HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-3-30, Page 311 Wanted ted We pay Highest Gash Price for Ciseam, 1 cent per lit.- Butter Fat e/ltra paid for all Cream delivered qt our Creamery. Satisfaction Guaranteed Brussels Creamery Co. Phone 22 ry-Z'.c. Limited Y sl Nil 'Al? . t k'.0f s 4' THE LAUGHS YOU'VE GOT , is the Syd Chaplin of "Charley's sit" and "The Man on the Ii m" i Syd Chaplin of the ludicrous fe- nale disguises and winks and nods and uproarious gags, who %pl-ears in "Oh! What a Nurse!" Syd starts as a newspaper reporter but it isn't long before we find him disguised as a bootleg queen and as a trained nurse. We see him' through the most wildly imaginative series of laugh situations that have been evol- ved by a serenn comedian. And the more we sec• of him the better we like him, Syd is a laugh -maker of the front rank. Perhaps the highbrow critics won't write sentimental eulogies of his work, as they cin of brother Char- lie's, betaine Syd makes no play for pathos, or fez anything but laughs. And laughs he gets. He gets all the laugh that you've got. "Oh! What a Nurse!" which will be at the Crani Theatre for Friday and Saturday, April 3 and 9, was •rit.en by Robert E. Sherwood, the • motion picture critic end editor of "Life," in collaboration with Bert- ram Bloch. They have evolved a gorgeous, gay and rollicking story, with Syd Chaplin always in the thick of the ridiculous mixups with boot- leggers, a run -away heiress- and a scheming matchmaker. Not to men- tion being in het water with the edi- tor of the newspaper, on which Syd is n reporter. It's all Chaplin this picture, and therefore, all funny. But "Chuck" Reisner, who directed, is undoubted- ly entitled to share honors, and Patsy Ruth Miller, who plays the runaway heiress, fills the eye pleasantly when- ever she is on the screen. "Oh! Whet a Nurse!" easily takes' its place with the funniest comedies that have been screened. It ranks with the best pictures of aCharlie Chaplin, Harold Iloyd, and Buster Keaton, and puts Syd Chaplin in a definite position as one of the Rig Four of screen comedians. ore to Strengthen Weak Colonies in the Spring every colony of bees there is a in amount of routine work that to be done no matter whether is a crap of Harter awaiting to ethered from the 'flowers or not. amount of surplus honey drat Colony can be expected to store e in direct proportion 'to the .r of bees it hats over anti above required to perform the rout - that colony. These extra bees town as the field force and to e them at the right time and right age requires skirl and a go of bee behaviour on the the beekeeper, The field must be as large as possible tdy for work at the commence - f the train flow of neeta- and f the right age must he pro during the six or eight. weeks dor to the flow. Th' first step ave each colony headed with Prolific c during c ] ueen the and early summer, as the is responsible for laying the .hat will product the workers. word step is to have each coI- trong enough in bees to take of the maximum amount of the queen can produce. -Weak es can be strengthened by any following methods, given in f preference: - By uniting to them tombless s of bees imported early in (2) By giving combs of sealed brood from extra strong colonies. (3) 13y shaking, into them some bees from metre. strong colonies. (4) By placing the weak colonies over strong colonies with a queen ex- eluder between, and leaving them there for from two' to three weeks. Remember also that it requites food to rear bees and that protection from cold influences the rate of ex- ' pension of the brood nest, DARKER COLORS Whereas there is no revolutionary move in the world of hosiery, there is a tendency toward clacker colors. Sheer black is frequently encoun- tered. FAT *J! 0 4. •m• t• m WANT E D • 9 Highest market prices for oth- er hens. Will pay 2(ic a lb. for fat hens Mr 6 lbs. e +e 4. YOrdie 9 0.09+9.4.474.94•04e041+e,?4,44,2!..9,•,41'1.94. xxxovrar ,.,.a.,,�aenctamenee as a air„ Mcart s E'I'TER CREAM ETTER BUTTER ETTER PRICES R1L 7. 1V1 are Inw prepared in (.,'rade year Crean, honestly, gather 11: ttviee a week and deli via at ne' Creamery each day we lift it. We gather with (sneered Intel( to keep sun off it, We pity a Perm; On of 1 rent nor )b. lmteer•fat for ypnn• foils over that of No, 1 grade, and 3 omits per lb, butter•fait fat. No, 1 grade over that of No, 2 grade, '.i'he basic principle of Ilse improvement in the (Wittily nt Ontario hotter isthe clfnlinetian of Seonnd and oft great. cream. This may nes 0050inplished by paying the producer ,+f good cream e better prim, per pound of butter -tat linen is paid to the p10000er of pont' cream. VVe solicit pew ((((00n - age awl en.eperntion tor batter tnaritet. ,rw•We will loan you a can. See our Agent, T. C. MCC.ALL, or Phone 231o, Brussels, rhe S { rth Creamery Tf!E BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1327. The Effect of Cod Liver Oil Upon Chicks `Confederation Year at Canadian National investigation has .shown that, in oases where both calcium and phot:- phorous are present hi the ration in sufficient quantRies, but. where these minerals lave not been properly uti- lized in bone formation, a deficiency of vitamine De as it is called, is the controlling factor. Sources of vita - mine D are mills, Liver, fresh green feeds and eod liver oil, It is most eoneentrated in• end liver oil. ('onsldetable exp(a'imente1 wet.. nn the use of rod liver oil as a <0ree 01' this vitamine and as a cure for rickets, has been conducted by he Poultry Division of the 0001,0 1 Poi rt, 1 the investi- gation is- as yet in its infancy, Dur- ing 1921, in an experiment romper - mg different , vitamine feeds for brooder chicks, a pert receiving crude cod liver oil as a vitamine supple- ment made the greatest gains throughout the test and was the only pen in which there was no indica- tion of rickets or leg -weakness. Fif- teen chick, fret 1hie exporiitrent,-...--_...__ . Parti - suffering from leg -weakness Exhibition Directors Decide to Parti - N weakness to such an eXtent that, they wee:' unable to repate in Jubilee Celebration. walk and one el' which was practi- :oily 111(1(1(1)1• to mere, W'1',. 1441 fed liver all at the rate of one teaspoon- ful per day the first day :md the !ams nmouari tier five birds from that day on. Eleven ((eye (11(0r the conn- monctnn•nt of tre.;tment all rhfcks, e'2' p1 fhi• one previously melt lolled, could run aroumi normally, while by the fourteenth day even that one was emnpletely eared- Thr• chicks were then put an a standard ration and tina'e w;ls no sign of rickets over n lb: , >a,eri,n,erlt W2S r(l'eated. The gen receiving refined cod liver oil made the greatest gains and signs of u(kets again were present only in chicks not receiving the oil, During 1920 fourteen chicks. suffering from 1 gaining weight after seven days of treatment with refined rod liver oil. The Canadian National I- xhit,iticn is to play a proinin.-ui. peat is t!u, rel •Lration o' 111.- 10 (e.iuio0 julolec of (l.u,fe,1 rainti. '1'h.: d, rl:•ion 01 o - rived at 1,1 lc. executi.' , ,.l 1•'ivn. the (Atrial /•vine e( ('"J(. 1 .r, tier Year 10 li.i,- �,aar'.- , l(il,ition, 1':011 of the cd, voted 1 :loc i rr.. n pa,, u o . pre101 day nn 11, fink (. and it is expiated that the Li.uten- ant -Governor and 1(01.7- 11i(1 -1, r of 021011of the 10,,,virr 1.11 Lc the 1111:- en their particular (lay. The following' (1 - thr lU i;,l 1it'ea (I tach one of the 11)27 Saturday, Alen t ..?tit Ines 1l and Warriors' La,. Diondev, August 110th Conf:'�l•'rt. tinct, flight(•ay+, sand Aa2,(!(titu eg-Won mess Jn varying stages of severity Dap' wee(.:•n•good condition And Canada's Six Provincial Government .Liquor Control Systems at a Glance ALBERTA Sale of Spirits In 29 government stores Cash -and -Carty Unlimited quantities Sale of Beer By the glass In 290 beer parlors Supplied direct by breweries Unlimited quantities Sale of Wines In government stores only Unlimited quantities Permits to Buy $2 Yearly 50 cents single purchase Purchase endorsed on back Banquet Permits 604 granted, 22 for picnics Club Licenses 41) granted. Peer only Liquor sold, Not for gain Canteen Licenses 13 granted Advertising Controlled by Board SASKATCHEWAN Sale of Spirits In 26 government stores Gash -and -Carry Quart bottle per day Sale of Beer Tn sealed packages In 95 beer parlors Operated by government 2 gallons per day Sale of Wines In government stores only 1 gallon per day Permits to buy None' required Except in extra quantities When endorsed en back Banquet Permits 93.4 granted Wine and Beer Club Licenses None Canteen Licenses None fiver ' A tesiu Controlled by , Roard MANITOBA Sale of Spirits In 9 order offices Order -and -deliver 12 quarts per week Sale of Beer In sealed packages In Deer depots Operated by breweries Unlimited quantities Permits to Buy $1 Yearly 50 cents single purchase Not endorsed on back Banquet Permits None Club Licenses None Canteen Licenses None Advertising Controlled by Board ONTARIO SALE OP SPIRITS To governnieiit stores Cash -and -Carry Quantities not Determined SALT: OF BEER Tin sealed pneknges In government shops Operated by Government Quantities not Determined SALE OP WTNES In government stores' only Quantities not Determined PERMITS TO BUY Yearly Purchase endorsed on lraek BANQUET PERMITS None OLITR LICENSES None May be kept in bedrooms CANTEEN LICENSES None ADVERTISING Prohibited QUEBEC Sale of Spirits in government stores Cash -and -Carry A "Rattle at a Time" Sale of Beer By the glass Tn .100 inwns, (112 stores Supplied direct by breweries LTniimited quantities Sale of Wines In hotels and restaurants Unlimited Quantitieo Permits to buy None required Banquet Permits 33 granted Club Licenses nl granted Not proprietory Canteen Licenses None Advertising Controlled by Board BRITISH COLUMBIA Sale of Spirits Tn 70 Government stores Cash -and -Carry Unlimited Quantities Sale of Beer By the glass In 250 beer parlors Supplied direct by breweries Unlimited Quantities Sale of Wines Tn government stores obly Unlimited Quantities Permits to Buy :+2 Yearly 5(1 cents single purchase Purchases endorsed on back Banquet Permits 500 granted Wine and Beer Club Licenses 80 granted Beer only Members' own liquor served Canteen Licenses None Advertising Controlled by Daniel The lenportetxnce of Clean Milk The production of clean milk is of paramount importance to the dairy industry. This is clearly shown in a new pamphlet entitled "Producing Cleat Mille," written by the Domin- ion Agricultural Bacteriologist, A. Grant Lochhead, Ph. D. The author points out that the quality of our Canadian cheese, butter, condensed and powdered milk, ice-cream, and of milk and cream consumed im liq- uid state is dependent on the success of the milk producer in providing a clean article. No manufacturer, cheese -maker, butter maker or city dairyman can raise the quality of Itis Product higher than the quality of the mike delivered to 1tim. Milk its easily contaminated but by proper methods of handling it can bit easily protected against contamination. These methods are rl.esr•ribed in film pamphlet which may be obtained from the Publications Branch, De- partment of Agriculture, Ottawa. It shows that ninety-nine per cent of the contamination is controllable by the producer himself if be will em- ploy sanitary measures which any- erie handling a food product should be 'willing to take, Press mencang tissue into silk to laxso'ce tt bi tion liaise from 1 ayinr, Tuesday. Auou:t 3011 - "setts and Young Canada's Day. Wednesday. _August 31st-- Columbie, Merchant= and Club Day. Thursday, September lit tithe, Music. Radio and \'Vncen Day. Friday„ September and .- New Brunswick and Puss Day. Saturday, September 3rd -- Nova Scotia, bianufaetur'ers', Sport' and Floral Day. Monday, September tit1' Ontar- io and Labor Day. Tuesday, September nth -- Prince Edward Island and Lit 'motional Day. W,•chtesdny. September 7th---Que- bee, Farmers' and Hydro Day Thursday, September Sth --•- Seal nlchew'an and Transpot•tntinre Day. Friday. September 9th --- Yukon and Review Day. Saturday, Septtmh. ! 1 Oth Ts"nn• pine and Boys' and Girls' Day. Brai f+e•virc He Ain't Heavy Mister, whist ye lookin' at? Think I'm tired and all of that:' Can't you see the: ;tones is aero' to hurt his feet'. 1Ie's barefooted, I got shoes, And it's hotter that, the deuce Per 'him if he has to wall: along • the street. Makes no 0hi..retire 'bout tn' weather, Me 01,0 him neat. ;;o together. And he knows I ain't a -gin t'etrop hint, nether, When T get then. he will be Standin' lnng the side of me. Ab, nn, mister, he ain't heavy: he's my brother. Let you Mk" him for a why':,•" Why, it's only half a mile 'fill we go to where the 1•ra(55 is -:oft land green, Then you ought to so,, him run. ti Gee, we'll have a• lots of fun, )Io and hint, the l,ente,t time. vet ) ever 50±11. I am b1,, mid tall and strong, .And I like to have: him 'Iong. 'Twon't he long that I will have 10 pack1'1 nuther, p un 'Causesome daohe's gain' to grow, w Then we won't go half so slow. Ah, no, mister, he arat't heavy: he's my brother, Maybe I could get there quicker, If I ,(,1st would let him flicker, And would set hint down and leave him here behind. But he needs me, I ain't going, 'N run away '111108,' he's growing And'Il hold rue Lack. No, sir, 1 ain't that kind: it's a lot of fun to hold itim On my hack, and once I've told him I would take him. why, I will, somehow or Pother; See he's Ianghie, net a-cryitt', And I ain't a half a'tryin'. Go on, mister, ho ain't heavy, he's my brother. --W. R. Bill, in Kiwanis Magazine. HOT BREAD 'Tot bread may be prepared ahead of time by mixing and sifting dry In- gredients and mixing wet ingredients separately. 1)n not add the latter until.,iur:t before time to bake, fay the moisture will start the action of the leaking powder or 50(1(1, Th1.4 TOWELS Tea. 1(10,15 should be washed atter each day's use, and t'• :r^oughiy bofl- ed once a week. t CONCENTRATED FULLNESS Gntherecl or draped elcirts acre de - simnel to ran,•entrate fullness in one spot, either in the middle of the front. -or on one Hide. GOLD AND BROCADES l"or the bag too be cnrricd in the evening, there is it preferesice for tailored models in gold kid or in ran- dy lsroeades, e.Xguiaitely Hamed. 24e - C.; ff Mr Its superior strength nm:tkeu Parity go farther tilttax trrlinal'n iyutirs. it „ 1:•cl.e t 1,-r ad tear Letting- 00! 1'0 0, buns and bread - 0 ti.; r'y'e &sir ..avis 0;11V, 15 17e, essers. Try Purity Flour to. c.. c - it is certain in to it' hams . a,t,. Send sic in stamps Ar chi r:- 0,51 e I'n':ry Flour Cie 1, 1(60L. 11)12 Vinntara 14aedo !'tour 511:1 Co. Lmocrd. loroan,. Slantrret. 101st,, ...slut Sohn. The Gar Owner's Scrap -Book 1'•, t f. 1., .. L+:,c;! li...l:r • 5t: r•e ,r,eh a......n....«+...gc,•nn,.......,.....,.on...,,.,,.w*-...m-„ •aowoa ..r�.+...r..m......,u.reav,.. •'.TEAMING RADIATOR 9 i.r 1, -it 4. P, to t;b' 1. 1112' leas el' radiator 1- to open the chin („rk. 11(1. prevt•at, the• tick of .,•,adios ,Gould tis,. radiator cap be r, au„•d, w;,Il azo th er.eapin.' ..1141 dam.1ctu Ile: paint on the leant, CAUSES OP SLUGGISH START - if '1,•• starting mote,- tom,: nvf-r !uevly or not .,t ,.1i, turn on light: said if they go out. when using the starter the trouble is probably a dead battery or loo,a, battery conn• -,tion 11 the lights are not affected, wain starter brushes ars. indicated. WORTH REMEMBERING Quid: tops 07' :.tarts mean a quick end to tire-. Wa •tt the wheels are perked in stopping, and the ear keeps on going, the tires slide over the road instead of revolving and the rubber is worn off in ono spat. When 11.•• engine i- girt,t7 too much 'gas in sterling. an unn eessarily heavy .tr._'tt fs put on the seetien of the• ti", that Lrrt'I the pavement and a w,•cik(m.•d tread may result. SHELLAC COATING FOR BOLTS. j . A thin rooting of, shellac Is an ef- P• sties anti -rust protection fur bolts awl nuts. The substance will also r•due,• the annoyance of lo•tse and ttittlins parts. Doth nut and bolt ' should 1'e 011)90d in thin shellac. if - 1,..r being !pit in place with the tint tightened, bolt .i'rau!'1 have a little additional :'•t,•il u, applied to its al t. This t eatmant will 001 only per, crit rusting. but will allow itis not to be tattoo off matt easily. As a tierieraI rule it is very hard- to este-Tenet' small harts. Soni (rise, 'they are coated with grease or gra- phflt, bat this soar, wears off atIli Ole gnat continue.. to 4011 uml lat•-. Some . fermi of paint are frequently used, but these, too, are not permanent rentiniac. Tli.; sh:•lirc coating -is e'•n••el,d to overcome this. I. - TO IMPROV.F.APPEARANCE Who:n overhauling the engine, try scraping ail the oily dirt off th>• out- side sutfraats, theret:ghly ,lean wish gasoline and, otter Osaing, ]taint it with motor enamel. This enamel can 1 • obtained in either alumina or hack 111111 will deriii, ly improv the appearance of an old engine. . Then, if the valva' rovers and all places that ordinarily leak 011 111.,• ]opt tightly fastened on, and the u5- 118113. 51(illy neglected ditty job of 01±1101(110 111011y 81110 ad,instnmetmts wiii .,e' •.. pleasure. ;. 4.. 'c ELECTRICAL UNITS 'I'b0 el,'etri'al equipment 01 :- col (411.. -', .: part. i1• are -two or (Inc arose'Joints •c.•,'y ar.•u,r-eir';.et should 1o04t h, v.-1 o full}. `. 1; • 0,:,,; Is 1 ;t( th.• Matt ,- tnu._t '11::,.!.v.10.. up. l'nw:re (e: tin• :''-ra ..< _ Misch wilt found on the batt -* box. Look but do not use i 0,:ic: 1 fight. '1'h,• 221,10 should ft• ..aiij ti: it „olds in fact. fat 40,001' three - eights of 00. inch above the top of the plates- Hutt is thn eorrnct lev<d. It is a level which mt per301, e3n neite cosily keep up. it the -iv:id l -mel has got below that water should l•, put in. Neither t rid watcz ser Wan teeter .should be irisin. Tilt., contain impurities whist damage tl.e plats, tend therefore! '•arts r their life. The only water t ,.,t -hr rid h,t , used is distilled coater. Tta' oan quite (ashy h.• obtained from a chemist mi -t or garage. but care should be taken to sir that it is put only !into a, clean bottle. On the whole, it is Letter to get it from the ehem- ist's. it is quite a good thing also , to have batteries t(•.ted for th • right mixture. The first 500 miles of driving de- termine the life ofthe car. T,ritir,e a carr without hub roes on front wheels allows tilt to get into th,. hearings. On the st, erin•r Bear more frc- (s0ent:ly daring salary weather be- cause wat•.r and rmnd ars• splashed on the parts. e `t sue erta>,• cents and refill with fr< r t lubricant at (vast every 1100 or. 1,01,0 1.' ala in fieri' tui-' .often eall<d "•,low leak,," generally are duo 10 a 00110y valve t•ap. T to, 1,h• hunting in at cat' consists of a 1,ra,ess of (•linminat9in, both by reasoning and by testing. Do not remove the cover of ,a dis- tributor when wiping off moisture, a.: Neater tvttioi( inside will cans, addi- tional trouble. Grease imps should always be kept risen, es diet whfeh get. into them furred into the bearings, l'(110ing. ria -e ..:.ivr Wear, Ve`iren the engine is warns and is Sleeking. oil consumption will in- crease. :1 heavier grade of 011 will (Inlet t the engine fnc and save oil tot i2 repairs can be nlsdc. Place ihr two hest toes 00 the rear wheels. Efficient nt (n nation of ear requires gond traction, and for this reason the beat tires 511011'.! be :lt 11e 1'0111'. ,,mis s,Nnmata,„a(„a. arMS.M.. rr Serrate Adopts Old :4ge Pension Bill; Several Amendments Defeated Three Liberals Vote Against the Measure On Second Reading; Measure Now Awaits Royal Assent Ottawa, March 21, -Th, Gov ,rn- nment's old age pension bill was giv- en third goading in the Senate to -day without amendment. It. now await, royal assent. 'Rapid progress was made with the bill during its latter stages in the Upper house, The bill was given second reading after a division, which gave a major- ity for the bill of 01 to 14. Three Liberal senators voted against. see - mid reading of the bill -41 essrs. Tur- in, Sir A. R. Aylesworth and Wilson Later Senator Bisque movers no have the bill referred to th blanking and commerce committee, with in- structions to show the cost of opera- tion. but this motion w411 5101e17(04 by l 7 votes to 53, and the Sonde took up the hill in comm(11", of the whole. Other Proposals, After An II90r's 101,2 1',111t1014, (ODr- :1147 which ;leered amendments were prat, forward, one by Senator Gripe - lath to include ex-cervi:<t 1115(n of the, alto: at 05, and eine by r''^9)'_• 13c1- coml. whtelt would have kept the no; from sensing effect until nix of •be nine provinces had taken advert - 'age of it, the bill' was rsporteed from committee and given third •'-•tiding with out division. The bill provides for a maximum pension of $240 yearly for British subjects who have attained the age of 70 years and been resident in Canada for 20 years, provided that the recipient of the pension is not ive receipt of as much private ilmc,1!0 aa $305 a year, The provinces and the Fed -, ai Government are each to contribute one-half of the amount required to maintain the pension, and the prov- ince is in charge of the administine -tion tri{ the act, As it stands, the bill will remain on the federal statute hooks, w:titiny the decision of any of the pec,'.i,rees which choose to make it affective within their boundaries. COLORRD SEQUINS Sequin* for formal frocks asci: he- rog rondo in every Made of the rain- bow. Frocks in slatted Runlet Heti inns are being shown in mayoral of the best. Penis salons.