HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-3-30, Page 1VOL. 55 NO 41 $2.00 ter annum in advance i]RUSSELS, ON TA RIO. IV ED N ES D , 11 A 1, r 11 O. 1927 .1. L. KERA' Protrieto SLA FOR SALE Parties wanting Mill Slabs should place their orders at once as the supply is limited, nn ^ T. 9 I New Advertisements S-_— :o thews and Int for titt, • iiso. Moll Mini .-'1' • ' WIN., Itluoval, p, f t 1,01..10,-4'1,011 I iot than h., 5%,111,101- W. tn. MeV. Imo, i ow ',tray so, . money Aco,st 10011 essitrets, ter side -•-is, It Alt/01,011 duty ha .411,1 .lait. j,liaii.. • F01'11110 1 ' Alltlf Nall St riedinn 1 or sal,. - 1'0 Parks,' neon, for onis- Fro(); ()say stove torem mios w 34 sinctair lett, Anis. 'linos H. Ii,htss t of Its- , , 1 , ,,.• ...,. oi„,,i, li ol on. s,•,,,,,,, 11 At 1.111-111 -.1 A Nieliol Pm' /111101 lhiV'11 14311/0 W01/ ritp00-•,311110,1 FOX Wfill 3.111,- le H. smith JOsveh'-, Bowlegs.- LatcsiE111' Aid, United t7hurslt Slabs-., moot ions WH want 115,11 -Noor aisithitie Not to,-.1ohn Knic 11,0eIfing sc-.-3linsi. A T./111101lb i lIr load of litrso.,-.,Tohn Agar • Fertilizer Car of 16 per cent Acid Phos- phate just to hand. Also mixed Pertili2.t.rs. Persons wannting same should phone 1214 or see Airne,t ros. ssel Currie The Surrounding District stiPioss4(44:+4.4.44-44.444:4+111-e1t4tielt4tsIslek4s4s4s$444salosiises ..14- 4.44 4s4talsisea CRANBROOK for its intrinsic, value, but a. a slight •11111 ' 1 ifl so Last Friday evening about sixty we wish you many years of happi- eighbors and friends gathered at the ness and prosperity. Signed on be - home of John and Mrs, Fischer and half of neighbore and friends. Miss presented Miss Elsie, bri e -to- e, jean &tendon and Miss Ethol Ward with a miscellaneous shower. Cards presented the shower. Afterwards and dancing followed, with a tasty coy t Thuell made a suitable reply ' lunch served at the close of the pro- and thanked all for their gifts. gram. Following was the address 1 Mi M i Weisenberg:- Dear Elsie and Roy: --Having learn- ' ed or your approaching marriage we, your neighbors and friends, have as- eembled have to -night for the purpose of extending to you our best wishes and to express our appreciation of what your friendship has meant to as all. It has been well and wisely said that, if we would have friends, We must be a friend to many. In this we feel that you have a host of friends becauseyou have been the friend of all 'with whom you have rime 111 e011thet. We feel that you have made yourself a part of the community in which you live; always • ready to lend a helping hand where- ver it wee needed. We tire glad that you arce not going too far away from our nadot FO that we may often see ! your Smiling. faces:. We ask you to tecga this miecelaneous shower, not . ' Barred Rock BLUEYALE Heavy fan of snow here again on Saturday and Sunday. Bluevale Spring Fair will be held this year on April 31. Mrs. (Rev.) Walden spent one day last week with 'friends in Brussets. The SAW mill is in operation this week putting through the spring cut ef lumber. Miss Martha Fraser spent t. few days with her aunt, Mrs. J. Mustard, second line. We are pleased to see Len Elliott out again. He ie able to get -noun( with the aid of a crutch. R. McKinnon is beginning to set set his incubators this week for the einem hatch o chickens. The annual meeting of the United Church congregation was held .in the church on Wednesday evening, The young people of the United Church are practising for a play to be put on in the near future. The Y. P. Society of Ebenezer visited Bluevale Y. I'. S. on Friday eveneig and supplied 33 splendid pro- tArin Eggs also Seed Oats FOR SALE ample of Oats may be seen t A. C. Backer's flour and 'ed store, CHAS. A. LAMONT, Phone 2113 gram. Bluevale supplied the lunch. The Y. 1'. S. htte had a splendid Winter's program, which has been profitable to all. They intend to take up their summer program of base ball in the near future and enter US • . • . • tory games as per schedule. "The Spinister's Return," a come p1133, will meet. ct by Ladies' Aid of Melville Presbyterian Church in the Whigham Presbyter- ian Hall, 1.3Inevale, 00 Friday even- ing, April 8th, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Bluevale Presby- terian Church. aflorded by the famous ealed ch- t ssis 111 ach McLaughlin.Buick operating unit is sealed inside a dust4roof -water.. tight housing to protect these vital parts from wear. st1,1)011 PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA LIMITED ALEX. ANDERSON, Brussels 1 WI1EN SL1ITITII AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT McLAUGHLIN SUICE Wit!. BUILD THEM Tko 34p' 13,3.00 n tattles' Aid, Blue- vtils Proshytorinn I, or nssel rur, Slerviesg-ttrnsnelt, United Mural, A netinn Iltar,,hall, attest MO- ntahle Auction Sale -Mrs. ()liver flarris, Samuel Harris Next Sunday the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in the United Church. The congre- gations of Ebenezer and Bluevale will unite in this service. A number of our young people went to Wingham United Church Monday evening to hear the debate between United Chureh and Ashfield ia the semi-finals 101 the north sections of Huron Preohytery. 'ie, subject was "Resolved that the peeeent struggle in China will result in the furtherance of the Gospel.' The affirmative was upheld by Mr. Andrews and Mies Shackleton, Ah - field, and the negative by Miss E. Wardell, Browntown, and Mrs. A. Aitken, Bluevale. The judges gave the decision in favor of the negative by a margin of 20e; . Thi' puts Bluevale United Chureh in the finals to be debated in Goderich at the time of the meeting of Presbytery, on April 28. LIELGRAVE I Mrs. Corbett's sale last Wednesday was a big SUCCetta. Auctioneer Tay- lor and Clerk Procter donated their servie es free. On Pride y. arell 18th, the W. Al. ti. of Knox United Can ell Issolii its am usual 010013(43 010l1 1144 1110133 4.4' Than k oh, 113)him. meeting, in the ancliterient of t he church, Visiting ladles 331( 01 the 'Westfield Auxiliary and 1.1 halt Clustorh Wel e 3,. ItaelltiltIleet The 1 P3 elsident, Mrs 10,1* Ilirliio, took: charge Of the meeting, and after .31'.- 1 34(1130(11(3 exercises, the usual reports were given and atinpted. A. oleasing feature Of the aftet teem was the pre- sentation (ItIt Life Alernbeeship cert- ificate to Mrs, (Rev.) Seobie, by Mrs, Jas. Anderson end Mrs O. W. Wilk- inson. Mtg. SCobie wade it Lunching r aply. This is the third L. M. cert.- ifinatte to he presented this year 11120-27, The roll call WAR tesponded In by the verse of a hym(l. Alta, U. Goddess, Secretary, gave the essort of the year's; work 1 a solo, of`te 11 nf lite King," at duet, by Idiss Nellie Alnico eon and Mrs. Jos. Clegg WHIT much appreciated. Airs, 1 Rev Berl nett , of IV 1tigham, gave a splend- id add l'e4g. leaving 01( 111 119 11. message 111 these wnrds, "We telt mid Piny 11/131 (In." The meeting was closed hy singing ene verse of the hymn, "On- ward (Theist ion Soldiers." and prayer, by Alre. Bennett:, The following ATP the offleees foe Om mousing year ; Hom.P1.08., M (IAFP;Ar 1 P11/01., MI Jas. Andersen tot Vice Prev.. Mts, O. W. Wilkinsim : Sec , Mrs. I). Med. deo ; Teens., Altos, II Wheeler 1 Sup. nay 8213., MI'S, A. 01 timer ; Aseoviate Number 3304'.. Miss S. McDougall Itlisoionary Meethly Sec. and Preati repot ter, ',Stem. Jos, Michie 1 °monist, Mrs. 34413. NWighttnan 1Ass't,..01.gen- is3o, Mrs. Jos. ATM's). ; Andit ere, Mrs, 31101c Stewart, and Ales. John Oneltes, GREY Colwell meets next Monday at the Township Hall. "Sandy" Yuill, 8th con., is driving O new Overland Whippet. Sold Farm -Edgar Higgins, Turn - berry, has purchased the 100 -acre farm of James Grant, Lot 8, Con, 14, Grey, and gets possession the middle of April. Mr. Grant is hold- ing a clearing Auction Sale on Ap- ril 811. See full list in Post. Engagement t -Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald MacDonald announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Annie Elizabeth, to William Alexander Johnston, the marriage to take place quietly early in April. Fred Oster, hats exchanged his 100. acre farm', on the 1(111) 01131, of Grey, for the well-known Andrew Sloan farm, nonsisting of 130 acres, being Lots 1 and 2, on (10. 0)11 Con. of Mot. ris, adjoining the cm poraton of Blyt h. The exchange will be made at 1/111'V. Mr. WW1' gets a fine property in his new poechatte, end will now have plenty of room iiimeelf and his vo sons to work, without being crowded, Smicrol. Rgismer -Following in 1110 report of S. 13. No, 3), Grey, (Monclitoff School), for the month of Aland). Wer10 examined in ityttielse, Agriceth eve, Literatute anti Rending. IV. -Willie Robertoon 70.5 ; Yet - ma. Robiatessen 72 lit IV --Lundy MoKay 8813 ; Mae MoKav 100. ,ht, TIT. -'14o41 Spei ran 71 t :Pointe McKay 7 1 ; Cynthia Meehan 60 1; Oteil Meehan 00,2 t Russel Gole 64 7 ; Jeanie Ilartisams (34 5 ; Bull% man 48 2 (Renornmemled) SU 11-. 11.11111(434 aleiCey 78 ; Mretie (Sole 70 ; Derothy Mann 70 1,133110 liareisnn 00 ; Genii Robinston 58; [111.1`031,1") 1.1110n 66 ;In II--Lennerti 111., '11,141 61) ; *1)enal11 Mehl 84. (Lit) Puna 811. --Dally Work -Everett Robinson, Louis Darr ison, I,loyd Machin), IL, AloNson, 1.1't1eher• Mean ge Mreesse, cd 'rennin), wits 14 1%'ot•I3..e1111 Vixii,irikt 14,1110 of Fled Oster, lath Oon, \Vim strict Winter 334310 31303. 1' SPA toslay's snowstorm did 11113. 130 1 1- ('.11(14 any good, 311 11334 311,1141 -41 134( 1(1 1.11 Tot000ss• To, nii saturday, after a visit at Om 1 '11111' oe 0. A, niel :Ore. AleArt ,i1,1 el la , 11 iet,e, 313)4,313 11011 Min. Reek and family, us near Alitehell, leave mined the fatin, on the 1211 Con., fon:Jelly ow(l)ad by the lute ()mead Aliehel We 33111411 them sauccese. ALotitt en. --A. quiet, but peetty wed- ding Look place at the rniled Church persemege, at Lebaution, oil Wsdliw" day, Minot' 101h, at 3 o'clocak, when Harold 1) , secomi son of Daniel and Mrs. Netthel, Mt.ey l'avp , was united in ansu.t.inge to 111113.11 Luella, eldest daughter id will. (1111.3 Mrs. Williams, of Wallace Twp. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. Burgees, min• istee at Lebettation. The bride wore a charming frock of rosewold georg- ette anti blank satin slippers, Her travelling cearturue was a navy (('10. 01111» coat with grey fur trimmings arid a rosewood hat. The bridesmaid, Altos Annie•Willitons, wore a lovely frock of Week satin crepe, '1`ile porton] W149 supported by his brother, Alfred Neahel. After., the ceremony, they returned to the home of the bride's parents, here a tasty 5 o'clock (131111 ('3' was merved. The hap- py young couple left on the evetsing train from Lietnwel, 81111334 era of confetti and best wishes of their mousy friends. The gnaw 1189 avol ed 111 that. vicinity for the past Du eas yeare. A shower and presentation was held in heron, of the Midp anti groom, berme their departure to their neav home, on the 10111 Con„ Grey. WALTON Maple myreits making has been on the progeatit. " re saw twill13(1(11011 in opet•attion, W LIPSdlly manning, of last week. Ales. Isaac. Bolton has been visiting her datughter, Ales. \Vill Ilsntoshries. . visiting her sistee, Mrs. Eliza Ram- say, Baby boys have arrived at the home 03: 01)101, 41111 Alas. Sellers anal Law- rence and Altos. Outnntinge. A good job WILY done, when fresh gravel was putt on the road, front the church corn Pr to the boundary, Aoliss Maegartat Driscoll, who had the miser)" tune to bleak her leg. a 9310(3. time ago, is slowly improving. .A, dance was held in the 317. F, 0. 11(133, lass Friday evening. joeltsms and Lytliett's Orchet-tra supplied the music. Jellis and Mrs, Johnston wen Mn Blyth, Tueetlay, of lost week, uttered. Ng the Animal of Atte. Johnston's mode, Alto. „ Livii-iug Cummin3 has engaged Ad Hatt MeTaggort assist him in nth' garage business. \Ve welcome Adrian Intek to Witham. Jos Rogers, who nits been visitieg at the hemp of Air. and Mr.. Beim ,'Il. and With other friends, returned to hie home, its Etirmsrunts, Thomas Pipe, of Holley butoy, re- turned to his 1111111V, WI Tuesday, attn. vissillng his 'sister, Mrs. Shaw, anal other vents IVPki 111 111113 V1(51111(Y, Tile IIIIII0(111 sale, 3311)1011 WWI held by Archie Clark, went with a swing, $3,5110 being realized. 0. AL Seott, Brussels, was the auctireseer. \Wm, and Mrs. Bennett and two sabildeen, who have hems visiting t el - at 3 vis awl friends here, for the ttot three !months, returned to their home, in Dinemore, Sask. The. 51cDossald saes mill im in full swing, new. Mv. Mflo,ia1d loss 11. Inege stock of logs, this Amont, This will help out the unemployed, Who have had an extended holiday, during the Winter rnonths. Airs. 'Phoo, Clark has been confined to her roam, fru. the past couple of weeks, throngli Meese. At, the thee of writing, Mrs Clark is emelt 'Um. peeved and her many friend.; hope to see her restored to her usual good health. Plits many friends of Rnhert Ale. Chins will be sorry to hear that he is under the (1 130t01"8 care, snt-Yering from museular rheumatism. We hope rot eTs'Ioett7 l'ioy e"v e110t0oc1j3. csItfAr,"1\ 1 01.111Punrcel rsr9Pantorirst vubetko.. J. Eraser SIM lb delivered a wonderfully inspiring a 1141 (('315, 13) OnIT'e Church, Walton, on Friday (911 - 13111113 Dr, Smith has spent :several years on the /01.9341011 Held, hath 111 1101041, China 3131(1 ()VULVA" indict, and bats It wide experience of the mismi work. He. Smith le engaaed by the Foreign Mission Board to go talent delivering addrestrea to people, show. ing the vast need of Lhe support of the missinn wank, both at home and abroad. There was ca, splendid turn- out Of people to beat' Dr. Smith. The choir same a splendid Missinuary 6011reliSnt% 1,11Patriek's social, held 111the 11011001)0011) hall of Doirg troit.d 0110volt, on Friday evening, under the auspiees of the Young 1?.eople's tinc- iety. was a delightsul 000081041. The large crowd of people present Allowed that a greed, interest is taken in the Y. P. S. work. The rerun WAN taste- fully decorated in green arta white, and the ad miesion fee was 17e, Plie peogratti consisted of well ehoeen Tr- ish songs, duets, readings and instsm meanie, Theve was eommutrity (tinging, contests and genres. Those who took 3)1(11 10 the program were I Miss Bcsssie Davidsmr, Mrs, P. B. Gardiner, Muriel and „lane Oniles, 'Mese Laidlaw, Flora Barris, Mee. 3tre, lloDouahl, M3/1/01 and Arthur lIeieleY. John MeArtolinr and a ehoene by the church Omit., A (misty hmell WWI served by the young ladies, aftee svhich the happv evening s ertain• Mort tens concluded byl singing the 5 ; 11.5pir ster's • e Ea+Bort- A Comedy Play gj LAO g Will be presented. by the Ladies' Aid of net am Presbyterian Chureh 111 The Foresters' Hall rriday Ev3g, April 8th Under auspices:of Ladles' Aid Of Bluevale Presbyterian Church Program at 8 o'clock Admission 25 and 15 met. Don't Miss This Play! 5 Nat [(144111 Arnhem. 'Ph P oveells Ramo Med to C211, Joseph's Bondage A Dramatic Cantata ,31 !Ate:43 > 1.31333 3)4' peeseeted '43- Bilyth Choral .1 ociely in the TOWN II A LL t BRUSSELS Wadnesday, April 2lith (Intended for last week) Willis Dundee bonght a nice, young 11(41311' froto Joseph 11 twkwell. Mrs, 01141 1, of Conotetive, is visiting 31341 131441311, Nits \V, 11. Al enitants. flue PeVel1 1/31 fillP1701311')lm, Jen J. in 4.- 81\1:3,13C). lary, of St, Collin:Ian, got a \Ve are sorry that Jelin Kion is not improving. He has taken a stroke • and there is slight hope of his reeve- tore 'Pile Spa weather eisused a numbet a (341n1013 to get hay end ! pneehase hin :108, i/I readiness for the ! Sprites 1310(1)03. .1. J. AleMavin went to Toronto, last Senn day, with 301,1 eaeloads of etoek, (.43401)) 7.00340(1 ruffle, five pelves 1(11(1 ninety.seven hogs. WROXETER Mee, (Di.) A, Air:Lend 1s4 the guest cif relatives its To] 104 1,1, Miss Elsie Hazelwood is spending n week with Toronto -1) 113)11)8. Lloyd lisapfer lets ) eturned from at 011111 011111 ft ietels st Wi(1dsor, Ettlegt Dniills• of '1'011)10o, caned son old 3:311011119 10 the village, on Satur- day. and Ales. Frost, of lielanrtill spent several days; with the latter's 01131341', MVP, N. G1G31 On. Raw. Ala. (11.)311, csf Morrie, mid }ZPVt A. D. .4411 13(03.3 of the United Olnarels, taloa/union] pelpi to, en Suns clay even -log. Finnic. Wright. jr. has sold Ilse reo 14110,031 oh Sanderson au., which he 11'' ('('311)7purchased from T141 y 1140111nm, In .11013 3101 1131)0, of Rowlett. MORRIS Council meets next Monday at the Township Hell. Under atispives of Ladies' Aid of Brussels United Church. Admission 50 and 35 cents Plan of Hall at fox's Drug Ron o- Personal Paragraphs NEss Ament is visiting in ',tauten. 4. sts Mrs. A. C. Dames ,.pont the week end with her eieter, Miss Nina Rog- ers, at. Alount Forest. . • . . Ili'.'. 1). C. Izoi:s speed the week end at Mount F.): est, the sr,p_ „ Aliss Nina lisa.ossrs. • 4,. 4.• Aliss 3se1n Fergueon, of Kitehener, spentthe week end with her perents, .1. and Mrs. Ferguson. Sheldon Bricker, Progiessino ena didate in the North Huron by-slec- siert, Wit$ in LOAVIL 011 Wedneeley. 40° Harold and Mrs. Kearney and son, of Harrieton, were visitors last week with the latter's ittether., 4- es 4.• 4.• Miss Sullivan, of Montreal, los a , visitor at the home of hr': brother and his wifis, H. 11. and Mrs. Sulli- ; van. lir,'. Harry Kirkby and daughter, , London, were week end ViSitOffi With 'tho formeet, patentee Jos. and Mrs. Querin. W,11 0.41 Wits at lit.,101:01,tA Wei , Galt oVvr tho Woek iond visootir.,:. his two :aunts, who had been :of in a car wreck. sts es 4. 4. Stanley Campbell mid sem :31,,t.,.1' Billy, of London, SPerlt the 'Wteli With the forme',. parente, Arge;. am: Mrs. Campbell. Mies 31,',. [11,3 Anderson, 5th line. is spending a few days in Wingham with her cousin, Alro. Roy Munch. ilrokt: --- A wook ago laet Sun day everting, Ales. Wm. Rutledge. -1th line, fell and broke her leg. Old friends .ite. sorry to 11,131' of her ride- hap. About 111131 111131111 Pti. 311/111111, and saielshosts of Pete, nod Alto, Ale.. Art hist sold John AlcArt Ism , et] AA 31VII ,.Id ilt1111V, 34, 1)1(1 1 110111 fill e - well and Le toshow OW esteem, in 3331! '14 they axe held, peesen test them with two beautiful chaise and a read- ing lamp. A saitahly wortIcs1 ad chess was reed by Joseph 11e1,t3e3. Ale, anti Mrs. 31hu'A 1 hu' mad John each made a 31131 AN V I -1,1y, thankitog the many (1 311)11)9 Ise their kindness, as they are not moving far away, in. vi ted one and all do their new home, 1(1 1317111, 'Phe evening Was Spent in masa, 341)1141 (311(1 Wog ('11 (11113-31(11, nerds and social ehot . A einme nous lunch was !set ved by the ladies. In the "wee email limns," the huge mussel, wishing. Ale. LLIIti Alro, !WA' Mint. mei John all the gteel leek and (r',tun that pertiti»s to 11139 lite, dispersed to their various Monies, fecofing that What was their lost), would be the Blyt 1 f ol los' gain. 013retiAtly.-The Shellinesok, Satk Oluntlicil 4. 1)01)3103) id the followieg b. ituary (13: 1.1))' late Mrs. ;Cameo Cure. daughter of Wtts. end Mrs. Sench, of the 4 ill 1in : "The death of Mrs, James Burr, which took place at her bottle, five miles 3(113(3)' 133483 of 8111 11. brook, on Friday morning°, TOO). LSO), was inaltlen 11(1(1 unexpected. The deceased was daughter of Win, and Ales. 800011, of 13110191318, Ont. She leaves to mourn her loss her 3)118' 11(1111, three daughters and two sons, hoe father and mother, who aloe still living, its Ontario. and her brother, Norman, of Shellbrook, Mes, 8310 ,1 piety was of the quiet, umsbtrusive type, and felled expression in love for Ontrit 111,119I. and 11 SerVieVS. 318 01449 Willing at all tillle8 in help the 1,1 1111 Vatinttill ell terpriseu, and Watt seeretary treasurer of the United 0110r0)1, at He zelridge. The funeral 811)343:1134 01349 held on Sunday after:nom:, n Knox treited ()hotel), and was coil. 0310100 13 itev. John eleKinnon, who tent( (1111 1(3.9 text 1141 Chapter. of Joh, verse 14, "(3: 31. die, Audi he live again ? The ehI1r011 WAR lilled lo 444431'. 1(0133 with relativem and ft tends, to show t heir sorrowing eymptithy. Ai, the ct0'rt8 0vvi °r'il?;N01g11:1g%el;aweety:rri elt entirely the bealitiful fluln, entitled ''Etute to Ettee," The pailleast n.rs Mrs, Jas. ilallaniynas has !soon room fined to hi r Immo with 1.1 threatened attuet of appendls .1,7. but is all ' 1 1' 1131111111 IMO_ Me(e. .1.• !I* Toronto Globe (Friday 3 : Dr: and 'Mrs, 1). MeKelvey will re- turn at the end of this week from spending the winter in California. 4* I< Airs; H. L. Jackson is visiting in • London with her eon, Lloyd .Theksea, and also with her new grand -daugh- ter, 1)1rie Shirley •) 11(131031. were Meest.e. 313.' (11. Dodge, 31',' 111, P , Need Britem. Milton Stetting, Mai so,. Sterling lied John \V,'".'' 3. ea) teitustee wen-. rereivell (rens the (+all- owing : wreath, .1 Bun eassi 01( 34013). 'lame) 1111gs., I Litneseakets ChM 1 spray, Mi 0. ' \beide, k wreath, lYtu and An Pick erenyt [.1 and Mrs, Jewitt . spray, E. and Mrs, Jewitt sprav, I. outl A1 Is. 3eve• i 1 1 wreeth, Norman ttnal MIN. soneli 111)1-07, . 3,11 (711u;ch . . wreath. .1. It and Mts. 13.40 e• wreath, Miss Doi s Jones. MONCRIEFF We are pleasnd to know that Mrs. Wm. Parish is Improving.. ltionkton ache, ChM Vittittoi Mon- s:riot]; Club on Monday evening and 931011 by fifteen points. Wm. Parish has rented Mr. Man- tle's farm on 1 Sth eon. and will move to it in the near 'MUM The ehipping book of the Earners' Citlb here shows that out of the last 325 hogs shipped at. 141eN0r31h1 eta- tton, 1317 graded eelegte. What ism, can beat this? ETHEL The \Vole -el'. Institute Wet 41the (wahine norm, on l'hursdity an, noon, Motel!' 17th. The prosicient had Menge of the mosoring he op. ening Ocle watt sung, fellowed by the, Lord'e Prayer t [merited in uhison A papee MIS (Vail by Nies. It lit. tr) ner, the enhjeet hating "What, the In. Mittens 1)1(9(1 (19 to me " Mists Agnes Octebtette: also) gave tt pap tr. the pint. Of Whiell tVas "A Oh•I's Rights and Privileges in the Home," Mt s, K runt et. and MIN. W11t 111AW favored With it piano allet, ittal Mrs, Metter, With ft remit ng. '31),' rneettng eitseed by singing the National Anthem. ' after whieh settOtil ftnd at pleateant tittle nelat, The Yellvw side 141 4,3 311 ahead tit pointp, r/. II Church Notes'l St. John's Church 44. o- io .1 to,. •.1.•.1111 1.1 • 1,1111, 3' 0..41110,1 '4''''.' 0(011'"! • • 11 1,,t4 1111 '4313:01 (33.1- en' 4.--ig11. 11 ? 31,030, tot the 11.1 1,111,3 p. • ;•, :es. 1.) o he A itglieatts o e 'rho 1413,.. :of the ea. nod s ao •Tio-•1,1,1,3 itsy 3l, . -n 1, ': eliove," United Church The regular meeting ei the 17+3,,, M. S. '.1 the United Church, v;lIl be held in the 1,,oeture room of the church on Thureday aftereoun of next week. Following the bueinese. meeting a scwial hour will be :spent and tea will be served. All the ledies of the con- gregatioe ar.- invited to attend this nee -time. I., 10i. Sabbath Info oirg, ev, A, Wt.% Barker %poke en .oTis F1•110%10.4,11, • f Prayer.' feet:Maga bio 1340443 3, the 17t1 Chapter of St. John's Ph 34131 ate Wo Inatoilleos 3 wisielt have clone much 1,13 sne.igait."11) tip' 1%113 al It31/1 hit/IVO/41k. 3.. 'In' paot nen t 'tries ti- tar d't Prayer, k new on as the kora; pi ayte aiod 1 II Let eessisty prayer, fret.: it, 1 :E. ti 37. 10 the Masdel prays.), we ate "_1131333:,t What tve sh ',Old ask fill In the b11301'00710401 v Nape, CI: clst prayed ter 111 rueelt, nts .1!' ,13.1 all subsequent believer,. o L.ate ter contains 1.11,' boo iVe, Ione and sent ; 21:111 11,,-:, DiViIIP P. i1111/ILLIi 40,1 443(1) 33,11(1 li• S111[) 3 3(1))' 31II,340013111 P111.11S, 1319,31V to fiftditt Word, the unity of 111» (04.nseerated having se. -.. toe. tour benedictions, the ansic to„, 1ou-rinoy, '4,410 13 ot talts'itt doori's:•,I'va tearlt us bow to 11(143 (4.011 1 spirit of the prayer. Melville Church st. Jobn : 32. "And ye 'bar, 441 cos: the linth and the 11013) .41,03 h, von free,- W(' Rev. F. (1. "o!oawlo Cs text, In elville (laurels, lest 0413011. 01 morning. Ilse (4)l'401 4'44(- etin f mankind is hontlage and sin. P..1111 0'l' 11417 111- 1:0311:1- 1/1111' .1. it v nod also 131311 11" pet ,ple oh ' me wooiodd 301 Mn bondage 1., rraullt )41,1 sin. Cle is" dial no1 use f, - Elate the mind. iof the people, o-11 111%. ,..1 1 1,tfo,is1ittt 4 fel° ft ectestu. our kuowle.igoo otirist should glow, by t ttit tts, taught ity Hint. k, - ledge ef the truth will lie.f, 40 1' 1 superior to terrorist is), roil ; 1,, fear. Poulin 3 : tt, "1 wollt i`.+ 1(1 1.4111 of ten ha 318111't1f peololo lot ro i VS. egaiar 11'1:1311 14I471111." WUS 1111' ;111,114,1', 1,1)1, 11! 1'131/t1113 vim.. This '3,4(4 weitten by Ilavid, when .4 rase'ere 4, 00no113tin31 acnitiol Thsse Who fort -rived Ahsaloin, no artoota (31,11(331(1 that (4,11 01118 11 13,03, sko 1:"r.1104'1114'11(3131hy Woo Wit 3, (lam. (tiia 1:31,., sp.: ltyv slli Ito),f331aatt,ally1 V thews uo that often itts 0333 0 wrong, One Man icntiviCet,d (111:11:) 1ia'r• oh tt it(:111:e"stis' °1 T.31;2• ney matte). of right and %Along, e shon1,1 date to '3um? up 1). )3('03), • VvIlielt 1,111. eonseienee tells 5I13 lo I igh: Miss Jean Fe:ageism) sang "I-1 old ;nee ley hard." at the morning "(novic)', BLYTH A (wetly. home wedding, tsook toto at the residence of 0, A. and Mrs. Myth, on 'Phi» stley last, tv111-11 Aliso Itsallst AlcDoe ell, eieret asi the' hostesS, Was united 30 matriage 11 3 ehn Cowatt. Rev, (1 eot ge Telford. r.A.,I4.V (If S1.. nth etv'e Chu) eh, per. fertned the '('l'('11) (11(31', at high mem, The 3,t ide wee Reny in a gown of known rut. velvet end gerwgette and earried browser of Sweet tweet roses, Little Ansa !Mete: of the twide, acted tle flower git I, winning' a dress of chstrodil yellow silk mega arid earryl- g 4 basket of enapciragons. heuse was beautifully deetwated for the ovestsion with eose 011.1 111//i11110. About 25 gneete Wt/PP entertained Itt, lutieheon by the hostess, letter, tbe happy eoutile left on a Inot or trip. Inoide, in going avesty, woo, 11 enst11111P of ehannel red, erred het and black silk wrap ()mi their venue, they will reside on farm, in East HURON COUNTY Deloett Taman, of Myth, had the Misfortune to have his hand badly 4'110411Ni under the wheel of at VI'AgOIY, reeentiv. The Lion's Club of Winghem ere taking steps to peovide a swimming pnol, 1) that town, rm„ the venture! genevation, Bess & 13razier, 1.onnon, awarded the eiontrect for alum t 331,44 miles of emairete paving on the Blest • ford•Goderieli highwey, West of 1 ten, to eminent up with the mileuge al, etdv laid from Gorier ich. On phut:salty aftern(1on, mato), 17th, the marriage took place ilt P9111014 ('hilt Clintonoof Jevons. Mollov, of 011111On, An 11 John Mel». I new, of Einloces 'Parp., Bruise (louttcy, o Rev. Leo C, Harrison, reetnr of th, ; Paerts, perfortned the eeremnrsy. Neo(ge Nuttier) a fernier residing neat. MnlekftVOrth, ft marrow ',mem e frOtti 11311101114 itsjur 3, when Lt }MIL whielt be was tying suddenly 1(11 41.1)1' 1 ed him. Mr. Ilithion WAN injured tinnier the firm and wee (mystified to bed for )!, 3:w 11(33(4, bra itt 11(1tV Able te around again.