HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-3-30, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST APT By RAFT SABATINI e Gi ksF1ve Sioi-yEverTold Captain Blood smiled sardonic ap- preeiation of the honor res'(•veil for els leen: It was pt'ecic•Iy what he would havt. expecte(1. Fur the hue - thy deuhg(•ra; for 1V1. 1'!e Ri), :,ref 11.1(1 honor, glory and profit of 1. ht - ntnfprise, at is 00 honor which 1 must de- , lel a," said ht' quits, coldly. Wol v 1'.t in( ttrunted approval 11101 1Ime- thorny and Ybervil10 nodded. "I will not i' i1 my nuns into Fruth anger." "Look you, M. h. Capitally', in:r you ilre afraid to undortalto thi - t.hing, i will myself undhrtalc 1 it," 111 RiNarol doel41tv'd. "if 1 410 s',. I A lucky :!:oi from the buccaneers had fouru the powder magazine. coil !rave oroced you wrong, and 1 have a word to say to yoti to - :sorrow which you may not like. 1 :.n1 being vory' generous with you u. Yuu haul leave to go," It was sheer obstinacy and empty pride that drove hinr, and oto rc'cev- ed the lesson he deserved. Close up - 4,0 fifty lives wore lost in the advon- ure, togrther }:fih ...t.: l:i ,wen mute stored with ammunition an 1 light guns. The Baron went hack t" his flagship an infuriated, but by no means a wiser malt. Ho was awnh'rvllI at down 1.1' the allitrg thunder of guns, Emerging pet; the' poop. in night-cap and 1iHp- 'rs, be beheld a o .eht that lncreas,d s unreasonohle fury, The four uccanoer .,-hip: under canvas were if n )elle off the Boca China and flu more than half a toile from the alndor of the -fleet, and from it clanks flame and smoke wore thing each time they swung broad e to the great round fort that 1•dod the narrow ontrattco. The t, although returning the fire vi;; usly and viciously, was suffering ly. Vet for all their maneuvring hucemu"rrs were not escaping nishmonL The starboard gunwale the Atropos had been hammered to srtlinf:eos, and a shot had caught rer astern in tho coach. ' Tho- eth was badly battered 1 about the reeastle. and tho Arabtllla's main- s) had boon shot away. whilst to- ercis the end of that engagement e Lachesis carne reeling out of the t with a shattered rudder, steer- " herself by sweeps. There was a 'rifle explosion; half the fort wont in fragments. A lucky shot from puccanim•s had found the powder a,t'•,azina. It may have been a couple of ors later when Captain Blood, as uce and 000l as if be ltad just no from 11 lover, stopped upon the anter-dcek of the V.ictorieuse, to nfront M. de Rivarol, still in bed- wn and nightcap, "i. have to report, M. le Baron, tat we are in possession of the fort 1 Boca Chios. The standard of Letterheads Envelopes Billheads And all kinds of Business Stationery printed at The Post Publishing House. We will do a job that will do credit to your business. Look over your stock of Office Stationery and if it requires replonishing call to by telephone 171. the Post Pooblishie! ifoose Franco i 11.0110' front what tomoins of its tnwrr, and the way into the olt."r harbor is moot to y0,o• "You 10,1101(1 thn',. the -.11.1111 of our coming action. It Is spread be.. Coro you like 11 leap." Blood pointed out the tort at tho mouth of the inner harbor and orl'er• ' 1 x plan Of 1111.1111 victory with Cartal:ena g„Id insured the invaders. At noon an the morrow, shorn of defences and threatened with 1)nrnbar11n1(nt, Cartagena sent offers r • 1411' o M. di. Rivarol. The ,r (1111(111 .) t plunder 40041 enormous. In tho emir -e nt -Tour clays over a hundred smile) 141 1. 11 with gold meat .out of the city and down to the' boats waiting at the be:teh to convoy the Uta -ore aboard t1)'• =hips. CHAPTER XXV. THE HONOR OF M, D1: RIVAROt, During 11.14 capitulation and for some time after, Captain lilood and thy 11411111' portion of his burcaneers had 111(•11 at their post on the heights of Nuostra Senora de la Poupa, ut- t'o'ly in ignorance of- what 401141 talc- s > place, RI'si:'ntment suloulder1d motig,t his men for a white, to dome nut violently at the red of 111,1 week in Cartagena. ft was 0ah1y by un11rtldcing to vole,- their gricv- ance t-, the Paton tout their captain was able for a 111111))!nt to pacify than, 'Phot done he went at once hi que•,st. of M. de Rivarol, "M. b• 1 'on, 1 must speak frank• ly: and you must suffer it. illy men 'r',. nn the 140110 of ninthly. -'P11.,y 4en11'ud 10 know when this sharing of 114.• 1-111131 •. to !ako !'Inca, aryl when they are to receive the fifth for which their 11(11''110 provide, The men know that it excre,ls the 111(0" 11101.10 Iotad of forty millions. They insist that 1111 treasur:,.itself be pro- dur,d and weighed in their presence, 1 4.11711 you thin tnt,ss you yield to a demand that I consicln' just and thirel'ori• uphold, you may look for troubh•, and it would not surprise me if you never leave Cart 1. 'ena at 1111, nor convey a single gold nine" 4414 1101111 to France." "Ant 1 to understand that y00 are rhroatellifg Me?" "Y011 110 11111 141100,' the ways of butotowol:,. If you pi•rsist Carta- gena will be drenched in blood, and wititev1r thy 011tco1411' the King of Franca will not have boon well sorv- „ d.' The mud of it all 441s that NT. de tlivarol govt. a promise aft once to make 11 c u(Tessau'y preparations, and it Oitaalfn lilood and leis officers would wait upon hint on board the Virtnrieusc to -morrow morning,. the trea ui•,, should be produced, weigh- ed in their presence 4111(1 tu'ir fifth share, surrendered throe and then in- to. their own keeping. Among the bnccanecrs that night thew' was hilarity- over the sudden ahltlu1,ni of 114. de Bdvarol's mon- strous pride, But when the next dawn broke. Over Cartagena, they had the otpianutfon of it. The only ships to be seen in the harbor were the Arabella and the Elizabeth riding at 1,111:1101 and the Atropos and the La- chesis 11011nedl on the beach :for re- pair of thl' darnagu sustained in the bombardment, The. French ships wer1 gone. Blood was reduced to (lospahir. If h1 .followed now, Heaven knew what would happen to the town. Unable to roach 11 decision, 1118 own 111011 and ITagthorpa's took the matter off his hands, engin to give chase to RI'vai'ol, Within an hour, the water -casks nt least replenished anti stowed 01)041111, the Arabella and the Eliza- beth beth put to sea, again upon that an- gry chase. "What now, Peter?" cried the young ,Terem4' Pitt. ".Loral. elan what is tltero hero to fret you? Sure- ly 'tisn't the thought of Itiveroll" "No," said Blood thickly, And for nice' he was communicatiye. It may well bo that he must vent the thing that oppressed hint or be driven mad by it. And Pitt, after all, was his friend and loved him, and. so, a pro- pos. aunt for eonfitienees. "But if she kney, i 1t' she knew! 'h, Glad! I had thought to have done with pir- acy; thought to have Urine with it for ever, Yet hero have T been Com- mitted by this scouudrel to the worst piracy that (over T was guilty of. Think of Cartagena! Thi)tk of the hn1') those devils 1041.11 bo melting of it now! And T must have that on my soul)" Setting a course for Hispaniola, ainoe they judged that thither must Rivarol go to refit before ottoinpting to ernes to Prance, the Arabella Lind tho Elizabeth plou,A•hed briskly north- ward with 1! moderatf'ly 1(1001811. 4'iud fol' two daly.:old n145111s wi•!h- nn1 e vir catching a 11(1111,1 of their ,parry. The- third dawn brought with it a 1tar.,• which cirrmuO'libed th•'ir rang, of d=ins t0-,mu•ihl1lg L.144. 4 (1 14011 :11141 three 1»iles, and 4,•,•0,1 n,.(I their growing vexati•nn and their at,1 r'heusion that Al. de Ili• (1101 11,1•;11 e w•ape 11(,41 ultogeth- They bud .tiunui,•a 1111 their 111 !l1r11t�1iilull, lirl t,a r1f "Dammer ,What's to laugh at, you porpoise?" spluttered mulberrycoat. hoard 1)1,11111 some thirty miles to Wi•stwtnd, and, 111110011 away to the northwest, faintly visible as at bunk of cloud,, appeared the groat ridge 01' the Blue Mountains whose peaks wore thrust into the clear angor air above the low-lying haze. The wind was no's ti4rly, and it bore tt their :,.'s a booming sound which in 1000 (,xpl'rienct. l ears might have passed r i1)" breaking' o" .'tiff '111'111 shore. "Ours!" said Pitt, who shoot with Blood upon the quart,"r-dec'k. Blend e'oddt.d, listening. "'1''•n 111110 away. perh'tpa fifteen —somewhere of" Port Royal, I , 11(111141 judge," Pitt (141411.41. Toren hr lookxl Ut his captain. "Does it 001100111 us:"' ho asked. "Guns off Port loyal . , . that should argue Colonel Bishop at Work. Anyway, we'll stand in to in- cevt.igote." 01000 -haul,.,] they tacked !month - ,•r, guided by the sound of combat, for an hour, perhaps. Then, as, telescope to his op, Mood raked tho haze, the .irons abruptly" ceased. 'Choy h11d to "heir cours0, noverthlless, with all hands on deck, ('0(4011,0, an- simisly scanning the sea ahead. And presently an object 10®0111 into view Which 8000 defined itself for a :t'aat ship on Titre. As tho Arabella with tho Elizaht'th following easel1 rac- 1d nearer on their not't11Wc1t,rly tock, the outlines of the blazing vrs- 101 grew (dooms "(An English 44111p!" ho cried. FTo .canned the :Seas for the oon- (IuerOr in the battle, ' of which this •1•inl eviderlel, was (1414101 to that of the sounds they had heard, and the.' at last els they drew closer to the doomed 4'0414101, they made out the shr'dowy outlines o1' three tall 5111110, 0011e three 01' :tout utiles away, standing in toward Port Royal. 1' •.t. who through the telescope was ex- amining Clte receding squadron, ob- served 'things apparent only to the 01,0 of tho trained mariner, and 010de the incr(1dib11 announcement that the largest of these three vesesls was Rd- varol's Virtoriouse. ' They tools in sail and hove to Ms they ram,' up with tit' drifting boats, lad"o to capacity with -survivors. CHAPTER XXVI 1111•; ,14-111Vi01) Or XING W! L1,1 Air One of the boat,, hlu»ped along- side the Arabella, and tip the en- trance ladder came flt'st a slight. spruce little g'entlentor in a ('1st • P. mulberry satin laced with gold, whose wizened, yellow, rather peev- ish face Was trope(' in a heavy black periwig, lis modish and cost- ly apparel had nowise suffered by the adver'turc through which he had passed, and he carded himself with the easy 11suranco of a:roan of rank. tie wits closely followed by one who in every particular, save that of ago, was the phydsieal opposite, corpulent 4111 111 brawny, vigorous way, with a full, round, weather-beaten face whose mouth 10110 humorous and, Whose eyes were blue and twinkling. tis tho little man stepped from the ladder into the waist, whittler! 010,11itn 'Blood had gone to roceive him, his sharp, ferrety dark eyes swept the uncouth ranks of the Ms. sembh'd rl'ey0 of the Arabella. "And where the devil may I be 111110'?" he (it^mended irritably. "Are you English, or what the devil aro you q" "Myself, 1 have the honor to bo Irish, sir, My name is 431ood•-'-Cap• 1.8444 peter Blood, and this, is my ship 1141 Arabel111, all curs- 1410111 at your 1,1411' " -wood!" Amino(' tt,' little 1111111. •'O 'lbl00d! A pirate!" Illi 4W1111:; (o 1Pu• Colo !1.. Who t'ullawed (tint-,-, ":1 d:,111(1,•,1 lnradf•, v m 'lir ,nyle11, I1,a,.1 my 111 A,, hut: 1 o'',. come from a+'v II i t 0 C•h n'y'hrtls." ' " 'uiti tlus oth+r7 :Gutturally, and 11:r14111, "S( " 'l'h'n 1ho 110100 -al• of it tool; him, and h1 yielded to 41, "Drumm"! What's to laugh at, you p0rpni,;e?" phu.ter'•d. mulberry -coat, fine tab. this'll make at 110111'•! ,tlini'ral van der K,lylen zrd: loses In,: fleet in the night. then 11a; his flagship fired au100 him by a Froneit sgnadroll, :mil coals 1111 by heing cop- tnrad by a pirate, I'm 11(111 you fold it matt"r for laughter. Shier' for my :11114 1 happen to be with you, I'm damned 1441' I do." "Thero's 11 misapprehensi0u, it I may malts, r Fn - bold as to 0,01111 it out" put ix Blood 1 11011ly "You a1„ not raptured, gcntlemnn; you are reseu- ad. 'tVhon you realize it, perhaps it will occur to you to acknowledge the hospitality T ani offering you. It 'not' he poor, but it is the boot rat my '11.,1111:=411." "Domino! Do you permit yourself to he 11.44)1(•81?" he disapproved hint, 1 "1 ant Lord Willoughby, hinr Wil - Ham's Governor-General of the' West Tnrbes, and this is Admiral vat 'rim Nuylen. coalition/ler of His Illat ..ty-'.- Went Indian foot, at present mnlr.1 sem"where in this danmod Caribbean S*'a." "I': til'illiam?"' 11tl:,t14 1:loo(1. "And who may ye King Wi'1i.nno tool of what may 1)1 bo King" "1 4011 alluding to His )1 ti'•sty, hint William III--Willfant of or- ange --who, with Q110011 ]Lary 1104 boon rulingF,ngdand for two months and more." "D'ym mean, sir, that thry'41' inn.=. ,) i)' .1, 11•, . ..t 1,,,•..,. 'n, NV that •�.0rl'•:-1 Janie • and his gang of ruinous?" 't'Slifc• 1 Hadn't you heard? Vher, the (hail 1114',• you been at 1111''' rienv, he goo., ,4't (tycoon!. At - ter that, with 1+'ll'.' c''d 1)11'u:hnc,'8 that obnard his 01111 they should lee honorably. entreatOd, Captain Blood led the Governor-G1nr.'r:ib and 11)' Admiral to hos cabin, what time the wok. of reseue wont on. "Go home, if you will," ,r,id 1)04 lordship when comfortable, 1-I,'re f a great chance for you, ,:11110 you declare yourself sick of ltirarv. Should you choose to serve K'ac William out here during this war, your knowledge of the Wool 1041141 should render you a very va11itable servant to His Majesty's Govern- ment, which you would not find un- grateful. You should consider dt. Thome, sir, I repeat; it is a great chane.e you are given." Pitt came in to report that the work of rOsCue was at tut enol, and thy mull picked up --some forty -live in all—safe aboard Clip two buccan- eer ships. H„ asked for orders. illood rose. "1 am negliglxlt of your lordship's concerns in my consideration of my own. You'll bo wishing one to land you at Port Royal:" "At Port Royal!" The. little man squirnmd wrathfully on his seat. Wrathfully and at length he inform- ed Blood that they bad put into Port Royal last evening to fled its Deputy Governor absent. "He had gone on some wilderness chase to Tortuga after buccaneers, taking the whole of tlh: fleet with him." "Is Rivarol moan' of ,fids?" Blood cried sharply, It was the .Dutcih Admiral who answered him, "Vonld he go dere if lie were not? M. de Rivarol he take some of our men prisoners. Berhabs des- dell him. 13erhabs he nlalte,dellt tell. Id is 11 groat obho).- dunkly," And their own they made her in the end, and at cost of nearly half their numbers, Driven to 111e quar- ter-deck, fire surviving defenders, urged on by the infuriated Itivarol, maintained awhile their dospel'ate But in the end, Rivarol went down with 111 bullet in his head, and the Ft'onch remnant, numbering scarce- ly a scoro of whole men, called for g41110111'. Even then the labors of Blood's men Were 110t'at an en(1, Tnc Pliizll- b0th and the Medusa were fight - locked, and I'lagthorpe's followers were being driven bank aboard their own ship for the 000014d tittle, Prompt measures were demanded. Whilst Pitt end his seamen bore their part with the sails, and Ogle went below with a gun -crew. Mood ord0t'ed 111 grapnels to be loosed at once. Lord Willoughby and the m!re) were already aboard rho Vie tordeu„'. As they swims off to the t'escu0 of Flagthorpo, Blood, from the quarter-deck of the conquered vessel, looked his last upon the ship that lead served him so well. A. moment she rocked after Tion releastl, these slowly and p'rudtlally sattlod down, the water gurgling ling an(1 11141y- rl'7 shout hes• tul»na-t0, all that ro- w lill'd vi ilio to mark the spot whore :he had lnr't hor h,1dr•utit AS !10 ,taxi t1), re, above 114-'.lut'-t1y ttan1- bb•, ill the %oat of the Victorhome, .orae one' 0,11141, }Whin,/ hila 1,111: 1)1111 Mood, never 1 11,1,' have I , •0 (l the 1'»po5.lhl,• lila110 0,o;::ihlr by 1"-- "u. ,• 10111 4'11101', or virtory so gal- lu ,fly stm6•h,vl from d. 1041!." 11' tornoil, ;14111 io'-e(ted to Lord Willoughby a fornlOI:bbl, front. Flit headoilecr was 'now, 1.1'-, lir l t plate Mist. rt, Ids right , .t rag hanging 1,010 1.5 shorilder uhoaf a naked 1411, 111' was, Splashed from lo'ul to foot With blo,nl, 81111 th:re was blond from 1'l ae'rlp wound (bot he. bred t111c- en, 11)141! 11,' 111.4 hair .11111 mixing with t4,. JCIin1'' of powder on his faro to render him 41111}0 1 liable. But from that h( 1'1'11) . u; t 4 two , . vivid r looked cart u1' t••rnaturally 1,1 ht. ,:nil a 1001 thos• e)' '0 t.4' 0 4, 0)',' 110.d piou7.hrd 4,41011 .1 furrow through the. Filth of tri.: cheer CHAPTER X7XVIII. H1 : EXCELLENCY THE 01)111.11). OIt. 1t was not until t1)„ '-,v,'ning of the, following day that 4'.n der Iiuylen's truant t1,•..t of nine• ships came to an- ehor in tho harbor of Part 1111,0111, and its (1li, :,:, Dutch and h:nwlish, ntn,le terru<unted With their a'1. an 11'41 1011,. opinion of their worth Six 4h:ps of that deet w. re 1t1- 'tantlr rt.litte4 for :(a. Thor(' wrr,• 0th<r West India settlononts de - mantling t1 vi?it 111 in;pr ctb n at Ow new 001001111,1-11a al, and T,nrd 1',•611111hhy x41., in 11:1.1, to sail for 41).ln13111';, :111'1 ul'anwhile," he c'ot"p1.::•!'•c1 1)1,: (iehnlraii, "1 ate detain' il 'e by rho absence of this fool of a D. nera••C('y'• "141" .lir:,: Put o1 it not 0'rr-.1414, you r4madn for (lot. And uu•anrlinlc I dc, French will hat' d,ir eve 011 Bar - hallos, rich is not roll def„tided, You haf hoer (bust the mon you vont.; fl” will 14(411114• no inst•u('shnns, (114 on., tie will know- how in m1,4u Port Royal sari", h,'ddel' nor you or men" "4041 111[•1141 Blood:' Ti:gad1 r had thought of it; and rip ole, who 'into:" 1)1ooc1 was sent for. He was a trifle dazzled by the honor proposed to him, when T.ord Willoughby made it known. It was so far beyond arty- 'hing that h,• had dreamed, and he was n'saii('d by doubts of his capa- city to nndel'take so onerous a (+armp, 1 . '1f)annnr• 1" :napped Willoughby, "should I nff,•r it unless i were satis- fied of your rnpiloity? 11 that's your only objection—." WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1427, "It is not, 1ny lord. I had 10001011 d BUSINESS111 1eai upon going 1111(1 so I bad. I am hungry for the green lanes of. Eng-company,HE industrial Aiorxr rs'fe and Futt.vin,sr„s of Earnizl hind, lb. *1};111•(. •' fh11, W111 be 14'.,1111le, lire pr( 0,1111 1 r„ a hr, •r.• n:.. ,1 at,nb' ldooti ((1x fn t1) • 1,1chards 91 1414 •t1'., 1111 , „ i + ..,r,; 1 1',r 1.1,k/ A 1,19„.111. Ill lordship's neT(ha tn; dnuits tris't Morse, OAS and anv"sye00 ,vlp.1nytUire Ur, 1111• 1 1' ., r, and 1.1111.14 .1 u1', 114;1• „ •1'"1 'Wl,'0 41)^ do- .. A1:p1' 1410 1''»Y,:'"' 11.. ed (d Derr fi,•r !;114,'1' u. •,•d l:i, Lrmvs ;anti 1,111,,,i bio 11 1ty lips. eye-, tWinkl'41 !:uui room ay 1n Iu ;stools face. 44,11(1 `Fere boodle A"' 141} lord Wi0•cd,'r3 tif•rc('lr upntl 1'artaiu Blood. -It 4'01i Wert y'„ua• 11.1-.' !"1'11•„11 tt an41 your fetor.. •0sure'1, this i, yr u' h 111'•1•. Your duty lir s 1) re, :it fount :1, dun 1. t1) wc,• 111,1.. t1'heu 111' 14111 4'••) }011 111.1y fret bm,-k to !+A;»ers-t olid ehler Or your 11(7110,) Ir, 14411,! 1411,1 it•: pothcr•Jl, but unit! Ito n }011'11 mato. Poo b"st nt 311,1)113,0 :,n•1 rum,'' 1'44/1 dor isito tau - ; 11 a•, lint Ilium! rotnai 'd solemn Captain Blood sees the enemy. t" the point of glumness, His thought: woo. 0,1 Miss Bishop. who was somewhere hell• in this very house in which they stood, but 4011001 Ire had not soon since This (111011. Iiad she but shown him some compas- sion And thou the rasping voles. of Wil- loughby cut in again, upbraiding him for his hesitation, pointing out to 11111 his incredible stupidity in tt•ifl- htg with stub a golden opportunity 11) this, H0 stiffened and bowed. "My lord. pots are in the right, 11 :hall he as you wash; and y11y 1.r.lte- fully. lot ole assure your lordship. 1 (To Be Continued), P�if . J. D WD AUC Ti-::7N,ss."F R f -i.. „141 ] n )",: , „ :•, LIS TOWE0. C. C. RAMAGE, D.A.S., L.D.S. BRUSSELS, ONT. Graduate Royal College of Dental 4101„ cons and honor Graduate Pni- Vi 1',jty of Toronto. Dentistry it, ail its hl cache'. Office Over Standard Bank, Phone 200 WM. SPENCE 1'ahrl, Ont. Conveyance, Cemrnissioner and C. J. ,?.Haut fur The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canals and Ocean Accident Guarantee Corpora- tion, Limited Acrid, lit inaarante, AutOnn,1id.' In- aur,nr., Kit, Glass. In.:uraiwo, etc. Phone 2225 Ethel, O„t. AGENT FOR Heel Automobile and Wind les, COMPANIES For e;usse--la and vicinity Phone 64 J.4 leb:FS Agent Hawick 61utuai Fire Insurance Company Aloe Hartford Windstorm sod Tornado insurance rho-., 4'4 ,' ,s i ' l'urnl:errs Stre,:r Bra• -a11 aiitr iillld''�t,�vt�l & SONi 15;i<;',Segs• ares a&so y' D. M. sCerr F'xsjt;'.n I 'r .E d O. rF1;3M A2 i`RICES MODERATE r dcr,-nc-.1011(1111! soy perlan whose sales t hoe.'.,turia;•-d at, Phone 23211 T. T. lUM'RAE 11,1, e., M. C.. P., .e s. 0. ?r. 1,. H.: Vlr4age of 6,111110. ('•., ' Cf. ,a (4100, A000006e0,7. tile, ,r r ,1 - - ,,,141,• N11v 1ue ()hazels,r,Win,cm Nsrees- 1'l' 1ar!r. t'' .tt'rtrar, are ,C?LICITOt:. (1144^IVFYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC t Fs"KIF 111000 • 10USSELS DP. WAR DiL.4W 41•.rrn gt",lust» or •hr bwtnr,a P..nwrse,nry sa. Uny ami el 010 cane. rinseoa) 5pute .h"" !u 111, ri,ahei. e•, rt , Seffing is Worth Telling Advertise what you are. tit11t1,. ,Advertise what you expect tc) dr,, Advertise vout• old gnods and (111)11• thr m. Advertise your neW';;'ol)ds and sell th('nl before they get old, \dt•c'rtise t(7 141)1,.1 0141 trade. .\dvertis4 t(1 got new trade. Advertise when bustneAs 141 go' 1 to mak,. it better, \dvertise when business is p"'11' 1t from getting worn'. t, r krr•p \dvertising is loot 11 "cure -lilt," ,'\dvertising is n preventative. .\'114"'rtisin;; do's not posh, it pulls. .i\c'i o rtioing to pay Moot 1)1' atonsiStl-tlt +14141 •pt,rsistent.