HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-3-30, Page 5THE BRUSSELS
WI',DN1:SDAY, MAUCH 20, 192'7 1 1
on every
catietatetM stee
I,'St r m 141 rr.
OVER well (t r ,e )>n in f rt, (racy
l•ln i l f n coil it p'ar,
11414:4.0•7 h, i,;ur rl ! tlntatin farm-
', Alt: feat.. , j L' !. a to cover
t1 bun- a ogee , u shi-
ne! '.1'4;4' r 1 f4vIty
Iran ve awegn protection to
,or valmt1:1, crops e m;l Iter by
til -nail:-, dont le'rr;,•nts a
lift4ttet,in vnsrt?
f -ire to co. (hr 't'1?W ITEAVY
11t ('4)Y \,-cn, sTt`l4)1RA
(e t,, .l e 'ATED IRON wide heavy
t' Alin.• • ,wirer. 1)0n•l ui(epl unre-
liable. :;c lhltt•e
?otef : t `t.rpply Co., Limited
0:: r I 1 r •v 1• 4
/4,1,1 t 1.14401, 1.)t � 4: nu.u!
Mi. & Gilles
i• 11P' Re{l i,$li i
`".,"`.sazu.o,troe"'s '..'•rera„":"`:.art's' ,sr=cumvsteatmermwsatteniste,"..,s m"a" he f;uur of hi }mother, Jona;, on
I ligations. 4./
Air. U 1V. Holman, is chairman of
Lie? Comity Board anti A. I', Cooper
or (Aimee ,v ,ren,lary. reno (:lea•
ti endu _ eed to the 17eere tiu'y will
i''re•!ve attention,
William A. Andrews, St. eburV'..(
eldest menthe /a itiel one of ill,• pen
eel. jeweller-, of ('aoodn, p 1.$ rd away
i•1. ?'ieteria iteepital, London, in his
;r:Ot t t t l r r c (1 rr
ti 11 hu1 under-
, „ :e - > epe 1 ltron two days
,•,vino lv The de,cased 141 is a na•
ill:, of Torquay, ingland, 1s years
err. be established the business, in S1.
W. I lnu'r Clark, aged 5 years, a
former resident of Stratford, and
eon of the late Mr. and Mrs. lion -
401n11 -c f u 1-e, formerly assistant to
the chief engineer of the Grand
'Crook. hallway, died in New York,
tollc"ing• a short illness.
'i'h : County of Perth has received
i•lioelt tor 4141,010 from the Prov-
ei: 1 G ,1V0 1111)1ua as the grant to -
mei: county toad rests ih 192(1
T1114 • is not quite half the ..:mount
'i,, ta, but there were ono or two
Iit.+ to cont.' off from the
e -r ear before, and one bridge, which
was not contpiete'd, will not figure in
the ,'rant until next. year.
Samuel Di'tnu-r, who her; been
malting his hone. with his moth,(,
1.r,. I)iftnter, of Mitchell, in:,t the
01 ht of one o}', as the re,trl;, of a
1, dn(ul accident 00 Sunday while at
Asks About Date for
N. Huron Bye -Election
Ottawa, '41 arch 25. --In .10'' Co)rt-
ulnn, this refternoon M). -O .Ague
Macphail tPrn. S. E. Grey: inquir-
ed whether the Government had dv-
cided upon the date for tier by-elec-
tion in North Huron, made ''t'.nt by
the death-evcral months atm or the
former member, J. W. King.
"I '4411 gory I ant unable to .;eye
the information, but I will submit
the unt'.tion to flier crime m.ni,trr,"
4colied Han. '{rne,t (.:mobil- ;ICC , -
tet of Pt,' ' i, who 11.01 hill(' 1111Z '.In•
(.1011O111111,1 ;' at the time.
Formal Opening and Dedication
Planned for June
Iliue•1ut,, March 29. ---Tib. con-
eregation of the I'r4 het ',not :••lurch
here weer,h•pp<el fu:
ykistiirelny in their new elvi tie • 11
lice, ...:vice being laid ie th, brie
AIL'Y 1Ila:G
Paper Hancing
9 The undcrs1gtud wishes to an-
nutince that he be plct)orort to
handle.. 011 kinds of job., in the
above lino;, and wilt "u I .:,Vor
{ to give the best of satist'acti)u
Prices reasonable
work promptly attended to
3 Alex. Coleman i
Phone 6411 Brussels,
cent, which is now. ''>ntldeted.
It is expected that 're auditorium
will be 11 (140ed by the last >( 1144y,
41(4(1 arrangements have already been
de to 1.11..• the ea. nue: 4,01 dedi-
(. te14, cnr1.' l 0 nil J .414 1 +, wlle9t
Dr, James Wilson, formerly of
I("rereourt tou'1 Yr ,tterinr.
(;'mel), '1'u•e(un, 'u1 t 41.1' •,f Bramp-
ton t're:hyteriee Church, 1.0;11 occupy
the pulpit •1.t n0•nine u't'.l evening
,tae;. Arran) 0,•,11' I,' s have not
le coin:11 "1 )'or elle: a11(1 noon,
r .. R 1. lb'Ie • t that .t r Pate.cru--
ol' 1.h• a ,:,!! c ,Ovlu,•t
10• :'.r•1.-:(
he r1•) r , (11(• 1--ri 1.419
0)4 10144'It ‘4.11, r.'n-
m,ueeel last fall, and, while tit • cosi
i 'i r'
e , r ri.•s a debt 't " ,)1414 'nt '4' let'
t h:.11 4 1,0(10.
The er. (tion of th,' tt••w ehurelt
rnou'. as a r,"ult of charc•h uai0n
: w•hml nearly :taro years ago the .10m-
gregation lost its church, 1111d •has
Pee be:'rr ,toiling its services in a
hall. The roncr'-ga:ion de..erve much
credit tor their enterprise. It has
-et no settled minister, the pulpit
being talten for the most part by
student.,'. It i, hoped, however,
that with the completion of the
church 111111 t call will soon he ex-
tended to a pe t nutrient minister.
On Monday of this week a nn(•(tiug
or the Huron County Mother's • Allow -
4(c ' llota'd, was held at Omit o(-1., at
ha'h raveling• th Rev. Dr. Peter
etyre, of Toronto, the Provincial
Chairman, was present
may he interesting 0, oto' read -
yrs to know that at preeent the num-
ber of heneficieries on the Allowance
1.!'-•t throughout the Province is 4,538
and the total amount of ullowalr•es
41114,907, and the average mould, '1f
t110W14ne('(4 per month to the mothers
is 825.89.
Huron County has 131 mothers
drawing allowances, Bruce, 49, Mid-
(llueex, 53. Grey 25, Perth 19, Oxford
35, Elgin '29:
The causes of dependency are
neatly all on account of the death of
the father of the family, while a few
are allowed because of insanity, de-
sertion or other special cases.
The Act has received almost gni•
versa! approval throughout the Pro•
:'ince, and the Counties share equally
with the Province in meeting the ob-
C,t ange
in itusiness
The undersigned wishes to an-
nounce to the public that he is the
Ford Dealer in Brussels and is now
prepared for the opening of Car
driving with all Models of new
Ford Cars.
Genuine Ford Parts
Guaranteed Used Ford Cars
Also for salt: lit Gara„'t'
1'httnt; 73x Ford l)t'aictl' 13russeht
the 11th con, of Logan Township.
11r. Wilmer slipped while putting
'•0(114' etas' 111 the (44(11 iter Of hit;
clot(»• car and, in falling, struck his
eye against soon, part of th' car.
1'dwud Tilley, of Mitchell, who
will he 84 year, of age on ,July 19,
will be .41014,' years married this week,
'Mr.- Tithe, has been 0 resident of
Mit •b•11 for upward:. of 70 years.
He I. very .,mart fn) hi. e,?are, and
ha; all his faculthe, except h.: hear -
((1. Ile is a carpenter by trace and
one. considerable \earl: during the
,,erste • months.
The Kintner farm 01 a bongville
consisting of 100 acres 141, been sold
to Schrader and Litt. '1'l(e new own -
.els will take p041. '4 ioln immediately.
1:. 1' ;.1!(01:40, 41 40at ''u1.(: 'y
blcrrene Yurko,. the' famous three
tines All-Atnriran hull) owned by 1).
A McPhee, VeinKleek Bill, Ont„ is
gluier ledge in the herd 0f Arbogast
I11'(., at Sobringville, Ont., says the
13olstein-Fresiam World. '
The - nnembors of the Mitchell
Sporting -Association are beginning
Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn is
HATCHING Stricken on Street
FC'" ti
Sink Cldnh While
1.eelhurIs, 11)'etl to i'lu.
lPc 911' (1(41.43) 11118')' than
market prier.
Alexa P rrie
3.114.3 Brussels
to dientse the holding of their annual
eeleh)utton on May 24. There will
0„ horse races and a number of speed.
led attractions. Celebrations have
been held 01 Mitchell on the 24th of
May for more thee 60 years.
J. K. and Mt•,. Mayberry, of Car-
thage, anrt0ilnee the engagement of
their deughtel IIaze1 A., to Edward
Kreuter, of Roctoek, the marriage to
take place early in April. •
Curl Rose, of Lowsn, had the third
finger of his right hand badly crush-
ed and lacerated by bring caught in
a chopping machine, which he was
np(ratin'44, He was chopping grain
at the time the accident occurred.
Rev. II. U. Moyer, pastor of the.
1'nitr11 Church, Mitchell, has par•
eltctsed a fine home in Preston and at
the (lose of his pastorate in Mitchell,
414 the end of June., Mr, and Mrs.
Sioyr will go to Preston to reside.
William Loehheael, emeritus pro-
1„a.ot or entomology and zoology in
MacDonald College, died at his hone
in Ste. Anne De Bellevue, Que., on r
S:rturdr.y. Prof. Lochhead, who was
nee or the senior members of the
m'14410ol stall' of the college and of
•hr: faculty of agriculture of McGill
University, had reti•:erl from active
work in September, 1925, on ,recount
,)hearthe•t trouble, which 11'11S the
NUM of his death. Prof. Locithoa,l
teas 111 Ilk 63rd year, having been
Wife of Wun''t Knnwi. :limon Isee•
for Dies ( 4 lb •, v Cllurclt
Clinton,, 11:4-•••1411:4-•••14.t4 :Si- 11', t
Si'l11';!ru (i-044, 10)!' 1 u!r• oi' 1.h•
1. .4 ko,we d, a e1 Ai: ; tete 'L4.
t tie, (lied . i 4,4 414 .o,) ss „ e 0, n'
attack, :alit•'. tat 1 -hi' , to .;t!.•.
11 ,I Abut 1,, Clot,.
Mu (an 1144 tet it n tit(_ 1
by herr 11-', 1', , not tom, 4('''n•i , i::1*el,
to -flight, in,:•,!. d ' it t Ate S e : 1'' : l -
in b:•1)'''. 141) 1 • ( 1((';4, c t •'r
yard or the , hnr, ( 1..,x 1.r 'h' .vc
o. ("erre 'o, 111.• )1,110 ,;(
bL. Inkley ' h t„ ,1 h•f, o 1) )• 1.1
band arrived !O fe1.r )nrm;t, : 1s L e,
Mrs. (,utter, who i rt Le.•)) c ;n'en,•
and popular nr nh ' „r' •h•
et)Ill1,n(ity V((1(1, �,•t'.1 t•"l-
ltt 1.'i; 11(1 ) .t4Od 14 141 nrrlt sort.
81,! 1'',l; 110 114)44,• Ont, '' 1
, !n :111
4111-4101101'y en li•nt•1r .
She. is
^1111'1 VW( h;' her
1 two dale htere, harlot', 1111
trainin;t, art'! :qrs. Isabel Cror:., .,f
Windsor. A •ter, 'Mrs. (1I ) .11•
1 '•xand'r 1Ie Mill.m, o1' '1'm•"ntu, also
--survirrs. I)r Ernes'17e1Tillten, of i
the Toronto (on,ervatory of Music,
1 and C,C•n..1004 Gunn, of 'remote,. are
R f
horn in tie County of Perth, Ont.,
on April 3, 1864. He was educated
in 4h,, Listowel High School, and
:;'radiated B.A. in McGill University
'•1 1845, Ind R.Sc. in 00111ell L'ni-
t•i'i'•Ly (Ithaca, '(.S', r if: 1 •'(, '1
ti.ught as scienc.e master in several
Clt1,r''o collo:dot.' institutes, includ-
ing Porth, 1814111-14(1; Galt, 1889-9.1;
Yapam•4•, 11495-9(i: London 1890-98,
before ,joining the stair of the Ontar-
in Agricultural College as professor
of biology, which position he hold
from 1898 to 1906.
Someone remarked last (VOA that:
!brutes bored them so we left most
of theca for this time, Anyway. the
;igniting that was )eces)D'y la,l. week
made us t, bit crank:' 110 (('4' tnoagllt
Ice w001d try them out on the re?: of
you and then when we ail get in the
stone humor we'll have urea! 1"th of
The following sumnnuy of what
happened :it }throe 801pping points
in 1925 end 192(1 sh00Lt make some
people sit up and wonder wham hap-
pened to the hog business. Pa 11
(11aiu, a .few people should feel quite
proud that their shipping point held
its 0W14 or bettered its position zs re-
toeds gnnlity of hogs shipped.
grade at McGaw and an increase at
Auburn, Goderich holding fairly
Andy, It ie hoped that the Bacon
Hog Fair 'n this district will improve
conditions even more. Anyway, the
hog raisers there asked for the fair
so we hope they get fair weather,
gond roads and well filled classes.
By the way, did you bear that
some joker was starting in to the
Corn Belt hog farming scheme in
Huron County? At least, a report
has leached us that a number of hog
raisers are now using lard type sows
to 10191000 the bacon standards of
the, County. Surely they cannot have
heard that even the United States
consumer has come to recognize
Loral Shipping Points: Huron Co. 1925 and 1926
Shipping Point Total Hogs e• Selects r Heavies
i, Shops,
Lights &
1995 19211 1925 3 926 1925 192(1 1925 1926
l,onrlesboro 1276 3946 ,12.11 .13,1) 2.1. 2.8 1.4 1.3
Clinton 1!)!0 2169 4.4.0 42.4 3.0 41.2 1.8 .9
liolgr:o•r 2998 2778 19.0 35.2 (1.3 4.3 5,9 4.8
Auburn 2314 2803 30.0 35.1 3.4 2.9 4.l 4.2
Wingham 3819 3464 29.9 31.5 5.0 6..1 5,2 4,0
Hensall 7238 7105 31.8 80.9 3.5 (3.1 3.9 3,6
Fordwieh 4343 5231 30,4 3033 3.3 4.8 3.9 3,9
Blyth 1566 1135 82.3 30.2 5.6 0,2 :4.13 3,8
Goderieh 1015 1226 30.0 29.5 3.2 3.4 5.0 1.5
Exeter 7748 5695 31.5 29.3 3.0 9.5 3,7 3,1
Rluevale 2293 1533 25.6 28.9 2.8 4.7 5.5 8.0
Walton 4462 4703 29.2 28.7 5.8 7.8 4,2 4.8
•Centralia 2225 1510 20.7 25.7 6.1 7.11 8.0 0.6
McGaw 4493 5702 32.1 25.4 4.3 (1.1 0.5 7.6
Ethel 2600 2328 30.8 24.4 2.7 5.6 7.1 5,1.
Gerrie 4804 2392 24.5 22.8 6.4 14.0 9.7 4,5
Thetssels (1771 6106 80.7 21.5 8.1 8.9 1.0 6.1
Seatorth 4642 3397 21.8 21.0 8,8 4,3 7.5 4.1
Wroxeter 4158 15333 45.1 21.4 6,7 13.5 4.3 5,5
Itrucefreld 1769 3150 27.8 11.5 4.5 3.8 9.3 2.6
Londesbovo and Clinton certainly
have to be congratulated on their
ability to stand the strain but wily
11) the world Wroxeter, should ship
2601) bogs less In 1926 than in 1925
taut drop from 45,1 to 21,4 pee cent
select hogs, is is conundrum for
which someone surely has an answer;
end 13rttcefreld is, just about as bad,
in :'act very' ba, when that 11.5%
selects stares you in the face. Just
why such a drop in quality at afew
shipping points teen be noticed, (:an
hardly be answet'ed by the fact that
all the litter losses were the good
pigs 01'61110 rily. Perhaps Fordwi0h
would get sone of the Wroxeter and
Gerrie pig's 4(11(1 apparently a fairly
good lot too, Its appr01stwately an
equal grade on 900 more, pigs watt
Apparently the farmers in the vie.
miry of Auburn, MaGaw and Godot'•
icl) like pigs pretty well too. At 10411.!
there was more of tltern by 1900
titan 141 1925 with a sli;rsht reverse in
Canada's bacon as supreme to that
fat, slobby, Corn Belt stuff that
floods their 0(411 markets at a price
ruled more or: less by the conditions
of the corn supply.
Huron County hog raisers are well
advised to listen to the consumer's
demand rather than be persuaded by
prejudice that has as a basis that
short, thiole hogs are easier to raise,
Maybe they are, but what would hap-
ap-poo-11 they were the only kind rais-
ed for our markets? 'Better think
that one over and figure where your
profits would be if such coadltiots
should arise because it is presumed
that hog raising has been a profitable
enterprise for the past few years,
Several good hog misers have told ue
they could hake good money even
if they acre obliged to sell at around
8e, These mon generally time
about 50% :select hogs.
1,00K AT TIi5.1 LABEL
Date Forecasted By the Minister of
Highways -Drivers Must Qualify
-Those Who Have Driv :0 for Six
Months Exempt
Toronto, March 25. --- •Jed;. 1 i-
l'orocd;t by Hon. George 4, Henry.
mun44ter o1' highweys, 4)1' diode by
which his department will be prepnr-
, 1 to enforce 1.l+... t.ti : • ,
al.110i01' 401 drivers to ',eve lee -alit
!The plan of issuing the permits in
the middle of the year instead of the
first of the year. when 11( 10/161. rtutrk-
er are 1141,151, ha, helm re up:mend-
ed to Hon. llr. Henry in' his 1 part'
mental officials, who wish to distri-
bute n . le, evenly owl' the year 111, -
double work of issuing. the rooter cm.
marker plate and the i'ndivdu'tl ir'.i-
i e)pct•mits.
It is stated by Hot. Mr. Henry
that when the permit law come, into
force any yers0n who has driven a
' ear for six months will be eligible to
r•,'e eirl• •t 1'4runt without examina-
tion. Any person v ho cannot thus
qualify, hey oyer, will be required to
satisfy, a Government examiner of
1119 fitness to be behind 1a steering
whet. Xo•ty ear purchasers will also
require to ae examined un1(414 they
have pr1'vionsly owned machines and
, can thus qualify under the rix -month
The fee for the permits has not
been determined upon, hot it will
` probably b,. either 50 -cents or $1.
The permits aro not to be a source
. of revenue for the Government, but
t means of control. and persons:
found guilty of recklessness 01 aper
tin(' their machines will be liable to
} have their permits suspended rat ,e111 -
i Such is Declaration of "For Heay.
en's Sake!" Production. Official
Every motion picture star offin('.
owes the public one obligation which
c940)01 11• Bended, and that is to hoop
working, turning out the kind of pie.
tures which elevate that screen pm,.
sonality- to the heights of success,"
declares William R. Fraser, general
,manager of the Hamad Lloyd Cot,
porationr in commenting 014 the fact
that Lloyd has completed work on
what will he his twenty -sec' ie.} (1311-
tiple reel comedy since 1919.
' No (tatter how prominent the
personage, i1' be does not eater to
the public, his success will oa short- 1
lived. The public cannot be trifled
with, It is the agency which makes
stars, and just as readily as it es-
tablishes them, 'breaks' them.
:oche last• two yl•rrs, probably
more than any ,t'a'ts h) the past,
itavin proved that the, nubile wants
clean entertainment, and wants it of -
ton from those it worships. Stars
are made because of some unusual
appeal they have made on the per-
sons who pay their solos i:1 at the
box offices of motion picture thea-
tre;,. And a cheek -up probably will
show that a vast porcentege of
theatre -goers idolize those who keep
their personalities, both on the
screen and in private life. clean iin71
"The nubile does not 1ike to feel
Its favorites are slighting thorn by
(coshing ori the screen for long
91)010ds. 'l'hny don't )'elish this 31190-
110(144 44)14) are likely to forget 'those
...m„c d?t, 7• ° .•n
4-0 ti✓o.A (✓ e1r, v.e fla
\1) I'i : .t 'lid CHARGE'
I�Si?r° of ti t.:,f'1
i GX ., , ., !cl
:'�.COtr:.t in Cr:;..!i1tda W'11i
r i c ly c 1.:i 3.3 without
charge your Dominion
cif Canad i Interest
Cheques and Coupons.
This Bonk will welcome your borings
:1(14011:114 )there','txtr• coupons and enmities
may be (4::o•ired ot interest if you desire.
Capital $10,000,090 Reserve $19,500,000
Rescurces $245,000.000
,.tars who l'" ''• :ant a policy.
,lust about eight months will have
elaps,A between the release o2 Har-
old', "Pre::, -1110011 ' and his new pic-
ture, which is called "Por Heaven',
'•Itco•uld is one .)•u' w•hn I fool ha..
•,I 1.;.. 1 el th.' 1,.11>11e'.
110 h:1: g,n-u theatre -goers what he
know, they scant, not what be be-
lieves they should want. He ha:-
a-elevated the ant of enilo•dV molting
to a plane where 1t is to -day rec•oe-
niz d at, one of the 1111,11044 form: of
'e>cen ellt('rtaimn, nt. Iio has kept
i pictures free t'romn any strain of
',I1 1. h r.'.1 n u ss, and has Meetly:.
avehlei anything that aright be its
1.h. l 4414 di a t'dltl to anyone,
"Harold appreciates the ern:Wei ner
the public lute tested in him. and th.
support it hes giv,•n hi4' picture.?, one
i ata
thing to violate this trust."
-For Heaven's Sake!" Lloyd's first
Paramount r,ittose, comes to the
Grand on 'l'0014sday. Friday- and
fiat1rday of this week.
Never ) r' I„m1.; or any 11410'"
rich or fat meal without some welt•
les or sweet relish.
For sale at Walton Saw -
Mill a car of 5x B. C.
Jno. McDonald
c,vtnin he• will Dever do tiny -
, li
}Thune 1913
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
March 31 and April 1-2
111 "FOR
GROUCIIES • meld lie careful to sec this picture while they
are alone, or they will lose their reputations forever.
Harold Lloyd i,.s king of laughter to -day for the simple reason
that laughter follows him a' rainbows follow summer showers.
Add up till this great comedian's past successes, multiply by
two and you'll still be short of the net result of "Fur Heave,n's
Sake!" the latest comedy gem from the screen's comedy genius.
...............•. •.�.•-+. - .. w,,,,.,,1. �..•-4444.. •"44,,44-v..w.v...��.....+wv�•-n. en••�tiv,'.-.
Monday Tuesday, Apr. 4-5
"The Gay: vr"
Tkie True
stand women at his feet! Yet he
gave them all up when the one he
Story of 'a 11,11 forsaken 000'14d his eyes to true
Matinee Idol ! 10141', A throbbing film romance---
i•roln the notedstage hit!
Friday & Saturday - April 8 9
Three times as n'lueh ticklish lau-
ghter in this -his third groat com-
edy. Vaster and funnier feminine
disgni1404 than in "CHARL.EY'S
AUNT," More rapidly ri°tieul0us
and roaring• thrills than 0r "THF
A Bigger Reason
than ever before
for seeing
Syd Chaplin
Oh ! What a Laugh is
"Oh ! What a Nurse"
,444,4. ,..,...,..,..,., -...,,,..,...,,...�........ii;.14.15-16
o rn
MOH Fairbanks in "Black Pirate"
i t, . _