The Brussels Post, 1927-4-6, Page 2`THURSDAY, APRIL fith, 1927
Han. J. Malcolm Tells Hamilton
Manufacturers of Present Oppor-
tunities— Markets Waiting—Min-
ister Ravers to What He Terms
Unwarrantable Selling Expense in
Hamilton, March 26.---Flon. Jamas
Malcolm, minister of trade and com-
meree, who operates furniture, lac-
tories at Kincardine and Liitcrwel, in
addressing the Hamilton Branch of
the Canadian Manufacturers' Associ-
ation last night emphasized the Fact
that man;: opportunities in the ex-
port field Iny ahead of the. Canadian
manufacturer. •
"Let me give you some ,.'ficin•:• il-
lustrations with our steer dominion,
Australia," said 'Ir, Malcolm, "to
show what ie yet to be done in in'
creesing our trade NO11 1 11 i 'otitic,
and I ant eetcrrin:; onlyt, emmodi-
ties where there is a po I,Le chance
of development. In the agricultural
implement line we are selling Aus-
tralia approximately two million dol-
lars worth, wl ilr the 'United States is
selling four and a half million dollars
worth. In electrical apparatus and
tnachinery we are only selling a
quarter of a million, while the Unit-
ed States is selling five million, In
n1.1tor cars and trucks we are selling.
about five ,:rd a half million, white
the United Sates is selling ever for-
ty millions. In rubber goods we are
,veiling a million, while the L':.lted
are putting these faloslous profits
into their poekets. The margins aro
mostly eaten up by s 1 I) • expense,
The selling expense limey come
reseed of unwarranted service, 11109-
01110 special ial pleading, which in-
ours carrying - In stem'" d11 eons of
gree l- et the sone b•1+i.• thing,
Groat Opportunity
"Canada has clean :edl ' said 21r.
Maleelm, "from a ccuntry where our
port; were agricultural to one
where r exports are on a p'i'ty -fifty
a,,5-- .ieultural and 'newsractnr-
tr . intere (Wing 10 :'ith > seer
1nit,ione to a larger est :ies than our
tet",i'es show. There is yet a great
field of opportunity fee th' develop-
-1c ret ,f empire trod , and, if we do
rn-folluw fees. method. of market -
the e actual and sontirrentel pre-
Tereneee ,n the -e 11131.4 ih:,aid en-
:30TO an a 00y develoneiu if the
d vi• ,eek."
Yen cannot get good tea without
p 11 i r • a fair price for it. Cheap tea
leeks treu. th, freshness ss and will give
lese eatisfaction per pound.
S. C. Rathwell who has been carry-
ing on a -hoe business in Lucknow
or sem, roars, hes sold out to his
partner and has bought a business
, in W •tterford.
R. E. Truax has been elected presi-
dent of the Bruce County Hospital
Beard, at Walkerton, as :successor to
the late David Trails.
Statute lalor, which has )on_ been
a contentious question in the 111010-
eIp at life of Gr,iemooh, was abol:,hed
at the last meeting of the Greenoch
The Bank of Montreal branch at
Hanover was marked for a robbery.
The telephone wires were cut, but
the culprits must have been frighten-
ed away.
Amberley makes a hid for the
palm for the smallest calf, John A.
Cempbell is they owner of a cow that
gave birth to a calf weighing but 32
Staten i, selling two and a half mil-' pounds, which Is a very small off-
liun. spring,
Could Triple the Trade Russell Hewitt, of Rinloss, has
bought Elton McLellend's farm, near
There 'ire many eommodit rs, of P.ervie. and Peter McCullough has
coulee. sold by the United States to old out and bought the farm form -
Australia with which we cannot coneerly owned by Melfort Colwell, of
pr•te. But the fact remains that of \fillarton.
the: 150 million dollars worth bought The friends and patrons of the
by a sister (10m1111011 from the United firm of 0. L. Soverign & Son, Mild -
States, there is probably 50 millionmay, wit be ;'lad to ]earn that they
of this which we could supply instead comnletrd negotiations wit') the
of the fifteen million as shown by Canadian Credit Men's Association,
the 192e figures. and have resumed business.
"Tit.; is also true of British India A number of cars on the
whish buys buys 30 million dollars worth ' freight were derailed on a siding at
from the United Stetea and 7?i mil- ` Ripley an Saturday night recently
lion from Canada. Similarly British , owing to .some defective rails. The
South Africa buys .48 minion dollars : section :.rang' assisted in adjusting
worth of good, from the United matters and now a new set of ties
Stetes and telae millions from Can- ; ha- been placed where the accident
ache Ev n New Zealand purchases 0111n,104.
!semis vmeth 38 million; from United , Erie W. Harris. Toronto, son of
States r l ie f millions from onsite r M. Harris, formerly of Kincard-
'1•i:c feet rentable- tiler with the to•-
te'. leetuh emeesiene 00. 1de of the mne, Ens been chosen as secretary of
United Kingdom me are doing a busi- the Sarna Chamber of Commerce to
n••:: of 1,0 mill'nn dollar;, while the : succeed the late George P. France.
American republic is doing 3(10 aril- Klnrardine friends will be glad to
lions. ! learn of Mr. Harris' appointment,
While asserting his appreciation of He will also be in charge of the Blue
the berm markt, Mr. Malcolm ex- Water Highway activities.
91)0511 (h desire to see Canada "a ! Richard Stanley, aged 97 years,
w, ll reunde d household." He believe Mem. icy and Felon on Tnwn:hin's oldest
ed it the Canadians' duty to buy, I eitil-n end Breve County's oldest
nra••ei1) 11. died Sunday mor•n1111.
frit. 1 in 1 Iian goads; secondly, to i '1Ir. St;mice +va, hon at. Pakenham,
Lily, r•iilpoc goods, "As manufacture fete in 1830, and he came to Huron
ers, I feel it is our duty to so11 goods 1 Township in his early twenties.
to Canadian, and if, in addition by 1 About 3f ye:us ado he anaved to
o -oiling goods within the empire R1»rev. it ?Te e ane of the pillnr� of
the farmer Methodist Church at Pur -
we can reduce the coat to all, then ale Grove, and latterly of the United
indeed we 1.e helping to develop and ' Church, Ripley.
bind together what his majesty has While cutting a log containing
termed 'a commonwealth of nat. some 500 feet of lumper in Carlaw's
ions'," sawmill at l'aisley recently, the saw
An Advertising Mania run foul of a horseshoe deeply im-
bedded in the wood. The saw was
badly damaged as the result of the
encounter, and the mill hail to be
shut down for repairs, It is believ-
The minister made a reference to
an article in the New Republic en-
titled "Consumers in Wonderland"
with regard to "the intricate and ex-
tensive advertising mania under ed that the horseshoe_ had been hung
which we are suffering" and of the on the tree many years ago and bad
apparent need of educating consume become completely overgrown.
urs to what they were buying.
"The Council of Social Agencies
in Chicago, investigating the cost of
supplies," said Mr. Malcolm quoting
from the article, "determined the ra-
tio was SO to 1 on etrtain identical
items. Prices of liquid soap varied
from 8 cents to $2.75 per gallon;
one Chicago hospital purchased un-
der a trade name 8,000 pounds of
washing powder at 15 cents per lb.
which analysis showed to be trisod-
iurn phosphate, worth less than do
per pound.
"Innumerable cases are to be
found where the retail price i$ 10 to
50 time's the manufacturing price.
Masa production is continually driv-
ing manufacturing coats down, but
retail prices stay stubbornly tip,
This does not mean that the retailers
County Treasurer Nelson received
from the. Ontario Government on
Saturday last a cheque foe 3102,-
827.00, which is the Provincial grant
of 50r, of the money expended ott
County Highways in Bruce last year. 1
We understand th"s is the biggest
Government chequ' that has ever
me inti the hanr'.s of r Le entre
Treasurer in Bruce.
W. D, Cargill, Conservative candi-
date in the recent Pr'w•actal election
ia. i'outh Bruce; has. Ft' takin): stock
ir1 Silverw0u10 L.m1t-21, keen able to
lord what 1et,c• like • F1 00.000 In-
nit :try for the villag of Cargill The
cxstwhilo hig cement planing mb11
t1•.ere, which berdere on the river and
is excellently located for a mammoth
caeamery, is now being remodelled
are got t'exdy for the new industry.
1 Here and 1 here
the internal treuale wheel:
bee been (10)11•t.lti e+. China tui t
1..t tw" y0010 su tiiii, 0 treme a-
d r( '171 1ci11 c'1cn ne fur t'aua-
di.-a wheat in tinct cuuna\, accord-'
t" .1. 11, tit•,,tt, nrple.seni:ng 0
11 • P 11 i rut CT Ilona. l e
on 1:1:: 1:, ,• ',., 1. to LeeJ.m tJ rt,,ert.
. i•.'• . , . 1 (. 1 - bob-c:tts in
New 171111(0101), 1 -rt the 1 art -
went of Lands and Mlle; have so
far ear; -.e 1 the figures for th-. c ,r -
r . . endo g period of laet y :..r,
according to L. A. Gagnon, chief
r71111e warden, w'110 state:, that wild
eats arc 1 ting killed 1.r greater num-
bers each year.
a ---
Ontario buyers of milk cows have
about c. nph•ted the put hast* of five
c ,i aids of Guernsey come from Col-
chester, Cumberland and Pictou
,tieS. The buyers are Anderson
1 h•r.s and Mo=vers. Graham and
C:.1:..r front the Hamilton districts.
Tae first auction sale of horses
heat has taken place in Montreal for
ran years vas opemal at the East
End St:alt Markets,March 28,
3001118)wirpt put at 202 horses and
setted that approximately 2011
it • ees weer said, Th,_, lantand was
ra •. •.ly f:,r heavy draught horses,
1 .raol l ,, C'lyd o hii.s and the like,
s..1 carters and for lumbering pur-
e 0, comirg chiefly from Alberta
and Saskriclne.tan, anti some front
the :li.ha west.
C. --eluent upon an agreement
let—shed at a ,_s iitl conference of
( ar.elien and rUnit•_d States tele-
17ph cpmennies the Canadian Pari -
fie Ceh a..l.s have announced that
cede words will be accepted at all
t1:d it offia •. s in future for day and
night letters. This departure will af-
f•• t beth Canadian and international
hu: Tress, the companies concerted
being; the Postal -Telegraph Coln -
1 -t1 v, the Canadian Pacific Tele-
rmpits, the Canadian Natio-al T.lo-
graphs and the Western Union Tele-
graph C'.'::laany,
The 1.eveloptucnt of a new indus-
try from the propagation of musk-
rats and oily -.•r water i'ur-bearing
menials, in land and water areas,
1ea:a,e from the Province of Alberta
t9rmgh agreement with the Do -
1 Una . 1 1a ant, was indicated
Ii lion. Georg. Headley, 'Minister
ef Agriculture, in committee dis-
c .,.ion in the Al'>erta Legislature.
"he amendment wculd give the Gav-
0.•0mle0l po:.*_r to regulate and
ii:erre fur and name ".arms, and to
bore the Pominicn water and land
010111 far the propagation of such
A keen competitor to Betsy Wiley,
the Nova Scotia world's champion
milk and butter producer, hags been
di:ocovered at Pix i'.iver, Cumber-
land County. Mr. Henry S. Gorr
of this plats-, claims that he owns the
champion butter producing cow in
ho” class. This cow is n grad' Ayr-
shire and Durham cow, which has
j:•. ;t recently flashened. In one week
. he produced u.12 lbs. of milk, which
ciiurr.<•d 3011 lbs, of butter, after
i:::ducting approximately 12 quarts
c milk and 111 quarts of cream for
h +:1 e1.r:slmption. This record le
meanie; keen interest,
P:llnwing upon his 1000110 an-
neenc..:.:•ant to the effect that a To:
rot , firm of architects would he
e.: •1ry_rl in connection with the
..tio: of the new Canadian Pa-
stier Betel in that city, 11 W. Beatty,
(;'re:1110n and President of the
re: .a titin Pa afic Railway, recently
rd that Meesrs. Sproatt and
11 ph hnd been appointed asso-
c. `'s with the firm of Ross and
':.:•duo!d, of Montreal, to handle
10 01) M rare:, Ross and Mac-
. ;Li have igen employed in Cana-
ci . , Pacific w rk for some time, the
,a . •s'. of their buildings being the
new hotel at Regina. It
i.a •'eairad that the new hetet shall
Le ,.huroughly representative of the
city in wl•i.:h it stands and the ap-
pointhe:nt of a firm of Toronto
architects is made to further this
Lucky Strike
} +O9,'++++ Q,w+4;,•',Y' iie - .,,
aim Mp wi:=+m ac. , 4. 4, i, w4F
(Copyright, 1919, bAn effective trimming on dark
yi the woerern Nowa.
Union.) serge and silk frocks is the use of
Jasper Rolfe saved all he earned handings of different, but harmon-
ised was called u miser, Ills nephew, iota colors in gros grain ribbon.
Murton Rolfe, spout all he earned and WORTH -WHILE CAKES
was dubbed a foot by the add man,
To the former money always seemed When malting calve, it Is oconomy
to say, "I've come to stay." To Mor- to use only the best materials, strict -
ton it invariably w•hiaered "Go i- j fresh eggs, fine granulated sugar,
bye," until at Last realizing that it good butter and pastry flour. Other- I
was the cause of evil, good, happl- wise the result is not worth the ef-
neas and sorrow alike, the extrava- fort•
gent young man decided he must get
down to a reasonable system if he CREPE ROMAINE
ever expected to amount to nuything• Send garments of crepe romaine
His uncle, while niggard as to his only to the best cleaners, because it
own expenditures, had never .restrict- will shrink unless pressed by an ex- 1
ed Morton. He was a man of con- rt.
slderable wealth and owned the gas
and electric light company giving FOR TIDINESS
service to Melville. Keep all household equipment off
"If you'll put me in charge of some- the floor as much as possible. Put
11 t ckle it" he
ability and labor, a screw -eye in the tip of the handles
I'll tackle it" he told his undo. 11I of brushes and brooms and let them
don't want to travel on a pull, or re-
lationship, 1100! I've about 1011cie up 1ny bang instead of stand on the floor.
mind to settle up my debts and start - PROTECT IRON
out on my x1111 initiative." Never cool a flatiron by putting it
"Spoken likeJas a mil f of ambition," in cold water. This ruins the temper
commented Jasper Rolfe, for be douht-
ed not that Morton would return a of the metal.
Veritable prodigal. "You're leaving MOLASSES CAKES BURN
at a critical moment, though. There Cakes containing molasses burn
easily. Bake such cakes in thick
loaves that require long baking. Line
the tins with greased paper,
1s going to be a rich plum to pick and
some money to make on the water
supply system here. As you know
the present. operating company secure
their supply from the bottom of Arden
river, fifteen miles north. The stream
has nearly run dry this season and the
water has been unfit for use and a
lot of sickness has resulted, If I could
get the franchise and the pipe system
rid reservoir at a bargain, I would
cut over to Princeton river, twenty
miles west and improve the service.
It would cost a fortune, but it would
bring an advance in rates and put the
stocks and bonds of the company on
a high basis. My idea was to make
you active in the new enterprise"
Morton was not specially Interested
in the proposition. He had no plans for
the fixture, and after resigning bis sec-
retaryship hip drifted around'(ilh•ille for
Tavistock Council has passed by-
law regulating the sale of milk
News arrived in Listowel recently
that A. E. Windsor, a former citizen,
had passed away in St Petersburg
Baku straw is a novelty for spring
that promises to be very popular,
because it has the suppleness of a
woven fabric.
Do not neglect salads in the win-
ter -time when you naturally serve
heavier food. While the food value
of a green salad is not large, the
salts and vitamines it supplies are
most necessary to the system.
Besides the light nude and pinkish
tan shades in hosiery for evening,
one sees an occasional gun metal or
a week, racking his brains for a solu-
tion of the problem as to how he black.
should begin to make a mark in the SPRING FROCKS
world. Ile took long walks In the Metal and wool embroidery are
Gauntry, and one day, crossing a bar -
featured on the frocks for spring
ren expanse between the two rivers and they are used on light wools and
and not more than ten miles from
home, lie met his fate. on cotton fabrics as well as on silks.
Destiny came in the shape of as FEW PASTELS
pretty a girl as he bad ever seen. Brilliant rather that: pastel shades
She even suggested some wild natiad etre desirable in millinery this sea -
as she flashed into view, hatless and
barefooted, crossing a tiny rivulet son, though there is a grayish blue
crowded with rocks. She slipped, felt that is very popular because it
fell, and with difictilty dragged her- blends so well with gray furs.
self to dry land. In an instant Mor- ' BE CAREFUL OF WOOL
ton was by her side,
"You are hurt," he exclaimed solid -j Nevar rub soap directly on wool,
tously; and shyly but bravely she or, never press with too hot an iron.
replied: "It is only my ankle turned. Never let wool garments freeze by
If you would go and tell my father. hanging outside, or do not subject
See, tlrnt Is our home just over beyond to too great beat es they are drying
that sapling grove." by the fire.
"I could carry you that far, if you SOLVES THE PROBLEM
Rite," offered Morton. Ile lifted her
bodily and soon reached a house hat- Individual lipsticks, tied together
tered and old, with an acre or two in a little package, are one wise
under the difficult cultivation that manufacturer's contribution to mod -
sterile soil allowed. ern life. Obviously he has attempt -
The father attended to his Injured ed to solve the problem of what to
daughter and thanked Morton for' his do when someone borrows your lip -
services. Somehow the fair -faced girl
and her nide, but picturesque hone stick
was a lodestar of attraction to Mor
ton, and the next flay found hint at the
isolated habitation inquiring after her
She was. Ruth Glenny, he lehrned,
and with her assistance her farther
just managed to eke out a subsistence.
She sut in a rustic hone -made arm
chair and her frank, imreeent ways
and unpretentious hearing charmed
Morton, He chanced to ask for n drink
of water and Mr. Glenny brought it
dipper full from it pail, so 0001 and
refreshing, find so different from that
served nut at 1Tlilvlllc, dint Morton
remarked that he must have a very
choice well.
"'that water doesn't corse from a
well, but a spring," enlightened Mr,
Glenny. "It burst out about a 01(1)!11
ago one night over beyond the timhe.r
ridge yonder. "1 leant you to see 10.
A man who happened to mils here last
week says that It is a marvel of na-
tore, and that he never saw a larger
welt except in Florida that is known
as a great phenomenon."
Morton Rolfe looked aroused and
interested as his host led lilm to the
spring in question. It bubbled forth
between two rooks, high and spatrkiing.
forming almost a torrent down 8. nar-
row rut.
"What a wastes hundreds of gal-
lons a minute," exclaimed Morton,
"Where does it run tog"
r to the Princeton river, they
t/ 1
Cakes baked with Purity' Flour keep fresh for three or
four days. Purity is a vigorous, "dry" flour that absorbs
and holds more water or milk. Tasty cakes, rich pies, anti
large, light buns and bread are always yours when year use
iliT tiv
Send 30c in stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book, 203
Western Canada Flour Mills Co.. Limited. Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Sotet John.
If a cake is coarse grained, this is French lingerie importations are
usually the result of too little beat- of pastel crepe de chine or glove silk
ing or too slow an oven. . with contrasting items, and no other
Table covers of flowered oilcl itis NO BRIMS
may be used for breakfasts in the Flats for the very young, woman
kitchen or breakfast room. Their have no brim, but often sport a flare
colors aro bright, and they are eas- ed turn back set about three, itches
ily cleaned, above the face.
The tendency in tan nose is to- 1 The most popular trimiing for
ward the brighter rust and sunset lingerie this spring wily be applique
shades. , and hemstitching,
Baste torn lace on paper. Then ! Few articles are so important to
stitch the lines of the design, as well the housewife as a convsnlent kit-
as you can, across the area missing, vireo pad or diary, on which to jot
and tear paper away. If the lace is down grocery lists and memorandum,
ecru, clip the whole in a coffee solu- BLACK CREPE
tion. j Black flat crepe is probably the
CORKSCREW BANDS most popular spring material for the
An evening wrap of metal cloth is mature woman,
trimmed with narrow bands of plain PIGSKIN..POUCH
silk, applied in a corkscrew pattern A pigskin pouch bag is the smart -
around both sleeves. est purse to carry. with a rough
EVENING CAPES tweed .-•port suit.
A few fur -lined evening capes FLESH CHIFFON
have appeared, offering some slight Touches of flesh chiffon will
! competition to the straightlino coat change a black lace 'or chiffon frock
of velvet or brocade. Particularly from a matronly garthont to a youth -
lovely is a model of black velvet lin- ful one. Many designers also add a
ed with ermine. pink flower on the shoulder.
tell me," and Morton went back to
Mi11ville thoughtful and calculating.
A week later be had au expert hydro
Florida, Death was due to a stroke. engineer on the spot. Before the
The late M1'. Windsor was a resident month was out he beld a deed of 10 -
of Listowel for several years, being partnership with ,John Glenny, When
superintendent of the Morris Piano he had his plans all perfected for pip-
flrnr, ing this supply of pure water to MIS -
The animal meeting of the Morn- ville, he went before the town eoun-
ington Telephone Association was ell and submitted a proposition that
held in Zimmerman's hall on Friday brought them a fifty years' franchise.
afternoon, There was a good alien- fancied I was hon! to be
The I never a
dance. .tore balance G sb , ., St by „
the auditor, F. P. Gibbs C.A. Strat" rich, observed John (Benny, when the
ford, showed the 'revenue for the first returns from the joint undertak-
,ycarr 1.026 was $18,001,28, with an ing materialized.
expenditure of $7,797, Three now, "And 1 never hoped far wealth, Oh,
commissioners were appointed, Same r such treasure;' responded Morton with
aril Petrie, George Roe and lbavid a devouring gionco et Ruth, to him
Jacobs. , the greatest prize On Wilt.
ti".eo-er� -_—_
New Hone F
A DI .r'ta. t . N D ti
Ca ada'se� §o�id'Jtilii u 121
This is the Year of Dlarnond3 Gifts
In honor of Canada's Diamond Jubilee, her Sixtieth Birthday.
What could be more appropriate than the gift of a Diamond?
FOR APF?11..
The Diamond is the April Birthstone—the correct gift: for Easter,
or an April Birthday.
Engage tent
The newest, most beautiful de-
signs, set with fine quality Diamond.
From $25 up.
You do not have to pay a big price
to buy a Diamond from us,
r C I nada's Oldest University
Cut Shows Assemhinge of Kln0's College Buildings. Inset, Hisixeellency, Viscount
WIflintdon, Governor General of Canada.
After 137 years of higher educa-
tional work in Nova Sootia,King's
College, Canada% •oldest university,
le to have a new home. The above
drawing shows the proposed build.-
fngs, wlr4ch will resemble in char-
acter Oxford University, to he built
as soon as the present campaign
has attained its desired objective.
King's University stands as the
only real monument in Nova Scotia
to the 'United Empire Loyalist
pioneers. In 11831 the U. E. L.'s who
had come to tho Dominion from Now
TOrk planted an "acorn" in the es-
tablishment teat Windsor, Nova
Sootta, of King's College, mill
University powers were granted in
1802 by Royal Charter, which was
the first one received outside of the
British Isles. From a dream in, the
souls of those pioneer Loyalists
Ifing's has reached a recognized
and honored place in the ,Dominion.
Many famous Canadians have been
Ifingamen. Sir James Cochran, Sir
Frederick Horden, Judge Thomas
Ohandfer Iiallburton (Sam Slick),
Basil Xing, Rev, H. A. Cody, and
Canon Allan P. Shatford, are a few
of King's products,
In 1923 King's took the first step
towards a confederation of Maritime
Colleges; the College 'was removed
to Halifax and became associated
With Dalhousie University,
A year ago King'% launched, a
campaign for $09,000, having re-
ceived a promise from the Carnegie
Corporation .Of $800,000 conditional
upon the raising 01 the first anio
Up to data. the total pledged In the
Maritime Provinces, Ontario, Rueben
and I4ngland is 3340,000, and only
3160,090 more is needed,
Ills Excellency, Viscount Willing-
d!on, Governor-General of Canada,
ha5 ueeepted the office of Patron of
the Rebuilding - and i]ndowment