The Brussels Post, 1927-3-9, Page 8WEDNESDAY, M %MIT 9th, 1927. arc 4 1 a Note the Free Goods and Extra Special Prices. This is made pa't-Ie by Special Prices from the Manufacturers. Hot 'AV te-r BottOes 81c each Fall site, 444141 a 'lett 1,4 hill Ims or4,0 .t isf-tet et y. Durham DiapliexRazor And a 11' Tithe Rvxall Snaring 0.2.11111 Both for 3c (Ara Special A Real Bristle Menu Tooth Brush and a 511c Tube Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste The Two for 590 Spring Medicines Puretest Epsom Baits 1t -4.P best in tin po‘qf 15c and 25c tins Iran and Cascara Tonic with Celery $1.00 Bots. T lree Flowers eaeh amebas,. of Thre,, 1,'.2r, Vt,2141.,1. 1,1 11eI'M,Itkg, a 1', ial phge. e‘f ro Pit.wrrs Free Jorgteell Toilet Soap A pure liorEl11110t1 with the c•rsi ly 14,212 eel Odor -a 25e (lake and a ,1544 Wash Cloth The two for 29c We hare •t limited quantity only 01 401(11. For Better Results Bring 114 y 011 II Films to he Deccb•ped and Prink 41. Fresh .21 ock 14',,e 1,1' E-tst inu Films. E R. SPVIITH 4,4 e &bre ' CV=Mr2:2-0 T)ruggiet and Ste tioner .........,,,e.tr-mtunosco,./cragmansmkstamv,v-xmo,./ 2:24,4 21.222.1:24242422:÷X+2,1:42:4424+1.444 :.•-• Local Nevi's Items • Euchre and Dance. 121ar Onice Stationery. nt,22.,.,0 222:241 ..,.i1 1! N222,- •22.2•2•0•i til.• 1•2•0222.2 „, .22:2. 22 .-.,,,•22„.2-• ;,; 24. 211e1.1212.1 \t 41 stock 001c,' Storm; - 1 /11C,. 1 1,..• 111,-„,-,14 0011. :11 Elet tied );Ifee youl• Onkr for ttlt., on Fi.b.inee Mar; !I 1.q. 21 2.1 The Post. ti,ene-2,-400:1 2, Belting Solo. dkilverti.vine-ais Pa.v. f-hrt,an Tefrat)e- Lest •"-;-,•:,, 1.a.a4-.42 ,111,•,• 1. i: 4211 hold s,.1, -,o, 10444.-, foe 21 ;ramie". 0129 :t1 haif an lame al• •n. 1 :,012tei altri -tip!, I. in 1.1 tor Vii.• .1 -.1 ••••;., ('(21-1 fiweer's lormIt remits ell r•totes Ivo' • or lo ••12022,. 120(2h 1 9, A 11,4 „til,p, f1.4,111 I. .11,1 22r,...2.11. it sereml 4'12 4-."2,1,2•••rl•-2 12111)2. ;20;,•-•,-y ••1•11,4 0 lam •1,, -01iie, 1 0 ;• a :,11212 woek, l'Int are askett to , a; s; et •• atter) Forts Ahmit Canada. Died at VVitt,l,..ier. v,-1,8rattur .2 ('r,,-.t,-t'oi-, 1-4 , 111,1,•el reel, tmelia o' 41,, • '• .,-• ' ;, ,':.• 1••,. ; ; a • ea oil, •I C'earft '11• i1UANT1T"," of Timothy Hay For „ alto t , Q Phone Get>. littker, 412(1 , 1 . .IC our 1 oil ...tit': .22.„oti. 150 -ACRE Farm For Sale 3r Rent, , I •' 23 anti 21. Cola:m:4:210a 11 tvife • , ..:1. ;t1I.I 11101, TS/WTI:1111/. APPly 1111'$. Sal 2111 IVI1/ 01'..11.-e2 a re. Cox, Brussels, Ifs IL 3, tad 1 1:Nu aett, r FRESH Beef For Sale by the Quar Te,marees t.e or in triall murotities. Also 11 o 2 1:Ho ' I t 1 l 1 Is sit pork, sa0Sag.4 n11(1 10111 2.J1 .• ...;1411 2 idy to R. .1 'alt. -Lerman, R R. oe. alit Gov- Ba)e-sale. Telepitotte 109, 11 121 10 '0 it HOUSE and Lot For Sale. Apply Ch2 c' I,0.:eae s V, hl "aaaaes. '`" .• ter to Ifineatora a 2 • I r nRUSSELS POST 31'. •tri Brussels United Church REV. A. W. BARKER. .6'. .0. e*002410 nem Sunday, Mair. 13th 11 a.m.---Public Werade, "Filet It's Diseerds-and Ilow to Hear Them" p.m.-;Selibath School 12011- 1(101212011- 1(1012and Ilible Classes - 7 p.m. -Public Worship. Rev. R. B. Stevenson, M. A., will speak for the Lord's Day Allianee and Mr. Lorne W. Eekmier will sing "The Farilt is the Leek" .... Lynes. 'alv Mother's Prayer- Tio-vner "Were You Zan;h ?" Burleigh Tuesday -Y. P. Society. ; Wednesday - Prayer Service -Choir rehearsal. Friday at 7.30 -Boys' Class. Sunday Morning, March 20th Mrs. (Rev.) Longby, of China, will speak for the W. M. S. Anniversary. FOR SALE. -Quantity of No. 1 Alfalfa and Timothy. Also a 21%1111101`. .Russel Knight, R. R. 2, - Phone 28-1 Brussele, FOR SALE. -Bicycle in good condi- tion. Apply at Gammage's shot' store, next Bank of Nova SC004. 1T SCOTCH Bred Bull For. Sale, Roan. Phn oe 83, Oran Russell, Nig Lot 11, Con. 6, Morris. SUNBURST Brooch Found on Brus- sels street. Enquire at The Post TURNIPS For Sale. -George Bish- op, 1,et 41. Con, 7, Grey. 1't 11144 A :2SHORTHORN Bull, 11 Months 010. -roan color. John Bolger, 1, IL e 41, Con. 17, Gry. Phon0 BUNCH of Little Pigs For Salo. i'ii,w.na MeQuarrio, Lot 32, Coo. 1 :. C20,y. Phone .1 9-1 3. C000 Shorlhorn Cow FM' 1014', But, ter fat test 3.8, dm, to 21212e, May 1 Aoely to Cecil Bateman, Eth41. .11' SAL'1.-Red Al.Pn2, Alfalfa 2,e,1 sty 111,', 'I'!.oloihy ;eel T:eirelly :PA ,N1Zio 11 1112r412,s and Fluery 112-4"'.W. j. Dar, Bluevale, 2T 100 Acre farm to rent in Morris Two. Apply to W. A. Lowry. Brussels Yearlinq O1)(',1• Ev12'o for sale. Plionr 107 C11111,21•011 Corlirttlle SOWS for Sale, -00,4 York sow with litter five weeks ((1,!,((1,!,also one York m • sou' d, to farrow; in :tray. Both 111,- Yo11711:1 sows,. Phone8111', Leslie Lake, Lot 20, Con, 10, Greys RED Shoet Horn Bull, 14 months c.1 1, for sale. Roy Bennett, . Pool, eat, Walton, 0.0. Ntat'aBER of Young Pure Bred York 1.0 f• • , .2)11-', . lri April. Name 34 1 2. Peter Lamont Lot 1 2, Cm,, 8, Grey, yotty: COMFORTABLE frame dwelling 01 2 1(44(11141 io Brussels for nale at a areme: set 4; a", ; ; ;se' t'empany, ,oto;T-22 1,-2, .1 •• 12 • 01 .2 .- • nearlY tem me"te ,4, 11 1.4 11,1.4-,-, 2211.2 proven 1:....-', • ; ; 12 and••••2",. me; ottst, m, .; 1m.;;;,, ,t vIrk .• 1,1.. 1 .1 sy11212111 4(•40044" t• 2, 112' 111 41:I Sunday 1p, 111 :21:''- Iv all 111, or!, 0t. '11' v11111.01. It 2 10 1 T ee .,•• tine to false. eltiotls eatimui any farewell fora fait 1 hint or 111.r ita-t,o,,, -4,11 her reit +21124 12 let such nn e -14e2211 4aesse•11. s 1 ees. withoet 411 !east 14 sli ,ht tot,. a of their reepect. Cr tat) end s home -like and 112 114(0(1(1 tee w.,_ rat. ranged for Fritim• In fa-, Misses Hunter's Inesh yor on, en'a members of the teash'emstaff 4) fa:, Sundny Sebnol being asotent. S Der • the1 candies and fruit 1110 mod.. teund.i4, miss TIowe s, is, Y•itl3ont 1. veremony, preasntrel with a dela luncheon set, for tallict, in a Toy expressive words., she Banked the frienda. Then followed abort im- pro/mite tributea. wiee and ether - wise, tc, Mist IIowe's aplendid ser- vie(1s) these ritrnarka were mostly "otherwise" and ;were subject to many impolite interruptions; and re. parten. But most of thi seeming, levity Nees deliberately as, mad, so as to render less painful the parting with rt genuine friend end en -labor- er. Miss Howe left on Sattartley -f,'r her home near WalIateburg, but her many friends hone she map be ebb. to get back to BruSsels for the re. , union. Those who were not invit to take part in the little function de- seribed above, will please under -fatal that no slight was intended. Out of teapeet to Mias llowe'a aversion to formal leave taking, every effort was made to keep the party as small as passible, 1,.61,1012 1112.. , 1-• •• 2. •122112' to 1,-,12.11 ; • 1s : te. y • t: !it .11 ,12,1V1, !1'r .•.!. 110' fr1r4,21- . " LI, la.. ,.1 !oh. 2.11 e. 'I ,'1 .1,1P '1_ 111. ,illr',111111,.; .1 •,:, ,•-•••• 1., 11. 11,.-01atal Flo a.- 11 1 le, '.24,271•"1 ate' .01 t•- ••• fimalis •,011), liaa Ire" -Mehter 11,4t t012 a., a peofesi pue11- -012., of a t•e, 122' ffe til ro••• of a vasiltioy• youth who tee ,,,,20 ('"01 Kid T'opid. on" 1:: •11 -cover 111141. to make amid in lee-, rood 111 i111110- 10,24.. red • or eircle.. 111, '111022' 4,4 2.1I'l I1 1/121 112', ..Ir ea1,11:X:t2 t(1 1.11 2110 tial -and her 1102A-b0iled family -that lie': "Ilttt- Ding ITtitler.“ 11,, fighter. El.'Prp, .rnas SW.O/111111f.11:',' .111121 11.. real "Butler" appear; on 111 can,, atei adds to 4111' eornolicatinty, 'rip, root that the ring 011111Y1111(111 S11,1. poets the botsfie figater or c1)rrvi1i2. on an itlfair with Mrs, "Battling Tint) ler"doesn't make ill,. '4,1 -e -stilt youth's path any anootlier, in ad. ,lit -ion to being a aereare from atert to "Battling Butler" has -many seeetrteulfti- •4'n1'2 wbieh would (lei credit to the biggest dramatic lire• kluctione. Thousands of people pear in the picture. The litegfat fight i'l-ub a1 t11 Pt1fie coast was rented duririts the (limning of "Bale tling and I(eaton's Pomp:tray spent several weeka "shooting" eetmea ifl picturesque sections of California. bargaie, aspply to W. LI. Sinclair. - • "A Perplexing Situation." young people of the 'United 4,1.01411 arr, pi•eparim a humorous 2•120y, "A Perplexing Situation"; to bo given in the town hell ;theta; Marsa tail a. rrit,!... will be assisted by Prof. Charbss Duff, a noted Canadian 11011' .ort pi4111:1, Prof. Duff played in Brussels a few years ago and is also known to radio fans, We are for- tanate in getting him. Further par- tieulars will be given next; week. te p the date clear, March 241h. W212112111'S Prayer Se, -co, Tla. interdenominational Womsn's Bey ef Preyer 221210 ob terve,' le Mel- ville Pos-,Ingf;rian C'eurf.-1 in EstflaY afternoon, Morel; /Bit Special pray- ers were offered for Ganttela, China, Japan, 111010, the Mo.flori world. am! for Cs; League of Nationa and inter - tuitional relationships. A general reef:seam, of sin, follfreed by Bat Lord's Prayer openiel - the meeting and at tin ('1014(4 202212 tho prayo of thanksgiving and bentel'etian all in unison. Mrs. J. P1, Smi a presided and told of the purpose of the lime!, ing---thet this .year in effort had been made to 1)14\'4' the; observance worId-wide, and for the first time the Cart -Ilan vaneen and girls of all lands were uniting' in prayer for the work of Cliriet all around the warld. Those who took part in the program were: Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mrs. 0. MeCall, Mrs, J. Robb, Iffra Proctor, Mrs. Sperling, Mrs, Iffeadows, Mrs. Skelton and Miss Ma- son. Short tiallta on Pl'ASier wore given by Aire. Parker and Mtn Dead) man. Solos were sung by Mra. Vow - ler end Miss Kate Amont. The meet. ing was well attended and waa an exneedingly profitable one to those present. . 1 80011 10' 11111,, 111 go tishin1 Connell met on Monday evoningt Auction sales arc plentiful ,111. 210%V. The Boy Scouts. of Toninto, the Secretary of the Buy Scout,- of Caz 111111, 421 41 Ittlitatti Vis !it 11,-' 110 ll' Chart!! los rfintesday evetnat. tloys pr, pared ;2 supper them., ,ives ,ind als 144(11 1,41 the Trine, Contmitteo: sae la 'McTavish. We,',,: ;oat en (1. 1', latenere. I•iver)'tately 100 10 the many good things 1.0't 12211'.' on ',he taidc,„ Aftor the tail bed been els:foal away. the roan", Scoot meeting was held. In tv-a':,4 to (Olivia! opening. 111111 tannin.- tat.; it; .;,- and instruction period% aldr 1‘1-Y11111':%ff':2 ‘111. ,:l 1/0 1.111y4 2 a series or group 11.1010, 11‘.. eonedintented the boys upon tIn excellent way th,.y hal'l' to11,41,1 oi 11 V 1111$4011 the l,21,101100t 201s2,2, 4121( those are now working on their' SP,' 2111(1 (.11182, Scout work. Two boys Norman Thomp•on and Ko '10111 Thu -11, will complete the secore eless requiremente this week, alter( are ssx who are working on tip, pr,- Iiminr aies. The total enrollment ia twenty. While this is under the dip- eetion of Melville Church, the hogs will be glad to render any service either to the community or to :litre, - Winds who may be In need of helo, irrespective of denomination. A true Iles* Scout is prepared to do a good turn daily. W. F. Vanstone Called Home. Old friends and citizens of 13rue- sels were sorry to learn on 7.'hureday Morning that W. F. Vanstone, a far- mer well known and respected citi- zen of Brussels, had passed away at Vaingharn that morning after a ahort illness. He was born in lagmondville nearly 71 year; ago and when a Ltd of 5 came to Brussels with his par- ents, where they conducted a large flour and .421.10 111111 and were the builders of the first mill dam on the Maitland here, Mr. Vanstone, 111 later years, sold to the late W. Ir. Stewart -and for some time was a partner with the Otte George Baoker. 27 years ago this coming September the Vanstone family moved to Wing - ham and Mrs. Vaustone passel auty in 191 G. The deceased ahvitya took an active part ia the Ang,isan church and also in municipal and pui zical affaira, He was the young- est councillor 0112' Irl1'e21,i1 111 Bras, - „ea beites ouly al when no was 21412 elected. Be afterwards 1.1118 IP! 1110 1:41111001 Board. In WI';) 110111 he was chah•man of the High ;School Board told only resigned last year. A fant ily of one son, Garth, 10, of 'foreitt and 11 daughters, Ilto. Forst.a, MontamItery, ,'\I1,, 10114, -C.S.; Miss •:.ii1.1, T1,11/1110, and et 1:11. DObb le, of 1111)011(1120, ,I1.11T1VL, together with the sound wife. The deceased is the haat of his family, which 'am:dot- ed of two boys tont three Tito funeral 01,s 112.1d on Saturday after - 110014, se; t iee being held in 2.2.4. 1-'22 211:2,4 Anglitam Churca, Wihwhant,, ami the Maly tv,s 1 -sought down 1.211 1,11,1 1111. ternoen train to Brussels fo: 111201'- r0C111. 112444 pallbearers her," wen': A. Stracinoi, 1). C. Ross, N. F. Ger- ry, \V. Itaeliase, C. Dames and 4,. C. "lackey. Minor Istrals. 1.4111 SI; Detrick's Day a week -rrnni Thursday. 10ain, snow ---any old -variety these days. " 0111 Sol makes short shift of the enowfalls the. 1' (11171141 14014 --Oat' W111'11.1% Reward W111 " Pal 1 for its non -return. A real serum). "Battling lholes" " at the Grand, Thursday, Friday and aaturiley of this week. )lo Maecountry can rival can. ada tiF pviultiver of wheat. It 1,4 1120' 12142 t11142 1411 other country Van ' rival t'1111:1(111 tit; proditeer of mete, - r faint. And the )rospect-, are that it stem he true that ue other coma, Iry 1111 1'1(111 CI.A)ada as a prothl mitt,rals. 1 IvIcIntyre--Welsh Wedding. • A (mkt but pretty wedding wit) selemnizett at, the United ("lurch eassemese, Listowel, en Weda; clay ••• Imp ope ,1- ; AVelah, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ernest. Welsh, town, told Mr, Caorge Bertram IVIt•Intyre, son of lir. and ,3 liro. John A. McIntyre, town, 2081" united in holy bonds of matrimony, Death of Airs. Phillips. 'i'ho Roul.till Enterprise, of Roul- tte, Seek., :,11;u•c1 31 d, makes tree followitig ref.•••,nce to the death of the daughter a R. 0. and .1111.,, la ( l'irtiss.,Isr---Tht, death or 1241;10y beloy• 41 wife of C. F. Phillips, 111. 1./•11711.,t 1101111,21.1, occurred in a erim.te 1' (11.111 111 R0111( 711 0/1 tl.'sday etening', February 23rd. 1 1,-- taelool was born 111 Tucker: -mita township, Ont., and was tho t.,..IvA- ditutsrllt,r of Itoht. G. and Al4a. tetra of Brussels, Ileeettsed has lived in the we.", for the past eltrIlt. was married ni Bratrovest 21 1,22, 111021)1111 to 11,, 01(110 in 1.421, :21114, urvived by her husband, one son, 11;01•ren, 31s years and .1 ,2021- ...,.htor. IN fen belied, eleveit does old, The funerel a)rvice Wai held in ties al (711110111 01) 11 liottlay afternoon and the settling capacity of the place was filleai with s,4 niptithetic (100. 1 )0/,I3,. 11.111 111 ('11, 1''''. and gaV17 a comforting' message to the bereaved while the Itouleau 111/1111 ffuartet sang ''Oti,' Stye tAly 8440 om Thought." _Minks of beautiful ;low- ers testified to the eateem in white the deceased was 110121 by the itstele of the community, 1111e remains were intert'ed 121 Rouleau cemetery, the poll bettrere being: Edgar Argue, Memel Mitchell, Arthur Wilson, Geo, Hodder, Harold Wilson and sallan ("Imlay. Mrs. Phillips Vat.: 1111 12411122112 (114 011(2 01 the Ladles' Orange Bene- volent Assoeiation. This order at- tendt•T1 the iuneral its a body of mourners in honor of a 2' 1111 de- parted sister. One of Mrs. Phillips greatest :401`01.2f2.$ to 2110 t'otniu0y was hor active interest in the W.C.T. U. Sh,. was ever ready to givo of hetsedf for its ma-ondim She Wes also a much appreelated member of both the Latiliss' Aid of the Ueitel Church and the 11)21)1, 11111k, Club, In t01-ae organizations the true sec- ret of her life WaS IIN.01111.11111I:21-'--that or losing 1,1'. 11 in her work. In thinking 141' others she always forgot hera". Airs. 1.'113111ns was an native member of Ur, UtiitiAl Church, whcn•ii hi...). friendship. and support was a lielp to all, Althouph she was al- wdas willing to assiet in the builtrar tg, or the church and community life 11 seas truly in her home that ahe ex- celled as a wife and mother. She filled 20(11 11111111 "Queen of all Voce- tions"--Hommnaking, and she was a eympathetic friend to all who knee,' f ber in her home. One enuld net leave without being assured that she was indeed one of God's hand-maid- ene-tv bright and shining corners stone in the building up 01 0018 King- dom, Thosb who attended from a distance were her mother and :father, , It. G. ones Mrs. Dark, 132101480114, Ont.; Mra. J. D. McLauchlan, only siater, Eskbank, Sask.; R. George Dark only brother, Brownlee, Sask.; Geo. and Mrs. Phillipe, parents of Mr Phillip% of 'Coldepring, Ont, The (teeal tributes were many and beantifut, 10 v. P.. F. Armstrong ollimalang. Miss Marion Morris attended the bride %while 2110 000121 WaS supported by Douglas Warwick. Mr. and Mee McIntyre left on a motor trip to London, Detroit and other plaves. On their return they will take up their rue/de/me in 13,101141(18 201122.0 Air. Mc- Intyre holds an excellent position as Ford dealer. Their many friends Lend heartiest congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy married life. -(Listowel Standard). Radio on C. N. R. Trains. Orders for additional equipment to cope with the summer season of heavy passenger travel have been placed by -tile Canadian Nationel itaiiways. The compartment obser- vation cars aro intended for western and transcontinental service, and will contain built-in radio equipment, in these all -steel cars, the wires will be in conduit with outlets in BO 01144,1,1- \'1)41011 end, and provision for two heal phones in each compartment. The reeeiving apparatus will be plac- ed in convenient position and so 4321" 112)12)1 as to occupy less space than the present standard cabinets whish 211'0 in use on all important trains. The loud speaker will be placed on top of the library bookease instead of its present location on top of the cebinet. This particular form of equipment, designed by the Indio de- partment of the Canadian • National Railways, represent!: the last word in apparatus, and its adaption to a rail - Died in Montreal, The sad news 2011.5 received in town on Saturday evening of the death of 14 well known )'('!'ideal of the 11 111 ceneesison or Crey. in the person of Margaret Williamson, aid. ete ef leinciut McKenaie. ;the wos born on the 17th comes:son) of (srey ; where site rf sided for a litooh,o 04 litter moving to Bressels, fl- efs, to Toronto and from trere to :Montreal. where the dm Ms • te of. place. ia her (11111, pen. r.nd was a highly 1".1001(11citizen, She 2111.3 1111880 of :I family of .2101. Iran, nf the late James B. and 11 les. th," 2200 remaining tire 111.. James Fultoe. ilth mince - Mon, aml James Vt iliironso,1, 1211 (0121cossion, Ili y. 28 2' )'l 11111) roorrliot to bor ps rtnPr. 1111(1 no predeceased her 11 yeers and one day to the time of her death. The 11,114 Mrs. TlIT'Keettie was bur; el on the annicoreary ni her wodditm. day. The body will bretieht 10 1111 '4211 and 1,41,,,••• to the Men , of 11r, P21' (4(1 where 22 short privet ,e."•••,;ice vas held: later the body trai taken to the United (11121rch W111'1'1` a 1.1111111' ,011'11.17 was held. conducted by liev. 11r. Barker. The pallbearers wer,-: (1, 7112714ic1u1, 1 Williankon. James. Williamson, G. Williamson, 111. Card- 1 ill' and N. ('51' ill'. The dorn1 11114,2 1es wer,,: pillow, by Dimity: spray, the Fulton fmaily 1 tely, 'Mrs, 741111P1o. r.. Toronto. and :maw. (1. oral 111.4. MC:Nichol and W Cameron. Amomr those 011(1 attended th, ern] from a cll.:tam., Mantle, of Montreal; Mrs. 1M/1110e, F.11'.. 17(11'011th, and Mrs. Will. Beck, ITarriston. I.ttst• fall Mo- lionzio 221a1 for a vent, but •• int 0 her return to :Montreal had !leen confined to her bed, Toe bets -., et 11 have the eympathat of the ' Innum ty. Westminster Bridge. Westminster :Bridge, one of Lon- don's many arches crossing' the Tharnec, 114 recognized as one of the finest bridges In Europe. The con- trol spot) is on aorli 1 20 feet long -- the bridge itself is 1,1431) root 1011117 111111 Sn feet wide, the footways be- ing all 18 feet, Tourist; er, eo,. stantly reminded of the words of the poet, al,'ordeworth. who said of Westo minister Bridge view, "Earth has not anythin41 to show more fair." Look- ing cite -wards yett have the sweep or the embankment, lined by hantlannie hotels and offices, including the Hato] Cecil, the Savoy, and Somerset Heusi!. Looking up river On the other side you see the nooses or Pni 11211111.1)11 1111)1 the famous terraces 02')') looking the river, Lambeth Pal-, fief) and historical spots too remov- e11s to Mention. All- thee)) associa- tins seem to be written into the very warp and woof of the all-IleitIgh photoplay, "Every Mother's Son," every bit of which was made in Eng- land by English men and women ler Tiritishers everywhere. The story is so simply and forcibly ;told, the ilia. torie background so real, the charm - !sus home ' settings of wealthy and Irmelishmon so striking' that one cannot fail to be impressed with it all, Inatead of studio sets anti netnift, one seems to wateli liVillg .and breathing meti and women unfolding a story brimful of burner, pathos and romance. Captain Ilex Davis, M.C.; Irredeviek Cooper, M.C.; II,addon Mason, jean Jay, Leal Douglas and Gladys flamer are the p2'incipAls hi ft remarkable ()lever cast of all 1:34 - flab actors and actressea, See "Ev- ery, Mother's Son" at the Grand next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at unu P1'I4n50 ; • BANKING FIFTY YEARS Collection of Money by Drafts Milli'. use of drafts in modern lme- loess intim toe is oovit,ilonally 1100,1. ••°•• 1111/1s011, 111(111' p11 111140 1111411 111101'. 81.0011 111111 1 11011' Va1110 not appreeiated. 1122 'p12111144111 by the soold. aril flank k nee er the .0,1,111:111441.11121 ieeR er 11144 banking business and the logival ((111 (24)1,1 Of It 41,,,,I20 011 1141' p812 2011 11 12110 st,112.1' 1t1 expedite the settle- ment of avemint. pinto.] lenity in the meat emsvenion I. wantont 110111 part ies, NVe shall be glad to give ie rot neaten 1111 1111' V11.1 110 Or eollection by that IN 14110111041 111 your husineac, 7.1eIre. D BANK OF CANADA.. BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. Ff, Santis, Manager Personal Paragraphs 1 Mrs. R. F. Downing and Mias EL- zabeth Downing hold a 500 -pa •ty at the latter's home on Tuesday evaa- ing oil this week. C. W, and Mrs. Agar, of British Columbia, are visitingat the home of the former's sister, Mrs, Ben of town, and other points, mmuncra. Mies Kate Ament was a week end visitor at Woodstock. Mrs. Gibson, of Fordwich, is visit- ing with her daughter, Mrs. Ida Wil- lis. Ballantyne, of the Stand- ard Dank staff, is on his annual vaca- tion. Mrs. 'Flabkirk and son, of Wing - ham, were visitors in town last Fri- day. F. Lockwood, of Clinton, is aka- ing 1)18 son, Chas. F. Lockwood, of town. R. Vanstone, Barrister of Wing - ham, was a visitor in town last Sat- urday, J. M. Govenlock, ex-M,P.P„ of Seaforth, 222218 a visitor in Bruestis laet bate' clay. Archer Grower is visiting in Lis- towel this week with his sister, Mat. A. Sehinbein. sa • Ken. Curtis, C.N.R. operasoe,' spent the week end at the parentel home at Milverton. 110-1. Kerr, of Milverton, was a week end Viaitor with his broth:A., Walter Kure, C.N.R. agent. 1111;s Howe left last Saturday- Finorning for her home at Wallace - , burg, after a residence here for sbe last two yeatS. Ilia, (Dr.) 'White and Mrs Wil- mo11 entertained a number or their ledv frituds to '00 l• t Thtneolfe evenieg at the Library rooms, BORN ,TACKSON.-Tn St. Joseph's Floanttni., London, on Sunday, Moron dth, 1927, to 51r. and 1`,1,g..V%?;`,U;r1,tettl(froV,et:1,'1y 1°.Th': 1241' Molts Slitrleyl WILLOLifiliLlY -In Blinn, on Irrldav, Feb 8111, 11,27. to 141r and Nr', Wm W11100 gh- by (nee Mabol (Sark) a mon-Rusael 0,12' non. DIED DENN1S,--In Grace 11 oapital. Windsor, on rilOrwIllYi March 8r4, 111117. Henry llamas former resident of lirroutels, a ged 72 years FRAM -In Morris township, on Sunday, Mar. tith , 1917, Robert Unreel Pear, a ged 45 yearn ),11711712N31771. -I,1 Montreal, Qne.. on Saturday. 5roli 51-11, 1927, Margaret 'lean w 011:I . of the l,lto nouran MeKenzie. aged SS rears and 2 months, VANaTort - Willi:ham, on TlinrsdaY, Iltoreb , ran in Vanstone. formerly 4111 Braqspla, 11121144 71st year. Auction Sale, M02Y. 1*1A11(41 11T11. -A.11211011 141" ot farm. form stork, implements, &". at Lot 12. Con, 2, (i rey. Sulu at 1 80 o'clock sharp. Wm_ B, Pro)l. 1 D. 141 Srott, Are. 22 vrcanZ51 Y.0 nen 1 2rn stack, venir I 4,2(1411,, etc, at Ig111e1 atatirat, at 1 311 n'elock. ((rovPr ()P)ana 'Norman Lament or n 11. _ . 14,02 ->MONDAY'. -.V1A1-41,11 - Farm ,conk, meals, grain, 8.0 at N Teal h. ('0,221t0ey. I ii'nr;!"El.Crl1tg'a. af "Prp .; 7.1,8 wl:;"1 1144 lir1 !es" Ztkt, Ile 120211I/4Y. MAIIrl, 15,21 -1411•In 11117. Inon1S.17.111111. 10, eni, 14, 1401'• E illoy, at 1t.',.11nek., slutrp. Areltie Clarke, , . . I l'el;tri„t;1,74,,i1..,‘,4Y„, ,141lik,,,,,t (.771. 3F. ti10111, r. 021,1 at 1 r.',,,w1r Scott', Aue. 2 • rt Mon -kid. Prop, vics. ,:euramacxattvu.....=...,,,,,,,,,msernsearsomactessneemsmra..nreGcs..,-Act htali.0}11.1 20 ou Want to Save Vloney on Poultric- ',quiprnent READ 'THIS! DOn.t. experiment With Incubators and 1.3rooders. It doesn't pay. An Incubator that fails to hatch a lot of hatchable eggs ; a Brooder that lets your chicks die -that is expensive equip- ment at any price. You lose the value of the eggs rind chicks. You lose your profit. aciteye hroin, Brooders Buckeye Coal -Burning Brooder.: give the greatest values ever of- fered. The p1141425 11171' lrastieally reduced. The brooders are im- Naafi:al. The stoves are larger. They hold more coal. They give / Trion; heat, They bunt soft coal or hard coal longor with one ' fueling. That savos you time, work and bother. With the new Revolving Hoveta every attention can be given the brooder without raising the cover or disturbing the chicks. Buckeye Incubators Buckeye Inetthators hatch more chicks, They prevent the dying in the shell. They make poultry -raising tremendously r0aitable, We want to show you the Buckeye Hot Water nesting System that in - soros uniform heat and moiat, fresh eir. We want to, show you the All -Metal Thermostat that insUreS correct temperature at all times, .And we want to tell you; about ail the Buckeye features that mean bigger profits 1170111 your poultry. 41 F. Davison Hardware Merchant Brussels