HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-4-6, Page 5lP
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North Her n Mem3er
in the Legislature
North Huron has produced an
educational ' critic of the Govern-
ment in. C. A. Robertson, the Lib •
era; eandiddtte who downed John
Joynt in the last battle during
which the principal issue ran far
wide of 4 thirst for knowledge. '
The handling of rural schools and
their educational problems has been
the principal concern of the mem,. •
ber for l4orth Huron and he has
managed r to give the Government
sonethirA to think over at times ;
during the session, which is an '
acytievement for a new member en -
.,gaged in winning his spurs in the
verbal arena on Parliament Hill. .
And just to show that he has a
grasp of a number of other mat-
ters, Mr. Robertson has also taken
the Government to task over high- '
ways, the Hydro -Electric and the
newly launched temperance meas-
ure which is to provide plenty of
liquor to all whether they want it
or not.
The higher education has also
come in for the attention of the
member for North Huron. When
Premier Ferguson told a startled
university staff that he figured on
putting second year 'varsity work
in the collegiate institutes he stir-
Ted tip something. Mr. Robertson
was one of those who had some•
thing to say on the subject.
Briefly he informed the House
that something was going to suffer
if the premier was allowed to go
ahead with this pet scheme of
Either the province would bole to
provide several score of teaching
taffs in the collegiates of the ca-;
bre of the staff at the university
a considerable increase in costs
local centres, or inferior staIf.i
to the university would be handing
out an inferior. grade of education
for the two most valuable years of
an undergraduate's life and educa-
tion would suffer.
Whether this criticism had any
bearing on the matter or not is not
known; it is significant that the
premier has quietly dropped his
scheme and it is hinted that the
university has been informed that
there will be no attempt made to
put in the new system Premier
Ferguson promised during the heat
of the campaign.
The bringing home of political
chickens to roost is the favorite
task of the Opposition and the
member for North Huron proved
that he could contract the habit,
in speaking on the Speech from
the Throne he touched on the liq-
uor question and twitted the prem-
ier in doing so,
"I have great mlegivingr of the
sur cess of any Act whim will make
legal the >;tle of liquor and yet
preached advanced temperance, Even
in the Conservative party they are
very divided on the question.
claim the .,right to vote against Gov-
ernment Contra] and I don't think
ibat even the Premier will deny me
that richt because he gave my oppon-
ent permission to vote against the
Act" said Mr. Robertson referring to-
othe dispensation given John Joynt to
go his own way on the Control meas-
The Government benches took this
with smites and the rank and file -
members with applause. Like school
boys the House enjoys anything to
make Teacher look a trifle foolish
and thre member for North Huron
then proceeded to say that he hoped
that Government Control would prove
as successful a temperance measure
as the Con: ervative party, the public
and the brewers and distillers hoped
it would. •
Possibly because he is an United
Church cleric who appears to have
enmehow strayed into the wrong camp
Rev, W. G. Martin, Brantford Con-
servative usually manages to get a
rap over the knuckles after he has
contributed something to the Parlia-
mentary flow of eloquence. The
member for Brantford had some left-
handed thrusts to give the church for
done on thep rohibi t•i
on side
daring the campaign and his remarks
stirred up Mr. Robertson for North
Huron is a stronghold of the churches.
"The reverend member has appar-
ently forsaken the church for the
Conservstive party and it is only nat-
ural .that he world take that attitude,
T expect that the Conservative party
will son to it that he gets his reward.
TP floe,. Mot ]rm in osier i•n e•tve ,neral
snnport T can say that.moral support
i.s needed for this measure" said Mr.
And this drew a denial from the
reverend member for Brantford that
he had deserted the church.
The North Huron man couldn't see
the contention of Government mem-
bers that the cost of education didn't:
much matter. "The people are will-
ing to nay for education but they
want value for their money" he told
the House in attacking the grant sys-
tem to rural schools. Briefly Mr.
Robertson couldn't see the justice in
the way of making grants to teachers
at the present time. The present
system allows a Government grant
based upon salary which Mr. Robert-
son thinks wrong. He wanted the
grant made on eualiflcations in place
of salary. Ill this way the teacher
with snnerior ability and giving more
educational value to the school would
get a larger grant.
Then the Premier's pet project of
nutting second year university work
into the collegiates was characterized
I as a "half-baked scheme." "These
I propositions for changing the educa-
tional system hanging over the people
is not good for education. Education
should be stabilized and not constant-
ly upset" said Mr. Robertson.
What the Government-owned and
controlled Hyclro was doing for rural
transmission lines and rural electric
current consumers generally was
called much of a farce by the member
for North Huron. IIe pointed out
that, while the Hydro did pay a con-
siderable portion of the cost of trans-
mission lines that Hydro was support-
ed entirely by the province and could
go farther and make power and light
a whole lot easier to secure and
cheaper fo rthe farmers and not make
the benefits of Hydro more or less of
a city monopoly.
Provincial highways were also given
a touch up. Too much attention was
being paid to the main trunk lines
which provided highways mainly for
fleets of city trucks and autos for
through trips and too little to the
feeder roads which the farmer used
more than he did the expensive high-
ways. Mr. Robertson suggested that
the best way to collect what the pro-
vinee should get in revenue from the
auto owners would be in a tax on gas-
"Some of our best highways are
used about ninety per cent by
through city to city traffic but the
farmer has to pay a good deal greater
percentage of the cost than his nee of
the road warrants" Mr. Robertson
told the Government.
But the member for North Huron
played his ace card when he put the
connundrum to the Premier of "when
is Government control not under con-
trol of the Government", The an- .
steer appeared to be when it clashed
with the old Canada Temperance Act
and the courts may yet have to an -
ewer the fuestion that the Ion, Mr,
Ferguson couldn't. The Premier told
Mr. 'Netherton that the new Control
"Commission would look after endear -
ageing matters of that sett. But the
(nestion, as put forward by Mr. Rob -
Single Comb White
I �! Leghorns, Bred -to -lay.
10c per dozen more than
niarliet price.
Alex. Pt rrle
Phone 2515 R. R. 3, Brussels
The undersigned wishes to an-
nounce to the public that he is the
Ford Dealer in Brussels and is now
prepared for the opening of Car
driving with all Models of new
Ford Cars.
Genuine Ford Parts
Guaranteed Used Ford Cars
Also for sale at Garage
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Phone 73x
Ford Dealer Brussels
For sale at Walton Saw -
Mill a car of 5x B. C.
Jno. Klc O11 l�$
Phone 1913
ertson will possibly take a lot of me-
sweri'ng and may have to go farther
afield that the Strong Men to get the
right solution.
The member for North Huron in-
troduced the matter first in Commit-
tee and set the Government hives
buzzing. What he wanted to know
was just how Government Centre]
would effect his own riding where the
vote was for prohibition and where
the Government proposed to establish
liquor stores. North Huron said that
it didn't want liquor stores and said
k emphatically. The member propos-
es to see that North Huron doesn't
get what it doesn't want. .
This is how the matter stands as
explained by the mcmb,r for Nnrtli
Huron. When the 0. T. A. arrived
the Canada Temperance Act was in
force in some of the ridings. Accord-
ing to the way matters were inter-
preted the C. T. A. could be, and was
suspended in favor of the 0. T. A.
because the 0. T. A. was more re-
pass the buck to the Control Com-
strictive than the Canada Temperance
Act. The 0. T. A. didn't allow ,m••
portation of liquor into any riding
where the G. T. A. did. So that C.
T. A. stood suspended by consent of
the House because the 0. T. A. went
farther on the path of prohibition
than the old Act.
.All well and good until Govern-
ment Control put in its appearance.
Ottawa allowed the suspension of the
C. T. A. But it may be another mat-
ter when continued suspension of the
Act comes around in favor of this
new measure. "The Canada Tem-
perance Act is once again in force in
North Huron" argued Mr. Robertson
and then asked the Premier what he
intended to do about it. Premier Fer-
guson declared that he intended to
mission without any loss of time.
Then the member for North Huron.
insisted that the Government Control
supporters in his riding were expect-
ing to get a liquor store and hinted
that there would be a considerable
battle from the temperance forces
before they got it. There the matter
rests for the present but it looks as
if the courts would be asked to de-
clare the Member for North Huron
right if there is any attempt on the
part of the Government to make a
'new oasis in his riding.
Mr. Robertson has so far batted a-
bout 1,000 in asking questions which
have not been answered. He wanted to
know what the Government had done
towards appointing a new chairman
for the Board of Censors. No answer
as yet. Then he enquired why the
Government was still paying grants
tocity houses of refuge where long
since such grants had been cut out
and never renewed for country in-
stitutions of the same character. This
'matter is being looked up. It may
result in the country institutions gett-
ing in on some of the free distribut-
ion of their own taxes or it may re-
sult in city institutions losing out on
the little favor they have received.
But anyway it turns out it has given
Paper Hanging
Tho undersigned wishes to an-
nounce that he ie prepared to
handle all kinds of jobs in the
above linos, and wile endeavor
to give the best of satiYfaction.
Pricees reasonahie
work promptly attended to
Alen, Coleman
PJtono 6411 Brussels,
the Government something to ponder
When the Township Board I3i11 was
introduced Mr. Robertson had some-
thing to sty. "Why change a system
which has produced .ao many good
teen when you don't: know exactly
.fust how this new act is going to
work?" he enquired, While the
member for South Huron could see
Some merit in the bill he couldn't see
that it would either help education or
the Onitnres of the township schools.
His objection was that the towns -
ships, under the new scheme of eom-
kining schools taking the pupils to the
schools would have to spend quite a
bit of money. We thought that it
might even cost tate provincial treas-
urer more money, which is a matter
close to the heart of every member.
Further he .stated that the new Act
would possibly prove unfair to present -1
union schools in overlapping counties,
Old arrangements would be broken
up and much time and trouble result
from the new idea.
While the idea of combining town-
ships and having one representative
from each school section might be all
right in theory he asked the Premier
how the thing would work out in fact.
Fier another thing he figured that it
might result in extra. expenses for
the sections where pupils already had
high school facilities. However, with
the huge government majority the hill
had no chance of defeat. So that was
.erg: alio There
'al!,erta is now the largest produt.er
and ct.rc. in Canada. In 19.5
• : uit:on of gas amounted to
.r 1',.ruately 9.000,000 thousand
t, and the production of oil
;U barrels,
Ken, trod ;',.1, -gate to rl:e
';eon of S;vict S..i':iets Repub-
'ie;, Confirms the report that an
::•der fnr $1,000,000 worth of bin-
der t- rine ha: been placed with a
Pram ford firm. Other large or-
ders for Canada are pending,
During the season of 1926 over
36,000 square miles of mineralized
areas in the Dominion were map-
ped out by means of aerial photo-
gr'aphy, according to the Depart-
ment of Natural Resources at Otta-
wa. This is one of the most im-
portant uses to which aerial photo-
graphy has been adapted.
A bill to establish a fish, game
and wild life sanctuary in the in-
terior of Nova Scotia has been pass-
ed in the Legislature. The sanctu-
nry is to be located at the intersec-
tion of the comities of Annapolis,
Digby, Yarmouth and Shelburne -
Queens. Others may follow in other
parts of the province in the near
A large single shipment of motor
oil, a solid trainload of 26 ears of
Marvelube, left Sarnia for various
points in the west, but mostly for
Vancouver. The oil is a Canadian -
manufactured product which has
been developed within the past year.
At Fort William the special train
was handed over to the Canadian
Pacific Railway for exhibition along
its lines.
Announcement of the offer of two
scholarships annually by E. W.
Beatty, chairman and president of
the Canadian Pacific Railway, and
Chancellor of McGill University, to
the first male candidate in Greek
and Latin, and to the highest male
candidate in rnathetnatics eat. r-
ing the University, was made re-
cently by Sir Arthur Currie, prin-
cipal of McGill. A prize of $500 is
attached to each scholarship.
According to the department of
Colonization and Development of
the Canadian Pacific Its'" ---y, there
is every indication that there will
be a great increase in the number
of immigrants coming to Canada
this year comnar'ed with the num-
ber locating during 1926. It has
been estimated that immigration
figures for this year will be ahnost
dt'iblc those of the nest year. Since
the, first of the present year Cana-
dian Pacific liners have brought
to Canada approximately 15,000 new
E. W. Beatty, chairman and pre-
sident of the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way, announced from headquarters
recently that the none of the new
hotel now being erected at Regina
Would be "Hotel Saskatchewan."
The new C.P.R. hotel at this place
will be an eleven story structure
containing 289 bedrooms with bath
and will cost in the neighborhood
of $1,500,000, the opening being
scheduled for May 24, The hotel is
being built on one of the finest sites
in the city on Victoria Avenue, fee-
ing the park. It will be only within
a few minutes', walls from the
C.P,R. Station,
WI]DNESDAy Ann, 0th, 19
F oorirc Ceding
�P�1� ohShipia.p lViouPdings
c' ecdar arae: l eerreiGoee 2 1 roil
Dressed and Rough
We uan make prompt Delivery Phone our expense for Prices
Phonon-. Qorrio 5 s-3 Wroncotcr 026 re
R. J0 Nitre t n 8z4 So
11 ie Spring honse.nleaning titne a
the Ripley' 0. N. 11. depot, A gang
of painters and doeoratoes is busy eu-
deavo•iog to change its appear mice,
The farm at Lot 28, Con. 7, Culroes,
tvas auctioned off for• the low price of
64,650. The hide star ted at $.1.000
and Hugh McKenzie gutthe above
mentioned HKute, At Ilia tiute of
high prices, the mune' wets offered
$6,500 for farm of 00 soresAfter being uucuuscious for eight-
een days, following a parelyl1It stroke,
Charles Krueger., a prominent Car-
rick farmer, passed peacefully away,
at his home, near Otter Creek, at the
age of 66 years. The deceased,
was born and raised near Mildmay.
The Paisley Hydro Commission had
a balance in their favor
when 18th
power bill was presented from the
year's operation. They paid out
$1,012 17 more Inc power than it 0001.
In addition 16 this, the Cnmml'rssion
has a balance of $1,530 90 and Bonds
to the extent of 68,000.
Mnudey's Tot'nntn newspapers eon -
tallied a notice of the deer of Hugh
Morrison, who, for a number of years.
conducted a law office, at Lueknow,
in the nineties, and until about 1911.
Mr, Morrison died in the General
FInspital, following n wrr•lt'a itlnevs,
ft urn heart failure. He was seventy
veers of age.
Geo. Sebalm & Son purpnse getting'
their Clifford sawmill into operation.
soon. It is said that upwards of
three quarters of u million feet of
maple logs were delivered at the mill, I
during the. past Winter, This shenld
represent an outlay of more than
two hundred and fifty thousand dol -i
While Emil Dietsehe, the well-
known ex-blacksrnith, of Walkerton,
leaned over a tnaehine,:at the Bobbin ]
Factory, where he was employed, his,
left sleeve caught in the spars of a
pulley and his arm was drawn against
the knives of the machine, resulting'
in it being so bndly lacerated below'
the elbow that the cords of the limb i
were plainly visible.
There passed away, recently, at the
; Louie' o! his daughter, 1Jte. %V. J
t Ar kell, Con, 8, East 4Vtn. licdq 0, sr
r 1:,rruei'ly of Uuokeville, but who bac
spent tlae past 4vintet' whir iris, dough
tet. blr, Hedge was born in iVlon1-
real, 82 years ago, spending his early
daps in Eastern Counties, going tar
lltalton 5b0 at 60 years ego,
Has, ell McAllister, a former Kir;
car dine boy, alid sou o1' W. J. McAJ
' lister, who formerly conducted a hare
ware sture in Kincardine, is the gets
tending mat vel of the Intpetvetl Ot
team, which won the Clarke Champ
ionyhip and the Toronto 8tear'I'rophy
and alt -Termite industrial champrut
Hip'ley's grand old man has gone 1,
his reward. Vard.The citizens 11Get
18 of
lure were d w r, really shrieked, d r
�. when the nr,rvs avze whispered eroutac,
that Richard Stanley had paseet.
away peacefully, in his sleep, it.
Jim early morning. Although be heir
been ailing, during the past to,.
weeks, stilt be had rallied end was
thought 10 lta on the road to tecuvo,
The death of bars. Charles Lorenz,
aged 82 years, came rasa 505010 ehocl,
to u purge circle of 11 rends, at Kit,
catciine, Deceased, ra week ago, Into
1,0ur to Kiucardtt.e Gotretal Hospital
mid had undergone an operation.
Mr's. Lorenz's maiden name was Al-
ma Dierhush. She was born 111 Wut•
erluu County. The family went to
Kincardine a couple of years ago, Alt.
Lorenz,, conducting a blacksmith
The annual re -organization meeting
of 1110 Walkerton Lacrosse Club was
held Ft iday night. with an extremely
large al teudance of enthusiastic farts.
Prospects are bright for' a snappy
midget lac]osse teem in Walkerton
this season, with a probable district
grouping of Hanover, Durham and
Walkerton. There is also splendid
material for an intermediate or jun-
ior team, and grouping with South-
ampton, Owen Sound and possibly
Paisley is being sought.
Friday & Saturday - April 8 - 9
Time times as much ticklis,t lau-
ghter in this—his third great com-
edy. Faster and funnier feminine
disguitsos than in "CHARLEY'S
AUNT." More rapidly ridiculous
and roaring thrills than in "THE
A Bigger Reason
than ever before
for seeing
Syd Chaplin
Oh! What a Laugh is
"Oh ! VVh :: t a Nurse"
Monday & Tues., A.p>l 0 1112
in Rex
`Thi ColigEoring Power'
Assisted by Alice Terry
This film is based on Balzac's "Eugenie Grandet" story
Thursday, Good Friday & Saturday
April 14, 15 and 16
in "'Jr he Black
She was banntifnl. A captive. The only woman on this, the
terror ship of the Salty Setas.
There he stood with hundreds of hands reaching nut to snatoh
her away, isn't that asituat•ien to stir the blood 1 It ie only one
of many. A. thrill a minute ---A. sensation a second,
The Bleck Pirate is Doug's greatest non tri button to the screen.
Here's high -point entertainment. Enjoyabie to you whether.
7 or 77,
Rin -Tru -Tin in "The Night Cry"
Mary Plekford -- "Dorothy Vernon of
Haddon Rail"