HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-3-30, Page 4'WEDNESDAY, MARCH 80. 1027. be trusseis last WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1927. JUNE 22 LIKELY DATE FOR MANITOBA ELECTION 4-4 i'innilu•g, March 21.- -The .\l:uti- t,1r1 paovieeial elections will he held sq- June 22, it is undevtsoocl, though 5.m ofiil'i:5.l peoelalmltinn 11a; :1,A y':• been made. Thr- e.ete lin+g• of the patties In the leegislafare. et present is: (r)1. rniii nt., 28 Liberal's, 7; '1u•t• s rl oboes, h, Labor, -t, 1ndepef'l •r, 8; vacant:4,s, 2. PEE[,, PEITH AND HURON THE BRUSSFE.S P T 1 G. A. Y tl A N S. C. White Leghorns FOR DAY-OLD 1-1-A'li,'1IINC; EGGS uta (.. U.' i't)i1 HATCH I N( Enquire of Phone 101x05 BRUSSELS' NG MAY GET LWWUOR SHOPS FACE RE Premier Tells Committee As Control Bill is Discussed Toronto, starch '1:;-.--d,ig(ml store- ,..sal be established in the ('o tautl' ., 01 Perth and- Huron under th.• art\' liquor law :'t the discretion of • the Li,'tuor Control Board. Thi, w'5.. ;brought out by Premier G. How mid Ferguson in the debate on the l.iyuoi, Control Ae:t before the rommittt•1. the Ortarie 1 e -'•slater,• to -nth.. Under the Ontario Tempel rt A,.t the Canada '.I' 5 j)it^ulce Aet wee suspended by Dominion order in r;nntcil in }furan, Perth and 1^^•' rnanti's. but r:•lnain,•d in operative in illanitotl tin Island. Under the ee- eo•ation of the Liouor C'nnh•,-,l art. the three counties will be in the ,:t"t,• onsi`inn as- any other eex'tion 1,l' the province rot atreet,•d by the Ciininla Tempersnre Art or local opt inn law. Bruce :Co, League May Cover ?etre Groutl,rd l'rl"';iii. 31:11r•h 211.-- .. 5.1. i. later, of Tee+weee•r, ice •.id:•nt of the l:rue,• .Coante Beeele,JI 1.•a'n+, te- .1 • is , ranee niee... „•5.•e coos' tea5.h, 11•delink' "f fifth ::comm o'.,nt•.•rnt0e, of tit:. leni;n.•. The dot:. vee .- 4 tar set• ter \[nada;'. .April 18, ti'e• re.nen- tion to be held et ell • ('..uta•al fretel, 14a!k.•rton. Th-•:eet:!ir•- rte-r•lioi '7 will he held :it 1 'r „ ): i,c the ..v'•n- int„ while the n ••11 -.me •Aine: ''.it ealleel en hone 'at t.. , .. p •n An 11ttF.1t l:lt'l - ,1 :It Is l':5. .5.11 t. , _•,1•+ - teen er.1 •w•. -1,t-• •lube The f'.Inwic_! toe•,':. ar• ''ct.e .1 o be a•: t.t•e:en..:•'l in : hi. i101:e0 1.eae'ur the esinir110 • 1 <u \\'nisi,.' - ton. Han ever. ('y'. \ile!:1'o"i, '1',ec'st;ator, hinrarel-r,,-. Rale. , Ilvr at Sound. 1i now, P•o'1'>, 11.•nwnrlb f'n�t i:h(in, Snuthnmnton 8111 71, zor. Other poftahl.' entrir•- 5.a, Tire]tiI3 ' "U t:l:lt, 1 t''! r'yeorl \B'ur'in, Lion's Head, itildm:r .1:11 Cargill. Ow+'it Sound and FTmut t ' tui,: hart• been the only nun's.' , dllowr:d 1,y the 8Ss0t•0Itinn .1p to tie present time, but it is omit Imeelhl„ that i mplica`ione- from other :ewe. In Ch'ey, and also in Hu eon ate! Wel lington, may 1•"re'ive more fa orahh cor's:doratiun in 1927. Several suet( +•ntrie have been thrown out in th. past, this being done for the i.ttrpose of Inaintaining )h( ,lxilmive eetinty n1Y;•anization. There may he three• er more ....mulls formed this year, depending •upon the number of t•ntrie r oeivl•i! up to the 'feeing date. it 1 ,also ex- pertcd that the question of establiah- Ill'n n junior ..•..tion in ennneetion with the Drum League will again be hhomeht up for di ouhison at the• ('on- tention. There w111 be eight or lett junior t:•funs in Bruce eligible for entry this season in the event of A junior series being organized. COLOR SCHEME Many hostesses are using ...elm - tie .' l:r- tie bottle: en the bathroom :she•ives to harmonize in cols,• trith tie 'e'htr 04,,Itt 11101 of the ro!on. TAILORED CHIFFON The new chiffon dresses uv-, ex- quisitely tailored, with all the 11ttte touches that 1100lto belong. to heat'y tfateriali. National Fertilizer t Flare eonsi(lorable anteing of ,t; • National Fertilizer on half! for i. springy erop. .t Also Hog Tankage, 60':,. Did you ever try ORO -MOR :for yava' house plants. They 4' me very high in plant food. t; �rp�ltll t•1+�q�P,�y. s, -:1, _._q, p1a( :s� M Y Star$. i t'7w+4Y +;, ?htiue M!0 'c :40 Y,041 tt'lit tNit s It I C trr+0i GNS AT COa COUNCIL Cemp)•omise Over Equalized Assess- tion but in view of the prevailing went Arrived At and Adopted sentiment he dict not vote a1;'iinst the Unanimously adoption of the report. -`-_.. The coni itee divided the t'afflty- 1'he county Council clot in special six municipalities of the county in ee aloe \\••lase„ lay afternoon to deal three (l.e. res. In the case of the ton site the nimt:'k' of the new equaliz`•iI urban municipalities, whose ussess- ,e•o-,ril. Flt 1,t' the sauna gain •t milts were in most ('noes consider - which appeals had been entered, by ably increased under the new equal! - more (lien half the municipalities, ,,;tion adopted in January, the tom - weed: apeenls tv'•re meatitilig trial h•- holies recommended that the itt- lot'.' the comity ,judge, T11,• attl t ,.,,,.t o he reduced by fifty per cent. none war spent 11 dieett-.,lune :ev.itt! In the cases of the townships of God - el :he 1st cabers telling how their ,,ricin, Howick, Hullett, Turnberry i,t111111:o' municipalities were affect- and 'l'uekelsmith, Whose assessments ,•,l, until on :lotion of 'Reeve Trower- were reduced by the valuators, it the a c,e;intitte.• was anpoinied to wee recommended that the Valliati0ns 4.•a1 %Or11 the (iu,•?tian. 'rat cos- romo1n as fixed in January; and with alit;+'• wee c,nnpu'ed 1(l' IL•w.: Beat reference to the rem11'nin.1 townships .,t' Seeforth. McKibben of Wing- tee committee's recommendation wa:, h<enm. McQuaid of Mei<ifloe, Inglis of that the increase over the old assess- ! ssess- luwick, Llill of Culhnten', Hi' 'e; 01 nb'nt 1 reduced h • shirt er cent I y y p Stephen and Merrier of Batlield. with an adjustment in the value - Your Eyes Need Attention If your eyes- bother !mu in any way; If they tide gtickl,; or he. coma il,tl;med; If you do not .see ,•wily aid w,:11; If headache'.; impair your ctiieieney or II:te eter.. with Your pleasure; If you cannot enjoy every minute of youl' re'adin'ge' - SEE Maude C. aryarls OOven otelat Phone 26x Brussels tarty affair and time has not yet al- tered that met/Rion. Hereafter, the House will adjourn at -'1 •von o'clock. The: idea is good -late hours never hrihten any brain. -neither is it likely to !modem! good L.\vs, The Past Dr. Hcl•t lyds brought in a brent', from titr'. 85t when Ile mots.? '1 'hal 110 net (nate sun' ear.', of the Femme.. : ink should Ile re, 0n0,'r! m tat; Governer ; 1(0:0. 1'h, F•n•tner, ';ask is floe :t th me of so r1, -,note memory that the aletrige reader of the daily paper loan prob- ably forgotten ell about it. I1 went down to disaster from over-specule- tian „Orly i11 the century, but re fav: r:nmpers of Parliament have o r,-!1- tuente who :tlti'ored lnssoa at that tilt and whet rottld be -ender as a 111(01 1'1S of getting vote, than asking in serious terms that thl' Govern - m eet foot the bill. The Return of the Smuggler Trend of Debate J(xdicates That Perth and Huron Under New Law Members Froin These Ridings Think The Wish of The People Should Be Recognized Toronto, Reeds 24. --The feature' of the evening debate in the Legisla- ture w110 1.111! debate on the status of Huron, Perth and Peel, which sus- pended the Canada Temperance Art in flavor of the 0,T.:\., and Mani- toulin which still has the former, Premier Ferguson altered the phraseology of •o etiou 68, whish now reads: "Nothing in this act shall be construed as interfering with opera- tion of the Canada Temperance Act, applicable to any part of Ontnr)o, and no Government store shall be , slabllehed in a municipality in which the Canada Temperance Act has been brought into force and is Iftn1 i11 effect. i.: • its operation by the temperance •ople them e:Iv(s was for the pule mete of allowing the Ontario Temper- ance. Act to come into force and 11100 • v ;:error uniformity i1( regard to the law in their counties, lhrt 14, they wanted a stronger Ines, more efficient eefurcem.'nt and there ort letter eonditio"3, 11 is an outrage that they should n0\v be penalized for their action, for that is what the es- tablishment of liquor stoles would HANDKERCHIEFS 1landkercdli'Is monogrammed in dainty colors nee expected to figure largely in the harvest of Christmas presents this year. Some sloops Jur planning to duplicate a personal si;);- nature i0 1i11110idi'ry. The chief point brought out wee 1 1 the Government's interpretation that ; C•�1� l -t7:1 T) (31 the Canada Temperance Act, sus- i pended in three counties, is 1101, 1111- 10ulatleallly restnrcd by repeal of the i O. T. A., and that establishment of :tore: in fleet, areal., is at the d!s- eretinll of the commission. 51111 Hopeful '1•Irn:'oee• for the two li'iren rid bete end Ior ;math Perth el Ill !gale hope. however, tint` 1,•11111 (1 l,ry hales ;;1111e 41.6111te beerine. It .aye that no store. shall be ,• srebll:dlerl in lnty n 11tinipality int Which in 1 11,1:11 npti0n by-law "10 any other act" was in force prohibiting 'nail 1•' of liquor. "The O. '1'. .13., said Mr. Matey, 'did not pt'0'04c ntulil,ery for 11130, luunties to set back entice the et, T. e. when the meetueinl act lleetime • 1 lose restrictive. tch?:'h i, '.1.• case of The den-' of Peace evidently 11ov- tion nl' the village of Wroxeter,1 Tt will be recalled that last year the new law. Language should be eyed Over the 11••lib4•11ttion. of this which was reduced 82,000 because of I Pat•lianlcnt spent month. discussin'+ :kidded to protect 5.h( -0 counlu': 31,. 1''elx11s0n: "I s oppose the t•onl- ,•onunittee, for when the council Met the destruetion of seine buildings by I the question of smuggling. lin' nits, ton could tan. ke into con. 111, tats '1 rsday tm,rnin'1 amt received its tire, the equalized valuations are as whole thing had a dee) political cast • m1 T1 u 1 p pnblir emit intent." 1`.•1)Ol•t. it ,vas received with general eiven below. to it. There is n0 doubt there tva1) t( (71,1. Pri'(•: "I (111111 nt :See how ttlly- ,1:1'revel and adopter) unanimously.. The first 00111010 of liguras in.li certain amount of laxity in Customs thing we ran do would have tiny ef- Selne of the members .and it left ('tat(..; the old assessment which had their municipalities worse off than been standing since the year 1005; 0.11,1',, batt 113' were prepared to the' second eolunm chows the eahla- ,tere11 the roturdittr. 11 1•ec0nu11,91da- tion adopted in January; 1927, on the tem:. in the spirit of conciliation. besi,; of the valuators' report, and 11 .31' M&\ahb n( Grey, was th' on- the third column is the vale o.+inn en, who put up any serious 01)ie('- adopted by the council Thursday. 190(; 1926 C.':,rnnnttee ('1`nton -3S1. (((1 Si 854,500 4 709,170 Gederiee , 12'2, 1.111, 2,361,900 1,892 250 '<•:1111t t 750, 01,1' '191,500 570,760 ' 10111'1111 . ... 703.400 , 111-1,100 ~00,560 ! :.yfi,1.1 .. . ..... 123,100 ':31,500 Llyth .... ... '.'70, 600 ;13.1.700 l'ru sole , 000 417,200 Ta. •5.t"r 5111,900 - 906,000, IIen::tll '50,.100 445,000 \\•i'os•tcr 112, 750 153,200 .Aebbe>l11 2,5110,800 2,696,000 Colborne 1,522 000 1,5546,200 t;ederich Tp. _ '2,208,600 _ 2,172,100 (1re3' 2,817,100 3,071,200 Hay 2,407,030 2,577,500 ilowick 3,388,500 :1,261,100 i-Lollett 2,571,000 2,55.2,400 llehiilnlr 2,67'4, 800 2,751.700 Aforria 2,401, 800 2,508,800 Stanley 2,153,100 - 2,240,100 Stephen 2.738 800 2,876,300 Tuckiramith 2,113,300) 2,1364,200 Tur:'uerty ; •1330, 7011 1,502,700 I'41,000e 2,417, 500 2,454,400 E. Wawnno.h 1,604, 800 1,702,000 W. \1'uwa nn h 1,613, 900 1,714,10(1 [2,501,220 $45,1101,400 177,4'0 317,750 - 300,100 7.22,100 3'47, 700 1.18,975 2,6116,660 1,538,940 2,1 72,100 ,00 7,090 2,529,350 3,261,500 2,556,500 9,729,330 2,503,700 2 21.1,000 9,8 35,050 2,464,200 1,602,700 2,.113,330 1,672,840 1,684,040 $44,255,225 On Parliament Hill l v l5., J. I),'.iclanhan, Press (...tallier)' Ottawa, Marek, 192 --Last soar the house of Commons was a battle for power, It w'ns a fight for the Celt to mile. This ' :r the .Hoose of Commons is a batt'-' over power -the power to be g0000tlt.. t from the Ottawa River. This ie a private bill brought; in by Mr. Chestier. Os- tensibly it is for the purpose of con- administration and the whole thing was played up as the great servation of the age. Back of this, however, there was something else. There is in this country a certain 14111;, of I people who would like to class snitl¢;- 1 Cling along with treason, murder fold cafe and make i•1 a case of hanging. This section of the community seems to have a considerable measure of support from Mr. Euler, the Minster of Customs. Other members of the House see things differntly 1'5.1 so we watched the 111011aci1e of a rather sharp battle in which the Minis c;• of Customs received ample support from Mr. Stevens, Mr. Bennett anti others of ennil:u high protectionist inclinations. Some more or less hot words were interchanged over tato affair and Mr. Bourassa, who is Rev- el' lacking in the gift of tongues, suggested that Mr. Stevens was still the controlling ail directing force of the Department of Customs and that had founts a very devoted ileputy in the present occupant of that. posi- tion. The House adjourned without Much progress being made, but the ;crap 1''vealed more than anything else so far this session that the pres- ent house of Common, nas a mind of 1te OW11, that. it is pot- going to bow down to the ntan1,•e. of pro- tectionist e(therents on either side of the House. The conflict indicated[ the most interesting of all dc,veiap- ments in Parliament, 1h; growing spirit of independence among th!t members, Progress 'l'htat, after all, is 1h,• (111)4 pleas- ing feature of the last two yeast's In the House of Commons. Parliament to -day is different from tht Pan! a- /c"' meat over which Laurier and (Mac- donald ruled. \\5.e 1110y look bark on theme great lights of the past with reverence and high regard, but the overage of the lutelligence of the Heuer to -day is higher than it 31111) in the old days and the spirit of inde- pendence exhibited is One of the most hopeful signs of the time. Parliament will close by Ee aster -• chat is, if nothing unforseen occurs and no one throws a monkey wrench in the machine. That is not likely to happen. 'Do the job and get 11 over, is the 131)1011: of the hour, We have this year, 1,r, what we longed for last year ----stability of. Government. Tt has its advantages and it has its diet - advantages. Parliament It dull when it gots down to business and interest•• !ng when' it gets in a fight, Perhaps the ideal condition 15 one in which peace and combat each has its place. Meanwhile the Senate -the dear old Senate has passed the bill of Old Age POnslons, 'Thus sloes the bul• wark of privilege soften its tont be- fore, the march or public feeling, A1r. irennett, of time emn what 0ranl9ed style and the Liniltati on alis }inn. gentleman dill 1101 make quele :to good an i.mp1esisnn 1111 usual. The Bill is still in the lap of the gads. Rules The lions'. battled for a. night m' 0) over the question of Rules. It is 1',11 that it is quite necessary Lo re• et1'ucting 1r watr•rw•ny from Mont, al , strain the bttrrtpti'ous impetuosity of - to the Georgian Bay. locally it ,•h acertain members who love to hear battle, to secure the fight genera. genert `; Ihemseives talk and who desire to power on the Ottawa River, The :talk 10111:,, sn tiiu' Heuer, loos decided parties in the Tiottse are! 10010 o; lass 1 to limit the speech of the common or at dead ends over the mans: The 1,:rrden variety or lete i'). to 10 min. Tories make a point of getting 1(l) to • toes, Leaders will bo allmeed In deliver long speeches in 30111011 they ' s5. easel this 1.0 it cosisider(tb'ki 101)5'113. glorify Government ownership. Thr• Ti; might be wofl to feeders things. Liberal party which appai't'ntly lute more Government ownership sup- porters find nl018 radical thought in its ranks, ntennl5 to be placid in tine position of defending '..n applica- 'ion fur epode) privilege to private 1•11lerpt.'iee, 'Tho Tories are ln311111lg to prevent the Dill front t;ulul, to r;nminitfee, 1113' L,ils:111l8 Tire ilffht,. ins; to sand i t there. Parli:nnrnt ran do what it ehoosee; ill the V11114 r, but elle ordinary mortal who watelies the strife would not give much for the Dill if 11 once landed in Committee. it, feature of the week 'was an ria' rtunl(t speooh of 49 minutes from faeidcrs are more 017 less trained in the alt of speaking. They ought to hiye the crewel' of condensation, soleness the ni'dinat'y 1m11 le by nate lire, more (13 lose 110031)1 nerd 1110 knows, Parliaments of the. future may 10(1ta111 ne ninny women as men. There •t•ne 40131, nppoeiliun from Dregreseile ' and justly en Why :10010 the lenders of the 010 politi- r'nl parties havee-the right' to trespass ,:n ths t i)r'r' of 11)1 Ilea., while. the )••t'der of one of the retool parties is tot given that prlvllhgv. But one (:anadign Parllatnent tis still a two feet on what the people themselves want and 1)1 their own volition." 11,r Raney: "If you don't want to do it, ,bust ;ay so." W. G. \indd (S. Huron): "Huron has given large majorities on local nptien laws and different plebiscites and I feel sure it would be in the in- terests of Huron and other counties that were under the Canada Temper - :Mee Act that the dry ar0135 should be respected by witholding stores." 1171•. Ferguson, My friend is sug- gesting that we should recognize a condition that does not exist. These counties are not under tha Canada Temperance Act, and the member is eskine, because he and others are opposed to establishment of a store, that their view be respected notwith• ,ctatiuiinp' that they are not under the Canada Tcanferance Act. Surely that is a matter for the commission, because they .have absolute discretion to say whole or where not a stole shall be." Only Suspended 141r. Medd: "Seems to me Huron should have restoration of the act from the I)ominioli i1 is only 0130• pcnded," C. A. Robertson (N, Huron); "When the O. T. A. is superseded, will 10'' not automatically c01410 ,back under the Canada Temperance Act?" Col. Price: "The Colada Temper- ance, Act is brought into tome not alone by vote of the people, but or- der -iii -counsel oi' the Dominion (lov- ornn'nt. The federal nulhoritice did summit It." Mr. Robertson: "Could a man not resort to importation without his permit, as ho- could under the 011) act?" Col. Price: "No, the act oxpres;ly prevents anyone from importing, ex rept the commission." A. A. Colquhoun (South- Perth): ":Then those aimas are at the mercy 11r lodgment of the commission?" Premier Ferguson.; "Yes, ii' the (.'nnnda Temperance Act is not In fever they conte within the provi• Pions Of this flet." Mr. Colgo:holm: "Tho only thing left open :I'or them is to a:lhmit a vote of the people." - - Thi premier: "Yes." HURON CO. IS DRY 1 I DECLARES BEN SPENCE May Be Doubts of Legal Aspect But No Doubts of Moral Aspect (Toronto Star) Rev. lieu Spence, speaking to the Star with regard to the Huron Ca, . situation, where the people asked for the supercessi'On of the C,'11.A, by the C1,1.A. wbieh is now re r,3:134 be awe +:1ts" ala 11111chig the twee in their field, said: PLEATED JAW I' "There are doubts Ihr to the legal e. A tailored blouse of white env, ) acts of the oases shore are no de 01111311 has a doable pleeted itbot '17(bty 011 that 1310r61 as9e01. 'they of selfeMaterial With a line of smell did Writ 1e1)001 the Cal'ula Pemper. peer! button!( down the e•mtre ,':'t Art. .The action token suspend- � R.SE 2 rubber tired buggies 1 steel tired buggy Will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION At the American Hotel Barns BRUSSELS Saturday,April 2nd At 1 o'elocll JOHN AGAR, - Prop. AUCTION SALES 0. "i')..5. ,41.1: 14x' verse -'1.Oe K AND 1(4 101.11- Mlt01'0:-- Tho-, (411,"['\'. ♦1•e0 lel for, h't. it en ,,v Grind.el In .,Il 1(1 \`'141 .l 4P. 'un 32, McKillop. wilco" bks, 0,01 11 .11.- one ,,','lack harp the fullrwulg 1 n -,yr., old, rel" time of -' 1"; 1 ! alf J„1., 1 raw 7 yr0 01,1. an,, Al, 'U. lt"l ,' Apt •11, 1 roles ptai. old Elle Aio '' 13, 131o,'oLrr h,:r,•l'. ri•. Lin •300x(,, 1 h,1(ec 3i•log :i vtnr. 1 "1,,.r H. • inr:l year.. I.,-0 , ; r., . ri 2 5.-'''r:. rising 1 or,, I steer ri4i'01 y'.. eic fe nos .•nl•te • r i,. I.. n ' e Ie me)•, 4 Le [rester w' •- with )nth, at fol, 1 11,, re 1,7'.11 Ox(or 1 tam •11,ir5 old "1"tll) Pr 3.4 11.111,, dri11, Peter Hamilton 11•h0„ drl1, 11„+ey. H,3rl, 101" sreri rok0, Siff "rv•Hnr ri. nunc0r, s.(. of d > a,ud 1.011,1, euh 1vet0r, ,et lean ['muse's, W111, in,mc a•:•hk )»u td'.w. gdl,y nln,v. Photon fcr. nuts niill, -e•t 1,205 ib •,' mons, x,,,111 4,1111 he 11 ': 40(5 r 1,irle1 traeoli, .14 of Hl•irlic, Portland (tinter, tight 10110011 . bmv r1. 1:. 111,1 el Los, slit of Ain '00 harness, comb. r h^r•'• e,llA'•'w h,v 1,,l chem 01102 separator.., w- ing ,narh)ni- lFrn'd, Jird movie wm,d 13 1. 'nt'g, 11 tuna of S' hire and 'r3n.othe hay anis el Haw,m nrtfnl, 8'100 nam. rens 10 Is DMA's, 'r1S134nt,--0rolr, 11 ,V .1,d 1.1a awl under, c esh 1 over text Hlanrllt 31Illnntll. P1,,dit g 1- ' 0 nu tnrn'ahier Removed 1o'nt notes. 11 per molt err A,,tlne, off (o• cosh oat credit amounts. Lind ow000. tar severity. Pow ftivCly es reserve ; every thi-e volt ho Aoki, JOHN AIA11,414(1.1., ALB361irI (1.0oTA1+1.17, Props. pI'1 TION SALE 01' 0(151415.0018) 1(10 19 05(1110 -I), h] 0volt, Auctioneer, ltnn beim lustruot, d to mill ilt the Variety store, Brine solo, on snlarday, April •'n4, itt 2 o'alook, silent, silo seeming : 1 bedrooms suite, 1 cloy vowel beet 40'1117, 3 sets 1,111 •initlxs, 2 Mat:1aas'o', 1 nen bed, targe ht11•rsn, 1 'hot'ry (all• Lal table, bedroom toiler .1,t, 1 conch with laver, 2 melting clutir,', 1 small table, 1 cap• hoard, 6 wooden 'hairs, number of fruit fats „' other at:Polon 1 brae, bed, enemas find dmittro"s, 1 library 0,11141, 1 111,.,,1•, 1 wash Mend. 1 isrge plate gbr 1110,02' 1 .nnlralry: 1„tl"r, 1 high ,'bait' t Klondike' fleeter new, nnmbet• of tl3entrie i,nht. 1190 1,1,, 1 1•Inroe,. Nett/ !'r urn..s 1111 stn(r told errs, 1 refrigerator, i combination •, 1l le„1,,1, 1 x dnv telltale ntoek, 1 [lig i on alarm rheic, 2 bird •axes. 1 parlor hung I t• 'eu,00 to e••1 , 1 Afsddiu 104,1(1, nuvrral .umll lamp,'* 1,4t „t It r.u'ticles toosun• evens to 1,„•u r'e„ !'1:[5.11~-'('aa11. a1. Al 1. 98001 -;11, Propn"treosaa. A110111NNA1,E Oh' FARM krt1('15. 1 ta1MuN'rs, G,utx. Mr 1,N l mtpne 00-11 Al. S met has heel, in,ttnmt or to sell at 1.'•1 15 tit'•y Twp.. on Tim,', In, AprO ;tit. (•1,ICk, ehnrl`. 11,, 10n3wille:- t hl'Hvp ill l're 5 years n1,1,1 henry cont rionlg g '' e'l',, I hr,vv colt rising yen r+. 1 colt, 1 aged mare. 1 000 harn c015. 11 yeino old with nett 1,t root. ( th'r. hate Nov 7 rent.,.Ian ,nllking 1 Dl1rlu)u1 r1,40 y,Ar001015111a n g, 1 Olir)mn1 row)seta•+ 11)114)"g. 13)orh,11n row g (5.1041 old "tilting." vParting (1110,0 1 brand .1(w with 1))),' H' York. 1 b,,,) .,r,e•. 1 ,'•11110 ting.15 Hort .1 nook pullets 115 Lang'hnnp porno, 20 yrnr•nht hos, 1't.'1'0 Anhnn,,.d '[(tesla hay 76 1,10. '411• 1 elhn. 0e0 11 r(.. 1.11.1,•1. Mels.. nod rats, in ha_ potatoes, : '•i. ,inch clear.•. •.t 4 "1,4. hroerhine hn'�.,,.a, "l a n' pl odor 4 Pin. -1 t•Harris 7.1% hiO'-rnonrli now tyProt wood (141, stews'. ainx,eel' 111)• 1.1,',•,, e, scurf. unrr4d.r, 1tnw,•v• 1155.010 0r1l run - iv'tor with 0e"1) box, hay rake, ,1,4 6•• t•' iron h'•rrntre, '-1 walk)nu Oh,ws, 'Nine pt.iv. 2 w•• MOO, waent, b',x furl stook rock, hay rack with slide r,lrk, 0111, X. sat o' sleigh' onto.. .t i -sir, baso(. sell flier. rn'w 011ee", turnip p111per g1I110Htollo, r1,') nil rirtnn, Sl matte rr, ant .nuirernr m' 1' 5.h ale, tiny fel k nod volleys. set 01 0lhn;. 110,op 5.5)10, apt no pan,,)I10)11117 n" hu„1.e rmeins mill ninny, , or r0rrentor toots rob.,1O feet I inch piping, e.- tr,ptot, fall's h('[141:t."1(::111,4701.1 f t'n,d,vnn,i ,rt•. ,hull. . bicep n7,1,111,1.1') 1•tmtes inn 1,mmw• • 01,• to mention, end 1nrorstend roam enrP. word 1,r not beitoe, oven til nook star+• b'•d- rrnn -suite. beds with ln,ttreo"o, 'nod wrongs rid ei nerd x 10.in1 tn1010, n,'babe, 11 r ,'king chairs, 5 kitoheo rimes, 2 fall -leaf tot les. ototre tl:ho. H'.li'rr' n l'(' ""f 1)",') euro 6x8 ft., nice of linoleum 1::x12 ft., piles of linoleum 11x11 it, k'onrolv"m keg (1,1011 4) 21 yd. nil 0101h 1 ydw!rtr, " ,. • 0a1,., roes ori" fh . nun'• e, of scala. 0'01ll"l4 -..All stun( of 41') told %leder, 0,0•1, : over (hot )min let a motho orndie linen on r.. n)sbirg rkppror,d 1 nlfrt *03)05 Ln n ,molent off rot. 1' piano il A(n*,OLIVER IIAlilil1, ,'SAMI:EI,Halting, Props. T (Oi4. 51 T h1,ifai, (:lerlt, AUCTION SALE of Fates Stock, Iniplemt n etc., ---D, 141. Scott, Auc- tioneer, has been instructed to yell at Lot 11 Con, 11, Grey, o)1 Friday. April 8th, at 1 O'clock, sharp, the following: -2 aged snares, 1 Short• horn -cow to freshen April 1st, I. Shorthorn cow to feesheu in July, 1 Shorthorn 00W to freshen in August, 1 'farrow cow, milking, 2 steer's 2 yrs. old, 5 heifers 2 yrs, old, 2 steers 1 yr. old, 4 heifers 1 y)'. old, 11 steers '2 yrs. old weighing about 900, 10 i'oicestcr 111009 with lambs at foot, t Leicester rale, 100 hens (White Leghorn), 8 White Leghorn cocker- els, 10 white Wyandotte hens, 2 white Wyandotte cockerels, 1 York sow due April 29, 1. York sow due May 1, 1 Tamworth sow due June 9, 9 pigs 10 weeks old, 2 York sows bred 2 months, 1 hay loa'd'er„ 1 Mas- eey-Harris binder 6 -ft, 1 Massey. Harris mower 6 -ft., 1. hay rake, 1 iVfnssey-Barris cultivator, 1 steel rol- lor, .1 seed drill, 1 set of 5 -section harrows, 1 walking plow, quantity of coiled wire, 1 scutller, 1 wagon, 1 at0(111 rack, 1 gravel box and hay rack, i set sleighs, 1 set 2,000 -ib, Na- tional scales, 1 root pulpor, 1 Mag• net cream separator, 1 washing machine and wringer, 1 sap pan, 80 sap pails and spoils, 1 sugar kettle, 1 cook stove and churn, quantity of cedar posts, 8 ladders, 200 bus, oats, quantity hay, 86 bus. 1025 oats. -[erns:-A11 831115 of $:1.0 and un- der, cash; over that: amount :10 m0111115.' credit given on :furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per cent, off for cash on credit amounts, Land oevner5 tor security. 1). iktt SCOTT, JAS, W. GRANT, Auctioneer. Proprietor, 14.I41S, MILLEI1•, Clerk Notice to Crediitors In the matter of the estate or ROUocca Martin, late of iho V(Ilatro of Bruer solo, in the County of Huron, widow docoasod. Nati, 1" 11 rely 21 Yell Pur u, n1. h, the 1G coed rill totes '1 Ontario, rh,pt r 1•.1 their ailIA edit els 11,1 Others 1(1,011,1'.lains a1,011100 the ....tuft of 111e ,.1114 lteh r, MA1tn.' who cad nn 1,r nbo1111 131(1 lathe "t 6'ebrnnrp, A, 11. 10,7, are 1•ryulrr,' on 1(r 1,r 1, re 19, 5111 d,r wf April A, 1) 1101. to eru,1 by poet 14*'- (,cid or deliver 10 Jemm'o 1-errtn , r• 1411 ihnvl M0111111. ttots soar the ane Will and 'rr.'titnlrat l:l cloneaeed, their Christian tool )(x1101' es, , ,tresses and deoerantionn, fie httl pin Pei of their claims, the ,,t'((•ment of the tomtit, W,(1 tate nature of (too., corn les, hell hp then, And (l,, ther, tyke rottiie that nitr Inst in, intoned Elute. the sr id hx rt ), prom„ -d is d'-trllnue Iitr assent u, the 1(l amnogst the adeno. entt0rd I),,•rvt 11,111''uurd, lily 10 the rlatTIN whleh 11,0, the„ hove ,oder r1, 11 1 he onitl Nxeenr,4. 3101 1,o II hlr 1M. the 013,1 ...Kit tir ,.1,y 01,1,1 Ieny ink1,,11 or per m• 5.t w, ,•!nun nut 11e,.11ul1 e011,51.1. 110,; II 1l,• 11, at the tint,. of sarlf ,fist rll a l b 1'. 1toru1 ter Vttughone thl, Eleventh day March A. ll. 16::7..' It. VAN" 7•c1NM. lViueha,, P O., Ont, Soli,itur fur the Its( rotors. Farm for Sae Lot No, 1'5. 1111. 1'on0eo"i011 10, Town.11W of Ahcli,li 1 f utile Allot of wanton, rent uuing 01 sorts of to 111 f nl,r•ro"m,O to res r rd tonal( lura nod lieu 13,•usr. All urll dram ed nod Noe, d Air further pltrla•utltrs slprly to I (114EnT HOLLAND. in core of 7lit udore Monona, :'rnforth 13. 1( Nn 1 1,1011r2)7•8. Bo Your feet Bother You ? 011' 1 h tragrd) or arh)*n feet, the 1,dcry e.1 i o'nfully drat ging sae )ort after 11,,,1ti- er. the I,Ittermoto of watt hitp nth, red 1'-p nit 11 g w1111011 0 foot carr do ate tor; ridrout r,•ieri v ren 1,0 av0ldert 1 11.110. 1,5.34, e f soffe, ed fcr y bat I found 0 trey 11, 5." u .ve flint 111, 1111 strain vino 11 i u odic Ltd HI,i0o. Eon. 11111111 to htop 0tho-r' : if 6011 1,10 n tuderl r, pen.0 n,entiot i' 1111, I'(''when w•rititg .1 r . 1" ' .:S Pr, -spenia'„ Ham hl( on. Ooh, , r Indy he pnrohi,i d 51 llowning 11100.. shoe dealers. Be tinsel:. Nouse and lot for Sale The uurlersl;u,'d offera for ,ole his null lot on Albert street, n. ~orals, contemn ,'bath, furnaoe and is elentrto ) Omni garden cad gornge, Everythi. tir41 r 3rap JA 9' S. 911N1)E1140N, Neon. Farm 'for Sae r'nrao of the late William 11.110,40s, ing of 72 sores of excellent hind. to'h( ehtp of HOwiek. A bout 11, notes of In wont 1111 workable; 11p1endol nil urn supply; gond orrliord, Imre aril trap "Plotted Moult P;, 1a1IPS from' (4 n. and .lnnptne 5.t nrlan Afro lea -,,c term calcining h'i ret -claw Iinn, wt ed, 4:00w shade and useer•fainng w•1, W)ly; goad burn, drive shed nod hr in Hell oep5rntely m• together. V Alwrrh Int, 11117, Apply to Airs. 501 tar, Excentrix, Box 250, Gerrie a' G. W, WALKICR, Gorr Farms for Sa 2311 worn• Aries thh netua halves,: 5.U, 21,11 nod 22, to the 1st Von, of O ship. ISO norms )deal 51 nes farm, 5 1111110 water nngl'hndo, will bo sold .1 if de+trod. will ,onstdrr rnntu'gr to ,'unapt,' tomtitA ply to (s.j.:c1, n. JOHlvI'vlrtaN, H R2, or GROR015. NPOTTON, WiogJ, Farm for Sa 100 nitres, being Lot 25 lith Con., Grey Abatt2U acres (+leered, halm ore slosh, On the premises is a ler. 011,14 story cad It half frame hoes stable sncl other smell buildings. 4t payments, hula:ice 11th( remain on In Possenxial lot of Agrit, 1027 Amply' AL(UH. M(LEAN, 3.12.2, 11 Nouse and lot for Sa The, and erelan ed 0)7(1(0 for Hare hiA, able Welt cottage un Priserss Hbr solo, Haltvta'e of laud, Well on Immediate possession. For fort ulnrm, eptly to wht. WOKE, Bra. Phone 2117 q� _v4. --- Nouse and lot for The eligible home ind lot on (7 Breese's, the property of the int is offered for sole. Comfortable anion anr.lon. Per farther carts( to HARRY KVIYS, $ot R.R.; Farm for Sal (The old Hamilton Pi. IVO heroe,'being N:i Lets 7,0,1' an SU nods of 10, Oona A, Turnb,rry t Large ftrst•olaes barn, splendid stone tutdoraeath • windmill, large drivin good frame Muse and s1otle kitchen, orchard, never failing sprinte,wl farm. t, from Wroxeter village and I mile from tie Taus fern) Inns ha0n )n pasture ter some y. nod will give highest, returns. Parra I values rail rise, Icor particulars apply to THOS. 51•285K06 1, R. Gi'bsnn Oster, P. boa 77 Wroxctor Phone 110 Farms for Sale 0.11ene... !rhe nndorslguod o0ers for sato has usteore farm boing.N;y, (tet 26, Pon, 7, Morris. Also Macros, being North 34, Lot 111, and IN, 'et, (fon, 7, Morris. Good houses and borne to itest•olns, conditial, nla0 an good nnt•bnitd Ings, wilt sell with or without orae,- Rome on for selling, poor health, [Por further pert. io nors Apply 00 W • I3. 510ORTOHII;ON. Proprietor, 15.. 11,1, Rruesetn 1 Farms for Sale 100 soros of lona, being the 505111 54 of lot 5, Cion. 8. and the eolith (-4 of Lot (6, (fan, 'f 311 tail Township of Morris. These forma are (tfeerm for dale to °lamina the estate of the late ,lain es Smith, 1f not sold they will he rental for pan Mee. a7dr perttoutare (111111y 10 the exeoatera, HIr6NIIt`0' HANgtiIUISON 'its' �j`