HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-4-6, Page 1VOL, 55 NO 42 $2' o icer annuli; in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6. I927 Barred. Rock (((((( Man a n. Egg s also Seed Oats FOR SALE Sample of Oath may be seen at A. C. Backer's flour and feed store. CHAS. A. LAMONT, Phone 2113 unr0 •I ,n Jeer .e z r Car of 16 per cent Acid Phos- phate just to hand. Also mixed Fertilizers. Persons wannting same should phone 1214 or see ussel Currie The Surrounding District siF?F.tr,'7"ormik3:+24.LF•:�t:»s`''I4'.».�2»*•-3Iti!2*3%:2%•...»;»IC+S*fr2'+m...7.•kt;»$O;Tk•+S•2:4f'+_ •?i�!i!�••t� WROXETER Mire. Thos, Walker is the guest of friends in Brussels. Earle 13al1 and Arnold Edgar spent Saturday in Stratford' Oster, who has rendered some eight Timmis Henry and family were or ten years'service in the Choir, is StrIi' . L, visitors on Saturday, also leaving, She was presented with Dirs. Motfat and two children, of Li/handsome silver butter dieh from London, are vieitiig relatives in this the choir, Mise Anuie Ferguson vicinity. made the presentation. Mrs, Oster Mrs. Tait and little daughters are made a very suitable reply, express - spending a Peru days of this week in ing sorrow at leaving the happy choir Toronto. circle and invited all to visit her in The Epworth eague of Gorrie their new home, in Blyth, Several of United Ohm oh vita entertained in ladies and gentlemen were called on the United Chou ehalere Monday even - for short speeches. The pastor, Rev, ing by the Young el;eopls's Society. Mr, Maines, spoke beautifully shunt Under the an,pe es of the Bowlers the splendid salvias which Mrs. Oster and Curling Assn, iations, a Euchre, and Mr. McArthur have rendered ,in Box•Soeial and Pence were held in Duff's Church and for the causeof the Tewn Hall 7iiiday evening and our Lord anti* Master, and there was largely atten•,led, • would be as great a need of their The Easter think -offering service work in Blyth or wherever they of the Mission leand of the United should go. The ladies served a Church was heICSaturday afternoon splendid lunch, in buffet style. Dies. when a very int ,resting program was p John Ritchie and presented by Il ;j children. Mrs. Walter David• son poured tea from their beautiful silver tea pnts, belonging to their sil- ver tea service, which they received as gifts from the choir, est, the time of their wedding, the former about 25 years ago, and the latter 13 years ago, April 2nd. The splendid time, enjoy- ed by all, was concluded by singing "Auld Lang Syne." John Smith, who resides ;on the 10th Oon., McKillop, died very sod. denly, on Sunday evening. Dir. Smith was the assessor for Hullett Township and had been out on duty, on Saturday. On Sunday, he was about the home, feeling about as usual, in very gond health. After he had eaten his supper, he reclined on the couch, and the family went about doing the evening chores. Just as they cause in from minting, Mr. Smith arose to speak to them and was stricken with a heart attack and died within a few minutes. A. npmber of Walton people jour- neyed over to Moncrie•ff, on Friday evening, to hear the debate given in the United Church Mnnerieff, be- tween Walton Young People's So- ciety. The debate was "Resolved that Eastern Canada offers greater opportunities than Western Ganda." The affirmative was upheld by two of the Walton young people, Gilbert MrOallutn and Miss Gertrude Millet', thepegative, by Mise Katie Howard and Stewart. M'Qunrrie. The splend- id tract and ability shown iu the mat- erial that was delivered by those clever debates deserves great puttee and oredit. The affirmative won nut by a small margin. "Hnirah for Walton Y. P. 3.1" gator of the many gifts that each member, who has gone from the choir. received. As soon as Miss Ferguson recovered from the surprise, she spoke words of thankfulness. Mrs, Fred n; "-iODERICH The 'Pular meeting of the town coupe,:glees held ou Friday night, all the l,iembers being present. Consid- erable routide business was transact- ' The auditor's report and state• ut for the year 1920 was received. number of applications for building emits WAS also presented, which is indication of a prosperous sum - Soma are at work already tak- down old buildings and preparing build. It was decided at the inset - that the \Vater and Light Com• salon be requested to hand Over to e town treasurer the sum of 54,000 n the \Vater Works Department •plus, now on hand from last year's siness.-The Canada Steamship Co, s decided to call one of their boats ter the town, naming It "Goderich," the council empowered the commit. e to purchase a name flag and to fake arrangements to present this to le steamer, named "Goderich" on its 'L'et [arrival. -The harbor is well filled• vitt[ boats fitting nut for a busy sum- ver• -The lire hell rang Saturday ifteruoon about 1 o'clock, calling out the fire department, which responded readily, only to find the grass on fire -.lose to the house on Mr. Oraigie's 'Ie. -tette,. No damage was dons, '.9.an,. 'h, fel WALTON. tpe•r, nf the 1415 Oon„ Mc• to be visiting bet sister, in 7eet 't tafford has returned to esti spending a. week with 'eines. Art Hoy, in ' Auburn. .,,,nal meeting of Duff's 'r1,1 be held nn Wednesday, The reports are now be - Ag the regular choir eeheare- ('aday ,evening, in Duff's ,:turoh, Walton, the choir 4'and their escorts enjoyed a e'er or two in the echoolromn ihn MacArthur, who has been alis member of the choir for seventeen years, was present- w,h a beautiful club bag. A id address was read by John R, rid the Mitt bag.Although hang and Miss Maud Ferguson was quite taken by surprise, he :d a splendid reply, He expressed tel at leaving the happy associa- tes in the choir, bob said that lie es glad he was not going so far svay,.butbe would return frequent - from Blyth. After this, John an - trimmed that there would be a solo, He stepped into the entry of the hall and brought Prom its hiding place a 5eaueiful braes tray and on it a henna, lifts) consol set. This he asked Miss Annie Ferguson, who is organist., to accept, as a mark of appreciation from himself and his mother, nn ao- coun a of those years when John sang in the choir, John also said he be- lieved 'that Annie was the ' lusts• CAR OF TO ARRIVE ANY DAY. is Corn r y C civ and will keep well for summer feed. $1.55 per cwt. off car. s`• c�...A 111 :7 nettle 5014 ITHE TURNBERRY TOWNSHIP Wesley Yeo, of Listowel, called on friends nn the 2nd Oon.. Mulberry, on Sunday. Stanley and Mrs. Forester, of Fordwich, visited with the farmer's sister, Dirs, Gordan •Yen, Dlles Florence Ball, WI nxetei', spent the weekend with Mrs, L, Roach, 2nd Cnn., Tnrnberry, Wm. 'Ten and and Hugh Wright delivered three horses, on Monday, to John Galbraith, of Brussels. Airs. Harry Ohantberlain and daughter, Loreen, nl' Wroxeter, visit- ed on Sunday, with her father, Wm. Yon, One morning, recently, When Stew- art McNaughton went to the stable, ho found one of his horses lying dead in the stall. New Advertiaomonte sou -de Purim)Abn is (anrdiner estate Out of Doul (91 over C. (4111 ti 'McDonald i e e- aX of hors s AI ],tsar b you, ,mss -Jos Bowman Bags for rule t s ii. Arhus, ong Stove for onto -Mori Cunningham Pigs fur sole Roy R. Cunningham R. Norm to rent -A, 3lnodonairl Locals -lung Bros. Urllls waunted-R. J'oinlston Organ for sale-Robt. srcAllletar e 11(T' ale los'-'lui en,••r 1'a.] 0r•,' to vont--1{,i.,t.rt e,outts Pigs for rola-litelvul Wilkinson Sweet alovor sled -Mark L. Cardiff Baby ohlaks-Whlnam MoNair Soed ants -Thos, W. Bono ley 64 an, IV -Stuart Bryans 80 ; Artie Bewley 63. SR, III -Tom Kirk- by 45 ; Olifford Pease 45, Jet. III - Beacham Alcock 63. SR. II -*Isabel Alcock 52. JR. II -Mae Shortreed 91 ; Lloyd Pease 47, I -Addie Bell very good ; Lloyd Alcock and Walter Bentley. good. PR. -Ruth Alcock fair. Those presentevery day were : Mabel and Artie Bewley and Wal- ter Bentley. Average attendance 12. 0. MCGoev te, Teacher. MORRIS Miss Susie Walker, Fordwich, was a visitor with her cousine, Henry and Mrs. Bone, Bid line, Morris. W. J. and Mrs. Mo0ntcheon attend- ed the funeral of the late Geo'ge Mills, of Bradford, last week, SCHrOU. REPORT. -Following is the r'epoet of S. S. No. 4, Morris. Pupils were examined in Literature, Rec. ftatiot, Geog., Hist., Grain., Spe11„ AO the Oneep., Hyg. and Daily Work. Total 100 per Gent, pass 60 per dent. See, IV -Mildred Nichoi 83 ; I,enta Cardiff 78 ; Lloyd Pipe 72, Jet. IV— Mervyn Pipe .72 ; *Gordon Harman 70 ; *Glenn Smith 58. Ste, III-Davo Millet' 82 ; Katie Russell 75 ; eMargar- ee Russell 08 ; *Harriett, Smith 02, JR. Ilt-'Howard Smith e0; *Jack Pipe 64; *Gordon Nichol 51 ; *Mac Scott 25, an, TI -Allah Grasby 78 Lewin Russell 09. JR. T-Jattie 13er- nerd 84 • Glenn, Nichol 88; Ohara Smith 82 ; *13111 Harman 48. jet, PR, -,Tits Davis excellent, .Eleanor. Nichol ;nod, Prtl,tilc McOnteheou fair, Tom Bernard fair, WTNoerA A. Meant, l'oaaher. SClrot RBPORT.---Following is the report of 8, S. No. 0, Morrie, fnr the month of March, Average per cent 151(5 1)111'511 from 1'x+ltninatiena int "Tye., Tlist•, Grain. and Spell, * de- note, absence, Sot, IV -Mabel Bew- BLUEVALE Mrs. E. Mulligan is visiting in Wingham, at present. The many friends of Robert Hamil- ton are pleased to hear that he is slowly recovering from a recent at- tack of anaemia. We hope that he will soon be up again. Don't forget the Oomedy play, "The Spinster's Return," in the Foresters' k. Hall on Fridayeveningof this wee The Ladies' Aiof Winham Presby- terian church are presenting the play, CRANBROOK The Manse is once more occupied, Rev. Mr. Williams and family having arrived last week. The Beef Ring has still Te shares to dispose of. Anyone wishing 10 join phone 52-18 for all the information re- quired. WEDDING. -Last Wednesday after - nom at 2 30 Rev, Mr Lewin tied the nuptial knot at St. John's Church, Brussels, bettveen Elsie Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mrs. Fischer, of this place, and Roy E. Thuell, sun of Wm. and Mrs. Thuell, of Morris Trete. The young couple were assisted by Miss Ethel Ward'aud Wilfred Fischer, brother of the bride. The bride was gowned in Sandalwood crepe ee chene with shoes and hat to match. The groom presented the groomsman with cuff links, the bridesmaid with a pin and a spring coat to the bride. The young couple will take up residence in Brussels, The best of good wishes follow them. AI Diet wecidlog was strlernnizecl at. I )^^^^ ^^ ^^ ��� ^-� -•-"^^ Ihe 'Witted Churrh peewit Ae. Lest Setnoday efteruontl, at 4 n'nlork, when the wedding was side tushed of Annie Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Himmel and Mee. Met)ormld, Con. 2, (trey, and William Alexander Johnston, son of the bite ( rouge and - Mrs, Johnston, Grey Twp. The i{ y''uq�g couple were unattended end the fi+rwnrn,y w•.,4 pe, r0r:11" l by Ra'. 1) el Cinema Mr. and Alto. Job/gown is,ide on the groenn's farts, hi SS Morris Twp. GREY Mrs, Stanley Wheeler spent the past week visiting her sister. Mrs, H. Sanderson, Toronto, Miss Ruth McAllister is spending a month with her grandmother, Mrs. Ed. Bryans, in Toronto. Mre, Taylor, Wawanosh, is spend- ing a few days at the home of her parents, 0. and Mrs. Smith. John Work was visiting his broth- er, Harold Work, Wiarton, where the latter has a drug business, Thus. McDonald, 7th con., has been appointed roadmastet for sons. 7 and 8 and is busy grading and keeping the road in good condition. Harvey Hunter and family moved to their new home on the 9th con., recently purchased from John Dark, on Monday of Ibis week. Peter McDougall, North boundary, has been quite poorly during the past weelc with an attack of pleurisy, and his heart has also been affected. Ben Holleubeck, 10th cone went last week to Listowel Hospital and had his tonsils removed. We hope Ben will feel better in the future. SCHOOL REPORT.—Following is the report of S. S. No, 3, Grey, for the month of March. JR IV—Wilma Lowe 74 ; Harvey Janklin 71 ; Eva Hall 55. JR. III -Lois Johnston 00 ; Isabelle Warwick 65 ; Dorothy Brew- er 61 ; Herontun Hetchadnurion 57. See II -Russell Hall 74 ; Mamlr Card- iff 65. ,7R. II -Mildred Turnbull 89 ; Do ethy Hall 70 ; Jerk Brewer 70 ; Lloyd Wheeler 66, PRIDfgT-Frank Cardiff. No. on roll -14 ; average at- tendance 13 0. ADELINE BUIRNETT, Teacher. Report of S. S. No. 10, Grey, for the month of March, *denotes absence for one or more examinations. Sr, IV -May Oarnochan 73 ; Alma Pat- terson 73 ; Wilda Baker 71 : Pearl Oarnochan 71 ; *Isobel Speiran 63. Jr. IV -Lawson Whitfield, 69. Jr. III -Glen Dilworth 78 ; Susie Neabel 67 ; Pearl Baker 56. Sr. II -Norman Speiran 64 ; Vance Baker 58 ; Delmer Dilworth 49. Jr. II -Garman Baker 50, I Glass -Gladys Ward (gond), Pr. A -Phyllis Ward, Dorothy Dil- worth, Mniiel Hackwell. Jr. Pt'. - Lawson Ward, D:larjor•ie Boyd, Pr. 0 -Joe Baker, DTareeret Baker. IRENE KRAUTER, Teacher, The following is the report of S. S, No. 6, Grey, for the month of Dearth, Names preceded by an *indicate that pupil has missed one or more examin- ations, V Class- ed Hoy 98, Sr. IV Glass -Hazel Raynerd 72 ; Roy Pearsnn 39 ; **"Vincent Rowland 43, Jr. IV Class-Berva Parr 75 ; Ralph Keifer 64. Sr. III Glass -George El- liott 88 ; Viola Turnbull 80 ; Norman Stephenson 63; **Bert Rowland 47. Jr. III Class - Lanes, Rayeard 77 ; Margaret Pearson 65 ; alnh Pearson 45. Sr. II -Ina Turnbull 00 ; George Peateon 85 ; Helen Rowland 31 ; George Hoy 79 ; Ross Stephenson 63 : Hugh Pearson 55 ; Fred Keifer 52. I Glass -Jessie Pearson 11 • Jean Pear- son 2) ; Fred Cole 11 ; Helen Cole G ; Lloyd Cole F. Primer-1•Talbert Kee- fer E ;Lloyd Hoy G ; Bernice Parr G ; Doris Raynard F. Number on the roll 30. Average attendance 28 00. RHEA McLELLAND, Teacher. ETHEL Jack Slemmou, of Preston, spent he week -end at his horse here. Galvin Kreuter was laid up, lest week, with an attack of tonsilitis. Mrs. (Dr.) E. A, McMaster is able to be out again, after a severe attach of quinsy, Mrs, Alex. Speiran, Oon. 14, has been staying with her mother, Mrs. W. El. Love. Mrs. Weir, of Walkerton, spent last week at the home 01 Dr. and Mrs, McMaster. Jas. and Mrs. Kerr are preparing for their trip to the West, where they will reside. Roy Cunningham is quite i11, at the time of writing. We hope that he may soon be better again. Ben Holleubeck spent a couple of days in the Listowel Hospital, where he had his tonsils removed, Leitch & Zeigler have a new Ford truck, purchased . from Bert. DIc. Intyre, of Brussels, for the work, Mrs. Dilwo'th has been under the doctor's care for 0 couple of weeks, but is able to be up again, this Week. Russel and Mrs, Love motored from Hamilton, on Friday last, and spent the week -end with W. H, and Mrs. Love. Mrs. W. H. Love is improving some, but is still in a critical cond- ition with good hopes, however, for her. recovery, Mao, Aticinsol and daughter, Mild- red, left our village, last week, after three menthe here in the store pur- chased from George Dunbar. Thos, Vodden and sons and Beet Lake made a business trip to Toron- onto, last week, and returned horse with three up -to date eats, 0 coupe, a sedan and a large size truck, The Young People's League of the United Ohnrch will meet Thursday, of this week, nt• the hone of James and Mrs. Bremner', where the regular program will be given, followed by a social hour, leveryhndy welcome, Fred and Mrs, Parker and daugh- ter, Joan, are quite well settled en the home of John Pearson. Joint is one of the most successful farmers of Grey, who, besides running his farm in gond shape, handles several car - Moods of Western oats, every year, Go to church, nn Sunday, to Ethel United Chinch, You will be avec come. A special message will be de- livered by the panto', bearing_ on the occasion, Raster, dealing with an im- portant event of that fleet Good Fri- day. We are glad to 150511 that Mao. Spence is able to be up again, after her recent fall and injuries, With a remarkable cnnetitutinn and ctareful nursing, Mrs, Spence has snreesefttlly recovered from several +tttaeks of illness and mislhaps of different hinds, end we berm that she may be spared for masa years. Rev, W, A, Williams went to his fnerner home, in Dixie, Iast week, and retnrliid to lethal, on l+ridnv, 1vi11) Mrs, Williams nerd three children, They left. env ()snitch, r,ndet'taking 0. pommel -11p of (15e1' 8(10 nidus, and nit remitting Lordnn, they 11811 inti o, very heavy snow gtnruh whish i ocev- id1015rT the lenving of the ens' and entrrpletion of the trip, by (1, N. 11, Morris Council Meeting Minutes of (Donnell meeting held in the Township Hall, Morris, on Mon- day, April 4th, elembets were all preemie, the Reeve presiding. The contract on the El.ison Drain was transferred from J. Dwyer to Chas. Kestner, who will dig the drain with a dredge, The Olerk was instructed to notify D, Smith to fix line fence according femora viewers' award. Lo v t d A by-law was passed, appointing John McGill as drain inspector, also a by-law to prevent persona taking earth ov gravel from the road allow- ance or from gravel pits owned or contt•olled by the township. A grant of 310 was made to the Blnevale Spring Fair. The load for parties drawingravel under patrolmen wits fixed at 1 yds, as standard and Lha wages 50c per honr. A road grader for the sideroads, Oen. 9 and 10 was ordered, The following accounts were paid : Municipal 'World supplies 315.00 Bank of Nova. Scotia, coo, on taxes coliected .....,,,,..,, 10.00 2. Anderson, patrolman 82.45 F, Shaw, patrolman 17.45 J. 0e•rtig, patenlman 10 94 W. Craig, patrolman 0 75 C. Workman, patrolman 72.00 W. C. Thneii, patrolman,.,,,,11,`50 Raymond Renate Bluevaie Spring Fair 10 00 W. J.Henderson, expenses to Goderich . 3.00 Next meeting May 28. A, MAnlrwlaN, Clerk, Beautify IMF monis # Joseph's By Gruing Novara 'd 111 u r v , I„ 1 '250) t,It ., ,... ill .1111410.: with any-- eieelite run• sidered. Aho a gaca,tity of (unnamed), a125, eacle. Perennial Phlox at 3(1 earl, fur plants that will bloom this year. J. Bowman HURON COUNTY Goderich town council voted 31,000 to the town band for this year. elagistrotte C. A. Reid ie 1927 pres- ident of Goderich Radio Association. Roland Hill, Exeter, while cranking a car, had the misfortune to have his arm fractured when the engine back- fired. M. McCabe, Centralia, had the mis- fortune to have his arts broken on Tuesday mooning at the creamery while Making some repairs to 0 pul- ley. linton Hospital has been remem- bered, recently, by the will of the late Miss A. Wilson, a bequest of 3200, and by that of the late )dies E. Hunt- er, 32,000. Robert F1118011White died at his home in Gorrie early Friday moan- ing, after an illness of some five months' duration. Mr, White, who ,was in his 73rd year, was a member of i the Conservative parity for years, and had been in business in Gerrie for 20 ye Alfred Davis Fidler, 58 year's old, known to many in 'the province tie "Alf." Fidler, "the feather of Base- ball in Alberta," died suddenly at his residence, 910 Fonrteenth avenue west, Calgary, of heart failure at 7.30 o'clock Monday night. Deceased is son -in law of Mts. Wm. Spence, 4th Con., Howick. Alnses Gerber, of the Bronson Line, Stanley, has disposed of his farm to his neighbor, Sam Giugerich, Mr. Gerber, who ie having an auction sale, htls purchaeed an ideal large farm, from Mr. Boehm 1 a few miles f. north of Baden, upon which he gets almost immediate possession. The directors of the Tnrnberry Ag - 1 Society haveentered into ricnituta c an agreement with A. Law to pur- I Chace his property adjnining the pres- ent fair grounds. The Society intend to slake several new improvements and it is expected 'the grounds will be left open to be used as a tourist camp and picnic grounds. The tax collector handed in the roll I for 1020, and gave a list of errs', ,.f texes owing, at- Getdertoh, �s fnllowe 1920 taxes, 513.852 28 ; 1925, 580 095.. I 45 • 1924. 3882.80 • 1928, 417217 1022. 3124 57 ; 1921, 340 67 ; 1020, I *3.04 In addition to these figures, there is the tuxes on the National Shipbuilding Oonpany, sn that there is about 325,0011 on the collector's and treasurer's books. Travelling about 35 miles an hone, 0. N. R. paaeenger train No. 218, Stratford for *Buffalo, wee derailed I near Richmond, between Pet'ie and I Druunbn, 25 miles from Stratford. at I 8 62, Wednesday n'o•ning, of last I week. The tender and mail car supe tamed, lent the engine and passenger coaches remained upright. None of the 25 passengers were injured, al- though a number wet•e shaken up, J. 0. Dalton, mail clerk, Goderich. sustained an ahraeinn ehnve the eyes : C. ne Davis, mail clerk, Stratford, had his elbow injured, and J, J. Hall. bnggagernen, Stratford, was injured about the lege. Judgment has been handed down by His Honor Attlee 10 N. Lewis in the recent action of Dliss .Eliza Bayn- ham against the London Western Trust On, Administration of the es. tate of the late William John Whiffet. allowing Miss Revnitam judgment env her claim in fill, the costs of the Corot to be paid nut nf the estate. ter bli P d n c. a't ss Bapnhaon entered I l n for wages at the rate of 340 0 n1nl)th and the administrators enntested ell over $20 a month, Jae, Mntlev acted for the plaintiff and F. W, Gladman for the defendant. James Shohbronk, who has linseed his eightieth milestone, is ons nf Hni- lett's veteran citizens. He mane up with his family to Hullett, seventy- three year's ago legit Fall, and has been to resident nn the same fntm, on the thirteenth Con., ever since, his father hawing purchased the Farm from the original holder, leP sew )tie seventh birthdav,ht his new hnrne, in Hullett Twp, 0.`ht family had name out from Devonshire, in the Summer of 1868, and had stopped off in Ching• nacouey, where the father worked fnr a few months. At the time the Shnb. 510011e settled on the farm, an the 18th, Hoare was not a stink of timber out on the farm, ezlept where the house stood, so the farm had to be cho1ifiete tend cleared. A Dramatic Cantata, by J. M. CHI'DWICK will be presented by Blyth Choral Society In the TOWN HALL BRUSSELS Wednesday, April 20th Under auspices of Ladies' Aid Of Brussels United Church. Admission 50 and 35 cents Pian of Nall at fox's Orug Store Plan opens April 18th Siiverwoods Liteeeed received a sar- toed of cream cans, a1 the C. N. It, station, Cargill. A. W. Oltittielc, Teeswater, )net his valuable mar's, Helen Oration, Mon- day night, of last week, the cause be. ing attributed lel 801111' inmenet trouble, Mr, Chit fink lucid a good sum Int thie harness (mare, lest Jeal', 151111e 011 1.he 0150011, and 111ee Jae() now when the racing snlasou will opens in a few weeks, is ubfortuntts. Personal Paragraphs folies Edna Ed7Varde was a visitor n Wingham, last. Friday, Miss Eva MtOeaaken was a visitor n Whighate, last. Friday. W. M. Sinclair was in Goderich, this week, ou legal business. le le ee Mrs. Ida Lowry entertained a number of her friends, last Thursday evening. Fled Porterfield, of of Mitchell, was IL visitor in town, on Wednesday, of Ibis week. .•..•. a .•. Mrs. J. L. Herr enter tained a num- ber of her frlends to a 50(eparty, last Thursday evening. Miss Margaret Maunders, of Guelph, spent a few days with het aunt, Mrs. Wm. Gillespie. le le ee Mies Kate Deadman has returned to Toronto, where she resumes her duties as professional nurse. A, I. Havens, who has been on the ledger, at the Standard Bank, was moven to Orangeville, last week. •e e Mrs. W. H. Kerr returned last Wednesday evening, after spending the Winter at Dundee, London and Stratford, r. e DIrs. D1eQnarrie 18(1(1 Mrs, Pringle are Some tenni Toronto. They spent the week -end with Atrg, Frank Sheet ton, nn their way to their home, in the country. q.e We are glad Co to see MSS Lula Proct- or able to resume her positinu in the Central Telephone 01Tie'e, after being confined to her home for the past two weeks. George Baird, sr., of Stanley Town- ship, who died very enddelly fn itis 71st yen', was born nn November 1, 1856, in Stanley eewneltip. Tit was revenged to Agnes ,T, punho', dnngh•. tee of the late ,lames and Mrs, Donee bar of Aehflelfl township, nn 11)e 21st May, 1870, Out nf eleven of a family only tins slater is still living, Mrs. .lean Campbell, of Mouse Jaw. Tie is ent•vived by his widow nett ons sot, Thomas 31 Baid, on the old home- stead. Mr. )mind, who nnerpied s v0',, nigh place in the veteetnof the eommtmlty, with a T,15( 51 and a Preolhvte ion ell hie life, Ito was eels sn eruct i'v of 1125' 'Oemei era Heard ,.; for iwen t .vmats, '°"C' 3. L. and Mrs Kerr incl Mary Hel- en were in Toronto, over the week- end. The rands tree now in excellent shape for motoring'. nuns everywhere the farmers are busy ploughing. The l gtnondville manse was the scene of a quiet, wedding on Tneeday, March '29, when Elizabeth V,. R. I, Ritchie, daughter. of Mrs, Ritchie, of lfgtnondville, because the bible of Edward James Humhe'y, 0f leleKillop, son of ledwat•d and A1rs. Hui/obey, of England. The ceremony was per. 'McDonald, o' frn•rned by Rev, W. D, f I'gmondville, Janes McConnell of Wellington Street, �h n cn n Monday, March '28, celebrated his ninetieth birthdaty, lee is still enjoying fairly gond health and usually goes for a walk each day, but he is net quite so active as he was a few years ago. Mr. eleOoiiell was born at Toronto Gore and spent the earlier part of his life in Toronto and vicinity. He is a graduate of 51, Mi- chael's College and tin re yews ago at- tended a reunion of re cents of his class at the Dineen-eeleuhilee of the University of Toronto, six of when) were present,. Three have mince pees. ed on, It is fifty-six years since he cattle lip to Huron ()county and he set- tled in (Vawrulnsh where he fartued for several years. Fourteen years ago the family took up rasi155155111 (,limon. Hi has had a family of sev- en sons and three daughters, "one son having died a few years ago. DTp. Me. °enroll is still very fond of rr ding and often sits lip late at night o en- joy a favorite an1hnr, PERTH COUNTY Ed. Noll, 141ilve•ton's laxidertnist, has, dtn•inir tine peat winter end (1111, mounted 47 Aratic and horned owls that have been 'tsapped or shot in that tonality. About 40 of thein were of the fo'merepeeies. SevOu yenta ago W. 8, end -Mrs, Smith, of Mitchell, celebrated the sixtieth mullet rem y of their wed- ding. Sixty-seven t'eat's ago thea 2815 of Ma.rrh, this ve'50'rehle eoatple, who are both still rnjnying very good here le drove to Sir e I.f,i1d m1 It lam her waeon t„ horn(1,111 ed. Mr, Smitti. is 91 veal's 0i,1 anli Mrs, Stnith Is }n her 861.11 year, J. L. K1Itk, ProOietor -_^,^-,,-•- Clh Notes United Church Lest Sahhath, Inev. A. 1I. Brown, of \Val ton, neoupied 1 he pulpit of the United Church, Iu the 1.1.1uit.g, lie preached from the text, "Toilet in the Lord and do good; 80 shalt tltall. dwell in the land, and veaily thou shalt be fed," Peeler 37 : 8. A. splend- id offer for a ouceeseful life, if the conditions ere complied with. Thine are evidences of trust in all the un. iverse, in the natural, 0,lr•ial and cont, mercial life. The spirit of (roost forms a part of our being, We should trust iu the Lord for salvation, fur daily mercies, for the future and for hie up- lifting and sustaining power, until we finally reach our home in Heaven. In the evening, Rev. Mr. Brown preached a very interesting and help- ful sermon from tea. 53 : 5. In the absence of the pastor, Mr. Blown will preach again nextSabbate, morn- ing and evening. Melville Church The regular meeting of the Wom- en's Missionary Society of Melville church was held last Friday after- noon. Mre. Strachan presided and was assisted in the opening exercises by Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Cardiff. A very interesting paper frim the study, "Moslem Women," was given byMrs. A. H. Macdonald while e rview of Missions was takene th up by Mrs. R, Thomson and Mrs, C. M. Wilmot. Miss Jardine gave a very instructive talk nn "The League of Nations." A Life Membership Certi- ficate, the gift of Miss Kate Deadman, was presented to Mrs. Fowler. The meeting was closed by Mrs. Olouse leading in prayer. Ecclesiastes 11:4, "He that obser- vetb the wind shell not sow and be that regardeth the clouds shall not reap," and II Oorinthiutis 6:2, "Now is the accepted time ; now is the day of Salvation," were the verses from which the pastil' spoke in Melville church last Sabbath morning. Many make the mistake of waiting for per- fect conditinns before attempting • anything and in the end acccmplieh nothing. We make this mistake along many lines. In the matter of health ; in the matter of reform of any kind -the great reformers have not waited for more perfect nnndi- I ditions to begin but have considered now the accepted time. In regard to church attendance people stake the excuse that when ennditious ora tight they will attend church, when the right thing to do is to attend now. The text also applies to the greatest decision of life -decision for Ohnlet. Conditions will never be better for deciding for Christ and 110W is the abaepted time. "What is the chief end of than ? plan's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him for- ever," and John 17:14, ' I have glcni- tied thee on the earth ; I have finished the work thou gayest me to do, "here dealt with by the pastor at the even- ing service. The men who drew up the. Westminster Confession of Faith no doubt had Christ's prayer in mind when they gave the answer to this question. What does it mean to glorify Gnd 1 to worship and may to (god ; to have a higher conception of God than of ourselves and to live as Christ would have ns live. To regard the snaking of moneyor the fulfill - orient of desire as the highest alta in life is not to glorify God. The great men of all time have put the glory of (God ahead of everything else. Ev- erybody is capable of glorifying God and should make this their chief aim in life. At the running service Arehie Ballantyne sang "If I but lift • [nine eyes," and at: the evening sere vire Miss Nora elc Dowell sang "'Teach us to Pray." BRUSSELS COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Village Council was held on Monday evening with Reeve Baekerin the chair and Councillors Boevtthan and Hewitt pre- sent. Minutes of last regular meeting were reed and adopted The following accotnits were pre- sented at1d ordered to be paid on mot- ion of Councillors Bowman and Hew- itt, Street Lighting 3173,38 Town Hall 2.00 The Post, printing 20.46 O. R. Davidson, street work 20.05 E. Henderson, snowplowing 4.20 J. Meadows, work on street .-11.00 R, Farrow, worst on street 3.26 A. 0. Bneker, expellees to Clin- ton - 7.75 A, 0. Backer, seed 1,00' 0, MaDnwell, salary . 75.00 The Clerk was instructed to pre- pare a By-law fee the erection of Stop signs on side streets in the vil- inge in accordance with the Pt'oviu- nial regulations. Council adjnurued, Due to the prevalence of tneasles,, grippe and ()thee maladies In the clic trio, it has been found nsenesary to close the school at Newton, not, oily in that section, burin school section No. 1. The marriage calls onlsmnizaii, alt Wednesday. March 80, at St.. Paul's Church, 'Memoir), by the rector, the nay, Datum Cody, of Jean, youngest (laughter of 1.110 Late 61r. ttnd Mrs, J, 10 (lolquhonn, of Stratford, In Arthral• Gladslnn' 7))trhfield, al' Parisi. Aft,.r 1115 nertemotie• 11•In, lent Mrs. Di tell field left for Nen, Yer'la tn,d of then' retut 11 they will testicle in 1 ,n'is. ;"