradford on March 24, Phone 1919, 41-1 Huron friends and near relative- of and was buried at Bond Head on FOR SALE. -1 White Pine, Inside Miss Gladys Pollock, met at the - March 26th:—"The funeral of the door, 2'x6',G"; 6 "built-up" door Thuell and family mnvect to Palm- home of T. E. Pollock and presented late George Mills on Saturday wee heads, Georgia pine; Mantel head Thuell, where MT. Thuell and his her with a handsome sumof money , largely attended, among the friends design; 'Quanti'ty Birch flooring; 8 son-in-law, Chas. Mercer, are in in a hanging basket filled with ear- from a distance being, Albert and Galvanized steel coiner heads; sev- nations. The bride -elect responded, ! Mrs. Mills, Silas and Mrs, Armitage, oral sticks of timber. Mrs. M. the electrical business. Their many ! and thanked them for the lovely gift. , T. Davidson, Miss Annie Mills, New- Parker, Brussels. 41-tf FOR SALE.—Yellow Blossom Clover seed, Government tested; free of noxious weeds, $6.50 a bushel. Thos. H. Bolger, Lot 80, Con. 9, Morris. Phone 56-14. 41-tf friends wish them success in then new home. "Joseph's Bondage." ed. (Kincardine Reporter). I Mrs. Richardson, Hugh Richardson, The Blyth ns Choral Society will 1 Opens Store in Linwood. S. and Mrs. Richardson, John Greg- nresent "Joseph's Bondage" in the Listowel rt d d Th a nry Hrm•v Mills Toronto NIr A program and social time followed, ' market; Miss Lou Walton, Sehom- after which refreshments were sera berg; Harvey Richardson, Dr. and Town Hall, Brusels, on Wednesday, April 20th, under the auspices of the United Church. Full program may be read on another page of tins issue, Plan of Hall opens renext I store, o£ which Harry W, Lutz has Mrs. bialcnlmson, Moorefield; Dr. D. Wednesday at Fox's Drug Store. l been appointed manager, will be ; G. M T.ay, Whitney; Mr. and Mre. Died at Ottawa. i operated from the main store at Lis- Jeffs, Bvrie; T. and Mrs. Lyons, of former Beus-1 towel, and a complete stock of dry Bond Head. His minister•, Rev. W. Thos. din Ottawap, a H. Bradford, used the text, John 19: ththe b cried brought last weekswater goods and groceries will be carried. 41, "In the place where He wee for bury was dce to Tees for- crucified was a garden, and in the for burial. The deceased was for- Canadian Historical Pictures. merly engaged with the late D. Pageantry will play a big part in gar en a new sepnlclrre." "Wo are Ewan at the carriage shop and moo- the celebretinn of the Diamond Ju- g to make of life a gar - ed from here to Tee;water. More hilee of Confederation on July 1st. jden so that a t shalt bre e to to ulant wlt t this s particulars will be given next week. The Post, anticipating the demand t costumes of the various an ar a firm u.. Wm. Robb, Wm. and Mrs. McCut- J. M. opeSehned cin r Son, Listowel, cheon, Brussels; NIrs. A. D. Owens, have opened a branch store at Lin- 1 aeeaford NIrs Semple Tottenham• wood in the property formerly own- ! A. R• Mills, Fort William; A. and d by 11Mr. R. Y, Fish. The branch Moved to Brussels. Clifford Plxproi s: --Norman Dein- merling, who conducted the High- way Garage in Clifford for a year, rnnved his household effects to Bras- sels this week where he has secur- for entree co; garden is. We seek the fairest flow - period of our history, has arranged , pt's and choicest fruits. We plan with C. W. Jeffery, the dean of l,for• beauty, joy and gladness. But Canadian black and white artists, 1111 every garden there is a septii- to furnish a series of twelve large chre. This is not of our liking, 11 drawings covering some of the most • 18 there whether eve want it or no. lorful events of oar nation's life 1 Some day. as those mourners here, ed a position." ---Mr. Demmerling is ,story. Apart altogether from their i we shall discover the grave m the now chief merlin/Pie at the Forel values in the portrayal of costumes : garden. What then? Shall we for - garage.. We welcome the family to these pictures will have great in- 1 get the garden, as these women at Brussels. t t to Canadians inch from a the tom11 of Jesus dil, crying dul- Minor Locals. April, a lave is a garden and standing in met on Monday evening ere a series of pictures they will be g April Fool's Day passed of very g•1ad to rut nut and preserve. Each the garden is One with Whim is life quietly. 1 will be accompanied by a short de- I and hope and Hove, The grave ii se That certainly was a quiet, evens ' scriptive story of from 100 to 200 icer the seed bed and that which is d with the tempered lion that March went out1 words, Here is a list of subjects, in i ll ented thatthoi'e h coispase the lifeless like,order in whirl•! they will run, coin- looking bulb tom err, Plan of hall for "Joseph's Bond'I melting next week: -1. Macrame p d with the age" will open at Fox's Drug Stork' 1 Latour defending her husband's fort beautiful lily that shall be, Let us on the 13th. at St. John, 1645; 2. Madeleine (lc live. in the garden, not in the se - Fame is: fleeting. Have you not- f Vereheres receiving the relief nar- `geishas. In his life on earth the iced much in the papers lately about ity, 1662; 3. Wolfe leading the Bri- deeeascd ylanted a garden, sowing George Young? tish advance at Ouehec, 1759; 4. the seeds of character, home -love, Get your lawn mower sharpnned, i Thr cmuine 0f Ib,. T ovali,fe, 1734; hnd righteousness which have blos- you will soon nee:1 it, but don't lose . 5. The battle of Stoney Creek, 1815; snored, aro blossoming and will T1 ii!'tsheir:• at r: b.,+ti.1 e" bloeerm through all eternity," Mor- i snow shovel. al trihntry were: family wreath by The new liquor leees cominfr In Chatr me•ny, 1813; 7. Bebop of :fust at the wrones time. The, anti ' 1x'27 (hillier': R. A rnuntrg dares the family; donble fillow from bro- frceze solution that's hc011 ran 'n in the eighteen -eighties; 9. Tnineri ilmee and sistmel; wreath, len D, G. the ear all Winter won't have a mar- 'Teem :carried home by his admirers Mrlsay; wreath, F. Stoddart and kat. value at all. 1 after a seven et tT,elif:rx in the fif- Mee,. M. Stoddart; crescent, Fred. The Indians always believed that ties; 10, James Evans, the mission- Merr, Minsk; wroath, :the Lukes the year -that eommences on Ware inv teeehing the Tndinns his system 'r'rrnilvi i,nev, the Ogden teaching flay, es did 1927, will have a mad cif ("r e Syllabic reaffirm,; 11, Chief :stall, fort Wiiiiem; spray pupils of orate winter n'nd hot summer, with Crowfoot at the great Rlarkfnot Ogden wheel; wreath, .hire. Rhoda only average :rope of grain but a Trc'ty in 1577; 12.•heves Cartier S11nnee1 lnre;e spray, Jack and ears. good crop of honey. at Hochelaga, 1585, Brown, Toronto. sirs - pir•torial and an educational stand- 1y and hopelessly, 'who shall roll trs point. Every one is full of dramatic away the stone?' Or shall we make etion. We can promise 0511• read-; this discovery that around ?every Minor Locals, -96 days already gone in 1927, House cleaning is the order of tee dad'. lube seed catalogues Will get .a fins el studying now. Acton commences their Wednes- day hall:' -holiday to -day. The. schools will close on April 14 for the Easter holidays, "011! What a Nurse!" at the Grand Friday and Saturday, Got your"' new Radio License yet? The old one expired on Mauch 314. How are those plans for your newer Marden which is to help beau- tify the town, setting along? 'elm Auction Sale of house • nd lot 1 household furniture of the late errs. Martie will bI' held en Satur- day. There's no let-up in this gorgeous, a:ay alai rollicking story with the in- iuritahle Syd Chaplin in a continu- nus mix-np with beetl'eeer , a roe. away heiress, and a scheming match- maker at the Grand this Friday and Saturday in "Ohl What a Nurse!" Oh! What a Laugh Tonic! On Friday and Saturday evenings at the Grand Theatre, Syd Chaplin, who packed the theatre two nights in VillflarnalaWsr (BANKING FIFTY YEARS Judge a Bank by the Cients it Keeps URING more than Fifty Years of constructive bank- ing practice The Standard Bank of Canada has established a loyal clientele from Coast to Coast. Our ability satisfactorily to serve these clients year in and year out is the foundation upon which our con- tinued progress is built. - STAN DANADA.R BAN K OF C BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager "Charley's Aunt," reappears in a new come _ , The story of the film briefly told is this:—Jerry, a eub reporter, aboard a ferry boat. "Girl overboard!" A rescue and Jerry picked up by a bootleg tug. Forced into a widow's clothes to throw the coast guards- men off the trail. A thrilling es- cape. Sent by his newspaper to im- the late Mrs. Walker. Their kindness personate Dolly Whimple, the love- will never be forgotten, PERTH COUNTY advice editor. He loses his skirt and The National Council of women will' his disguise is revealed. He finds a A JUBILEE FEATURE.— hold their convention at Stratfordomen in nurse's costume and in it gets taken As this is Canada's Diamond Jab' en a sea trip. His wig is lost and so ilea, THE Pos'r has secured a aeries of ,September. shock - is he nearly. Then a thousand hair- Residents of Blanchard were breadth escapes—until—You get as twelve historical sketches, which ed nn Sunday to iiear of the passing many, laughs as in "Chane 's Lunt" hove beau executed for filo occnnon- of Michael Brett -gime inswhys lifelong resident g y by the rete ,ti Oanadinn artist 0 F ti B eLiue whose death occurred n dv "Oh What a Nurse!" CARD OF THANKS Miss Belle Walker and Hellion and 5 Mrs, I3rieker and daughters wish to thank their Many friends, relatives and neighbors for the many expres- sions of sympathy and acts of kind- ness during the illness and sabsequent death of mother andgrandmother, Oburch choir, which will Hiles her plendid services, not only in chorus, but in solo work. A host of friends extend best wishes to Mr, and Mrs. Barker for a happy and prosperous future." THE POST joins in wishing Rev. and Mea. Barker many happy years. and 'The Man on the Box" rolled W. Jefferys, 12, 0. A,. illustrating in Vlctnrs• Hospital, London, follow - Impenitent into one. Impnrtent and picturesque episodes ing an operation performd four Buried at Westmount. in Canadian history, This feature weeks previous. Mr., Btethour had will commence next week and will suffered from indifferent health prao- The Montreal Daily Star last week finish on July 1st, tinily all winter and O'itallp his lnedi- refers to the funeral of the latei cal advisers decided an ,operation was Mrs, (Dr,) John A^ Hutchinson, GRANDMOTHERS Tel BE ENTERTAINED necessary. who was a former popular resident = At a recent Chamber of Commerce of this place, some 43 years ago:— The grandmothers are to be eater= meeting, at Listowel,'s"rrangements Friends and social 'workers repro- rained at the meeting of the Brussels were made by the execeetive commit - senting the welfare organizations Women's Institute en Tuesday after- tee for the annual meetjng and ban - with which she had been connected, noon of next week, instead of the reg- quet, and the drive for n. w members, loaned out in large numbers at the ulna meeting day, in the Public! Lih- The annual meeting wi I be held on funeral of Mrs. John A. Hutchins racy. A paper 05 'IInepitJrlity : The elonday, April 11, when the officers 0313 and the New, le l.c he groan by for the coming year will ,be elected, ::on, wife of Dr. John A. Hutchin- lyre'sW. S. Scott. Roll call to be 0118,;' son, which was held this afternoonLater a banquet will be iri�tcl and an d by •'Hint: for Housecleaning,a outstanding speaker secured for the from 4170 St. Catherine street, and other' prhgram will be given. A. occasion. A moaion was paesi I which Westmount, to Mount Royal Cern- special invitation is extended to an .included the suggestion that the town etery. Mrs. Hutchinson died on the grandmothers of the community. , purchnae Fairview cameler and erect Friday afternoon following a long 1 a chapel there far servicesandinter- illness. Rev. M. F. MCCutI'heon, A STRANGE COINCIDENCE p nester of the First Baptist Church, Last September His Honor Judge' melt during the winter edmdes e. Westmount, who conducted the ser- Lewis tried an automobile collision I Owen Sound was the suggested desti- vice, commented on Mrs. Hutchin- action in the Division Cones, Exeter, with n for the annual motor bike, son's devotion to welfare work. between Wm. McAllister, 01 Hay Tp., Mount Forest, os ial stops at Durham and "For such as her," he said, "there and Wm. Green and wife, of Wing -1 is no real death. She has joined ,ham. The Judge reserved hie decision the ranks of the Saints who have :art the time and on Afarch 9th gnv0 r3oRN massed before her:' Rev. Mr. Mc-' indetnentin favornf the plaintiff for pURVI'.—In(Srey-township, on Wednesday, Cutcheon also conducted a short' $110 and costs. In the rneantirne, 6l arch 80th, 1027, to Mr. and Eire. Stanley graveside service. Floral offerings i however, bath Ain McAllister and Ah', Purvis,a Son. , sous imclu in those 1 Green had died, but the widow has i SMALL Quantity of Merchandise found on North gravel road sev- eral weeks ago. Inquire of T. C. Wilson, Bluevale, P.O., Phone 8424. 41-2 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE: Comfortable frame house in good repair, good cellar, hard and soft wafer. For further particulars ap- ply to George McMillan, Brussels. 41-4 GIRL Wanted For Housework. A permanent position. Apply at The Post 40-tf GOVERNMENT Tested Timothy seed, five per cent alsike; free from all ' Primary noxious weed seed, $4.75 per bus. Also a quan- titf of yellow blossom sweet clov- er seed, Phone 37-19, Russell Dougherty, Lot 11, Con. 17, Grey. 40-tf S. C. WHITE LEGHORN Eggs For hatching, Phone 0017, I1. J. Manning. 40-11 HATCHING Eggs For Sale From bred -to -lay strain S. C Anconas. They lay large, white eggs that grade the best on the market, Prices on request. F., A.Haeris an, Phone 4723, R. R, 2, Brussels. 40-4 BLACK Minorca Hatching Eggs and Timothy seed for sale. Jas. Per- ris, R. R. 8, Brussels, Phone 2516. 40-t1 LIMITED Quantity of Century Seed oats for sale. Earl Bentley Nees Lot 21, Con. 8, Morris, Phone 454. 40-12 HOUSE and Lot For Sale.—House with all modern convenience:', one acre of land, situated in the Vil- Iag'e of Walton. Apply' to P. B, Gardiner, Walton. 40-11 11'ARM TO RENT,—Lot 10, Con, 14, Grey. Apply to Nelson Askin, Bent Rive, Ont, 100 Acre farm to rent in Morris Twp. Apply to W, A. Lowry. Brussels COMFORTAIILE frame dwelling house in Brussels for stile at a bargain, Apply to W.1, Sinclair. were num: d g from the Ladies' Committee of the Protestant Infants' Homo, the City of Westmount, the Excelsior Life Insurance Company, uptown branch of the Imperial Life Assurance Co., Victoria Sunshine Society, the exe- cutive staff of the City of West - mount, and the manager and main staff' of the Imperial Life Assurance Company. Chief mourners were the husband and one son, Dr. Wil- liam Hutchinson, of Ottawa; Chef Justice Archibald, Mrs. M. Hutchin- son, W. S. Barker, John Wiehton, Mrs. Guy Prevost, Dr. F. E. Me- T(erizie, D. C. Robertson, J. C. Bar- low. ItIrs. Drysdale, Miss Brown, H. A. White, W. M. Paul, Dr. H. C. Burgess, George Hogg (Mayor of Westmount). S. Barker. A. Germain, A. F. Bell, J. A. Weldon, J. C. Toy, W. H. Mattewson, George C. Matt- hewson, J. C. Conwell, M, A. Chea, G. J. Shanks, Mrs. Fraser, R. N. Ralsillie, J. P. Pinet, E. Scott, Ald. S. F. Rutherford, J. H. Hode•es, James S. Johnson. Ala. A. H. Rob- ertson, Alec. Murray, Chief of Pol- ice Wren of Westmount, David Drysdale, Dr. Morgan, Mrs. E. S. Thbotson, J. P. Barker, Mrs, C. E Usher, Dr. Cameron Stewart, Dr. J. A.. McMillan, Dr. A. G. McAuley, Sub -Chief of Police Rideoeh, H. M. Garden and F. C. Stein, t paid the damages. The plaintiff wee t represented by J. G. Stan bury, Exet- ! erand the defendant by R. Vanetone, 1 Wingham. WEDDING BELLS 1 The Aincardine Review•Reporter,' last week, refers to the wedding of Rev, Mr Barker : "On Tuesday mem I ing, the home of Thos. E. and Mrs.' Pollock, Victoria street, was the scene of a pretty wedding, when their i ynuugeet daughter, Gladys, was unit- ed in marriage to Rev. A, W. Bark - es, B. A., former pastor of the 14.leth- odtst March here, and paetnr of the Uniteurc.1, Brussels, The rer- emnny was performed by Hes. L. W. Reid, R. A., of the Uni bed Ohurrh, The bride was ehermingly gowned in white georgette, embeoittered in c IN MEMORIAM Mo87NNOSS In loving memory of Sergt•• Moss McKinnon, who, ten years ago, died of wounds April 1001,1017, Where'er you lie 'Ms honored dust, Of you be truly said : Our comfort le the old -tine Janet, God rests his own brave deed. 1lomaai, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Auction Sale. TavnSDA?, APRIL 7Trr—FROM stook, tmple• ments, grain, furniture, Sts, at Lot 18, Cmr, I6, 'trey Twp. at t o'0)0ok, sharp. Mre. Oliver Harris Ole Harris, L'rope. ; Thos, Hider, Clerk ,8•41.1111. D 00051, 4 00, )felony, Arum M.—rural Stook, tmple- meats, ,ao,ntLot 8,Con,19 Grey. ,Sale mire- ; served. at 1 o'clock. Jas, W. Grant, Prop, ; I D. E1. Scott, Ano. SA4'nrtn4ri AP,0Ie. 6'rgib—ellnuoe'lit lee and 1 hr oehoid furniture of lute Mrs. Wm. Martin, Bruseels. D. X. 80015, Alio,, pearls, and her beautiful wedding I Canada's °mmatest Ufa Insurance CO, veil of bridal silk net Was held in place by e handean of pearls. She ��ae Asscaranc carried a skewer hngaet of Killarney a� u fl L 0' co. oe Cad r'Oees and lily -of -the -valley, After a dainty wedding breakfast, the Imp - pointe, W. ABRAHAM py ennple left. Inc Toronto and other points, the bride travelling' in a navy bine canton crepe dress, fur -trimmed gnat of navy charmelaine and sand House for Sale hat, The happy couple was nnat- tended. The wedding march was played by Miss Leona McCarty. On- ly itnuledieee relatives and friends of the nont:renting parties Were 90e0011t et the wedding, The bride has been of great assistance in the United District Representative Otte here lend, fruit trees, small fruits, age and stable, modern brick douse coot ing 8 rooms and bath, eunroom, fireplace, s and herd water, hydro, t,i the,Villageof torr, Property n,u§t be sold to close estate, Apply t0 5, B GARDIN1ER, Walton, 92-4 or W,15. GRAHAM, Anton, ewI F 11 AT --rzzip- Dr t..'wg St Froin the Standard 'of Price, Quality and Assort- ment our present stock far excels any- thing we have yet shown. ;fames Beginning at 12c per roll, we have a very large stock on hand to choose from, both as to color and design in the regular 22 -inch paper, Then in our special MAXIMUR papers we find it difficult to describe the beauty of this .wonderful line, stel every sample is a work of art. MAXIMUR represents the most outstanding development of the wall paper industry in re- cent years; it is the first and only 80 -inch wall paper made in Canada and we would count Is a pleasure to show, you through our samp105. �5u,. +; D fr"G,dIU ' '9 a iI: �.•1. e. Stationer