The Brussels Post, 1927-3-23, Page 1VOL, 55 NO. 40 042.00 per annum in advance
f. L. I.ERA, Proj414 o
Annwersary and
Clea,rance Sale * t
We wi<h to call attention to the fact that after four years of
liminess, our enniversery this year will mark the eloso of our busi-
ness career in Brussels. We take this opportunity of thanking ono
anii all who have been our pat ons and assisted us in nhaking the
venture of a Variety Sore a ,.1.'odiil success.
During tile helnainder of March we arc offering spe':ittl reduce
tient: on our enter stock. We are listing only a few of the differ -
out linos. - 1.el
Flannelette, yd, wide 13c Chambray, wide width , . 25c
Cretonnes, 'd. wide 25c Women's Vests 25c
Unblearhnd Cotton, per yd 10e Children's Cotton Hose 25c
Prints, per yd. 20c Table Oil Cloth, per yd. . 35c
Chambray, per yd. 20c Stair Treads (rubber) .. 15c
'I'alcc advantage of the short time left at your disposal and
share in this, our last, sale. ' , ..a.1 -d L•Lyt:: i
Phone 82
0& ger
C . 00000 4 , 4.4..,.a,,.;.... 4.0 0 s00 4.0 0 0004 04 ` 4-s Ss:4 + 4411 0041
7 he Surrounding District ..
t': R '4„*.: 4'!: 4e? �Hi!"itri�: f7i""'..:'`aM4,,1 •;.�,':+*H49`l'.'aWt"iWf 1Hitf"?iK. a"Ai.! 1±•»4"i a i
The regular meeting of 13algrave
v+Vurnen's Institute was held 00 Tine: -
slay afteenoon, 51111111 151.1,, at the
bottle of Mrs. lti:al:ud Yuill. Beaut-
iful sunshiny scalier ptevetiled, mid
e. very (11170139811111and P. very enjoyable
afternoon twits spent, with atteutla11113
elf thirty or mote ladies, The Pres.
ident, Mrs. Jae. A11E10111011, esus In
oliarge of Meeting, which was opened
by all singing the opening 0.1e,
followed by the Lord's Prayer, repeat-
ed in unison. Several matters of bus-
iness 1Ve1.0 satisfactorily disposed of.
It was arranged 10 hold the April
meeting in the Pot esters' 11111, when
the Hr,tnnh is to be fnv,n•ed by a visit
from 11111 District, President and 1he
Secretary, 511.4. Cruickshank and Mrs.
Elliott. At the Biose of the April
rtleehing the ladies are holding 11.
"Talent Sale" of homemade baking,
eland y, fruit and other miscellaneous
articles, A. splendid miler, ''Staking
.a Living 0r living a LLife," was given
by Rev, Mr, Scottie, and was 111111ll en-
joyed by all present. An aoprnpl into
reading, entitled "Mandl," was given
is '
Expected this Week
Special Price off car
A. O. Basker
b 1'.
y Mrs. It, McCrea, of Lnndesborn,
7.'itr, meet 1
1 1 11= CimNP {
t with the National
An; hem, site, which a delicious lunch
wits Served by the hostess, assisted by
Mrs. John Stewart. 'l'hree new
Innen lei's wet`e lidded to the roll.
A. very successful social evening
was held by Bolgrave Farmers' Club,
on Tuesday evening, 11181 week, at the
Mune or Joe Clegg, Morris, The op.
en b)g cumber was a oloeus,
"Smile," which was followed by a
reading, by Mrs. Ohae. R. Cnultes,
'Cue next was a musical climber, by
the orchestra, Miss Find later, with the
guitar, J. T. Bell, violin, 8113 Mg. J.
S1. Coolies, at the piano. Mrs, 3,
Clings and bliss Nellie Anderson fav
need with a duel, ar.enmpall1ed by
Sirs. J. 6i, Outruns. The next num
her ty,s 81110111 by Jas, McGill, arcomp-
allied by N1,5. MI'Gili Nora Van
Camp ttIul Mildred Scub}e gave a viol-
in titer, with Mrs. J. M. ()mines, at
The undersigned wishes to an-
nounce that be is prepared to
handle all kinds of job, in the
above lines, and wit.: endeavor
to give the best of satisfaction.
Prices reasonable
work promptly attended to
Alex. Coleman
Phone 6411 Brussels.
Y •
A Special. Represe tative
F rguson's Store
4 'Ij ,
Those desiring a Spring Suit would find it to
their advantage to have a Suit made to their
own special measure. The best is always the
cheapest and we invite you to call 'and see
how nice they are.
Doubles the Life of the Garment
R. W. Ferguson
Gents' Furnisher
Now Advertisements
Amoco leI,,-e1i.,8 Hnnt„r., -
0511,, aorto,'(11ub
N, t 1, ata -A It Iiieiter
!tont eg•-,l1's (701..msm
ht"t vuu ulu -, U,litrl (harsh
)sol l,,tdna `It(.4,,,',,,: 1ur.,h 14mihl8
Ngt11e to intone -4 IC 11,1'4111 ..sti
N,1,1011111 I(n)ns,, Ih.'". pierce
Ammer' i _.+ hn tiduv
mooring ,11,01,0-d1 v, D'ergm(m1
311311.41:11't'.for halal In_ fl .1 Idolising
Pigs for sol,: 4nnes Niehul
Loren, -h
1111.1 Wit ne.,1 l tl a has','
1,0 ,1 ,.B1S- lioatky
rlan.1t :, f 0, !on
P' a n I V' k 1 stn m1.
Ar nn; ti FU,rr
1'......'3,,•I lu4- i ..•,('erne
Vggs t, *!arrl+on
1k1 a, --i tt Ir mil root
",l ,t,r-litr.
1..rtit ( r 1,.. tits u.-11. a. ',tanning
Po, Hilt - C} A Ilea,111190
Deg t i fru. 1 Mini
Yee tit VI, i. (Inuit
hes tY , In --P, sell Dougherty
Beggs tor hit„hi, Alos. Perrin
get viers -lit motels United 1)h5ra11
Groin for solo -John Burr
P`or ale--B.sxter-Stevenson
illtingle.--Sohn 011°11sldl
the piano. A solo, by Miss Cela Clout -
tee, WPM the next number. all's. 0, G.
Anderson the gave a very able ,ad.
d0ess 011 "W,Ytl!4tt's Place in Social
Activities," which tuns much apprec-
iated ny those present. The orches-
tra Oleo gave another number, which
was followed by a solo, by Miss Nel-
lie Anderson. Mrs, P. SlcOnllurn gave
a reading, !hiss Verde, Procter and
Mee, (toupee gave 11, piano duet. The
next number, "Let. Ice ,!all you Sweet-
heart." was given by a sextette, Cola
Coulees*? quid Nellie Anderson, vocal.
ist0, 5118. 0uu11 piano, STrs. Clegg,
guitar, and Nero 5';Ln Clatu;l told 1t111-
Ilr.'ll Scottie. vie':na, The orchestra
gave +mother 1 l "alio, which was fol-
lowed by r. short 'uldreee, by Rev. Mit.
Suable. r or'
i was t
It 1 el
1 CI that this
would he the Lia 80,71 t! evening, held
bythe t ,
t (. h iiv(. 4c
1 It 1.l sermon, and tad com-
It -
a l 11
mittee teas` appointed ' to retake ar-
rangements fore. picnic, to he }geld in
Josie. T,unch was served, cud moll
aft.eetvards, a very pleasant evening
wive brought to a close.
'Pitt: regular Lunn thly meeting of the
Women's Institute was held at the
home of Mrs. Yui11, on Tuesday after-
nonn, and was well attended. After
the business of the afternoon 'wag con-
cluded, a splendid paper, entitled
{`Living a Life 01010 than making a
Living," was given by Rev, 6Ir.
Scobie. Mrs. R. Me0rae gave a read-
ing. At the conclusion of the pro•
gram. Much wile Nerved by the host -
Fes, assisted by Mrs, I. Stewart, and
a social time was spent,
Jas, and Mr's. Kearney visited
friends at Brussels,
George Greenaway is at present vis-
iting 1ehttives at Hanover.
Miss Elva Ramsay is I1t present vis-
iting relatives at Kincardine,
Johnston & Slack ,hipped a carload
of hogs 10 Pronto, list Saturday.
Mrs. Letvie ,Jewitt spent a few days
with her daughter, Mrs. T. Waddell,
of Newton,
Wood cutting is the order of the
day, and about five dttfer0ot Meohin-
PS-have been working around this
Ales. Joseph Curtiss has returned
home, aftee spending a couple o1'
mouths with eelati yes at Toronto and
Richard Johnston commenced
ploughing, on Friday. Land is dry.
ing up quickly, and it looks like
Spring, in earnest,
J, W. Leggatt has inoved into the J.
W. King house mid J. H. Smith, who
purchased Mr, L eggatt's store, Moved
into it, hast week,
Several cars have been stalled in the
1an3, nn 0, bound:try [Vest. There
was a lot of frost in the roads, this
yea0, and now that it is coming
out, the toads are not til very good
The Young People of the United
Church, Rinevale, entertained the
young people from 13rovvulown, on
on Friday evening, 13rnwntown furn-
ished the ptoglarn, and Mite val13 sup-
plied the lunch. There wile fit gond
turnout', and a very enjoyable evening
Wag spru1 by all present.
The anneal meeting of the W. 1I.
15. of 131uev1Lle United Cintreh tnet in
the 1 n ^ e
h0 hlnr.l, n Lnsdny, 6bu•eh 15th.
With a good) v comber In attendance.
After the reports of last year [dere
given, which were very gratifying,
Rev. 3.1x. \Velc3Pn took the
the chair, and the etecrt.inn nl' ntTlcers
for toile raining year was a9 follows ;
P0esi3ent, 111rg G,,,. Thornton ; Vine -
Pees,, Mrs, B.nbt. McLennnu ; Pee, -
Sec., lairs. John Fell ; (lot SFr., Mrs.
El. Jnhnstni 1 Trees., Mrs. Jas. Mast-
er 1 Mrs, Whit, SI etvtn t ; Supt., of
Obeli/tion Stewardship, Mos. Snell ;
Strangers LSee , Mil, L, H. Bosnian,
Miss Agar ; alissi0ni Band Supt„ 14Irs.
Gee, Gannett ; Mite Box Sec., Mrs.
jos. 13reckenvidge ; Mies. Monthly
Sec., Mise M, Collie. 'Che Sncie(y re -
poets fl on last' yens show a total
11113 Omit raised of over` 5884,00, which
is an increase over any preceding
Single Comb White
Leghorns, Bred -to -lay.
10c per dozen more than
market price.
A •
Alex. pPepp rjt
■ �9 W tle
Phone 2515 R. R. 8, Brussels
Will be held 1n the
Lyddiatt-Jackson Orchestra
will (.apply the Music.
Dancing at 9 o'clock
"Blneva1,,Spring Lair will he held
thi( year, on Tuesday, Apt it
Leonard Elliott 14 enilioieutly itn-
ntmor 1, as to be around with til' aid
of .4 mind ch,
Miss M. Fraser spent a I'ew [lays,
best tenet:, with 1101 sister, Mre. 2.
Mu9tard, at Brownlown.
The'\'. P. Society of 1.')enezer visit-
ed 1.1P Hlnevale Y. P. S. of the Unit -
1 ted Church, o11 Friday evening laic.
L+'benezer Society supplied a x131103 n
prngrltln, 17nth dev0ti0nel and Mee -
:ley. All enjoyed a social evening,
with lunch served at the close.
Group .'41LLxle., (11111teet8 and rou)mu0-
ity singing tirade up part of the pro-
In the iuier.Preebytery debating
o•1utest held during lel l lit log tic. hall and
Wint1d•, be(WWeell Vttl'ir/ll' charges of
P .
th Hilted chervil o'
L ( nl t t II. •or 'e (
t 1 u t Pt 4/y
tory, lSlneva1, tv"II le the North-East
division. ` e se '
The m1•tlnals will debate
with elf'' the n e
A 1/iCl 11 \911 1 IH
1 of the
n t - i
N 1 h WONt. serf 111, on Monday ev-
ening, March 28'i1, in Winghatn Un-
itP i Ch11reh. The suhjent, is "Resolv-
ed that the present wlu' 111 China will
be fire the furtherance or the Gospel."
Mrs. John Hupfer is visiting her
parents in Essex.
George Bennett, Howick, has pur-
chased Mrs. Tait's residence. . We
understand the latter purposes m0v-
ing;' to Toronto shortly.
Under the auspices of the United
Women Workers'Society, a St. Pat-
rick social was ]geld in the church
Thursday evening', the net proceeds
of which amounted to $47.00. Tea
was served from G to 8 o'clock, fol-
lowed by a very fine musical pro-
gram. Triose taking part were: Sand-
ford Leopard, Toronto, who is a mus-
ician of no ordinary merit and de-
lighted every one with his organ and
vocal solos. James Allan, jr. played
several selections on the violin. Voc-
la selections were given by Mrs. C.
McCutcheon, Thos., Gibson, several
choruses by the choir, and an address
by the Rev, 141r. Craik of Gerrie.
The pastor, Rev. A. D. Armstrong,
occupied the chair.
-The 5th line has some beautiful turd
holes, Hunt auto drivers did not
like, last week.
Last weep, the reamers were begin.
ing to ('eel that the gelds were calling
them to work.
J. Riley, North gravel, is holding
5.11 A11001011 8,1111, 011 Monday, Nevelt
28th. Full list; in the paper this
R. 13. Aloorlt has pini}utst'd the Ni
of Si of Lot 10, Con. 7, Morrie, eon.
taining50acres, from Earl Bentley,
of the saute locality. Mr. Alcock talc.
es immediate possession.
A. few eurtion sales acre still 00 the
Farmers are busy fixing up for the
Spring work.
Country made are nothing to brag
11b1111t (hese day,.
6l'F. Li.
13. Langley, of Tnr'nn10, was
a visitnt over the week -end with R. J,
and 51, 0. Hoover', 0th Ono, .
611.9, L. A. Palmer and daughter, of
Edmonton, til visitors t .(r •a
e tsltur with e
t tit tb
rortner'9 lrot'ler, R. .1.,,Hoover, and
his family, on the )1011 Olin,
Ali99 Evelyn Hoy, 6(11 (`on„ is away
on a holiday visit wit11 her gtnndpar-
attts, 13. and hits, Later, end other
f4'iende) at Bettntferd. 611., and Mrs.
Lang 1111' fnt'n10r residents of Geer
Twp„ 1)1)3 'although ml111 of them is
87 year:: of lige, they a1:' both in ex.
nellent health and unusually sweet
for their years. -
PASSI8n AWAY S(nill 11N.-•-l+ul1ow-
Ing a rnnvulain), nn \Vethte'd,.y
night and early 1'huesdey remuting.
Sherwood 1)Ingln en Mann, salt of
Wellington and 11. 1
1 1 1 1 lave, s. , lwtu )asset
b1. , 1
away at the 111101111 al home, at h1(8.11 e
of 81 years, 2 months and 5 days, Be"
sides his parents, he is survived by 4
eisters, Mrs, 0. Johnston, I11ordwilai ;
Mee, F. Holtenbeek, Del snit. ; Lydia,
at Stratford, and Gertrude, at home,
and five hl'nl,hers, Roy and Sheldon,
at home; Wllliant, rdst.owel ; Well-
ington, Detroit, and Reese!, of',
Bile 411 :;S
For sale at Walton Saw -
Mill a car of 5x 13. C.
t1i�1', f, CDs? fail
Phone 1913
The Ladies' Guild
St..lohn's Anglican
Church y Brussels
{� ;will bola ,.t
Flu h' ',y wi`` `o `h• ` a teal
ti ` �i u ad m9
of Dread, )tint, Cakes and
Candy, .
In the -
Public Library
Saturday March
Afternoon Tea served from
4 to 7 o'clock
Drop in and have a
-- , Cup of Tea
ford. The Mimi al was held on (ton•
day afternoon, to II 1.l and ttltn eaten made y interment t CClil
1 In
Listowel cetn'*tery, The relatives
have the 410npat by 1.f tire commun-
ity In their loss.
Mr. and ItIrs. John Fischer an-
nounce the engagement of their eld-
est daughter, Elsie Elizabeth, to Mr.
Roy Thuell, of Morris, marriage to
take place the latter part of March.
dile,, Coates !Tett a few days in
Mrs, Jos. Ames spent a few days in
Lon and firs. Cole and family have
n'inved 10 Listowel,
Gro. and 511's Dunbar moved, last
week, In their fru'ut, 8th Con. West.
Mrs. Bisbee, sr., ie spending a few
days at the inure of her son, %V. C.
Jos, Ames is assisting George D11n-
bar with the farm work, for a couple
of weeks.
Mrs. A, Henry spent two [weeks in
Brussels, at the home of John and
biro, Lake,
Len. Sinolnir has hired with Ed.
Desjardine,in the local garage, for
the 5111111(,(11',
Miss Lenora Patterson rettu'ned to
the villar;e, on Suudey, after having
a 1','w holidays.
alis. John I.,ake, of Butssels, is
spending a eneple 1r weeks with her
daughter, Mrs A 01 her' I}ent•y.
Iletvard McKee is assisting at the
0' N. R„ as junior tvit11 the agent, 'P,
N. N. Currie, We [wish Howard sne-
\Vs are glad to report that Mrs. W,
Ti. Love is doing well, after undergo.
fog 11 8erin118 operation, Thursday last,
for n}'nendicitis.
Russel Love was railed home, last
wee1:, m1 unrnunt of the serious ill.
cess of his mother He motored home
again, on hinndey.
Mrs. (Rev.) D. 6L Guest and Jimmy
returned home, 00 Monday, aft1t'
spending a few days at. the fermer's
Mime in Kincardine, where her moth•
e1. was {ll.
Al. 11 special mePting of the Trustee
Rosea of Ethel United Church, of
Monday afternoon, plans were made
to have the "ht,eh re -decorated for
the jubileeset vices, which will be
held in July.
The Sailed h School of the Preaby-
tlafan Morel: presented Cecil nand
Mee. 1;'kulier with 1t Bible and Bonk
of i'rei'e, 118 nn expr'1as1011 of their
remit rule of Mr, F,rkmier's spry': ee 115
Seer for the past ten
Omits:b•h has 1L cv'etli1 hell from
lied,. for 1?3,5603 83
Robert Sleli'ty ed1"rs to bol 510,000
bend(, if the eitiz•8us parchre- 't21l,l100,
to help build a town }tail at GI det'ich.
James 1teveus, of Olieten, one of
the fel' )rma1ir,ing pioneele of Clol-
hnrni' Twp., ,VAR ninety year4 old,
lust Friday. lie was born March 18,11,
Rr•n'•1' 111188011h^rl'y, of Grand Bend,
hits bangh1- the epaninlls 01181(1 enee end
, •n reit C Caleb t't I. 7 n
1 yr T win t Forest,
P test
1 I g, ,
and will take pnssessionn next ilept-
Ge.n'ge Qeidwell, a welt -known and
respected resident of Dungannon,
passed away on \Vedneeday morning,
of last week, The deceased was in
Ids seven tyfn1u'th year, and bad been
in i11'1 ealeh for alums six months.
fnteral 10011 place at Gnderieh,
elf Saturday afternoon, of e highly
esteemed le5i(1ent, in the pereot of
O'ult,tin William Robinson. He was
in his seventy-sixth year, and for the
pest seventeen years was a lighthouse
keeper, at Godcrioh' He was horn at
Platteville, ' Ontario, For many
y1ar5 before he took charge of the
11glhi:hnllse, et Goderich, he Ives Cap.
Dein on the (Great Lakes, Captain
Robinson le survived by his widow,
two daughters and roar sons,
Under an:ipiees of
Young People's Society
Brussels United Church
)11 the
cs ! rp
Prof. C. Doff, A. C. 0.0.
Concert Pianist and Soloist
of Niagara rolls
will be assisted by Local 14Ius-
ieal talent and also by
Mrs, Vantke, Elocutionist, lyingbalil
who will give several
selections _ -
The e ,,.1110f i the Concert wit! b: a
Hum re s Play Irl d .1 I'ERPLBI(.
ING SI'ruA'1 ION ' given by thirteen
of our young people.
Be sure and see it for ym'seIF.
Admission 35 and 25 cents
35 (est nekcts may he reserved at I'ee s
Dreg Store,
Personal Paragraphs
J: Ferguson was in Toronto las
week on business,
.7. L. Kerr• was in Toronto Thurs-
day last on business..
W. A. Grewar made a business trip
to Toronto last week.
is •
Barrister W. M. Sinclair was in
Goderich this week on business.
le le •,
Mrs. Jolley, of Hamilton, has been
the guest of Mrs. A. E. Gammage.
Mrs. Oliver Harris ••is visiting her
sister, Mrs. A. W. Dennison, of town.
0 • .0 0
Fred Hunter was in Toronto last
Friday combining business and pleas-
Miss Elizabeth Speirs is visiting
with relatives at Guelph and Tor-
Miss Ruth Sinclair entertai'-,ed a
number of her friends last Thursday
'3 '3 '1'
Jas. Parrish left on Tuesday for
Chesley where he has secured work
in a factory.
Ilerbert Gammage has gone to
Chesley where he has secured a job
in a factory there.
3 +
Mrs. G. R. Muldoon was hostess to
a 500 -party for her lady friends last
Thursday evening.
Jack Harper, of Detroit, is visiting
his cousin, Mrs, Ben Whittard, of
town, and other friends.
Mrs. J. H. Galbraith was a week
end visitor in Toronto with her dau-
ghter, Miss Wilma Galbraith.
51 .-
Ches. and Mrs. Lockwood were
called to Lucknow owing -to the
death of the baby of Mr. Lockwood's
Ed. and Mrs.' Garton entertained a
number of their friends last Thurs-
day evening'. A royal good time was
We are glad to report that Mrs.
,To1111 Simmons is doing as well as :1111
1>e .exported fel/owing an operation
for appendicitis last week,
St. Marys journal :---Mrs. P. Mc
Alpine was in Stratford on Thurs-
day attending a meeting o1' the
Women's Mil:si'onary Society of St.
John's United Church, where she
was the speaker for the eceasidn.
Af tee spending, 8('Vell 717111'0 149 pa8t-
ni' of the Lutheran (111111"h. 11tH Sep-
bitch's 1-1i11, Rev, 11. W. Eile,car hive
eetepted n mill exttm,led by the onat-
81•egat:intt of'Prinity Ohntch, in ibis,
Penn., and will 101(111 11, nntntnence
his new duties, ahem the middle of
Slay. Rev. 6Ir.3oigal' has aecotnp-
1is11ed excellent wo•k, during his peat"
orate, at Seeheeh's Bill, and while* re-
ceiving the nongl'attilatintts of his
congregation and nlhee ft'ieeds, nn
his appointmels( , lteen regret is Pelt
that his aecepl.anee of the eat( gleans
his removal ftnrn the vfrfuity. .
A. wedding of interest t.0 many in
Stratford, took plaice on February
10111, at West Palm Reach, Florida.
when Do'ot.hy Genievp. datlglttor of
Roland and Mta. Hunt, of Vest
Palin. Beach, becaann 1.110 bride of
William Tong. of P,tlm Reach, and
formerly of t8tratford. hla. Tong is
now with the Munielp,tl hand, winch
s now playing at Palm Beach,
.Ripley was oil hydro over the
week end, owing to tranatos''mer
trouble, "
111s Honor Judge Owens leas decid-'
ed upon the date and1
p s places, at
which he will hear appeals of the
eight towns and villages, against the
assessment, glade by the 0nnnty Yalu;;
tams, for equalization purposes,
1Jfly which he 001'ea1s llurts'll' 10 Pneh -
one o , a
F 8 l
t I)h.,
1' 't!II
t (.FL Ind
t i i i''
Lf r
Church Notes
St John's Church
1 , e' 1'; 11 1; ;1i -s, ..ainday
'•L 1 1 et;, 1)1 's*..lutiY) o'
Melville Church
1 r !> : �-f i '} ) 1 este
i`. .s: , ; ;ytet-
1;' .•:, *) )lab :lag.
1't, 1.;,) , 1, 1 -vat's
I- '1=. 11 , a '1 1 ,r i:• -•i 'se 1115.
c Y 11,s lac. i' v! 1. act' ob.
`.' 1 ,l•
C4,0 .?;; f" , ae t,) pub
l=(Hone, ItI118no dol; 11118,ih,
',Hog the air 'tie '1,14)' 1 t'a5(1f5
f rt ')a oua•ir -Po in the world,,
is 1.11: t tiles (iturah i not. tt� Ing all the
pnweL t1vllilable to it, tin'out01* Christ.
Pile is true of the ilclivldu"1, as wen
ns the Church. Putting down stn is
I1.s neurit nen ditty as {Y, was 1170 duty
of t'xul. '1'ii g: .,}Hca laid to putting
down 41n is thm Christi:,n lite. "The
Sill1 811:111 V•,1r..-" was 111.8. air. Fowl-
er's wthj.'01, ' S tbb.0 11 woof ng, the
text being I Kings 12 , 19, "Aril After
the the a still aunlll vole.," God
8n11c to 1$ttj8h l,' th.. earthquake,
the Ore and 111.' ,.till. ';)nail voice, but:
Elijah l'r8pnnded only to the stilly
sme11 voice, (s -)d wt,}I1 40 1.1(4 to [nen
1 t 3117 quttit ,v:Lv+, by the -:peetaeular
Forney of nature and by the stilt,
smell vntrle. Sinn,' respond 00 otle
wi18 Ind lit hex. t.0 r1n"1.b,-.. r.• y. In
be different kinds of Chnrrh':ervicee,
God reveals himself in dlff0r0 ;.
ct ways
(0ditf,•rsnt p'•nple. God has IL plans
%IMF shown 11wn
that his lit^Ihnd was
Ivo no', in staying the p,'}Pots of Beal,
and we, en erten, use a i11Lrsh Method '
Che quieter t0r wn
tt hI r
I have
better. At t.iules, like T;I}jai. in our
eagerness to work for (,03, we imag-
ine that we are the only renes work -
foe Gnd, when there are many others'
working for Him.
United Church
Miss Palmer, of Edmonton, sang
"When Evening brings u4 Home," at
the morning service, nil Sundrty,
Mre, (Rev.) Longley, missionary
from China, tools the service, on Sun-
day morning, it being the annivers-
ary of the Women's Missinnal y Soc-
iety. The address was a splendid one.
Tho regular meeting of the W, M.
S. of the United Church, Brussels,
met, in the 10ntare room of the church,
on March 17111, the President presid-
ing. A beautiful. Fleeter devotional
exercise was taken part in, by all
present, led by Mrs. R. Strachan, aft -
I ee whieh, the new oflioer5 were elect-
' ed, Rev. A. W. Barker presiding. -
The of eers For the coming year are :
President, Mrs, Fnx ; INt. Vire Pres.,
Urs. hall ; 2nd Vice Pres„ Mrs. R.
I Strachey) ; 3,d Vine Pr'es., hers, Skel-
ton : ('lit',-SeerPtary, Mr's. J(tekson;
Roe •See., Mrs. 7' Strut -Ilan : Treas.,
alis, Pipe : Supply See., Mts. Mc-
t0'lIghIin ; Strangers See., M150
Downing; Mission Band Supt., Mrs.
J. 18 smith ; Christian Stewardship)
and Finance. Mrs. Parker ; Press
Sec , Mrs. Meiiill ; Literary Sec.,
Mrs. Race ; As:gorier,. Ntlmher See,.
Mrs. McGuire ; Monthly Sec., lITre..
Ida[ Lowry ; Visiting 00111., Mrs, Mc-
Kinnon, Mre, McGuire. Mrs. Snarling.
Mrs. Mitchell ; Floret Corti.. Mrs.
Pope, !ilea, Downing. firs. A. I3neker.
hivanee (;oun, Mrs. Parker, Mice Pipe,
Mrs. Ida Lowry, Mrs. McLaughlin,
Mrs, Hamilton.
'Pile formal npsning of Stratford
Collegiate Institute will take place
on April 0111.
\l•s. Andrew Kipfer, of Pnnh', had
the intern' tune, while going tor n,
pail of water, to slip on It piece of ice
ILnd react IMP her tinkle.
The r,rhel, day, It ntnn11'or riff was
horn on t h0 farm of \Vola Baker, Base
Line, mem Granton, The was of
sled: nn abnormal size, it was cleeidec/..
Ito weigh it, and the n1•v arrival tip -
rd 1 ' c1.' .
of e r
1 sat13 pounds,
) t (h
p 111 1
11.11 ph 15,8)011110011', a. fol Ines M}Iver-
11111 x1)11 Owpn 1;81)1)41 hot h } rat, is
ulnkn : 1, reputation fat '1i ),t -'1f, in
the Huai}tn,n 0110 Lenge ills
t rain, the \VeatingilnuS ", is in ti*e fin.
,114 iilid 41,1))dsat gond (11111111 m mi' W11:1*nlrl 1l,,,t(Lle,
55 "rd hue been rer 11-,.11 cr the
death, 011 '4lnrelt 10tH. 11/ Bra orlon,
1,11'1', nF 1Anu*nt Antietam) McLeish.
it11'. 111,1 sh teas 8:3 71')11'8 of ,Gr,', and
,vas 1L 110rtunr resident 111 No,11) 13,t9tr-
hopo. Ile 1)811 reeidi'd }n borv:t, for
many vent's. Hie widow,- 111.11 eons.
and four daughter's survive.
bn:niel Baker, one of the oldest and
most nnpnier coralumors in 1 he Lon..
don division of the 0anadien Paolt115
T3.allwny, died of heart failure, at his.
11nme in St. Marys, last Thursday
night. Mr, Baker's retirement from
service was granted only 1•riday,
John Hopper Whitlock, heed '76
80ar5, died at his home, in Stratford.
The late Mr. Whitlock had been a res-
ident) of Stratford for the past 4(1
Years, having spent This early life in
Uehr'ile Twp, near Exeter. For
many years, he had been employed in
the paint department of the
'Pile death occurred near Kirk -ton,
late Thursday afternoon, of George
Kemp, well known and highly l'espeet-
ed farmer, of Blanchard Township.
nece11103, who was in hie 7.41.11 Year,
had s)1'fered a paralytic st'r'oke Ile la
survived by his widow, formerlyiinal&
Paynter, of flan8hard two children
David, on
a 110 )
, 1 1n to 1.A e r
and 1 M,.
Thomas Hope, and mix hrothelr1, John
0(1(1 Robert, Winnipeg ; James, of
Rit'ktou ; 'David, tat. Marys, aid Ale
ex., of Manitoba 1 ales one Sisters
Mrs, Jolillstot), of Vatlocttvcts,