HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-3-30, Page 2WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1.927.
Willys- 41► verIand Autos
See the Whippet Six and Four
Lave Cream Separators
t r'tger Sewing; :chines
Pianos and Radixes
Wv ,'n supply your wants See us before you buy
1, Cafi) See window North
rter of Grand Theatre
Canada's Progress
The monthly letter of the Royal
Iizunk of Canada for March eohtaine
some very otu l(anfe reading for
ans. In its 1. vii w of econ-
omic ((nllitiou34 ttuoup:heat the Do-
n1lniln it drawn attention to the
fil e1 that the prosperity of the coun-
try is detive•d from so many diirer-
rnt .our 1'e of a stable eharacter.
tllnt it- is picnic ularly promising. -For
".nd,•. ft 3. nn e the- followitee
,11'iltine t'haratl lt.ti(13:
"iiering the past two Mara ('ana-
diatn a,r4'ulture, mining, li.hing,
einitufacture stud t)'an,portation have
been experiencing a fundamental
^^-W^ °" / Prosperity which indicates an insis-
m. "• '""•n - ‘i 1.•111 -world d•.•m:nl4 for the varied
t 1 nrerl.t••t.e or rluladtan industries.
Sunda" School Lesson
Cii4Rt.ES G. T:2UMti4J! i -
(Editor of The Suneray School 'r,mo•.)
PETER BECOMES A DISCIPLR OF : the ntinteuiou34 fee, ding of the five
• JESUS. thousand (Jlatk 34: 111-.1.1'1, 1.11':
---_. (1•1311113:1 account, in Luke a, o'
Senility. -kiwi) 3. --$Int', 1 :t 1 1 , i i ori -t'34 call of Peter in this lesson
231-11. tells us that it accompanied 3t miracu-
_ lou: ,fraught of fi34hee that the Lord
Golden Tenet: Wave. After Christ'., resurrection
Come ye after Me, end 1 will haler, '•P' r r said , , . 1 go a 41511131(,"
'situ fishers of men. --t Mary 1:17 ). 1 ,fits 21:113. and again the citrin
_..- Lord gave a miraculous catch, and
(nor '1334.- motets: w,• are: t, '..,alp- tna'_ht a 11.hinn !cine^a again.
elle of airo ro„t widely known, popu- Peter forsook his earthly business
tr and +,ften-c uot,'d of all the char- to .enter upon a heavenly business
{ 1
e fere in ..he Bible. This .second for the Lord. I nitneililttel:' after,
quarter is given to "'rhe Life and J -::us tvorke:d a miracle of healing
Letters. ' '' Peter.”' r. The Tntr•rnati.'nal ; : 1' S':non s .wife's mother. At II1s
.,,sson 3141 In Itt 34' Coln inlit ee states that the aini touch "the fever left her, and she
.if the lessees is "to (li:c,'3;•r, nlieletered unto them." It was an-
uou'sh c_ :wady of his fife and Let- '1(hee 1. sora in the ministry to which
..1:,, ,n:• ;:0utt•ibution 0f P(•tet• to
ier t]'i3tian belief about ,1,•sus, and 11011
'hie 11elief :Imuid influence.. our
Ives." :Xs w.- dot this, however, la
rem:anhe:r that le titer's "tiontribu-
siion to Christian belief" is not the
result of any discoveries made by
Peter, but only that which God's
(race denied to reveal to Peter. The
Bible is the record, not of men's dis-
v lea of Goes revelations.
When me `li((Ic and talk of Peter
t is usually the Deter of the four
1,,,:.11,1... And that means, often. Pc -
r at 111: weakest and worst We-
are liable to font the, Peter of the
stets end of hi, own two I:pi34tee.
There 1- a man supernaturally trans-
. formed, as diererent from the fisher-
.nen of the Gospels as day 1, frwn
night. Fnl'tnnat,•ty, this quarter'
.exons devote as much attention to
Peter efte• the hay of P311314340341 as
before. 0110 reason why Peter is
:itch a p'8(U!:u' character with 1110.-t
of 08 is that h"' fe11 freely into the
•"m• mietnkes, and sins, and self -
e nficl-nc'.', and boasting. that c•har-
,rt"3i0l' most nt• OF and we like Lo
LIMO him as an "alibi." But Gori
• wants us to look at the Peter of the
Acts and the Epistles, and 1:'t our
lives. be .eenrchnd and tested by this
snostle atter he was Spirit -filled..
The humble, yieldiri;, trusting, vie-
'oi1o'rs Peter is not 1134 popular as the
boasting, falling. sinning, Peter. Let
as seek 3111 and :u•rept God': 13.0,,
etartterds as we study these 1034:01134
Whiten did Peter first become inter.
$ted •In the Lord Josue Christ? It
was not at the time of this 1-34144113,
which was prohniy early A.D. 28,
perhaps January or February: and it
Ives the overbite,: snring, in March.
A.D. 27, that John the Baptist had
turned two of his own d' ciolrs to
.(esus with the words: "Behold the
Lamb of God!" (John 1:36,. One
of those tw.e was Andrew, Simon Pe-
ter's brother. He told Si ton that
they had found the Meesl:.n. "nod
he brought him to Jesus." Then II.
was that the Lord told Simon ire was
to have another 11/101 F. C0313 s, "a
Joel: how much Simon saw o1' the
Lord during the ten montes follow-
ing this first meeting we are not told,
But now, at the tiIlle of the; lesson,
there carne tl definite call frons
Christ, and Sinn] obeyer. it is pos-
sible for men to know Josue to -day
,1 general way, or even le )1 very
,t finite way, long before they obey
His Tali to follow I11m.
'flu: call of Peter centre:- do %h-
int:. Simon and Andrew, brothers,
were fisherman,. 'tn,1 were at their
trade on the Sea of Galilee ";hee .ho
Lord saw them 13111 13111(1: " 'sole ye
after 1VIe, and I will [ago you to be-
came fishers of n1'((. And straight-
way they forsook their not:: 1,11,1 fol-
lowed flian"
It is interesting to take al eon-
c.ordance amt Sec whet :1 rnoniln')nt
place fish, and fish' 4 e, and fief t''.
Have throughout the• Seripturee A
teacher can thus get many a valnlible
sidelight on this lesson. Jonah and
the great fish were at type or Cheist'4
resurrection. A fish, apparently
(,aught at random, furnished in its
mouth tribute Money for Ji1804; 10'4
Peter (Matt. 17: 24-27). 1 '„1%s
%W'es fishes were used by this 1.01'4 for
Jesus called the H:hcrnlen. They
':,snit to 10313411 .)1111-4())70T0d souls later,
nd i -oris. th'•1.11 uta from deadly spin-.
ituul sie•!cne se. and :3'011 them new anti
la..1:111; life that they might minister
to others.
Peter became one of the creat 50(14
ti,ierrs of Christian history. We shall
nit. in one of the le4s0ns i)t May,
1:41x: the Lord gave ]tins a miraculous
,irtne3ht of ":hoot three thousand
:hide” iu one day. But he had to
!earn some heart-hroaking lessons he -
":,r:; he could do that. Those lues0ns
• .gid et:perk-twee are recorded by in-
: nireticu fur our rui(Iance and pro-
tection, so that we may he spared
.:one ole Hie bitee• experieutes, if we
will, God's grace ,s such that any
•'nr W110 will forsake all and follow
the same Lord who Galled Simon.
may (:now Simon's best experience:
eel 111' .+pared has wnl'st.
Fire 1 Al W ld K All
.04' one ou cep
That 1 country with a population 01'
7: •,`•e, than than ten 1) 1111011 peau],•
should have i'xnort d ..*1 ), 1,000,000
worth of 'nods to 1 1 i) and X1,249,-
(1('0,000 wo1•,11 _1 19211, implies :t
teemendoes erodn.•tiVity p,'1' capita.
('1oadal is nue' the lender in the pro-
'tnrtin)t of newsprint, asbestos,
01, rohalt, and salmon, and furnishes
the nw( 31') Heee.t exportable wheat
:'1mliee. Sinn. Canada afro st•nlds
-a•on,l in the per c•al3(413 number of
1 'k' hon,•e in use. and fit the plc' 1c
ti'.,•t f artnmobtl,' and lulnh •,
4h"rd is eold .nd 51.101')' production.
'a•Venth 1,1 steel nrnduc'tinn, and tenth
in the of 110111 it. i e'•idanit thin. the
!er l:ail!ng prosperity is (lop endear
upon a healthy condition in many' ie. thiet.ries r1th'•r than mien a t3'nlu0r-
341•y weft:mein/1 111 51'1)14• 4311'4•'1' lilt3'.'
ttihstantial filets line these hay,
eemel't;'ly' silenced the peas insist-,
and the country is :toil_ on from
prosperity- to prosperity. The rapid
develonm0nt of the resources of the
country has attracted groat interest
abroad, and ]las r3su'i:•d in the in-
vestments of about five and oar 111111'
1)1111011 '(3,113)3434 front foreign 0(1tu•c414.
Of this mn0U(11, about three !:.11ion
dollars 1u1:, come' from the United
States, and two million from .1'111.31113.
The major Ovine of Bettie'," invest-
ment hay: been public et eui itiee,,
• railway, mortgage, banking and. 'as-
surance 34 ettrities, while a levee one-
s portion of (nonny front the United
Stater has Leen invested in raining,
forestry and manufe turine. One
r,:4ult of this conservative p .lies on
the part of the 1h'iti311 inv. lin:
h"err that be hats received '1 much
lower return on his investment them
the' which has, accrued to the inves-
tor from the United States, who (.a,
been more directly interested in pri-
teary production. The opportnnitiee
for investment in the future will be
greater than in the past, owing to
the fact that development pr0nli.u)s
to be on a bigger settle than tem.,
and i• is to be hoped that U',tish
financiers will see the advantages of
the Dominion (.s n richt field fir 'u-
c"or sea •al year:: I 14u`(1red with sever..
rt,..111,'.tien 1.111 13.,1 ,t 41.•rreu; wreck. I
I3,ul ) r: at sin in to. final-, :and such
,1311 lie i, r 1: 1 I t1,oi.:h1 1 would go
1 -:d a, '14)l, cook! ••rareay'
-.41 an:thou: 1 ,. 11,11:0.1.. nude rustrr44..
Atter 1.:,. 34 Fn,LL .t-fiv.G T die-
i'I ,! to n; �43 a i?.• 1 11:d taken
• bo.. ••, 1 e -tier 11 •1!. T sin-
e -rely !!.i , ' y3 11uy life:'
t1c,, J. F.. ..i i4 u:;l.,, ti,.toi, 8fani-
Jnd'cc=lir r„ 1s'1 34:11'5, it tdsche's, ner-
413(11nco, 11:111.. in the bac(. acid limbs are
aete t. e1used be aliow!n¢ poisons to
.::t•.' imul.ttl, 1(1 .1 (, I'e,�e •'t:,".1i(-11-rl':e3"
is (111(31.'' 1.1L 1', tna'1^. from intensified
frc• h 1 it. ;a con:Lined with tonics.
"Font a ties" :tetudrtvs the bowels,
liver acid kh'.ucys to normal action and
hrir about a condition of delightful
health. fitly a box of "Fruit -a -twits", to-
day. Enjoy life again. 25c and 50c,
thing sure looks •1Du:„n. lee not. gott-
en tell you how it gets-traightclt1•d
nut because 1 want you to see it.
Taut it ru1'0 1 a ;good pi .ettei .
Roy D'Arcy, that ;'u;' th'Lt (3331
mean in "The Merry VV'idnw,” 11.'34 in
11 and 50 is Dorothy Phillips, You
dowannu plies it. "Th.. (sty lI'eeeiv-
4•1" will he at the,- Gear,: next Mon -
ley and Tuesday..epril -11h and Jth.
l' The Grand 01fera One of the big- , a 'l they •also assistwd tate tln'n1h,
1 iVhe' the froaL (vont nal', rhe bnthnn
ge34t attractions of the past year, s,.0nn•d to 1irnp est ores thin n'rfirh of
"The Black Pirate" with Douglas , he 1 3.8,1.
1 I'ail'hanks on Thursday, Friday and ]Nord ons recei ve,1 n{' 1 he de)3th in
f n"Lin Lrinrarh r l 1. fl Al,tnmuu
I Fj ) if 1 1 C F.., •'lin pa.sad a(ynv ,IT, �htrrh
1 lowing is the story: ---"The Blaclt (1)th, Thr dsenaRwd cues fnruleriv nl'
Pirate" is a romance 0f the sen with
Exeter ani) eves known and reepetted
1 (111 its color'' and its odors, its swing- 1,,511 week, 1:."(134.4 I
right to joint the hand, 31(111 be wait
forthwith dubbed •"Phe 111acit Pir-
Auntie(' the passengers of the cap-
tured •.'hip was a beautiful girl for
whorl the pirate c'r'ew drew tote. It
3010/ her (1111 f 01101130 10 be 10011 by the
villainous second mato. [Ipon see-
ing' her, the 111:814 Pirate immedt see-
ly fell in love, and his problem
thenceforth WAS 10 p1'0tect her, Thi.e
he did by suggesting that she be
hel4 a day, unharmed, for ransnu�.
'('lu captured .hip was dispatched to
fetch this ransom.
As the boat left 111' Black Pirate
eimiggled aboard a rote, summoning
aid to take the pirates, Thus would
the young man avenge his father's
death, But the second mate's bench.
num aboard the vessel blew' it up
that night,
While attempting to re •uce the
"u•1, the Black Pirate was discovered
by the sheeting' second officer, and
d,•nnunced to the crew, Ile \vs
made to walk the plank.
From the beginning. howevev, '4
Scotch third matte had Leen the Black
Pirate's friend, and his last favor
eves to slake it '04 11)11 for true eon -
dimmed 1311111 to :;lit itis 'minds and
,win. The 11111rk Pirate 'litany i
marled the mainlan,l, made his way
to a 1.'rserous town. eeturand with a
.hip 31101 ni'u, :111) captured the
ate v'45e1, thus .a0in1 the g3'rl.
131,•11, tete -, •'r• -,lir r3 SS'23 (lit frrnl
Per f14t c1:Uy ?Zeal l,'..(1T+!:.: rb f.3y1'.lthe eek ]131 ae.(:e atCaar
+��{{ If1
taigorq of die E spire.
G caries e071Z T,
Seventy three year, ago, mi the
23113 Marcel 1854, Great ;h•i,.„;,, ,„-
elltred 3011)' aginst Russia enol heeamc
)(volved in th0 1.rduou$ and sangui-
nary campaign known as the Clrinl•
an War,
For many years Russia had been
seeking an excuse for invading Tur-
key, with the object of securing pos-
session of Constantinople :nut tho
1.10sphoru3, and thus obtaining un-
controlled access into the Medstcrr=
Ch„ 1-Ivd•-o Com utieniea, at'Pnrnn1n.
l'aohwnr d 1',t ap- 3 s •..•” vi ,iu3t n+,
by-law, to relee $13,211111'rn (ire engine
et•) wale, ;„prey.
(`evil 11.' hewn, nt' flay Twp., had ,
the )'t"•tl 1.01.1 1110. CO .hour 1t .il v'.1' rex, '
'It: whet duty, aha poll of whi'•h is to 1
1 first-class rondiliol, ,n"I ,11)110 13)3)- i
Itill ,113.
i 1L', '(1108, reit($ rr•r het: ,40(41 hem
, a ,n, in '.1"Kilt, p. Lel 37, (nn 9, I.,
I W1111.01 1301 (Ir'. (im)erb'h, Who (1''s
! 1•,100,1(a)ep •+0•'.;i"n. '1'1)13410 v"' V
1 8'erl fu -m close to tt'(nlh op and the
1 t\n•l h vino.' 11,mi 100 n-r•.•n `'" if„, t(1 ;
iam] \V -lit on.
, The deiuh "('u1.1 '•11 b•' 9l mond vine,
;. 'Thursday, vs, 17;11, .11' a lifr-
t0'tr,.td,"o „1 'i` '•k.'remith, in ah"
m of Teltn hobo. aged 04 ye,,,..
i it0 .v' ','.n't ' I' the late .fatnes a",I
ills Dobie, and 1 a 1 l'ean'ed in Tuvk-
e 5nlit.11 '.'1iling to Ngtntndvillw,
.'row yo
1 'I'10,1- th '. earl P11 near Kirktntt, '.
I'"•1 artek. of (aeorge Keurn, well.
k.,nwn n ort 101011 1". ,011001 LI fa0111'1•
t' R1an.I,o'd 1" tvu-Lia. Deressed,
w'ln Neu in his 7'tt'11 vele, hall suffered
a l eas:Ivt.lr• .,Menke
tt \ vety11134 hal" .L-• elopol on the+
Hume Bold, West of Olnito'>. n ons•
_d p
i i4e n I,ind•av'. const A tr'Ing orf
,men were employed to mend the 00(1)
Saturday, April 14, 1 an(. . r ''o -
by n gr"e t m+U'"
13'tvnnd, (01-
1 ing, crooning, shrieking; rhythm. The ephlos11a3nsete sees unfortunate, )n
story is an original front the facile 1r41v(np LIR ear torn over (ern N'3
Pulp Mills Running - "-.» j pen of Mr. Elton Thomas. All the dnrlt, oil wlnn.btnd (m., near Helm-
1'ictoein, 11. C. . - 1'(41,34, prompt
,:•a1ur,' are• taken to prevent waste
it. the. forests of British: Columbia, no
merchantable timber will be left in
30 year.. aen•ording to Captain C. S.
Leary. member of the Legislature
foe Keslei-Slnran. who i'3 himself' an
:•stir, 1utnbwrmaa.
rapt )i1) Leary told the Legislature
that out 01' a '.Doll 1.000,000,000,no0-
t'eet of timber, 550,000,000,000 feet
lied been destroyed. leaving only
:350,050,000.000 feet in the province
that could he marketed. "We are
manufacturing at the, rete of 3,000,-
000,000 feet"annually, throwing it on
the no,'ket. retrardloec of mire," be
ht addition to rht' annual cut, hr,
eaid, 9.000,000,000 feet of timber
3(11(1 destroyed by fine in the past 4
('14(04, moot of this loss being in the
'00341 dietnets, where the timber
1tend4 were of greatest value, The
:milord les through fire would keep
the pulp surfs of the province run-
ning enntinu0usly.
"There is also 11 tremendous 10,45
in won dextro 11 nye 713 • ]
d 0 1 :tote( tim-
ber,” hr' added, "Phis has gotten to
b' taken into t08:deratton in 1141i -
nutting• our timber wealth. A great
saving can he nlada by the use oi'
preservation in treating railway tis.
telephone poles, bridge timbers and
similar lumber requirements, and I
think the government would be 30811
advised in encouraging companies
which are prepared to inl'eet in the
1mu±nfacture of preservatives. -
"Tn ten y(•an's' tim0, if the menu-
r•tr"ore of lumber inerea:es in any -
'Meg like the proportions or the past
tr.en peat's, there will be throe times
rh,• present yearly depletion, reeult-
int( ',t the end of o0 years in finding
our for nets completely denuded."
3(i,itl.ed wear bnc0111334 motet'
hoe- -end fascinating, Not mile r h
the sports field, but in the eke,
1100115, or the dressy $port atfsr• ter,
see knitted • frocks and suit:' an
130)ttees most elaborate in design and
'wry 111yl7 rolorwd.
"Thr Gay Deceiver"' Cat's Cravat,
With a Cast As 1s a Cast
Ho' socks. Mame, 1 went to a
show ]net slight that was a show!
1 kinda felt it 301334 gonna he good
before T got in the theatre because
i'. was a Metro -Goldwyn -Mayer pic-
ture, and it was directed by John N.
Stahl, the same guy that mile
"Memory Lane," "Wily 1-t.'n Leave
. Hoon',' "Tho Dangerous Age" and
a eoup.ia other good ones.
Lew Cody is the main guy in the
picture and his name is "Toni" and
the picture is called "The Gay De-
n'et'r." 1 always thought "Toto"
wits a patented baby food, but 1
guess not.
Well,. anyway, Cody is ]u1 newt. in
F'an'ir, and everybody's nutty about
hint. He has to call the cops to get
out of his riressing room. He's had
a - scrap with his wife a long tinge
ago )std they ain't seen Bluth otiunt
for lt) years. •
't'ote's got a sweetheart. Carmel
Myers plays that, and she's keen.
And everything is hotsytotsy when
'l' to's friend, Robert, that's Malcolm
McGregor (say, ain't he handsome),
I falls in love with '1'oto's slaughter,
thut's Mnreelitle Day. And this Day
kid is sure cute, And she can art!
1T used to think I oughta he in pic-
I titres, hot after seeing this Art tact
I know you gotta he store; than prat-
! ty. And, anyway, I don't think Pin
very pretty, rho you?
Well, anyway, Toto's daughter ha,
13:181 to herself she'd (WNW' got mal;
1'iesl until her father and mother'
made up, So when 'Toto hear.; Mie
he derides to pretend to make '111 sn
his daughter ran get married '(31(1 he
But when 41' gore Sark to his wife
this sweetheart frame* en him good
n and plenty. His wife ,fust throws
him out of the house and isn't gonna
let the girl get married, :, And every.
e.v1(3", file knee was badly c, nailed.
"yo-heee" and "130aSts" of l7t'.t cen- f01,1(1111110:5, POW(' '1' the "wiehhnr
fury piracy are 111 "The Black Pir- yaw 111,- 3'." nrert 11.,+ 4)1)11 11,0114 MIN!'
ate,' aI0ng- with everything that any ,v"egnarklv,."1„tel,-d.
I'e p •n, Ie of —""anonn (0),""1”.
pirate ever did, from burying 411':1' (1y Il'l) sad ,41(11 ''(';113'1 ref 'he daallt:
ore to walking the plank. Without, .,n Wedmms4av 11)"" (1'., of lust'1•e„k,
"r Thorne' ((•,ie1 ill'her, ere' or Ad.
being specific Fahrbanke cht3t: th4t
Southern Seas as his locale, .1 3 k1 .' tons Ions in ,hi3 31st von(, anis h• d
S th S 1' 1 1 tlu rt rinr and Mt. Tl+ h,t. Ila vow
g 311.5 adventure, pleats of 1(3411 '00111, h -•"n 34113)1)33•.0 rn 1)3411 Kith (11)31'54, ger
A knife between his teeth, a burly a"A'4,1 n,mrths
'\ "IUl}utR he", (xletirled 1411 Aeh-
pirate sett on a strand, teariihe the (tedd PI•a.a,vl,-riun (16nrrh. ro Rray.
Tinge from the fingers of lieu) bodies Geneve Hit'"Lir+, of Che' State of Nev.:
bornemeet him. He had just 1.4(kelr (31.140', 17 r. Ritr'hie h,w Rerouted
and 1))1' ;'rinrearin servicer: "'ill he
at treasure -laden ship along with his )told 30.30 a time in W,tv \I I• t 0.01)1,',
est-t)lroat crew•. He had lashed the we ,1odors:an: . 1v ht nittivro 13' \nrth
merrhant cre\3' in the mast;, lit a ern ['reined.
powder fuse t -o the magazine, and dei,, elegem,. who (Unposed (31 Lia
faro,, ren Use Rlona,nl Line, Stanley
then pushed ole' to an island 1) a"148'l 'Pwp, intend•. teethe( to f.31'i1i.), Cel -
the ship Maw up. omen anc) epeoerh,3 'erne menthe
Only two persons 3ut•vi\34.1 this ex- ther'e,kn ihelUope that it: limy its•
plosion ---a gentleman 01' Irisg11 rleg(90 1 13- t Intel • f ti
111ovw u8 art, 1
Vit le'
1 1 y , 1, y n • )w
and his youthful Son. Although 411.3 171h (lou, Hnvfl•k, who is retiring
worm( man succeeded in getting his 10133 artt(e 111, 31, g, li mllre1layed a
hnuu•, in C:Illl'erd, and iu� 13nd Lia wife
father a :shore on the islamt, :he elder ant) ilnukhto, have. (11(134tad to Bort vile
Wei in 11!8 111'115, and thcraupon the !ea''':
5011 took a solemn vow to avenge his r Itwr oat illness 01 xum1) few (veelca'
4urntion, ]lacy Phillips pawed away
101(34. at the home of het brother. W, R.
Phillips, 111 Blyth. She had not seen
I. bust health, for some 1nue, 11(31
WKS 041)1e ut 110 14,11(1144 1)3,.11 atiara,
I hire' weeks pi ee'(ding her ()Heise,
The re use of death is 3341)1hutwd Co
tan et or the stotuac11,
Tile Goiter{ eh ('erttertal y Coulmit-
4a,• lowo invited the Prince of Wales
,,lied the Pointe lltnieter of Engine() to
vi1'rt Godrt'ieh, on their tour of Dan.
oda, this ".ntning Summer,
Mr. Pf„I1'. 01' !VI lvert0n, has piers
chn4e(i the rink flout .lnhn Steven-
son and the red Krick 34101tnes Block,
and is opening an ttp•t.(1-date :rage, -
10 Wingham,
Mese Dorothy Elieebe1h Levis, chi -
est daughter of I,. Levis, of Olinton,
was (partied in the Methodist Church,
enema, Washington Avenue and 7114.
1'41('4, RoyalO,tk, Mich„ on Match
Bed. to Wesley Bowen, son of Mr, awl
Mrs. Bowen, of Blyth., the Rev,
Eugene Moen” pet forming the tore
So, (1y. Oaslle, of Winton, mot with )t
Veep painfulac(:ident, 0u Monday av
n(ng, of last, week, just after 0
O'elock. )11' went over to Cook's been,
where he keeps his ('1))', and rorliot-
t111e that he had left: it In gear, pro-
nw(.derl to ()conk it up, VVitein the
wul;inl' started, the our ran against
Irina, tend if il. had 4404 been for the
mast to mast, flninally arriving 013 348ot tbot, it ran 11p a ((':1(;1)31 weenie,
the forecastle where he trained two whirl wag in th" :ray, he wool(' prob.
cannon on the crew mud held them anlr a(' goet the 301111 o
jillyul Iitber•n.ernAslleit awaalts, his fey; woof
at bay. 'f'3ue he won 1/to undisputed woken,
Ascending a low rise from (lis fa -
flue's grave, the young man discov-
ert.l the: pirate:' band burvint treat: -
tine Walking into thein' to u:.t he
Iv op0sed to join them BS Lia only
means to Helene .front the island.
When they demanded his qualifica-
tions be challenged their best fight-
er, their murderous leader, and dis'
nlatelled him in combat. Tito fellow':
fickle lieutenants at once wished 1%0
nueopt the newcomer, But the vil-
lainous second maty, objected upon
the ground that it wotrl(19(be lviaae to
test hint. At tills the young matt a-
rmed to prove his iiia",ie bee tak;nee
at s1edp single-handed.
His challenge 31(8 accepted, and
much to the surprise of all, the
y011ng nun, unaided, took the very
next ship they met, Disguistnj, him«
este as a fisherman, he boarded the
need from ti small boat alter fouling
the. ruddee, 1 -To knocked out the
hr lineman, scampered into rigging
and slit the 1311115 tie he past from
:mean Sea, but it was not until the
middle of last century that she could
find any ieas0nable ground upon
which to base he:3011 fes. -
In 17.10 a treaty (rail been enter-
ed into between Turkey and France,
whereby the former had given the
latter the custody of many ,=acre4
pl11ce34 in :311,1 around Jerusalem, to
which the members of the Greek and
Latin Catholic churches made con-
stant pilgrimages. For over a hun-
dred years i''rance tleelerted the du-
ties imposed on her by the treaty,
mod the custody and the repair of
the Christian shrines in Palestine
hurl been left almost entirely to the
memhcrs of the Greek church, over
which Pussin exorcised 1) protector-
In 1850 the monks of the Greek
church in the Holy Land had .i ser-
ious quarrel with the Roman Catho-
lics regarding their respective right's
over the 5113red places in Jerusnicor,
and Louis Napoleon, who was an-
xious to gain the good -will of the
French clerical party, sought to en-
force the right of Franco under elle
negk'cteel treaty of 1740. Turke"'
was quite willing to comply with the
French demands, but Rustic eagerly
soloed the: op0prtunity to make trim -
hie, and not only made an ene!gO':11
protest, but claimed the right to
sovereignty over all Turkish .ithjerts
who were members of the Creek
church. 'P,ossiaa at the same time
made" many futile attempts to secure
the co•operatton of G:eat Britain in
driving the Turk out of Europe into
(kettle suggesting that the two na-
tions shook] divide the ((11(1tory so
I41line(1 between them..
Finally in .hely 1353, Russia took
the' offensive and seized the Turkish
principalities of WalleeLia incl 11oi-
1ivin, which ler( to Turkey ('4eletin;r
mar on the 30th October. A month
later the destruction of the Turkish
fleet by the Russians in -Sfnope l;ny
caused Great 'Britain and France to
despatch a combined fleet into the
Black Sett to protect their respective
interests and to compel the Russian
fleet to return to port at Sebnsts.pol.
Strenuous efforts were made by the
allies to induce Rttsla to moderate
her demands, but 'without .eucc
and one 111e 28th March, 1854
allies imide a formal doclarati
war, •
Great 111ritain onus totally u
paled for the conflict, and. the
paigu 10135 one long ser.'n5 of :1111
incredible blunders, •1'111' Briti,
troops were Moored on the Crimea
peeinsul:u' without proper provisio
being made for their food, shelter o
medical attention, and the sufferin;
of the unfortunate •soldiers, (special
ly (luring the severe Russian winter,
W011! terrible, T11e majority of the
easuahies were not the result of ac-
tual warfare, but were causer( by
prevr'lltlble diseases, and the ravages(
a1` death would have been consider-
ably greater hod it not been for the
timely :u'rival of Florence Nightin-
gale and her noble band of nurses.
'flee horrors and the shame of the
campaign, which listed for nearly 2
years unci resulted in the submission
of Russia, was brightened by the
personal bravery an•I endurant:(
shown by the Briti-sh troops, notably
sat the e'er -memorable battlee of Al-
ma, Balaclava, inkormtan and Sras-
la. Kirby, a 13', (14 l 05!!),(11
11ollnore,.w}rn. fel .our scales,
11130 4 1'41 11 we001•w0, 1.1 1,14 .hop, in
village in the eat lie) days, dii
Kit rhenet, hast week.
Alis A, Al. Stone, of Chinon
notes (3s the ra(ai:emwut if in.!.
Al al„ 1'r 0) 1stunw, daughter of the
J 5:,
E. Stone, pf 1114'44'x, to Ca
1)aug1r(e 11lillyt(ed. of St. Thom..
ly sun of Mev, and flus. 11 J.
yae(l, of Loll 11ell, 001nrin. The
ria•„• (vii( 31,13,- pl)u 1' in April.
%Vor(i has br'en rl,r.4v0 ] at 11 1
eon, 111 :he death at Fatkil13.
land, of 14ev, lt1 P. Craig, a f
pnslnr nt. Er•kiue Ptwshv
Ohurch, 13efm•r coming t.' 1
loon, ho 3343(3 115410)' nt' 3hw
fru, Church, ,,t 13otlnvell. lie
rid by his wider',
'vel'hc.se citizens of Blyth, tvh'
the,u•yuitintaucw of lh, 4hiple
i,g his 011nrt )e.id341)10 the
b,ili11blsing the p1act ice of 1
orne, regret that 111.0e,elth h
ed hhu Lu gi'„ np hu. nratft.
some Lime. lie Lae had fn
o111,,•, ,ted has lett to Int
year',• treatment ft is and
thee .1311111,113•,'teeter i. rnrniu
to take over the peaetiee.
One of Exeter '4 most, pro
nest, He risen, passed away sa
(n the po,sun ol J41t(1e6
(01. member of the firs, nt'
May, in his 72314.1 vest, For
veat5, 311r. ,Tones had been in
heeinwssin the nnmmnni(y, fi
t'Vinehelse, and for the past 21
at: Lx.',c'3. 1)'1,1 (4 iris to a tl
Mg mercantile btieh'('ee, he cw
tensively interested in pnttlt
seeds, Iie also took a (1301'31 1
in )(11.' 0111.1 1.(111, anti fu 118
days, he was uetivt'ty nssnr11tte
1 3au384Rtrwet Met hwdist Churn
TJ el tett. bio is survived by h
o(v, no0 mon, J. Herbert ..101,
one daughter, M{se May Jones
'leYAfM,aS'IA1004.ltl ....:. .. •...,.. YYRY..t.
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