The Brussels Post, 1927-3-23, Page 4"WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1927.
a'WEDNESWAY, MAI;CH 23, 1927,
Xing Will Sound
The Carillon)
Ottawa, •-- IIis Majesty the Hilt;;
will open the celebration of the Dia-
mond Jubilee of Confederation next
Dominion Day by touching p signed
an London, ilnmediately after whica
.the'new carrillon for the tower of
the .Parliament Buildings will ring
out and be broadcast, to let all Can-
ada know of the nation's sixtieth
birthday. This was practically ap-
proved by the National Jubilee Com- 1
snittee, which met in the House of
a4a1N N
Commons recently, with His Excel-
lency the Governor-General, xlresid•
Preparations Made For Jubilee Cele-
Ottawa, March S. -Although the
details of Canada's Jubilee Celebra-
tion are yet to be worked out by the
national committee, which meets in
Ottawa on March 19, it is expected
that for the most part they will take 1
place on Friday, July 1, and the ;
Saturday and Sunday following. The I
11i11 which incorporated the commit- 1,
tee has received royal assent. It a,.,~....,._.„ess.
provides that July 2 shall be a pub-
lic holiday. Of course July 1 is al-
ready a holiday. 1---__-_�
Se C. White
;Enquire of
Phone 10Ix r 5
Willys-Overland Autos
See the Whippet 'Six and Four
Delaval Cream Se •tarators
Singer Sewing Machines
Pianos and Radios
We can supply your wants. See us before you buy
Safi Carter Swindow Nth
ofee Grand Theatrore
Homo B n?s Shareholders Failing
Payment Then Subject to Execu-
tion Proceedings
Finn' 11 fnn nmounts dile t all_!'
the d,•-7) .•add`' clan • tro
nom,. h•?lei ,•s t _
] h v.
not cc••` . i±te client (,t• h:l _
Berl ce" 1r the _.. ,,en• 1' 11
• . aiset.h'
day t1 :edal ern,n 'CNA
1 ' t or
the ,n" `•1•• con41ao'nr,'y T4I11.
Ail rs outlined v r' a11. -
ed by Ate' -i 1st. after that e.:e•'u-
tion 1l' ec'. ,'in ', r. -f! he talcen. In-
terest on ti -e l+:nhility *MR 11.e1'
1924, is inri- +1•'4 in the alcor:nt• to
be paid.
s`Lg'i 'e Scab C(33:4"n^w
From ....i oessevelise of ;,err- 1
menti.. ;)t• •' �
,,t a for tib) �
apple .,tial; it evueld al Ir to .-. it tih
sp 1`a„ s use:lied _d ,, (IC tr- ! 0_,der
laved c .r.;a. :Lad the .s uses
x I l i
the de i1 itof the btis, eretle1
most true :::.:1.. -:.t the: delayed ler.
mant etet wive! tIbtJilt se" t0
gree. Ie,,. sse'• is eepeeete an ave
plic..tn_. ,,-trey lr.'tb:ttd g:..:, pt'n-
tett:(, t :A t t ala: ll..lvC, at_ul .he
sena:; e t . d.;:Ill 11.
w t ..
Ely Sea. - slid.' ,,, 4.fl,d-
ary e lee. it is import tet to
prey - ,.,.. inf., eet tt,ue.
1,. 11 114,, .t 'I l._ a 1..
fecf let_, . seely i'tr the a -
son ;t . e;mee difiitlut to evl,tltvl.
rent f:' d :.nt - z 1 of .h,
P t •lr-e:hc I
wit.+. ;m•..,•,In1:nt spreyieg.
The p: mi: application is 0s great
imps. ,. <..., Many growers do not
ret.. 1 loss of fruit which takes
plate et this time from the inSeettm
of the ftt,it pedicels. From our ex-
periont , Tis has been a serious los:;
in the reia•ck plots of aur experimen-
tal ort•):ords. The important factor
here is there possible, depending en
weath.•s conditions, to delay the
spray until the fruit pedicels have
separated and arc exposed. This will
allow the spray material to give
protection and prevent infection of
these sueeeptible parts.
The rlye: application, when most
of the petals have fallen, is also an
important spray. A spray at this
time should largely prevent the scab
infection whiech results in the severe
cracking and deforming of the fruit,
A spray two weeks later is re-
commended also and is directed to-
wards further protection against this
type of scab injury.
It is essential that sprays for scab
'control should be applied before per-
iods of prolonged rainfall and NOT
after. The severity of attacks of
scab depends on rainfall and the best
results are obtained where the appli-
cations are made according to the
stages of development and the prob-
ability of rainfall.
When starting the car set' the gas
throttlee a little faster than idling and
leave it sot. Do not move it up or
down, It will be found that the
,engine starts more readily, thus•say..
ang the battery.
News of Local Interest
Ircnease SI•er id Be Made. BRUCE COUNTY
111 _a lot: in tic... Dominion
Anel ilemd i t urassa urged the
of ;n':1. t to 1.1 Ills (itlestion
• I:2 125r:toi for ;' auto -
which were
1 the local mer-
e et: 10 six..:; towns and
a _ -i,,• t•,11.� Cf f lt`,�n!;'1.1.-£
11,1'1 local 1dr-4t-
e t` •„Ll a s}lShht in -
in 1 ret the g ovs'•tn-
I "7 .;te.:I by tire,
1tlio arid
1 lett th.y of-
e .:,I tri: to coin -
r, 1 -:•',t e i'e [:.a. 15 it
t ,,,:cit (_' 2 n1 052,222f sial law ril-
icric_• only.
.+i, -le c, that dot
r:ou di•2this spirit in
▪ 1st , l0 it the .'Hoole
slut :iia•` their number
but they don't make a
t1 i.oy only culture it. Is it
1 ;;i 1, ui• ai lot ttioo, the chara-
s tl1a t..:'nts';' :'ui'roundings,
-s•-t'-e-- sNOne of
, • '?
2 I, _I. Whet is it
,• µ
Solt 1 rJ:. ,, 1 •t anyway? Just
e 1, 1.':1 . tel :' ,1,., 1.... rel• �l„' ih, Jle1C,
nlll i,lUlt brie.
and social
'.e pili. :: _ .ell-'itFed'nces
it 1 'n.:- i•''f the town.
1..:21 l Irl••' t••2211 1r 'h'^Cls in
.. -t1
: -:.n: 6 w'lth•
h; _,rjuve:ult.:d
4 21• y two -
1. ,,• • • '0•:2 .2•1e,'p. It
,I that h.•at't
▪ ti • e;a.. }1u:+•e,.
1\i at -
t .,1 .x,1':'11 Le. : =11011 and
t }.. 'built t. wl1
bl: town R'1:11
made. to grow
v:h•-n its vitt-
,::I ,10: accord in the
•fr'•e il'
^•tr. Bewitch.
Intel ittll0, sit!' it li'.ht-heat't-
d}, it: ;rpl'1 ,)ll ,11.1 ;lsrd 01.
1'x 11 )t 1 , P41 its
l'!,..11.0 :1110 b ' ound of to
(hymning ging, t',•1 vi itt- it Ory. From ray -
el ealace, . ta1 :lye r eel and echelon,
to 'the wite. '1 :ni'•n, of old Vienna, l
o-hm;e do1•c '1ut1 `rine: :enol sone;' nldn-
rle gayly, the romans•.• of A Princess
greases in "The Walt.. Drreem," a. new '
i t•.i film, to be seen at the Grand I
'fh•atrn next Monday and Tuesday.
he Waltz Dream was the biggest I
bit of the Now York thcatrn,..1 sett- .
son some years ago on the legitimate
stage, Many cn1to •
sought vain-
ly to secure the film ri'•hte. Let Os-
car Strauss, composer of the muafe,
and Hans Mueller, who wrote the
book, "Nux, the Prince Consort,"
felt that only a continental producer
could do the theme justice. UFA,
accordingly achieved the privilece of
transferring it to the. screen. A. lav-
ish picture has resulted. A picture
filled with sentiment and box olnce
appeal. Previews have shown the
American response to this great rom-
ance. It packs a powerful punch as
a climax to The love of a Princess for
an .Austrian officer, and the renirtcia-
tion of her sweetheart by a giri of
the people. It is hound to appeal to
everybody, wherever played, A cast
of extraordinary talent and appeal
interpret the screen version o, 'Che
Waltz Dream," which is being dis-
tributed in the IJned States by
Metro -Goldwyn -Mayer. Jacob Tiedt-
e Mad Christians, Y WillyFritsch
and Yenta Dem have the Principal
roles. "The Waltz Dresrn" was one
of the 40 best pitcur'os shown, in
i Editor( -J, R. lit 00, e, of the Toes-
wt:ter News, a as cull, at t' 0111112., 1,1+1
1 week, on accnurt of the death 1 3'hi0
The Catholic 'i calor' 1,e814
•'['2en,ater, lha4 i tt r-i.ltti tht (1 •pile+l
will. ;r 01Fllliz- .
The'J'r1 tt .,l.1 3r-,:3:10, P he :u e I 1 w.
Irs:d ir- it I'(n,;u,,•, 011' tf 11, ii.111 t•
1111.,puli111g,.1h an At 1+.1124, of til--
Fi2 ii 2.2 11 ..1.1
tel ly it Anti!.
Fin .) Announccernn
Till'. I]Ait `l('llC c:n-1111i1CCofth(' Brussels Old
la -union ii've vanxious that ,111 In•
vit;,iiufls should I;t in theirhand: at ;,1early
date- berate Match 31st if possible,
aTcavu the naliieS with US.' We 'ill tin'th li st-
E'Chafrman of Co)'1 n lace.
e t
3 Have considerable amount of
National Fertilizer on hand for (
. springn' crop,
t, Also Hog Tankage, G0'er:, :«
q Dict you ever try GRO-MOR
V. for your house plants. They + I
are very high in -plant food.. ,«
'j Tho'sa Pierce;
Phone 5310'
Farm Flock
Management For
atdtinig Eggs
There are a few things that are
within one's method of handling a
Hock, that may be done which, with
us, increase the HATCHING POW-
ER of the fertile e g's.
In order for hien; to lay well,
v'en r ally have to )lave some animal
protein, that is• insects, worms, ureal,
The• t', int A v=: i1: 1(1 "'slot 0 of beef Feral). tenl.;nee or milk. Gen -
ht ,a1rss1i1 e.1, iL A'', :Its.
erupt' .p.ekiay•, ea, feeds about one
r•e �, 'sit:i,r +.,.,-' f •i:•! ,,1' Ilan-; .1 (' 011110e o.f the.:t to ermh hirci rail;- or
el, who i.4 iter,1 r, err. it (i.:- elm 5
to.l' u " serail or
h 111,11. 1 re•,t ,. ( =,F't J 1111 a. "1 1 ries or wet 11100h, or
I rept llrl '' e
1• r lie post fee. t o t• h. been ,•1
ed by the tnelohani.$ of liiplr}•, 'will
hesre1'17thbe3;'1242, a 1yoy.3.'
t: hick is heini; di aft 1.y Lb'
;di a;011, at the• Ique01 t-3' Pie Me:.
1/.6i1, Roblinnn, of 1? ui1e , "''1
formerly of the 1211; ref lit tine, ended
his own life, on Thnrsuav, of }'•.1
week, by drinking gtlyrlini11e. Ile
was found by 1. sigh horn, in a dying
condition, ill his home, whet be had
}iv -,1 alone, 1'nt• a number e f
It i- 2e212:(110(111+at hr'r:r• despontleto
(1101 ill -hemi;.,
Lor tie Archer, 7 -year-, In 0 14 of
i. W -
b, -hila 101; it' 1n21r(11v1, 1,• 1"'r
Intek Ed Himself, on bus tricycle.
1010 the milli ore, on Flitturdiy Ihfter.
non., and Etats 2011}1.1, 3 like 0 chip in-
to a 150 ft. ('((1(1'e le 1 (1 1 ! 1 ele21
Eight lnionte0 1'01 d 1 e•ie1'2 l:e oto•
Edged tat. the ulb.1• 11, al. 1Iv Wu 9 tan -
ea sas8ciouts, but 2.0241(10(1 alive.
1'(110 ttnnUnl 1114 l Ing of the I.:Cm:vi l
Hosea of Tr»tie -..,., be.'d h. 1110 C.
011 Clutlnhrl, 211101, set, lt,l i1l,pu1l,u,I
I11el 1 el4 were d i No...e1. 11 wus also
r.idred. to F1 (1(54 f(.1' the 10:10
flo,ad of Trade hal g1e•1, to he held
lure Per y The n -I ,
ly in M ley. .t lr tvi• ,f
efller•r were ,ceded : P12oide•ml, A.
(1. Lasser ; 1Ice•P1410114241, Joh,: Tay-
lor ; (511((tary-Tlwrsurer, Clayton
Tho d••:11 ref nor of 12inley's
foremost ei1 110 0 eeclo 1 (-Al on I't itlay
moi fling, it, the pet soli of John 13.
Mn syn, framer reeve of the village.
A1 ;11 nnss of nine months' duration,
sn;1"rimdneed by a stroke of paralysis,
(i veer?d his death. De rent 011, tell'
was ,1. native of Hurm1 Twp , was horn
1181end4ngn,the son of Donald and
1314, Marlyn, who immigrated from
Scotland, Tn hire is due the creditof
bringing 1-iycd10•Elee.l tee power to Rip.
ley, Ht hi survived by his widow an(}
a large family,
Roadside Advertising
All motorists are agreed that
vert} ins signs erected along the
highways are a nuisance and a dan-
ger, and admirers of natural beauty,
whether motorists or not, are loud in
the condemnationof the posters as a
1 desecration of a countryside, This
1 chorous of disapproval has long been
heard, and just now there are en-
couraging indications that it has not
been altogether in vain. For years
an organized movement has been at
work to diminish, and if possible to
remove the nuisance; advertisers
have themselves taken the initiative
in some cases, voluntarily abandon-
ing a form of publicity which is so
offensive to the public taste. Oa the
expiration of existing contracts
many large concerns in the United
States have pledged themselves to
discontinue their wayside advertising
and similar action has been taken by
a number of Canadian firms,
Chas, 8ildstein, con. A., Carrick, SEWED PLEATS
has sold itis farm to Clarence Kuntz To keep the pleats in a skirt, sew
of 7i'onmosa, The price paid was $8,- them front the waistline about eight
300 and includes stock and 1ntple• inches down. this sewed line Is very
rants.' smart, .'s'•a.
both. Olt', ht 1 lrr:el hens should
drink a ;)ail of skim milk or butter-
milk daily if they are going to lay
50 per rent or better.
Orr r lerimc,lts Show that of the
photo-4fef_4that are available dur-
ing the w;oter, mills in some form
stands in a class by itself, as a feed
to produce eggs for hatching.
W'o • Mut that the addition We 1 h a ton of about
chef. -half teacup of cod liver oil to the
41 .'r daily for one hundred liens
0 bo -r tsoa the hatching power of
the eggs. '4i,'itll us, it is much better
With milk than with the other feeds.
The feeding of clover meal or the
clover leaves that fall where the hay
ie 'thrown down for •the other live
ad'cl:, appears to help prodsee a bet-
ter egg to hatch.
Then, perhaps the best and cheap -
0;t fester to help the hatch is direct
sunlight; that is, where the hen sits
lr stands or sc4'atchee in the sun-
light, not behind glass, but i1. the
direct rays. You may have several
e1153' methods of getting this leen out
of doors in the sunlight. 12 he ex-
ercises in the straw, ere. in the barn -
yen,. and in the sunlight, it may help
your hatch of chicks as .mesh as 15
cr 20 per cent.
We are u not so particular what
°•.mile or what mash you feel, as
these do not appear to mase as much
difference in 'hatching eggs as do the
feeds mentioned above.
Our rations lire as follows:
Scratch Grains
?'s Cracked Corn
it Wheat
700 lbs, b„ Corn
500 lbs. Shorts
300 lbs. Oat Chop
1110 lbs. Alfalfa Meal
7 lbs. Fine Table Salt
3 gallons of Cod Liver Oil
The birds eat about G pounds of
scratch grain to 4 pounds of mash.
The grain is 'fed in straw night and
]Horning. The dry leash is in hop-
pers or boxes before the birds at ail
times and the oil in most cases is
mixed in a moist mash and given at
noon. Each hundred hens drink
about a pailful of buttermilk daily,
While John Sidle, jr., was going
thisrou h a
bush near
where he has been taking out timber
of late, a friend who had accompan-
ied him, and who had brought along
a rifle supposedly for the purpose of
getting any rabbits that might hove
in sight, accidentally discharged the
Weapon, and the bullet struck Sidle
in the right handl, tearing away part
of his thumb and embedding itself in
the bone of the next finger.
Takes Over An
It is announced that J. E. Hahn of
Toronto, president of the Canadian
De Forest Radio Corporation, and his
associates have taken over the Mn -
red Corporation of Medford Hillside,
Do. o1,Mass., a pl•o111i11e-1st An1oi'i-
2 1 L•n o11tl:. 113, 11Ir. F+sal is
Lou: or •.:;,!. i,l. :lt of both L'01•pnl'atl•)n.4.
'Pin. +fail., is an 111 i; boy.
AlY9'',:3eCp«:: ;LI Vafar=
Lord Balfour will soon be 79, but
no one would guess the tale of his
years. E:. cent for a slight deafness
and Tor white liar.', old age seems to
leave no great mark on him. His
voice is as rich and resonant as ever;
he is 1111I active and his intones.: in
nun au.} affairs continues unabated.
As Lord Prosident of the Council it
was his duty to hand to the King
a copy of the Speech which his Ma-
jesty read on the Opening of Paella-
' meat, and one wonders whether Lord
Balfour would recall the occasion
when he saw Lord Beaconsfield per-
forming a similar duty. When Lord
?;eacollsfeld want to the House, of
Lords he was in ill -health and his as-
sociation with the Huus:e of Peers
w'at:i the closing period of hie long
political life. ' e-'
p rel It is as D}sin-.r rather
than Lord Beaconsfield that he is re-
membered. But Lcrd Balfour will
bo remembered both as "Arthur
James" and as one of the greatest cf
our elder statesmen. Elevation to
the peerage has in no way diminish-
ed his activities. His counsel is val-
ued by his colleagues in the Cabinet,
and in debates he is still as forcible
as ever. He still retains his unrival-
led power of spontaneous speech,
and a :Lew notes scribbled on a long
envelope are all that he requires to
guide him through a long, intricate,
and closely reasoned argument. His
figure is perhaps the most familiar of
all politicians to the maniii the
street. He is fond of ambling about
London, and his tail striking figure
immediately secures recognition.
Many people, indeed, treat ]aim as if
he were a Royal personage and sal-
ute him in one fashion or another -
a compliment which Lord Balfour re-
turns with a father =harassed in-
clination of the head.
Many people deceive themselves
into thinking they can get something
for nothing, especially if they buy
cheap tea and think they will get
If winter lettuce grows monoton-
ous, use shredded cabbage as a base
for vegetable or meat salads. Mole
nate the cabbage with French dress-
Cut grapefruit in Naives and re-
move inner fibre. Sweeten and fill
with slices of orange and banana,
Top with a cherry and serve either
as a cocktail or a dessert.
{ Your Eyes Need
If your eyes bother you i0
any way;
If they tire quickly or be -
(wee inflamed;
If you do net see easily and
If headaches inlilair your
efficiency or interfere with
your pleasure;
If you cannot enjoy every
minute of your reading, -
Maude C. Beyans
'Phone 26x Brussels
U. S. A. Baskets
Cheat Buyers
Imported Containers Cause Trouble
When Put Into General Use
Bushel baskets shipped in by Unit-
ed States wholesalers with vegetables
are under u d r s ize. Wholesale merchants
receive these baskets, and for a small
payment, probably five cents each,
avoid the necessity of returning
them. These soon come into circu-
lation through the farmers and re-
tail stores, and the fact remains that
they are not the usual size of Can-
adian bushel baskets. The United
States bushel is somewhat smaller
and is taking the place in some cases
1.i0IrN7e,RA11pfisc, Tiny, s+n.-D. lll.Oeott
Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell at Lot
1e. Con, s, Al orris. on Monday, Merril 28th, at
1,50 0'211081, sh0rp, the fohnwiog : 1 team
horses about 140P 1bo. 11 and 7 Sears old,1 horse
Years old ldrivirp mare 8 yenr4 old, 511112-
I`anl1.0020nnpposrd to freshen (11 April and
h•ay, 1 linletein cot:• fresh, 1 reristtl -11. 11111•
Fain isn't " yee10 114. 1 Fhu,rg yosr' 01:1
about Ilea lbs a sten: 11ro• obi 5 Durham:
-1442ev,s. t4nit 1,0(1 'w-s'»nt t 10 b„
in pig. 10shut- •-rr,. • terive :, ,'1.011 10
leis taws 1'. 1 Yawls ,ow l yosr ,, - 400.
Toni 2100- 1 ON - 11i 1r, t run "a)
1-v 1'1.0(1 D .1 4'2,2,1 hr put d e .inn
n01t,1••2 1,1. • •, to a 1,111.t i
her tint, . -n.' , loa,1 -t
1"w, rr.t rt .t ..: 1„ 1'-4.? w(1 leen' bits.�
nye; tl ;rt ,. •, li ply,;. .:n
feral -1'11,,0111,•0„':1 rpt �,t r 1„-..4•n•.
rr am rn i` ,.r ,a -le ,n , . (it tnnotnl•v.
Jam' reeler. ter • ern fty
R Patric.:, e•1:-1', 'ARO, 14111-F,1 r..p,
of the Canadian bushel, Demand for
full t tnulien weight: would : tnlleer
to be the remedy, market a +tilers
The members, of the 114(11:•',' Aid of
Queen street 1'011,'• 1 (levels, Blyth,
held their !elem..! filo ' ally,
W11011 the following 01110ers 3020.2, el-
ected Prosicl,nt, Mrs, 11 Richmond;
Mrs R. W400.1112111
votary, Mars. C, hell, tu,stirer,
Mee, 11, Moody; pianist, Mra, il MSc -
1' 11.07, 1(1'005 secretary, Mrs' hi. Ben-
der; auditors, Mrs, A. l)inton and
Mrs, I1tnd:1'; parsontlge committee,
Mil's. li, Richmond, Mrs, Chambers,
Mrs. Vainton, Mrs, C. Bell, Mrs.
Cltelldw and Mrs. Bender.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Rebecca
Martin, late of the Village of Brun-
8018, In tho County of,Huron, widow
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 120, that
all Creditors end others having claims against-
gainsttlie estate of the maid Between .Marten, who
died 011 or about the 18th day of February, A.
D. 1027, are rnlrefi on or be1ot•e the' 5th
day of April A, 1) 11117, to send by postpre-
pmie or deliver to Jamie ramie or William
McNair, tit Hrnseelo Post (Ole, the
Rxemit08, of the lest Will stud TV/dement of
deceased, their Obristinn and F11rnh)r en, ad-
dresses and rlwalla t ions!, the fun particulars
of their ulnin.t+, tho 0tnt,ment of their ac-
counts and the nature of ihesecnritlea, if slit',
]geld by Mem.
And further, 'she notice that alter 8nek
lust mentioned date, the said Executors will
proceed to elle tribute the n00f is n1 1(..e deceas-
ed nmol0st the parties e•ntit10, thereto, hav-
aving regard only to the clean. w•hi, h they''hall
then have notice and the ,nisi Executors will
not be liable for the said 0 4elo or any part
thereof to any poison or rcr ons of whose
elnbn notice shalt not hill, been en receives by
them at the tis» a of each diets ;belt, at,
Dated at Win chain this Eleventh day or
Murch A, D. 10274
• Mitcham P. 0., Ont.
S olioltnr for the Executors.
Farm for Sale
Lot No, Pt 28, Concession 14, Too';whip or
111e1(1(10p, 1'mile esti' rd Waltrn, centnining
42 nares of laud: four -I ronin fume house
and seal l tarn nnd hen 11, u: 11 n 011 drain
ed and fent, d Nor further rn, ter Wore reply
M I201:151210 11(11,10. N 11 i1 105, of'3 Neel ore
Rolland, Seaforth 11, n No. I. Phone 207.111.01
Ba Your rut ftttir Yuri
O1! 1 Mega dt_, h•• 1 11:1 wits rt'
of1m:dullr d1•».,,=114 me 1 t eft r thro111-
tr, the I . a,1 ctrl Is g ROI e1:- step
Meng w 1, lent •., fr vo101, n, • ca a 4'. Pont
»h. ••t 1' lr it 't•1d 1 ,r , i., rte, r
ttfu•e !es, 1,1 1 25800211 to re -
122 8, 1 .11 1111»' i, ell, 1.1 ( 1 t, 0'1,12,ed
11(4(1, :n 11 21 0 1:. - 11: : i1 )qu
i.10 a .111 r, es 00 »..tion 11 t Pte., It her.
0lltn 1 P, . 1 L...1! -p,- 1 , Bain.
11111., 1,111. r 1 r- y 0711101 a ,t. .+1 1 awnm
Pros., . ha, ,. ,.. r. • 11 -.1.1.
ORE aid lac Tsr dale
II0TId'N 14440:12 O^ TIo1T0('F1,11.)) 1114
O'rett13 to 50 S,ntt Variety
10401 -n Thou i r iv,ne4 etre., for Ode his helms,
in-trnnttd too )121 the 4artety xt2re, Rens- nnd ler it \1..0,1 srl•0r4 i;(15.0.0, Rrn4o
cels, on 1001,,dny. April end,` at '1 o'4400k. nontahl4 bat.', formt•e 211110 electric wired.
'1 erp, the following : 1 bathroom unite, 1 rine. (flood garden ,end gunge. Rtu1 thing ill
, sort best on. Hty, 2 arts hid'prim.. , 2 runts fire t -nice+ repair.
ter -014,1 iron bed, large bureau Oh,•rry fall -05(1 JAS. H1:A711131(S ON, Senior*,leaf table, bedroom toilet set, 1 rnt10(1 with
rover, 2 racking (haus, 1 pmn11 tulle, 1 cup.
hoard, 5 wooden ohei00, number of fruit lar.
nod other articles. 1 brass bed, 'urines nml
mattress, 1 library table, 1 dreamy, I leash
stead, 11nr(•0 pante chess mirror, 1 sanitary
toilet, 1 high chair, 1 Klondike heater new.number of electric light fixture 0, 1 42burnsr
New Promise 011 stove 0nal seven. 1 refrigerator,
t combination recon lass, r, 1 twiny womb.
clock, 1 Rig Penn10,m 010011, 2 bird roars, 1
par10r10n,1, 1 x'(120,4,, in'0q,, 1 Aladdin, lamp,
severs] 010011 lamp, nod other artioleetoo nluu-
8(0(1 10 mention Tl•'R'tt �.--(lash.
M. it O. R TINT PR, Propristrossee
1.E\t1tN'•,,OIA1N, lenaNlnp'e, 4e•,--(1. ill,
80010, Auctioneer 1184 been instrlmt,d to sell
nt Let28, (eon S, (fret '1'wu„ on Irrlday, Morel,
70412, at 1 o'clock, o1a\rp, the following : 2'iced
mares, 1 horse rating 7 years aid. 1 driving
mare 0 years old.] reeiot creel Shorthorn cmc
with 001401 font 1 registered Shorthorn ems,
2 registered Shorthron heifer w•Ith entre' foot,
2 ((rade cots, to freshen time of e141.1, 1 grade
cow to freshen in .11m e,1 10100w cow, 1 grarlo
Holstein et v, a s 0(1• tloL tern heifers with
001).1 registered Shorthorn buil 2 0(010 old,
1 shorthorn bull 10 100110m old eligible for
registration, 1 York smw with litter nt foot ris-
ing a 4801(+0, 1 York ern bred, 4 young sonrta
bred, B page 2 months old, 12 slim 7 weeks old,
NO Barred Rook be• 4 Pn^red R0ek co2l:er•
014,4 white Leghorn mobs role, 40White Leg-
horn and White Wyandotte bona, 2 duoltn and
a drake, hl0,-ey•Rsr 110 binder 0 -ft, 2 htn'40y
Has He mower, P.R., Massey -Fla min has rake,
llln00ey(orhd0 hay 1o2224er. (110., harrow, twin
plow. 'reeswnter platy. set 4 -motion 1110102nd
harrows, potato ;deafer, 8 08800114, 1l girt
4prlog wagon, set of sleighs, cutter, set 2 0(10
lb. Renfrew males, root'pntper, fanning shill,
8 sets double harness, sot single harness,
erenni sepnrater, gravel box, sugar kettle,
quantity of mnp10 hunker. otter lily ofma le
80ml sling, quantity of Rock Elm plank, 2 Oak
barrels,carriage pole, light sleigh tongue,
nnn,40r of tcngnee, wagon axle timber, lnd-
dor, (.bout 20 cords of wood, (Monti ty of 0. A.
0• No. 21 barley, quantity of fooling 0000,
quantity or potatoes, qua rter-o+t Oak 0xt81a•
ion table, kitchen table ta1h1o0P table, kitchen
cupboard, 1,it01en chairs, Anme A washer,
No 8 Oak thorn, No 8 chum, Treasure range,
parlor 00011 heater, aonl heater, wood heater,
stove pipes, Ooit bedroom suite, iron bed, mat•
tresses, copper bons(, 8 -tier steamer, enamel
double honer, nhnninnm kettle, copper ten
irettle, roasting pan, wail., nail., milk mite
and other articles too numerous to mention,
TARMS,-A 11 soma of Sia and under, nosh ;
over that amount 8 months credit given on
fnrni,hillr approved joint notes. 4. per cent
tf )0» mph on oredit amounts. Land awners
for seanraty, JAMES KERB, Prop,
Executor's Sale
Valuable Store Property
p ,Y
In the Village of Brussels
In the County of Huron
For the purpose of ,losing tip the estate of
the late GeoreJaclfson,there will be offered
Por sale by Public Auction, on Saturday, the
TWentySixth day of Mardi A. D,1027, at the
Am mitten Robol, In the Village of Brussels, at
the hour of TWo o'eloelc (n the afternoon, by
1), M. Soots, Esq,, Auctioneer, that valuable
property known nn The Blaahill Block",
composed of a portion of Lot Number Ninety
Blight having a frontage of Twenty -Five feet,
six lushes, on Tnrnborry otree4, In the afore -
;laid V inoge of Bruasola,
. There 1s 0 good brink building upon these
pronises in good repair, now occupied as a
Bataher shop and Jewelry store, The up,
stairs has heretofore been Used as nForesters'
8011, and with little expense may be made in.
to Very dealrnbl0 dtv0111n0 apartments.
TERMS OF SALA.-The property will be
offered for sale, subject to n rasarved bid,
Ten per ()ant of the purchase money to be
paid down at the time of the sale and the bob
anon 30days there fter without filtered.
Tho title Is indisputotla.
Furtherpertiaulars and 008010100s of sale
may be hadupon 01)111411010, to the undersign
eel,' nand at 13180001s, this .Twe8tyTighth
day ofFebrunryA,D, 100.7.
D: M, Scott, A7012127 f,AIDL AW,
A110. lixaoutor,
W, M,Bivalalr, Axooutor's Solicitor,
Farm for Sal
Farm of the into w PI, hem l.. ihr.l ie emstiet-
in0nf 72 acres aaegeolleist 1,71 .nt1"r tlwn-
shipoP1le4lA•lo. L twit,111,1,1,, lal-
111)08 (tl wo•Ilnbl,1 spill d.a (2-1, :,' n bier
supply; good me's'a d, 3 net st, x111 ren.; hr um,
siting -Ma shout 11 , 1„1 is 11,. (l'1 EP O,
nod shinning 2420 2242 1,1,0 112 nrle tones
farm 021101010 1 1•••12•2•2•22, !sin, well rib Dins
ed, goon chane illi rev 2.22-11.1 un(ar
ply •, cervi 141111. drive shed 711:1 1.11 11ee0.
will sell vediirattly or 11 Vet sr. 7 tesussi08
March ist, 10'7. Al ply to 102 W111 11, 11o9-
tfe, }txoeutrix, Box 11,, (io,•re or
G. W. WALKER, Gerrie, Ont.
Farms for Sale
-o0 acres. r s 221,being thesent140 h hat/ fs 'f Lots 18,
10, 21), :.1 Mid 22, 10 the let ('nn , Glcytown-
ship. ILI:Servs ideal gra, fel m, 441111 run.
111118 water and Fissile,wdll t said (ores -010y
ifdesdrnd. Will conehl r rr (tit! 11110 or till
to anitnt9e 100(22(0 Apdt to 18tf
(1EO, n 10011171007, R II 2, Rln00810
or GEORGE SPOTTON, W in(h010
Farm for Sale
100 nor., being Lot 20. 101 h Can., Twp, of
Grey. About 811 name 01ro.r,d, hula.,,', paat-
nreslash, On tbo premises is a largo gravel
810,0 story and 0 half frame hoot-, frame
stable and other small bnildine, s. 8111011 cash
payor ellts,bnle new may rmunin an mortgage.
PP04eessio0 let of April, 1027. A t•ply to
A1(011, 5(0140AN, 1i, R. 2, Brussels.
House and Lot for Hole
The ord°reigned o1ors for nolo hie comfort-
able bride cottage on Princess street, Brus.
sols. Rnlf•nore of land. Well and 01Oterm.
Immediate po0448001on. .Por Mahar portio.
Mars, 0ppry to WSI. WORK, Brussels P. 0.
Phone 21}7
House and Lot for Sale
The eligible
house and
n etre
Q et
Brussels, or property of the Into 0(10 with
10 offered for ealo, oonifor410r0 hones apply small garden. For Partner nnrtioulare apply
8•tf /1.11 Brussels
Farm for Sate
(The old Hamilton Place),
100 acres, :being NM Lots 7, 8, D and North.
40 gores of 10, Oon A, Turnberry township,
Largo trot•class barn, splendid stone stabling
underneath ' wlthdmill, large driving she,
good frame honed and stone kitchen, Virgo
orchard, never falling sarinC on farm. 2 miles
frTli10 faun Wroxeter
In pasture for comschool.
q n s
and will give highest returns. Ilhtrm land
values will rise. For particulars apply to
¢'1306, GIBSON
Administrator John R. Gilleomeetato
P.O. box 77 W roketer Phone 00
Farms for Sale.
fame being undersigned offers
25 0011 7, Morris. Also
150 pores, being North 34 Tot 20 a
7 14Iorr1
Morris. Good �'ll u.
and Bl
, 27
louses; end burns in
Int. Weaon111won,ntee all good out -b
uild -
Inge. Will ae11 with or without mop, R000.
tofor selling, poor health, For IBfurther ppart,
touters apply to W. B. 70OUTOHBlON,
Proprietor, R,14,4, Brussels
Farms for Sale
100 :taros of land, being the month Se of Lot 5,
Con. 8, and the south X of Lot 18, 060. 7 in the
'Township of Morris, hen0 farms aro offered
for sale to ()lose hp the estate of the tate James
math. If not avid they wilt to rented for pee
mire, For particulars n bo to the executors,