The Brussels Post, 1927-3-23, Page 5depends largely on the flour you use. We believe
t 11 welcome this sn r;esriou try Purity, the rich, vigorous
.our made front the finest \; eetcern wheat. 'Thousands of
;uks say Purity Flour is best for calks, pies:, buns aid bread.
Seed 30c in stavtpr fir our 700 -recipe Purity flour Cook Book, tat
it/totem Canada Flour Mllla Ca. Limited. Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, SaIntJohn.
On Parliament Hill
By R. J. Deachinan, Press Gallery
Ottawa, March, 1927—There are not in parties—it lies in the human
times when our statesmen are tire- equation itself,
some. The past• week was one of Georgian Bay Canal
these unfortunate occasions. The Thd storms over the Georgian Bay
ordinary ways of life at • Ottawa Canal proposition continue. Dunn
gave place last week to the play of ing outlined the matter clearly when
political tricks. The people of the he said, "This is a struggle between
country understand these pranks— different power interests—it is not a
Iilieleel. The gent in freig;lit latex endeavor 1, :genre seri:,reeity and Co, Council to R T gee
will h, •ivrn. 't'he'ir hlabors ere to in time tit` 1h{ r•1 -nog' and al-
I;,. c nl a red tndl improved. The t tt heel be oo n pl ' u "0 Libl,
Special �G iit1n
stilt - in 1h moon 1 city trd :0 pi iter r,r•ni, It t t th ,i ie at of .—,....
will have belle i g''arh ,'e„ et e. It Reciprocity iprocity in 1. t I eh had Will Try to Arrive at Calnpremlee in
v'1 ' , eo good, No ''non ever got
ti.•11 1 I: • 1 fe:tantie• t poured 011
it. Co: ill:loi( in Use Maritimes are
in)p:•n,•l�s,'. People' dett'n there may
thine 1.1e. t.'ttnwa le:01 •r Boan-
tiful le rr.:poneibl .. It le not eu--
their •srilvetion, when it comes, will
1+,t freta their own effort.
Tho Cost
What will it met? That is fate
portant but difficult to answer.. We
will probably pay in extras to our
Maritime friends as much, a: capi-
talized would pay our National dont
in the next fifty years. Still If it
.removes this old sore it is worth
while. It may be peace at a price
but -peace at any rate is better than
an enduring conflict of bitterness.
There was one very fine touch in
the summing up of the situation by
W. L. Mackenzie: I{ing, He pointed
out that the report had advised an
approach to the Unitech States in an
the Members at Ottawa think they transportation ,question." Certainly • - ®�
are clever. They imagine that no , jt is not. No man with any pretence
one .sees through the hypocrisy of of study of the question would say
the thing, but everybody does, so that a heavily canalized route like
nothing is to be gained. Let the ; the Ottawa River could compete with
case be made clear! 1 the great open stretches of. water
The Case in Point I provided by the Great Lakes. Let
The House in Committee was die- ! him who doubts watch a vessel crawl
cussing the Budget Resolutions. Mr. , through a canal. Crawl is the right
Guthrie moved that, "in respect of word—then there will be no doubt as
Personal clothing and boots and to what a Banal or a narrow natural
shoes, the sales tax places a heavy ; channel means In the way of delay
end unneceseaty burden on the pee- , to transportation.
plc of Canada and should be di icon- I The battle has been to keep the
tinued." He spoke upon the subject Pill out of Committee. It is claimed
briefly. The joke is that Mr. Guth- by some that sending it to Consnlit-
rie would net, if he, were in ee,4,'r tee 0(01015 an acceptance of tie gen-
to-morrow, abolish at once the ••ales oral principle of the Bill. An on -
tax upon either of these connnodi_ looker might ask what good that will
ties. The object of bringing for- do when Parliament still holds the
ward such a resolution is to place right to defeat •at the measure. On
the Government int the po:,ition oe this thele hes born much wordy war
voting : mine t a reduction in teens. ---and not. fl1!0 h pro1•res.
Th:11 wht.0 an eleetien conies 00 the Maritime Rights
Rt. Hon. Gentleman eau go on the The Government has swallowed 1n
pia f o..le it: '' say, "we tried t t re. tote tate claims of the Maritime pee-
duc.• y0111` f:,•.,,•5 but the Goveinroent }.le as r tai d in the Duncan lle-
woiild net. 1. t us." Such I.' ;til port. Never before was such a ye-
as it: is 1.7:Q. -ed. ;,art 1, .ot,•:1 1r': any Contm!.t!=on,
Then II. J. Garland, LT?'.A„ ares•- ''1: C„n•reir''nn worked without
bur from 1'ov: Trieste took a breve in c•,nii0 I •to 041;Argued the claims of
the e':n 11,• moved a r ,jt e 1 1 1e, },e,:;ntc• of C rids—the Marffirne
in exactly the stone wo1 1, . ]ir. r, ,•}.t t, ii' 'tow weep briney teat•. as
Guthrie only makltg it :10101c,;e!., Iv- they 111:1: of the solemn fact that
be tariff. tier•, too the obj ee .•;:t to : 11i211 hoof:. askx1'for more but
olaicatl. Even In lependc nt , V.P. did net do so. They are to have
Labor or any other v u e : can lerger money grants (subject to a
politic::. The object tt,1S to egg conferen,: with the other Proyin-
rass the Liberals by making them
1te against tariff' reductions. Yet,
Mr, Garland were Minister 0= Fia-
nce to -morrow lie would not remove
by a stroke of the pen all dud„s on
boots, Owe and clothing. It would
be a foolleh mi T tke eingle out
one line of manufactured goods and
make it freer of duty while Leaving
all otters on lofty pinnacles of pro -
action. No, that was not the idea
f the Resolution—it was a shot of
arty politics—froth, pure froth—
hese things are the :foam ei! pott-
ies, Of course no party is free
rent it. The Liberals tried the, .seine
ling last year and the Pro tie>•siveo
allecl it "(hn(f.” This ye,t' the
Progs' tiled the same trick. It's :.rr;•Bee,
brought al.out 110' 1, ; we fico Matter of Equalized A_..-- emeni '
in this, coiner ti•an t , el ,• 1n t f:en-
Bottle home to i•rtue.t. ,'i lletseev:•r 1/
.:ant' that shall ye :lb.:0 r:,ap. It ::; ilt-
ir•: tin'r to a:uecelate on t':r change
that might hove tekeit ele•,. in Cane
:tea had Reciprocity 1 't":e'e!, but it
010 not -..go in many wait:; the price
nt' our folly mtlst be paid.
The End in Sight
There is pro.Spret of an early ad-
journment. This will not be a long
Fenton, There is some talk of finish-
ing by Raster, but the first of May
looks more likely. The 01d Age
Pension Bill has gone over to the in-
corrigible Senate for consideratlo,.
• The Farm Loan )3111 is plodding its
way through the Commons. The
chances are good for the farmer
members to get back to the land in
time to see the greening ftelee of
spring while the nesting binds are
still love making in the green boughs
of Home Sweet Home.
1'u.Ep mat
ae (9 :t
mens, dt,etZvelitS ht.the
hng1orti o�t4ie aware.
`Zr i C'harg'es Coitvv /''•
The Martyrdom of Archbishop Cran- 1 ro.
y p position of the Beek of Common
meet Prayer used in the English Church. 1
Three hundred and seventy-one tooSituation in
years ago, 00 the 2 1st March, 155(1, !
• Thomas Cranmer, 000 of the great I Huron County
outstanding. figure: in the Reforma-
tion of the English Church, WAS caw, the sow and the good
bl,inr ! to rte tth at th t.,ke. laying hen
V, ry Uttel.to0icaily known Prove the salvation of many good
of hie e -41•; life beyond the Toct that' men.
l c• t i• -ed 1) 1!r &1u, ttioo •An a ,
:rl„ .i, tot' r, and at this ' Huron farmers realized on an ave
0:, . 1. . ..'t seen til C.:nbr!0 e erage 000.00 lean the sale of pigs
in 1S i0 14- bi:came each h year for the past four years.
a c =u: (rf lc• ra tee. that lo to ray, 5800 farms in the
a' ui ;. count;: produced au average of °5. -
et 1111e rimy .1..[t which lee held -u • 000 1'97/ for ...•':et each year, be-
•, held fur
I11 year'. Sort Itis side; 1'li i , .: row locally and der-
f,dl ry 147 1 . 11'; ;1 d, Inti his wife11 t ., -!1 t . . ,. naturally presume
' =tr hogs u. •V..e home killed home
elle 1 . ,-.tela 1 year, and after her . ,
01 1) t 1 r. c,u ?notal fur holy orders cured :m'1 1. eve _sten.
and was ordained in 1523. i Threat n: roughly speaking,
i1t ativemc•u1 071 to royal favor! `how an tt,ee e income of ;;2,000,-
was the result of a chancy. meeting 00() from heee marketed or $300.00
in 1:,2!) with two of henry VIlI's .per farm far 13 pigs. We venture
mini: t:•! s> at which the then, men to say filet 17300.00 will not go far
discussed theking's desire to divorcetowards paying the annual bill but
'Queen Catherine of Aragon. Cran at hetet it should pay the taxes,
ccs). Coking plants are to be esta- ince repro ed the opinion that the paint the its g, and since the reduce-:
(Go0,erc,h kli;r:n'd)
no, keel l±rotie dice.;
county judge in the:: "{.•711 •r of 1.110
cetnity it:s::cesnlent wet,- a lalev1 tot
Memlity, lett were edjoeree,I
Ing posiibl:e action of 1.11 - eemee
council in the way of a e•unierteedee
that will lho ganaially
the minor municipalities.
Seven lawyers 'were engaged in
Monday's proceedings, P. C. IIay:s,
jr., again appeared for the county,
and D. E. IIolmes, L. E. Deniey, R.
Vanstono (Wir'r',am), J. 7r. Stan -
bury (Exeter), 11 S. hays (Sea -
forth) and Duffle/ i elme i, 3.C., re-
presented various appealing munici-
palities. Members of the county
council present in the court room
were Warden Klopp, Reeve., Geiger
of Hensall; McEwan of Turnhorry;
Merner of Hayfield; hill, Coll) meg
Lee, Goderich; McQuaid, Mcl{Ilton;
Sanders. Exeter; Ilendorsaln, Kerrie;
Adams, Hullett; Ballantyne, of Vs -
borne, and Kennedy of Tur'kesr+tnith.
At the morning sitting certain pa-
pers, the production of which wel re-
quested by counsel for the apoelltnte
were not available and. an adjourn-
ment was made to 2 o'clock. When
proceedings were resumed in the af-
ternoon it was announced that the
original report of the valuators, one
Of the papers particularly eek•.1 for
in the morniig, could not be found,
and counsel for the appellenis took
the ground that this was eeiential as
the basis of their appeal.
R. C. Hays thensuggested a atter-
lel meeting of the e ounty c iuneil to
reconsider the whole matter of the
assessment and see if an agreement
could be reached.
R, S. Hays 0011:1 tot : -
tion. He pointed out that, even if
the present asse,mrmt sl01114 be un-
set and anothe'• v 'u.0ti11i nee's, the
second valuation .rtr,.et eeeetisiege
tery and appeal ].t0,11 ,It: _e 0.010
be necessary.
Judge Lewis al.o ga the ia•ei os -
a1 his hlosisn9 v••1 offer n bri••f at l-
journntent of the collet to allow the
members of the (04110ty covuo 1, who
were pre ,vtt, to confer, it was no,
pounced that the ,envied would meet
on Wednesday meet, March 23rd. at
2 o'clock.
The court wi:s adjourned to Tues-
day, March 29th, et 10.30 a.m.
tion, buy the new license and par -
. Destroy F a 5,^rg
mete ity of an appeal to three Pope y
t , t bans' n new Rester bonnet for the ,
q„; :44 tet-et.� �.J...Aq'�.!,4n' , :.L.: 4.l could bo avoided, and tit,. div,te 4
+' granted by the English ecclesiastical tett who ? a.- been a material asset
1 shown Olt the marriage of the icing i But wh t are 13 pigs per farm? Agricultural € ..;1 a c...att r I eoeiv
ei t, to the widow of io deceased eitsc••I brother Steely that is only one good litter Information on Corn
;: and
m maregeinl the affairs of the farm. I
�• courts, pro'•irlud that it could be 't
was illLeal. Tllis opmion was 00111- ;per year, two rather small ones or keret
filar, munic•tiecl to thin hinge and ]1e lost . if we can believe the South East "-
-t ' no time in sending for Grannie; ! Corner of the Globe, only half a lit- . G. R Pate.ree,n, the Iluron County
I whom he ceonnnandecl"to abandon his ter. Some farmers tell us they keep agricultura11 telae.; mtat!ve, has re-
broktn to harness work at the university and devote i 4 and 5 irood sows. Then a large ceived some int.or110'.01 regarding
y0tlltg, f01' Sale at •l' i 1,;,,, elf entirely to the question of number ole not ]seep any. Evidently the fight a u!r.,t the corn borer ho -
the desired divorce.t they de not believe in the couplet big caigied on thi 1„:.tout the prov-
ince. Tltis taunt is ono in the
^ n a f; �'p c i�' jS : + For just over three years Crane • above rendered with full recognition
1L5 �l'4iJ�i3��d4� � m r worked t the 1 ] f; ' of the original tl author, whoever he quarantined •ir e n 1 vhdie tho bet-
ewot ter a problem, and n- • ,
Ot line Con. 2, Grey
e ally on 23rd May 1533 he, in ]tis : was• er in only just tr tries nicely started
•p position of Archbishopof Canter- I 13vron Country here, it 10 0 very positive danger and
nese • e teletee•{••.: vele :-e,ee•,- Levy, to which ,-- '---' been advance , the authorl.l,es aro au:tious that the
Totel c71 Sel- cHea- ee,Shops,
r� f t }• • st ns to combat it at
-�_- .eg - g egegge seeeeg11 etget ed by the lung; pronounced that the Hofs Bets vies Lights, once.
marriane with a rime was nu Feeders
Experience has shown that unless
and void. Ifo remained 1n 11!1•(1 fav- 11023 68,909 253 6.2 12 1 stupe aro taj:en immediately that the
or with the fickle monarch until the 1924 87,881 27.8 4.1 11.4 borer will spread with great t^an.'' y.
9 s,r;��e +a `n n n end of his reign ,and became. one of 1925 75,502 30.4 4.5 5.5 There is no iu pector in this county
!D�ti+,.r,, 1;�.h J>a the chief promoters of the Reforms- , 1926 67,914 28.4 5.3 4.8 ' under the act to prevent the spread
tion. On. his deathbed Henryap- I
pointed Crammer one of the regents t 2 Ontario of the corn borer, but one may be
�L{.�;..; of his youthful successor, Edward ! 10 6 • 24.9 6.2 6.1 appointed by the County Council if
5�e f !
I � urgers
w,r.�a::r.. I til Catherine It r
q.,y¢s r,tmx•�.er„n.ns.-,¢ .. aursoc�taM:'["M .n.m...��..�..ave:47rmwA 1 i
The undersigned wishes to an -
ounce to the public that he is the
Ford Dealer in Brussels and is now
prepared for the opening of Gar
driving with all Models of new
Ford Gars.
Genuine Ford Parts
Guaranteed Used Ford Ca
Also for sale at Garage
Ford Dealer I3russ
' From the above it will be noticed it deems it advisable. So far the
VI, and' during the reign of the boy -1, that Heron County produced 7500 borer has only shown up in the sou -
king he plaged an important part in less }togs Last year than in 1925, but than part of the comity but it is
rho administration 0n the realm and as the province marketed about '75,- I working north.
was energetically engaged in Brialy 000 fess, this was in accord with the The instructions regarding the
establishing the reformed faith in
England. : general trend for which heavy spring I fight against the borer may be sum -
When the young sovereign died in litter losses were Isrgely responsible. , marized briefly in that the act 10-
1558 Cranmer attached himself to i The quality fell off to the extent of I commends that all corn stubble be
the cause of the unfortunate Lady 2% less select hogs, which is regret- destroyed before May 20. It may be
Jane Grey, and he remained loyal to table since it indicates laxity In burned or broken down and plowed
the young and innocent gn�en of feeding and management, as breed- I under. This includes stubble mixed
1 ing stock most certainly would not ; with manure. It should be kept bur -
nine days when all her other adher-
ents depreciate to that extent in one led until after July 1, according to
had deserted her. He refused
to seek safety in flight, and on the year, The number of out -weight 1 the regulations. In that connection
accession of Mary his downfall was hogs decreased slightly, that is, the 1 the general advice given by tate de-
speedy• and complete, He was eon• • total lights and heavies. Marc heavy ' partment is that a float or disc be
demned to death for high treason at hogs were marketed last year, a con- ran lengthwise over the standing
the same time as the ill-fated. Lady dition which was general owing to stubble to break it down]. It should
Jane and her husband, but he was tho favorable price of hogs 113 cont- then be plowed under and in eulti-
reprieved and taken to Oxford, pined to feed costs. vating the field care should be taken
whore he was placed on trial feel Huron County .farmers should to see that it is not dragged up on
heresy. maintain a steady hog production the surface again. It is recommend-
-Faced with death by burning and pay a little more attention to :bobe ed that fire field be rolled and also
Creamers' courage failed hint, and quality of ltoys marketed in » r that a disc be used rather titan a
he signed a recantation et Iris faith, to hold or improve the present fav t toothed instrument for cultivating,
but when on 21st March, 155ti, he orable position among the other 1
taken t St •Mary's Chunk at counties as a producer of bacon '
1r� Oxford to make a pubs t, abjuration, g
endows moral effect on the people of st atvon o y
h b d ' h I3
gical works and many hymns, and
was nen o BRUCE COUNTY
hogs. Petty thieving has been gbing ort
Which would have produced a ,teem- A further insight into the hog hi the Mildmlay rink, A close watch
itu in Huron Cunt will fol- was kept last Saturday after nuaner-
England he pluckily withdrew his re IoW In succeeding issues of pa}ier. ous complaints had been made, and
cantatlon, for which act ho was litre- Fui'th eignore, all Huron farmers a boy was caught in the act.
tied to the stake, where he met his should a interests in the .aeon Messrs. John and William Volliek
terrible death with 'heroic fortitude. Hog Fair to be hold at McGntw Sta- of the 7th concession, shipped twon-
Creamer wrote over forty theolo. tion, April. 18. ''Chis is the first fair ty cattle from Mildrttay station last
of Its kind for Huron and is worthy Saturday that were undoubtedly the
• was largely responsible fox he cog- of the hearty support of all. best seen here for many ycan, says
RALES far steeper than any found in ordinary drive Inv offer no obeeeci:i to the eveieideee ;:ower of
leeLaughlin-Buick's Valva -in -Head Engine.
Seventy-five actual horsepower is beneath the hood of the
Greatest McLaughlin-Buick—yet so liexie1e, so easily
controlled, so responsive, so vibrationless, tient you are
unaware of the presence of an e^r,inc :end teai100 only
that a tireless force is workir.,; to your will.
How little the McLaughlin -Buick owner is concerned
with this masterful engine may be judged by tee £acts
that he need change the clI only once a that
troubles due to crankcase dilution, the nreeeee,3 ef rust
grit or water are elira!nsted by 1±e ('::'a c ton
system, the Sealed Chassis and the Triple Sealed En,.fne
—e combined protection found in no other car at any
So, for power—abu.•tdant—untiring--depends' :c. --4e: i"%le
Alex. Anderson Brussels
.a <
the Gazette. The nit to everieee1
11:70 lbs. and th_r', were e,egeedla
the lot that tipped the sealeg
ly 1.300 111each. Thu._ cattL_
purcluved about the fir,t of Oto
bur, and in the 'Vertu:l. stables th. y
have made splendid gains. One pair,
on which a very close tab vias 1:ept,
gained 563 lbs. in the five months.
The Toronto market officials pro -
0,0 41141
9s' ar. 1,1041::'ME:)
('0041': 1 this to be the best load of
eete1.• cn the market fur the past
gees, so it was natural that they
,1 have commanded the biggest
price 1.1111 on :Monday, viz., $8.10
por Birt. Aio?c st immediately after
they were sold they were removed to
Swift's abattoir, where they were
.l:iu 1t Beed and their carcasses dress-
ed 5J lbs. par cwt.
Friday anui Saturday March 25-26
1rEti�l 'dril' ��"y via"
1 rm-
(Mrs. Wigg, of the Cabbage Patch)
HERE is the picture everyone has With
been waiting for• ---Lowey Mary, the
most lovable character in fiction, on 131 SS 1 E LOVE
the screen at Last! And it's a films
that's perfect entertainment, too—
as appealing as the book!
Such laughs as you've seldom
heard—and thrills and tears, too—
have greeted this picture of the or-
phan girl and her adventures in the
world! her to your heart!
Weill. HAIN1sS
You'll just have to take
Monday & Tues., heir. 28-29
i„ One of the 40 Best Films, 1926 -°j^,l
With an
HERE at last is ol.e of the screen sensations of the year! A
romance of gay, reckless royalty, laid in a jewelled setting of
Vienna at its maddest and merriest! A magnificent spectacle, a
throbbing story of flaming passions, blended with delightful
WHAT happens when a Princess finds her husband infatuated
with a pretty cabaret player is told in a film crammed with
beauty, excitement and entertainment, Just as the Oscar
Strauss operetta swept the world so this great Iilm will win
p111001ts everywhere.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Marrcfht 31 and April 1-2
GROUCHES should be careful to see this picture while they
are alone, or they will lose their reputations forever,
Harold Lloyd is king of laughter to -day for the simple reason
that laughter follows him as rainbows follow summer showers.
Add up all this great comedian's past successes, multiply by
two and you'll still be short of the net result of "For Heaven's
Sake!" the latest comedy gem from the screen's comedy genius.
COMING : Rin -Till -Thr in "The Night Cry" "Black Pirate"
Syd Chaplin in "0, What a Nurse"